Beispiel #1
 public function getIndex(Request $request, $param1 = null, $param2 = null, $param3 = null, $param4 = null)
     if (strtolower($param1) === 'generate') {
         return $this->getGenerate($request);
     } else {
         if (is_year($param1) && is_null($param2) && is_null($param3) && is_null($param4)) {
             return $this->makeMonthsView($request, $param1);
         } else {
             if (is_year($param1) && is_month($param2) && is_null($param3) && is_null($param4)) {
                 return $this->makeListView($request, $param1, $param2, $param3);
             } else {
                 if (is_year($param1) && is_month($param2) && !is_null($param3) && is_null($param4)) {
                     if (is_day($param3)) {
                         return $this->makeDayView($request, $param1, $param2, $param3);
                     } else {
                         if (is_uuid($param3)) {
                             return $this->makeMonthEmployeeView($request, $param1, $param2, $param3);
                         } else {
                             return redirect('/dtr/' . now('year'));
                 } else {
                     if (is_year($param1) && is_month($param2) && is_day($param3)) {
                         return $this->makeDayEmployeeView($request, $param1, $param2, $param3, $param4);
                     } else {
                         return redirect('/dtr/' . now('year'));
     //.'/'.now('month'));//return $this->makeListView($request, $param1, $param2, $param3);
  * @param $request
  * @return mixed
 public function guidOrAction($request)
     $segment = $request->segment(4, 'index');
     if (is_uuid($segment)) {
         $this->uuid = $segment;
         return $request->segment(5, 'index');
     return $segment;
 public function getDaily(Request $request)
     $where = [];
     $fields = ['component', 'supplier', 'expense', 'expscat', 'compcat'];
     $filter = new StdClass();
     if ($request->has('itemid') && $request->has('table') && $request->has('item')) {
         $id = strtolower($request->input('itemid'));
         $table = strtolower($request->input('table'));
         $c = '\\App\\Models\\' . ucfirst($table);
         $i = $c::find($id);
         if (strtolower($request->input('item')) == strtolower($i->descriptor)) {
             $item = $request->input('item');
             if (is_uuid($id) && in_array($table, $fields)) {
                 $where[$table . '.id'] = $id;
             } else {
                 if ($table === 'payment') {
                     $where['purchase.terms'] = $id;
             $filter->table = $table;
             $filter->id = $id;
             $filter->item = $item;
         } else {
             $filter->table = '';
             $filter->id = '';
             $filter->item = '';
     } else {
         $filter->table = '';
         $filter->id = '';
         $filter->item = '';
     $bb = $this->bossBranch();
     $res = $this->setDateRangeMode($request, 'daily');
     //if(!$request->has('branchid')) {
     if (is_null($request->input('branchid'))) {
         return $this->setDailyViewVars('component.purchased.daily', null, $bb, null, $filter, null, null, null, null, null);
     if (!is_uuid($request->input('branchid')) || !in_array(strtoupper($request->input('branchid')), $this->branch->all()->pluck('id')->all())) {
         return redirect('/component/purchases')->with('alert-warning', 'Please select a branch.');
     try {
         $branch = $this->branch->find(strtolower($request->input('branchid')));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return $this->setDailyViewVars('component.purchased.daily', null, $bb, null, $filter, null, null, null, null, null);
     $where['purchase.branchid'] = $branch->id;
     $purchases = $this->purchased->branchByDR($branch, $this->dr)->findWhere($where);
     $components = $this->purchased->brComponentByDR($this->dr)->findWhere($where);
     $compcats = $this->purchased->brCompCatByDR($this->dr)->findWhere($where);
     $expenses = $this->purchased->brExpenseByDR($this->dr)->findWhere($where);
     $expscats = $this->purchased->brExpsCatByDR($this->dr)->findWhere($where);
     $suppliers = $this->purchased->brSupplierByDR($this->dr)->findWhere($where);
     $payments = $this->purchased->brPaymentByDR($this->dr)->findWhere($where);
     return $this->setDailyViewVars('component.purchased.daily', $purchases, $bb, $branch, $filter, $components, $compcats, $expenses, $expscats, $suppliers, $payments);
 public function getRoute(Request $request, $param1 = null)
     if (!is_null($param1) && $param1 == 'print') {
         return $this->getPrintIndex($request);
     } else {
         if (!is_null($param1) && is_uuid($param1)) {
             return $this->getEmployeeDtr($request, $param1);
         } else {
             return $this->getIndex($request);
Beispiel #5
 public function getStatus(Request $request, $branchid = NULL)
     $branches = $this->repository->all(['code', 'descriptor', 'id']);
     if (is_null($branchid)) {
         $branch = null;
         $dailysales = null;
         return $this->setViewWithDR(view('status.branch')->with('dailysales', $dailysales)->with('branches', $branches)->with('branch', $branch));
     if (!is_uuid($branchid)) {
         return redirect('/status/branch')->withErrors(['message' => 'Invalid branchid']);
     $branch = $this->repository->find($branchid, ['code', 'descriptor', 'mancost', 'id']);
     $dailysales = $this->ds->branchByDR($branch, $this->dr);
     return $this->setViewWithDR(view('status.branch')->with('dailysales', $dailysales)->with('branches', $branches)->with('branch', $branch));
Beispiel #6
 function sim_to_db($uuid1, $uuid2)
     is_uuid($uuid1) or die('invalid uuid1');
     is_uuid($uuid2) or die('invalid uuid2');
     if (!$this->sim_in_db($uuid1, $uuid2)) {
         $query = sprintf("INSERT INTO %s (uuid1, uuid2) VALUES ('%s', '%s');", TBL_SIM, $uuid1, $uuid2);
         if (!$this->db->queryExec($query, $error)) {
Beispiel #7
 $hud[$n]['html'] .= "<span class='hud_title' onclick=\"document.location.href='" . PROJECT_PATH . "/app/voicemails/voicemail_messages.php';\">" . $text['label-voicemail'] . "</span>";
 $hud[$n]['html'] .= "<span class='hud_stat' onclick=\"\$('#hud_'+" . $n . "+'_details').slideToggle('fast');\">" . $messages['new'] . "</span>";
 $hud[$n]['html'] .= "<span class='hud_stat_title' onclick=\"\$('#hud_'+" . $n . "+'_details').slideToggle('fast');\">" . $text['label-new_messages'] . "</span>\n";
 $hud[$n]['html'] .= "<div class='hud_details' id='hud_" . $n . "_details'>";
 if (sizeof($voicemails) > 0) {
     $hud[$n]['html'] .= "<table class='tr_hover' cellpadding='2' cellspacing='0' border='0' width='100%'>";
     $hud[$n]['html'] .= "<tr>";
     $hud[$n]['html'] .= "\t<th class='hud_heading' width='50%'>" . $text['label-voicemail'] . "</th>";
