protected function _initialize()
     $this->assign("user", session("global_user"));
     if (I('get.activemenuid', 0) !== 0) {
         session('activemenuid', I('get.activemenuid'));
         session('activesubmenuid', 0);
     if (I('get.activesubmenuid', 0) !== 0) {
         session('activesubmenuid', I('get.activesubmenuid'));
     // 是否是超级管理员
     define('IS_ROOT', is_administrator());
     // 当前用户的菜单
     if (defined("APP_DEBUG") && APP_DEBUG) {
         define("APP_VERSION", time());
     } else {
         define("APP_VERSION", C('APP_VERSION'));
     //		if ($this -> checkAuthority() === false) {
     //			$this -> error(L('ERR_NO_PERMISSION'));
     //		}
  * 禁用
 public function disable()
     if (is_administrator(I('uid', 0))) {
 public function beAdmin()
     if (!is_login()) {
         $this->error(L('_ERROR_PLEASE_LOGIN_BEFORE_APPLY_') . L('_PERIOD_'));
     $this->checkAuth(null, -1, L('_INFO_AUTHORITY_LACK_FOR_PRESENTER_'));
     $tid = I('tid', 0, 'intval');
     $topicModel = D('Topic');
     $topic = $topicModel->find($tid);
     if ($topic) {
         if ($topic['uadmin']) {
             $this->error(L('_FAIL_APPLY_') . L('_PERIOD_'));
         } else {
             if (is_administrator() || check_auth('Weibo/Topic/beAdmin')) {
                 $topic['uadmin'] = is_login();
                 $result = $topicModel->save($topic);
                 if ($result) {
                     $this->success(L('_SUCCESS_BECOME_PRESENTER_') . L('_PERIOD_'), 'refresh');
                 } else {
                     $this->error(L('_FAIL_OPERATION_') . L('_PERIOD_'));
             } else {
                 $this->error(L('_ERROR_AUTHORITY_LACK_FOR_APPLY_PRESENTER_') . L('_PERIOD_'));
     } else {
         $this->error(L('_ERROR_TOPIC_INEXISTENT_') . L('_PERIOD_'));
  * 显示指定模型列表数据
 public function lists()
     if (!is_administrator($this->mid)) {
     // 获取模型信息
     $model = $this->model;
     // 搜索条件
     $mp_ids = M('public_link')->where("uid='{$this->mid}'")->getFields('mp_id');
     $map['id'] = 0;
     if (!empty($mp_ids)) {
         $map['id'] = $map3['mp_id'] = array('in', $mp_ids);
         $list = M('public_link')->where($map3)->group('mp_id')->field('mp_id,count(1) as num')->select();
         foreach ($list as $vo) {
             $countArr[$vo['mp_id']] = $vo['num'];
     // 读取模型数据列表
     $name = parse_name(get_table_name($model['id']), true);
     $data = M($name)->field(true)->where($map)->order($order)->select();
     foreach ($data as $d) {
         $d['count'] = $countArr[$d['id']];
         $d['is_creator'] = $d['uid'] == $this->mid ? 1 : 0;
         $listArr[$d['is_creator']][] = $d;
     $list_data['list_data'] = $listArr;
Beispiel #5
function check_access($name = NULL, $value = NULL)
    // This script takes no inputs. Checks if user has access rights to the page
    if (!is_administrator($name, $value)) {
        switch (basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) {
            // Check current page:
            case 'add_post.php':
                $action = 'add a post';
            case 'delete_post.php':
                $action = 'delete a post';
            case 'edit_post.php':
                $action = 'edit a post';
            case 'categories.php':
                $action = 'manage categories';
                $action = 'have admin rights';
        print '<div class="well"><h2>Access Denied!</h2>
		<p class="lead">Please <a href="login.php">log in</a> if you want to ' . $action . '.</p>';
        include 'common/footer.html';
  * 后台控制器初始化
 protected function _initialize()
     // 获取当前用户ID
     if (defined('UID')) {
     define('UID', is_login());
