function glpiautoload($classname) { global $DEBUG_AUTOLOAD, $CFG_GLPI; static $notfound = array(); // empty classname or non concerted plugin if (empty($classname) || is_numeric($classname)) { return FALSE; } $dir = GLPI_ROOT . "/inc/"; //$classname="PluginExampleProfile"; if ($plug = isPluginItemType($classname)) { $plugname = strtolower($plug['plugin']); $dir = GLPI_ROOT . "/plugins/{$plugname}/inc/"; $item = strtolower($plug['class']); // Is the plugin activate ? // Command line usage of GLPI : need to do a real check plugin activation if (isCommandLine()) { $plugin = new Plugin(); if (count($plugin->find("directory='{$plugname}' AND state=" . Plugin::ACTIVATED)) == 0) { // Plugin does not exists or not activated return FALSE; } } else { // Standard use of GLPI if (!in_array($plugname, $_SESSION['glpi_plugins'])) { // Plugin not activated return FALSE; } } } else { // Is ezComponent class ? $matches = array(); if (preg_match('/^ezc([A-Z][a-z]+)/', $classname, $matches)) { include_once GLPI_EZC_BASE; ezcBase::autoload($classname); return TRUE; } else { $item = strtolower($classname); } } // No errors for missing classes due to implementation if (!isset($CFG_GLPI['missingclasses']) or !in_array($item, $CFG_GLPI['missingclasses'])) { if (file_exists("{$dir}{$item}.class.php")) { include_once "{$dir}{$item}.class.php"; if ($_SESSION['glpi_use_mode'] == Session::DEBUG_MODE) { $DEBUG_AUTOLOAD[] = $classname; } } else { if (!isset($notfound["{$classname}"])) { // trigger an error to get a backtrace, but only once (use prefix 'x' to handle empty case) //Toolbox::logInFile('debug', "file $dir$item.class.php not founded trying to load class $classname\n"); trigger_error("GLPI autoload : file {$dir}{$item}.class.php not founded trying to load class '{$classname}'"); $notfound["{$classname}"] = TRUE; } } } }
/** * Get the Login User ID or return cron user ID for cron jobs * * @param $force_human boolean : force human / do not return cron user * * return false if user is not logged in * * @return int or string : int for user id, string for cron jobs **/ function getLoginUserID($force_human = true) { if (!$force_human) { // Check cron jobs if (isset($_SESSION["glpicronuserrunning"]) && (isCommandLine() || strpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "cron.php"))) { return $_SESSION["glpicronuserrunning"]; } } if (isset($_SESSION["glpiID"])) { return $_SESSION["glpiID"]; } return false; }
/** * Specific error handler in Debug mode * * @param $errno integer level of the error raised. * @param $errmsg string error message. * @param $filename string filename that the error was raised in. * @param $linenum integer line number the error was raised at. * @param $vars array that points to the active symbol table at the point the error occurred. **/ static function userErrorHandlerDebug($errno, $errmsg, $filename, $linenum, $vars) { // For file record $type = self::userErrorHandlerNormal($errno, $errmsg, $filename, $linenum, $vars); // Display if (!isCommandLine()) { echo '<div style="position:fload-left; background-color:red; z-index:10000">' . '<span class="b">PHP ' . $type . ': </span>'; echo $errmsg . ' in ' . $filename . ' at line ' . $linenum . '</div>'; } else { echo 'PHP ' . $type . ': ' . $errmsg . ' in ' . $filename . ' at line ' . $linenum . "\n"; } }
/** * Do automatic transfer if option is enable * * @param $line_links array : data from glpi_plugin_ocsinventoryng_ocslinks table * @return nothing * @internal param array $line_ocs : data from ocs tables * */ static function transferComputer($line_links) { global $DB, $CFG_GLPI; $ocsClient = self::getDBocs($line_links["plugin_ocsinventoryng_ocsservers_id"]); $cfg_ocs = self::getConfig($line_links["plugin_ocsinventoryng_ocsservers_id"]); $ocsComputer = $ocsClient->getComputer($line_links["ocsid"]); $locations_id = 0; $contact = isset($ocsComputer['META']["USERID"]) ? $ocsComputer['META']["USERID"] : ""; if (!empty($contact)) { $query = "SELECT `id`\n FROM `glpi_users`\n WHERE `name` = '" . $contact . "';"; $result = $DB->query($query); if ($DB->numrows($result) == 1) { $user_id = $DB->result($result, 0, 0); $user = new User(); $user->getFromDB($user_id); $locations_id = $user->fields["locations_id"]; } } // Get all rules for the current plugin_ocsinventoryng_ocsservers_id $rule = new RuleImportEntityCollection(); $data = array(); $data = $rule->processAllRules(array('ocsservers_id' => $line_links["plugin_ocsinventoryng_ocsservers_id"], '_source' => 'ocsinventoryng', 'locations_id' => $locations_id), array('locations_id' => $locations_id), array('ocsid' => $line_links["ocsid"])); // If entity is changing move items to the new entities_id if (isset($data['entities_id']) && $data['entities_id'] > -1 && $data['entities_id'] != $line_links['entities_id']) { if (!isCommandLine() && !Session::haveAccessToEntity($data['entities_id'])) { Html::displayRightError(); } $transfer = new Transfer(); $transfer->getFromDB($CFG_GLPI['transfers_id_auto']); $item_to_transfer = array("Computer" => array($line_links['computers_id'] => $line_links['computers_id'])); $transfer->moveItems($item_to_transfer, $data['entities_id'], $transfer->fields); } //If location is update by a rule self::updateLocation($line_links, $data, $cfg_ocs); }
/** * Print footer for null page **/ static function nullFooter() { global $CFG_GLPI, $FOOTER_LOADED; // Print foot for null page if ($FOOTER_LOADED) { return; } $FOOTER_LOADED = true; if (!isCommandLine()) { echo "</div></div>"; echo "<div id='footer-login'>"; echo "<a href='' title='Powered By Teclib'>"; echo "GLPI version " . (isset($CFG_GLPI["version"]) ? $CFG_GLPI["version"] : "") . " Copyright (C) " . "2015-" . " By Teclib'" . " - Copyright (C) 2003-2015 INDEPNET Development Team"; echo "</a></div>"; echo "</body></html>"; } closeDBConnections(); }
