public function _initialize()
     /* 获取用户ID */
     define('UID', is_login());
     /* 判断是否登录 */
     if (!UID) {
     /* 判断是否为超级管理员 */
     define('IS_ROOT', is_administrator());
     /* 检测访问权限 */
     $access = $this->accessControl();
     if ($access === false) {
     } elseif ($access === NULL) {
         /* 检测分类栏目有关的各项动态权限 */
         $dynamic = $this->checkDynamic();
         if ($dynamic === NULL) {
             /* 检测非动态权限 */
             $rule = strtolower(MODULE_NAME . '/' . CONTROLLER_NAME . '/' . ACTION_NAME);
             if (!$this->checkRule($rule)) {
         } elseif ($dynamic === false) {
  * 首页
 public function index()
     $pic_name[] = "";
     $pic_name[] = "";
     $pic_name[] = "";
     $pic_name[] = "";
     $pic_name[] = "";
     $pic_name[] = "";
     $pic_name[] = "";
     $pic_name[] = "";
     if (is_login()) {
     } else {
         $this->load->model('live_programs_model', 'live_m');
         $new_programes = $this->live_m->get_best_programs(1, 10);
         foreach ($new_programes as $k => $v) {
             if ($v['is_live'] == 1) {
                 $new_programes[$k]['pic_name'] = $pic_name[$k];
             } else {
                 $new_programes[$k]['pic_name'] = "/public/data/images/video/cut/187x140_" . $v['pic_name'];
         $this->data['new_programes'] = $this->new_programes($new_programes);
         $this->load->view('spree/index.tpl', $this->data);
  * 后台控制器初始化
 protected function _initialize()
     // 获取当前用户ID
     define('UID', is_login());
     if (!UID) {
         // 还没登录 跳转到登录页面
     // 是否是超级管理员
     define('IS_ROOT', is_administrator());
     if (!IS_ROOT && C('ADMIN_ALLOW_IP')) {
         // 检查IP地址访问
         if (!in_array(get_client_ip(), explode(',', C('ADMIN_ALLOW_IP')))) {
     // 检测访问权限
     $access = $this->accessControl();
     if ($access === false) {
     } elseif ($access === null) {
         $dynamic = $this->checkDynamic();
         if ($dynamic === null) {
             $rule = strtolower(MODULE_NAME . '/' . CONTROLLER_NAME . '/' . ACTION_NAME);
             if (!$this->checkRule($rule, array('in', '1,2'))) {
         } elseif ($dynamic === false) {
     $this->assign('__MENU__', $this->getMenus());
  * 数据表前缀
  * @var string
 public function getfaceid($uid)
     if (!$uid) {
         $uid = is_login();
     return $this->where("id='{$uid}'")->getField("face");
 public function attach($id)
     $uid = is_login();
     $where = array('project_id' => $id, 'investor_id' => $uid);
     $data = $this->field('status')->where($where)->find();
     $status = 1;
     if ($data) {
         $status = $data['status'] ? 0 : 1;
         if ($status) {
             M('Project')->where(array('id' => $id))->setInc('like_record');
         } else {
             M('Project')->where(array('id' => $id))->setDec('like_record');
         $save = array('status' => $status, 'attach_time' => NOW_TIME, 'update_time' => NOW_TIME, 'update_id' => $id);
     } else {
         $save = array('project_id' => $id, 'attach_time' => NOW_TIME, 'investor_id' => $uid, 'status' => 1, 'create_time' => NOW_TIME, 'create_id' => $id, 'update_time' => NOW_TIME, 'update_id' => $id);
     $proj = M('Project')->where('id=' . $id)->field('uid,project_name')->find();
     $link = '<a href="' . U('Project/detail?id=' . $id) . '">《' . $proj['project_name'] . '》</a>';
     $ulink = '<a href="' . U('MCenter/profile?id=' . $uid) . '">' . get_membername($uid) . '</a>';
     if ($status) {
         D('ProjectDynamic')->addDynamic($id, '收藏了' . $link . '项目。', 1);