     $hud[$n]['html'] .= "\t<th class='hud_heading' style='text-align: center;' width='50%'>" . $text['label-new'] . "</th>";
     $hud[$n]['html'] .= "\t<th class='hud_heading' style='text-align: center;'>" . $text['label-total'] . "</th>";
     $hud[$n]['html'] .= "</tr>";
     $c = 0;
     $row_style["0"] = "row_style0";
     $row_style["1"] = "row_style1";
     foreach ($messages as $voicemail_uuid => $row) {
         if (is_uuid($voicemail_uuid)) {
             $tr_link = "href='" . PROJECT_PATH . "/app/voicemails/voicemail_messages.php?id=" . $voicemail_uuid . "'";
             $hud[$n]['html'] .= "<tr " . $tr_link . " style='cursor: pointer;'>";
             $hud[$n]['html'] .= "\t<td class='" . $row_style[$c] . " hud_text'><a href='" . PROJECT_PATH . "/app/voicemails/voicemail_messages.php?id=" . $voicemail_uuid . "'>" . $row['ext'] . "</a></td>";
             $hud[$n]['html'] .= "\t<td class='" . $row_style[$c] . " hud_text' style='text-align: center;'>" . $row['new'] . "</td>";
             $hud[$n]['html'] .= "\t<td class='" . $row_style[$c] . " hud_text' style='text-align: center;'>" . $row['total'] . "</td>";
             $hud[$n]['html'] .= "</tr>";
             $c = $c ? 0 : 1;
     $hud[$n]['html'] .= "</table>";
 } else {
     $hud[$n]['html'] .= "<br />" . $text['label-no_voicemail_assigned'];
 $hud[$n]['html'] .= "</div>";
Beispiel #8
 function get_uuids_by_author($author)
     $json = $this->fetch_docs_by_author($author);
     $res = json_decode($json, true);
     $uuids = array();
     foreach ($res["documents"] as $doc) {
         if (isset($doc["uuid"]) && is_uuid($doc["uuid"])) {
             $uuids[] = $doc["uuid"];
     return $uuids;
Beispiel #9
 echo "\t</optgroup>\n";
 echo "\t</select>\n";
 //echo "	<input type='button' id='btn_select_to_input_dialplan_detail_type' class='btn' style='visibility:hidden;' name='' alt='".$text['button-back']."' onclick='change_to_input(document.getElementById(\"dialplan_detail_type\")); = \"hidden\";' value='&#9665;'>\n";
 echo "</td>\n";
 echo "<td class='vtablerow' onclick=\"label_to_form('label_dialplan_detail_data_" . $x . "','dialplan_detail_data_" . $x . "');\" style='width: 100%; max-width: 150px; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap;' nowrap='nowrap'>\n";
 if ($element['hidden']) {
     $dialplan_detail_data_mod = $dialplan_detail_data;
     if ($dialplan_detail_type == 'bridge') {
         // parse out gateway uuid
         $bridge_statement = explode('/', $dialplan_detail_data);
         if ($bridge_statement[0] == 'sofia' && $bridge_statement[1] == 'gateway' && is_uuid($bridge_statement[2])) {
             // retrieve gateway name from db
             $sql = "select gateway from v_gateways where gateway_uuid = '" . $bridge_statement[2] . "' ";
             $prep_statement = $db->prepare(check_sql($sql));
             $result = $prep_statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_NAMED);
             if (count($result) > 0) {
                 $gateway_name = $result[0]['gateway'];
                 $dialplan_detail_data_mod = str_replace($bridge_statement[2], $gateway_name, $dialplan_detail_data);
             unset($prep_statement, $sql, $bridge_statement);
     echo "\t<label id=\"label_dialplan_detail_data_" . $x . "\">" . htmlspecialchars($dialplan_detail_data_mod) . "</label>\n";
 echo "\t<input id='dialplan_detail_data_" . $x . "' name='dialplan_details[" . $x . "][dialplan_detail_data]' class='formfld' type='text' style='width: 100%; min-width: 100%; max-width: 100%; " . $element['visibility'] . "' placeholder='' value=\"" . htmlspecialchars($dialplan_detail_data) . "\">\n";
Beispiel #10
  * @param $namespace
  * @param $module
  * @param $controller
  * @param $uuidOrAction
  * @param $action
  * @param $extra
  * @param $extra2
 public function route($namespace, $module, $controller, $uuidOrAction, $action, $extra, $extra2)
     $this->route = ['namespace' => $namespace, 'module' => $module, 'controller' => $controller, 'action' => $this->getControllerMethod($uuidOrAction, $action), 'uuid' => is_uuid($uuidOrAction) ? $uuidOrAction : null, 'extra' => $extra, 'extra2' => $extra2];
include "root.php";
require_once "resources/require.php";
require_once "resources/check_auth.php";
//check permissions
if (permission_exists('device_add')) {
    //access granted
} else {
    echo "access denied";
//add multi-lingual support
$language = new text();
$text = $language->get();
//set the http get/post variable(s) to a php variable
if (isset($_REQUEST["id"]) && is_uuid($_REQUEST["id"])) {
    $device_profile_uuid = $_REQUEST["id"];
//set the default
$save = true;
//get the device
$sql = "SELECT * FROM v_device_profiles ";
$sql .= "where device_profile_uuid = '" . $device_profile_uuid . "' ";
$prep_statement = $db->prepare(check_sql($sql));
$device_profiles = $prep_statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_NAMED);
//get device keys
$sql = "SELECT * FROM v_device_keys ";
$sql .= "WHERE device_profile_uuid = '" . $device_profile_uuid . "' ";
$sql .= "ORDER by ";
$sql .= "CASE device_key_category ";
Beispiel #12
require_once "resources/require.php";
//check permissions
require_once "resources/check_auth.php";
if (permission_exists('group_delete') || if_group("superadmin")) {
    //access allowed
} else {
    echo "access denied";
//add multi-lingual support
$language = new text();
$text = $language->get();
//get the http value and set as a variable
$group_uuid = check_str($_GET["id"]);
//validate the uuid
if (is_uuid($group_uuid)) {
    //get the group from v_groups
    $sql = "select domain_uuid, group_name from v_groups ";
    $sql .= "where group_uuid = '" . $group_uuid . "' ";
    if (!permission_exists('group_domain')) {
        $sql .= "and (domain_uuid = '" . $_SESSION['domain_uuid'] . "' or domain_uuid is null); ";
    $prep_statement = $db->prepare(check_sql($sql));
    $result = $prep_statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_NAMED);
    foreach ($result as &$row) {
        $domain_uuid = $row["domain_uuid"];
        $group_name = $row["group_name"];
    //delete the group users
Beispiel #13
$sql .= "ELSE 100 END, ";
if ($db_type == "mysql") {
    $sql .= "device_key_id ASC ";
} else {
    $sql .= "CAST(device_key_id as numeric) ASC, ";
$sql .= "CASE WHEN device_uuid IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END ASC ";
$prep_statement = $db->prepare(check_sql($sql));
$keys = $prep_statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_NAMED);
unset($sql, $prep_statement);
//override profile keys with device keys
foreach ($keys as $row) {
    $id = $row['device_key_id'];
    $device_keys[$id] = $row;
    if (is_uuid($row['device_profile_uuid'])) {
        $device_keys[$id]['device_key_owner'] = "profile";
    } else {
        $device_keys[$id]['device_key_owner'] = "device";
//get the vendor count and last and device information
$vendor_count = 0;
foreach ($device_keys as $row) {
    if ($previous_vendor != $row['device_key_vendor']) {
