Beispiel #1
 foreach ($stateList as $code => $value) {
     $eshopstatelist[$value['id']] = $value['code'];
 foreach ($_POST as $name => $value) {
     //have to do a discount code check here - otherwise things just don't work - but fine for free shipping codes
     if (strstr($name, 'amount_')) {
         if (isset($_SESSION['eshop_discount' . $blog_id]) && eshop_discount_codes_check()) {
             $chkcode = valid_eshop_discount_code($_SESSION['eshop_discount' . $blog_id]);
             if ($chkcode && apply_eshop_discount_code('discount') > 0) {
                 $discount = apply_eshop_discount_code('discount') / 100;
                 $value = number_format(round($value - $value * $discount, 2), 2);
                 $vset = 'yes';
         if (is_discountable(calculate_total()) != 0 && !isset($vset)) {
             $discount = is_discountable(calculate_total()) / 100;
             $value = number_format(round($value - $value * $discount, 2), 2);
     if (sizeof($stateList) > 0 && ($name == 'state' || $name == 'ship_state')) {
         if ($value != '') {
             $value = $eshopstatelist[$value];
     $p->add_field($name, $value);
 //	$p->add_field('return_method','2'); //1=GET 2=POST
 // was return method now rm - go figure.
 $p->add_field('rm', '2');
 //1=GET 2=POST
 //settings in paypal/index.php to change these
    function display_cart($shopcart, $change, $eshopcheckout, $pzone = '', $shiparray = '')
        //The cart display.
        global $wpdb, $blog_id, $eshopoptions;
        if (!isset($_SESSION['shipping' . $blog_id]) || !is_array($_SESSION['shipping' . $blog_id])) {
            $_SESSION['shipping' . $blog_id] = array();
        if ($pzone == 'widget') {
            $pzone = '';
            $iswidget = 'w';
        } else {
            $iswidget = '';
        $echo = '';
        $check = 0;
        $sub_total = 0;
        $tempshiparray = array();
        //this checks for an empty cart, may not be required but leaving in just in case.
        $eshopcartarray = $_SESSION['eshopcart' . $blog_id];
        if ($change == true) {
            if (isset($_SESSION['eshop_discount' . $blog_id])) {
                unset($_SESSION['eshop_discount' . $blog_id]);
        foreach ($eshopcartarray as $productid => $opt) {
            if (is_array($opt)) {
                foreach ($opt as $qty) {
                    $check = $check + $qty;
        //therefore if cart exists and has products
        if ($check > 0) {
            //global $final_price, $sub_total;
            // no fieldset/legend added - do we need it?
            if ($change == 'true') {
                $echo .= '<form action="' . get_permalink($eshopoptions['cart']) . '" method="post" id="eshopcartform" class="eshop eshopcart">';
            $echo .= '<table class="eshop cart" summary="' . __('Shopping cart contents overview', 'eshop') . '">
			<caption>' . __('Shopping Cart', 'eshop') . '</caption>
			<tr class="thead">';
            $echo .= '<th id="cartItem' . $iswidget . '" class="nb">' . __('Item Description', 'eshop') . '</th>
			<th id="cartQty' . $iswidget . '" class="bt">' . __('<abbr title="Quantity">Qty</abbr>', 'eshop') . '</th>';
            $totalstring = __('Sub-Total', 'eshop');
            $echo .= '<th id="cartTotal' . $iswidget . '" class="btbr">' . $totalstring . '</th>';
            $etax = $eshopoptions['etax'];
            if ($pzone != '' && isset($eshopoptions['tax']) && $eshopoptions['tax'] == '1' || 'yes' == $eshopoptions['downloads_only'] && isset($etax['unknown']) && $etax['unknown'] != '') {
                $echo .= '<th id="carttax" class="bt">' . __('Tax %', 'eshop') . '</th>
				<th id="carttaxamt" class="btbr">' . __('Tax Amt', 'eshop') . '</th>';
            if ($iswidget == '' && $change == 'true') {
                $eshopdeleteheaderimage = apply_filters('eshop_delete_header_image', WP_PLUGIN_URL . '/eshop/no.png');
                $echo .= '<th id="cartDelete" class="btbr"><img src="' . $eshopdeleteheaderimage . '" alt="' . __('Delete', 'eshop') . '" title="' . __('Delete', 'eshop') . '" /></th>';
            $echo .= '</tr></thead><tbody>';
            //display each item as a table row
            $calt = 0;
            $shipping = 0;
            $totalweight = 0;
            $taxtotal = 0;
            $currsymbol = $eshopoptions['currency_symbol'];
            $eshopcartarray = $_SESSION['eshopcart' . $blog_id];
            foreach ($eshopcartarray as $productid => $opt) {
                $addoprice = 0;
                if (is_array($opt)) {
