function create_DOM() { $name = config\platform::name; $charset = config\platform::charset; //get init script location $init_script_location = 'client/init.js'; //get init script $init_script = init(); $dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8'); $dom->loadHTML(' <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>' . $name . '</title> <meta charset="' . $charset . '"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> </head> <body> ' . $init_script . ' </body> </html> '); ob_start(); echo add_external_libs(); echo $dom->saveHTML($dom->getElementsByTagName('!DOCTYPE html')->item(0)); ob_end_flush(); }
function process($form_data) { $a = session_id(); include "connect.php"; $conn = init($_SESSION["permission_type"]); $query = "\n\t\t\t\tSELECT salesrecord.cost, salesrecord.sale_price, salesrecord.transport_price FROM `salesrecord` \n\t\t\t\tinner join contract on\n\t\t\t\tinner join user on\n\t\t\t\tOrder by\n\t\t\t"; if (isset($form_data['choosenuser']) && $form_data['choosenuser'] != "") { $query = "\n\t\t\t\tSELECT salesrecord.cost, salesrecord.sale_price, salesrecord.transport_price FROM `salesrecord` \n\t\t\t\tinner join contract on\n\t\t\t\tinner join user on\n\t\t\t\tWhere = '" . $form_data['choosenuser'] . "'\n\t\t\t\tOrder by\n\t\t\t\t"; } $result = $conn->query($query); $rows = $result->fetch_all(MYSQLI_ASSOC); $stat = array(); $i = 0; $sum = 0; foreach ($rows as $column) { $i += 1; if ($i == 100) { $stat[] = $sum / 100; $i = 0; $sum = 0; } $sum += floatval($column['sale_price']) / (floatval($column['cost']) + floatval($column['transport_price'])); //echo ( $hh . "<br>" ); } $stat[] = $sum / $i; echo json_encode(array("stat" => $stat)); }
public static function delete($key) { self: init(); $ret = self::$pool->delete($key); return $ret; }
function process($form_data) { include "Helper.php"; // pretty_print_array($form_data); $a = session_id(); include "connect.php"; $conn = init($_SESSION["permission_type"]); $result = array(); if (isset($form_data["transportoffer---relation"])) { $result = deleteTransportOffer($form_data, $conn); } else { if (isset($form_data["user---relation"])) { $result = deleteUser($form_data, $conn); } else { if (isset($form_data["contract---relation"])) { $result = deleteContract($form_data, $conn); } else { if (isset($form_data["market---relation"])) { $result = deleteMarket($form_data, $conn); } else { if (isset($form_data["transportoffer---relation"])) { $result = deleteTransportOffer($form_data, $conn); } else { if (isset($form_data["immigrants---relation"])) { $result = deleteImigrants($form_data, $conn); } else { if (isset($form_data["product---relation"])) { $result = deleteProduct($form_data, $conn); } else { if (isset($form_data["transportcompany---relation"])) { $result = deleteTransportCompany($form_data, $conn); } else { if (isset($form_data["flavour---relation"])) { $result = deleteTaste($form_data, $conn); } else { if (isset($form_data["storagetype---relation"])) { $result = deleteStoragetype($form_data, $conn); } else { if (isset($form_data["country---relation"])) { $result = deleteCountry($form_data, $conn); } } } } } } } } } } } if ($result["error"] == "") { $returnedData = $conn->query($result["data"]); } if ($conn->connect_errno) { $result["error"] = $conn->connect_error; } $result["data"] = ""; echo json_encode($result); }