/** * Update date mod of the ticket * * @since version 0.83.3 new proto * * @param $ID ID of the ticket * @param $no_stat_computation boolean do not cumpute take into account stat (false by default) * @param $users_id_lastupdater integer to force last_update id (default 0 = not used) **/ function updateDateMod($ID, $no_stat_computation = false, $users_id_lastupdater = 0) { global $DB; if ($this->getFromDB($ID)) { if (!$no_stat_computation && (Session::haveRight('task', CommonITILTask::ADDALLITEM) || Session::haveRightsOr('followup', array(TicketFollowup::ADDALLTICKET, TicketFollowup::ADDMYTICKET, TicketFollowup::ADDGROUPTICKET)) || $this->isUser(CommonITILActor::ASSIGN, Session::getLoginUserID()) || isset($_SESSION["glpigroups"]) && $this->haveAGroup(CommonITILActor::ASSIGN, $_SESSION['glpigroups']) || isCommandLine())) { if ($this->fields['takeintoaccount_delay_stat'] == 0) { return $this->update(array('id' => $ID, 'takeintoaccount_delay_stat' => $this->computeTakeIntoAccountDelayStat(), '_disablenotif' => true)); } } parent::updateDateMod($ID, $no_stat_computation, $users_id_lastupdater); } }
/** * Print footer for null page **/ static function nullFooter() { global $CFG_GLPI, $FOOTER_LOADED; // Print foot for null page if ($FOOTER_LOADED) { return; } $FOOTER_LOADED = true; if (!isCommandLine()) { echo "</div></div>"; echo "<div id='footer-login'>" . self::getCopyrightMessage() . "</div>"; echo "</body></html>"; } closeDBConnections(); }
/** * @see RuleCollection::replayRulesOnExistingDB() **/ function replayRulesOnExistingDB($offset = 0, $maxtime = 0, $items = array(), $params = array()) { global $DB; if (isCommandLine()) { printf(__('Replay rules on existing database started on %s') . "\n", date("r")); } $nb = 0; $i = $offset; //Select all the differents software $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT `glpi_printers`.`name`,\n `glpi_manufacturers`.`name` AS manufacturer,\n `glpi_printers`.`manufacturers_id` AS manufacturers_id,\n `glpi_printers`.`comment` AS comment\n FROM `glpi_printers`\n LEFT JOIN `glpi_manufacturers`\n ON (`glpi_manufacturers`.`id` = `glpi_printers`.`manufacturers_id`) "; // Do not replay on dustbin and templates $sql .= "WHERE `glpi_printers`.`is_deleted` = '0'\n AND `glpi_printers`.`is_template` = '0' "; if ($offset) { $sql .= " LIMIT " . intval($offset) . ",999999999"; } $res = $DB->query($sql); $nb = $DB->numrows($res) + $offset; $step = $nb > 1000 ? 50 : ($nb > 20 ? floor($DB->numrows($res) / 20) : 1); while ($input = $DB->fetch_assoc($res)) { if (!($i % $step)) { if (isCommandLine()) { //TRANS: %1$s is a date, %2$s is a row, %3$s is total row, %4$s is memory printf(__('%1$s - replay rules on existing database: %2$s/%3$s (%4$s Mio)') . "\n", date("H:i:s"), $i, $nb, round(memory_get_usage() / (1024 * 1024), 2)); } else { Html::changeProgressBarPosition($i, $nb, "{$i} / {$nb}"); } } //Replay printer dictionnary rules $res_rule = $this->processAllRules($input, array(), array()); foreach (array('manufacturer', 'is_global', 'name') as $attr) { if (isset($res_rule[$attr]) && $res_rule[$attr] == '') { unset($res_rule[$attr]); } } //If the software's name or version has changed if (self::somethingHasChanged($res_rule, $input)) { $IDs = array(); //Find all the printers in the database with the same name and manufacturer $sql = "SELECT `id`\n FROM `glpi_printers`\n WHERE `name` = '" . $input["name"] . "'\n AND `manufacturers_id` = '" . $input["manufacturers_id"] . "'"; $res_printer = $DB->query($sql); if ($DB->numrows($res_printer) > 0) { //Store all the printer's IDs in an array while ($result = $DB->fetch_assoc($res_printer)) { $IDs[] = $result["id"]; } //Replay dictionnary on all the printers $this->replayDictionnaryOnPrintersByID($IDs, $res_rule); } } $i++; if ($maxtime) { $crt = explode(" ", microtime()); if ($crt[0] + $crt[1] > $maxtime) { break; } } } if (isCommandLine()) { printf(__('Replay rules on existing database: %1$s/%2$s') . "\n", $i, $nb); } else { Html::changeProgressBarPosition($i, $nb, "{$i} / {$nb}"); } if (isCommandLine()) { printf(__('Replay rules on existing database ended on %s') . "\n", date("r")); } return $i == $nb ? -1 : $i; }
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** @file * @brief */ // Ensure current directory when run from crontab chdir(dirname($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"])); define('DO_NOT_CHECK_HTTP_REFERER', 1); include '../inc/includes.php'; if (!is_writable(GLPI_LOCK_DIR)) { //TRANS: %s is a directory echo "\t" . sprintf(__('ERROR: %s is not writable') . "\n", GLPI_LOCK_DIR); echo "\t" . __('run script as apache user') . "\n"; exit(1); } if (!isCommandLine()) { //The advantage of using background-image is that cron is called in a separate //request and thus does not slow down output of the main page as it would if called //from there. $image = pack("H*", "47494638396118001800800000ffffff00000021f90401000000002c0000000" . "018001800000216848fa9cbed0fa39cb4da8bb3debcfb0f86e248965301003b"); header("Content-Type: image/gif"); header("Content-Length: " . strlen($image)); header("Cache-Control: no-cache,no-store"); header("Pragma: no-cache"); header("Connection: close"); echo $image; flush(); CronTask::launch(CronTask::MODE_INTERNAL); } else { if (isset($_SERVER['argc']) && $_SERVER['argc'] > 1) { // Parse command line options
/** * To load classes * * @param $classname : class to load **/ function glpi_autoload($classname) { global $DEBUG_AUTOLOAD, $CFG_GLPI; static $notfound = array('xStates' => true, 'xAllAssets' => true); // empty classname or non concerted plugin or classname containing dot (leaving GLPI main treee) if (empty($classname) || is_numeric($classname) || strpos($classname, '.') !== false) { return false; } $dir = GLPI_ROOT . "/inc/"; if ($plug = isPluginItemType($classname)) { $plugname = strtolower($plug['plugin']); $dir = GLPI_ROOT . "/plugins/{$plugname}/inc/"; $item = strtolower($plug['class']); // Is the plugin activate ? // Command line usage of GLPI : need to do a real check plugin activation if (isCommandLine()) { $plugin = new Plugin(); if (count($plugin->find("directory='{$plugname}' AND state=" . Plugin::ACTIVATED)) == 0) { // Plugin does not exists or not activated return false; } } else { // Standard use of GLPI if (!in_array($plugname, $_SESSION['glpi_plugins'])) { // Plugin not activated return false; } } } else { // Is ezComponent class ? if (preg_match('/^ezc([A-Z][a-z]+)/', $classname, $matches)) { include_once GLPI_EZC_BASE; ezcBase::autoload($classname); return true; } // Is Zend class ? // if (preg_match('/^Zend/',$classname,$matches)) { // if (GLPI_ZEND_PATH) { // set_include_path(GLPI_ZEND_PATH . