// auction specific details
    $template->assign_vars(array('AUCTION_TITLE' => strtoupper($title), 'ITEM_QUANTITY' => $data['qty'], 'UNIT_PRICE' => $system->print_money($unitexcl, true, false), 'UNIT_PRICE_WITH_TAX' => $system->print_money($unitpriceincl, true, false), 'TOTAL' => $system->print_money($subtotal, true, false), 'TOTAL_WITH_TAX' => $system->print_money($totalinc, true, false)));
} else {
    // get fee data
    $query = "SELECT * FROM " . $DBPrefix . "useraccounts WHERE useracc_id = :user_id";
    $params = array();
    $params[] = array(':user_id', $_GET['id'], 'int');
    $db->query($query, $params);
    // check its real
    if ($db->numrows() < 1) {
    $data = $db->result();
    // do you have permission to view this?
    if (!$fromadmin && $data['user_id'] != $user->user_data['id']) {
    //$seller = getSeller($user->user_data['id']); // used as user: ??
    $seller = getSeller($data['user_id']);
    $vat = getTax(true, $seller['country']);
    $winner['nick'] = '';
    $winner_address = '';
    $data['shipping_terms'] = '';
    $data['id'] = $data['useracc_id'];
    $shipping_cost = 0;
    $title = $system->SETTINGS['sitename'] . ' - ' . $MSG['766'] . '#' . $data['id'];
    $payvalue = $data['total'];
    $totalvat = 0;
    // create fee data ready for template & get totals
    $totals = setfeetemplate($data);
    // fee specific details
Beispiel #2
include 'common.php';
include $include_path . 'functions_invoices.php';
// If user is not logged in redirect to login page
if (!$user->is_logged_in()) {
    header('location: user_login.php');
$sender = getSeller($user->user_data['id']);
$query = "SELECT w.id, w.winner, w.closingdate, a.id AS auc_id, a.title, w.qty,\tw.seller As uid \n\t\tFROM " . $DBPrefix . "auctions a\n\t\tLEFT JOIN " . $DBPrefix . "winners w ON (a.id = w.auction)\n\t\tWHERE a.id = :auc_id AND w.id = :winner_id";
$params = array();
$params[] = array(':auc_id', $_POST['pfval'], 'int');
$params[] = array(':winner_id', $_POST['pfwon'], 'int');
$db->query($query, $params);
// check its real
if ($db->numrows() < 1) {
$data = $db->result();
$winner = getAddresswinner($data['winner']);
// build winners address
$winner_address = '';
$winner_address .= !empty($winner['address']) ? '<br>' . $winner['address'] : '';
$winner_address .= !empty($winner['city']) ? '<br>' . $winner['city'] : '';
$winner_address .= !empty($winner['prov']) ? '<br>' . $winner['prov'] : '';
$winner_address .= !empty($winner['country']) ? '<br>' . $winner['country'] : '';
$winner_address .= !empty($winner['zip']) ? '<br>' . $winner['zip'] : '';
$title = $system->SETTINGS['sitename'] . ' - ' . $system->uncleanvars($data['title']);
$template->assign_vars(array('DOCDIR' => $DOCDIR, 'LOGO' => $system->SETTINGS['siteurl'] . 'themes/' . $system->SETTINGS['theme'] . '/' . $system->SETTINGS['logo'], 'CHARSET' => $CHARSET, 'LANGUAGE' => $language, 'SENDER' => $sender['nick'], 'WINNER_NICK' => $winner['nick'], 'WINNER_ADDRESS' => $winner_address, 'AUCTION_TITLE' => strtoupper($title), 'AUCTION_ID' => $data['auc_id'], 'SHIPPING_METHOD' => "N/A", 'PAYMENT_METHOD' => "N/A", 'CLOSING_DATE' => ArrangeDateNoCorrection($data['closingdate'] + $system->tdiff), 'PAYMENT' => $data['payment'], 'ITEM_QUANTITY' => $data['qty'], 'B_INVOICE' => true));
$template->set_filenames(array('body' => 'order_packingslip.tpl'));