echo 'MySQL Error: ' . mysql_error(); exit; } echo 'Successfully inserted the following entries into table!<br>'; echo 'firstname = ' . $_POST['fname'] . '<br>'; echo 'lastname = ' . $_POST['lname'] . '<br>'; echo 'email = ' . $_POST['email'] . '<br>'; echo 'gender = ' . $_POST['gender'] . '<br>'; echo 'city = ' . $_POST['city'] . '<br>'; echo 'state = ' . $_POST['state'] . '<br>'; echo 'zip = ' . $_POST['zip'] . '<br>'; echo 'phonenumber = ' . $_POST['phone'] . '<br>'; echo 'dateofbirth = ' . $_POST['dob'] . '<br>'; echo 'profilepic? = ' . $_POST['pp'] . '<br>'; echo 'country = ' . $_POST['country'] . '<br>'; echo 'zip = ' . $_POST['zip'] . '<br>'; } if (isset($_GET['submit'])) { viewTable(); } else { insertIntoTable(); } ?> <form method = "GET"> <p>Enter First name </p> <input type = "text" name = "firstname" id = "firstname"> <input type = "submit" name = "submit" value = "CLICKINGTHING"> </form> </html>
<?php $json = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input')); $nickname = $json->userid; $score = $json->score; $query = insertIntoTable($nickname, $score); if ($query != false) { echo "<p>Your High Score: " . $query . "</p>"; } echo getTop10(); function insertIntoTable($userid, $currentScore) { require 'connect.php'; $sql = "SELECT highestscore FROM HighestScore\n\t\tWHERE nickname = '" . $userid . "'"; $result = $connect->query($sql); $hscore = $currentScore; if ($result->num_rows == 0) { $sql = "INSERT INTO HighestScore(nickname, highestscore)\n\t\t\tVALUES('" . $userid . "', " . $currentScore . ")"; if ($connect->query($sql) == TRUE) { return $hscore; } else { return false; } } if ($result->num_rows == 1) { $hscore = $result->fetch_assoc()["highestscore"]; if ($hscore > $currentScore) { return $hscore; } $hscore = $currentScore; $sql = "UPDATE HighestScore\n\t\t\tSET highestscore = " . $currentScore . " WHERE nickname = '" . $userid . "'";
<h2>Insert data into database</h2> <form method = 'POST' action='index.php' onsubmit="clearSelect"> <label>Name</label> <input type="text" name="Name" id="nameInp"> <br> <label>Phone Number</label> <input type="text" name="phoneNumber" id="phoneNum"> <br> <input type="submit" value="Insert"> </form> </body> </html> <?php if (isset($_POST['Name']) && isset($_POST['phoneNumber'])) { require 'insert.php'; $status = insertIntoTable($_POST['Name'], $_POST['phoneNumber']); $statusObj = json_encode($status); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> alert(<?php echo $statusObj; ?> ); </script> <?php } if (isset($_GET['ID'])) { require 'select.php'; $result = selectFromTable($_GET['ID']); if ($result == false) { ?>
insertIntoTable("INSERT INTO mm_categs_sesizari SET sesizare_id = " . $_ID . ", categ_id = " . intval($selected_categs[$i]) . " "); } //endfor $selected_categs //insert $linkuri_sursa deleteFieldWhere('mm_sesizari_linkuri', 'sesizare_id', $_ID); for ($i = 0; $i < count($linkuri_sursa); $i++) { if (strlen(trim($linkuri_sursa[$i]))) { insertIntoTable("INSERT INTO mm_sesizari_linkuri SET sesizare_id = " . $_ID . ", link_sursa = '" . $linkuri_sursa[$i] . "' "); } } //endfor $linkuri_sursa //insert $embed_sursa deleteFieldWhere('mm_sesizari_embeds', 'sesizare_id', $_ID); for ($i = 0; $i < count($embed_sursa); $i++) { if (strlen(trim($embed_sursa[$i]))) { insertIntoTable("INSERT INTO mm_sesizari_embeds SET sesizare_id = " . $_ID . ", embed_sursa = '" . $embed_sursa[$i] . "' "); } } //endfor $embed_sursa ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $insertLog = "INSERT INTO log SET " . "data = NOW(), " . "obs = 'ADAUGARE SESIZARE - DUPA AUTENTIFICARE', " . "ip = '" . get_ip_address() . "', " . "query = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($insertSesizareStr) . "' " . ""; if (!mysql_query($insertLog, $configArray['dbcnx'])) { $insertErr = 1; echo $insertLog . ' eroare la adaugare 2'; } else { echo ''; } if (!