<?php # Copyright (c) 2015 Jordan Turley, CSGO Win Big. All Rights Reserved. include 'default.php'; $db = getDB(); $stmt = $db->query('SELECT * FROM history ORDER BY id DESC'); if ($stmt->rowCount() === 0) { # It is the first ever pot, don't do anything echo jsonErr('Don\'t do anything, the current pot is the first one'); return; } $mostRecentPot = $stmt->fetch(); echo jsonSuccess($mostRecentPot);
<?php # Copyright (c) 2015 Jordan Turley, CSGO Win Big. All Rights Reserved. session_start(); include 'default.php'; include 'SteamAuthentication/steamauth/userInfo.php'; $db = getDB(); if (!isset($_SESSION['steamid'])) { echo jsonErr('You are not logged in.'); return; } $text = isset($_POST['text']) ? $_POST['text'] : null; if (is_null($text) || strlen($text) === 0) { echo jsonErr('The required text for the message was not sent correctly or was left blank. Please refresh and try again.'); return; } $steamUserID = $steamprofile['steamid']; # Check if they are on the blacklist for the chat $stmt = $db->query('SELECT * FROM chatBlacklist'); $blacklist = $stmt->fetchAll(); foreach ($blacklist as $user) { $steamId64 = $user['steamId64']; if ($steamId64 === $steamUserID) { echo jsonSuccess(array('message' => 'You have been banned from the chat.')); return; } } $stmt = $db->prepare('INSERT INTO `chat` (`steamUserID`, `text`, `date`, `time`) VALUES (:userid, :text, CURDATE(), CURTIME())'); $stmt->bindValue(':userid', $steamUserID); $stmt->bindValue(':text', $text); $stmt->execute();
} if ($price === 0) { $price = intval($item['suggestedPriceMin']); } # If all of those are 0, set it to the Steam market price if ($price === 0) { $hash = urlencode($marketName); $marketObj = json_decode(file_get_contents("http://steamcommunity.com/market/priceoverview/?currency=1&appid=730&market_hash_name={$hash}"), true); if ($marketObj['success'] !== true) { echo jsonErr('An error occured while fetching market price for an item.'); return; } $medianPrice = $marketObj['median_price']; $lowestPrice = $marketObj['lowest_price']; if (!isset($medianPrice) && !isset($lowestPrice)) { echo jsonErr('One or more items was not found on the steam market place.'); return; } if (isset($medianPrice)) { $price = doubleval(substr($medianPrice, 1)) * 100; } else { $price = doubleval(substr($lowestPrice, 1)) * 100; } } $arr = array('classId' => $classId, 'instanceId' => $instanceId, 'marketName' => $marketName, 'rarityName' => $rarityName, 'rarityColor' => $rarityColor, 'price' => $price, 'iconUrl' => $iconUrl); # Just in case the SteamBot decides to have the amount more than 1 for ($i1 = 0; $i1 < $amount; $i1++) { array_push($itemsArr, $arr); $totalPrice += $price; } }
<?php session_start(); include 'default.php'; include 'SteamAuthentication/steamauth/userInfo.php'; $db = getDB(); $tradeUrl = isset($_POST['tradeUrl']) ? $_POST['tradeUrl'] : null; if (is_null($tradeUrl) || strlen($tradeUrl) === 0) { echo jsonErr('The required field was not sent.'); return; } # Check if user is logged in if (!isset($_SESSION['steamid'])) { echo jsonErr('You are not logged in.'); return; } if (!filter_var($tradeUrl, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) { echo jsonSuccess(array('valid' => 0, 'errMsg' => 'The provided url was not valid.')); return; } $query = parse_url($tradeUrl, PHP_URL_QUERY); parse_str($query, $queryArr); $tradeToken = isset($queryArr['token']) ? $queryArr['token'] : null; if (is_null($tradeToken) || strlen($tradeToken) === 0) { echo jsonSuccess(array('valid' => 0, 'errMsg' => 'Your trade token could not be found in the url.')); return; } # Get steam id $steamUserId = intval($steamprofile['steamid']); # Convert steam 64 id to steam 32 id $steam32IdEnd = ($steamUserId - (76561197960265728 + $steamUserId % 2)) / 2;
<?php include 'default.php'; $db = getDB(); $maxPotCount = 100; # Get owner steam ID and all deposit items $tradeOwnerSteamID = isset($_POST['owner']) ? $_POST['owner'] : null; $allItemsJson = isset($_POST['allItems']) ? $_POST['allItems'] : null; if (is_null($tradeOffer) || is_null($allItemsJson) || strlen($tradeOwner) === 0 || strlen($allItemsJson) === 0) { echo jsonErr('One of the required fields was not sent correctly or was left blank.'); return; } # Get count of all items in pot $query = $db->query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `currentPot`'); $countRow = $query->fetch(); $currentPotCount = $countRow['COUNT(*)']; # Check if pot items count is greater than limit if ($currentPotCount >= $maxPotCount) { $table = 'nextPot'; } else { $table = 'currentPot'; } # Insert items into database $allItems = json_decode($allItemsJson); foreach ($allItems as $item) { $name = $item['name']; $price = $item['price']; $query = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO {$table} (ownerSteamID, itemName, itemPrice) VALUES (:steamid, :name, :price)"); $query->bindValue(':steamid', $tradeOwnerSteamID); $query->bindValue(':name', $name); $query->bindValue(':price', $price);
