function lastDay($year, $month) { $days = array('01' => '31', '02' => '28', '03' => '31', '04' => '30', '05' => '31', '06' => '30', '07' => '31', '08' => '31', '09' => '30', '10' => '31', '11' => '30', '12' => '31'); if (isLeapYear($year) && $month == 2) { return '29'; } else { return $days[$month]; } }
function getJewishMonthName($month, $year) { $monthNames = array("Tishrei", "Cheshvan", "Kislev", "Teves", "Shevat", "Adar I", "Adar II", "Nisan", "Iyar", "Sivan", "Tamuz", "Av", "Elul", "Adar"); if ($month == 6) { if (isLeapYear($year)) { return $monthNames[5]; } else { return $monthNames[13]; } } else { if (isset($monthNames[$month - 1])) { return $monthNames[$month - 1]; } else { return $monthNames[$month]; } //comment why this is neccesary } }
function getDaysOfMonth($strDate) { //--- split the date $arrDate = split("[/.-]", $strDate); $strMonth = $arrDate[1]; $strYear = $arrdate[2]; //--- get the days of the month $nMonthLength = 0; if ($strMonth == 1 || $strMonth == 3 || $strMonth == 5 || $strMonth == 7 || $strMonth == 8 || $strMonth == 10 || $strMonth == 12) { $nMonthLength = 31; } else { if ($strMonth == 2) { if (isLeapYear($strYear)) { $nMonthLength = 29; } else { $nMonthLength = 28; } } else { $nMonthLength = 30; } } return $nMonthLength; }
/** * RELATIVE DATES * * custom relative dates for comments and posts * @deprecated since 7.0 * @since 6.0 */ function relativeDate($posted_date) { $tz = 0; // change this if your web server and weblog are in different timezones $month = substr($posted_date, 4, 2); if ($month == "02") { // february // check for leap year $leapYear = isLeapYear(substr($posted_date, 0, 4)); if ($leapYear) { $month_in_seconds = 2505600; } else { $month_in_seconds = 2419200; } } else { // not february // check to see if the month has 30/31 days in it if ($month == "04" or $month == "06" or $month == "09" or $month == "11") { $month_in_seconds = 2592000; } else { $month_in_seconds = 2678400; } // 31 day month; } /* some parts of this implementation borrowed from: */ $in_seconds = strtotime(substr($posted_date, 0, 8) . ' ' . substr($posted_date, 8, 2) . ':' . substr($posted_date, 10, 2) . ':' . substr($posted_date, 12, 2)); $diff = time() - ($in_seconds + $tz * 3600); $months = floor($diff / $month_in_seconds); $diff -= $months * 2419200; $weeks = floor($diff / 604800); $diff -= $weeks * 604800; $days = floor($diff / 86400); $diff -= $days * 86400; $hours = floor($diff / 3600); $diff -= $hours * 3600; $minutes = floor($diff / 60); $diff -= $minutes * 60; $seconds = $diff; if ($months > 0) { // over a month old, just show date ("Month, Day Year") echo ''; the_time('F jS, Y'); } else { if ($weeks > 0) { // weeks and days $relative_date .= ($relative_date ? ', ' : '') . $weeks . ' ' . stripslashes(__('week', 'bizzthemes')) . '' . ($weeks > 1 ? '' . stripslashes(__('s', 'bizzthemes')) . '' : ''); $relative_date .= $days > 0 ? ($relative_date ? ', ' : '') . $days . ' ' . stripslashes(__('day', 'bizzthemes')) . '' . ($days > 1 ? '' . stripslashes(__('s', 'bizzthemes')) . '' : '') : ''; } elseif ($days > 0) { // days and hours $relative_date .= ($relative_date ? ', ' : '') . $days . ' ' . stripslashes(__('day', 'bizzthemes')) . '' . ($days > 1 ? '' . stripslashes(__('s', 'bizzthemes')) . '' : ''); $relative_date .= $hours > 0 ? ($relative_date ? ', ' : '') . $hours . ' ' . stripslashes(__('hour', 'bizzthemes')) . '' . ($hours > 1 ? '' . stripslashes(__('s', 'bizzthemes')) . '' : '') : ''; } elseif ($hours > 0) { // hours and minutes $relative_date .= ($relative_date ? ', ' : '') . $hours . ' ' . stripslashes(__('hour', 'bizzthemes')) . '' . ($hours > 1 ? '' . stripslashes(__('s', 'bizzthemes')) . '' : ''); $relative_date .= $minutes > 0 ? ($relative_date ? ', ' : '') . $minutes . ' ' . stripslashes(__('minute', 'bizzthemes')) . '' . ($minutes > 1 ? '' . stripslashes(__('s', 'bizzthemes')) . '' : '') : ''; } elseif ($minutes > 0) { // minutes only $relative_date .= ($relative_date ? ', ' : '') . $minutes . ' ' . stripslashes(__('minute', 'bizzthemes')) . '' . ($minutes > 1 ? '' . stripslashes(__('s', 'bizzthemes')) . '' : ''); } else { // seconds only $relative_date .= ($relative_date ? ', ' : '') . $seconds . ' ' . stripslashes(__('minute', 'bizzthemes')) . '' . ($seconds > 1 ? '' . stripslashes(__('s', 'bizzthemes')) . '' : ''); } // show relative date and add proper verbiage echo '' . stripslashes(__('Posted', 'bizzthemes')) . ' ' . $relative_date . ' ' . stripslashes(__('ago', 'bizzthemes')) . ''; } }
