$_ = echo_ok(); } echo p($_ . $_lang['creating_database_connection']); // check mysql version if ($conn) { if (strpos(mysql_get_server_info(), '5.0.51') !== false) { $_ = echo_failed($_lang['warning']) . ' <strong>' . $_lang['mysql_5051'] . '</strong>'; echo p($_ . $_lang['checking_mysql_version']); echo p(echo_failed($_lang['mysql_5051_warning'])); } else { $_ = echo_ok() . ' <strong>' . $_lang['mysql_version_is'] . mysql_get_server_info() . ' </strong>'; echo p($_ . $_lang['checking_mysql_version']); } // check for strict mode $mysqlmode = @mysql_query("SELECT @@global.sql_mode"); if (@mysql_num_rows($mysqlmode) > 0 && !is_webmatrix() && !is_iis()) { $modes = mysql_fetch_array($mysqlmode, MYSQL_NUM); //$modes = array("STRICT_TRANS_TABLES"); // for testing foreach ($modes as $mode) { if (stristr($mode, "STRICT_TRANS_TABLES") !== false || stristr($mode, "STRICT_ALL_TABLES") !== false) { echo p($_lang['checking_mysql_strict_mode']); echo p(echo_failed($_lang['warning']) . '<strong> ' . $_lang['strict_mode'] . '</strong>'); echo p(echo_failed($_lang['strict_mode_error'])); } } } } // Version and strict mode check end // andrazk 20070416 - add install flag and disable manager login // assets/cache writable? if (is_writable("../assets/cache")) {
<h2><?php echo $_lang['install_results']; ?> </h2> <?php ob_start(); include_once "{$installer_path}instprocessor.php"; $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); echo $content; if ($errors == 0) { // check if install folder is removeable if ((is_writable('../install') || is_webmatrix()) && !is_iis()) { ?> <label style="float:left;line-height:18px;"><input type="checkbox" id="rminstaller" checked /><?php echo $_lang['remove_install_folder_auto']; ?> </label> <?php } else { ?> <span style="float:left;color:#505050;line-height:18px;"><?php echo $_lang['remove_install_folder_manual']; ?> </span> <?php } } ?> <p class="buttonlinks"> <a id="closepage" title="<?php