<?php include 'smarty/Smarty.class.php'; include 'index/common.func.php'; set_smarty(); load_lang_pack(array($global['channel'])); initial('index'); $smarty->display('info.php'); //新秀
function existing_login_error() { //@@@@@ Error U-R-703: Username or password was entered incorrectly $error_number = 703; initial(include "includes/feedback/error_r_700series.txt"); }
<?php include 'smarty/Smarty.class.php'; include 'admin/common.func.php'; set_smarty(); load_lang_pack(array($global['channel']), 'admin'); initial('admin'); run(array('module' => 'info_main', 'display' => 'no')); $smarty->display('info.php'); //新秀
function do_dispreport($date_in, $func_in) { // $frm_date, $mode as params - 6/8/11 global $nature, $disposition, $patient, $incident, $incidents; // 12/3/10 global $evenodd, $types; global $w_tiny, $w_small, $w_medium, $w_large; // 4/14/11 function the_time($in_val) { return date("j H:i", (int) $in_val); } function print_row($ary_in, $_i) { // $_evenodd = array("even", "odd"); $_priorities = array("typical", "high", "highest"); $disp_str = empty($ary_in[6]) ? "" : the_time($ary_in[6]) . " <I>(" . round(($ary_in[6] - $ary_in[2]) / 60) . ")</I>"; $enr_str = empty($ary_in[7]) ? "" : the_time($ary_in[7]) . " <I>(" . round(($ary_in[7] - $ary_in[2]) / 60) . ")</I>"; $onsc_str = empty($ary_in[8]) ? "" : the_time($ary_in[8]) . " <I>(" . round(($ary_in[8] - $ary_in[2]) / 60) . ")</I>"; $facen_str = empty($ary_in[9]) ? "" : the_time($ary_in[9]) . " <I>(" . round(($ary_in[9] - $ary_in[2]) / 60) . ")</I>"; $facar_str = empty($ary_in[10]) ? "" : the_time($ary_in[10]) . " <I>(" . round(($ary_in[10] - $ary_in[2]) / 60) . ")</I>"; $clr_str = empty($ary_in[11]) ? "" : the_time($ary_in[11]) . " <I>(" . round(($ary_in[11] - $ary_in[2]) / 60) . ")</I>"; $res_str = empty($ary_in[12]) ? "" : the_time($ary_in[12]); $_class = isset($_priorities[$ary_in[3]]) ? $_priorities[$ary_in[3]] : $_priorities[0]; $_shortname = empty($ary_in[1]) ? "[#{$ary_in[0]}]" : shorten($ary_in[1], 32); $_full_time = format_date((string) $ary_in[2]); echo "<TR CLASS='{$_evenodd[$_i % 2]}'>"; echo "<TD class='{$_class}' onmouseout='UnTip()' onmouseover=\"Tip('{$ary_in[1]}');\" >{$_shortname}</TD>"; // ticket name echo "<TD onmouseout='UnTip()' onmouseover=\"Tip('{$_full_time}');\">" . the_time($ary_in[2]) . "</TD>"; // ticket start $_unit_name = empty($ary_in[5]) ? "[#{$ary_in[4]}]" : $ary_in[5]; echo "<TD>{$_unit_name}</TD>"; // unit name echo "<TD>{$disp_str}</TD>"; // dispatched echo "<TD>{$enr_str}</TD>"; // en route echo "<TD>{$onsc_str}</TD>"; // on scene echo "<TD>{$facen_str}</TD>"; // far enroute echo "<TD>{$facar_str}</TD>"; // fac arr echo "<TD>{$clr_str}</TD>"; // clear echo "<TD>{$res_str}</TD>"; // reset echo "</TR>\n"; } // end function echo row() /* 0 - ticket id 1 - ticket name 2 - ticket start 3 - ticket severity 4 - unit id 5 - unit name 6 - dispatched 7 - en route 8 - on scene 9 - far enroute 10 - fac arr 11 - clear 12 - reset */ function initial($row_in) { $ary_out = array("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""); $ary_out[0] = $row_in['ticket_id']; $ary_out[1] = $row_in['scope']; $ary_out[2] = $row_in['problemstart']; $ary_out[3] = $row_in['severity']; $ary_out[4] = $row_in['responder_id']; $ary_out[5] = $row_in['handle']; return $ary_out; } $from_to = date_range($date_in, $func_in); // get date range as array $titles = array(); $titles['dr'] = "Dispatch - Daily Report - "; $titles['cm'] = "Dispatch - Current Month-to-date - "; $titles['lm'] = "Dispatch - Last Month - "; $titles['cw'] = "Dispatch - Current Week-to-date - "; $titles['lw'] = "Dispatch - Last Week - "; $titles['cy'] = "Dispatch - Current Year-to-date - "; $titles['ly'] = "Dispatch - Last Year - "; $to_str = $func_in == "dr" ? "" : " to " . $from_to[3]; print "\n<TABLE ALIGN='left' BORDER = 0 >\n<TR CLASS='even' style='height: 24px'>\n"; print "<TH COLSPAN=99 ALIGN = 'center' border=1>" . $titles[$func_in] . $from_to[2] . $to_str . "</TH></TR>\n"; $where = " WHERE `when` BETWEEN '" . $from_to[0] . "' AND '" . $from_to[1] . "'"; $which_inc = $_POST['frm_tick_sel'] == 0 ? "" : " AND `ticket_id` = " . $_POST['frm_tick_sel']; // 2/7/09 $which_unit = $_POST['frm_resp_sel'] == 0 ? "" : " AND `responder_id` = " . $_POST['frm_resp_sel']; // 6/4/11 $codes = "{$GLOBALS['LOG_CALL_DISP']}, {$GLOBALS['LOG_CALL_RESP']}, {$GLOBALS['LOG_CALL_ONSCN']}, {$GLOBALS['LOG_CALL_CLR']}, {$GLOBALS['LOG_CALL_RESET']}, {$GLOBALS['LOG_CALL_U2FENR']}, {$GLOBALS['LOG_CALL_U2FARR']}"; // $codes = "{$GLOBALS['LOG_CALL_U2FENR']}, {$GLOBALS['LOG_CALL_U2FARR']}"; $query = "SELECT *, \n\t\t\tUNIX_TIMESTAMP(`l`.