Beispiel #1
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/update.js"></script>
<title>Race Schedule</title>
require 'inc/';
$banner_title = 'Racing Heats';
require 'inc/';
require_once 'inc/';
$groups = all_schedule_groups();
$sql = 'SELECT' . ' Classes.class, round, heat, lane, finishtime, resultid, completed, ' . ($use_master_sched ? 'round' : 'Rounds.roundid') . ' as racinggroup,' . ($use_master_sched ? 'masterheat' : 'heat') . ' as seq,' . ' RegistrationInfo.carnumber, RegistrationInfo.firstname, RegistrationInfo.lastname,' . ' Classes.classid, Rounds.roundid, RaceChart.racerid' . ' FROM ' . inner_join('RaceChart', 'RegistrationInfo', 'RegistrationInfo.racerid = RaceChart.racerid', 'Roster', 'Roster.racerid = RegistrationInfo.Racerid', 'Rounds', 'Rounds.roundid = Roster.roundid', 'Classes', 'Rounds.classid = Classes.classid') . ' WHERE Rounds.roundid = RaceChart.roundid' . ' ORDER BY ' . ($use_master_sched ? 'round, masterheat, lane' : (schema_version() >= 2 ? 'Classes.sortorder, ' : '') . 'class, round, heat, lane');
$stmt = $db->query($sql);
if ($stmt === FALSE) {
    $info = $db->errorInfo();
    echo '<h2>Error: ' . $info[2] . '</h2>' . "\n";
<table class="main_table">
function byes($n)
    $result = '';
    while ($n > 0) {
        $result .= '<td>Bye</td>';
Beispiel #2
.scroll-bounding-rect {
      overflow: hidden;
$banner_title = 'Results By Racer';
require 'inc/';
$nlanes = get_lane_count_from_results();
$now_running = get_running_round();
running_round_header($now_running, TRUE);
require_once 'inc/';
$rounds = all_rounds();
$sql = 'SELECT RegistrationInfo.racerid,' . ' Classes.class, round, heat, lane, finishtime, resultid,' . ' carnumber, RegistrationInfo.firstname, RegistrationInfo.lastname,' . ' Classes.classid, Rounds.roundid' . ' FROM ' . inner_join('RaceChart', 'RegistrationInfo', 'RegistrationInfo.racerid = RaceChart.racerid', 'Roster', 'Roster.racerid = RegistrationInfo.racerid', 'Rounds', 'Rounds.roundid = Roster.roundid', 'Classes', 'Rounds.classid = Classes.classid') . ' WHERE Rounds.roundid = RaceChart.roundid' . (isset($_GET['racerid']) ? ' AND RaceChart.racerid = ' . $_GET['racerid'] : '') . ' ORDER BY ' . (schema_version() >= 2 ? 'Classes.sortorder, ' : '') . 'class, round, lastname, firstname, carnumber, resultid, lane';
$stmt = $db->query($sql);
if ($stmt === FALSE) {
    $info = $db->errorInfo();
    echo '<h2>Error: ' . $info[2] . '</h2>' . "\n";
<div class="scroll-bounding-rect">
<table class="main_table">
function byes($n)
    $result = '';
    while ($n > 0) {
        $result .= '<td>--</td>';
Beispiel #3
    <th>First Name</th>
    <th>Car Name</th>
if ($xbs) {
    echo '<th>' . $xbs_award_name . '</th>';