                    $key = $opt['option'];
                    $alt = $calt % 2 ? '' : ' class="alt"';
                    $echo .= "\n<tr" . $alt . ">";
                    //do the math for weight
                    $eshop_product = maybe_unserialize(get_post_meta($opt['postid'], '_eshop_product', true));
                    $eimg = '';
                    /* image insertion */
                    if (is_numeric($eshopoptions['image_in_cart']) || isset($eshopoptions['widget_cart_type']) && $eshopoptions['widget_cart_type'] <= '1' && $iswidget == 'w') {
                        $imgsize = $eshopoptions['image_in_cart'];
                        if ($iswidget == 'w') {
                            $imgsize = $eshopoptions['widget_cart_img'];
                            if ($imgsize == '') {
                                $imgsize = 100;
                        $w = get_option('thumbnail_size_w');
                        $h = get_option('thumbnail_size_h');
                        if ($imgsize != '') {
                            $w = round($w * $imgsize / 100);
                            $h = round($h * $imgsize / 100);
                        if (has_post_thumbnail($opt['postid'])) {
                            $eimg = '<a class="itemref" href="' . get_permalink($opt['postid']) . '">' . get_the_post_thumbnail($opt['postid'], array($w, $h)) . '</a>' . "\n";
                        } else {
                            $eimage = eshop_files_directory();
                            $eshopnoimage = apply_filters('eshop_no_image', $eimage['1'] . 'noimage.png');
                            $eimg = '<a class="itemref" href="' . get_permalink($opt['postid']) . '"><img src="' . $eshopnoimage . '" height="' . $h . '" width="' . $w . '" alt="" /></a>' . "\n";
                    /* end */
                    if (isset($opt['optset'])) {
                        $data['optset'] = $opt['optset'];
                        $data['addoprice'] = $addoprice;
                        $data = eshop_parse_optsets($data);
                        $optset = '<span class="eshopoptsets">' . $data['optset'] . '</span>';
                        $addoprice = $data['addoprice'];
                    } else {
                        $optset = '';
                    $echooptset = apply_filters('eshop_optset_cart_display', $optset);
                    if (!has_filter('eshop_optset_cart_display')) {
                        $echooptset = nl2br($optset);
                    $textdesc = '<a href="' . get_permalink($opt['postid']) . '">' . stripslashes($opt["pname"]) . ' <span class="eshopidetails">(' . $opt['pid'] . ' : ' . stripslashes($opt['item']) . ')</span></a>' . $echooptset;
                    $echoimg = $eimg;
                    if (isset($eshopoptions['widget_cart_type']) && $eshopoptions['widget_cart_type'] == '1' && $iswidget == 'w') {
                        $textdesc = '';
                    if ($iswidget == 'w' && isset($eshopoptions['widget_cart_type']) && $eshopoptions['widget_cart_type'] == '2') {
                        $echoimg = '';
                    $echo .= '<td id="prod' . $calt . $iswidget . '" headers="cartItem' . $iswidget . '" class="leftb cartitem">' . $echoimg . $textdesc . '</td>' . "\n";
                    $echo .= "<td class=\"cqty lb\" headers=\"cartQty{$iswidget} prod" . $calt . $iswidget . "\">";
                    // if we allow changes, quantities are in text boxes
                    if ($change == true) {
                        //generate acceptable id
                        //$toreplace=array(" ","-","$","\r","\r\n","\n","\\","&","#",";");
                        $accid = $productid . $key;
                        $accid = 'c' . md5($accid);
                        //str_replace($toreplace, "", $accid);
                        $echo .= '<label for="' . $accid . $iswidget . '"><input class="short" type="text" id="' . $accid . $iswidget . '" name="' . $productid . '[' . $key . ']" value="' . $opt["qty"] . '" size="3" maxlength="3" /></label>';
                    } else {
                        $echo .= $opt["qty"];
                    /* DISCOUNT */
                    $opt["price"] += $addoprice;
                    if (is_discountable(calculate_total()) > 0) {
                        $discount = is_discountable(calculate_total()) / 100;
                        $disc_line = round($opt["price"] - $opt["price"] * $discount, 2);
                    $eline = $line_total = $opt["price"] * $opt["qty"];
                    if (isset($disc_line)) {
                        $eline = $disc_line * $opt["qty"];