$insertErr) { echo '<br />Adaugarea fost facuta cu succes!<br /><br />'; } redirect('sesizari.php?msg=5');
if ($submitOK && $configArray['rightWrite']) { $updateUserANCS = "UPDATE conturi_admin SET " . "nume = '" . mysql_escape_string($nume) . "', " . "prenume = '" . mysql_escape_string($prenume) . "', " . "email = '" . mysql_escape_string($email) . "', " . "parola = '" . mysql_escape_string($parola) . "', " . "cont_tip = '" . mysql_escape_string($cont_tip) . "' " . "WHERE id = " . $_ID . ""; //echo $updateUserANCS; exit(); if (!mysql_query($updateUserANCS, $configArray['dbcnx'])) { echo 'eroare la update 1'; } else { echo ''; } $accesModules = getQueryInArray("SELECT * FROM mm_cont_modul cm WHERE cm.id_cont = " . intval($_ID) . " ORDER BY id_modul ASC"); for ($i = 0; $i < count($modules); $i++) { eval("\$" . "cur_r = \$" . "r_" . $modules[$i]['module_id'] . ";"); eval("\$" . "cur_w = \$" . "w_" . $modules[$i]['module_id'] . ";"); if (checkArrayValue($accesModules, 'id_modul', $modules[$i]['module_id'])) { updateTable("UPDATE mm_cont_modul SET r = " . intval($cur_r) . ", w = " . intval($cur_w) . " WHERE id_cont = " . intval($_ID) . " AND id_modul = " . intval($modules[$i]['module_id']) . ""); } else { insertIntoTable("INSERT INTO mm_cont_modul SET r = " . intval($cur_r) . ", w = " . intval($cur_w) . ", id_cont = " . intval($_ID) . ", id_modul = " . intval($modules[$i]['module_id']) . ""); } } //endfor $insertLog = "INSERT INTO log SET " . "data = NOW(), " . "obs = 'ACTUALIZARE CONT - DUPA AUTENTIFICARE', " . "ip = '" . get_ip_address() . "', " . "query = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($updateUserANCS) . "' " . ""; if (!mysql_query($insertLog, $configArray['dbcnx'])) { echo $insertLog . ' eroare la adaugare 2'; } else { echo ''; } redirect('conturi_edit.php?id=' . intval($_ID) . '&msg=5'); } else { ?> <form method="post" id="detaliiForm" name="detaliiForm" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; ?>
for ($i = 0; $i < count($linkuri_sursa); $i++) { if (strlen($linkuri_sursa[$i])) { insertIntoTable("INSERT INTO mm_sesizari_linkuri SET sesizare_id = :sesizare_id, link_sursa = :link_sursa ", array("sesizare_id" => $sesizareId, "link_sursa" => $linkuri_sursa[$i])); } } //endfor $linkuri_sursa //insert $embed_sursa for ($i = 0; $i < count($embed_sursa); $i++) { if (strlen($embed_sursa[$i])) { insertIntoTable("INSERT INTO mm_sesizari_embeds SET sesizare_id = :sesizare_id, embed_sursa = :embed_sursa ", array("sesizare_id" => $sesizareId, "embed_sursa" => $embed_sursa[$i])); } } //endfor $embed_sursa //insert $selected_categs for ($i = 0; $i < count($selected_categs); $i++) { insertIntoTable("INSERT INTO mm_categs_sesizari SET sesizare_id = :sesizare_id, categ_id = :categ_id ", array("sesizare_id" => $sesizareId, "categ_id" => intval($selected_categs[$i]))); } //endfor $selected_categs //send sezisare to validation sendSesizareToApprover($sesizareId); //succes: go to Place Signature Boxes redirect(add_querystring_var($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'm', '101')); } } else { //not submited $sendAllSubmitOK = 0; $data_ora = date("Y-m-d H:00"); $selected_categs = array(); } $config['currentMenuSection'] = 'adauga'; pageHeader();
