function upload_avatar() { global $avatars_path; global $system; global $avatar_h; global $avatar_w; if (isset($_POST['upload_avatar']) and $_POST['upload_avatar'] == "true" and is_images($_FILES['avatar']['name'])) { $avarez = getimagesize($_FILES['avatar']['tmp_name']); $uploadfile = $avatars_path . $system->user['username'] . '.img'; if ($avarez[0] <= "{$avatar_w}" and $avarez[1] <= "{$avatar_h}") { if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['avatar']['tmp_name'], $uploadfile)) { show_window(__('Result'), __('Avatar filesucefully uploaded'), 'center'); $config_ext = parse_ini_file(CONFIG_PATH . 'adminpanel.ini'); if ($config_ext['chmod_on']) { chmod($uploadfile, octdec($config_ext['chmod'])); } return $_FILES['avatar']['name']; } } else { show_window(__('Result'), __('Your avatar don\'t meet our requirements'), 'center'); } } }
foreach ($elements as $file) { $filename = $user_path . $file; $filedata = @stat($filename); if (@is_dir($filename)) { if ($file == '.') { continue; } //$filename = $start_path . $file;; $filedata[7] = ''; $link = '<a href="' . $url_inc . '&path=' . $filename . '" title="' . __('Show') . '"><img src="' . IMAGES_PATH . 'skins/folder.png"/> ' . $file . '</a>'; $loadlink = ''; $style = 'row2'; $alert = $file != '.' ? 'onClick="if(confirm(\'' . __('Are you sure you want to delete this directory (recursively)?') . '\\n /' . $file . '\')) document.location.href = \'' . $url_inc . '&delete=' . $file . '&path=' . $user_path . '\'"' : ($alert = ''); } else { $link_img = str_replace(realpath(RCMS_ROOT_PATH) . '/', RCMS_ROOT_PATH, $user_path); if (is_images($filename)) { $link = '<a href="' . $link_img . $file . '" class="gallery" title="' . $file . '"><img src="' . IMAGES_PATH . 'skins/view.gif" > ' . $file . '</a>'; } else { continue; } $style = 'row1'; $alert = 'onClick="if(confirm(\'' . __('File selected') . ': \\n' . $file . '. \\n' . __('Are you sure you want to delete this file?') . '\')) document.location.href = \'' . $url_inc . '&delete=' . $file . '&path=' . $user_path . '\';else return false;"'; $opener = 'onClick="window.opener.document.getElementById(\'' . get('ins') . '\').value += \'[img]\'+\'' . $link_img . $file . '\'+\'[/img]\';' . (!empty($lightbox_config['close_by_clicking']) ? 'window.close();' : '') . ' return false; "'; $insertlink = get('ins') ? '<a href="' . $link_img . $file . '" class="btnmain" ' . $opener . '>' . __('Insert') . '</a>' : ''; } $deletelink = user_can_delete($file) ? '<a href="' . $url_inc . '&delete=' . $file . '&path=' . $user_path . '" class="btnmain" ' . $alert . '>' . __('Delete') . '</a>' : ''; ?> <tr> <td class="<?php echo $style; ?>
function upload_avatar() { global $avatars_path; global $system; global $avatar_h; global $avatar_w; if (isset($_POST['upload_avatar']) and $_POST['upload_avatar'] == "true" and is_images($_FILES['avatar']['name'])) { $avarez = getimagesize($_FILES['avatar']['tmp_name']); $img = $avarez[2]; switch ($img) { case "1": $img = 'gif'; break; case "2": $img = 'jpg'; break; case "3": $img = 'png'; break; default: $img = 'Too big - deleted!'; break; } //show_window(__('Uploaded images'),'width = '.$avarez[0].' px, '.'height = '.$avarez[1].' px, '.' image: '.$img,'center'); if ($avarez[0] <= "{$avatar_w}" and $avarez[1] <= "{$avatar_h}") { $uploadfile = $avatars_path . $system->user['username']; $exttmp = strtolower(substr(strrev($_FILES['avatar']['name']), 0, 4)); $ext = $exttmp; $ext[0] = $exttmp[2]; $ext[2] = $exttmp[0]; $ext = substr($ext, 0, 3); $tmpupl = $uploadfile; $uploadfile = $uploadfile . '.' . $ext; if ($ext == 'gif' and $img != 'Too big - deleted!') { if (file_exists($tmpupl . '.jpg')) { rcms_delete_files($tmpupl . '.jpg'); } if (file_exists($tmpupl . '.png')) { rcms_delete_files($tmpupl . '.png'); } } if ($ext == 'jpg' and $img != 'Too big - deleted!') { if (file_exists($tmpupl . '.gif')) { rcms_delete_files($tmpupl . '.gif'); } if (file_exists($tmpupl . '.png')) { rcms_delete_files($tmpupl . '.png'); } } if ($ext == 'png' and $img != 'Too big - deleted!') { if (file_exists($tmpupl . '.gif')) { rcms_delete_files($tmpupl . '.gif'); } if (file_exists($tmpupl . '.jpg')) { rcms_delete_files($tmpupl . '.jpg'); } } if (@move_uploaded_file($_FILES['avatar']['tmp_name'], $uploadfile)) { show_window(__('Result'), __('Avatar filesuccessfully uploaded'), 'center'); $config_ext = parse_ini_file(CONFIG_PATH . 'adminpanel.ini'); if ($config_ext['chmod_on']) { chmod($uploadfile, octdec($config_ext['chmod'])); return $_FILES['avatar']['name']; } } else { show_window(__('Result'), __('Your avatar don\'t meet our requirements'), 'center'); } } } else { show_window(__('Result'), __('Your avatar don\'t meet our requirements'), 'center'); } }