function album_permissions($user_id, $cat_id, $permission_checks, $catdata = 0)
    global $db, $user, $lang, $album_config, $album_data;
    $moderator_check = 1;
    if (album_is_debug_enabled() == true) {
        if (!defined('ALBUM_AUTH_VIEW') || !defined('ALBUM_AUTH_UPLOAD') || !defined('ALBUM_AUTH_DELETE')) {
            album_debug("album_permissions : The defined authentication constants are NOT found !!!");
    $view_check = (int) checkFlag($permission_checks, ALBUM_AUTH_VIEW);
    $upload_check = (int) checkFlag($permission_checks, ALBUM_AUTH_UPLOAD);
    $rate_check = (int) checkFlag($permission_checks, ALBUM_AUTH_RATE);
    $comment_check = (int) checkFlag($permission_checks, ALBUM_AUTH_COMMENT);
    $edit_check = (int) checkFlag($permission_checks, ALBUM_AUTH_EDIT);
    $delete_check = (int) checkFlag($permission_checks, ALBUM_AUTH_DELETE);
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // if we are checkinfg the personal gallery category management permission
    // we need to do these also : view and upload
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if (checkFlag($permission_checks, ALBUM_AUTH_MANAGE_PERSONAL_CATEGORIES) == true) {
        $view_check = 1;
        $upload_check = 1;
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // did we pass some category data or not ?
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if (!is_array($catdata)) {
        $sql = "SELECT *\n\t\t\t\tFROM " . ALBUM_CAT_TABLE . "\n\t\t\t\tWHERE cat_id = '{$cat_id}'";
        $result = $db->sql_query($sql);
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // did we find the category or not ?
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        if ($db->sql_numrows($result) == 0) {
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // is it a personal gallery ?
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
            if ($user_id != ALBUM_PUBLIC_GALLERY) {
                $AH_thiscat = init_personal_gallery_cat($user_id);
                $album_permission = personal_gallery_access(1, 1);
                //$view_check, $upload_check);
            } else {
                message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, $lang['Category_not_exist'], '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);
        } else {
            $AH_thiscat = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
    } else {
        $AH_thiscat = $catdata;
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // it is the root category of a non existing personal gallery
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        if ($AH_thiscat['cat_user_id'] != 0 && $AH_thiscat['cat_id'] == 0) {
            $album_permission = personal_gallery_access(1, 1);
            //$view_check, $upload_check);
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // if we set our $AH_thiscat and not our permission array then we must
    // authenticate it
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if (album_is_debug_enabled() == true) {
        album_debug('album_permissions : before album_user_access : %s(id=%d), $album_permission = %s', $AH_thiscat['cat_title'], $AH_thiscat['cat_id'], $album_permission);
    if (!empty($AH_thiscat) && !is_array($album_permission)) {
        $album_permission = album_user_access($cat_id, $AH_thiscat, $view_check, $upload_check, $rate_check, $comment_check, $edit_check, $delete_check);
    if (album_is_debug_enabled() == true) {
        album_debug('album_permissions : after album_user_access : %s(id=%d), $album_permission = %s', $AH_thiscat['cat_title'], $AH_thiscat['cat_id'], $album_permission);
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // as default nobody can manage the galleries (personal galleries that is)
    // check is done later, but only for personal galleries, so its not possible
    // to manage the categories in the public galleries, only in the ACP
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    $album_permission['manage'] = 0;
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // $album_permission should now hold our permission stuff for either a personal
    // gallery or a public gallery.
    // lets now do some more authentication for the personal galleries
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if ($AH_thiscat['cat_user_id'] != 0) {
        if (album_is_debug_enabled() == true) {
            album_Debug('$album_config[\'personal_gallery\'] = %d', $album_config['personal_gallery']);
        switch ($album_config['personal_gallery']) {
            case ALBUM_USER:
                // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                // are we checking a non existing personal gallery ?
                // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                if (empty($AH_thiscat) || $AH_thiscat['cat_id'] == 0 || $cat_id == ALBUM_ROOT_CATEGORY) {
                    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    // if the admin has set the creation of personal galleries to 'registered users'
                    // then filter out all other users then the current logged in user (and NON ADMIN)
                    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    if ($user->data['user_id'] != $AH_thiscat['cat_user_id'] && $user->data['user_level'] != ADMIN) {
                        $album_permission['upload'] = 0;
                    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    // set the other permissions to the same value of the upload
                    // for this non exsting personal gallery,
                    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    $album_permission['rate'] = $album_permission['upload'];
                    $album_permission['edit'] = $album_permission['upload'];
                    $album_permission['delete'] = $album_permission['upload'];
                    $album_permission['comment'] = $album_permission['upload'];
            case ALBUM_ADMIN:
                // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                // Only admins can upload images to users personal gallery
                // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                if ($user->data['user_level'] != ADMIN) {
                    $album_permission['upload'] = 0;
                // NOTHING;
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // we need to check the upload permission again to full fill all the
        // permission criterias
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        switch ($AH_thiscat['cat_upload_level']) {
            case ALBUM_PRIVATE:
                // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                // make sure the owner of the personal gallery can upload to his personal gallery
                // it the permission is set to private BUT only for existing personal galleries
                // if ($AH_thiscat['cat_id'] != 0 && ($user_id == $user->data['user_id']) )
                // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                if ($AH_thiscat['cat_id'] != 0 && $AH_thiscat['cat_user_id'] == $user->data['user_id']) {
                    if ($album_config['personal_gallery'] == ALBUM_ADMIN && $user->data['user_level'] != ADMIN) {
                        $album_permission['upload'] = 0;
                    } else {
                        $album_permission['upload'] = 1;
                // NOTHING;
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Check if we can moderate the personal gallery AND also check if we can
        // manage the personal gallery categories
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        if ($user->data['user_level'] == ADMIN || $album_permission['upload'] == 1 && $album_config['personal_allow_gallery_mod'] == 1 && $AH_thiscat['cat_user_id'] == $user->data['user_id']) {
            $album_permission['moderator'] = 1;
        if ($user->data['user_level'] == ADMIN || $album_config['personal_allow_sub_categories'] == 1 && $album_config['personal_sub_category_limit'] != 0 && $AH_thiscat['cat_user_id'] == $user->data['user_id'] && $album_permission['upload'] == 1) {
            $album_permission['manage'] = 1;
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // If $moderator_check was called and this user is a MODERATOR the user
        // will be authorized for all accesses which were not set to ADMIN
        // except for the management of the categories in the personal gallery
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        if ($album_permission['moderator'] == 1) {
            $album_permission_keys = array_keys($album_permission);
            for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($album_permission); $i++) {
                if ($AH_thiscat['cat_' . $album_permission_keys[$i] . '_level'] != ALBUM_ADMIN && $album_permission_keys[$i] != 'manage') {
                    $album_permission[$album_permission_keys[$i]] = 1;
    if (album_is_debug_enabled() == true) {
        album_debug('final : $album_permission = %s', $album_permission);
    return $album_permission;
$cat_id = $thispic['pic_cat_id'];
$user_id = $thispic['pic_user_id'];
$pic_filename = $thispic['pic_filename'];
$file_part = explode('.', strtolower($pic_filename));
$pic_filetype = $file_part[sizeof($file_part) - 1];
$pic_title = substr($pic_filename, 0, strlen($pic_filename) - strlen($pic_filetype) - 1);
if (empty($thispic)) {
// Get the current Category Info
if ($cat_id != PERSONAL_GALLERY) {
    $sql = "SELECT *\n\t\t\tFROM " . ALBUM_CAT_TABLE . "\n\t\t\tWHERE cat_id = '{$cat_id}'";
    $result = $db->sql_query($sql);
    $thiscat = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
} else {
    $thiscat = init_personal_gallery_cat($user_id);
if (empty($thiscat)) {
// Check the permissions
$album_user_access = album_user_access($cat_id, $thiscat, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
if ($album_user_access['view'] == 0) {
// Check Pic Approval
if ($user->data['user_level'] != ADMIN) {
    if ($thiscat['cat_approval'] == ADMIN or $thiscat['cat_approval'] == MOD and !$album_user_access['moderator']) {
        if ($thispic['pic_approval'] != 1) {
function album_init_personal_gallery($user_id)
    global $db, $album_data, $user;
    // parent categories
    $parents = array();
    // read categories and categories with right user access rights
    $cats = array();
    $parent_root_id = ALBUM_ROOT_CATEGORY;
    $row = init_personal_gallery_cat($user_id);
    if ($row['cat_parent'] == $row['cat_id']) {
        $row['cat_parent'] = 0;
    // store the parent id for this category in the row array
    $row['parent'] = $row['cat_parent'] == 0 ? $parent_root_id : $row['cat_parent'];
    $idx = sizeof($cats);
    $cats[$idx] = $row;
    $parents[$row['parent']][] = $idx;
    // build the tree
    $album_data = array();
    album_build_tree($cats, $parents);
    // populate the authentication data to the album tree