     if (!UID) {
         // 还没登录 跳转到登录页面
     /* 读取数据库中的配置 */
     $config = S('DB_CONFIG_DATA');
     if (!$config) {
         $config = D('Config')->lists();
         S('DB_CONFIG_DATA', $config);
     // 是否是超级管理员
     define('IS_ROOT', is_administrator());
     if (!IS_ROOT && C('ADMIN_ALLOW_IP')) {
         // 检查IP地址访问
         if (!in_array(get_client_ip(), explode(',', C('ADMIN_ALLOW_IP')))) {
 public function beAdmin()
     if (!is_login()) {
     $this->checkAuth(null, -1, '没有权限成为主持人');
     $tid = I('tid', 0, 'intval');
     $topicModel = D('Topic');
     $topic = $topicModel->find($tid);
     if ($topic) {
         if ($topic['uadmin']) {
         } else {
             if (is_administrator() || check_auth('Weibo/Topic/beAdmin')) {
                 $topic['uadmin'] = is_login();
                 $result = $topicModel->save($topic);
                 if ($result) {
                     $this->success('恭喜,您已抢先成为本话题的主持人。', 'refresh');
                 } else {
             } else {
     } else {
 public function _initialize()
     /* 获取用户ID */
     define('UID', is_login());
     /* 判断是否登录 */
     if (!UID) {
     /* 判断是否为超级管理员 */
     define('IS_ROOT', is_administrator());
     /* 检测访问权限 */
     $access = $this->accessControl();
     if ($access === false) {
     } elseif ($access === NULL) {
         /* 检测分类栏目有关的各项动态权限 */
         $dynamic = $this->checkDynamic();
         if ($dynamic === NULL) {
             /* 检测非动态权限 */
             $rule = strtolower(MODULE_NAME . '/' . CONTROLLER_NAME . '/' . ACTION_NAME);
             if (!$this->checkRule($rule)) {
         } elseif ($dynamic === false) {
  * 后台控制器初始化
 protected function _initialize()
     // 获取当前用户ID
     define('UID', is_login());
     if (!UID) {
         // 还没登录 跳转到登录页面
     // 是否是超级管理员
     define('IS_ROOT', is_administrator());
     if (!IS_ROOT && C('ADMIN_ALLOW_IP')) {
         // 检查IP地址访问
         if (!in_array(get_client_ip(), explode(',', C('ADMIN_ALLOW_IP')))) {
     // 检测访问权限
     $access = $this->accessControl();
     if ($access === false) {
     } elseif ($access === null) {
         $dynamic = $this->checkDynamic();
         if ($dynamic === null) {
             $rule = strtolower(MODULE_NAME . '/' . CONTROLLER_NAME . '/' . ACTION_NAME);
             if (!$this->checkRule($rule, array('in', '1,2'))) {
         } elseif ($dynamic === false) {
     $this->assign('__MENU__', $this->getMenus());
  * 后台控制器初始化
 protected function _initialize()
     // 获取当前用户ID
     if (defined('UID')) {
     $user = get_user();
     if (!$user) {
     $this->_user = $user;
     define('UID', $user['uid']);
     if (!session('admin_login')) {
         // 缓存用户信息
         session('user_auth', ['uid' => $user['uid'], 'uname' => $user['uname']]);
         session('admin_login', true);
     // 是否是超级管理员
     define('IS_ROOT', is_administrator());
     // 检测系统权限
     if (!IS_ROOT) {
         $access = $this->accessControl();
         if (false === $access) {
         } elseif (null === $access) {
             // 检测访问权限
             $rule = strtolower(MODULE_NAME . '/' . CONTROLLER_NAME . '/' . ACTION_NAME);
             if (!$this->checkRule($rule, array('in', '1,2'))) {
                 $this->error('未授权用户:' . $user['uname']);
             } else {
                 // 检测分类及内容有关的各项动态权限
                 $dynamic = $this->checkDynamic();
                 if (false === $dynamic) {
                     $this->error('未授权用户:' . $user['uname']);
     // 初始化数据表
     $this->_table = $this->_table ?: str_replace('/', '_', CONTROLLER_NAME);
     $this->assign('__MENU__', $this->getMenus());
     $this->assign('_node_name', $this->_node_name);