function gregorianToISO($day, $month, $year) { $mnth = array(0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334); $y_isleap = isLeapYear($year); $y_1_isleap = isLeapYear($year - 1); $day_of_year_number = $day + $mnth[$month - 1]; if ($y_isleap && $month > 2) { $day_of_year_number++; } // find Jan 1 weekday (monday = 1, sunday = 7) $yy = ($year - 1) % 100; $c = $year - 1 - $yy; $g = $yy + intval($yy / 4); $jan1_weekday = 1 + intval(($c / 100 % 4 * 5 + $g) % 7); // JGH added next if/else to compensate for week begins on Sunday if (!$GLOBALS["WEEK_START"] && $jan1_weekday < 7) { $jan1_weekday++; } elseif (!$GLOBALS["WEEK_START"] && $jan1_weekday == 7) { $jan1_weekday = 1; } // weekday for year-month-day $h = $day_of_year_number + ($jan1_weekday - 1); $weekday = 1 + intval(($h - 1) % 7); // find if Y M D falls in YearNumber Y-1, WeekNumber 52 or if ($day_of_year_number <= 8 - $jan1_weekday && $jan1_weekday > 4) { $yearnumber = $year - 1; if ($jan1_weekday == 5 || $jan1_weekday == 6 && $y_1_isleap) { $weeknumber = 53; } else { $weeknumber = 52; } } else { $yearnumber = $year; } // find if Y M D falls in YearNumber Y+1, WeekNumber 1 if ($yearnumber == $year) { if ($y_isleap) { $i = 366; } else { $i = 365; } if ($i - $day_of_year_number < 4 - $weekday) { $yearnumber++; $weeknumber = 1; } } // find if Y M D falls in YearNumber Y, WeekNumber 1 through 53 if ($yearnumber == $year) { $j = $day_of_year_number + (7 - $weekday) + ($jan1_weekday - 1); $weeknumber = intval($j / 7); if ($jan1_weekday > 4) { $weeknumber--; } } // put it all together if ($weeknumber < 10) { $weeknumber = '0' . $weeknumber; } return "{$yearnumber}-{$weeknumber}-{$weekday}"; }
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://web-backend.local/css/directory.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://web-backend.local/css/facade.css"> </head> <body class="web-backend-inleiding"> <section class="body"> <h1>Voorbeeld van functie met één parameter</h1> <p>Is dit cijfer een schrikkeljaar?</p> <ul> <li>1800: <?php echo isLeapYear(1800) ? "ja" : "nee"; ?> </li> <li>2000: <?php echo isLeapYear(2000) ? "ja" : "nee"; ?> </li> <li>2012: <?php echo isLeapYear(2012) ? "ja" : "nee"; ?> </li> </ul> </section> </body> </html>
function gregorianToISO($day, $month, $year) { global $WEEK_START; $mnth = array(0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334); $y_isleap = isLeapYear($year); $day_of_year_number = $day + $mnth[$month - 1]; if ($y_isleap && $month > 2) { $day_of_year_number++; } // Find Jan 1 weekday (Monday = 1, Sunday = 7). $yy = ($year - 1) % 100; $jan1_weekday = 1 + intval((($year - 1 - $yy / 100) % 4 * 5 + $yy + intval($yy / 4)) % 7); // JGH added next if/else to compensate for week begins on Sunday. if (!$WEEK_START) { if ($jan1_weekday < 7) { $jan1_weekday++; } elseif ($jan1_weekday == 7) { $jan1_weekday = 1; } } // Weekday for year-month-day. $weekday = 1 + intval(($day_of_year_number + ($jan1_weekday - 1) - 1) % 7); $yearnumber = $year; // Find if Y M D falls in YearNumber Y-1, WeekNumber 52. if ($day_of_year_number <= 8 - $jan1_weekday && $jan1_weekday > 4) { $weeknumber = $jan1_weekday == 5 || $jan1_weekday == 6 && isLeapYear($year - 1) ? 53 : 52; $yearnumber--; } // Find if Y M D falls in YearNumber Y+1, WeekNumber 1. if ($yearnumber == $year) { $i = 365; if ($y_isleap) { $i++; } if ($i - $day_of_year_number < 4 - $weekday) { $weeknumber = 1; $yearnumber++; } } // Find if Y M D falls in YearNumber Y, WeekNumber 1 through 53. if ($yearnumber == $year) { $weeknumber = intval(($day_of_year_number + (7 - $weekday) + ($jan1_weekday - 1)) / 7); if ($jan1_weekday > 4) { $weeknumber--; } } // Put it all together. if ($weeknumber < 10) { $weeknumber = '0' . $weeknumber; } return "{$yearnumber}-{$weeknumber}-{$weekday}"; }