         // 项目方(收藏提示)消息
         D('Message')->send(0, $proj['uid'], '', $ulink . '收藏了您的' . $link . '项目。', 3);
     } else {
         M('ProjectDynamic')->where(array('project_id' => $id, 'create_id' => $uid, 'type' => 1))->delete();
         // 项目方(收藏提示)消息
         D('Message')->send(0, $proj['uid'], '', $ulink . '取消收藏了您的' . $link . '项目。', 3);
     return $status;
  * 注:appname及之后的参数,一般情况下无需填写
  * @param        $to_uid 接受消息的用户ID
  * @param string $content 内容
  * @param string $title 标题,默认为  您有新的消息
  * @param        $url 链接地址,不提供则默认进入消息中心
  * @param int    $from_uid 发起消息的用户,根据用户自动确定左侧图标,如果为用户,则左侧显示头像
  * @param int    $type 消息类型,0系统,1用户,2应用
  * @param string $appname 应用名,默认不需填写,如果填写了就必须实现对应的消息处理模型,例如贴吧里面可以基于某个回复开启聊天
  * @param string $apptype 同上,应用里面的一个标识符
  * @param int    $source_id 来源ID,通过来源ID获取基于XX聊天的来源信息
  * @param int    $find_id 查找ID,通过查找ID获得标识ID
  * @return int
  * @auth 陈一枭
 public function sendMessage($to_uid, $content = '', $title = '您有新的消息', $url, $from_uid = 0, $type = 0, $appname = '', $apptype = '', $source_id = 0, $find_id = 0)
     if ($to_uid == is_login()) {
         return 0;
     $this->sendMessageWithoutCheckSelf($to_uid, $content, $title, $url, $from_uid, $type, $appname, $apptype, $source_id, $find_id);
  * 后台控制器初始化
 protected function _initialize()
     // 获取当前用户ID
     if (defined('UID')) {
     define('UID', is_login());
     if (!UID) {
         // 还没登录 跳转到登录页面
     /* 读取数据库中的配置 */
     $config = S('DB_CONFIG_DATA');
     if (!$config) {
         $config = D('Config')->lists();
         S('DB_CONFIG_DATA', $config);
     // 是否是超级管理员
     define('IS_ROOT', is_administrator());
     if (!IS_ROOT && C('ADMIN_ALLOW_IP')) {
         // 检查IP地址访问
         if (!in_array(get_client_ip(), explode(',', C('ADMIN_ALLOW_IP')))) {
 public function flow2()
     if (!is_login()) {
         cookie('__forward__', __SELF__);
         $this->error('请先登录', U('Member/login'));
     if (IS_POST) {
         $order_model = D('OrderInfo');
         if ($order_model->addOrder()) {
         } else {
     } else {
         $this->assign('address_list', D('Address')->getAddList());
         $this->assign('pay_list', D('Setting')->getPayList());
         $this->assign('transport_list', D('Setting')->getTransportList());
         $this->assign('car_list', D('ShoppingCar')->getCar());
Beispiel #9
 * 根据book表的role_ids字段判断用户有无阅读权限
 * @param $role_ids
 * @return int
 * @author 郑钟良<*****@*****.**>
function check_read_auth($role_ids)
    if ($role_ids == '') {
        return 2;
    if (!is_array($role_ids)) {
        $role_ids = str_replace('[', '', $role_ids);
        $role_ids = str_replace(']', '', $role_ids);
        $role_ids = explode(',', $role_ids);
    if (!count($role_ids)) {
        return 2;
    $map['role_id'] = array('in', $role_ids);
    $map['uid'] = is_login();
    $map['status'] = 1;
    if (D('UserRole')->where($map)->count()) {
        return 1;
    } else {
        return 0;
 public function render($uid = 0, $page = 1, $tab = null, $count = 10)
     !$uid && ($uid = is_login());
     $map['uid'] = $uid;
     $NewsModel = new NewsModel();
     /* 获取当前分类下资讯列表 */
     if ($uid != is_login()) {
         $map['status'] = 1;
         $map['dead_line'] = array('gt', time());
     list($list, $totalCount) = $NewsModel->getListByPage($map, $page, 'update_time desc', '*', $count);
     foreach ($list as &$val) {
         if ($val['status'] == 1) {
             $val['audit_status'] = '<span style="color: green;">审核通过</span>';
         } elseif ($val['status'] == 2) {
