public function testHookLoadWithUncachedNode() { $entry = kentry_load($this->node1); }
function paldo_kentry_synonyms($node, $teaser = TRUE, $type = '') { $synonyms = ''; $header = $rows = array(); if ($teaser) { $node = kentry_load($node); //load synonyms as they're not loaded on non-node pages } if (isset($node->relations)) { $synonyms = "<dd class='synonyms'>"; if (is_array($node->relations) && count($node->relations)) { $header[] = t('Search by'); foreach ($node->relations as $relid => $rels) { $header[$relid] = t(' %lang', array('%lang' => variable_get('ksynset_' . $relid . '_name', ''))); if (is_array($rels)) { $i = 1; foreach ($rels as $vid => $rel) { $class = $rel['svid'] == $node->vid ? 'manual' : 'robot'; $title = $rel['svid'] == $node->vid ? t('Decided by a human') : t('Pending final review'); $reltypes[] = $rel['type']; $clean_w = strip_tags($rel['root']); $rs[$rel['type']][$relid][$rel['title']] = l($rel['title'], "search/kclient/{$rel['title']} link:{$rel['type']}|{$node->iso}", array('attributes' => array('class' => $class, 'title' => $title), 'html' => TRUE)); } } } } $rowtypes = is_array($reltypes) ? array_unique($reltypes) : array(); //Now restrict to $type if ($type) { $rowtypes = array_intersect($rowtypes, array($type)); } $coltypes = is_array($node->relations) ? array_keys($node->relations) : array(); $dbnames = variable_get('kclient_db_names', array()); foreach ($rowtypes as $rowtype) { $rows[$rowtype][1] = $dbnames[$rowtype]; foreach ($coltypes as $coltype) { $rows[$rowtype][$coltype] = is_array($rs[$rowtype][$coltype]) ? join(", ", $rs[$rowtype][$coltype]) : ""; } } if (count($rows)) { foreach ($coltypes as $a) { //Ignore the first header column foreach ($rows as $rk => $value) { if ($value[$a]) { $synonyms .= "<div id='{$rk}'><label>{$value['1']}\n {$header[$a]}</label> {$value[$a]}</div>"; } } } //$synonyms.= theme('table', $header, $rows, array('width'=>'80%')); } $synonyms .= "</dd>"; } return $synonyms; }