if ($row["reminderCount"] == "1") { $reminderText = getSettingByScope($connection2, "Finance", "reminder2Text"); } else { if ($row["reminderCount"] >= "2") { $reminderText = getSettingByScope($connection2, "Finance", "reminder3Text"); } } } if ($reminderText != "") { $reminderOutput = $row["reminderCount"] + 1; if ($reminderOutput > 3) { $reminderOutput = "3+"; } $body .= "<p>Reminder " . $reminderOutput . ": " . $reminderText . "</p><br/>"; } $body .= invoiceContents($guid, $connection2, $gibbonFinanceInvoiceID, $gibbonSchoolYearID, $_SESSION[$guid]["currency"], TRUE) . "<p style='font-style: italic;'>Email sent via " . $_SESSION[$guid]["systemName"] . " at " . $_SESSION[$guid]["organisationName"] . ".</p>"; $bodyPlain = "This email is not viewable in plain text: enable rich text/HTML in your email client to view the reminder. Please reply to this email if you have any questions."; //Update reminder count if ($row["reminderCount"] < 3) { try { $data = array("gibbonFinanceInvoiceID" => $gibbonFinanceInvoiceID); $sql = "UPDATE gibbonFinanceInvoice SET reminderCount=" . ($row["reminderCount"] + 1) . " WHERE gibbonFinanceInvoiceID=:gibbonFinanceInvoiceID"; $result = $connection2->prepare($sql); $result->execute($data); } catch (PDOException $e) { } } $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->SetFrom($from, $_SESSION[$guid]["preferredName"] . " " . $_SESSION[$guid]["surname"]); foreach ($emails as $address) { $mail->AddBCC($address);
print "<h2>"; print "Reminder 3"; print "</h2>"; $reminderText = getSettingByScope($connection2, "Finance", "reminder3Text"); } } } if ($reminderText != "") { print "<p>"; print $reminderText; print "</p>"; } print "<h2>"; print _("Invoice"); print "</h2>"; $invoiceContents = invoiceContents($guid, $connection2, $gibbonFinanceInvoiceID, $gibbonSchoolYearID, $_SESSION[$guid]["currency"]); if ($invoiceContents == FALSE) { print "<div class='error'>"; print _("An error occurred."); print "</div>"; } else { print $invoiceContents; } } else { if ($type = "Receipt") { print "<h2>"; print _("Receipt"); print "</h2>"; $receiptContents = receiptContents($guid, $connection2, $gibbonFinanceInvoiceID, $gibbonSchoolYearID, $_SESSION[$guid]["currency"], FALSE, $receiptNumber); if ($receiptContents == FALSE) { print "<div class='error'>";