Beispiel #1

header('Content-type: text/json; charset=UTF-8');
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
// if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') {
require_once "../include/apps.config.php";
require_once "../include/database.php";
require_once "../lib/wechat/wechat.class.php";
require_once "../include/global_func.php";
if (isset($mod)) {
    $returnArr = array('code' => 200);
    foreach ($SYSCONFIG['DB'] as $key => $schema) {
        if (($mysql = initDataBase($SYSCONFIG['DB'][$key])) == false) {
        # get app configs
        $query = "SELECT name, value FROM app_configs\n                WHERE name IN( '%s' )";
        $_query = sprintf($query, implode('\', \'', $SYSCONFIG['APP_CONFIG']));
        $configs = array();
        foreach ($mysql->data as $config) {
            $configs[$config['name']] = $config['value'];
        $config = array('schema' => $schema, 'appid' => $configs['appid'], 'secret' => $configs['app_secret'], 'encrypt_token' => $configs['encrypt_token'], 'encodingAESKey' => $configs['encodingAESKey'], 'app_token' => 'uop05d6RmYZbOvBLs-WomFawCPMv6hEarWLBmbLdppEhN1Ns-N1EES5e7BOB9eznoOKt_xtCdP5NjnsSVqFWDjJg3hq0rE-9wfeiVb4N4NwQFNiAAAYNV', 'app_token_expire' => 1550674698);
        # init Wechat API
        $wechat = new WeChat($config);
        if ($mod == 'userList') {
            require_once 'userList.php';
        log_error('update_userInfo', array('token' => $_SESSION['wechat']['access_token'], 'next_openid' => $next_openid), json_encode($resultSet));
        $returnArr['code'] = 500;
        $returnArr['err'] = $resultSet['errmsg'];
    if ($resultSet['count'] != 0) {
        $userlist = array_merge($userlist, $resultSet['data']['openid']);
    if ($resultSet['next_openid'] != '') {
        $next_openid = $resultSet['next_openid'];
    } else {
$userlist = array_chunk($userlist, 500);
$db = initDataBase();
# clear table
$query = 'TRUNCATE hk_wechat_users ';
$stmt = $db->prepare($query);
try {
    foreach ($userlist as $index => $group) {
        $dbFieldsArr = array();
        $dbParamArr = array();
        foreach ($group as $key => $user) {
            $userInfo = curl_subscribe_list('info', $user);
            if (isset($userInfo['errcode'])) {
                log_error('update_userInfo', array('token' => $_SESSION['wechat']['access_token'], 'openid' => $user), json_encode($userInfo));
            } else {
                array_push($dbFieldsArr, "( :subscribe_{$key}, :openid_{$key}, :nickname_{$key}, :sex_{$key}, :city_{$key}, :country_{$key}, :province_{$key}, :language_{$key}, :headimgurl_{$key}, :subscribe_time_{$key}, :remark_{$key}, :groupid_{$key} )");
                array_push($dbParamArr, array('name' => ":subscribe_{$key}", 'value' => isset($userInfo['subscribe']) ? $userInfo['subscribe'] : NULL));

// ini_set('display_errors', 1);
// error_reporting(E_ALL);
require_once "../include/apps.config.php";
require_once "../lib/wechat/wechat.class.php";
require_once "../include/database.php";
require_once "../include/global_func.php";
require_once '../include/ArrayToXML.php';
$schema = 'hk_mo';
$responseXML = '';
$time = time();
try {
    if (($mysql = initDataBase($SYSCONFIG['DB'][$schema])) == false) {
        throw new Exception($mysql->error);
    # get app configs
    $query = "SELECT name, value FROM app_configs\n            WHERE name IN( '%s' )";
    $_query = sprintf($query, implode('\', \'', $SYSCONFIG['APP_CONFIG']));
    if (!$mysql->query($_query)) {
        throw new Exception($mysql->error);
    } else {
        if ($mysql->num_row == 0) {
            throw new Exception('App config not found');
    $configs = array();
    foreach ($mysql->data as $config) {
        $configs[$config['name']] = $config['value'];
    $config = array('schema' => $schema, 'appid' => $configs['appid'], 'secret' => $configs['app_secret'], 'encrypt_token' => $configs['encrypt_token'], 'encodingAESKey' => $configs['encodingAESKey'], 'app_token' => null, 'app_token_expire' => null);
$schema = 'cn';
$config = array('schema' => $schema, 'appid' => $SYSCONFIG['WECHAT'][$schema]['appid'], 'secret' => $SYSCONFIG['WECHAT'][$schema]['secret'], 'access_token' => null, 'expires_in' => null);
# response
$responseXML = '';
$time = time();
$responseArr = array();
//get post data, May be due to the different environments
//extract post data
if (!empty($postStr)) {
    $postObj = simplexml_load_string($postStr, 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA);
    try {
        $postArr = (array) $postObj;
        $content = isset($postArr['Content']) ? trim($postArr['Content']) : '';
        if (($mysql = initDataBase($schema)) == false) {
            throw new Exception($mysql->error);
        $wechat = new WeChat($config);
        /* --------------------- log request ------------------------- */
        if ($postArr['MsgType'] == $wechat::MSGTYPE_EVENT && $postArr['Event'] == $wechat::EVENT_SEND_MASS) {
            $query = "UPDATE wechat_push_msg\n\t\t\tSET status = :status, totalCount = :totalCount,\n\t\t\tfilterCount = :filterCount, sentCount = :sentCount,\n\t\t\terrorCount = :errorCount, report_date = :report_date\n\t\t\tWHERE msg_id = :msg_id ";
            $bindArr = array('msg_id' => $postArr['MsgID'], 'status' => $postArr['Status'], 'totalCount' => $postArr['TotalCount'], 'filterCount' => $postArr['FilterCount'], 'sentCount' => $postArr['SentCount'], 'errorCount' => $postArr['ErrorCount'], 'report_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
            if (!$mysql->execute($query, $bindArr)) {
                throw new Exception($mysql->error);
        $request_type = $postArr['MsgType'];
        switch ($postArr['MsgType']) {

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/apps.config.php";
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/";
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/";
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/database.php";
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../lib/wechat/wechat.class.php";
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/global_func.php";
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/global.func.php";
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/checksession.php";
if (isset($_SESSION['schema'])) {
    # init mysql object
    if (($mysql = initDataBase($SYSCONFIG['DB'][$_SESSION['schema']])) == false) {
    # get app configs
    $query = "SELECT name, value FROM app_configs\n            WHERE name IN( '%s' )";
    $_query = sprintf($query, implode('\', \'', $SYSCONFIG['APP_CONFIG']));
    $configs = array();
    foreach ($mysql->data as $config) {
        $configs[$config['name']] = $config['value'];
    # init App Settings
    $SYSCONFIG['WECHAT'] = array('browserInfo' => $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'app_name' => $configs['app_name'], 'thumb' => $configs['app_icon'], 'permission' => 'snsapi_base, snsapi_base, snsapi_userinfo', 'appid' => $configs['appid'], 'secret' => $configs['app_secret']);
    # init WeChat API
    $config = array('schema' => $_SESSION['schema'], 'appid' => $SYSCONFIG['WECHAT']['appid'], 'secret' => $SYSCONFIG['WECHAT']['secret'], 'encrypt_token' => $configs['encrypt_token'], 'encodingAESKey' => $configs['encodingAESKey'], 'app_token' => $_SESSION['wechat']['app_token'], 'app_token_expire' => $_SESSION['wechat']['app_token_expire']);
    $wechat = new WeChat($config);