" target="_blank" title="<?php echo $R['referer']; ?> "><?php echo getDomain($R['referer']); ?> </a></td> <td class="agent"> <?php if ($_browse == 'Mobile') { ?> <img src="<?php echo $g['img_core']; ?> /_public/ico_mobile.gif" class="imgpos" alt="모바일" title="모바일(<?php echo isMobileConnect($R['agent']); ?> )접속" /> <?php } ?> <?php echo strtoupper($_browse); ?> </td> <td><?php echo getDateFormat($R['d_regis'], 'Y.m.d H:i'); ?> </td> </tr>
<col width="80"> <col> <col width="70"> <col width="50"> </colgroup> <tbody> <?php $cnt = count($RCD); ?> <?php foreach ($RCD as $R) { ?> <?php $R['mobile'] = isMobileConnect($R['agent']); ?> <tr class="dotline<?php if ($cnt == ++$_ol) { ?> none<?php } ?> "> <td class="name"><a href="javascript:;"<?php if ($my['admin']) { ?> onclick="getMemberLayer2('<?php echo $R['mbruid']; ?> ',event)<?php
<?php if (!defined('__KIMS__')) { exit; } if ($d['admin']['ssl_type'] == 1) { if ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] != 'on') { getLink($g['ssl_root'] . '/?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], '', '', ''); } } $DB_CONNECT = isConnectDb($DB); $g['mobile'] = isMobileConnect($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); $g['device'] = $g['mobile'] && $_SESSION['pcmode'] != 'Y'; $my = array(); $my['level'] = 0; if ($_SESSION['mbr_uid']) { $my = array_merge(getUidData($table['s_mbrid'], $_SESSION['mbr_uid']), getDbData($table['s_mbrdata'], "memberuid='" . $_SESSION['mbr_uid'] . "'", '*')); if ($my['pw'] != $_SESSION['mbr_pw']) { exit; } $g['mysns'] = explode('|', $my['sns']); } if ($r) { $_HS = getDbData($table['s_site'], "id='" . $r . "'", '*'); $s = $_HS['uid']; } if (!$s) { if ($g['mobile']) { $_HH = getDbData($table['s_mobile'], '', '*'); if ($_HH['usemobile'] == 1) { $_HS = getUidData($table['s_site'], $_HH['startsite']);
function getCommentList($theme, $parent, $_where, $recnum, $sort, $orderby1, $orderby2, $cp) { global $g, $table, $_HS, $m, $my; include $theme . '_var.php'; // 설정파일 인클루드 $g['img_module_skin'] = $theme . 'image/'; $NCD = array(); $RCD = array(); $cp = $cp ? $cp : 1; $sort = $sort ? $sort : 'uid'; $orderby1 = $orderby1 ? $orderby1 : $d['comment']['orderby1']; $orderby2 = $orderby2 ? $orderby2 : $d['comment']['orderby2']; $recnum = $recnum ? $recnum : $d['comment']['recnum']; $cmentque = " and parent='" . str_replace('-', '', $parent) . "'"; if ($_where) { $cmentque .= " and " . $_where; } $PCD = getDbArray($table['s_comment'], 'notice=1' . $cmentque, '*', $sort, $orderby1, 0, 0); $TCD = getDbArray($table['s_comment'], 'notice=0' . $cmentque, '*', $sort, $orderby2, $recnum, $cp); $NUM = getDbRows($table['s_comment'], 'notice=0' . $cmentque); $TPG = getTotalPage($NUM, $recnum); while ($_R = db_fetch_array($PCD)) { $NCD[] = $_R; } while ($_R = db_fetch_array($TCD)) { $RCD[] = $_R; } //echo $cmentque; $RCD = $NCD + $RCD; $i = 1; $namegi = $NUM - $cp * $recnum; if ($namegi > 0) { $namegi_ment = '총 <span class="text-danger namegi">' . $namegi . '</span> 개의 댓글이 더 있습니다.'; $btn_more = 'btn-more'; $is_namegi = 1; } else { $namegi_ment = '더이상 댓글이 없습니다.'; $btn_more = 'disabled'; $is_namegi = 0; } foreach ($RCD as $C) { $C['mobile'] = isMobileConnect($C['agent']); if ($C['mbruid']) { $M = getDbData($table['s_mbrdata'], 'memberuid=' . $C['mbruid'], '*'); $M1 = getUidData($table['s_mbrid'], $C['mbruid']); } $isSECRETCHECK = true; $compare_time = $C['d_modify'] ? $C['d_modify'] : $C['d_regis']; $JN_time = getJNTime($compare_time); // 지난시간 얻기 함수 호출 // 아바타 사진 url 세팅 if ($M['photo']) { $avatar_img = $g['url_root'] . '/_var/avatar/' . $M['photo']; } else { $avatar_img = $g['url_root'] . '/_var/avatar/0.gif'; } echo ' <a name="one-write2-' . $C['uid'] . '"></a> <li id="' . $C['uid'] . '-' . $C['score1'] . '-' . $C['oneline'] . '" class="list-group-item comment-list"> <div class="media" id="cuid-' . $C['uid'] . '"> <input type="hidden" name="is_namegi" value="' . $is_namegi . '"/> <input type="hidden" name="TPG" value="' . $TPG . '"/> <input type="hidden" name="theme" class="theme" value="' . $theme . '" /> <input type="hidden" name="parent" class="parent" value="' . $parent . '" /> <input