     // 初始化通知
     $notificationModel = new \Common\Model\SystemNotificationModel();
     $notificationModel->updateStatus() or system_warn($notificationModel->getError());
     $type = session('SYSTEM_NOTIFICATION_TYPE');
     if (!is_array($type)) {
         $type = [];
         foreach (D('SystemNotification')->type_config as $key => $config) {
             if (check_auth($config[2])) {
                 $type[] = $key;
         session('SYSTEM_NOTIFICATION_TYPE', $type);
     $this->assign('notification_is_allow', check_auth('system/notification'));
     $this->assign('notification', $type ? M('SystemNotification')->where(['is_read' => 0, 'type' => ['in', $type]])->count() : 0);
 public function edit($id = 0, $lid = 0, $floor = 0, $lname = '', $address = '', $area = 0, $shi = 0, $ting = 0, $wei = 0, $totalprice = 0, $charge = 0, $description = '', $pics = '', $kanfang_charge = 0, $files = '')
     $id = intval($id);
     if (IS_POST) {
         $data['lid'] = 0;
         $data['floor'] = intval($floor);
         $data['lname'] = text($lname);
         $data['address'] = text($address);
         $data['area'] = $area;
         $data['shi'] = intval($shi);
         $data['ting'] = intval($ting);
         $data['wei'] = intval($wei);
         $data['totalprice'] = intval($totalprice);
         $data['charge'] = intval($charge);
         $data['kanfang_charge'] = intval($kanfang_charge);
         $data['description'] = text($description);
         $data['type'] = 0;
         $data['uid'] = $this->mid;
         $data['status'] = 1;
         $data['pics'] = $pics;
         $data['files'] = $files;
         $data['title'] = $data['lname'] . ' ' . $data['floor'] . '楼 ' . $data['area'] . '平 ' . $data['shi'] . '室 ' . $data['totalprice'] . '万';
         if ($id) {
             $data['id'] = $id;
             if (!($this->mid == $this->d_object->where(array('id' => $data['id']))->getField('uid')) && !is_administrator()) {
             $data['uptime'] = time();
             if ($this->d_object->savePic($id, $data['pics']) || $this->d_object->save($data)) {
                 $this->ajaxReturnHandle(1, '编辑房源成功', U('object/index'));
             } else {
                 $this->ajaxReturnHandle(0, '编辑房源失败');
         } else {
             $data['createtime'] = time();
             if ($id = $this->d_object->add($data)) {
                 $this->d_object->savePic($id, $data['pics']);
                 $this->ajaxReturnHandle(1, '新增房源成功', U('object/index'));
             } else {
                 $this->ajaxReturnHandle(0, '新增房源失败');
     } else {
         if ($id) {
             $data = $this->d_object->alias('a')->field('a.*,group_concat( as pics')->join('__OBJECT_PIC__  b on = b.oid')->find($id);
             $this->assign('data', $data);
         } else {
  * 后台控制器初始化
 protected function _initialize()
     // 修复 编辑公众号等级插件权限的”好人“、”环境“bug
     $addons = M('addons')->where(array('status' => 1))->field('id,title')->select();
     $tmpStr = "";
     foreach ($addons as $k => $v) {
         $tmpStr .= $v['id'] . ":" . $v['title'] . "\r\n";
     M('attribute')->where(array('name' => 'addon_status'))->save(array('extra' => $tmpStr));
     // 修复bug end 2015/3/27 艾逗笔
     // 获取当前用户ID
     if (defined('UID')) {
     define('UID', is_login());
     if (!UID) {
         // 还没登录 跳转到登录页面
     /* 读取数据库中的配置 */
     $config = S('DB_CONFIG_DATA');
     if (!$config) {
         $config = api('Config/lists');
         S('DB_CONFIG_DATA', $config);
     // 是否是超级管理员
     define('IS_ROOT', is_administrator());
     if (!IS_ROOT && C('ADMIN_ALLOW_IP')) {
         // 检查IP地址访问