`when`) AS `when_num`, \n\t\t\tUNIX_TIMESTAMP(`t`.`problemstart`) AS `problemstart`, \n\t\t\t`r`.`name` AS `unit_name`, \n\t\t\t`l`.`info` AS `status`\n\t\t\tFROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}log` `l`\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket` `t` ON (`t`.`id` = `l`.`ticket_id`)\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}responder` `r` ON (`r`.`id` = `l`.`responder_id`)\n\t\t\t{$where} {$which_inc} {$which_unit}\n\t\t\tAND `l`.`code` IN ({$codes})\n\t\t\tORDER BY `l`.`ticket_id` ASC, `l`.`responder_id` ASC, `l`.`code` ASC"; $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), __FILE__, __LINE__); // dump($query); $normalize = array($GLOBALS['LOG_CALL_DISP'] => 6, $GLOBALS['LOG_CALL_RESP'] => 7, $GLOBALS['LOG_CALL_ONSCN'] => 8, $GLOBALS['LOG_CALL_U2FENR'] => 9, $GLOBALS['LOG_CALL_U2FARR'] => 10, $GLOBALS['LOG_CALL_CLR'] => 11, $GLOBALS['LOG_CALL_RESET'] => 12); $i = 0; $disp_start = ""; $_data = $empty = array("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""); // incident, unit, start, dispatch time, responding time, on-scene time, fac-enr time, fac-arr time, clear, reset $counts = $minutes = $stats = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); // elapsed minutes and counts to dispatched, responding, on-scene, fac-enr, fac-arr, cleared - 2/6/09 if (mysql_affected_rows() > 0) { // main loop - top $header = "<TR><TH ALIGN='left'> {$incident} </TH><TH ALIGN='left'> Start </TH><TH ALIGN='left'> " . get_text("Unit") . " </TH><TH ALIGN='left'> Dispatched </TH><TH ALIGN='left'> Responding </TH><TH ALIGN='left'> On-scene </TH><TH ALIGN='left'> Fac-enr </TH><TH ALIGN='left'> Fac-arr </TH><TH ALIGN='left'> Cleared </TH><TH ALIGN='left'> Reset </TH></TR>\n"; echo $header; $i = 0; $initialized = FALSE; while ($row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) { if (!$initialized) { $_data = initial($row); $initialized = TRUE; } $disp_event = $normalize[$row['code']]; // normalize to column position // change in incident, unit, or code collision? if ($row['ticket_id'] != $_data[0] || !$row['responder_id'] == $_data[4] || !empty($_data[$disp_event])) { print_row($_data, $i); $i++; if ($i % 100 == 0) { echo $header; } $_data = initial($row); $_data[$normalize[$row['code']]] = $row['when_num']; } else { $_data[$normalize[$row['code']]] = $row['when_num']; } } // end while ... // do the last line if any if (!empty($_data[6]) || !empty($_data[7]) || !empty($_data[8]) || !empty($_data[9]) || !empty($_data[10]) || !empty($_data[11]) || !empty($_data[12])) { print_row($_data, $i); } } else { // 10/31/09 print "\n<TR CLASS='odd'><TD COLSPAN='99' ALIGN='center'><br /><I>No data for this period</I><BR /></TD></TR>\n"; } print "<TR><TD COLSPAN=99 ALIGN='center'><HR STYLE = 'color: blue; size: 1; width: 50%'></TD></TR>"; print "</TABLE>\n"; }
<?php include 'smarty/Smarty.class.php'; include 'index/common.func.php'; set_smarty(); load_lang_pack(array($global['channel'])); initial('message'); $smarty->display('message.php'); create_html($global['url']); //新秀
<?php include 'smarty/Smarty.class.php'; include 'index/common.func.php'; set_smarty(); load_lang_pack(array($global['channel'])); initial('article'); $smarty->display('article.php'); create_html($global['url']); //新秀
<head> <title>PokeMon Center</title> <link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Black+Ops+One' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://<?php echo $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; ?> /CSS/style.css"> </head> <body style="margin:0;"> <?php //template include_once "./template/menu.tpl"; //call function initial(); //hello message if ($module_name == "" && $function_name == "") { html_div(100, 0, "#ffffff", 30); echo "Welcome to Pokemon Center."; html_div_end(); html_img("http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . "/img/chansey.png"); } //template include_once "./template/bottom.tpl"; ?> </body> </html>