type="hidden" name="c_content" class="c_content" value="' . htmlspecialchars(getContents($C['content'], $C['html'], $keyword)) . '" /> <div class="media-left"> <a target="_blank" title="프로필 보기" data-toggle="tooltip" href="' . $g['s'] . '/profile/' . $M1['id'] . '" class="pull-left hidden-xs rb-avatar"> <img src="' . $avatar_img . '" class="media-object img-rounded" alt="48x48" data-src="holder.js/48x48" style="width: 48px; height: 48px;"> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h5 class="media-heading"> <a class="a-muted" href="' . $g['s'] . '/profile/' . $M1['id'] . '">' . ($C[$_HS['nametype']] ? $C[$_HS['nametype']] : $C['name']) . '</a> <span class="text-muted small time-wrap"><time title="' . getDateFormat($compare_time, 'Y년 m월 d일 H시 i분') . '" data-toggle="tooltip" class="timeago live-tooltip">' . $JN_time . '</time></span> <span></span> <span class="pull-right top-tools">'; if ($my['admin'] || $C['mbruid'] == $my['uid']) { echo '<span class="text-muted"><a href="#" id="delete-' . $C['uid'] . '" class="live-tooltip cmt-tools" title="삭제" ><i class="fa fa-trash-o"></i></a></span>'; echo '<span class="text-muted"><a href="#" id="edit-' . $C['uid'] . '" class="live-tooltip cmt-tools" title="수정" ><i class="fa fa-edit"></i></a></span>'; } else { echo '<span class="text-muted"><a href="#" id="report-' . $C['uid'] . '" class="live-tooltip cmt-tools" title="신고" ><i class="fa fa-frown-o"></i></a></span>'; } echo '</span> </h5> <hr class="cmt-hr">'; echo '<div class="panel-body nopd-left comment-content" id="comment-content-' . $C['uid'] . '" >'; if (!$C['hidden'] || $my['admin'] || $my['id'] && $my['id'] == $C['id'] || strstr($_SESSION['module_' . $m . '_view'], '[' . $C['uid'] . ']')) { echo getContents($C['content'], $C['html'], $keyword); } else { $isSECRETCHECK = false; echo '<i class="fa fa-lock-o"></i> <a href="' . $g['cment_modify'] . $C['uid'] . '" onclick="return cmentHidden(\'' . $C['id'] . '\',\'' . $C['uid'] . '\',event);">비공개 댓글입니다.</a>'; } echo '</div>'; echo '<div class="clearfix"> <div class="pull-left" style="margin-top:4px;"> <a class="small live-tooltip" href="#comments-' . $C['uid'] . '-reply" data-parent="#comments-' . $C['uid'] . '" data-toggle="collapse">답글 <span id="one-num-' . $C['uid'] . '">' . $C['oneline'] . '</span> <i class="fa fa-sort-desc"></i></a> <span class="thumb-wrap" style="margin-left:15px;"> <a class="live-tooltip cmt-tools" title="공감" data-toggle="tooltip" id="good-' . $C['uid'] . '"><i class="fa fa-thumbs-up fa-sm"></i> <span id="good-num-' . $C['uid'] . '">' . $C['score1'] . '</span></a> <a class="live-tooltip cmt-tools" title="비공감" data-toggle="tooltip" id="bad-' . $C['uid'] . '" style="margin-left:7px;"><i class="fa fa-thumbs-down fa-sm"></i> <span id="bad-num-' . $C['uid'] . '">' . $C['score2'] . '</span></a> </span> </div> <div class="pull-right"> <div class="clearfix cmt-modify-btn-wrap" style="display:none;margin:5px 0" id="btn-cmt-modify-wrap-' . $C['uid'] . '"> <button class="btn btn-default btn-sm cmt-modify-cancel" id="' . $C['uid'] . '" >취소</button> <button class="btn btn-primary btn-sm cmt-modify" id="' . $C['uid'] . '" >수정</button> </div> </div> </div> <!-- nested --> <div class="rb-comment-reply collapse" id="comments-' . $C['uid'] . '-reply"> <!-- 의견쓰기 --> <div class="media"> <div class="media-body"> <input type="hidden" name="parent" value="' . $C['uid'] . '" /> <input type="hidden" name="theme" value="' . $theme . '" /> <input type="hidden" name="ouid" value="" /> <fieldset> <p class="col-sm-11 nopd-left"> <textarea placeholder="답글을 입력하세요..." name="oneline" rows="1" class="form-control rb-commnet-reply"></textarea> </p> <div class="col-sm-1 nopd-left pull-right"> <div><button class="btn btn-primary btn-md one-regis" id="one-regis-' . $C['uid'] . '">등록</button> </div> </fieldset> </div> </div>'; echo '<div id="oneline-box-' . $C['uid'] . '" class="one-list-wrap">'; // 한줄 의견 리스트 출력함수 호출 getOnelineList($theme, $C['uid']); echo '</div>'; // 한 줄 의견 출력 박스 echo '</div> </div> </div> </li>'; $i++; } //endforeach $R = array(); // 더보기 버튼 설정시 if ($d['comment']['show_more']) { echo '<button class="text-center btn btn-default btn-block ' . $btn_more . '"><i class="fa fa-sort-desc fa-lg"></i><span class="text-muted small"> 더 보기 ( ' . $namegi_ment . ' ) </span></button>'; } }