function compare() { init(); //如果目标数据库不存在,先创建一个 $sql = 'create database if not exists ' . TARGET_DB . ' default charset utf8 collate utf8_general_ci'; mysql_query($sql, TARGET_LINK); //获取数据源的数据结构 $source_database_struct = get_database_struct(SOURCE_LINK, SOURCE_DB); //获取目标的数据结构 $target_database_struct = get_database_struct(TARGET_LINK, TARGET_DB); //以数据源为准,比较差异 foreach ($source_database_struct as $table_name => $create_table) { if (!$target_database_struct[$table_name]) { execute($create_table, TARGET_LINK); } else { //比较字段 compare_column(SOURCE_LINK, TARGET_LINK, SOURCE_DB, TARGET_DB, $table_name); //比较索引 compare_keys(SOURCE_LINK, TARGET_LINK, SOURCE_DB, TARGET_DB, $table_name); //比较分区 compare_partition(SOURCE_LINK, TARGET_LINK, SOURCE_DB, TARGET_DB, $table_name); } } //删除多余的表 foreach ($target_database_struct as $table_name => $create_table) { if (!$source_database_struct[$table_name]) { $sql = 'drop table ' . $table_name; execute($sql, TARGET_LINK); } } close(); }
public static function event() { $cmd = geolocCmd::byId(init('id')); if (!is_object($cmd)) { throw new Exception(__('Commande ID geoloc inconnu : ', __FILE__) . init('id')); } if ($cmd->getEqLogic()->getEqType_name() != 'geoloc') { throw new Exception(__('Cette commande n\'est pas de type geoloc : ', __FILE__) . init('id')); } if ($cmd->getConfiguration('mode') != 'dynamic') { throw new Exception(__('Cette commande de géoloc n\'est pas dynamique : ', __FILE__) . init('id')); } $value = init('value'); if (strpos($value, 'https://') !== false || strpos($value, 'http://') !== false) { $url = parse_url($value); parse_str($url['query'], $output); if (isset($output['q'])) { $value = $output['q']; } if (isset($output['ll'])) { $value = $output['ll']; } } //For compatibility with older version which not use the Value property, set the Value if needed foreach ($cmd->getEqLogic()->getCmd('info') as $distance) { if ($distance->getConfiguration('mode') == 'distance' || $distance->getConfiguration('mode') == 'travelDistance' || $distance->getConfiguration('mode') == 'travelTime') { if ($distance->setDependency()) { $distance->save(); } } } $cmd->event($value); $cmd->getEqLogic()->refreshWidget(); }
function userPage($modx) { init($modx); $myuser = $modx->getObject('kofcuser', array('name' => $modx->user->username), false); if ($myuser) { $addr = $myuser->getMany('memberMemberAddress', array('addressType' => 'home')); foreach ($addr as $a) { echo $a->get('street1'); } /* $addr=$modx->newObject('memberAddress'); $addr->fromArray(array('addressType'=>'home','street1' => '412 Crofton Park Lane' ,'city'=>'Franklin','state'=>'TN','zip'=>'37069')); $myuser->addMany($addr); $myuser->save(); */ $baseImage = '/assets/images/memberPhotos/'; if ($myuser) { $imagePath = $baseImage . $myuser->get('imagePath'); } //$mycouncil=$modx->getObject('council',array('id'=>$myuser->get('councilId'))); $mycouncil = $myuser->getOne('memberCouncil'); $modx->toPlaceholders(array("imagePath" => $imagePath), ''); $modx->toPlaceholders($myuser->toArray(), 'member'); $modx->toPlaceholders($mycouncil->toArray(), 'council'); } return null; }
function process($form_data) { $a = session_id(); include "connect.php"; $conn = init($_SESSION["permission_type"]); include "Helper.php"; //pretty_print_array($form_data); $processed_form_data = preprocess($form_data); $builder = new GetQueryBuilder(); $coolresult = $builder->generateSQL($processed_form_data); $returnedData = ""; //print_r($coolresult); $returnedData = $conn->query($coolresult["data"][0]); //echo ($coolresult["data"][0]); $coolresult["data"] = ""; if ($conn->error) { if ($coolresult["error"] == "") { $coolresult["error"] = $conn->error; } } else { $coolresult["error"] = ""; $coolresult["data"] = $returnedData->fetch_all(MYSQLI_ASSOC); } echo json_encode($coolresult); }
public static function event() { $cmd = iftttCmd::byId(init('id')); if (!is_object($cmd)) { throw new Exception('Commande ID ifttt inconnu : ' . init('id')); } $cmd->event(init('value')); }
function getCodecheckProductBySearch($suchbegriff) { $ean = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z-0-9]+/', '', $suchbegriff); $context = init(); $r = file_get_contents('' . $suchbegriff, false, $context); $r = json_decode($r); return $r->result; }