         if (!in_array(get_client_ip(), explode(',', C('ADMIN_ALLOW_IP')))) {
     // 检测系统权限
     if (!IS_ROOT) {
         $access = $this->accessControl();
         if (false === $access) {
         } elseif (null === $access) {
             $rule = strtolower(MODULE_NAME . '/' . CONTROLLER_NAME . '/' . ACTION_NAME);
             if (!checkRule($rule)) {
             } else {
                 // 检测分类及内容有关的各项动态权限
                 $dynamic = $this->checkDynamic();
                 if (false === $dynamic) {
     $this->assign('__MENU__', $this->getMenus());
  * 后台控制器初始化
 protected function _initialize()
     // 获取当前用户ID
     define('UID', is_login());
     if (!UID) {
         // 还没登录 跳转到登录页面
     /* 读取数据库中的配置 */
     $config = S('DB_CONFIG_DATA');
     if (!$config) {
         $config = api('Config/lists');
         S('DB_CONFIG_DATA', $config);
     // 是否是超级管理员
     define('IS_ROOT', is_administrator());
     if (!IS_ROOT && C('ADMIN_ALLOW_IP')) {
         // 检查IP地址访问
         if (!in_array(get_client_ip(), explode(',', C('ADMIN_ALLOW_IP')))) {
     // 检测访问权限
     $access = $this->accessControl();
     if ($access === false) {
     } elseif ($access === null) {
         $dynamic = $this->checkDynamic();
         if ($dynamic === null) {
             $rule = strtolower(MODULE_NAME . '/' . CONTROLLER_NAME . '/' . ACTION_NAME);
             if (!$this->checkRule($rule, array('in', '1,2'))) {
         } elseif ($dynamic === false) {
      * 芒果智能 左侧菜单
      * @return control
      * @author Kevin
     if (strtolower(CONTROLLER_NAME) !== 'think') {
         cookie('amangocontroller', CONTROLLER_NAME);
     $controller = cookie('amangocontroller') ? cookie('amangocontroller') : CONTROLLER_NAME;
     $this->assign('__MENU__', $this->getMenus($controller));
  * 后台用户登录
 public function login($account = null, $password = null, $verify = null)
     if (IS_POST) {
         if (!check_verify($verify)) {
         $where['mobile'] = $account;
         $userModel = D('User');
         $user = $userModel->field('uid,uname,password,salt,status')->where($where)->find() or $this->error('此账号不存在!');
         $userModel->password($password, $user['salt']) == $user['password'] or $this->error('登录密码错误!');
         $user['status'] > 0 or $this->error('此账号已被禁用!');
         $userModel->login_success($user['uid'], $user['uname']);
         $uid = $user['uid'];
         $_POST['password'] = '******';
         action_log('系统', '登录');
         if (is_administrator($uid)) {
             $this->success('登录成功!', '/');
         // 检查是否有首页权限,若没有,则跳转到第一个有权限的页面去
         $rule_ids = [];
         $rules = M()->table('zj_system_auth_group g')->join('zj_system_auth_group_access ga ON')->where('g.status=1 AND ga.uid=' . $uid)->getField('rules', true);
         if ($rules) {
             foreach ($rules as $rule) {
                 if ($rule) {
                     $rule_ids = array_merge($rule_ids, explode(',', $rule));
         $rule_ids or $this->error('此账号无管理员权限!');
         $rules = M('system_auth_rule')->where(['id' => ['in', $rule_ids], 'status' => 1])->getField('name', true) or $this->error('此账号无有效权限!');
         // 获取首页地址
         if (in_array('Admin/Index/index', $rules)) {
             $next = '/';
         } else {
             $next = U(substr($rules[0], 6));
             foreach ($rules as $rule) {
                 if (strpos($rule, 'index')) {
                     $next = U(substr($rule, 6));
         // 输出地址
         $this->success('登录成功!', $next);
     } else {
         if (is_login()) {
         } else {
             C('COLOR_STYLE', 'default_color');
 public function getComment($id)
     /*        $comment = S('weibo_comment_'.$id);