function getCommentList($theme, $parent, $_where, $recnum, $sort, $orderby1, $orderby2, $cp) { global $g, $table, $_HS, $m, $my; include $theme . '_var.php'; // 설정파일 인클루드 $g['img_module_skin'] = $theme . 'image/'; $NCD = array(); $RCD = array(); $cp = $cp ? $cp : 1; $sort = $sort ? $sort : 'uid'; $orderby1 = $orderby1 ? $orderby1 : $d['comment']['orderby1']; $orderby2 = $orderby2 ? $orderby2 : $d['comment']['orderby2']; $recnum = $recnum ? $recnum : $d['comment']['recnum']; $cmentque = " and parent='" . str_replace('-', '', $parent) . "'"; if ($_where) { $cmentque .= " and " . $_where; } $PCD = getDbArray($table['s_comment'], 'notice=1' . $cmentque, '*', $sort, $orderby1, 0, 0); $TCD = getDbArray($table['s_comment'], 'notice=0' . $cmentque, '*', $sort, $orderby2, $recnum, $cp); $NUM = getDbRows($table['s_comment'], 'notice=0' . $cmentque); $TPG = getTotalPage($NUM, $recnum); while ($_R = db_fetch_array($PCD)) { $NCD[] = $_R; } while ($_R = db_fetch_array($TCD)) { $RCD[] = $_R; } //echo $cmentque; $RCD = $NCD + $RCD; $i = 1; $namegi = $NUM - $cp * $recnum; if ($namegi > 0) { $namegi_ment = '총 <span class="text-danger namegi">' . $namegi . '</span> 개의 댓글이 더 있습니다.'; $btn_more = 'btn-more'; $is_namegi = 1; } else { $namegi_ment = '더이상 댓글이 없습니다.'; $btn_more = 'disabled'; $is_namegi = 0; } // 한줄의견 쓰는(현재 로그인한) 사용자 아바타 사진 url 세팅 if ($my['photo']) { $avatar_img = $g['url_root'] . '/_var/avatar/' . $my['photo']; } else { $avatar_img = $g['url_root'] . '/_var/avatar/0.gif'; } foreach ($RCD as $C) { $C['mobile'] = isMobileConnect($C['agent']); if ($C['mbruid']) { $M = getDbData($table['s_mbrdata'], 'memberuid=' . $C['mbruid'], '*'); } else { $M = array(); } $isSECRETCHECK = true; $JN_time = getJNTime($C['d_regis']); // 지난시간 얻기 함수 호출 // 댓글 작성자 아바타 사진 url 세팅 if ($M['photo']) { $avatar_img = $g['url_root'] . '/_var/avatar/' . $M['photo']; } else { $avatar_img = $g['url_root'] . '/_var/avatar/0.gif'; } echo ' <section id="pinBoot" class="rb-pinterest-grid"> <article class="panel panel-default panel-google-plus comment-list" id="' . $C['uid'] . '-' . $C['score1'] . '-' . $C['oneline'] . '"> <div id="cuid-' . $C['uid'] . '"> <input type="hidden" name="is_namegi" value="' . $is_namegi . '"/> <input type="hidden" name="TPG" value="' . $TPG . '"/> <input type="hidden" name="theme" class="theme" value="' . $theme . '" /> <input type="hidden" name="parent" class="parent" value="' . $parent . '" /> <input type="hidden" name="c_content" class="c_content" value="' . htmlspecialchars(getContents($C['content'], $C['html'], $keyword)) . '" /> <div class="dropdown"> <span class="dropdown-toggle" type="button" data-toggle="dropdown"> <span class="[ glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-down ]"></span> </span> <ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu"> <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" href="#">Action</a></li> <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" href="#">Another action</a></li> <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" href="#">Something else here</a></li> <li role="presentation" class="divider"></li> <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" href="#">Separated link</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="panel-google-plus-tags"> <ul> <li>#자동차</li> <li>#귀성길</li> </ul> </div> <div class="panel-heading"> <img class="img-circle pull-left" src="/_core/opensrc/thumb/image.php?width=46&height:46&cropratio=1:1&image=' . $avatar_img . '" alt="' . $M[$_HS['nametype']] . ' 아바타 " /> <h3>소비자와 함께</h3> <h5><span>제한적으로 공유함</span> - <span>' . getDateFormat($C['d_regis'], 'Y. m. d') . '</span> </h5> </div> <div class="panel-body"> <p>' . getContents($C['content'], $C['html'], $keyword) . '</p> </div> <div class="panel-footer"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-default">+1</button> <button type="button" class="btn btn-default"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-share-alt"></span> </button> <div class="input-placeholder">댓글 추가...