$sql = 'SELECT racerid, carnumber, lastname, firstname, carname, imagefile,' . (schema_version() < 2 ? "class" : "Classes.sortorder") . ' AS class_sort,' . ' RegistrationInfo.classid, class, RegistrationInfo.rankid, rank, passedinspection, exclude,' . ' EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM RaceChart WHERE RaceChart.racerid = RegistrationInfo.racerid) AS scheduled,' . ' EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM RaceChart WHERE RaceChart.classid = RegistrationInfo.classid) AS denscheduled,' . ' EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM Awards WHERE Awards.awardname = \'' . addslashes($xbs_award_name) . '\' AND' . '                                   Awards.racerid = RegistrationInfo.racerid) AS xbs' . ' FROM ' . inner_join('RegistrationInfo', 'Classes', 'RegistrationInfo.classid = Classes.classid', 'Ranks', 'RegistrationInfo.rankid = Ranks.rankid') . ' ORDER BY ' . ($order == 'car' ? 'carnumber, lastname, firstname' : ($order == 'den' ? 'class_sort, lastname, firstname' : 'lastname, firstname'));
$stmt = $db->query($sql);
$n = 1;
foreach ($stmt as $rs) {
    checkin_table_row($rs, $xbs, $use_subgroups, $n);
if (have_permission(REGISTER_NEW_RACER_PERMISSION)) {
    <div class="block_buttons">
      <input type="button" value="New Racer" data-enhanced="true"
        $awards[] = array('bin_key' => $key, 'classid' => @$classid, 'rankid' => @$rankid, 'awardkey' => 'speed-' . $place . (isset($classid) ? '-' . $classid : ''), 'awardname' => nth_fastest($place, $label), 'awardtype' => 'Speed Trophy', 'awardtypeid' => 5, 'sort' => $place, 'firstname' => $row['firstname'], 'lastname' => $row['lastname'], 'carnumber' => $row['carnumber']);
// Collect speed awards
foreach (final_standings() as $row) {
    // Can be BOTH for_group and for_supergroup
    if ($row['for_supergroup']) {
        add_speed_award($row, null, null, $n_pack_trophies, supergroup_label());
    if ($row['for_group']) {
        add_speed_award($row, @$row['classid'], null, $n_den_trophies, $classes[$row['classid']]['class']);
    // TODO Speed awards by rank, as well as by class?
// TODO Break ties for award sorting according to class and rank ordering
foreach ($db->query('SELECT awardid, awardname, awardtype,' . ' Awards.awardtypeid, Awards.classid, Awards.rankid, sort,' . ' firstname, lastname, carnumber' . ' FROM ' . inner_join('Awards', 'AwardTypes', 'Awards.awardtypeid = AwardTypes.awardtypeid', 'RegistrationInfo', 'Awards.racerid = RegistrationInfo.racerid') . ' ORDER BY sort, lastname, firstname') as $row) {
    $awards[] = array('bin_key' => bin_key(@$row['classid'], @$row['rankid']), 'classid' => @$row['classid'], 'rankid' => @$row['rankid'], 'awardkey' => 'award-' . $row['awardid'], 'awardname' => $row['awardname'], 'awardtype' => $row['awardtype'], 'awardtypeid' => $row['awardtypeid'], 'sort' => $row['sort'], 'firstname' => $row['firstname'], 'lastname' => $row['lastname'], 'carnumber' => $row['carnumber']);
function compare_by_sort(&$lhs, &$rhs)
    return $lhs['sort'] == $rhs['sort'] ? 0 : $lhs['sort'] < $rhs['sort'] ? -1 : 1;
usort($awards, 'compare_by_sort');

<div class="block_buttons">

<div class="center-select">
    <select id="awardtype-select">
        <option selected="Selected">All Awards</option>
Beispiel #5

require_once 'inc/';
require_once 'inc/';
header('Content-Type: text/csv; charset=utf-8');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="derbynet-' . date('Y-m-d') . '.csv"');
echo "Class,Round,Heat,Lane,FirstName,LastName,CarNumber,FinishTime,FinishPlace,Completed\r\n";
$stmt = $db->query('SELECT class, round, heat, lane,' . ' firstname, lastname, carnumber, finishtime, finishplace, completed' . ' FROM ' . inner_join('RaceChart', 'RegistrationInfo', 'RaceChart.racerid = RegistrationInfo.racerid', 'Rounds', 'RaceChart.roundid = Rounds.roundid', 'Classes', 'Rounds.classid = Classes.classid') . ' ORDER BY completed, heat, lane');
if ($stmt === FALSE) {
    $info = $db->errorInfo();
    echo '<error msg="' . htmlspecialchars($info[2], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '" query="' . $sql . '"/>' . "\n";
$output = fopen("php://output", "w");
try {
    foreach ($stmt as $row) {
        fputcsv($output, array($row['class'], $row['round'], $row['heat'], $row['lane'], $row['firstname'], $row['lastname'], $row['carnumber'], $row['finishtime'], $row['finishplace'], $row['completed']));
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo '<error msg="' . htmlspecialchars($e->getMessage(), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '"/>' . "\n";
// finally clause syntax is recognized only in PHP 5.5 and later