     $comment = $this->find($id);
     $comment['content'] = parse_comment_content($comment['content']);
     $comment['user'] = query_user(array('uid', 'nickname', 'avatar32', 'avatar64', 'avatar128', 'avatar256', 'avatar512', 'space_url', 'icons_html', 'rank_link', 'score', 'title', 'weibocount', 'fans', 'following'), $comment['uid']);
     /*            S('weibo_comment_'.$id,$comment);
     $comment['can_delete'] = is_administrator(is_login()) || $comment['uid'] == is_login();
     return $comment;
Beispiel #16
 private function canDeleteWeibo($weibo)
     if (is_administrator(get_uid()) || check_auth('deleteWeibo')) {
         return true;
     if ($weibo['uid'] == get_uid()) {
         return true;
     return false;
  * 后台控制器初始化
 protected function _initialize()
     // 获取当前用户ID
     if (defined('UID')) {
     define('UID', is_login());
     if (!UID) {
         // 还没登录 跳转到登录页面
     /* 读取数据库中的配置 */
     if (!APP_DEBUG) {
         $config = S('DB_CONFIG_DATA');
     if (!$config) {
         $config = api('Config/lists');
         S('DB_CONFIG_DATA', $config);
     // 是否是超级管理员
     define('IS_ROOT', is_administrator());
     if (!IS_ROOT && C('ADMIN_ALLOW_IP')) {
         // 检查IP地址访问
         if (!in_array(get_client_ip(), explode(',', C('ADMIN_ALLOW_IP')))) {
     // 检测系统权限
     if (!IS_ROOT) {
         $access = $this->accessControl();
         if (false === $access) {
         } elseif (null === $access) {
             $rule = strtolower(MODULE_NAME . '/' . CONTROLLER_NAME . '/' . ACTION_NAME);
             if (!$this->checkRule($rule, array('in', '1,2'))) {
             } else {
                 // 检测分类及内容有关的各项动态权限
                 $dynamic = $this->checkDynamic();
                 if (false === $dynamic) {
     //$this->assign('__MENU__', $this->getMenus());
  * 后台控制器初始化
 protected function _initialize()
     // 获取当前用户ID
     define('UID', is_login());
     if (!UID) {
         // 还没登录 跳转到登录页面
     /* 读取数据库中的配置 */
     $config = S('DB_CONFIG_DATA');
     if (!$config) {
         $config = api('Config/lists');
         S('DB_CONFIG_DATA', $config);
     // 是否是超级管理员
     define('IS_ROOT', is_administrator());
     if (!IS_ROOT && C('ADMIN_ALLOW_IP')) {
         // 检查IP地址访问
         if (!in_array(get_client_ip(), explode(',', C('ADMIN_ALLOW_IP')))) {
     // 检测访问权限
     $access = $this->accessControl();
     if ($access === false) {
     } elseif ($access === null) {
         // 允许任何人访问
         $dynamic = $this->checkDynamic();
         if ($dynamic === null) {
             $rule = strtolower(MODULE_NAME . '/' . CONTROLLER_NAME . '/' . ACTION_NAME);
             if (!$this->checkRule($rule, array('in', '1,2'))) {
         } elseif ($dynamic === false) {
     $this->assign('__MANAGE_COULD__', $this->checkRule('admin/module/lists', array('in', '1,2')));
     $this->assign('__MENU__', $this->getMenus());
     $this->assign('__MODULE_MENU__', $this->getModules());
  * 业务列表
  * @author 温开元<>
 public function index()
     $title = I('title');
     $map['status'] = array('egt', 0);
     $map['title'] = array('like', '%' . (string) $title . '%');
     if (!is_administrator()) {
         $map['belong_member_id'] = is_login();
     $list = $this->lists('Business', $map);
     // 记录当前列表页的cookie
     Cookie('__forward__', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
     $this->assign('_list', $list);
     $this->meta_title = '业务列表';
  * 我的群组
 public function myGroup()
     $Group = D('Group')->where(array('status' => 1, 'uid' => is_login()))->order('create_time desc,member_count desc')->select();
     foreach ($Group as &$v) {
         $v['user'] = query_user(array('nickname', 'avatar64'), $v['uid']);