fclose($fh); } else { die('no file found'); } if ($password !== $realPassword) { echo jsonErr('The password was incorrect.'); return; } # Create all items array from json $allItems = json_decode($allItemsJson, true); $totalPrice = 0; $itemsArr = array(); # Get the bot's inventory $botInventory = json_decode(file_get_contents("https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198238743988/inventory/json/730/2"), true); if ($botInventory['success'] !== true) { echo jsonErr('An error occured fetching the bot\'s inventory.'); return; } $rgInventory = $botInventory['rgInventory']; $rgDescriptions = $botInventory['rgDescriptions']; # Loop through each item and get their name and price, and add them to the database foreach ($allItems as $item) { $classId = $item['classId']; $instanceId = $item['instanceId']; $marketName = $item['marketName']; $rarityName = $item['rarityName']; $rarityColor = $item['rarityColor']; $price = $item['price']; $iconUrl = $item['iconUrl']; $sql = 'INSERT INTO currentPot (classId, instanceId, ownerSteamId64, ownerSteamId32, itemName, itemPrice, itemRarityName, itemRarityColor, itemIcon)
<?php include 'default.php'; $db = getDB(); $name = postVar('name'); $email = postVar('email'); $steamProfileLink = postVar('steamProfileLink'); $desc = postVar('desc'); if (is_null($name) || is_null($email) || is_null($steamProfileLink) || is_null($desc)) { echo jsonErr('One of the required fields was left blank or not sent correctly.'); return; } # Check steam profile link to make sure it is valid if (!filter_var($steamProfileLink, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) { echo jsonErr('Your steam profile link was not a valid url.'); return; } # Add to support database table $stmt = $db->prepare('INSERT INTO support (name, email, steamProfileLink, desc, date, time) VALUES (:name, :email, :steamProfileLink, :desc, CURDATE(), CURTIME())'); $stmt->bindValue(':name', $name); $stmt->bindValue(':email', $email); $stmt->bindValue(':steamProfileLink', $steamProfileLink); $stmt->bindValue(':desc', $desc); $stmt->execute(); # Send email to our email $to = '*****@*****.**'; $subject = 'Support Ticket Submitted'; $message = "A support ticket has been sent.\n\nName: {$name}\nEmail: {$email}\nProfile link: {$steamProfileLink}\nDescription: {$desc}"; mail($to, $subject, $message); # Send email to user confirming their support ticket $subject = 'Support ticket received';
function json_error_handler($level, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { if ((error_reporting() & $level) !== 0) { jsonErr('php-Fehler: ' . $errstr . ' (Zeile ' . $errline . ')'); } }
<?php include 'default.php'; $name = postVar('name'); $price = postVar('price'); if (is_null($name) || is_null($price)) { echo jsonErr('One of the required fields was not sent successfully.'); return; } $to = '*****@*****.**'; $subject = 'Item Price Change Ticket'; $message = "An item price change ticket has been submitted.\nName: {$name}\nPrice: {$price}"; mail($to, $subject, $message); echo jsonSuccess(array('message' => 'Your ticket has successfully been submitted. Thank you!'));
<?php include 'default.php'; $name = postVar('name'); $price = postVar('price'); $link = postVar('link'); if (is_null($name) || is_null($price) || is_null($link)) { echo jsonErr('One of the required fields was not send correctly.'); return; } $to = '*****@*****.**'; $subject = 'New Item Ticket'; $message = "A new item ticket has been submitted.\nName: {$name}\nPrice: {$price}\nLink: {$link}\n"; mail($to, $subject, $message); echo jsonSuccess(array('message' => 'Your ticket has successfully been submitted. Thank you!'));
echo jsonErr('One of the required fields was not sent correctly or was left blank.'); return; } # Get the password from config file and make sure it matches $fileLoc = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/passwords.txt'; if (file_exists($fileLoc)) { $fh = fopen($fileLoc, 'r'); $jsonStr = fgets($fh); $arr = json_decode($jsonStr, true); $realPassword = $arr['default-password']; fclose($fh); } else { die('no file found'); } if ($password !== $realPassword) { echo jsonErr('The password was incorrect.'); return; } $stmt = $db->query('SELECT * FROM currentPot'); $allPotItems = $stmt->fetchAll(); $ticketsArr = array(); $totalPotPrice = 0; foreach ($allPotItems as $item) { $itemOwnerId32 = $item['ownerSteamId32']; $itemOwnerId64 = $item['ownerSteamId64']; $itemPrice = $item['itemPrice']; $totalPotPrice += $itemPrice; for ($i1 = 0; $i1 < $itemPrice; $i1++) { array_push($ticketsArr, array('32' => $itemOwnerId32, '64' => $itemOwnerId64)); } }