        $previous_vendor = $row['device_key_vendor'];
        $device_uuid = $row['device_uuid'];
        $device_key_vendor = $row['device_key_vendor'];
        $device_key_id = $row['device_key_id'];
        $device_key_line = $row['device_key_line'];
             $record['fax_destination'] = $cdr['destination_number'];
             $record['fax_caller_id_name'] = $cdr['caller_id_name'];
             $record['fax_caller_id_number'] = $cdr['caller_id_number'];
             $record['fax_date'] = $cdr['start_stamp'];
             $record['fax_epoch'] = $cdr['start_epoch'];
         } else {
             $record['fax_caller_id_name'] = $fax_extension_cid[$domain_uuid][$fax_ext]['name'];
             $record['fax_caller_id_number'] = $fax_extension_cid[$domain_uuid][$fax_ext]['number'];
             $record['fax_epoch'] = filemtime($fax_file_path);
             $record['fax_date'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $record['fax_epoch']);
         unset($prep_statement, $sql, $cdr);
 //create record in the db
 if (is_uuid($record['fax_uuid']) && is_uuid($record['fax_file_uuid'])) {
     $sql = "insert into v_fax_files ";
     $sql .= "( ";
     $sql .= "fax_file_uuid, ";
     $sql .= "fax_uuid, ";
     $sql .= "domain_uuid, ";
     $sql .= "fax_mode, ";
     $sql .= "fax_destination, ";
     $sql .= "fax_file_type, ";
     $sql .= "fax_file_path, ";
     $sql .= "fax_caller_id_name, ";
     $sql .= "fax_caller_id_number, ";
     $sql .= "fax_date, ";
     $sql .= "fax_epoch ";
     $sql .= ") ";
     $sql .= "values ";
Beispiel #15
# Testeley - Testing the Mendeley API
# Script: details.php
# Takes a UUID and displays the document details.
# HS 2011-06-15
require_once '';
require_once '';
require_once 'Mendeley.php';
require_once 'LitDb.php';
$mendeley = new Mendeley(API_KEY);
if (isset($_GET['uuid']) && $_GET['uuid'] != "") {
    $uuid = $_GET['uuid'];
    is_uuid($uuid) or die('invalid uuid');
    if (isset($_GET['format']) && $_GET['format'] == "raw") {
        $json = $mendeley->fetch_details($uuid);
    } else {
        $paper = $mendeley->get_document($uuid);
        $db = new LitDb(DB_PATH);
        if ($db->in_db($paper->uuid)) {
            echo '</p>Paper already in DB</p>';
        } else {
            echo '<p>Paper added to DB</p>';
require_once "resources/check_auth.php";
if (permission_exists('contact_group_delete')) {
    //access granted
} else {
    echo "access denied";
// check if included in another file
if (!$included) {
    //add multi-lingual support
    $language = new text();
    $text = $language->get();
    if (count($_REQUEST) > 0) {
        $contact_uuid = check_str($_REQUEST["contact_uuid"]);
        $contact_group_uuid = $_REQUEST["id"];
//delete the group
if (is_uuid($contact_uuid) && is_uuid($contact_group_uuid)) {
    $sql = "delete from v_contact_groups ";
    $sql .= "where contact_uuid = '" . $contact_uuid . "' ";
    $sql .= "and contact_group_uuid = '" . $contact_group_uuid . "' ";
//redirect the browser
if (!$included) {
    $_SESSION["message"] = $text['message-delete'];
    header("Location: contact_edit.php?id=" . $contact_uuid);
 public function getYear(Request $request)
     //return $request->all();
     $bb = $this->bossBranch();
     $res = $this->setDateRangeMode($request, 'yearly');
     //return dd($this->dr);
     // get /status/branch
     if (is_null($request->input('branchid'))) {
         return $this->setDailyViewVars('analytics.year', null, $bb, null);
     if (!is_uuid($request->input('branchid')) || !in_array(strtoupper($request->input('branchid')), $this->branch->all()->pluck('id')->all())) {
         return redirect('/status/branch/year')->with('alert-warning', 'Please select a branch.');
         //return $this->setDailyViewVars('status.branch', null, $bb, null)->withError('dadada');
     try {
         $branch = $this->branch->find(strtolower($request->input('branchid')));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return $this->setDailyViewVars('analytics.year', null, $bb, null);
     $dailysales = $this->ds->pushCriteria(new BranchCriteria($branch))->getYear($request, $this->dr);
     if (!$res) {
         $request->session()->flash('alert-warning', 'Max months reached! Adjusted to ' . $this->dr->fr->format('M Y') . ' - ' . $this->dr->to->format('M Y'));
     return $this->setDailyViewVars('analytics.year', $dailysales, $bb, $branch);
    //access granted
} else {
    echo "access denied";
//add multi-lingual support
$language = new text();
$text = $language->get();
//get the id
if (isset($_GET["id"])) {
    $id = $_GET["id"];
    $device_uuid = check_str($_GET["device_uuid"]);
    $device_profile_uuid = check_str($_GET["device_profile_uuid"]);
//delete device keys
if (is_uuid($id)) {
    $sql = "delete from v_device_keys ";
    $sql .= "where (domain_uuid = '" . $_SESSION["domain_uuid"] . "' or domain_uuid is null) ";
    $sql .= "and device_key_uuid = '" . $id . "' ";
//send a redirect
$_SESSION["message"] = $text['message-delete'];
if ($device_uuid != '') {
    header("Location: device_edit.php?id=" . $device_uuid);
} else {
    if ($device_profile_uuid != '') {
        header("Location: device_profile_edit.php?id=" . $device_profile_uuid);
Beispiel #19
include "root.php";
require_once "resources/require.php";
require_once "resources/check_auth.php";
if (permission_exists('user_delete')) {
    //access allowed
} else {
    echo "access denied";
//add multi-lingual support
$language = new text();
$text = $language->get();
//get the id
$user_uuid = check_str($_GET["id"]);
//validate the uuid
if (is_uuid($user_uuid)) {
    //get the user's domain from v_users
    if (permission_exists('user_domain')) {
        $sql = "select domain_uuid from v_users ";
        $sql .= "where user_uuid = '" . $user_uuid . "' ";
        $prep_statement = $db->prepare(check_sql($sql));
        $result = $prep_statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_NAMED);
        foreach ($result as &$row) {
            $domain_uuid = $row["domain_uuid"];
    } else {
        $domain_uuid = $_SESSION['domain_uuid'];
    //required to be a superadmin to delete a member of the superadmin group
} else {
    echo "access denied";
//requires a superadmin to add a user to the superadmin group
if (!if_group("superadmin") && $_GET["group_name"] == "superadmin") {
    echo "access denied";
//get the http values and set them as variables
$domain_uuid = check_str($_POST["domain_uuid"]);
$group_uuid = check_str($_POST["group_uuid"]);
$group_name = check_str($_POST["group_name"]);
$user_uuid = check_str($_POST["user_uuid"]);
//add the user to the group
if (is_uuid($user_uuid) && is_uuid($group_uuid) && strlen($group_name) > 0) {
    $sql = "insert into v_group_users ";
    $sql .= "(";
    $sql .= "group_user_uuid, ";
    $sql .= "domain_uuid, ";
    $sql .= "group_uuid, ";
    $sql .= "group_name, ";
    $sql .= "user_uuid ";