         $v['logo'] = getThumbImageByCoverId($v['logo'], 200, 200);
         if (is_login() == $v['uid'] || is_administrator(get_uid())) {
             $v['is_login'] = 1;
         } else {
             $v['is_login'] = 0;
     //    dump($Group);exit;
     $this->assign('group', $Group);
 protected function _initialize()
     define('UID', is_login());
     if (!UID) {
     $this->login_user = $login_user = session('user_auth');
     if (is_developer()) {
         $developer = array('developer' => 1);
         $this->login_user = array_merge($this->login_user, $developer);
     $user_info = D('User')->getUserById($login_user['uid']);
     $this->login_user = array_merge($this->login_user, $user_info);
     // 是否是超级管理员
     define('IS_ROOT', is_administrator() || is_developer());
     if (!IS_ROOT && C('ADMIN_ALLOW_IP')) {
         // 检查IP地址访问
         if (!in_array(get_client_ip(), explode(',', C('ADMIN_ALLOW_IP')))) {
     // 检测访问权限
     // $access =   $this->accessControl();
     // if ( $access === false ) {
     //     $this->error('403:禁止访问');
     // }elseif( $access === null ) {
     //     $dynamic = $this->checkDynamic();//检测分类栏目有关的各项动态权限
     //     if( $dynamic === null ){
     //         //检测非动态权限
     //         $rule  = strtolower(MODULE_NAME.'/'.CONTROLLER_NAME.'/'.ACTION_NAME);
     //         if ( !$this->checkRule($rule,array('in','1,2')) ){
     //             $this->error('未授权访问!');
     //         }
     //     }elseif( $dynamic === false ){
     //         $this->error('未授权访问!');
     //     }
     // }
     // $this->assign('__MENU__', $this->getMenus());
     $developer_mode = I('get.developer_mode', '', 'intval');
     if ($developer_mode == 1) {
         session('developer_mode', true);
 public function lists()
     if (!is_administrator($this->mid)) {
     // $this->assign ( 'add_button', false );
     $this->assign('search_url', U('lists'));
     $model = $this->getModel('keyword');
     $page = I('p', 1, 'intval');
     // 默认显示第一页数据
     // 解析列表规则
     $list_data = $this->_list_grid($model);
     $fields = $list_data['fields'];
     // 		foreach ( $list_data ['list_grids'] as &$vo ) {
     // 			if (isset ( $vo ['href'] )) {
     // 				$vo ['href'] = '[DELETE]|删除';
     // 			}
     // 		}
     // 搜索条件
     $map = $this->_search_map($model, $fields);
     $map['token'] = get_token();
     $row = empty($model['list_row']) ? 20 : $model['list_row'];
     empty($fields) || in_array('id', $fields) || array_push($fields, 'id');
     $name = parse_name(get_table_name($model['id']), true);
     $list_data['list_data'] = M($name)->field(empty($fields) ? true : $fields)->where($map)->order('id DESC')->page($page, $row)->select();
     // 分页
     $count = M($name)->where($map)->count();
     if ($count > $row) {
         $page = new \Think\Page($count, $row);
         $page->setConfig('theme', '%FIRST% %UP_PAGE% %LINK_PAGE% %DOWN_PAGE% %END% %HEADER%');
         $list_data['_page'] = $page->show();
     $addons = M('addons')->where("type=1")->field('name,title')->select();
     foreach ($addons as $a) {
         $addonsArr[$a['name']] = $a['title'];
     foreach ($list_data['list_data'] as &$vo) {
         $vo['addon'] = $addonsArr[$vo['addon']];
     // dump($list_data);
Beispiel #23
 public function _initialize()
     $maps = array();
     $maps['uid'] = array('EXP', 'IS NULL');
     $wrl_count = M('Ask')->where($maps)->count();
     $_SESSION["menu_nums"]["未认领"] = $wrl_count;
     $maps = array();
     $children = M("Member")->where(array("pid" => UID))->select();
     $uid_array = array();
     $uid_array[] = UID;