             $val['audit_status'] = '<span style="color:#4D9EFF;">待审核</span>';
         } elseif ($val['status'] == -1) {
             $val['audit_status'] = '<span style="color: #b5b5b5;">审核失败</span>';
     /* 模板赋值并渲染模板 */
     $this->assign('news_list', $list);
     $this->assign('totalCount', $totalCount);
Beispiel #11
  * 管理员登录
 public function login()
     if (IS_POST) {
         $adm_id = I('adm_id');
         $adm_pw = I('adm_pw');
         # 图片验证码校验
         if (!$this->check_verify(I('post.verify'))) {
         if (!$adm_id) {
         if (!$adm_pw) {
         $ADM = D('Admin');
         $uid = $ADM->login($adm_id, $adm_pw);
         if (0 < $uid) {
         } else {
     } else {
         if (is_login('Admin')) {
             $this->error("您已登陆系统", Cookie('__forward__') ?: C('HOME_PAGE'));
         $this->meta_title = '管理员登录';
Beispiel #12
 public function __construct()
     $this->_config = get_config();
     $this->base_path = str_replace('\\', '/', FCPATH) . 'public/';
     $this->root_url = $this->_config['base_url'] . 'public/';
     if (isset($_REQUEST['up'])) {
         //可接受的dir参数值为 <dir>/<dir1>/***
         $dir = isset($_GET['dir']) ? trim($_GET['dir']) : 'default';
         $this->save_path = 'image/' . $dir;
     } else {
         if (isset($_GET['dir']) && isset($this->allow_ext[$_GET['dir']])) {
             $this->utype = $_GET['dir'];
         } else {
             $this->utype = 'image';
         $this->save_path = $this->utype . '/' . date('Y/m/d');
     $this->save_url = $this->_config['base_url'] . 'public/' . $this->save_path;
Beispiel #13
  * 获取所有模块菜单
  * @param string $addon_dir
  * @author jry <*****@*****.**>
 public function getAllMenu()
     $uid = is_login();
     $user_group = D('Admin/Access')->getFieldByUid($uid, 'group');
     // 获得当前登录用户信息
     $group_info = D('Admin/Group')->find($user_group);
     $group_auth = json_decode($group_info['menu_auth'], true);
     // 获得当前登录用户所属部门的权限列表
     // 获取所有菜单
     $menu_list = S('MENU_LIST_' . $uid);
     if (!$menu_list || APP_DEBUG === true) {
         $con['status'] = 1;
         $system_module_list = $this->where($con)->order('sort asc, id asc')->select();
         $tree = new tree();
         $menu_list = array();
         foreach ($system_module_list as $key => &$module) {
             $menu = json_decode($module['admin_menu'], true);
             $temp = $tree->list_to_tree($menu);
             $menu_list[$module['name']] = $temp[0];
             $menu_list[$module['name']]['id'] = $module['id'];
             $menu_list[$module['name']]['name'] = $module['name'];
         S('MENU_LIST_' . $uid, $menu_list, 3600);
         // 缓存配置
     return $menu_list;
 public function addLZLReply($post_id, $to_f_reply_id, $to_reply_id, $to_uid, $content, $p, $send_message = true)
     $data = array('uid' => is_login(), 'post_id' => $post_id, 'to_f_reply_id' => $to_f_reply_id, 'to_reply_id' => $to_reply_id, 'to_uid' => $to_uid, 'content' => $content);
     $data = $this->create($data);
     if (!$data) {
         return false;
     $result = $this->add($data);
     action_log('add_post_reply', 'ForumLzlReply', $result, is_login());
     S('post_replylist_' . $post_id, null);
     S('post_replylzllist_' . $to_f_reply_id, null);
     $postModel = D('ForumPost');
     $postModel->where(array('id' => $post_id))->setInc('reply_count');
     $postModel->where(array('id' => $post_id))->setField('last_reply_time', time());
     $post = $postModel->find($post_id);
     D('Forum')->where(array('id' => $post['forum_id']))->setField('last_reply_time', time());