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path()); // } // require_once("Zend/Loader.php"); // // Zend_Loader::loadClass($classname); // return true; // } // Do not try to load phpcas using GLPI autoload if (preg_match('/^CAS_.*/', $classname)) { return false; } $item = strtolower($classname); } // No errors for missing classes due to implementation if (file_exists("{$dir}{$item}.class.php")) { include_once "{$dir}{$item}.class.php"; if (isset($_SESSION['glpi_use_mode']) && $_SESSION['glpi_use_mode'] == Session::DEBUG_MODE) { $DEBUG_AUTOLOAD[] = $classname; } } else { if (!isset($notfound["x{$classname}"])) { // trigger an error to get a backtrace, but only once (use prefix 'x' to handle empty case) // trigger_error("GLPI autoload : file $dir$item.class.php not founded trying to load class '$classname'"); $notfound["x{$classname}"] = true; } } }
/** * Detect cron mode or interactive * * @since version 0.84 * * @return Boolean **/ static function isCron() { return isset($_SESSION["glpicronuserrunning"]) && (isCommandLine() || strpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'cron.php') || strpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'crontask.form.php')); }
function getSearchOptions() { // Only use for History (not by search Engine) $tab = array(); $tab['common'] = __('Characteristics'); $tab[1]['table'] = $this->getTable(); $tab[1]['field'] = 'name'; $tab[1]['name'] = __('Name'); $tab[1]['datatype'] = 'itemlink'; $tab[1]['massiveaction'] = false; $tab[2]['table'] = $this->getTable(); $tab[2]['field'] = 'id'; $tab[2]['name'] = __('ID'); $tab[2]['massiveaction'] = false; $tab[2]['datatype'] = 'number'; $tab += Location::getSearchOptionsToAdd(); $tab[16]['table'] = $this->getTable(); $tab[16]['field'] = 'comment'; $tab[16]['name'] = __('Comments'); $tab[16]['datatype'] = 'text'; $tab[62]['table'] = 'glpi_softwarecategories'; $tab[62]['field'] = 'completename'; $tab[62]['name'] = __('Category'); $tab[62]['datatype'] = 'dropdown'; $tab[19]['table'] = $this->getTable(); $tab[19]['field'] = 'date_mod'; $tab[19]['name'] = __('Last update'); $tab[19]['datatype'] = 'datetime'; $tab[19]['massiveaction'] = false; $tab[23]['table'] = 'glpi_manufacturers'; $tab[23]['field'] = 'name'; $tab[23]['name'] = __('Publisher'); $tab[23]['datatype'] = 'dropdown'; $tab[24]['table'] = 'glpi_users'; $tab[24]['field'] = 'name'; $tab[24]['linkfield'] = 'users_id_tech'; $tab[24]['name'] = __('Technician in charge of the hardware'); $tab[24]['datatype'] = 'dropdown'; $tab[24]['right'] = 'own_ticket'; $tab[49]['table'] = 'glpi_groups'; $tab[49]['field'] = 'completename'; $tab[49]['linkfield'] = 'groups_id_tech'; $tab[49]['name'] = __('Group in charge of the hardware'); $tab[49]['condition'] = '`is_assign`'; $tab[49]['datatype'] = 'dropdown'; $tab[70]['table'] = 'glpi_users'; $tab[70]['field'] = 'name'; $tab[70]['name'] = __('User'); $tab[70]['datatype'] = 'dropdown'; $tab[70]['right'] = 'all'; $tab[71]['table'] = 'glpi_groups'; $tab[71]['field'] = 'completename'; $tab[71]['name'] = __('Group'); $tab[71]['condition'] = '`is_itemgroup`'; $tab[71]['datatype'] = 'dropdown'; $tab[61]['table'] = $this->getTable(); $tab[61]['field'] = 'is_helpdesk_visible'; $tab[61]['name'] = __('Associable to a ticket'); $tab[61]['datatype'] = 'bool'; $tab[63]['table'] = $this->getTable(); $tab[63]['field'] = 'is_valid'; //TRANS: Indicator to know is all licenses of the software are valids $tab[63]['name'] = __('Valid licenses'); $tab[63]['datatype'] = 'bool'; $tab[80]['table'] = 'glpi_entities'; $tab[80]['field'] = 'completename'; $tab[80]['name'] = __('Entity'); $tab[80]['massiveaction'] = false; $tab[80]['datatype'] = 'dropdown'; $tab[72]['table'] = 'glpi_computers_softwareversions'; $tab[72]['field'] = 'id'; $tab[72]['name'] = _x('quantity', 'Number of installations'); $tab[72]['forcegroupby'] = true; $tab[72]['usehaving'] = true; $tab[72]['datatype'] = 'count'; $tab[72]['nometa'] = true; $tab[72]['massiveaction'] = false; if (Session::getLoginUserID()) { $tab[72]['joinparams'] = array('jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => "AND NEWTABLE.`is_deleted_computer` = '0'\n AND NEWTABLE.`is_deleted` = '0'\n AND NEWTABLE.`is_template_computer` = '0'\n " . getEntitiesRestrictRequest('AND', 'NEWTABLE'), 'beforejoin' => array('table' => 'glpi_softwareversions', 'joinparams' => array('jointype' => 'child'))); } $tab[86]['table'] = $this->getTable(); $tab[86]['field'] = 'is_recursive'; $tab[86]['name'] = __('Child entities'); $tab[86]['datatype'] = 'bool'; $tab[86]['massiveaction'] = false; $tab['versions'] = _n('Version', 'Versions', Session::getPluralNumber()); $tab[5]['table'] = 'glpi_softwareversions'; $tab[5]['field'] = 'name'; $tab[5]['name'] = __('Version name'); $tab[5]['forcegroupby'] = true; $tab[5]['massiveaction'] = false; $tab[5]['joinparams'] = array('jointype' => 'child'); $tab[5]['datatype'] = 'dropdown'; $tab[31]['table'] = 'glpi_states'; $tab[31]['field'] = 'completename'; $tab[31]['name'] = __('Status'); $tab[31]['datatype'] = 'dropdown'; $tab[31]['forcegroupby'] = true; $tab[31]['massiveaction'] = false; $tab[31]['joinparams'] = array('beforejoin' => array('table' => 'glpi_softwareversions', 'joinparams' => array('jointype' => 'child'))); $tab[170]['table'] = 'glpi_softwareversions'; $tab[170]['field'] = 'comment'; $tab[170]['name'] = __('Version comments'); $tab[170]['forcegroupby'] = true; $tab[170]['datatype'] = 'text'; $tab[170]['massiveaction'] = false; $tab[170]['joinparams'] = array('jointype' => 'child'); $tab[4]['table'] = 'glpi_operatingsystems'; $tab[4]['field'] = 'name'; $tab[4]['datatype'] = 'dropdown'; $tab[4]['name'] = __('Operating system'); $tab[4]['forcegroupby'] = true; $tab[4]['joinparams'] = array('beforejoin' => array('table' => 'glpi_softwareversions', 'joinparams' => array('jointype' => 'child'))); $tab += Notepad::getSearchOptionsToAdd(); $tab['license'] = _n('License', 'Licenses', Session::getPluralNumber()); $licjoin = array(); $licjoinexpire = array(); if (!Session::isCron() && !isCommandLine()) { // no filter for cron $licjoin = array('jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => getEntitiesRestrictRequest(' AND', "NEWTABLE", '', '', true)); $licjoinexpire = array('jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => getEntitiesRestrictRequest(' AND', "NEWTABLE", '', '', true) . " AND (NEWTABLE.