  * This is the first step of upgrading process.
  * This method will return list of new versions that available to upgrade.
  * @return (string) - list of new version that rendered to html code
 function getNewVersions()
     global $jauc;
     $obj = $this->_getProduct();
     if ($obj === false) {
         $css = "status-not-support";
         $status = JText::_('THIS_EXTENSION_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED');
     $uploadScript = " <br />[<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"jaOpenUploader(); return false;\" title=\"" . JText::_("UPLOAD_VERSION_PACKAGE") . "\">" . JText::_("UPLOAD_NOW") . "</a>]";
     $versionsNote = preg_replace("/\r\n/", "", $versionsNote);
     $versions = $jauc->getNewerVersions($obj);
     if ($versions === false) {
         if ($jauc->isLocalMode($obj)) {
             $css = "status-not-uploaded";
             $tipid = uniqid("ja-tooltip-");
             $title = JText::sprintf("IT_SEEM_NO_VERSION_OF_S_HAS_BEEN_UPLOADED_TO_S", $obj->name, "<br /><strong>" . $jauc->getLocalVersionsPath($obj, false) . "</strong><br />");
             $linkRepo = "<a id=\"{$tipid}\" class=\"ja-tips-title\" href=\"#\" title=\"\" >" . JText::_("REPOSITORY") . "</a>";
             $status = JText::sprintf("SORRY_NO_VERSION_UPLOADED_IN_S", $linkRepo);
             $script = jaEMTooltips($tipid, $title);
         } else {
             //this extensions is not an service' extension
             $css = "status-not-found";
     } else {
         if (!is_object($versions)) {
             $css = "status-not-support";
             $status = JText::_('THIS_EXTENSION_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED');
         } else {
             $extID = $obj->extId;
             $css = "status-new";
             $tipid = uniqid("ja-tooltip-");
             $title = "<sup><a href=\"#\" id=\"{$tipid}\" class=\"ja-tips-title\" title=\"\">" . JText::_("") . "</a></sup>";
             $status = JText::sprintf("NEW_VERSION_FOUND_S", $title);
             $status .= jaEMTooltips($tipid, $versionsNote);
             $lastest = '';
             $index = 0;
             $showOnly = 1;
             $more = 0;
             foreach ($versions as $v => $vInfo) {
                 if (isset($vInfo->lastest)) {
                     $lastest = $vInfo->version;
                 /*if ( $index == $showOnly + 1 ) {
                 		$more = 1;
                 		$status .= '<br/> <a href="#" style="color:#800000" onclick="showMoreOlderVersion(this, \'olderVersion'.$extID.'\'); return false;">'.JText::_("MORE").'</a>';
                 		$status .= '<br/> <div id="olderVersion'.$extID.'" style="display:none">';
                 $status .= '<br />';
                 $status .= "- {$v} <sup style=\"color:red;\">[New!";
                 $status .= (isset($vInfo->releaseDate) ? " " . $vInfo->releaseDate : '') . (isset($vInfo->lastest) ? " - " . JText::_('LASTEST') : '');
                 $status .= "]</sup>";
                 if (isset($vInfo->notSure)) {
                     $tipid = uniqid("ja-tooltip-");
                     $title = "++++++++<br />" . JText::sprintf("WE_CAN_NOT_DETECT_WHICH_IS_A_NEWER_VERSION_BETWEEN__S_AND_S_", $obj->version, $v) . $versionsNote;
                     $status .= "<sup style=\"color:#FF6600;\" id=\"{$tipid}\">[!Notice]</sup>";
                     $status .= jaEMTooltips($tipid, $title);
                 if (isset($vInfo->changelogUrl) && !empty($vInfo->changelogUrl)) {
                     $status .= ' <a href="' . $vInfo->changelogUrl . '" title="' . JText::_('SHOW_CHANGE_LOG') . '" target="_blank" >' . JText::_('CHANGE_LOG') . '</a>';
                 $status .= ' - <a href="index.php?option=com_jaextmanager&view=default&task=compare&cId[]=' . $extID . '&version=' . $v . '" title="' . JText::_('VIEW_DIFFERENCE_BETWEEN_TWO_VERSIONS') . '">' . JText::_('COMPARE') . '</a>';
                 $status .= ' - <a href="#" onclick="doUpgrade(\'' . $extID . '\', \'' . $v . '\', \'LastCheckStatus_' . $extID . '\'); return false;" title="' . JText::_('UPGARDE_TO_NEW_VERSION_NOW') . '">' . JText::_('UPGRADE_NOW') . '</a>';