</div> </div> <div class="panel-google-plus-comment" id="comments-' . $C['uid'] . '-reply"> <input type="hidden" name="parent" value="' . $C['uid'] . '" /> <input type="hidden" name="theme" value="' . $theme . '" /> <input type="hidden" name="ouid" value="" /> <img class="img-circle pull-left" src="/_core/opensrc/thumb/image.php?width=46&height:46&cropratio=1:1&image=' . $avatar_img . '" alt="' . $my[$_HS['nametype']] . ' 아바타 " /> <div class="panel-google-plus-textarea"> <textarea rows="4"></textarea> <button type="button" class="btn btn-success disabled" id="one-regis-' . $C['uid'] . '">댓글 올리기</button> <button type="reset" class="btn btn-default">취소</button> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div>'; echo '<div id="oneline-box-' . $C['uid'] . '" class="one-list-wrap">'; // 한줄 의견 리스트 출력함수 호출 getOnelineList($theme, $C['uid']); echo '</div>'; // 한 줄 의견 출력 박스 echo '</div> </article> </section>'; $i++; } //endforeach $R = array(); // 더보기 버튼 설정시 if ($d['comment']['show_more']) { echo '<button class="text-center btn btn-default btn-block ' . $btn_more . '"><i class="fa fa-sort-desc fa-lg"></i><span class="text-muted small"> 더 보기 ( ' . $namegi_ment . ' ) </span></button>'; } }
<th scope="col">브라우져</th> <th scope="col">키워드</th> <th scope="col">접속시간</th> <th scope="col"></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php $j = 0; while ($R = db_fetch_array($RCD)) { $j++; $_engine = getSearchEngine($R['referer']); $_outkey = getKeyword($R['referer']); $_browse = getBrowzer($R['agent']); $_domain = getDomain($R['referer']); $_mobile = isMobileConnect($R['agent']); ?> <tr class="rooptd<?php echo ++$i % 2; ?> "> <td class="check"><input type="checkbox" name="members[]" value="<?php echo $R['uid']; ?> " /></td> <td class="number"><?php echo $NUM - (($p - 1) * $recnum + $_recnum++); ?> </td> <td class="name"><a href="#." onclick="whoisSearch('<?php
function getBrowzer($agent) { if (isMobileConnect($agent)) { return 'Mobile'; } $set = array('MSIE 9', 'MSIE 8', 'MSIE 7', 'MSIE 6', 'Firefox', 'Opera', 'Chrome', 'Safari'); foreach ($set as $val) { if (strpos('_' . $agent, $val)) { return $val; } } return ''; }
function getCommentList($theme, $parent, $_where, $recnum, $sort, $orderby1, $orderby2, $cp) { global $g, $table, $_HS, $m, $my; include $theme . '_var.php'; // 설정파일 인클루드 $g['img_module_skin'] = $theme . 'image/'; $NCD = array(); $RCD = array(); $cp = $cp ? $cp : 1; $sort = $sort ? $sort : 'uid'; $orderby1 = $orderby1 ? $orderby1 : $d['comment']['orderby1']; $orderby2 = $orderby2 ? $orderby2 : $d['comment']['orderby2']; $recnum = $recnum ? $recnum : $d['comment']['recnum']; $cmentque = " and parent='" . str_replace('-', '', $parent) . "'"; if ($_where) { $cmentque .= " and " . $_where; } $PCD = getDbArray($table['s_comment'], 'notice=1' . $cmentque, '*', $sort, $orderby1, 0, 0); $TCD = getDbArray($table['s_comment'], 'notice=0' . $cmentque, '*', $sort, $orderby2, $recnum, $cp); $NUM = getDbRows($table['s_comment'], 'notice=0' . $cmentque); $TPG = getTotalPage($NUM, $recnum); while ($_R = db_fetch_array($PCD)) { $NCD[] = $_R; } while ($_R = db_fetch_array($TCD)) { $RCD[] = $_R; } //echo $cmentque; $RCD = $NCD + $RCD; $i = 1; $namegi = $NUM - $cp * $recnum; if ($namegi > 0) { $namegi_ment = '총 <span class="text-danger namegi">' . $namegi . '</span> 개의 댓글이 더 있습니다.'; $btn_more = 'btn-more'; $is_namegi = 1; } else { $namegi_ment = '더이상 댓글이 없습니다.'; $btn_more = 'disabled'; $is_namegi = 0; } foreach ($RCD as $C) { $C['mobile'] = isMobileConnect($C['agent']); if ($C['mbruid']) { $M = getDbData($table['s_mbrdata'], 'memberuid=' . $C['mbruid'], '*'); } else { $M = array(); } $isSECRETCHECK = true; $compare_time = $C['d_modify'] ? $C['d_modify'] : $C['d_regis']; $JN_time = getJNTime($compare_time); // 지난시간 얻기 함수 호출 // 아바타 사진 url 세팅 if ($M['photo']) { $avatar_img = $g['url_root'] . '/_var/avatar/' . $M['photo']; } else { $avatar_img = $g['url_root'] . '/_var/avatar/0.gif'; } echo ' <a name="one-write2-' . $C['uid'] . '"></a> <li id="' . $C['uid'] . '-' . $C['score1'] . '-' . $C['oneline'] . '" class="list-group-item comment-list"> <div class="media" id="cuid-' . $C['uid'] . '"> <input