                    $echo .= "</td>\n<td headers=\"cartTotal{$iswidget} prod" . $calt . $iswidget . "\" class=\"amts\">" . sprintf(__('%1$s%2$s', 'eshop'), $currsymbol, number_format_i18n($eline, __('2', 'eshop'))) . "</td>\n";
                    $etax = $eshopoptions['etax'];
                    if ($pzone != '' && isset($eshopoptions['tax']) && $eshopoptions['tax'] == '1' || 'yes' == $eshopoptions['downloads_only'] && isset($etax['unknown']) && $etax['unknown'] != '') {
                        if (isset($eshop_product['products'][$opt['option']]['tax']) && $eshop_product['products'][$opt['option']]['tax'] != '' && $eshop_product['products'][$opt['option']]['tax'] != '0') {
                            if ($pzone != '') {
                                $taxrate = eshop_get_tax_rate($eshop_product['products'][$opt['option']]['tax'], $pzone);
                            } else {
                                $taxrate = $etax['unknown'];
                            $ttotax = $line_total;
                            if (isset($disc_line)) {
                                $ttotax = $disc_line * $opt["qty"];
                            $taxamt = round($ttotax * $taxrate / 100, 2);
                            $echo .= '<td>' . $taxrate . '</td><td>' . sprintf(__('%1$s%2$s', 'eshop'), $currsymbol, number_format_i18n($taxamt, __('2', 'eshop'))) . '</td>';
                            $taxtotal += $taxamt;
                            $_SESSION['eshopcart' . $blog_id][$productid]['tax_rate'] = $taxrate;
                            $_SESSION['eshopcart' . $blog_id][$productid]['tax_amt'] = $taxamt;
                        } else {
                            $echo .= '<td></td><td></td>';
                    if ($iswidget == '' && $change == 'true') {
                        $eshopdeleteimage = apply_filters('eshop_delete_image', WP_PLUGIN_URL . '/eshop/no.png');
                        $echo .= '<td headers="cartDelete" class="deletecartitem"><label for="delete' . $productid . $iswidget . '" class="hide">' . __('Delete this item', 'eshop') . '</label><input type="image" src="' . $eshopdeleteimage . '" id="delete' . $productid . $iswidget . '" name="eshopdeleteitem[' . $productid . ']" value="' . $opt["qty"] . '" title="' . __('Delete this item', 'eshop') . '"/></td>';
                    $echo .= "</tr>\n";
                    if (isset($disc_line)) {
                        $sub_total += $disc_line * $opt["qty"];
                    } else {
                        $sub_total += $line_total;
                    if (isset($opt['weight'])) {
                        $totalweight += $opt['weight'] * $opt['qty'];
            // display subtotal row - total for products only
            $disc_applied = '';
            if (is_discountable(calculate_total()) > 0) {
                $discount = is_discountable(calculate_total());
                $disc_applied = '<small>(' . sprintf(__('Including Discount of <span>%s%%</span>', 'eshop'), number_format_i18n(round($discount, 2), 2)) . ')</small>';
            if ($iswidget == '' && $change == 'true') {
                $emptycell = '<td headers="cartDelete" class="eshopempty"></td>';
            } else {
                $emptycell = '';
            if ($pzone != '' && isset($taxtotal) && isset($eshopoptions['tax']) && $eshopoptions['tax'] == '1' || 'yes' == $eshopoptions['downloads_only'] && isset($etax['unknown']) && $etax['unknown'] != '') {
                $emptycell = '<td headers="subtotal carttaxamt" class="amts lb" colspan="2">' . sprintf(__('%1$s%2$s', 'eshop'), $currsymbol, number_format_i18n($taxtotal, __('2', 'eshop'))) . '</td>';
            $echo .= "<tr class=\"stotal\"><th id=\"subtotal{$iswidget}\" class=\"leftb\">" . __('Sub-Total', 'eshop') . ' ' . $disc_applied . "</th><td headers=\"subtotal{$iswidget} cartTotal{$iswidget}\" class=\"amts lb\" colspan=\"2\">" . sprintf(__('%1$s%2$s', 'eshop'), $currsymbol, number_format_i18n($sub_total, __('2', 'eshop'))) . "</td>{$emptycell}</tr>\n";
            $final_price = $sub_total;
            $_SESSION['final_price' . $blog_id] = $final_price;
            // SHIPPING PRICE HERE
            $shipping = 0;
            //$pzone will only be set after the checkout address fields have been filled in
            // we can only work out shipping after that point
            if ($pzone != '' || 'yes' == $eshopoptions['downloads_only'] && isset($etax['unknown']) && $etax['unknown'] != '') {
                if ($pzone != '') {
                    //shipping for cart.
