/** * ValidateLicense * Checks whether the supplied licence is valid or not, and checks if the license can be used with am optionally supplied database type. * * @param String $key The licence key to validate. * @param String $db_type A database type, e.g. 'mysql', 'pgsql'. * * @return Array The first element is an error code indicating success (0) or failure (> 0). The second element is an error string. */ public static function ValidateLicense($key, $db_type = '') { $error = false; $msg = ''; if (ss02k31nnb($key) === false) { $error = true; $msg = 'Your license key is invalid - possibly an old license key'; } if ($error) { return array(self::FIELD_INVALID, $msg); } if ($db_type && !installCheck($key, $db_type)) { return array(self::DB_UNSUPPORTED, 'Your license key only allows you to use a MySQL database.'); } return array(self::SUCCESS, null); }
/** * ValidateLicense * Checks whether the supplied licence is valid or not, and checks if the license can be used with am optionally supplied database type. * * @param String $key The licence key to validate. * @param String $db_type A database type, e.g. 'mysql', 'pgsql'. * * @return Array The first element is an error code indicating success (0) or failure (> 0). The second element is an error string. */ public static function ValidateLicense($key, $db_type = '') { list($error, $msg) = sesion_start($key); if ($error) { return array(self::FIELD_INVALID, $msg); } if ($db_type && !installCheck($key, $db_type)) { //return array(self::DB_UNSUPPORTED, 'Your license key only allows you to use a MySQL database.'); } return array(self::SUCCESS, null); }