     if (!empty($children)) {
         foreach ($children as $key => $value) {
             $uid_array[] = $value["uid"];
     $maps['uid'] = array("in", implode(",", $uid_array));
     $this->uid_array = $uid_array;
     $maps['status'] = array("eq", 0);
     $dsh_count = M('Ask')->where($maps)->count();
     $_SESSION["menu_nums"]["待审批"] = $dsh_count;
     $maps['status'] = array("eq", 1);
     $blz_count = M('Ask')->where($maps)->count();
     $_SESSION["menu_nums"]["办理中"] = $blz_count;
     $maps['status'] = array('in', '4');
     $ydf_count = M('Ask')->where($maps)->count();
     $_SESSION["menu_nums"]["已回复"] = $ydf_count;
     $maps['status'] = array("eq", 60);
     $thcb_count = M('Ask')->where($maps)->count();
     $_SESSION["menu_nums"]["退回重办"] = $thcb_count;
     $xbwt_count = M("Assist")->where(array("pid" => UID, "reply" => array('EXP', 'IS NULL')))->count();
     $_SESSION["menu_nums"]["协办问题"] = $xbwt_count;
     $maps = array();
     $maps['status'] = array("eq", 10);
     $unpass_count = M('Ask')->where($maps)->count();
     $_SESSION["menu_nums"]["审批未通过"] = $unpass_count;
     $this->group_id = $_SESSION["onethink_admin"]["user_auth"]["group_id"];
     if (is_administrator($uid)) {
         $this->group_id = 1;
     $this->assign('group_id', $this->group_id);
 public function edit()
     $id = intval(I(''));
     $d_ask = D('Ask');
     if (IS_POST) {
         $data = $d_ask->create();
         if ($id) {
             $data['id'] = $id;
             if (!($this->mid == $this->d_ask->where(array('id' => $data['id']))->getField('uid')) && !is_administrator()) {
             $data['uptime'] = time();
             $data['status'] = 1;
             if ($this->d_ask->save($data)) {
                 $this->ajaxReturnHandle(1, '编辑需求成功', U('home/object/index', array('uid' => $this->mid)));
             } else {
                 $this->ajaxReturnHandle(0, '编辑需求失败');
         } else {
             $data['uid'] = $this->mid;
             $data['createtime'] = $data['uptime'] = time();
             $data['status'] = 1;
             if ($id = $this->d_ask->add($data)) {
                 $this->ajaxReturnHandle(1, '新增需求成功', U('home/object/index', array('uid' => $this->mid)));
             } else {
                 $this->ajaxReturnHandle(0, '新增需求失败');
     } else {
         if ($id) {
             $data = $d_ask->getDetail($id);
             $data['cbd'] = get_whole_address($data['bid']);
             $data['cbd']['property'] = $data['fid'];
             $this->assign('data', $data);
         } else {
  * 后台控制器初始化
 protected function _initialize()
     // 获取当前用户ID
     define('UID', is_admin_login());
     if (!UID) {
         // 还没登录 跳转到登录页面
     /* 读取数据库中的配置 */
     $config = S('DB_CONFIG_DATA');
     if (!$config) {
         $config = api('SystemConfig/lists');
         S('DB_CONFIG_DATA', $config);
     // 是否是超级管理员
     define('IS_ROOT', is_administrator());
     if (!IS_ROOT && C('ADMIN_ALLOW_IP')) {
         // 检查IP地址访问
         if (!in_array(get_client_ip(), explode(',', C('ADMIN_ALLOW_IP')))) {
     // 		// 检测访问权限
     // 		$access =   $this->accessControl();
     // 		if ( $access === false ) {
     // 			$this->error('403:禁止访问');
     // 		}elseif( $access === null ){
     // 			$dynamic        =   $this->checkDynamic();//检测分类栏目有关的各项动态权限
     // 			if( $dynamic === null ){
     // 				//检测非动态权限
     // 				$rule  = strtolower(MODULE_NAME.'/'.CONTROLLER_NAME.'/'.ACTION_NAME);
     // 				if ( !$this->checkRule($rule,array('in','1,2')) ){
     // 					$this->error('未授权访问!');
     // 				}
     // 			}elseif( $dynamic === false ){
     // 				$this->error('未授权访问!');
     // 			}