     if ($send_message) {
         $this->sendReplyMessage(is_login(), $post_id, $content, $to_uid, $to_f_reply_id, $result, $p);
     $this->handleAt($post_id, $to_f_reply_id, $content, $p, $map);
     return $result;
 public function drawcash($bankinfo, $notifyurl)
     $uid = is_login();
     $this->config = C('DRAW_CASH');
     $time = NOW_TIME;
     $tradFlowNo = time_format($time, 'Ymd') . $this->config['MERCHANTID'] . substr(floor(microtime($time) * 1000), -8);
     $head = array('version' => '01', 'type' => '0001', 'channelNo' => 'HM', 'tradDate' => time_format($time, 'Ymd'), 'tradTime' => time_format($time, 'His'), 'tradFlowNo' => $tradFlowNo, 'tradNo' => 'ES0007');
     $body = array('tranSeqId' => $tradFlowNo, 'merchantNo' => $this->config['MERCHANTID'], 'alias' => $this->config['ALIAS'], 'submitDate' => time_format($time, 'Ymd'), 'isNeedNotify' => '0', 'notifyUrl' => $notifyurl, 'batchUse' => '01', 'bankId' => $bankinfo['bankId'], 'acctNo' => $bankinfo['acctNo'], 'acctName' => $bankinfo['acctName'], 'acctAttribute' => '02', 'bankName' => $bankinfo['bankName'], 'bankProvince' => $bankinfo['bankProvince'], 'bankCity' => $bankinfo['bankCity'], 'cityCode' => '', 'amount' => $bankinfo['amount'], 'currencyType' => 'CNY', 'mobilePhone' => '', 'remark' => '');
     $message = array('head' => $head, 'body' => $body);
     include_once APP_PATH . '/BaoyiPay/BaoyiPay.php';
     $xml = to_xmlstring1($message);
     $mac = md5($xml . $this->config['MERKEY']);
     $para = array('tradNo' => 'ES0007', 'type' => '0001', 'merchantNo' => $this->config['MERCHANTID'], 'data' => $xml, 'mac' => $mac);
     // D('AccountLog')->record($head, $xml, $mac, 7);
     $text = $this->getHttpResponseGet($this->config['DRAW_URL'], $para);
     $para = md5Response($text, $this->config['MERKEY']);
     if (!$para) {
     if ($para['status'] == '000000000') {
         $drawcashlist = array('pid' => 0, 'bussflowno' => $tradFlowNo, 'amount' => $bankinfo['amount'], 'create_time' => NOW_TIME, 'update_time' => NOW_TIME);
         return $tradFlowNo;
     } else {
Beispiel #16
 public function todo()
     if (!is_login()) {
         return redirect(site_url('login?url=' . site_url('cart')));
     // 如果购物车为空则返回出错提示
     $cart_items = $this->cart->contents();
     if (empty($cart_items)) {
         return redirect(site_url('cart'));
     // 添加订单
     $order = array('user_id' => current_user()->id, 'subject' => '', 'status' => 0, 'total' => $this->cart->total());
     // 添加订单详情
     $order_subject = array();
     $order_details = array();
     foreach ($this->cart->contents() as $items) {
         $order_subject[] = $items['name'];
         $detail = array('user_id' => current_user()->id, 'price' => $items['price'], 'quantity' => $items['qty'], 'name' => $items['name'], 'goods_type' => $items['goods_type'], 'goods_id' => $items['goods_id'], 'url' => $items['url']);
         $order_details[] = $detail;
     $order['subject'] = join(' / ', $order_subject);
     $this->load->model('Order_model', 'order');
     $order_obj = $this->order->create($order, $order_details);
     // 清除购物车
     // 到支付宝支付,应该还有一个确认订单的过程
     $this->load->model('alipay_model', 'alipay');
     header("content-Type: text/html; charset=Utf-8");
     $alipay_form = array('order_id' => $order_obj->id, 'subject' => $order_obj->subject, 'body' => '', 'show_url' => site_url('orders/' . $order_obj->id), 'price' => $order_obj->total);
     echo $this->alipay->build_form($alipay_form);
     // 还应该配置收货地址等,这样用户不用在支付宝去做这个事情了(用户支付宝就用地址?)