`expire` IS NULL\n OR NEWTABLE.`expire` > NOW())"); } $tab[160]['table'] = 'glpi_softwarelicenses'; $tab[160]['field'] = 'name'; $tab[160]['name'] = __('License name'); $tab[160]['datatype'] = 'dropdown'; $tab[160]['forcegroupby'] = true; $tab[160]['massiveaction'] = false; $tab[160]['joinparams'] = $licjoinexpire; $tab[161]['table'] = 'glpi_softwarelicenses'; $tab[161]['field'] = 'serial'; $tab[161]['datatype'] = 'string'; $tab[161]['name'] = __('License serial number'); $tab[161]['forcegroupby'] = true; $tab[161]['massiveaction'] = false; $tab[161]['joinparams'] = $licjoinexpire; $tab[162]['table'] = 'glpi_softwarelicenses'; $tab[162]['field'] = 'otherserial'; $tab[162]['datatype'] = 'string'; $tab[162]['name'] = __('License inventory number'); $tab[162]['forcegroupby'] = true; $tab[162]['massiveaction'] = false; $tab[162]['joinparams'] = $licjoinexpire; $tab[163]['table'] = 'glpi_softwarelicenses'; $tab[163]['field'] = 'number'; $tab[163]['name'] = _x('phone', 'Number of licenses'); $tab[163]['forcegroupby'] = true; $tab[163]['usehaving'] = true; $tab[163]['datatype'] = 'number'; $tab[163]['massiveaction'] = false; $tab[163]['joinparams'] = $licjoinexpire; $tab[164]['table'] = 'glpi_softwarelicensetypes'; $tab[164]['field'] = 'name'; $tab[164]['datatype'] = 'dropdown'; $tab[164]['name'] = _n('License type', 'License types', Session::getPluralNumber()); $tab[164]['forcegroupby'] = true; $tab[164]['massiveaction'] = false; $tab[164]['joinparams'] = array('beforejoin' => array('table' => 'glpi_softwarelicenses', 'joinparams' => $licjoinexpire)); $tab[165]['table'] = 'glpi_softwarelicenses'; $tab[165]['field'] = 'comment'; $tab[165]['name'] = __('License comments'); $tab[165]['forcegroupby'] = true; $tab[165]['datatype'] = 'text'; $tab[165]['massiveaction'] = false; $tab[165]['joinparams'] = $licjoinexpire; $tab[166]['table'] = 'glpi_softwarelicenses'; $tab[166]['field'] = 'expire'; $tab[166]['name'] = __('Expiration'); $tab[166]['forcegroupby'] = true; $tab[166]['datatype'] = 'date'; $tab[166]['emptylabel'] = __('Never expire'); $tab[166]['massiveaction'] = false; $tab[166]['joinparams'] = $licjoinexpire; $tab[167]['table'] = 'glpi_softwarelicenses'; $tab[167]['field'] = 'is_valid'; $tab[167]['name'] = _x('adjective', 'Valid'); $tab[167]['forcegroupby'] = true; $tab[167]['datatype'] = 'bool'; $tab[167]['massiveaction'] = false; $tab[167]['joinparams'] = $licjoinexpire; return $tab; }
/** * Update some elements of an item in the database. * * @param $input array the _POST vars returned by the item form when press update * @param $history boolean do history log ? (default 1) * @param options array with the insert options * * @return boolean : true on success **/ function update(array $input, $history = 1, $options = array()) { global $DB, $CFG_GLPI; if ($DB->isSlave()) { return false; } if (!$this->getFromDB($input[static::getIndexName()])) { return false; } // Store input in the object to be available in all sub-method / hook $this->input = $input; // Plugin hook - $this->input can be altered Plugin::doHook("pre_item_update", $this); if ($this->input && is_array($this->input)) { $this->input = $this->prepareInputForUpdate($this->input); if (isset($this->input['update'])) { $this->input['_update'] = $this->input['update']; unset($this->input['update']); } $this->filterValues(!isCommandLine()); } // Valid input for update if ($this->checkUnicity(false, $options)) { if ($this->input && is_array($this->input)) { // Fill the update-array with changes $x = 0; $this->updates = array(); $this->oldvalues = array(); foreach ($this->input as $key => $val) { if (array_key_exists($key, $this->fields)) { // Prevent history for date statement (for date for example) if (is_null($this->fields[$key]) && $this->input[$key] == 'NULL') { $this->fields[$key] = 'NULL'; } // Compare item $ischanged = true; $searchopt = $this->getSearchOptionByField('field', $key, $this->getTable()); if (isset($searchopt['datatype'])) { switch ($searchopt['datatype']) { case 'string': case 'text': $ischanged = strcmp($DB->escape($this->fields[$key]), $this->input[$key]) != 0; break; case 'itemlink': if ($key == 'name') { $ischanged = strcmp($DB->escape($this->fields[$key]), $this->input[$key]) != 0; break; } // else default // else default default: $ischanged = $DB->escape($this->fields[$key]) != $this->input[$key]; break; } } else { // No searchoption case $ischanged = $DB->escape($this->fields[$key]) != $this->input[$key]; } if ($ischanged) { if ($key != "id") { // Store old values if (!in_array($key, $this->history_blacklist)) { $this->oldvalues[$key] = $this->fields[$key]; } $this->fields[$key] = $this->input[$key]; $this->updates[$x] = $key; $x++; } } } } if (count($this->updates)) { if (array_key_exists('date_mod', $this->fields)) { // is a non blacklist field exists if (count(array_diff($this->updates, $this->history_blacklist)) > 0) { $this->fields['date_mod'] = $_SESSION["glpi_currenttime"]; $this->updates[$x++] = 'date_mod'; } } $this->pre_updateInDB(); if (count($this->updates)) { if ($this->updateInDB($this->updates, $this->dohistory && $history ? $this->oldvalues : array())) { $this->addMessageOnUpdateAction(); Plugin::doHook("item_update", $this); //Fill forward_entity_to array with itemtypes coming from plugins if (isset(self::$plugins_forward_entity[$this->getType()])) { foreach (self::$plugins_forward_entity[$this->getType()] as $itemtype) { static::$forward_entity_to[] = $itemtype; } } // forward entity information if needed if (count(static::$forward_entity_to) && (in_array("entities_id", $this->updates) || in_array("is_recursive", $this->updates))) { $this->forwardEntityInformations(); } // If itemtype is in infocomtype and if states_id field is filled // and item not a template if (InfoCom::canApplyOn($this) && in_array('states_id', $this->updates) && $this->getField('is_template') != NOT_AVAILABLE) { //Check if we have to automatical fill dates Infocom::manageDateOnStatusChange($this, false); } } } } $this->post_updateItem($history); if ($this->mailqueueonaction) { QueuedMail::forceSendFor($this->getType(), $this->fields['id']); } return true; } } return false; }
