<p> <a href="<?php book_url(); ?> "><img src="<?php book_image(); ?> " alt="<?php book_title(); ?> " /></a> </p> <?php if (!is_custom_book()) { ?> <p>You can view this book's Amazon detail page <a href="<?php book_url(); ?> ">here</a>.</p> <?php } ?> <?php if (book_has_post()) { ?> <p>This book is linked with the post <a href="<?php book_post_url(); ?>
/** * Prints a URL to the book's Amazon detail page. If the book is a custom one, it will print a URL to the book's permalink page. * @param bool $echo Whether or not to echo the results. * @param string $domain The Amazon domain to link to. If ommitted, the default domain will be used. * @see book_permalink() * @see is_custom_book() */ function book_url($echo = true, $domain = null) { global $book; $options = get_option('nowReadingOptions'); if (empty($domain)) { $domain = $options['domain']; } if (is_custom_book()) { return book_permalink($echo); } else { $url = apply_filters('book_url', "http://www.amazon{$domain}/exec/obidos/ASIN/{$book->asin}/ref=nosim/{$options['associate']}"); if ($echo) { echo $url; } return $url; } }
<span class="icon"> </span> <a href="<?php book_edit_url(); ?>">Edit this book</a> </div> <div class="manage"> <span class="icon"> </span> <a href="<?php manage_library_url(); ?>"><?php _e('Manage Books', 'suffusion');?></a> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <div class="bookentry fix"> <div class="stats"> <a href="<?php book_url(); ?>" title="<?php if (!is_custom_book()) { ?>Buy <?php echo esc_attr(book_title(false));?> from Amazon<?php }?>"><img src="<?php book_image(); ?>" alt="<?php echo esc_attr(book_title(false)); ?>" /></a> <br /> <p> <?php if ($suf_nr_single_added_show == 'show') { echo $suf_nr_single_added_text; echo book_added(false); ?> </p> <p> <?php } if ($suf_nr_single_started_show == 'show') { echo $suf_nr_single_started_text; echo book_started(false); ?>
<?php if( can_now_reading_admin() ) : ?> <p>Admin: » <a href="<?php manage_library_url() ?>">Manage Books</a> » <a href="<?php book_edit_url() ?>">Edit this book</a></p> <?php endif; ?> <?php library_search_form() ?> <p><a href="<?php library_url() ?>">← Back to library</a></p> <h2><?php book_title() ?></h2> <p>By <a href="<?php book_author_permalink() ?>"><?php book_author() ?></a></p> <p> <a href="<?php book_url() ?>"><img src="<?php book_image() ?>" alt="<?php book_title() ?>" /></a> </p> <?php if( !is_custom_book() ): ?> <p>You can view this book's Amazon detail page <a href="<?php book_url() ?>">here</a>.</p> <?php endif; ?> <?php if( book_has_post() ): ?> <p>This book is linked with the post <a href="<?php book_post_url() ?>">“<?php book_post_title() ?>”</a>.</p> <?php endif; ?> <p>Tags: <?php print_book_tags(1) ?></p> <dl> <dt>Started reading:</dt> <dd><?php book_started() ?></dd> <dt>Finished reading:</dt> <dd><?php book_finished() ?></dd>