type="hidden" name="is_namegi" value="' . $is_namegi . '"/> <input type="hidden" name="TPG" value="' . $TPG . '"/> <input type="hidden" name="theme" class="theme" value="' . $theme . '" /> <input type="hidden" name="parent" class="parent" value="' . $parent . '" /> <input type="hidden" name="c_content" class="c_content" value="' . htmlspecialchars(getContents($C['content'], $C['html'], $keyword)) . '" /> <div class="media-left"> <a target="_blank" title="프로필 새창 열림" data-toggle="tooltip" href="#" class="pull-left hidden-xs rb-avatar"> <img src="' . $avatar_img . '" class="media-object img-rounded" alt="48x48" data-src="holder.js/48x48" style="width: 48px; height: 48px;"> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h5 class="media-heading"> <a class="a-muted" data-toggle="popover" href="">' . ($C[$_HS['nametype']] ? $C[$_HS['nametype']] : $C['name']) . '</a> <span class="text-muted small time-wrap"><time title="' . getDateFormat($compare_time, 'Y년 m월 d일 H시 i분') . '" data-toggle="tooltip" class="timeago live-tooltip">' . $JN_time . '</time></span> <span></span> <span class="pull-right top-tools">'; if ($my['admin'] || $C['mbruid'] == $my['uid']) { echo '<span class="text-muted"><a href="#" id="delete-' . $C['uid'] . '" class="live-tooltip cmt-tools" title="삭제" ><i class="fa fa-trash-o"></i></a></span>'; echo '<span class="text-muted"><a href="#" id="edit-' . $C['uid'] . '" class="live-tooltip cmt-tools" title="수정" ><i class="fa fa-edit"></i></a></span>'; } else { echo '<span class="text-muted"><a href="#" id="report-' . $C['uid'] . '" class="live-tooltip cmt-tools" title="신고" ><i class="fa fa-frown-o"></i></a></span>'; } echo '</span> </h5>'; echo '<hr class="cmt-hr"> <div class="panel-body nopd-left comment-content" id="comment-content-' . $C['uid'] . '">'; if (!$C['hidden'] || $my['admin'] || $my['id'] && $my['id'] == $C['id'] || strstr($_SESSION['module_' . $m . '_view'], '[' . $C['uid'] . ']')) { echo autolink(getContents($C['content'], $C['html'], $keyword)); } else { $isSECRETCHECK = false; echo '<i class="fa fa-lock-o"></i> <a href="' . $g['cment_modify'] . $C['uid'] . '" onclick="return cmentHidden(\'' . $C['id'] . '\',\'' . $C['uid'] . '\',event);">비공개 댓글입니다.</a>'; } echo '</div>'; if ($C['is_link']) { $links_arr = explode('^^', $C['links']); $link_title = $links_arr[0]; $link_url = $links_arr[1]; $link_desc = $links_arr[2]; $link_thumb = $links_arr[3]; echo '<div class="rb-comment-links clearfix"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-left" id="extracted_thumb"><img src="' . $link_thumb . '" width="100" height="100"></div> <div class="media-body"> <h4 class="media-heading"><a href="' . $link_url . '" target="_blank">' . $link_title . '</a></h4> <p class="rb-description">' . $link_desc . '</p> </div> </div> </div>'; } // 링크 출력부 // 포토출력 if ($C['is_photo']) { $upArray = getArrayString($C['upload']); $_pque = '('; foreach ($upArray['data'] as $val) { $_pque .= 'uid=' . $val . ' or '; } $_pque = substr($_pque, 0, -4) . ')'; $_UCD = getDbArray($table['s_upload'], $_pque, '*', 'gid', 'asc', 10, 1); echo '<ul class="rb-img-wrapper list-inline">'; while ($_U = db_fetch_array($_UCD)) { $img = str_replace('.', '', $_U['url']) . $_U['folder'] . '/' . $_U['tmpname']; $img_src = '/_core/opensrc/thumb/thumb.php?width=100&cropratio=2:1.5&image=' . $img; $img_alt = $_U['caption'] ? $_U['caption'] : $_U['name']; echo '<li><a href="#"><img src="' . $img . '" class="img-responsive" alt="' . $img_alt . '" width="100px" height="100px" /></a></li>'; } echo '</ul>'; } // 포토 출력부 // 지도 출력 if ($C['is_place']) { $P = getDbData($table['s_place'], 'parent=' . $C['uid'], '*'); // Lat, Lng 은 숫자형으로 적용해야 한다. echo '<script> $(\'document\').ready(function(){ var Lat=' . $P['lat'] . ';var Lng=' . $P['lng'] . ';var name=\'' . $P['name'] . '\';var addr=\'' . $P['addr'] . '\';var map_id=\'cmap_' . $C['uid'] . '\'; PlaceToMap(Lat,Lng,name,addr,map_id); }); </script> <div id="cmap_' . $C['uid'] . '" style="height:200px;"></div>'; } // 지도 출력 echo '<div class="clearfix"> <div class="pull-left" style="margin-top:4px;"> <a class="small live-tooltip" href="#comments-' . $C['uid'] . '-reply" data-parent="#comments-' . $C['uid'] . '" data-toggle="collapse">답글 <span id="one-num-' . $C['uid'] . '">' . $C['oneline'] . '</span> <i class="fa fa-sort-desc"></i></a> <span class="thumb-wrap" style="margin-left:15px;"> <a class="live-tooltip cmt-tools" title="공감" data-toggle="tooltip" id="good-' . $C['uid'] . '"><i class="fa fa-thumbs-up fa-sm"></i> <span id="good-num-' . $C['uid'] . '">' . $C['score1'] . '</span></a> <a class="live-tooltip cmt-tools" title="비공감" data-toggle="tooltip" id="bad-' . $C['uid'] . '" style="margin-left:7px;"><i class="fa fa-thumbs-down fa-sm"></i> <span id="bad-num-' . $C['uid'] . '">' . $C['score2'] . '</span></a> </span> </div> <div class="pull-right"> <div class="clearfix cmt-modify-btn-wrap" style="display:none;margin:5px 0" id="btn-cmt-modify-wrap-' . $C['uid'] . '"> <button class="btn btn-default btn-sm cmt-modify-cancel" id="' . $C['uid'] . '" >취소</button> <button class="btn btn-primary btn-sm cmt-modify" id="' . $C['uid'] . '" >수정</button> </div> </div> </div> <!-- nested --> <div class="rb-comment-reply collapse" id="comments-' . $C['uid'] . '-reply"> <!-- 의견쓰기 --> <div class="media"> <div class="media-left" style="width:90%;"> <input type="hidden" name="parent" value="' . $C['uid'] . '" /> <input type="hidden" name="theme" value="' . $theme . '" /> <input type="hidden" name="ouid" value="" /> <textarea placeholder="답글을 입력하세요..." name="oneline" rows="1" class="form-control rb-commnet-reply"></textarea> </div> <div class="media-body"> <button class="btn btn-primary btn-md one-regis" id="one-regis-' . $C['uid'] . '">등록</button> </div> </div>'; echo '<div id="oneline-box-' . $C['uid'] . '" class="one-list-wrap">'; // 한줄 의견 리스트 출력함수 호출 getOnelineList($theme, $C['uid']); echo '</div>'; // 한 줄 의견 출력 박스 echo '</div> </div> </div> </li>'; $i++; } //endforeach // 더보기 버튼 설정시 if ($NUM && $d['comment']['show_more']) { echo '<button class="text-center btn btn-default btn-block ' . $btn_more . '"><i class="fa fa-sort-desc fa-lg"></i><span class="text-muted small"> 더 보기 ( ' . $namegi_ment . ' ) </span></button>'; } // if(!$NUM){ // echo '<div class="rb-timeline"> // <div class="rb-nopost"> // <i class="fa fa-exclamation-circle"></i> // 등록된 소식이 없습니다. // </div> // </div>'; // } }
</th> <th><?php echo _LANG('ad035', 'admin'); ?> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php while ($R = db_fetch_array($RCD)) { ?> <?php $_browzer = getBrowzer($R['agent']); ?> <?php $_deviceKind = isMobileConnect($R['agent']); ?> <?php $_deviceType = getDeviceKind($R['agent'], $_deviceKind); ?> <tr> <td><?php echo $NUM - (($p - 1) * $recnum + $_rec++); ?> </td> <td><?php echo $R['ip']; ?> </td> <td class="rb-url"><a href="<?php echo $R['referer'];
function getCommentList($theme, $parent, $_where, $recnum, $sort, $orderby1, $orderby2, $cp) { global $g, $table, $_HS, $m, $my; include $theme . '_var.php'; // 설정파일 인클루드 $g['img_module_skin'] = $theme . 'image/'; $NCD = array(); $RCD = array(); $cp = $cp ? $cp : 1; $sort = $sort ? $sort : 'uid'; $orderby1 = $orderby1 ? $orderby1 : $d['comment']['orderby1']; $orderby2 = $orderby2 ? $orderby2 : $d['comment']['orderby2']; $recnum = $recnum ? $recnum : $d['comment']['recnum']; $cmentque = " and parent='" . str_replace('-', '', $parent) . "'"; if ($_where) { $cmentque .= " and " . $_where; } $PCD = getDbArray($table['s_comment'], 'notice=1' . $cmentque, '*', $sort, $orderby1, 0, 0); $TCD = getDbArray($table['s_comment'], 'notice=0' . $cmentque, '*', $sort, $orderby2, $recnum, $cp); $NUM = getDbRows($table['s_comment'], 'notice=0' . $cmentque); $TPG = getTotalPage($NUM, $recnum); while ($_R = db_fetch_array($PCD)) { $NCD[] = $_R; } while ($_R = db_fetch_array($TCD)) { $RCD[] = $_R; } //echo $cmentque; $RCD = $NCD + $RCD; $i = 1; $namegi = $NUM - $cp * $recnum; if ($namegi > 0) { $namegi_ment = '총 <span class="text-danger namegi">' . $namegi . '</span> 개의 댓글이 더 있습니다.'; $btn_more = 'btn-more'; $is_namegi = 1; } else { $namegi_ment = '더이상 댓글이 없습니다.'; $btn_more = 'disabled'; $is_namegi = 0; } // 로그인 사용자 아바타 사진 url 세팅 if ($my['photo']) { $my_avatar = $g['url_root'] . '/_var/avatar/' . $my['photo']; } else { $my_avatar = $g['url_root'] . '/_var/avatar/0.gif'; } echo '<!