static function getSearchOptionsToAdd() { $tab = array(); if (!self::canView()) { return $tab; } $tab['license'] = _n('License', 'Licenses', Session::getPluralNumber()); $licjoin = array(); $licjoinexpire = array(); if (!Session::isCron() && !isCommandLine()) { // no filter for cron $licjoin = array('jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => getEntitiesRestrictRequest(' AND', "NEWTABLE", '', '', true)); $licjoinexpire = array('jointype' => 'child', 'condition' => getEntitiesRestrictRequest(' AND', "NEWTABLE", '', '', true) . " AND (NEWTABLE.`expire` IS NULL\n OR NEWTABLE.`expire` > NOW())"); } $tab[160]['table'] = 'glpi_softwarelicenses'; $tab[160]['field'] = 'name'; $tab[160]['name'] = __('License name'); $tab[160]['datatype'] = 'dropdown'; $tab[160]['forcegroupby'] = true; $tab[160]['massiveaction'] = false; $tab[160]['joinparams'] = $licjoinexpire; $tab[161]['table'] = 'glpi_softwarelicenses'; $tab[161]['field'] = 'serial'; $tab[161]['datatype'] = 'string'; $tab[161]['name'] = __('License serial number'); $tab[161]['forcegroupby'] = true; $tab[161]['massiveaction'] = false; $tab[161]['joinparams'] = $licjoinexpire; $tab[162]['table'] = 'glpi_softwarelicenses'; $tab[162]['field'] = 'otherserial'; $tab[162]['datatype'] = 'string'; $tab[162]['name'] = __('License inventory number'); $tab[162]['forcegroupby'] = true; $tab[162]['massiveaction'] = false; $tab[162]['joinparams'] = $licjoinexpire; $tab[163]['table'] = 'glpi_softwarelicenses'; $tab[163]['field'] = 'number'; $tab[163]['name'] = _x('phone', 'Number of licenses'); $tab[163]['forcegroupby'] = true; $tab[163]['usehaving'] = true; $tab[163]['datatype'] = 'number'; $tab[163]['massiveaction'] = false; $tab[163]['joinparams'] = $licjoinexpire; $tab[164]['table'] = 'glpi_softwarelicensetypes'; $tab[164]['field'] = 'name'; $tab[164]['datatype'] = 'dropdown'; $tab[164]['name'] = _n('License type', 'License types', Session::getPluralNumber()); $tab[164]['forcegroupby'] = true; $tab[164]['massiveaction'] = false; $tab[164]['joinparams'] = array('beforejoin' => array('table' => 'glpi_softwarelicenses', 'joinparams' => $licjoinexpire)); $tab[165]['table'] = 'glpi_softwarelicenses'; $tab[165]['field'] = 'comment'; $tab[165]['name'] = __('License comments'); $tab[165]['forcegroupby'] = true; $tab[165]['datatype'] = 'text'; $tab[165]['massiveaction'] = false; $tab[165]['joinparams'] = $licjoinexpire; $tab[166]['table'] = 'glpi_softwarelicenses'; $tab[166]['field'] = 'expire'; $tab[166]['name'] = __('Expiration'); $tab[166]['forcegroupby'] = true; $tab[166]['datatype'] = 'date'; $tab[166]['emptylabel'] = __('Never expire'); $tab[166]['massiveaction'] = false; $tab[166]['joinparams'] = $licjoinexpire; $tab[167]['table'] = 'glpi_softwarelicenses'; $tab[167]['field'] = 'is_valid'; $tab[167]['name'] = _x('adjective', 'Valid'); $tab[167]['forcegroupby'] = true; $tab[167]['datatype'] = 'bool'; $tab[167]['massiveaction'] = false; $tab[167]['joinparams'] = $licjoinexpire; return $tab; }
/** * Start a task, timer, stat, log, ... * * @return bool : true if ok (not start by another) **/ function start() { global $DB, $LANG; if (!isset($this->fields['id']) || $DB->isSlave()) { return false; } $query = "UPDATE `" . $this->getTable() . "`\n SET `state` = '" . self::STATE_RUNNING . "',\n `lastrun` = NOW()\n WHERE `id` = '" . $this->fields['id'] . "'\n AND `state` != '" . self::STATE_RUNNING . "'"; $result = $DB->query($query); if ($DB->affected_rows($result) > 0) { $this->timer = microtime(true); $this->volume = 0; $log = new CronTaskLog(); $txt = $LANG['crontask'][36] . " : " . $this->getModeName(isCommandLine() ? self::MODE_EXTERNAL : self::MODE_INTERNAL); $this->startlog = $log->add(array('crontasks_id' => $this->fields['id'], 'date' => $_SESSION['glpi_currenttime'], 'content' => addslashes($txt), 'crontasklogs_id' => 0, 'state' => CronTaskLog::STATE_START, 'volume' => 0, 'elapsed' => 0)); return true; } return false; }
* The contents of this file are subject to the RECIPROCAL PUBLIC LICENSE * Version 1.1 ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * Software distributed under the * License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * either express or implied. * * @author: Mr. Milk (aka Marcelo Leite) * @email: * @version: 0.9 beta * @date: 2007-07-07 * *****************************************************************************/ if (isDownload()) { downloadFile(); } elseif (isCommandLine()) { processBatch(); } ?> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=UTF-8'> <script> var menus = [ [ "Indentation and General Formatting", "", [ [ "indent_size", " characters per indentation level" ], [ "indent_with_tabs", "Indent with tabs instead of spaces" ], [ "keep_redundant_lines", "Keep redundant lines" ], [ "space_inside_parentheses", "Space inside parentheses" ], [ "space_outside_parentheses", "Space outside parentheses" ], [ "space_after_comma", "Space after comma" ]