     // 		}
     $this->assign('__UID__', UID);
  * 系统基础控制器初始化
 protected function _initialize()
     // 获取当前用户ID
     define('UID', is_login());
     if (!UID) {
         // 还没登录 跳转到登录页面
     $this->assign('now_control', ucfirst(strtolower($Think . CONTROLLER_NAME)));
     $this->assign('now_action', $Think . ACTION_NAME);
     /* 读取数据库中的配置 */
     /*$config =   S('DB_CONFIG_DATA');
           $config	=	D('Config')->lists();
     // 是否是超级管理员
     define('IS_ROOT', is_administrator());
     if (!IS_ROOT && C('ADMIN_ALLOW_IP')) {
         // 检查IP地址访问
         if (!in_array(get_client_ip(), explode(',', C('ADMIN_ALLOW_IP')))) {
     // 检测访问权限
     $access = $this->accessControl();
     if ($access === false) {
     } elseif ($access === null && $_SESSION['user']['role'] > 1) {
         $rule = strtolower(MODULE_NAME . '/' . CONTROLLER_NAME . '/' . ACTION_NAME);
         if (!$this->checkRule($rule, array('in', '1,2'))) {
             $this->error('未授权访问!' . $rule);
     /*$this->assign('__MENU__', $this->chrentMenus());
     		$this->assign('__TIME__', time());*/
  * 将指定用户添加到指定用户组
 public function addToGroup()
     $uid = I('post.uid', '');
     $groupid = I('post.groupid', '');
     if (empty($uid) || empty($groupid)) {
     if (is_administrator($uid)) {
     if ($groupid) {
         $groupid = intval($groupid);
     $result = apiCall("Admin/AuthGroupAccess/addToGroup", array($uid, $groupid));
     if ($result['status']) {
         $this->success("操作成功~", U('Admin/AuthManage/user', array('groupid' => $groupid)));
     } else {
         LogRecord($result['info'], __FILE__ . __LINE__);
Beispiel #28
  * 后台控制器初始化
 protected function _initialize()
     // 获取当前用户ID
     if (defined('UID')) {
     define('UID', is_login());
     if (!UID) {
         // 还没登录 跳转到登录页面
     // 是否是超级管理员
     define('IS_ROOT', is_administrator());
     if (!IS_ROOT && C('ADMIN_ALLOW_IP')) {
         // 检查IP地址访问
         if (!in_array(get_client_ip(), explode(',', C('ADMIN_ALLOW_IP')))) {
     // 检测系统权限
     if (!IS_ROOT) {
         $access = $this->accessControl();
         if (false === $access) {
         } elseif (null === $access) {
             $rule = strtolower(MODULE_NAME . '/' . CONTROLLER_NAME . '/' . ACTION_NAME);
             if (!$this->checkRule($rule, array('in', '1,2'))) {
             } else {
                 // 检测分类及内容有关的各项动态权限
                 $dynamic = $this->checkDynamic();
                 if (false === $dynamic) {
 public function deleteComment()
     $aCid = I('', 0, 'intval');
     if ($aCid <= 0) {
     $canDelete = check_auth('deleteLocalComment') || is_administrator();
     $commentModel = D('Addons://LocalComment/LocalComment');
     $comment = $commentModel->find($aCid);
     $isOnwer = ($comment['uid'] == is_login() and is_login() != 0);
     if ($canDelete || $isOnwer) {
         $result = $commentModel->where(array('id' => $aCid))->delete();
         if ($result) {
             $this->success('删除评论成功。', 'refresh');
         } else {
             $this->error('删除评论失败。' . $commentModel->getError());
     } else {
         $this->error('删除评论失败。' . '权限不足');
 protected function _initialize()
     defined('UID') or define('UID', is_login());
     //defined('UID') or define('UID',1); //调试使用
     if (!UID) {
         // 还没登录 跳转到登录页面
     $model = new ConfigModel();
     defined('IS_ROOT') or define('IS_ROOT', is_administrator());
     // 检测访问权限
     $access = $this->accessControl();
     if ($access === false) {
     } elseif ($access === null) {
         $rule = strtolower(MODULE_NAME . '/' . CONTROLLER_NAME . '/' . ACTION_NAME);
         if (!$this->checkRule($rule, array('in', '1,2'))) {