    $sql .= ")";
    $sql .= "values ";
    $sql .= "(";
    $sql .= "'" . uuid() . "', ";
    $sql .= "'" . $domain_uuid . "', ";
    $sql .= "'" . $group_uuid . "', ";
    $sql .= "'" . $group_name . "', ";
    $sql .= "'" . $user_uuid . "' ";
 echo "<table class='tr_hover' width='100%' border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>\n";
 echo "<tr>\n";
 echo "<th>" . $text['label-name'] . "</th>\n";
 echo "<th>" . $text['label-participant-pin'] . "</th>\n";
 echo "<th>" . $text['label-member-count'] . "</th>\n";
 echo "<th>&nbsp;</th>\n";
 echo "</tr>\n";
 foreach ($xml->conference as $row) {
     //set the variables
     $name = $row['name'];
     $member_count = $row['member-count'];
     //show the conferences that have a matching domain
     $tmp_domain = substr($name, -strlen($_SESSION['domain_name']));
     if ($tmp_domain == $_SESSION['domain_name']) {
         $conference_name = substr($name, 0, strlen($name) - strlen('-' . $_SESSION['domain_name']));
         if (is_uuid($conference_name)) {
             $meeting_uuid = $conference_name;
             $sql = "select ";
             $sql .= "cr.conference_room_name, ";
             $sql .= "v.participant_pin ";
             $sql .= "from ";
             $sql .= "v_meetings as v, ";
             $sql .= "v_conference_rooms as cr ";
             $sql .= "where ";
             $sql .= "v.meeting_uuid = cr.meeting_uuid ";
             $sql .= "and v.meeting_uuid = '" . $conference_name . "' ";
             $prep_statement = $db->prepare(check_sql($sql));
             $result = $prep_statement->fetchAll();
             foreach ($result as $row2) {
                 $conference_name = $row2['conference_room_name'];
require_once "resources/check_auth.php";
if (permission_exists('contact_group_delete')) {
    //access granted
} else {
    echo "access denied";
// check if included in another file
if (!$included) {
    //add multi-lingual support
    $language = new text();
    $text = $language->get();
    if (count($_REQUEST) > 0) {
        $contact_user_uuid = check_str($_REQUEST["id"]);
        $contact_uuid = check_str($_REQUEST["contact_uuid"]);
//delete the user
if (is_uuid($contact_uuid) && is_uuid($contact_user_uuid)) {
    $sql = "delete from v_contact_users ";
    $sql .= "where domain_uuid = '" . $_SESSION['domain_uuid'] . "' ";
    $sql .= "and contact_user_uuid = '{$contact_user_uuid}' ";
//redirect the browser
if (!$included) {
    $_SESSION["message"] = $text['message-delete'];
    header("Location: contact_edit.php?id=" . $contact_uuid);
Beispiel #23
require_once "resources/check_auth.php";
if (permission_exists('fax_file_view')) {
    //access granted
} else {
    echo "access denied";
//add multi-lingual support
$language = new text();
$text = $language->get();
//get variables used to control the order
$order_by = check_str($_GET["order_by"]);
$order = check_str($_GET["order"]);
//get fax extension
if (strlen($_GET['id']) > 0) {
    if (is_uuid($_GET["id"])) {
        $fax_uuid = $_GET["id"];
    if (if_group("superadmin") || if_group("admin")) {
        //show all fax extensions
        $sql = "select fax_name, fax_extension from v_fax ";
        $sql .= "where domain_uuid = '" . $_SESSION['domain_uuid'] . "' ";
        $sql .= "and fax_uuid = '{$fax_uuid}' ";
    } else {
        //show only assigned fax extensions
        $sql = "select fax_name, fax_extension from v_fax as f, v_fax_users as u ";
        $sql .= "where f.fax_uuid = u.fax_uuid ";
        $sql .= "and f.domain_uuid = '" . $_SESSION['domain_uuid'] . "' ";
        $sql .= "and f.fax_uuid = '{$fax_uuid}' ";
        $sql .= "and u.user_uuid = '" . $_SESSION['user_uuid'] . "' ";
Beispiel #24
 function __construct($uuid)
     is_uuid($uuid) or die('invalid uuid');
     $this->uuid = $uuid;
Beispiel #25
 function render()
     $debug = $_REQUEST['debug'];
     // array
     //get the variables
     $domain_uuid = $this->domain_uuid;
     $device_template = $this->device_template;
     $template_dir = $this->template_dir;
     $mac = $this->mac;
     $file = $this->file;
     //get the device template
     if (strlen($_REQUEST['template']) > 0) {
         $device_template = $_REQUEST['template'];
         $search = array('..', '/./');
         $device_template = str_replace($search, "", $device_template);
         $device_template = str_replace('//', '/', $device_template);
     //remove ../ and slashes in the file name
     $search = array('..', '/', '\\', '/./', '//');
     $file = str_replace($search, "", $file);
     //get the domain_name
     if (strlen($domain_name) == 0) {
         $sql = "SELECT domain_name FROM v_domains ";
         $sql .= "WHERE domain_uuid=:domain_uuid ";
         $prep_statement = $this->db->prepare(check_sql($sql));
         if ($prep_statement) {
             //use the prepared statement
             $prep_statement->bindParam(':domain_uuid', $domain_uuid);
             $row = $prep_statement->fetch();
             //set the variables from values in the database
             $domain_name = $row["domain_name"];
     //build the provision array
     foreach ($_SESSION['provision'] as $key => $val) {
         if (strlen($val['var']) > 0) {
             $value = $val['var'];
         if (strlen($val['text']) > 0) {
             $value = $val['text'];
         $provision[$key] = $value;
     //check to see if the mac_address exists in devices
     if (strlen($_REQUEST['user_id']) == 0 || strlen($_REQUEST['userid']) == 0) {
         if ($this->mac_exists($mac)) {
             //get the device_template
             if (strlen($device_template) == 0) {
                 $sql = "SELECT * FROM v_devices ";
                 $sql .= "WHERE device_mac_address=:mac ";
                 //$sql .= "WHERE device_mac_address= '$mac' ";
                 $prep_statement_2 = $this->db->prepare(check_sql($sql));
                 if ($prep_statement_2) {
                     //use the prepared statement
                     $prep_statement_2->bindParam(':mac', $mac);
                     $row = $prep_statement_2->fetch();
                     //set the variables from values in the database
                     $device_uuid = $row["device_uuid"];
                     $device_label = $row["device_label"];
                     if (strlen($row["device_vendor"]) > 0) {
                         $device_vendor = strtolower($row["device_vendor"]);
                     $device_model = $row["device_model"];
                     $device_firmware_version = $row["device_firmware_version"];
                     $device_provision_enable = $row["device_provision_enable"];
                     $device_template = $row["device_template"];
                     $device_profile_uuid = $row["device_profile_uuid"];
                     $device_description = $row["device_description"];
             //find a template that was defined on another phone and use that as the default.