if (isset($_REQUEST['forcetab'])) { if (preg_match('/([a-zA-Z]+).form.php/', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], $matches)) { $itemtype = $matches[1]; Session::setActiveTab($matches[1], $_REQUEST['forcetab']); } } // Manage tabs if (isset($_REQUEST['glpi_tab']) && isset($_REQUEST['itemtype'])) { Session::setActiveTab($_REQUEST['itemtype'], $_REQUEST['glpi_tab']); } // Override list-limit if choosen if (isset($_REQUEST['glpilist_limit'])) { $_SESSION['glpilist_limit'] = $_REQUEST['glpilist_limit']; } // Security : Check HTTP_REFERRER : need to be in GLPI. if (!defined('DO_NOT_CHECK_HTTP_REFERER') && !isCommandLine() && isset($_POST) && is_array($_POST) && count($_POST)) { if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) || !is_array($url = parse_url($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) || !isset($url['host']) || $url['host'] != $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] && (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER']) || $url['host'] != $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER']) || !isset($url['path']) || !empty($CFG_GLPI['root_doc']) && strpos($url['path'], $CFG_GLPI['root_doc']) !== 0) { Html::displayErrorAndDie(__("The action you have requested is not allowed. Reload previous page before doing action again."), true); } } // Security : check CSRF token if (GLPI_USE_CSRF_CHECK && isset($_POST) && is_array($_POST) && count($_POST)) { // No ajax pages if (!preg_match(':' . $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . '(/plugins/[^/]*|)/ajax/:', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) { if (!Session::validateCSRF($_POST)) { Html::displayErrorAndDie(__("The action you have requested is not allowed. Reload previous page before doing action again."), true); } } } // SET new global Token $CURRENTCSRFTOKEN = '';
/** * Do automatic transfer if option is enable * * @param $line_links array : data from glpi_plugin_ocsinventoryng_ocslinks table * @param $line_ocs array : data from ocs tables * * @return nothing **/ static function transferComputer($line_links, $line_ocs) { global $DB, $PluginOcsinventoryngDBocs, $CFG_GLPI; // Get all rules for the current plugin_ocsinventoryng_ocsservers_id $rule = new RuleImportEntityCollection(); $data = array(); $data = $rule->processAllRules(array('ocsservers_id' => $line_links["plugin_ocsinventoryng_ocsservers_id"], '_source' => 'ocsinventoryng'), array(), array('ocsid' => $line_links["ocsid"])); // If entity is changing move items to the new entities_id if (isset($data['entities_id']) && $data['entities_id'] != $line_links['entities_id']) { if (!isCommandLine() && !Session::haveAccessToEntity($data['entities_id'])) { Html::displayRightError(); } $transfer = new Transfer(); $transfer->getFromDB($CFG_GLPI['transfers_id_auto']); $item_to_transfer = array("Computer" => array($line_links['computers_id'] => $line_links['computers_id'])); $transfer->moveItems($item_to_transfer, $data['entities_id'], $transfer->fields); } //If location is update by a rule self::updateLocation($line_links, $data); }
/** * To load classes * * @param $classname : class to load **/ function glpi_autoload($classname) { global $DEBUG_AUTOLOAD, $CFG_GLPI; static $notfound = array('xStates' => true, 'xAllAssets' => true); // empty classname or non concerted plugin or classname containing dot (leaving GLPI main treee) if (empty($classname) || is_numeric($classname) || strpos($classname, '.') !== false) { die("Security die. trying to load an forbidden class name"); } $dir = GLPI_ROOT . "/inc/"; if ($plug = isPluginItemType($classname)) { $plugname = strtolower($plug['plugin']); $dir = GLPI_ROOT . "/plugins/{$plugname}/inc/"; $item = strtolower($plug['class']); // Is the plugin activate ? // Command line usage of GLPI : need to do a real check plugin activation if (isCommandLine()) { $plugin = new Plugin(); if (count($plugin->find("directory='{$plugname}' AND state=" . Plugin::ACTIVATED)) == 0) { // Plugin does not exists or not activated return false; } } else { // Standard use of GLPI if (!isset($_SESSION['glpi_plugins']) || !in_array($plugname, $_SESSION['glpi_plugins'])) { // Plugin not activated return false; } } } else { //TODO: clean, seems uneeded, as composer autoloader is used first // Do not try to load phpcas using GLPI autoload //if (preg_match('/^CAS_.*/', $classname)) { // return false; //} // Do not try to load Zend using GLPI autoload //if (preg_match('/^Zend.*/', $classname)) { // return false; //} // Do not try to load Simplepie using GLPI autoload //if (preg_match('/^SimplePie.*/', $classname)) { // return false; //} $item = strtolower($classname); } if (file_exists("{$dir}{$item}.class.php")) { include_once "{$dir}{$item}.class.php"; if (isset($_SESSION['glpi_use_mode']) && $_SESSION['glpi_use_mode'] == Session::DEBUG_MODE) { $DEBUG_AUTOLOAD[] = $classname; } } else { if (!isset($notfound["x{$classname}"])) { // trigger an error to get a backtrace, but only once (use prefix 'x' to handle empty case) // trigger_error("GLPI autoload : file $dir$item.class.php not founded trying to load class '$classname'"); $notfound["x{$classname}"] = true; } } }
static function preItemUpdate(CommonDBTM $item) { if (!Session::haveRight("plugin_geninventorynumber", UPDATE)) { return array('noright'); } if (PluginGeninventorynumberConfig::isGenerationActive() && PluginGeninventorynumberConfigField::isActiveForItemType(get_class($item)) && !isset($item->input['massiveaction'])) { if (isset($item->fields['otherserial']) && isset($item->input['otherserial']) && $item->fields['otherserial'] != $item->input['otherserial']) { $item->input['otherserial'] = $item->fields['otherserial']; if (!isCommandLine()) { Session::addMessageAfterRedirect(__('GenerateInventoryNumberDenied', 'geninventorynumber'), true, ERROR); return array('ko'); } } return array('ok'); } return ''; }