                    if ($eshopoptions['shipping_zone'] == 'country') {
                        $table = $wpdb->prefix . 'eshop_countries';
                    } else {
                        $table = $wpdb->prefix . 'eshop_states';
                    $table2 = $wpdb->prefix . 'eshop_rates';
                    switch ($eshopoptions['shipping']) {
                        case '1':
                            //( per quantity of 1, prices reduced for additional items )
                            foreach ($shiparray as $nowt => $shipclass) {
                                //add to temp array for shipping
                                if (!in_array($shipclass, $tempshiparray)) {
                                    if ($shipclass != 'F') {
                                        array_push($tempshiparray, $shipclass);
                                        $shipzone = 'zone' . $pzone;
                                        $shipcost = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT {$shipzone} FROM {$table2} WHERE class='{$shipclass}' and items='1' and rate_type='shipping' limit 1");
                                        $shipping += $shipcost;
                                } else {
                                    if ($shipclass != 'F') {
                                        $shipzone = 'zone' . $pzone;
                                        $shipcost = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT {$shipzone} FROM {$table2} WHERE class='{$shipclass}'  and items='2' and rate_type='shipping' limit 1");
                                        $shipping += $shipcost;
                        case '2':
                            //( once per shipping class no matter what quantity is ordered )
                            foreach ($shiparray as $nowt => $shipclass) {
                                if (!in_array($shipclass, $tempshiparray)) {
                                    array_push($tempshiparray, $shipclass);
                                    if ($shipclass != 'F') {
                                        $shipzone = 'zone' . $pzone;
                                        $shipcost = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT {$shipzone} FROM {$table2} WHERE class='{$shipclass}' and items='1' and rate_type='shipping' limit 1");
                                        $shipping += $shipcost;
                        case '3':
                            //( one overall charge no matter how many are ordered )
                            $shiparray = array_unique($shiparray);
                            foreach ($shiparray as $nowt => $shipclass) {
                                if ($shipclass != 'F') {
                                    $shipzone = 'zone' . $pzone;
                                    $shipcost = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT {$shipzone} FROM {$table2} WHERE class='A' and items='1' and rate_type='shipping' limit 1");
                                    $shipping += $shipcost;
                        case '4':
                            //by weight/zone etc
                            $shipzone = 'zone' . $pzone;
                            $shipcost = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT {$shipzone} FROM {$table2} where weight <= '{$totalweight}' && class='{$shiparray}' and rate_type='ship_weight' order by weight DESC limit 1");
                            $shipping += $shipcost;
                            $_SESSION['eshopshiptype' . $blog_id] = $shiparray;
                    //display shipping cost
                    //discount shipping?
                    if (is_shipfree(calculate_total()) || eshop_only_downloads()) {
                        $shipping = 0;
                    $echo .= '<tr class="alt shippingrow"><th headers="cartItem' . $iswidget . '" id="scharge" class="leftb">';
                    if ($eshopoptions['shipping'] == '4' && !eshop_only_downloads() && $shiparray != '0') {
                        $eshopoptions['ship_types'] = trim($eshopoptions['ship_types']);
                        $typearr = explode("\n", $eshopoptions['ship_types']);
                        //darn, had to add in unique to be able to go back a page
                        $echo .= ' <a href="' . get_permalink($eshopoptions['checkout']) . '?eshoprand=' . rand(2, 100) . '#shiplegend" title="' . __('Change Shipping', 'eshop') . '">' . stripslashes(esc_attr($typearr[$shiparray - 1])) . '</a> ';
                    } else {
                        $echo .= __('Shipping', 'eshop');
                    if ($eshopoptions['cart_shipping'] != '') {
                        $ptitle = get_post($eshopoptions['cart_shipping']);