/** * Test initialization method. */ public function test_init() { // Setup \WP_Mock::expectAction('wpd_tools_init'); // Act init(); // Verify $this->assertConditionsMet(); }
function main() { if ($_SERVER['argc'] <= 1 || false === is_dir($_SERVER['argv'][1])) { echo usage(); exit(-1); } else { setup(); init($_SERVER['argv'][1]); } }
function main() { init(); connect(); switch ($GLOBALS['req']['a']) { case 'getMembers': display('members', getMembers()); break; } echo json_encode($GLOBALS['final_print']); disconnect(); }
function generate() { init(); $sql = 'SHOW TABLES'; $ret = QueryExecutor::execute(new SqlQuery($sql)); getnerateDomainObjects($ret); getnerateDAOObjects($ret); getnerateDAOExtObjects($ret); getnerateIDAOObjects($ret); createIncludeFile($ret); createDAOFactory($ret); }
/** * Grab and push test email data into redis * @param $limit_rounds number of times function will execute recursively * @param $time_between_rounds number of seconds between each recursive round. */ function init($limit_rounds = 10, $time_between_rounds = 5) { $limit_rounds--; $email_data_array = json_decode(exec('node test/make-test-data.js 100')); foreach ($email_data_array as $key => $email_data_item) { queue_email($email_data_item, rand(0, 10)); } if ($limit_rounds > 0) { echo "queue_email sleeping. Rounds left: {$limit_rounds}."; sleep($time_between_rounds); init($limit_rounds); } }
function tree_nav_table($params, $title, $t_data, $parents = NULL, $i = 1, $id_parent = NULL, $tbody = '') { global $modul; foreach ($t_data as $t_key => $t_value) { $tbody .= "<div class='table-row'>"; foreach ($params['TABLE'] as $key => $value) { $data = init($t_value[$key], $value, $key); if ($value == 'activate') { $tbody .= "<div class='table-cell icon-only " . $key . "'>"; if ($t_value[$key]) { $tbody .= "<a href='#' class='icon-cell " . $key . "_de" . $value . "' data-content='" . $modul . "' id='" . $t_value['id'] . "' ><i class='icon-" . $value . "-active'></i>"; } else { $tbody .= "<a href='#' class='icon-cell " . $key . "_" . $value . "' data-content='" . $modul . "' id='" . $t_value['id'] . "' ><i class='icon-" . $value . "'></i>"; } $tbody .= "</div><!-- /.table-cell -->"; } else { $tbody .= "<div class='table-cell " . $key . "'>"; for ($y = 2; $y <= $i; $y++) { $tbody .= "<span class='spacer'></span>"; } $tbody .= "<i class='icon-tree'></i>" . $data . "</div><!-- /.table-cell -->"; } } $width = 40 + 26 * count($params['CONSTRUCT']); $tbody .= "<div class='table-cell tools' style='width: " . $width . "px;'>"; foreach ($params['CONSTRUCT'] as $key => $value) { if ($value === true) { if ($key == 'activate') { if ($t_value['c_active']) { $tbody .= "<a href='#' class='icon-cell de" . $key . "' data-content='" . $modul . "' id='" . $t_value['id'] . "' ><i class='icon-" . $key . "-active'></i>"; } else { $tbody .= "<a href='#' class='icon-cell " . $key . "' data-content='" . $modul . "' id='" . $t_value['id'] . "' ><i class='icon-" . $key . "'></i>"; } $tbody .= "</a>"; } else { $tbody .= "<a href='#' class='icon-cell " . $key . "' data-content='" . $modul . "' id='" . $t_value['id'] . "' ><i class='icon-" . $key . "'></i></a>"; } } } $tbody .= "</div><!-- /.table-cell -->"; $tbody .= "</div><!-- /.table-row -->"; if ($t_value['id_parent'] == $id_parent) { $i = 1; } if (isset($t_value['children'])) { $tbody .= tree_nav_table($params, $title, $t_value['children'], $parents, $i + 1, $t_value['id_parent'], ''); } } return $tbody; }
public static function event() { $cmd = geolocCmd::byId(init('id')); if (!is_object($cmd)) { throw new Exception('Commande ID geoloc inconnu : ' . init('id')); } if ($cmd->getEqLogic()->getEqType_name() != 'geoloc') { throw new Exception('Cette commande n\'est pas de type geoloc : ' . init('id')); } if ($cmd->getConfiguration('mode') != 'dynamic') { throw new Exception('Cette commande de géoloc n\'est pas dynamique : ' . init('id')); } $cmd->event(init('value')); }