/** * @see RuleCollection::replayRulesOnExistingDB() **/ function replayRulesOnExistingDB($offset = 0, $maxtime = 0, $items = array(), $params = array()) { global $DB; if (isCommandLine()) { echo "replayRulesOnExistingDB started : " . date("r") . "\n"; } $nb = 0; $i = $offset; if (count($items) == 0) { //Select all the differents software $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT `glpi_softwares`.`name`,\n `glpi_manufacturers`.`name` AS manufacturer,\n `glpi_softwares`.`manufacturers_id` AS manufacturers_id,\n `glpi_softwares`.`entities_id` AS entities_id,\n `glpi_softwares`.`is_helpdesk_visible` AS helpdesk\n FROM `glpi_softwares`\n LEFT JOIN `glpi_manufacturers`\n ON (`glpi_manufacturers`.`id` = `glpi_softwares`.`manufacturers_id`)"; // Do not replay on dustbin and templates $sql .= "WHERE `glpi_softwares`.`is_deleted` = '0'\n AND `glpi_softwares`.`is_template` = '0' "; if (isset($params['manufacturer']) && $params['manufacturer']) { $sql .= " AND `glpi_softwares`.`manufacturers_id` = '" . $params['manufacturer'] . "'"; } if ($offset) { $sql .= " LIMIT " . intval($offset) . ",999999999"; } $res = $DB->query($sql); $nb = $DB->numrows($res) + $offset; $step = $nb > 1000 ? 50 : ($nb > 20 ? floor($DB->numrows($res) / 20) : 1); while ($input = $DB->fetch_assoc($res)) { if (!($i % $step)) { if (isCommandLine()) { printf(__('%1$s - replay rules on existing database: %2$s/%3$s (%4$s Mio)') . "\n", date("H:i:s"), $i, $nb, round(memory_get_usage() / (1024 * 1024), 2)); } else { Html::changeProgressBarPosition($i, $nb, "{$i} / {$nb}"); } } //If manufacturer is set, then first run the manufacturer's dictionnary if (isset($input["manufacturer"])) { $input["manufacturer"] = Manufacturer::processName(addslashes($input["manufacturer"])); } //Replay software dictionnary rules $res_rule = $this->processAllRules($input, array(), array()); if (isset($res_rule["name"]) && $res_rule["name"] != $input["name"] || isset($res_rule["version"]) && $res_rule["version"] != '' || isset($res_rule['new_entities_id']) && $res_rule['new_entities_id'] != $input['entities_id'] || isset($res_rule['is_helpdesk_visible']) && $res_rule['is_helpdesk_visible'] != $input['helpdesk'] || isset($res_rule['manufacturer']) && $res_rule['manufacturer'] != $input['manufacturer']) { $IDs = array(); //Find all the softwares in the database with the same name and manufacturer $sql = "SELECT `id`\n FROM `glpi_softwares`\n WHERE `name` = '" . $input["name"] . "'\n AND `manufacturers_id` = '" . $input["manufacturers_id"] . "'"; $res_soft = $DB->query($sql); if ($DB->numrows($res_soft) > 0) { //Store all the software's IDs in an array while ($result = $DB->fetch_assoc($res_soft)) { $IDs[] = $result["id"]; } //Replay dictionnary on all the softwares $this->replayDictionnaryOnSoftwaresByID($IDs, $res_rule); } } $i++; if ($maxtime) { $crt = explode(" ", microtime()); if ($crt[0] + $crt[1] > $maxtime) { break; } } } // each distinct software if (isCommandLine()) { printf(__('Replay rules on existing database: %1$s/%2$s') . " \n", $i, $nb); } else { Html::changeProgressBarPosition($i, $nb, "{$i} / {$nb}"); } } else { $this->replayDictionnaryOnSoftwaresByID($items); return true; } if (isCommandLine()) { printf(__('Replay rules on existing database ended on %s') . "\n", date("r")); } return $i == $nb ? -1 : $i; }
echo "<p class='red'>"; _e('Service is down for maintenance. It will be back shortly.'); echo "</p>"; if (isset($CFG_GLPI["maintenance_text"]) && !empty($CFG_GLPI["maintenance_text"])) { echo "<p>" . $CFG_GLPI["maintenance_text"] . "</p>"; } echo "</div>"; Html::nullFooter(); } exit; } } // Check version if ((!isset($CFG_GLPI["version"]) || trim($CFG_GLPI["version"]) != GLPI_VERSION) && !isset($_GET["donotcheckversion"])) { Session::loadLanguage(); if (isCommandLine()) { _e('The version of the database is not compatible with the version of the installed files. An update is necessary.'); echo "\n"; } else { Html::nullHeader("UPDATE NEEDED", $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"]); echo "<div class='center'>"; echo "<table class='tab_cadre'>"; $error = Toolbox::commonCheckForUseGLPI(); echo "</table><br>"; if ($error) { echo "<form action='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/index.php' method='post'>"; echo "<input type='submit' name='submit' class='submit' value=\"" . __s('Try again') . "\">"; Html::closeForm(); } if ($error < 2) { if (!isset($CFG_GLPI["version"]) || trim($CFG_GLPI["version"]) < GLPI_VERSION) {
/** * Start a task, timer, stat, log, ... * * @return bool : true if ok (not start by another) **/ function start() { global $DB; if (!isset($this->fields['id']) || $DB->isSlave()) { return false; } if (isCommandLine() && function_exists('pcntl_signal')) { pcntl_signal(SIGTERM, [$this, 'signal']); } $query = "UPDATE `" . $this->getTable() . "`\n SET `state` = '" . self::STATE_RUNNING . "',\n `lastrun` = DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:00')\n WHERE `id` = '" . $this->fields['id'] . "'\n AND `state` != '" . self::STATE_RUNNING . "'"; $result = $DB->query($query); if ($DB->affected_rows($result) > 0) { $this->timer = microtime(true); $this->volume = 0; $log = new CronTaskLog(); // No gettext for log $txt = sprintf('%1$s: %2$s', 'Run mode', $this->getModeName(isCommandLine() ? self::MODE_EXTERNAL : self::MODE_INTERNAL)); $this->startlog = $log->add(array('crontasks_id' => $this->fields['id'], 'date' => $_SESSION['glpi_currenttime'], 'content' => addslashes($txt), 'crontasklogs_id' => 0, 'state' => CronTaskLog::STATE_START, 'volume' => 0, 'elapsed' => 0)); return true; } return false; }