             if (strlen($device_template) == 0) {
                 $sql = "SELECT * FROM v_devices ";
                 $sql .= "WHERE domain_uuid=:domain_uuid ";
                 $sql .= "limit 1 ";
                 $prep_statement_3 = $this->db->prepare(check_sql($sql));
                 if ($prep_statement_3) {
                     $prep_statement_3->bindParam(':domain_uuid', $domain_uuid);
                     $row = $prep_statement_3->fetch();
                     $device_label = $row["device_label"];
                     $device_vendor = strtolower($row["device_vendor"]);
                     $device_model = $row["device_model"];
                     $device_firmware_version = $row["device_firmware_version"];
                     $device_provision_enable = $row["device_provision_enable"];
                     $device_template = $row["device_template"];
                     $device_profile_uuid = $row["device_profile_uuid"];
                     $device_description = $row["device_description"];
         } else {
             //use the user_agent to pre-assign a template for 1-hit provisioning. Enter the a unique string to match in the user agent, and the template it should match.
             $template_list = array("Linksys/SPA-2102" => "linksys/spa2102", "Linksys/SPA-3102" => "linksys/spa3102", "Linksys/SPA-9212" => "linksys/spa921", "Cisco/SPA301" => "cisco/spa301", "Cisco/SPA301D" => "cisco/spa302d", "Cisco/SPA303" => "cisco/spa303", "Cisco/SPA501G" => "cisco/spa501g", "Cisco/SPA502G" => "cisco/spa502g", "Cisco/SPA504G" => "cisco/spa504g", "Cisco/SPA508G" => "cisco/spa508g", "Cisco/SPA509G" => "cisco/spa509g", "Cisco/SPA512G" => "cisco/spa512g", "Cisco/SPA514G" => "cisco/spa514g", "Cisco/SPA525G2" => "cisco/spa525g2", "snom300-SIP" => "snom/300", "snom320-SIP" => "snom/320", "snom360-SIP" => "snom/360", "snom370-SIP" => "snom/370", "snom820-SIP" => "snom/820", "snom-m3-SIP" => "snom/m3", "yealink SIP-T20" => "yealink/t20", "yealink SIP-T22" => "yealink/t22", "yealink SIP-T26" => "yealink/t26", "Yealink SIP-T32" => "yealink/t32", "HW GXP1450" => "grandstream/gxp1450", "HW GXP2124" => "grandstream/gxp2124", "HW GXV3140" => "grandstream/gxv3140", "HW GXV3175" => "grandstream/gxv3175", "Wget/1.11.3" => "konftel/kt300ip");
             foreach ($template_list as $key => $val) {
                 if (stripos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], $key) !== false) {
                     $device_template = $val;
             //mac address does not exist in the table so add it
             if ($_SESSION['provision']['auto_insert_enabled']['boolean'] == "true" and strlen($domain_uuid) > 0) {
                 $device_uuid = uuid();
                 $sql = "INSERT INTO v_devices ";
                 $sql .= "(";
                 $sql .= "domain_uuid, ";
                 $sql .= "device_uuid, ";
                 $sql .= "device_mac_address, ";
                 $sql .= "device_vendor, ";
                 $sql .= "device_model, ";
                 $sql .= "device_provision_enable, ";
                 $sql .= "device_template, ";
                 $sql .= "device_description ";
                 $sql .= ") ";
                 $sql .= "VALUES ";
                 $sql .= "(";
                 $sql .= "'" . $domain_uuid . "', ";
                 $sql .= "'{$device_uuid}', ";
                 $sql .= "'{$mac}', ";
                 $sql .= "'{$device_vendor}', ";
                 $sql .= "'', ";
                 $sql .= "'true', ";
                 $sql .= "'{$device_template}', ";
                 $sql .= "'auto {$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']}' ";
                 $sql .= ")";
     //alternate device_uuid
     if (strlen($device_uuid) > 0) {
         $sql = "SELECT * FROM v_devices ";
         $sql .= "WHERE device_uuid = '" . $device_uuid . "' ";
         $prep_statement_3 = $this->db->prepare(check_sql($sql));
         if ($prep_statement_3) {
             $row = $prep_statement_3->fetch();
             $device_uuid_alternate = $row["device_uuid_alternate"];
             if (is_uuid($device_uuid_alternate)) {
                 //override the original device_uuid
                 $device_uuid = $device_uuid_alternate;
                 //get the new devices information
                 $sql = "SELECT * FROM v_devices ";
                 $sql .= "WHERE device_uuid = '" . $device_uuid . "' ";
                 $prep_statement_4 = $this->db->prepare(check_sql($sql));
                 if ($prep_statement_4) {
                     $row = $prep_statement_4->fetch();
                     $device_label = $row["device_label"];
                     $device_vendor = strtolower($row["device_vendor"]);
                     $device_firmware_version = $row["device_firmware_version"];
                     $device_provision_enable = $row["device_provision_enable"];
                     //keep the original template
                     $device_profile_uuid = $row["device_profile_uuid"];
                     $device_description = $row["device_description"];
     //get the device settings table in the provision category and update the provision array
     if (strlen($device_uuid) > 0) {
         $sql = "SELECT * FROM v_device_settings ";
         $sql .= "WHERE device_uuid = '" . $device_uuid . "' ";
         $sql .= "AND device_setting_enabled = 'true' ";
         $prep_statement = $this->db->prepare(check_sql($sql));
         $result = $prep_statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_NAMED);
         $result_count = count($result);
         foreach ($result as $row) {
             $key = $row['device_setting_subcategory'];
             $value = $row['device_setting_value'];
             $provision[$key] = $value;
     //initialize a template object
     $view = new template();
     if (strlen($_SESSION['provision']['template_engine']['text']) > 0) {
         $view->engine = $_SESSION['provision']['template_engine']['text'];
         //raintpl, smarty, twig
     } else {
         $view->engine = "smarty";
     $view->template_dir = $template_dir . "/" . $device_template . "/";
     $view->cache_dir = $_SESSION['server']['temp']['dir'];
     //replace the variables in the template in the future loop through all the line numbers to do a replace for each possible line number
     //get the time zone
     $time_zone_name = $_SESSION['domain']['time_zone']['name'];
     if (strlen($time_zone_name) > 0) {
         $time_zone_offset_raw = get_time_zone_offset($time_zone_name) / 3600;
         $time_zone_offset_hours = floor($time_zone_offset_raw);
         $time_zone_offset_minutes = ($time_zone_offset_raw - $time_zone_offset_hours) * 60;
         $time_zone_offset_minutes = number_pad($time_zone_offset_minutes, 2);
         if ($time_zone_offset_raw > 0) {
             $time_zone_offset_hours = number_pad($time_zone_offset_hours, 2);
             $time_zone_offset_hours = "+" . $time_zone_offset_hours;
         } else {
             $time_zone_offset_hours = str_replace("-", "", $time_zone_offset_hours);
             $time_zone_offset_hours = "-" . number_pad($time_zone_offset_hours, 2);
         $time_zone_offset = $time_zone_offset_hours . ":" . $time_zone_offset_minutes;
         $view->assign("time_zone_offset", $time_zone_offset);
     //create a mac address with back slashes for backwards compatability