/** * Initializes the dataface framework. */ function df_init($site_path, $dataface_url, $conf = null) { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/init.php'; init($site_path, $dataface_url); import('PEAR.php'); import('Dataface/Application.php'); $app = Dataface_Application::getInstance($conf); if (df_get_file_system_version() != df_get_database_version()) { $res = df_update(); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { trigger_error($res->getMessage(), E_USER_ERROR); } } return $app; }
function start() { session_start(); checkAnswerButtonPressed(); if (isset($_POST['next'])) { // next button geklikt $_SESSION['nieuweVraag'] = true; $_SESSION['vraag'] = $_SESSION['vraag'] + 1; unset($_SESSION['buttonGeklikt']); } else { if (isset($_SESSION['buttonGeklikt'])) { // antwoord-button geklikt $_SESSION['nieuweVraag'] = false; } else { // geen button geklikt, eerste vraag init(); } } }
function send_mail($recipients, $subject, $message) { $mail = init(json_decode(file_get_contents("config/config.json"), true)["mail"]); $mail->isHTML(ture); if (is_array($recipients)) { foreach ($recipients as $recipient) { $mail->addAddress($recipient); } } else { $mail->addAddress($recipients); } $mail->Subject = $subject; $mail->Body = $message; if (!$mail->send()) { return array("success" => false, "message" => $mail->ErrorInfo); } else { return array("success" => true); } }
function main() { init(); connect(); switch ($GLOBALS['req']['a']) { case 'getSongs': display('songs', getSongs()); break; case 'getSongsMin': display('songsMin', getSongsMin()); break; case 'add100': add100(); display('done', 0); break; } echo json_encode($GLOBALS['final_print']); disconnect(); }
function data_chart($data_points, $i, $max, $size_y = 300, $step = 100, $left = 20) { $chart = "<polyline class='chart_line color-" . $i . "' points='"; $x = $left; foreach ($data_points as $key => $value) { $y = $size_y - $size_y / $max * $value + 20; $chart .= $x . "," . $y . " "; $x += $step / (count($data_points) - 1); } $chart .= "' />"; $chart .= "<g class='data color-" . $i . "'>"; $x = $left; foreach ($data_points as $key => $value) { $y = $size_y - $size_y / $max * $value + 20; $chart .= "<circle cx='" . $x . "' cy='" . $y . "' data-info = '" . $value . "' r='4'><title>" . init($value, 'number') . "</title></circle>"; $x += $step / (count($data_points) - 1); } $chart .= "</g>"; return $chart; }
/** * Create package.xml * * @param boolean $debug * @return void */ function main($debug = true) { if (file_exists(PACAGE_XML)) { fputs(STDOUT, 'ignore existing package.xml? [y/N]: '); $noChangeLog = 0 === strncasecmp(trim(fgets(STDIN)), 'y', 1); } else { $noChangeLog = false; } if ($noChangeLog) { rename(PACAGE_XML, PACAGE_XML . '.orig'); } $package = init(configure(PACAGE_YML)); $package->generateContents(); if ($debug) { $package->debugPackageFile(); if ($noChangeLog) { rename(PACAGE_XML . '.orig', PACAGE_XML); } } else { $package->writePackageFile(); } }
function main() { init(); switch ($GLOBALS['req']['a']) { case 'getSongs': connect(); display('songs', getSongs()); break; case 'getSongsMin': connect(); display('songsMin', getSongsMin()); break; case 'add100': add100(); display('done', 0); break; case 'getMembers': connect(); display('members', getMembers()); break; case 'validate': display('valid', validate($GLOBALS['req']['text'])); break; case 'addMember': connect(); addMember(); break; case 'getNewImageName': connect(); display('done', getNewImageName()); break; case 'uploadPicture': connect(); uploadPicture(); break; } echo json_encode($GLOBALS['final_print']); disconnect(); }