/** * Replay collection rules on an existing DB for model dropdowns * * @param $offset offset used to begin (default 0) * @param $maxtime maximum time of process (reload at the end) (default 0) * * @return -1 on completion else current offset **/ function replayRulesOnExistingDBForModel($offset = 0, $maxtime = 0) { global $DB; if (isCommandLine()) { printf(__('Replay rules on existing database started on %s') . "\n", date("r")); } // Model check : need to check using manufacturer extra data if (strpos($this->item_table, 'models') === false) { _e('Error replaying rules'); return false; } $model_table = getPlural(str_replace('models', '', $this->item_table)); $model_field = getForeignKeyFieldForTable($this->item_table); // Need to give manufacturer from item table $Sql = "SELECT DISTINCT `glpi_manufacturers`.`id` AS idmanu,\n `glpi_manufacturers`.`name` AS manufacturer,\n `" . $this->item_table . "`.`id`,\n `" . $this->item_table . "`.`name` AS name,\n `" . $this->item_table . "`.`comment`\n FROM `" . $this->item_table . "`,\n `{$model_table}`\n LEFT JOIN `glpi_manufacturers`\n ON (`{$model_table}`.`manufacturers_id` = `glpi_manufacturers`.`id`)\n WHERE `{$model_table}`.`{$model_field}` = `" . $this->item_table . "`.`id`"; if ($offset) { $Sql .= " LIMIT " . intval($offset) . ",999999999"; } $result = $DB->query($Sql); $nb = $DB->numrows($result) + $offset; $i = $offset; if ($result && $nb > $offset) { // Step to refresh progressbar $step = $nb > 20 ? floor($nb / 20) : 1; $tocheck = array(); while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) { if (!($i % $step)) { if (isCommandLine()) { printf(__('Replay rules on existing database: %1$s/%2$s') . "\r", $i, $nb); } else { Html::changeProgressBarPosition($i, $nb, "{$i} / {$nb}"); } } // Model case if (isset($data["manufacturer"])) { $data["manufacturer"] = Manufacturer::processName(addslashes($data["manufacturer"])); } //Replay Type dictionnary $ID = Dropdown::importExternal(getItemTypeForTable($this->item_table), addslashes($data["name"]), -1, $data, addslashes($data["comment"])); if ($data['id'] != $ID) { $tocheck[$data["id"]][] = $ID; $sql = "UPDATE `{$model_table}`\n SET `{$model_field}` = '{$ID}'\n WHERE `{$model_field}` = '" . $data['id'] . "'"; if (empty($data['idmanu'])) { $sql .= " AND (`manufacturers_id` IS NULL\n OR `manufacturers_id` = '0')"; } else { $sql .= " AND `manufacturers_id` = '" . $data['idmanu'] . "'"; } $DB->query($sql); } $i++; if ($maxtime) { $crt = explode(" ", microtime()); if ($crt[0] + $crt[1] > $maxtime) { break; } } } foreach ($tocheck as $ID => $tab) { $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*)\n FROM `{$model_table}`\n WHERE `{$model_field}` = '{$ID}'"; $result = $DB->query($sql); $deletecartmodel = false; // No item left : delete old item if ($result && $DB->result($result, 0, 0) == 0) { $Sql = "DELETE\n FROM `" . $this->item_table . "`\n WHERE `id` = '{$ID}'"; $resdel = $DB->query($Sql); $deletecartmodel = true; } // Manage cartridge assoc Update items if ($this->getRuleClassName() == 'RuleDictionnaryPrinterModel') { $sql = "SELECT *\n FROM `glpi_cartridgeitems_printermodels`\n WHERE `printermodels_id` = '{$ID}'"; if ($result = $DB->query($sql)) { if ($DB->numrows($result)) { // Get compatible cartridge type $carttype = array(); while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) { $carttype[] = $data['cartridgeitems_id']; } // Delete cartrodges_assoc if ($deletecartmodel) { $sql = "DELETE\n FROM `glpi_cartridgeitems_printermodels`\n WHERE `printermodels_id` = 'id'"; $DB->query($sql); } // Add new assoc $ct = new CartridgeItem(); foreach ($carttype as $cartID) { foreach ($tab as $model) { $ct->addCompatibleType($cartID, $model); } } } } } } // each tocheck } if (isCommandLine()) { printf(__('Replay rules on existing database ended on %s') . "\n", date("r")); } else { Html::changeProgressBarPosition($i, $nb, "{$i} / {$nb}"); } return $i == $nb ? -1 : $i; }
/** * Display a common mysql connection error **/ static function displayMySQLError() { if (!isCommandLine()) { Html::nullHeader("Mysql Error", ''); echo "<div class='center'><p class ='b'>\n A link to the Mysql server could not be established. Please check your configuration.\n </p><p class='b'>\n Le serveur Mysql est inaccessible. Vérifiez votre configuration</p>\n </div>"; Html::nullFooter(); } else { echo "A link to the Mysql server could not be established. Please check your configuration.\n"; echo "Le serveur Mysql est inaccessible. Vérifiez votre configuration\n"; } die; }
/** * Print footer for null page **/ function nullFooter() { global $CFG_GLPI, $FOOTER_LOADED; // Print foot for null page if ($FOOTER_LOADED) { return; } $FOOTER_LOADED = true; if (!isCommandLine()) { echo "<div class='bas'></div></div></div>"; echo "<div id='footer-login'>"; echo "<a href='' title='Powered By Indepnet'>"; echo 'GLPI version ' . (isset($CFG_GLPI["version"]) ? $CFG_GLPI["version"] : "") . ' Copyright (C) 2003-' . date("Y") . ' INDEPNET Development Team.'; echo "</a></div>"; echo "</body></html>"; } closeDBConnections(); }
/** * @since version 0.85 **/ static function getSearchOptionsToAdd() { $tab = array(); $tab[145]['table'] = 'glpi_links'; $tab[145]['field'] = '_virtual'; $tab[145]['name'] = _n('External link', 'External links', Session::getPluralNumber()); $tab[145]['datatype'] = 'specific'; $tab[145]['additionalfields'] = array('id', 'link', 'name', 'data', 'open_window'); $tab[145]['nosearch'] = true; $tab[145]['forcegroupby'] = true; $tab[145]['nosort'] = true; $tab[145]['joinparams'] = array('beforejoin' => array('table' => 'glpi_links_itemtypes', 'joinparams' => array('jointype' => 'itemtypeonly'))); if (!Session::isCron() && !isCommandLine()) { $tab[145]['joinparams']['condition'] = getEntitiesRestrictRequest('AND', 'NEWTABLE'); } return $tab; }
/** * Do automatic transfer if option is enable * * @param $line_links array : data from glpi_ocslinks table * @param $line_ocs array : data from ocs tables * * @return nothing **/ static function transferComputer($line_links, $line_ocs) { global $DB, $DBocs, $CFG_GLPI; // Get all rules for the current ocsservers_id $rules = new RuleOcsCollection($line_links["ocsservers_id"]); $data = array(); $data = $rules->processAllRules(array(), array(), $line_links["ocsid"]); // If entity is changing move items to the new entities_id if (isset($data['entities_id']) && $data['entities_id'] != $line_links['entities_id']) { if (!isCommandLine() && !haveAccessToEntity($data['entities_id'])) { displayRightError(); } $transfer = new Transfer(); $transfer->getFromDB($CFG_GLPI['transfers_id_auto']); $item_to_transfer = array("Computer" => array($line_links['computers_id'] => $line_links['computers_id'])); $transfer->moveItems($item_to_transfer, $data['entities_id'], $transfer->fields); } // Update TAG self::updateTag($line_links, $line_ocs); }