     $mac_dash = substr($mac, 0, 2) . '-' . substr($mac, 2, 2) . '-' . substr($mac, 4, 2) . '-' . substr($mac, 6, 2) . '-' . substr($mac, 8, 2) . '-' . substr($mac, 10, 2);
     //get the contacts array and add to the template engine
     if (strlen($device_uuid) > 0 and strlen($domain_uuid) > 0 and $_SESSION['provision']['directory']['boolean'] == "true") {
         //get contacts from the database
         $sql = "select c.contact_organization, c.contact_name_given, c.contact_name_family, p.phone_number, p.phone_extension ";
         $sql .= "from v_contacts as c, v_contact_phones as p ";
         $sql .= "where c.domain_uuid = '" . $domain_uuid . "' ";
         $sql .= "and c.contact_uuid = p.contact_uuid ";
         $sql .= "and p.phone_type_voice = '1' ";
         $sql .= "order by c.contact_organization desc, c.contact_name_given asc, c.contact_name_family asc ";
         $prep_statement = $this->db->prepare(check_sql($sql));
         $contacts = $prep_statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_NAMED);
         unset($prep_statement, $sql);
         //assign the contacts array
         $view->assign("contacts", $contacts);
     //get the provisioning information from device lines table
     if (strlen($device_uuid) > 0) {
         //get the device lines array
         $sql = "select * from v_device_lines ";
         $sql .= "where device_uuid = '" . $device_uuid . "' ";
         $sql .= "and (enabled = 'true' or enabled is null or enabled = '') ";
         $prep_statement = $this->db->prepare(check_sql($sql));
         $device_lines = $prep_statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_NAMED);
         //assign the keys array
         $view->assign("lines", $device_lines);
         //set the variables
         foreach ($device_lines as $row) {
             //set the variables
             $line_number = $row['line_number'];
             $register_expires = $row['register_expires'];
             $sip_transport = strtolower($row['sip_transport']);
             $sip_port = $row['sip_port'];
             //set defaults
             if (strlen($register_expires) == 0) {
                 $register_expires = "120";
             if (strlen($sip_transport) == 0) {
                 $sip_transport = "tcp";
             if (strlen($sip_port) == 0) {
                 if ($line_number == "" || $line_number == "1") {
                     $sip_port = "5060";
                 } else {
                     $sip_port = "506" . ($line_number + 1);
             //set a lines array index is the line number
             $lines[$line_number]['register_expires'] = $register_expires;
             $lines[$line_number]['sip_transport'] = strtolower($sip_transport);
             $lines[$line_number]['sip_port'] = $sip_port;
             $lines[$line_number]['server_address'] = $row["server_address"];
             $lines[$line_number]['outbound_proxy'] = $row["outbound_proxy"];
             $lines[$line_number]['display_name'] = $row["display_name"];
             $lines[$line_number]['auth_id'] = $row["auth_id"];
             $lines[$line_number]['user_id'] = $row["user_id"];
             $lines[$line_number]['password'] = $row["password"];
             //assign the variables
             $view->assign("server_address_" . $line_number, $row["server_address"]);
             $view->assign("outbound_proxy_" . $line_number, $row["outbound_proxy"]);
             $view->assign("display_name_" . $line_number, $row["display_name"]);
             $view->assign("auth_id_" . $line_number, $row["auth_id"]);
             $view->assign("user_id_" . $line_number, $row["user_id"]);
             $view->assign("user_password_" . $line_number, $row["password"]);
             $view->assign("sip_transport_" . $line_number, $sip_transport);
             $view->assign("sip_port_" . $line_number, $sip_port);
             $view->assign("register_expires_" . $line_number, $register_expires);
     //get the provisioning information from device keys
     if (strlen($device_uuid) > 0) {
         //get the device keys array
         $sql = "SELECT * FROM v_device_keys ";
         $sql .= "WHERE (";
         $sql .= "device_uuid = '" . $device_uuid . "' ";
         if (strlen($device_profile_uuid) > 0) {
             $sql .= "or device_profile_uuid = '" . $device_profile_uuid . "' ";
         $sql .= ") ";
         //$sql .= "AND domain_uuid = '".$domain_uuid."' ";
         $sql .= "ORDER BY device_key_category asc, device_key_id asc, device_uuid desc";
         $prep_statement = $this->db->prepare(check_sql($sql));
         $device_keys = $prep_statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_NAMED);
         //rebuild the array to allow profile keys to be overridden by keys assigned to this device
         $x = 0;
         $previous_category = '';
         $previous_id = '';
         foreach ($device_keys as $row) {
             //set the variables
             if ($row['device_key_category'] == $previous_category && $row['device_key_id'] == $previous_id) {
                 $device_keys[$x]['device_key_override'] = "true";
                 $device_keys[$x]['device_key_message'] = "value=" . $device_keys[$x - 1]['device_key_value'] . "&label=" . $device_keys[$x - 1]['device_key_label'];
                 unset($device_keys[$x - 1]);
             $device_keys[$x]['device_key_category'] = $row['device_key_category'];
             $device_keys[$x]['device_key_id'] = $row['device_key_id'];
             $device_keys[$x]['device_key_type'] = $row['device_key_type'];
             //line, memory, expansion
             $device_keys[$x]['device_key_line'] = $row['device_key_line'];
             $device_keys[$x]['device_key_value'] = $row['device_key_value'];
             $device_keys[$x]['device_key_extension'] = $row['device_key_extension'];
             $device_keys[$x]['device_key_label'] = $row['device_key_label'];
             if (is_uuid($row['device_profile_uuid'])) {
                 $device_keys[$x]['device_key_owner'] = "profile";
             } else {
                 $device_keys[$x]['device_key_owner'] = "device";
             //set previous values
             $previous_category = $row['device_key_category'];
             $previous_id = $row['device_key_id'];
             //increment the key
     //debug information
     if ($debug == "array") {
         echo "<pre>\n";
         echo "<pre>\n";
     //assign the keys array
     $view->assign("keys", $device_keys);
     //set the variables
     foreach ($device_keys as $row) {
         //set the variables
         $device_key_category = $row['device_key_category'];
         $device_key_id = $row['device_key_id'];
         $device_key_type = $row['device_key_type'];
         $device_key_line = $row['device_key_line'];
         $device_key_value = $row['device_key_value'];
         $device_key_extension = $row['device_key_extension'];
         $device_key_label = $row['device_key_label'];
         //set the line key
         $x = $device_key_line;
         //add a simple variable with the index
         if ($x === 0 || $x === 1) {
             $device_key_value = str_replace("\${user_id}", $lines[$x]['user_id'], $device_key_value);
             $device_key_value = str_replace("\${auth_id}", $lines[$x]['auth_id'], $device_key_value);
             $device_key_value = str_replace("\${extension}", $lines[$x]['user_id'], $device_key_value);