Beispiel #17
  * 新增和修改地址
  * @return boolean
 public function addAddress()
     $userinfo = is_login();
     if ($this->data['is_default']) {
         $this->where(array('member_id' => $userinfo['id']))->setField('is_default', 0);
     $this->data['member_id'] = $userinfo['id'];
     $id = $this->data['id'];
     if ($this->data['id']) {
         if ($this->save() !== false) {
             return $id;
         } else {
             return false;
     } else {
         if (($id = $this->add()) !== false) {
             return $id;
         } else {
             return false;
 function _initialize()
     C('DEFAULT_THEME', session('DEFAULT_THEME'));
     $token = get_token();
     $param = array('lists', 'config', 'nulldeal');
     if (in_array(_ACTION, $param) && (empty($token) || $token == '-1')) {
         $url = U('Public/lists?from=2');
     // 管理员需要对插件的管理权限进行判断
     if (is_login()) {
         $token_status = D('Common/AddonStatus')->getList(false);
         if ($token_status[_ADDONS] == -1) {
         return true;
     C('EDITOR_UPLOAD.rootPath', './Uploads/Editor/' . $token . '/');
     if ($GLOBALS['is_wap']) {
         // 默认错误跳转对应的模板文件
         C('TMPL_ACTION_ERROR', 'Addons:dispatch_jump_mobile');
         // 默认成功跳转对应的模板文件
         C('TMPL_ACTION_SUCCESS', 'Addons:dispatch_jump_mobile');
     } else {
Beispiel #19
 function groundup_new_user_cookie()
     // start a new session to track new visits expires after 30 minutes
     if (isset($_SESSION['last_activity']) && time() - $_SESSION['last_activity'] > 1800) {
         // last request was more than 30 minutes ago
         // unset $_SESSION variable for the run-time
         // destroy session data in storage
     $_SESSION['last_activity'] = time();
     // update last activity time stamp
     if (!isset($_SESSION['new_user_check'])) {
         $_SESSION['new_user_check'] = '1';
         if (!is_admin() && !is_login() && !is_register()) {
             if (!isset($_COOKIE['new_user'])) {
                 $visit = 0;
             } else {
                 $visit = $_COOKIE['new_user'] + 1;
             setcookie('new_user', $visit, time() + 3600 * 24 * 100, '/', COOKIE_DOMAIN, false);
 public function beAdmin()
     if (!is_login()) {
         $this->error(L('_ERROR_PLEASE_LOGIN_BEFORE_APPLY_') . L('_PERIOD_'));
     $this->checkAuth(null, -1, L('_INFO_AUTHORITY_LACK_FOR_PRESENTER_'));
     $tid = I('tid', 0, 'intval');
     $topicModel = D('Topic');
     $topic = $topicModel->find($tid);
     if ($topic) {
         if ($topic['uadmin']) {
             $this->error(L('_FAIL_APPLY_') . L('_PERIOD_'));
         } else {
             if (is_administrator() || check_auth('Weibo/Topic/beAdmin')) {
                 $topic['uadmin'] = is_login();
                 $result = $topicModel->save($topic);
                 if ($result) {
                     $this->success(L('_SUCCESS_BECOME_PRESENTER_') . L('_PERIOD_'), 'refresh');
                 } else {
                     $this->error(L('_FAIL_OPERATION_') . L('_PERIOD_'));
             } else {
                 $this->error(L('_ERROR_AUTHORITY_LACK_FOR_APPLY_PRESENTER_') . L('_PERIOD_'));
     } else {
         $this->error(L('_ERROR_TOPIC_INEXISTENT_') . L('_PERIOD_'));
 public function beAdmin()
     if (!is_login()) {
     $this->checkAuth(null, -1, '没有权限成为主持人');
     $tid = I('tid', 0, 'intval');
     $topicModel = D('Topic');
     $topic = $topicModel->find($tid);
     if ($topic) {
         if ($topic['uadmin']) {
         } else {
             if (is_administrator() || check_auth('Weibo/Topic/beAdmin')) {
                 $topic['uadmin'] = is_login();
                 $result = $topicModel->save($topic);