             /*if ( $more ) {
             		$status .= '</div>';
             if ($index == 0) {
                 if ($jauc->isLocalMode($obj)) {
                     $css = "status-normal";
                     $tipid = uniqid("ja-tooltip-");
                     $title = JText::sprintf("S_NEW_VERSIONS_ARE_STORED_AT_S_IF_YOU_HAVE_NEW_VERSION_UPLOAD_IT_OR_DO_IT_VIA_FTP", $obj->name, "<br /><strong>" . $jauc->getLocalVersionsPath($obj, false) . "</strong><br />");
                     $linkRepo = "<a id=\"{$tipid}\" class=\"ja-tips-title\" href=\"#\" title=\"\">" . JText::_("REPOSITORY") . "</a>";
                     $status = JText::sprintf('NO_NEW_VERSION_FOUND_IN_S', $linkRepo);
                     $script = jaEMTooltips($tipid, $title);
                 } else {
                     //$css = "status-lastest";
                     $css = "status-normal";
                     $status = JText::_("NO_NEW_VERSION_FOUND");
     if ($jauc->isLocalMode($obj)) {
         $status .= $uploadScript;
     $status = "<div class=\"{$css}\">{$status}</div>";
     if (isset($script)) {
         $status .= $script;
     $this->storeLastCheck($obj->extId, addslashes($status));
     return $status;
Beispiel #2
        $version = $file['version'];
        $containerId = "backup-" . $obj->extId . "-" . $index;
        $startGroup = true;
    } else {
        $startGroup = false;
    $endGroup = $index == $totalFiles || $index < $totalFiles && $listRecoveryFiles[$index]['version'] != $version ? true : false;
    $displayGroup = $index == 1 ? "block" : "none";
    $statusGroup = $index == 1 ? JText::_("HIDE") : JText::_("SHOW");
    if ($startGroup) {
        $tipid = uniqid("ja-tooltip-");
        $sTooltips .= jaEMTooltips($tipid, $conflictNote);
        echo JText::sprintf("VERSION_S", $file['version']);
    [ <a href="#" style="color:#800000" onclick="showMoreOlderVersion(this, '<?php 
        echo $containerId;
'); return false;"><?php 
        echo $statusGroup;
</a> ]
    <br />
    <div id="<?php 
        echo $containerId;
Beispiel #3
 function getNewVersions()
     global $jauc;
     $obj = $this->_getProduct();
     if ($obj === false) {
         $css = "status-not-support";
         $status = JText::_('This extension is not supported!');
     $uploadScript = " <br />[<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"jaOpenUploader(); return false;\" title=\"" . JText::_("Upload version package") . "\">" . JText::_("Upload Now") . "</a>]";
     $versionsNote = JText::_("\n\t\tA version is considerred as new version if we detect a higher number in XML file,<br /> \n\t\tso please make sure the extension have proper and consistant versioning number system in all releases.<br />\n\t\t\n\t\t++++++++++++++++++++++<br />\n\t\tSamples of good versioning<br />\n\t\t- 1.0, 1.1, 1.2<br />\n\t\t- V1.0, V2.0<br />\n\t\t- Version 1.0, Version 2.0<br />\n\t\t- 1.0 Alpha, 1.1 Beta, 1.2 Stable<br />\n\t\t\n\t\t++++++++++++++++++++++++<br />\n\t\tBad versioning we can't detect<br />\n\t\t- 1.0 Alpha 2, 1.0 Beta<br />\n\t\t- 1.0 Beta 1, 1.0 Beta 2 (<-- hard to tell Alpha 2 or Beta are higher, they are not interger )<br />\n\t\t- 1.0, 1.0.1. v2.1 (<-- not consistant)<br />\n\t\t");
     $versionsNote = preg_replace("/\r\n/", "", $versionsNote);
     $versions = $jauc->getNewerVersions($obj);
     if ($versions === false) {
         if ($jauc->isLocalMode($obj)) {
             $css = "status-not-uploaded";
             $tipid = uniqid("ja-tooltip-");
             $title = JText::sprintf("It seem no version of %s has been uploaded to %s", $obj->name, "<br /><strong>" . $jauc->getLocalVersionsPath($obj, false) . "</strong><br />");
             $linkRepo = "<a id=\"{$tipid}\" class=\"ja-tips-title\" href=\"#\" title=\"\" >" . JText::_("Repository") . "</a>";
             $status = JText::sprintf("Sorry, no version uploaded in %s", $linkRepo);
             $script = jaEMTooltips($tipid, $title);
         } else {