             $device_key_value = str_replace("\${password}", $lines[$x]['password'], $device_key_value);
             $device_key_value = str_replace("\${register_expires}", $lines[$x]['register_expires'], $device_key_value);
             $device_key_value = str_replace("\${sip_transport}", $lines[$x]['sip_transport'], $device_key_value);
             $device_key_value = str_replace("\${sip_port}", $lines[$x]['sip_port'], $device_key_value);
             $device_key_value = str_replace("\${server_address}", $lines[$x]['server_address'], $device_key_value);
             $device_key_value = str_replace("\${outbound_proxy}", $lines[$x]['outbound_proxy'], $device_key_value);
             $device_key_value = str_replace("\${display_name}", $lines[$x]['display_name'], $device_key_value);
             $device_key_extension = str_replace("\${user_id}", $lines[$x]['user_id'], $device_key_extension);
             $device_key_extension = str_replace("\${auth_id}", $lines[$x]['auth_id'], $device_key_extension);
             $device_key_extension = str_replace("\${extension}", $lines[$x]['user_id'], $device_key_extension);
             $device_key_extension = str_replace("\${password}", $lines[$x]['password'], $device_key_extension);
             $device_key_extension = str_replace("\${register_expires}", $lines[$x]['register_expires'], $device_key_extension);
             $device_key_extension = str_replace("\${sip_transport}", $lines[$x]['sip_transport'], $device_key_extension);
             $device_key_extension = str_replace("\${sip_port}", $lines[$x]['sip_port'], $device_key_extension);
             $device_key_extension = str_replace("\${server_address}", $lines[$x]['server_address'], $device_key_extension);
             $device_key_extension = str_replace("\${outbound_proxy}", $lines[$x]['outbound_proxy'], $device_key_extension);
             $device_key_extension = str_replace("\${display_name}", $lines[$x]['display_name'], $device_key_extension);
             $device_key_label = str_replace("\${user_id}", $lines[$x]['user_id'], $device_key_label);
             $device_key_label = str_replace("\${auth_id}", $lines[$x]['auth_id'], $device_key_label);
             $device_key_label = str_replace("\${extension}", $lines[$x]['user_id'], $device_key_label);
             $device_key_label = str_replace("\${password}", $lines[$x]['password'], $device_key_label);
             $device_key_label = str_replace("\${register_expires}", $lines[$x]['register_expires'], $device_key_label);
             $device_key_label = str_replace("\${sip_transport}", $lines[$x]['sip_transport'], $device_key_label);
             $device_key_label = str_replace("\${sip_port}", $lines[$x]['sip_port'], $device_key_label);
             $device_key_label = str_replace("\${server_address}", $lines[$x]['server_address'], $device_key_label);
             $device_key_label = str_replace("\${outbound_proxy}", $lines[$x]['outbound_proxy'], $device_key_label);
             $device_key_label = str_replace("\${display_name}", $lines[$x]['display_name'], $device_key_label);
         //add variables with the index
         $device_key_value = str_replace("\${user_id_{$x}}", $lines[$x]['user_id'], $device_key_value);
         $device_key_value = str_replace("\${auth_id_{$x}}", $lines[$x]['auth_id'], $device_key_value);
         $device_key_value = str_replace("\${extension_{$x}}", $lines[$x]['user_id'], $device_key_value);
         $device_key_value = str_replace("\${password_{$x}}", $lines[$x]['password'], $device_key_value);
         $device_key_value = str_replace("\${register_expires_{$x}}", $lines[$x]['register_expires'], $device_key_value);
         $device_key_value = str_replace("\${sip_transport_{$x}}", $lines[$x]['sip_transport'], $device_key_value);
         $device_key_value = str_replace("\${sip_port_{$x}}", $lines[$x]['sip_port'], $device_key_value);
         $device_key_value = str_replace("\${server_address_{$x}}", $lines[$x]['server_address'], $device_key_value);
         $device_key_value = str_replace("\${outbound_proxy_{$x}}", $lines[$x]['outbound_proxy'], $device_key_value);
         $device_key_value = str_replace("\${display_name_{$x}}", $lines[$x]['display_name'], $device_key_value);
         $device_key_extension = str_replace("\${user_id_{$x}}", $lines[$x]['user_id'], $device_key_label);
         $device_key_extension = str_replace("\${auth_id_{$x}}", $lines[$x]['auth_id'], $device_key_label);
         $device_key_extension = str_replace("\${extension_{$x}}", $lines[$x]['user_id'], $device_key_label);
         $device_key_extension = str_replace("\${password_{$x}}", $lines[$x]['password'], $device_key_label);
         $device_key_extension = str_replace("\${register_expires_{$x}}", $lines[$x]['register_expires'], $device_key_label);
         $device_key_extension = str_replace("\${sip_transport_{$x}}", $lines[$x]['sip_transport'], $device_key_label);
         $device_key_extension = str_replace("\${sip_port_{$x}}", $lines[$x]['sip_port'], $device_key_label);
         $device_key_extension = str_replace("\${server_address_{$x}}", $lines[$x]['server_address'], $device_key_label);
         $device_key_extension = str_replace("\${outbound_proxy_{$x}}", $lines[$x]['outbound_proxy'], $device_key_label);
         $device_key_extension = str_replace("\${display_name_{$x}}", $lines[$x]['display_name'], $device_key_label);
         $device_key_label = str_replace("\${user_id_{$x}}", $lines[$x]['user_id'], $device_key_label);
         $device_key_label = str_replace("\${auth_id_{$x}}", $lines[$x]['auth_id'], $device_key_label);
         $device_key_label = str_replace("\${extension_{$x}}", $lines[$x]['user_id'], $device_key_label);
         $device_key_label = str_replace("\${password_{$x}}", $lines[$x]['password'], $device_key_label);
         $device_key_label = str_replace("\${register_expires_{$x}}", $lines[$x]['register_expires'], $device_key_label);
         $device_key_label = str_replace("\${sip_transport_{$x}}", $lines[$x]['sip_transport'], $device_key_label);
         $device_key_label = str_replace("\${sip_port_{$x}}", $lines[$x]['sip_port'], $device_key_label);
         $device_key_label = str_replace("\${server_address_{$x}}", $lines[$x]['server_address'], $device_key_label);
         $device_key_label = str_replace("\${outbound_proxy_{$x}}", $lines[$x]['outbound_proxy'], $device_key_label);
         $device_key_label = str_replace("\${display_name_{$x}}", $lines[$x]['display_name'], $device_key_label);
         //add general variables
         $device_key_value = str_replace("\${domain_name}", $domain_name, $device_key_value);
         $device_key_extension = str_replace("\${domain_name}", $domain_name, $device_key_extension);
         $device_key_label = str_replace("\${domain_name}", $domain_name, $device_key_label);
         //grandstream modes are different based on the category
         if ($device_vendor == "grandstream") {
             if ($device_key_category == "line") {
                 switch ($device_key_type) {
                     case "line":
                         $device_key_type = "0";
                     case "shared line":
                         $device_key_type = "1";
                     case "speed dial":
                         $device_key_type = "10";
                     case "blf":
                         $device_key_type = "11";
                     case "presence watcher":