public static function event() { $cmd = virtualCmd::byId(init('id')); if (!is_object($cmd)) { throw new Exception('Commande ID virtuel inconnu : ' . init('id')); } $value = init('value'); $virtualCmd = virtualCmd::byId($cmd->getConfiguration('infoId')); if (is_object($virtualCmd)) { if ($virtualCmd->getEqLogic()->getEqType_name() != 'virtual') { throw new Exception('La cible de la commande virtuel n\'est pas un équipement de type virtuel'); } if ($this->getSubType() != 'slider' && $this->getSubType() != 'color') { $value = $this->getConfiguration('value'); } $virtualCmd->setConfiguration('value', $value); $virtualCmd->save(); } else { $cmd->setConfiguration('value', $value); $cmd->save(); } $cmd->event($value); }
function main($argv, $argc) { $context = init($argv, $argc); $sql = $context->sql; $result = $sql->query(sprintf("select id, %s from %s", $context->field, $context->table)); if ($result == null) { return 4; } $field = $context->field; $total = 0; while ($row = $result->fetch_object()) { $text = $row->{$field}; $count = 0; $text = preg_replace($context->find, $context->replace, $text, -1, $count); if ($count != 0) { echo "replacing {$count} in {$row->id} \n"; $text = $sql->escape_string(str_replace("%", "%%", $text)); $sql->query(sprintf("update %s set %s = \"%s\" where id = %d", $context->table, $context->field, $text, $row->id)); } $total += $count; } echo "\nreplace total: {$total}\n"; return 0; }
function addItem($file, $data, $location) { echo 'Slotlist:<br>'; print_r($this->slotList); echo 'data block length ' . strlen($data) . '<br>'; if (flock($file, LOCK_EX)) { // acquire an exclusive lock // Read the last item that was saved in this slot and version fseek($file, $this->slotList[0] * $this->size + 4); $header = unpack('i*', fread($file, 8)); echo 'VERSION ' . $header[2] . '<p>'; if ($this->version != $header[2]) { /* // Reload the information so that you are working with the most current slot list $this->slotList = array(); $nextIndex[1] = $this->start; while ($nextIndex[1] > 0) { $this->slotList[] = $nextIndex[1]; fseek($file, $nextIndex*$this->size); $nextIndex = unpack('N', fread($file, 4)); } */ init($this->slotList[0], $file, $this->size); } if (!$location) { $location = sizeof($this->slotData); } // Check if enough space is available for new items $available = sizeof($this->slotList) * ($this->size - 4); echo 'Available space: ' . $available . ', Need: ' . ($location * 4 + 24) . '<br>'; while ($available < $location * 4 + 24) { // Will need to get new slot $oldEnd = end($this->slotList); fseek($file, $this->size - 4, SEEK_END); fwrite($file, pack('i', 0)); $newLoc = ftell($file) / $this->size - 1; $this->slotList[] = $newLoc; echo 'Add new slot: ' . $newLoc . '<br>'; fseek($file, $oldEnd * $this->size); fwrite($file, pack('N', $newLoc)); $available = sizeof($this->slotList) * ($this->size - 4); } $startBlock = intval($location * 4 / ($this->size - 4)); $endBlock = intval(($location * 4 + strlen($data) - 1) / ($this->size - 4)); if ($startBlock != $endBlock) { echo 'Loc ' . $location . ' Split block -- ' . $startBlock . ' vs ' . $endBlock . '<p>'; // Need to split the string up $startOffset = $location * 4 % ($this->size - 4); $part1 = $this->size - 4 - $startOffset; $part2 = strlen($data) - $part1; echo ' is Start offset = ' . $startOffset . ', Part 1 = ' . $part1 . ', Part 2 = ' . $part2 . '<br>'; $block1 = substr($data, 0, $part1); $block2 = substr($data, $part1); $seek1 = $this->slotList[$startBlock] * $this->size + $startOffset + 4; $seek2 = $this->slotList[$endBlock] * $this->size + 4; echo 'Write block 1 (' . strlen($block1) . ') at location ' . $seek1 . ', and block 2 (' . strlen($block2) . ') at location ' . $seek2 . '<br>'; fseek($file, $this->slotList[$startBlock] * $this->size + $startOffset + 4); fwrite($file, $block1); fseek($file, $this->slotList[$endBlock] * $this->size + 4); fwrite($file, $block2); } else { $startOffset = $location * 4 % ($this->size - 4); $seekto = $this->slotList[$startBlock] * $this->size + $startOffset + 4; echo 'Write Data (' . strlen($data) . ') at slot (' . $this->slotList[$startBlock] . ') at pos (' . $seekto . '):'; print_r(unpack('i*', $data)); fseek($file, $this->slotList[$startBlock] * $this->size + $startOffset + 4); fwrite($file, $data); } // increment the update and count $seekto = $this->slotList[0] * $this->size + 4; echo '<br>Go to ' . $seekto . ' and write header'; fseek($file, $this->slotList[0] * $this->size + 4); fwrite($file, pack('i*', $header[1] + 1, $header[2] + 1)); fflush($file); flock($file, LOCK_UN); // release the lock } }
* * PHP versions 4 and 5 * * @category FCMS * @package FamilyConnections * @author Ryan Haudenschilt <*****@*****.**> * @copyright 2007 Haudenschilt LLC * @license GPLv2 * @link */ session_start(); define('URL_PREFIX', ''); define('GALLERY_PREFIX', 'gallery/'); require 'fcms.php'; load('familynews', 'datetime'); init(); $fnews = new FamilyNews($fcmsError, $fcmsDatabase, $fcmsUser); $page = new Page($fcmsError, $fcmsDatabase, $fcmsUser, $fnews); exit; class Page { private $fcmsError; private $fcmsDatabase; private $fcmsUser; private $fcmsFamilyNews; private $fcmsTemplate; /** * Constructor * * @return void */
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Jeedom. If not, see <>. */ try { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../core/php/'; include_file('core', 'authentification', 'php'); if (!isConnect('admin')) { throw new Exception(__('401 - Accès non autorisé', __FILE__), -1234); } if (init('action') == 'remove') { $connection = connection::byId(init('id')); if (!is_object($connection)) { throw new Exception(__('Connexion inconnue. Vérifiez l\'id', __FILE__)); } $connection->remove(); ajax::success(); } if (init('action') == 'ban') { $connection = connection::byId(init('id')); if (!is_object($connection)) { throw new Exception(__('Connexion inconnue. Vérifiez l\'id', __FILE__)); } $connection->setStatus('Ban'); $connection->save(); ajax::success(); } throw new Exception(__('Aucune méthode correspondante à : ', __FILE__) . init('action')); /* * *********Catch exeption*************** */ } catch (Exception $e) { ajax::error(displayExeption($e), $e->getCode()); }
<?php require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/core/Core/init.php'; init('minimal'); echo shopUpdates(); function shopUpdates() { //Update the database changes try { //update module name \Cx\Lib\UpdateUtil::sql("UPDATE `" . DBPREFIX . "modules` SET `name` = 'Shop' WHERE `id` = 16"); //update navigation url \Cx\Lib\UpdateUtil::sql("UPDATE `" . DBPREFIX . "backend_areas` SET `uri` = 'index.php?cmd=Shop' WHERE `area_id` = 13"); //Insert component entry \Cx\Lib\UpdateUtil::sql("INSERT INTO `" . DBPREFIX . "component` (`id`, `name`, `type`) VALUES ('16', 'Shop', 'module')"); //update module name for frontend pages \Cx\Lib\UpdateUtil::sql("UPDATE `" . DBPREFIX . "content_page` SET `module` = 'Shop' WHERE `module` = 'shop'"); //update module name for crm core settings \Cx\Lib\UpdateUtil::sql("UPDATE `" . DBPREFIX . "core_setting` SET `section` = 'Shop' WHERE `section` = 'shop'"); //update module name for email templates \Cx\Lib\UpdateUtil::sql("UPDATE `" . DBPREFIX . "core_mail_template` SET `section` = 'Shop' WHERE `section` = 'shop'"); \Cx\Lib\UpdateUtil::sql("UPDATE `" . DBPREFIX . "core_text` SET `section` = 'Shop' WHERE `section` = 'shop'"); } catch (\Cx\Lib\UpdateException $e) { return "Error: {$e->sql}"; } //Update script for moving the folder $shopImgPath = ASCMS_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/images'; $shopMediaPath = ASCMS_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/media'; try { if (file_exists($shopImgPath . '/shop') && !file_exists($shopImgPath . '/Shop')) { \Cx\Lib\FileSystem\FileSystem::makeWritable($shopImgPath . '/shop');