             //this extensions is not an service' extension
             $css = "status-not-found";
             $status = JText::_("Please update the service setting or contact with service provider.");
     } else {
         if (!is_object($versions)) {
             $css = "status-not-support";
             $status = JText::_('This extension is not supported!');
         } else {
             $extID = $obj->extId;
             $css = "status-new";
             $tipid = uniqid("ja-tooltip-");
             $title = "<sup><a href=\"#\" id=\"{$tipid}\" class=\"ja-tips-title\" title=\"\">" . JText::_("[?]") . "</a></sup>";
             $status = JText::sprintf("New version found! %s", $title);
             $status .= jaEMTooltips($tipid, $versionsNote);
             $lastest = '';
             $index = 0;
             $showOnly = 1;
             $more = 0;
             foreach ($versions as $v => $vInfo) {
                 if (isset($vInfo->lastest)) {
                     $lastest = $vInfo->version;
                 /*if ( $index == $showOnly + 1 ) {
                 			$more = 1;
                 			$status .= '<br/> <a href="#" style="color:#800000" onclick="showMoreOlderVersion(this, \'olderVersion'.$extID.'\'); return false;">'.JText::_("More").'</a>';
                 			$status .= '<br/> <div id="olderVersion'.$extID.'" style="display:none">';
                 $status .= '<br />';
                 $status .= "- {$v} <sup style=\"color:red;\">[New!";
                 $status .= (isset($vInfo->releaseDate) ? " " . $vInfo->releaseDate : '') . (isset($vInfo->lastest) ? " - " . JText::_('Lastest') : '');
                 $status .= "]</sup>";
                 if (isset($vInfo->notSure)) {
                     $tipid = uniqid("ja-tooltip-");
                     $title = "++++++++<br />" . JText::sprintf("We can not detect which is a newer version between  %s and %s <br />", $obj->version, $v) . $versionsNote;
                     $status .= "<sup style=\"color:#FF6600;\" id=\"{$tipid}\">[!Notice]</sup>";
                     $status .= jaEMTooltips($tipid, $title);
                 if (isset($vInfo->changelogUrl) && !empty($vInfo->changelogUrl)) {
                     $status .= ' <a href="' . $vInfo->changelogUrl . '" title="' . JText::_('Show Change Log') . '" target="_blank" >' . JText::_('Change Log') . '</a>';
                 $status .= ' - <a href="index.php?option=' . JACOMPONENT . '&view=default&task=compare&cId[]=' . $extID . '&version=' . $v . '" title="' . JText::_('View difference between two versions') . '">' . JText::_('Compare') . '</a>';
                 $status .= ' - <a href="#" onclick="doUpgrade(\'' . $extID . '\', \'' . $v . '\', \'LastCheckStatus_' . $extID . '\'); return false;" title="' . JText::_('Upgarde to new version now') . '">' . JText::_('Upgrade Now') . '</a>';
             /*if ( $more ) {
             			$status .= '</div>';
             if ($index == 0) {
                 if ($jauc->isLocalMode($obj)) {
                     $css = "status-normal";
                     $tipid = uniqid("ja-tooltip-");
                     $title = JText::sprintf("%s new versions are stored at %s If you have new version, Upload it or do it via FTP ", $obj->name, "<br /><strong>" . $jauc->getLocalVersionsPath($obj, false) . "</strong><br />");
                     $linkRepo = "<a id=\"{$tipid}\" class=\"ja-tips-title\" href=\"#\" title=\"\">" . JText::_("Repository") . "</a>";
                     $status = JText::sprintf('No new version found in %s', $linkRepo);
                     $script = jaEMTooltips($tipid, $title);
                 } else {
                     //$css = "status-lastest";
                     $css = "status-normal";
                     $status = JText::_("No new version found");
     if ($jauc->isLocalMode($obj)) {
         $status .= $uploadScript;
     $status = "<div class=\"{$css}\">{$status}</div>";
     if (isset($script)) {
         $status .= $script;
     $this->storeLastCheck($obj->extId, addslashes($status));
     return $status;