<?php require_once "php/install_functions.php"; if (isset($_POST['step']) || !dbConfigExists() || !canConnect() || !isPopulated()) { #echo("hola"); require_once "views/installation/install.php"; die; } // include the configs / constants for the database connection require_once "config/db.php"; //HEADER require_once "views/header.html"; $jar = False; $create = False; if (isset($_GET["jar"])) { $jar = True; } elseif (isset($_GET["create"])) { $create = True; } //NAV require_once "views/index/nav.php"; //CONTENT if (isset($_GET["jar"])) { require_once "views/index/jar.php"; } elseif (isset($_GET["create"])) { require_once "views/index/create.php"; } else { require_once "views/index/server.php"; } //FOOTER require_once "views/footer.html";
switch ($step) { case 0: // Step 0, Welcome Screen #Check dbConfigExists and have valid data (ie not default data) #if exists, jumps to step 2 #if dont, jumps to step 1 if (dbConfigExists() && canConnect() && isPopulated()) { echo addError("Instalation already Exist!", "403"); #require_once("views/installation/error.php"); die; } require_once "views/installation/phase0.php"; break; case 1: // Step 1, Config Setup if (dbConfigExists() && canConnect() && isPopulated()) { echo addError("Instalation already Exist!", "403"); die; } #Creates config file if it doesnt exist (if exists exit??) if (!dbConfigExists()) { copy("config/db-sample.php", "config/db.php"); } #Ask for database settings (DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS, DB_NAME) #jumps to step 2 require_once "views/installation/phase1.php"; break; case 2: // Step 2, Initial Data #Try to connects to the database #if cant connect show error message (possible mysql not installed, or wrong configs..)