Beispiel #1
function saveFile($new_file_contents, $file_name)   {

   /* Save File over file_name (overwrites);
  returns an array of $save_results; $save_results[0] is true on success, false on failure
  and failure messages are in remaining elements of array */

      $new_file_contents=trim(stripslashes($new_file_contents));   //strip slashes from paths
      $path_errors=isPathbad($file_name, true, false);

      if (!isset($path_errors)) { //check if directory is valid and file name is legal
          $fp = @fopen( $file_name,"w"); //open for writing, place file pointer at beginning of file, if does not exist attempt to create it
             if (!$fp) {
               $open_error="Error: File $filename_stripped Cannot Be opened. Check Permissions.<br>\n";
             } else {

             fclose ($fp);
             $save_results[0]="<strong>File $filename_stripped has been successfully saved.<strong><br>";
      } else {

         $save_results[1]="Error: Cannot save file $filename_stripped.<br>";
          while ( list($file_or_dir, $error_message) = each($path_errors)) {

            while (list($each_message)  = each($error_message)) {

              $save_results[$i].= $path_errors[$file_or_dir][$each_message];

    if ($open_error) {

    return $save_results;
Beispiel #2
  if (!is_readable($phpcrontab_filename)) {
    $option_errors= "ERROR: Phpcrontab configuration file $crontab_stripped cannot be read. Please create and/or check permissions and try again. See the readme.txt file for more information.\r\n\n<br>";

  //Make Sure That given file name is Not a parameter

      if(preg_match("/^-.*$/",basename($log_result_file))) {
      $option_errors.="ERROR: Make sure -l has a valid file name as an additional parameter\r\n";

  //Check validity of $log_result_file directory


    /*Extract directory name from file name and check to see whether we can use it */
      if($path_errors["directory"]) {

           $option_errors .=
           "ERROR: Invalid Log Path - Make sure that $base_logresult_stripped is a valid file name and $dir_logresult_stripped exists and allows the user to read and write to it. \r\n\t<br>";

      $fatal_error=true; //cause program to exit

  //Check Validity of Notification Email Address
Beispiel #3
function fullEditBox($file_name, $box_title){
     global $admin_subpage;
     global $PHP_SELF;
     global $modified_contents;
     global $mc_rows;
     global $fe_save_error;
     global $full_edit_title;
     global $secure;

    if($path_errors=isPathbad($file_name, true, true)) {

      while ( list($file_or_dir, $error_string) = each($path_errors)) {

      while (list($each_message)  = each($error_string)) {


    $error_messages="<h3>Cannot Edit $file_name because of file errors:<br></h3>".$error_messages;
    //if path errors, echo message and retur
    if (!is_readable($file_name)){
    echo $output;

    //Empty file into array

    if ($fe_save_error) {   //if previously bad save, display modified contents that weren't saved
    } else {

      //Implode file_array to put string in text area element

        //Set number of rows
       if ($file_array) {

    //Build output

    <!--*********** Begin Full Edit Box For $file_name************-->
    <table border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"2\" width=\"600px\" cellspacing=\"0\" align=\"center\">
      <td align=center style=$full_edit_title colspan=7 >
           (edit ".chunk_split(formatPath($file_name), 20, " ").")
      <td style=$full_edit_title>

         <form action=\"$PHP_SELF\" method=\"post\">
            <div align=\"center\">
             <textarea name=\"modified_contents\"  wrap=\"off\" cols=\"80\" rows=\"$mc_rows\" 
           <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Save\">";
if (!$secure) {
$output.= "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Save As:\">
           <input type=\"text\" class=\"color\" name=\"new_filename\">";
 $output.=" <br>
            Check to Save Over Existing File:
           <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"overwrite\" value=\"true\" class=\"title\">
             <input type=\"hidden\" class=\"color\" name=\"current_filename\" value=\"$file_name\">
           <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"admin_subpage\" value=\"$admin_subpage\">
           <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"mc_rows\" value=\"$mc_rows\">

      <form action=\"$PHP_SELF\" method=\"post\">
        <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Reload Current File\">
         <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"admin_subpage\" value=\"$admin_subpage\">

      Current File: ".formatPath($file_name)."
     <!--*********** End Full Edit Box For $file_name*************-->
     if($error_messages) {
     echo $output;
