Beispiel #1
		<li><a href="#top">Top of page</a></li>
		<li><a href="#filmstrip">Filmstrip</a></li>
		<li><a href="#sitestats">Stats</a></li>
		<li><a href="#trends">Trends</a></li>
		<li><a href="#waterfall">Waterfall</a></li>
		<li><a href="#pagespeed">PageSpeed</a></li>
		<li><a href="#requests">Requests</a></li>
		<li><a href="#cdns">CDNs</a></li>
		<li><a href="#downloads">Downloads</a></li>

<h2 id=filmstrip>Filmstrip, Video</h2>

// Build a table that has empty cells to be filled in later.
if (!isAdultContent($url, $pageData)) {
    if ($gbMobile) {
        // right now only does 1 FPS
        $intervalOptions = <<<OUTPUT
<option value=1000>1 second</option>
    } else {
        $intervalOptions = <<<OUTPUT
<option value=100>0.1 seconds</option>
<option value=500>0.5 seconds</option>
<option value=1000>1 second</option>
<option value=5000>5 seconds</option>
    $sBorder = $gbMobile || $gbAndroid ? "2px solid #E0E0E0" : "2px solid #E0E0E0";
    echo <<<OUTPUT
Beispiel #2
$bChrono = $earliestLabel == $gLabel1;
// Find the topmost URLs in both crawls:
$limitgoogle = "(url = '' OR url not like '%://')";
// There are 10+ sites that all look the same from Google intl sites
$maxRank = 5 * $gNumUrls;
// we get back MORE results than needed so we can filter out adult content
$query = "select url, min(pageid) as minid, max(pageid) as maxid, count(*) as num, _adult_site from {$gPagesTable}, {$gUrlsTable} as u where (label = '{$gLabel1}' or label = '{$gLabel2}') and url=urlOrig and u.rank > 0 and u.rank < {$maxRank} and {$limitgoogle} group by url having num=2 order by u.rank asc;";
$result = doQuery($query);
$i = 0;
$imgs1 = "";
$imgs2 = "";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
    $url = $row['url'];
    $minid = $row['minid'];
    $maxid = $row['maxid'];
    if (!isAdultContent($url, $row)) {
        $imgs1 .= getImgHtml($bChrono ? $minid : $maxid, $url);
        $imgs2 .= getImgHtml($bChrono ? $maxid : $minid, $url);
        if ($i >= $gNumUrls) {
function getImgHtml($pageid, $url)
    global $gH, $gW, $gbMobile;
    return "<div style='height: {$gH}px; width: {$gW}px; float: left; background: #FFF;'>" . "<a href='viewsite.php?pageid={$pageid}' title='{$url}' class=img>" . "<img id={$pageid} style='border-width: 0; height: {$gH}px; width: {$gW}px;' src='images/thumbnail-" . ($gbMobile ? "iphone" : "ie") . ".jpg'>" . "</a>" . "</div>" . "\n";