/** * Return the days in a month * Given an integer month number 1-12, and an optional * year (defaults to current) this function returns * the number of days in the given month. * @param integer $monthno Month no. 1 - 12 * @param integer $year Year * @return integer Number of days in month */ function daysinmonth($monthno, $year = 0) { global $monthlengths; $numdays = 0; if ($monthno >= 1 && $monthno <= 12) { $numdays = $monthlengths[$monthno]; // The leap year crappola.. if ($monthno == 2) { if ($year == 0) { $datetoday = getdate(); $year = $datetoday["year"]; } if (isLeapYear($year)) { $numdays += 1; } } } return $numdays; }
function Generate_Date_Range($station_id, $Past_year) { global $No_Past_year; $Current_Month = Date('m'); $Current_Year = Date('Y'); $Last_Year = Date('Y', strtotime('-' . $No_Past_year . 'years')); $Last_Month = Date('m', strtotime('-' . $No_Past_year . 'years')); foreach ($Past_year as $year) { $Total_Month = 12; $Month = 1; if ((int) $Last_Year == (int) $year) { $Month = (int) $Last_Month; } while ($Month <= $Total_Month) { if ($Month == (int) $Last_Month && $year == (int) $Last_Year) { $first_day = Date('d', strtotime('-' . $No_Past_year . 'years')); $Start_timestamp = strtotime($first_day . '-' . $Month . '-' . $year); $last_day = Date('d', strtotime('last day of' . $Month . 'month')); $End_timestamp = strtotime($last_day . '-' . $Month . '-' . $year); $End_timestamp = strtotime('+1 day', $End_timestamp); } else { if ($Month == (int) $Current_Month && $year == (int) $Current_Year) { $last_day = Date('d'); $End_timestamp = strtotime($last_day . '-' . $Month . '-' . $year); $End_timestamp = strtotime('+1 day', $End_timestamp); $first_day = Date('d', strtotime('first day of' . $Month . 'month')); $Start_timestamp = strtotime($first_day . '-' . $Month . '-' . $year); $Total_Month = $Current_Month; } else { if ($Month == 2 && isLeapYear($year)) { $End_timestamp = strtotime('29-' . $Month . '-' . $year); $End_timestamp = strtotime('+1 day', $End_timestamp); $first_day = Date('d', strtotime('first day of' . $Month . 'month')); $Start_timestamp = strtotime($first_day . '-' . $Month . '-' . $year); } else { $last_day = Date('d', strtotime('last day of' . $Month . 'month')); $End_timestamp = strtotime($last_day . '-' . $Month . '-' . $year); $End_timestamp = strtotime('+1 day', $End_timestamp); $first_day = Date('d', strtotime('first day of' . $Month . 'month')); $Start_timestamp = strtotime($first_day . '-' . $Month . '-' . $year); } } } $jsonResult = Fetch_Data($station_id, $Start_timestamp, $End_timestamp); $result = json_decode($jsonResult, true); $totalResult = $result['cnt']; $count = 0; Write_Weather_Header($year, $Month); while ($count < $totalResult) { $array = convertMultiDimJsonToAssoc($result['list'][$count]); Write_Weather_Data($array, $year, $Month); $count++; } $Month++; } } }
function parseDate($value) { //сделано для возможности проставить прочерк if ('-' == $value) { return '-'; } if (strlen($value) < 10) { return "NULL"; } if ($value[2] != '.') { return "NULL"; } if ($value[5] != '.') { return "NULL"; } $day = substr($value, 0, 2); $month = substr($value, 3, 2); $year = substr($value, 6, 4); $_day = $day; $_month = $month; $_year = $year; settype($_day, 'integer'); settype($_month, 'integer'); settype($_year, 'integer'); $_month = $_month - 1; $days = array(31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31); if ($_year < 1900 || $_year > 2009) { return "NULL"; } if ($_month < 0 || $_month > 11) { return "NULL"; } if ($_day < 1 || $_month != 1 && $_day > $days[$_month] || $_month == 1 && isLeapYear($_year) && $_day > 29 || $_month == 1 && !isLeapYear($_year) && $_day > 28) { return "NULL"; } return $day . '.' . $month . '.' . $year; }