                 if ($result) {
                     $this->success('恭喜,您已抢先成为本话题的主持人。', 'refresh');
                 } else {
             } else {
     } else {
  * 前台台控制器初始化
 protected function _initialize()
     // plugin('Fangke');
     /* 读取数据库中的配置 */
     $config = F('DB_CONFIG_DATA');
     if (!$config || APP_DEBUG) {
         $config = api('Config/lists');
         F('DB_CONFIG_DATA', $config);
     C('TMPL_PARSE_STRING', array('__STATIC__' => __ROOT__ . '/Public/Static', '__IMG__' => __ROOT__ . '/Public/' . MODULE_NAME . '/' . C('DEFAULT_THEME') . '/images', '__CSS__' => __ROOT__ . '/Public/' . MODULE_NAME . '/' . C('DEFAULT_THEME') . '/css', '__JS__' => __ROOT__ . '/Public/' . MODULE_NAME . '/' . C('DEFAULT_THEME') . '/js'));
     defined('__DB_PREFIX__') or define('__DB_PREFIX__', C('DB_PREFIX'));
     defined('UID') or define('UID', is_login());
     if (C('WEB_SITE_CLOSE') && UID != 1) {
     $str = run_plugin_method('Spider', 'addinfo');
     if (UID) {
         $uinfo = session('uinfo');
         $map[get_account_type($uinfo['username'])] = $uinfo['username'];
         $jin = __DB_PREFIX__ . "member_group as a on " . __DB_PREFIX__ . "member.member_group_id=a.member_group_id";
         $field = "*," . __DB_PREFIX__ . "member.status as status";
         $user = D('Member')->field($field)->where($map)->join($jin)->find();
         session('uinfo', $user);
         $this->assign('uinfo', $user);
  * @param $path string 例如 Travel/detail/12
  * @param $uid int 评论给谁?
  * @author caipeichao
 public function localComment($param)
     $path = $param['path'];
     $aPath = explode('/', $path);
     $app = $aPath[0];
     $mod = $aPath[1];
     $row_id = $aPath[2];
     $count = modC($mod . '_LOCAL_COMMENT_COUNT', 10, $app);
     $list = $this->getCommentList($app, $mod, $row_id, 1, $count);
     $total_count = $this->getCommentCount($app, $mod, $row_id);
     foreach ($list as &$e) {
         $e['user'] = query_user(array('uid', 'avatar32', 'nickname', 'space_url'), $e['uid']);
     $pageCount = ceil($total_count / $count);
     $pageHtml = getPageHtml('local_comment_page', $pageCount, array('app' => $app, 'mod' => $mod, 'row_id' => $row_id), 1);
     $can_guest = modC($mod . '_LOCAL_COMMENT_CAN_GUEST', 1, $app);
     $this->assign('can_guest', $can_guest);
     $this->assign('pageHtml', $pageHtml);
     $this->assign('list', $list);
     $this->assign('total_count', $total_count);
     $this->assign('count', $count);
     $this->assign('app', $app);
     $this->assign('mod', $mod);
     $this->assign('row_id', $row_id);
     $this->assign('myInfo', query_user(array('avatar32', 'nickname', 'uid', 'space_url'), is_login()));
  * 用户信息初始化
  * @access private
  * @return void
 private function initUser()
     if (!D('UserUser')->isLogged()) {
         return false;
     $this->uid = is_login();
Beispiel #25
 * send_comment_message 发送评论消息
 * @param $uid
 * @param $weibo_id
 * @param $message
 * @author:xjw129xjt(肖骏涛)
function send_comment_message($uid, $weibo_id, $message)
    $title = '评论消息';
    $from_uid = is_login();
    $type = 1;
    D('Common/Message')->sendMessage($uid, $title, $message, 'Weibo/Index/weiboDetail', array('id' => $weibo_id), $from_uid, $type);
  * 登陆后回调地址
  * autor:xjw129xjt
 public function callback()
     $code = I('get.code');
     $type = I('get.type');
     $is_login = is_login();
     $sns = \ThinkOauth::getInstance($type);
     $extend = null;
     if ($type == 'tencent') {
         $extend = array('openid' => I('get.openid'), 'openkey' => I('get.openkey'));
     $token = $sns->getAccessToken($code, $extend);
     session('SYNCLOGIN_TOKEN', $token);
     session('SYNCLOGIN_TYPE', $type);