-- filter --> <div class="btn-toolbar" role="toolbar"> <div class="btn-group btn-group-sm" data-toggle="buttons"> <label class="btn btn-default active"> <input type="radio" name="options" id="option1" autocomplete="off" checked> 광장 </label> <label class="btn btn-default"> <input type="radio" name="options" id="option2" autocomplete="off"> 핫이슈 </label> <label class="btn btn-default"> <input type="radio" name="options" id="option3" autocomplete="off"> 내 피드 </label> </div> </div>'; foreach ($RCD as $C) { $C['mobile'] = isMobileConnect($C['agent']); if ($C['mbruid']) { $M = getDbData($table['s_mbrdata'], 'memberuid=' . $C['mbruid'], '*'); $M1 = getUidData($table['s_mbrid'], $C['mbruid']); } $isSECRETCHECK = true; $compare_time = $C['d_modify'] ? $C['d_modify'] : $C['d_regis']; $JN_time = getJNTime($compare_time); // 지난시간 얻기 함수 호출 // 아바타 사진 url 세팅 if ($M['photo']) { $avatar_img = $g['url_root'] . '/_var/avatar/' . $M['photo']; } else { $avatar_img = $g['url_root'] . '/_var/avatar/0.gif'; } echo ' <div class="rb-item panel panel-default" id="' . $C['uid'] . '-' . $C['score1'] . '-' . $C['oneline'] . '"> <div class="panel-heading clearfix"> <div class="rb-media media" id="cuid-' . $C['uid'] . '"> <input type="hidden" name="is_namegi" value="' . $is_namegi . '"/> <input type="hidden" name="TPG" value="' . $TPG . '"/> <input type="hidden" name="theme" class="theme" value="' . $theme . '" /> <input type="hidden" name="parent" class="parent" value="' . $parent . '" /> <input type="hidden" name="c_content" class="c_content" value="' . htmlspecialchars(getContents($C['content'], $C['html'], $keyword)) . '" /> <div class="media-left"> <a href="' . $g['s'] . '/profile/' . $M1['id'] . '"><img class="media-object" src="' . $avatar_img . '" alt="' . $M[$_HS['nametype']] . '님 아바타"></a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <h4 class="media-heading">' . ($C[$_HS['nametype']] ? $C[$_HS['nametype']] : $C['name']) . '</h4> <div class="rb-meta"> <a class="rb-time" data-toggle="tooltip" title="' . getDateFormat($compare_time, 'Y년 m월 d일 H시 i분') . '">' . $JN_time . '</a> <a class="rb-range" data-toggle="tooltip" title="공유대상 : 전체공개"><i class="fa fa-globe"></i></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="rb-actions"> <div class="dropdown"> <button class="btn btn-link dropdown-toggle" type="button" id="dropdownMenu1" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="true"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-menu-down" aria-hidden="true"></span> </button>'; if ($my['admin'] || $C['mbruid'] == $my['uid']) { echo ' <ul class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right" aria-labelledby="dropdownMenu1"> <li><a href="#" class="rb-hidden cmt-acts" id="hidden-' . $C['uid'] . '" ><i class="fa fa-eye-slash fa-fw"></i> 게시물 숨기기</a></li> <li><a href="#" class="rb-report cmt-acts" id="report-' . $C['uid'] . '"><i class="fa fa-info-circle fa-fw"></i> 게시물 신고</a></li> <li><a href="#" class="rb-linkSave cmt-acts" id="savelink-' . $C['uid'] . '"><i class="fa fa-bookmark fa-fw"></i> 링크 저장</a></li> <li role="separator" class="divider"></li> <li class="dropdown-header">' . ($C[$_HS['nametype']] ? $C[$_HS['nametype']] : $C['name']) . '님</li> <li><a href="#" class="rb-unfolow cmt-acts" id="' . $C['mbruid'] . '"><i class="fa fa-chain-broken fa-fw"></i> 팔로우 취소</a></li> <li role="separator" class="divider"></li> <li class="dropdown-header">게시물 관리</li> <li><a href="#" class="rb-modify cmt-acts" id="edit-' . $C['uid'] . '"><i class="fa fa-pencil fa-fw"></i> 게시물 수정</a></li> <li><a href="#" class="rb-delete cmt-acts" id="delete-' . $C['uid'] . '"><i class="fa fa-trash fa-fw"></i> 게시물 삭제</a></li> </ul>'; } echo ' </div> </div> </div> <!