                        $echo .= ' <small>(<a href="' . get_permalink($eshopoptions['cart_shipping']) . '">' . __($ptitle->post_title, 'eshop') . '</a>)</small>';
                    $echo .= '</th>
					<td headers="cartItem scharge" class="amts lb" colspan="2">' . sprintf(__('%1$s%2$s', 'eshop'), $currsymbol, number_format_i18n($shipping, __('2', 'eshop'))) . '</td>';
                    if ($pzone != '' && isset($taxtotal) && isset($eshopoptions['tax']) && $eshopoptions['tax'] == '1') {
                        $taxrate = eshop_get_tax_rate($eshopoptions['etax']['shipping'], $pzone);
                        $ttotax = $shipping;
                        $taxamt = round($ttotax * $taxrate / 100, 2);
                        $taxtext = '';
                        if ($taxamt > '0.00') {
                            $taxtext = sprintf(__('%1$s%2$s', 'eshop'), $currsymbol, number_format_i18n($taxamt, __('2', 'eshop')));
                        $echo .= '<td>' . $taxrate . '</td><td>' . $taxtext . '</td>';
                        $shiptax = $taxamt;
                        $_SESSION['shipping' . $blog_id]['tax'] = $shiptax;
                        $_SESSION['shipping' . $blog_id]['taxrate'] = $taxrate;
                    $echo .= '</tr>';
                    $_SESSION['shipping' . $blog_id]['cost'] = $shipping;
                    $final_price = $sub_total + $shipping;
                    $_SESSION['final_price' . $blog_id] = $final_price;
                $excltax = '';
                if (isset($taxtotal) && isset($eshopoptions['tax']) && $eshopoptions['tax'] == '1') {
                    $excltax = __('(', 'eshop');
                $echo .= '<tr class="total"><th id="cTotal' . $iswidget . '" class="leftb">' . __('Total Order Charges', 'eshop') . "</th>\n<td headers=\"cTotal{$iswidget} cartTotal{$iswidget}\"  colspan=\"2\" class = \"amts lb\"><strong>" . sprintf(__('%1$s%2$s <span>%3$s</span>', 'eshop'), $currsymbol, number_format_i18n($final_price, __('2', 'eshop')), $excltax) . "</strong></td>";
                if (isset($shiptax) && isset($eshopoptions['tax']) && $eshopoptions['tax'] == '1') {
                    $withtax = $final_price + $shiptax + $taxtotal;
                if ('yes' == $eshopoptions['downloads_only'] && isset($etax['unknown']) && $etax['unknown'] != '') {
                    $withtax = $final_price + $taxtotal;
                if (isset($eshopoptions['tax']) && $eshopoptions['tax'] == '1') {
                    $echo .= '<td headers="taxtotal" class="taxttotal amts lb" colspan="2"><strong>' . sprintf(__('%1$s%2$s <span>%3$s</span>', 'eshop'), $currsymbol, number_format_i18n($withtax, __('2', 'eshop')), __('(', 'eshop')) . '</strong></td>';
                $echo .= "</tr>";
            $echo .= "</tbody></table>\n";
            // display unset/update buttons
            if ($change == true) {
                $echo .= "<div class=\"cartopt\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"save\" value=\"true\" />\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"eshopnon\" value=\"set\" />\n";
                $echo .= wp_nonce_field('eshop_add_product_cart', '_wpnonce', true, false);
                $echo .= "<p><label for=\"update\"><input type=\"submit\" class=\"button\" id=\"update\" name=\"update\" value=\"" . __('Update Cart', 'eshop') . "\" /></label>";
                $echo .= "<label for=\"unset\"><input type=\"submit\" class=\"button\" id=\"unset\" name=\"unset\" value=\"" . __('Empty Cart', 'eshop') . "\" /></label></p>\n";
                $echo .= "</div>\n";
            if ($change == 'true') {
                $echo .= "</form>\n";
        } else {
            //if cart is empty - display a message - this is only a double check and should never be hit
            $echo .= "<p class=\"eshoperror error\">" . __('Your shopping cart is currently empty.', 'eshop') . "</p>\n";
        if ($eshopoptions['status'] != 'live') {
            $echo = "<p class=\"testing\"><strong>" . __('Test Mode &#8212; No money will be collected.', 'eshop') . "</strong></p>\n" . $echo;
        if (isset($_SESSION['eshop_discount' . $blog_id]) && valid_eshop_discount_code($_SESSION['eshop_discount' . $blog_id])) {
            $echo .= '<p class="eshop_dcode">' . sprintf(__('Discount Code <span>%s</span> has been applied to your cart.', 'eshop'), $_SESSION['eshop_discount' . $blog_id]) . '</p>' . "\n";
        if (isset($totalweight)) {
            $_SESSION['eshop_totalweight' . $blog_id]['totalweight'] = $totalweight;
        if ($iswidget == 'w') {
            $echo .= '<br /><a class="cartlink" href="' . get_permalink($eshopoptions['cart']) . '">' . __('Edit Cart', 'eshop') . '</a>';
            $echo .= '<br /><a class="checkoutlink" href="' . get_permalink($eshopoptions['checkout']) . '">' . __('Checkout', 'eshop') . '</a>';
        return $echo;