//mail Settings
include "be/inc/dbconn.php";
include "be/inc/function.php";
// A list of permitted file extensions
$allowed = array('png', 'jpg', 'gif', 'zip');
$complaintNumber = $_POST["complaintNumber"];
if (isset($_FILES['upl']) && $_FILES['upl']['error'] == 0) {
    $extension = pathinfo($_FILES['upl']['name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
    if (!in_array(strtolower($extension), $allowed)) {
        echo '{"status":"error"}';
    $timestamp = time();
    $filename = $timestamp . "_" . $_FILES['upl']['name'];
    $folderPath = 'be/pics_upload/complaint/' . $complaintNumber;
    if (!file_exists($folderPath)) {
        mkdir($folderPath, 0777, true);
    if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['upl']['tmp_name'], $folderPath . "/" . $filename)) {
        $table = "complaint_pictures";
        $fields = "picture_url,complaint_no";
        $values = "'" . $filename . "'," . $complaintNumber;
        if (insertrec($table, $fields, $values)) {
            echo '{"status":"success"}';
//echo '{"status":"error"}';
function convert2Failure()
    $complaintNumber = $_GET["complaintNumber"];
    $fields = "date_time,dealer_code,location_id,emp_code,cust_name,cust_address,cust_email,cust_mobile,model,veh_reg_no,frame_vin_no,engine_no,date_of_sale,km_reading,warranty,paid,photo_url,status";
    $table1 = "complaint";
    $table2 = "failure";
    $rows = singlerec($fields, $table1, "complaint_no=" . $complaintNumber);
    $row = mysql_fetch_row($rows);
    $value = "'" . $row[0] . "'," . $row[1] . "," . $row[2] . ",'" . $row[3] . "','" . $row[4] . "','" . $row[5] . "','" . $row[6] . "'," . $row[7] . ",'" . $row[8] . "','" . $row[9] . "','" . $row[10] . "','" . $row[11] . "','" . $row[12] . "','" . $row[13] . "'," . $row[14] . "," . $row[15] . ",'" . $row[16] . "'," . $row[17];
    if (insertrec($table2, $fields, $value)) {
        $failureID = mysql_insert_id();
        //Move actions data
        //echo $failureID;
        $newField = "cat_id,customer_voice_id";
        $rows = selectrec($newField, "complaint_details", "complaint_no=" . $complaintNumber);
        $newField1 = "cat_id,customer_voice_id,failure_id";
        foreach ($rows as $row) {
            $value = $row[0] . "," . $row[1] . "," . $failureID;
            insertrec("failure_details", $newField1, $value);
        deleterec("complaint_details", "complaint_no", $complaintNumber, "delete");
        //move actions others data
        $newField = "cat_id,customer_voice_others";
        $rows = selectrec($newField, "complaint_details_others", "complaint_no=" . $complaintNumber);
        $newField1 = "cat_id,customer_voice_others,failure_id";
        foreach ($rows as $row) {
            $value = $row[0] . ",'" . $row[1] . "'," . $failureID;
            insertrec("failure_details_others", $newField1, $value);
        deleterec("complaint_details_others", "complaint_no", $complaintNumber, "delete");
        //move actions taken data
        $newField = "com_action,com_responsibility";
        $rows = selectrec($newField, "complaint_actions_taken", "complaint_no=" . $complaintNumber);
        $newField1 = "action,failure_id";
        foreach ($rows as $row) {
            $value = "'" . $row[0] . "-" . $row[1] . "'," . $failureID;
            insertrec("failure_actions_taken", $newField1, $value);
        deleterec("complaint_actions_taken", "complaint_no", $complaintNumber, "delete");
        //move Pictures
        $newField = "picture_url";
        $rows = selectrec($newField, "complaint_pictures", "complaint_no=" . $complaintNumber);
        $newField1 = "picture_url,failure_id";
        foreach ($rows as $row) {
            $value = "'" . $row[0] . "'," . $failureID;
            insertrec("failure_pictures", $newField1, $value);
            $fileURL = "http://gladminds.co/bajaj/fcr_mobile/be/";
            $fromURL = "pics_upload/complaint/" . $complaintNumber . "/";
            $toURL = "pics_upload/failure/" . $failureID . "/";
            if (file_exists($fromURL . $row[0])) {
                $folderPath = "pics_upload/failure/" . $failureID;
                if (!file_exists($folderPath)) {
                    mkdir($folderPath, 0777, true);
                $file = $fromURL . $row[0];
                $newfile = $toURL . $row[0];
                if (!copy($file, $newfile)) {
                } else {
                    //Remove the complaint file after copying
            #                if (!file_exists($toURL)) {
            #                    mkdir($toURL, 0777, true);
            #                }
            #                echo "FailureID -->"."'".$toURL.$row[0]."'";
            #                if(file_exists($fromURL.$row[0])){
            #                     $file = $fromURL.$row[0];
            #                     $newfile = $toURL.$row[0];
            #                     copy($file, $newfile);
            #                }
        //Remove the Complaint Folder finally.
        if (file_exists($fromURL)) {
        deleterec("complaint_pictures", "complaint_no", $complaintNumber, "delete");
        $arr = array('status' => 1, 'message' => 'Success');
        deleterec($table1, "complaint_no", $complaintNumber, "delete");
    } else {
        $arr = array('status' => 0, 'message' => 'Failure');
    echo json_encode($arr);
function insertUpdate($table, $cols, $vals, $compField, $compCond)
    if (singlefield($compField, $table, $compCond)) {
        // echo $compField.",".$compCond;
        $col_val = arrayToQuery($cols, $vals);
        if (updaterecs($table, $col_val, $compCond)) {
            $arr = array('status' => 1, 'message' => 'Sync Success', 'sync_time' => date("d/m/Y h:i:sa"));
        } else {
            $arr = array('status' => 0, 'message' => 'Sync Failure. Please try again');
    } else {
        $fields = rtrim(implode(',', $cols), ',');
        $vals = rtrim(implode(',', $vals), ',');
        if (insertrec($table, $fields, $vals)) {
            $arr = array('status' => 1, 'message' => 'Sync Success', 'sync_time' => date("d/m/Y h:i:sa"));
        } else {
            $arr = array('status' => 0, 'message' => 'Sync Failure. Please try again');
    return $arr;
Beispiel #4
function addAdmins($adminType)
    $table = "users";
    $username = $_POST['txtUsername'];
    $password = md5($_POST['txtPassword']);
    $name = $_POST['txtName'];
    $email = $_POST['txtEmail'];
    $mobile = $_POST['txtMobile'];
    $role = $_POST['txtRole'] ? $_POST['txtRole'] : 0;
    $admin = $adminType;
    // $username = "******";
    // $password = md5("bajaj123");
    // $name 	= "bAJAJ";
    // $email = "*****@*****.**";
    // $mobile = "9867727272";
    // $admin = $adminType;
    $fields = "`username`,`password`,`name`,`email`,`mobile`,`admin`,`role`";
    $value = "'" . $username . "','" . $password . "','" . $name . "','" . $email . "'," . $mobile . "," . $admin . "," . $role;
    if (insertrec($table, $fields, $value)) {
        $arr = array('status' => 1, 'message' => 'Success');
    } else {
        $arr = array('status' => 0, 'message' => 'Insertion failure. Please retry with correct data');
    echo json_encode($arr);