     session('SYNCLOGIN_OPENID', $token['openid']);
     session('SYNCLOGIN_ACCESS_TOKEN', $token['access_token']);
     $check = D('sync_login')->where("`type_uid`='" . $token['openid'] . "' AND type='" . $type . "'")->select();
     $addon_config = get_addon_config('SyncLogin');
     if ($is_login) {
     } else {
         if ($addon_config['bind'] && !$check) {
         } else {
 public function getAvatar($uid = 0, $size = 256)
     $avatar = D('avatar')->where(array('uid' => $uid, 'status' => 1, 'is_temp' => 0))->find();
     if ($avatar) {
         if ($avatar['driver'] == 'local') {
             $avatar_path = "/Uploads/Avatar" . $avatar['path'];
             return $this->getImageUrlByPath($avatar_path, $size);
         } else {
             $new_img = $avatar['path'];
             $name = get_addon_class($avatar['driver']);
             if (class_exists($name)) {
                 $class = new $name();
                 if (method_exists($class, 'thumb')) {
                     $new_img = $class->thumb($avatar['path'], $size, $size);
             return $new_img;
     } else {
         if ($uid == session('temp_login_uid') || $uid == is_login()) {
             $role_id = session('temp_login_role_id') ? session('temp_login_role_id') : get_role_id();
         } else {
             $role_id = query_user('show_role', $uid);
         return $this->getImageUrlByRoleId($role_id, $size);
Beispiel #28
  * callback  登陆后回调地址
  * @author:xjw129xjt(肖骏涛)
 public function callback()
     $code = I('get.code');
     $type = I('get.type');
     $is_login = is_login();
     $sns = \ThinkOauth::getInstance($type);
     $extend = null;
     if ($type == 'tencent') {
         $extend = array('openid' => I('get.openid'), 'openkey' => I('get.openkey'));
     $token = $sns->getAccessToken($code, $extend);
     if (empty($token)) {
     $session = array('TOKEN' => $token, 'TYPE' => $type, 'OPENID' => $token['openid'], 'ACCESS_TOKEN' => $token['access_token']);
     session('SYNCLOGIN', $session);
     if ($is_login) {
     } else {
         $addon_config = get_addon_config('SyncLogin');
         $check = $this->checkIsSync(array('type_uid' => $token['openid'], 'type' => $type));
         if ($addon_config['bind'] && !$check) {
         } else {
 public function login($username = null, $password = null, $verify = null)
     if (IS_POST) {
         $db = M('user');
         $map['name'] = $username;
         $map['password'] = md5($password);
         $userInfo = $db->where($map)->find();
         if (!$userInfo) {
         $_SESSION['userid'] = $userInfo['id'];
         $_SESSION['username'] = $userInfo['name'];
         $_SESSION['truename'] = $userInfo['name'];
         $_SESSION['usertype'] = $userInfo['usertype'];
         $_SESSION['studentid'] = $userInfo['studentid'];
         $this->success('登录成功!', U('Index/index'));
     } else {
         if (is_login()) {
         } else {
Beispiel #30
 public function send_mail($to, $type)
     $uid = is_login();
     if ($type == 1) {
         $map['id'] = array('neq', $uid);
         $map['email'] = $to;
         $r = M('ucenter_member')->where($map)->find();
         if ($r != '') {
         $name = get_username($uid);
         $subject = C('WEB_SITE') . '邮箱验证邮件';
         $body = '请点击以下链接完成邮箱验证,有效时间为5分钟:<br />' . "http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}" . U('Userbase/yzmail', array('uid' => think_encrypt($uid, '', 3000), 'mail' => think_encrypt($to, '', 3000)));
     if ($type == 2) {
         $subject = C('WEB_SITE') . ':恭喜您,注册成功!';
         $body = C('MAIL_USER_REG');
         $name = get_username($uid);
     $res = send_mail($to, $subject, $body, $name, $attachment);
     if ($res == 1) {
     } else {