-- panel-heading--> <div class="panel-body"> <p class="comment-content" id="comment-content-' . $C['uid'] . '">' . autolink(getContents($C['content'], $C['html'], $keyword)) . '</p> <div class="clearfix cmt-modify-btn-wrap hide" id="btn-cmt-modify-wrap-' . $C['uid'] . '"> <div class="rb-action pull-right"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-sm cmt-modify-cancel" id="' . $C['uid'] . '">취소</button> <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm cmt-modify" id="' . $C['uid'] . '">수정</button> </div> </div> </div>'; if ($C['is_link']) { $links_arr = explode('^^', $C['links']); $link_title = $links_arr[0]; $link_url = $links_arr[1]; $link_desc = $links_arr[2]; $link_thumb = $links_arr[3]; echo '<div class="rb-comment-links clearfix"> <div class="media"> <div class="media-left" id="extracted_thumb"><img src="' . $link_thumb . '" width="100" height="100"></div> <div class="media-body"> <h4 class="media-heading"><a href="' . $link_url . '" target="_blank">' . $link_title . '</a></h4> <p class="rb-description">' . $link_desc . '</p> </div> </div> </div>'; } // 링크 출력부 // 포토출력 if ($C['is_photo']) { $upArray = getArrayString($C['upload']); $upQty = $upArray['count']; $_pque = '('; foreach ($upArray['data'] as $val) { $_pque .= 'uid=' . $val . ' or '; } $_pque = substr($_pque, 0, -4) . ')'; $_UCD = getDbArray($table['s_upload'], $_pque, '*', 'gid', 'asc', 10, 1); $data_layout = array('6' => '23', '5' => '23', '4' => '22', '3' => '12', '2' => '2', '1' => '1'); echo '<div class="rb-attach">'; echo '<div class="photoset-grid-lightbox" data-layout="' . $data_layout[$upQty] . '">'; while ($_U = db_fetch_array($_UCD)) { $_tmpArray = explode('.', $_U['tmpname']); $_name = $_tmpArray[0]; // 이름 $_ext = $_tmpArray[1]; // 확장자 $s_src = str_replace('.', '', $_U['url']) . $_U['folder'] . '/' . $_name . '_feed.' . $_ext; $b_src = str_replace('.', '', $_U['url']) . $_U['folder'] . '/' . $_name . '_b.' . $_ext; $img_alt = $_U['caption'] ? $_U['caption'] : $_U['name']; echo '<img src="' . $s_src . '" alt="' . $img_alt . '" data-hightres="' . $b_src . '"/>'; } echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; } // 포토 출력부 // 지도 출력 if ($C['is_place']) { $P = getDbData($table['s_place'], 'parent=' . $C['uid'], '*'); // Lat, Lng 은 숫자형으로 적용해야 한다. echo '<script> $(\'document\').ready(function(){ var Lat=' . $P['lat'] . ';var Lng=' . $P['lng'] . ';var name=\'' . $P['name'] . '\';var addr=\'' . $P['addr'] . '\';var map_id=\'cmap_' . $C['uid'] . '\'; PlaceToMap(Lat,Lng,name,addr,map_id); }); </script> <div id="cmap_' . $C['uid'] . '" style="height:200px;"></div>'; } // 지도 출력 echo ' <div class="rb-buttons"> <button type="button" id="like-issue" class="rb-like btn btn-link" data-toggle="button"> <i class="fa fa-thumbs-up fa-fw fa-lg"></i>좋아요 </button> <button type="button" class="rb-comment btn btn-link" id="' . $C['uid'] . '"><i class="fa fa-comment fa-fw fa-lg"></i>댓글달기</button> <button type="button" class="rb-share btn btn-link" data-toggle="modal"><i class="fa fa-share fa-fw fa-lg"></i>공유하기</button> </div> <div class="panel-footer"> <div class="rb-state-like"> <span id="likeMe">회원님 외 </span> <a href="#" class="rb-tooltip rb-likeUsers" data-toggle="modal" data-html="true" data-container=".rb-item" title="홍길동<br>벽돌이<br>홍길동<br>벽돌이<br>홍길동<br>벽돌이<br>홍길동<br>벽돌이<br>홍길동<br>벽돌이<br>20명 더 있음"> 13명 </a> 이 좋아합니다. </div> <!-- 이슈 공유이력이 있을 때만 출력 --> <div class="rb-state-share hidden"> <a href="#" class="rb-tooltip rb-shareUsers" data-toggle="modal"> 공유 1회 </a> </div> <ul class="rb-commnets media-list" id="oneline-box-' . $C['uid'] . '">'; getOnelineList($theme, $C['uid']); // 한줄의견 출력 echo ' </ul> <!-- 댓글작성 --> <div class="rb-comment-input media" id="comments-' . $C['uid'] . '-reply"> <div class="media-left"> <a href="' . $g['s'] . '/profile/' . $my['id'] . '" target="_blank"> <img class="media-object" src="' . $my_avatar . '" alt="' . $my[$_HS['nametype']] . '"> </a> </div> <div class="media-body"> <input type="hidden" name="parent" value="' . $C['uid'] . '" /> <input type="hidden" name="theme" value="' . $theme . '" /> <input type="hidden" name="ouid" value="" /> <textarea class="rb-textarea form-control" id="oneline-ta-' . $C['uid'] . '" name="oneline" rows="1" placeholder="댓글을 입력하세요..."></textarea> <div class="rb-attach"> <button type="button" class="rb-photo rb-tooltip btn btn-link" title="사진 첨부"> <i class="fa fa-camera"></i> </button> <button type="button" class="rb-smile rb-tooltip btn btn-link" title="스티커 올리기"> <i class="fa fa-smile-o"></i> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>'; $i++; } //endforeach }