} } // endif post submit if ($submitOK && $configArray['rightWrite']) { $updateAlertaStr = "UPDATE alerte SET " . "alerta_nume = '" . mysql_escape_string($alerta_nume) . "', " . "alerta_email = '" . mysql_escape_string($alerta_email) . "', " . "modified_at = '" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "' " . "WHERE alerta_id = " . $_ID . ""; //echo $updateAlertaStr; $insertErr = 0; if (!mysql_query($updateAlertaStr, $configArray['dbcnx'])) { $insertErr = 1; echo ' eroare la update 1: [' . mysql_error() . ']'; } else { } //insert $selected_categs deleteFieldWhere('mm_categs_alerte', 'alerta_id', $_ID); for ($i = 0; $i < count($selected_categs); $i++) { insertIntoTable("INSERT INTO mm_categs_alerte SET alerta_id = " . $_ID . ", categ_id = " . intval($selected_categs[$i]) . " "); } //endfor $selected_categs ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $insertLog = "INSERT INTO log SET " . "data = NOW(), " . "obs = 'ACTUALIZARE SESIZARE - DUPA AUTENTIFICARE', " . "ip = '" . get_ip_address() . "', " . "query = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($updateAlertaStr) . "' " . ""; if (!mysql_query($insertLog, $configArray['dbcnx'])) { $insertErr = 1; echo $insertLog . ' eroare la adaugare 2'; } else { echo ''; } if (!$insertErr) { echo '<br />Modificarea fost facuta cu succes!<br /><br />'; } redirect('alerte_edit.php?id=' . intval($_ID) . '&msg=5'); } else {
//Process Insert Data if ($addAlertaSubmitOK) { //check if mail exists => overwrite categs $_USER_CHECK = getQueryInArray("SELECT alerta_id FROM alerte WHERE alerta_email = :alerta_email LIMIT 1", array('alerta_email' => $email)); if (count($_USER_CHECK)) { $alertaId = $_USER_CHECK[0]['alerta_id']; //delete old alerte categories (new ones will overwrite) deleteFromTable("DELETE FROM mm_categs_alerte WHERE alerta_id = :alerta_id ", array("alerta_id" => $alertaId)); } else { //Insert Alerta insertIntoTable("INSERT INTO alerte SET \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t alerta_nume = :alerta_nume, \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t alerta_email = :alerta_email,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t alerta_added_at = :alerta_added_at\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t ", array("alerta_nume" => $nume, "alerta_email" => $email, "alerta_added_at" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"))); $alertaId = $config['dbConnection']->lastInsertId(); } //insert $selected_categs in alerte for ($i = 0; $i < count($selected_categs); $i++) { insertIntoTable("INSERT INTO mm_categs_alerte SET alerta_id = :alerta_id, categ_id = :categ_id ", array("alerta_id" => $alertaId, "categ_id" => intval($selected_categs[$i]))); } //endfor $selected_categs //succes: refresh and message redirect(add_querystring_var($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'm', '106')); } } else { //not submited $addAlertaSubmitOK = 0; $selected_categs = array(); } $config['currentMenuSection'] = 'alerte'; pageHeader(); ?>