                         $device_key_type = "12";
                     case "eventlist blf":
                         $device_key_type = "13";
                     case "speed dial active":
                         $device_key_type = "14";
                     case "dial dtmf":
                         $device_key_type = "15";
                     case "voicemail":
                         $device_key_type = "16";
                     case "call return":
                         $device_key_type = "17";
                     case "transfer":
                         $device_key_type = "18";
                     case "call park":
                         $device_key_type = "19";
                     case "intercom":
                         $device_key_type = "20";
                     case "ldap search":
                         $device_key_type = "21";
             if ($device_key_category == "memory") {
                 switch ($device_key_type) {
                     case "speed dial":
                         $device_key_type = "0";
                     case "blf":
                         $device_key_type = "1";
                     case "presence watcher":
                         $device_key_type = "2";
                     case "eventlist blf":
                         $device_key_type = "3";
                     case "speed dial active":
                         $device_key_type = "4";
                     case "dial dtmf":
                         $device_key_type = "5";
                     case "voicemail":
                         $device_key_type = "6";
                     case "call return":
                         $device_key_type = "7";
                     case "transfer":
                         $device_key_type = "8";
                     case "call park":
                         $device_key_type = "9";
                     case "intercom":
                         $device_key_type = "10";
                     case "ldap search":
                         $device_key_type = "11";
         //assign the variables
         if (strlen($device_key_category) == 0) {
             $view->assign("key_id_" . $device_key_id, $device_key_id);
             $view->assign("key_type_" . $device_key_id, $device_key_type);
             $view->assign("key_line_" . $device_key_id, $device_key_line);
             $view->assign("key_value_" . $device_key_id, $device_key_value);
             $view->assign("key_extension_" . $device_key_id, $device_key_extension);
             $view->assign("key_label_" . $device_key_id, $device_key_label);
         } else {
             $view->assign($device_key_category . "_key_id_" . $device_key_id, $device_key_id);
             $view->assign($device_key_category . "_key_type_" . $device_key_id, $device_key_type);
             $view->assign($device_key_category . "_key_line_" . $device_key_id, $device_key_line);
             $view->assign($device_key_category . "_key_value_" . $device_key_id, $device_key_value);
             $view->assign($device_key_category . "_key_extension_" . $device_key_id, $device_key_extension);
             $view->assign($device_key_category . "_key_label_" . $device_key_id, $device_key_label);
     //set the mac address in the correct format
     switch (strtolower($device_vendor)) {
         case "aastra":
             $mac = strtoupper($mac);
         case "snom":
             $mac = strtolower($mac);
         case "polycom":
             $mac = strtolower($mac);
             $mac = strtolower($mac);
             $mac = substr($mac, 0, 2) . '-' . substr($mac, 2, 2) . '-' . substr($mac, 4, 2) . '-' . substr($mac, 6, 2) . '-' . substr($mac, 8, 2) . '-' . substr($mac, 10, 2);
     //replace the variables in the template in the future loop through all the line numbers to do a replace for each possible line number
     $view->assign("mac", $mac);
     $view->assign("label", $device_label);
     $view->assign("firmware_version", $device_firmware_version);
     $view->assign("domain_name", $domain_name);
     $view->assign("project_path", PROJECT_PATH);
     $view->assign("server1_address", $server1_address);
     $view->assign("proxy1_address", $proxy1_address);
     $view->assign("user_id", $user_id);
     $view->assign("password", $password);
     $view->assign("template", $device_template);
     //replace the dynamic provision variables that are defined in default, domain, and device settings
     foreach ($provision as $key => $val) {
         $view->assign($key, $val);
     //set the template directory
     if (strlen($provision["template_dir"]) > 0) {
         $template_dir = $provision["template_dir"];
     //if the domain name directory exists then only use templates from it
     if (is_dir($template_dir . '/' . $domain_name)) {
         $device_template = $domain_name . '/' . $device_template;
     //if $file is not provided then look for a default file that exists
     if (strlen($file) == 0) {
         if (file_exists($template_dir . "/" . $device_template . "/{\$mac}")) {
             $file = "{\$mac}";
         } elseif (file_exists($template_dir . "/" . $device_template . "/{\$mac}.xml")) {
             $file = "{\$mac}.xml";
         } elseif (file_exists($template_dir . "/" . $device_template . "/{\$mac}.cfg")) {
             $file = "{\$mac}.cfg";
         } else {
             echo "file not found";
     } else {
         //make sure the file exists
         if (!file_exists($template_dir . "/" . $device_template . "/" . $file)) {
             echo "file not found";
             if ($_SESSION['provision']['debug']['boolean'] == 'true') {
                 echo ":{$template_dir}/{$device_template}/{$file}<br/>";
                 echo "template_dir: {$template_dir}<br/>";
                 echo "device_template: {$device_template}<br/>";
                 echo "file: {$file}";
     //output template to string for header processing
     $file_contents = $view->render($file);
     //log file for testing
     if ($_SESSION['provision']['debug']['boolean'] == 'true') {
         $tmp_file = "/tmp/provisioning_log.txt";
         $fh = fopen($tmp_file, 'w') or die("can't open file");
         $tmp_string = $mac . "\n";
         fwrite($fh, $tmp_string);
     //returned the rendered template
     return $file_contents;
Beispiel #26
 public function getChecklist(Request $request)
     $bb = $this->branch->orderBy('code')->getByCriteria(new ActiveBranch())->all(['code', 'descriptor', 'id']);
     $date = carbonCheckorNow($request->input('date'));
     if (!$request->has('branchid') && !isset($_GET['branchid'])) {
         return view('backup.checklist')->with('date', $date)->with('branches', $bb)->with('branch', null)->with('backups', null);
     if (!is_uuid($request->input('branchid')) || !in_array(strtoupper($request->input('branchid')), $this->branch->all()->pluck('id')->all())) {
         return redirect('/backup/checklist')->with('alert-warning', 'Please select a branch.');
     try {
         $branch = $this->branch->find(strtolower($request->input('branchid')));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return redirect('/backup/checklist')->with('alert-warning', 'Please select a branch.');
     $backups = $this->repository->monthlyLogs($date, $branch);
     return view('backup.checklist')->with('date', $date)->with('branches', $bb)->with('branch', $branch)->with('backups', $backups);