Beispiel #1
function overload_lang($f)
    $idx_lang_current = $GLOBALS['idx_lang'];
    $GLOBALS['idx_lang'] .= '_temp';
    // Perhaps a bit excessive, but avoids PHP warnings.
    if (isset($GLOBALS[$GLOBALS['idx_lang']]) && is_array($GLOBALS[$GLOBALS['idx_lang']])) {
        foreach ($GLOBALS[$GLOBALS['idx_lang']] as $var => $val) {
            $GLOBALS[$idx_lang_current][$var] = $val;
        lcm_debug($f . ": " . count($GLOBALS[$GLOBALS['idx_lang']]) . " string(s)");
    $GLOBALS['idx_lang'] = $idx_lang_current;
Beispiel #2
function auth()
    global $auth_can_disconnect;
    global $connect_id_auteur, $connect_nom, $connect_bio, $connect_email;
    global $connect_nom_site, $connect_url_site, $connect_login, $connect_pass;
    global $connect_activer_imessage, $connect_activer_messagerie;
    global $connect_status;
    global $author_session, $prefs;
    global $clean_link;
    // This reloads $GLOBALS['db_ok'], just in case
    // If there is not SQL connection, quit.
    if (!$GLOBALS['db_ok']) {
        lcm_html_start("Technical problem", "install");
        // annoy sql_errno()
        echo "\n<!-- \n";
        echo "\t* Flag connect: " . $GLOBALS['flag_connect'] . "\n\t";
        lcm_query("SELECT count(*) from lcm_meta");
        echo "\n-->\n\n";
        echo "<div align='left' style='width: 600px;' class='box_error'>\n";
        echo "\t<h3>" . _T('title_technical_problem') . "</h3>\n";
        echo "\t<p>" . _T('info_technical_problem_database') . "</p>\n";
        if (lcm_sql_errno()) {
            echo "\t<p><tt>" . lcm_sql_errno() . " " . lcm_sql_error() . "</tt></p>\n";
        } else {
            echo "\t<p><tt>No error diagnostic was provided.</tt></p>\n";
        echo "</div>\n";
        return false;
    // Initialise variables (avoid URL hacks)
    $auth_login = "";
    $auth_pass = "";
    $auth_pass_ok = false;
    $auth_can_disconnect = false;
    // Fetch identification data from authentication session
    if (isset($_COOKIE['lcm_session'])) {
        if (verifier_session($_COOKIE['lcm_session'])) {
            if ($author_session['status'] == 'admin' or $author_session['status'] == 'normal') {
                $auth_login = $author_session['username'];
                $auth_pass_ok = true;
                $auth_can_disconnect = true;
    } else {
        if ($_REQUEST['privet'] == 'yes') {
            // Failed login attempt: cookie failed
            $link = new Link("lcm_cookie.php?cookie_test_failed=yes");
            $url = str_replace('/./', '/', $clean_link->getUrl());
            $link->addVar('var_url', $url);
            @header("Location: " . $link->getUrl());
    // If not authenticated, ask for login / password
    if (!$auth_login) {
        $url = $clean_link->getUrl();
        @header("Location: lcm_login.php?var_url=" . urlencode($url));
    // Search for the login in the authors' table
    $auth_login = addslashes($auth_login);
    $query = "SELECT * FROM lcm_author WHERE username='******' AND status !='external' AND status !='6forum'";
    $result = @lcm_query($query);
    if ($row = lcm_fetch_array($result)) {
        $connect_id_auteur = $row['id_author'];
        $connect_nom = $row['name_first'];
        $connect_login = $row['username'];
        $connect_pass = $row['password'];
        $connect_status = $row['status'];
        $connect_activer_messagerie = "non";
        $connect_activer_imessage = "non ";
        // Set the users' preferences
        $prefs = unserialize(get_magic_quotes_runtime() ? stripslashes($row['prefs']) : $row['prefs']);
        // Default values for some possibly unset preferences
        if (!isset($prefs['page_rows']) || intval($prefs['page_rows']) < 1) {
            $prefs['page_rows'] = 15;
        if (!isset($prefs['theme']) || !$prefs['theme']) {
            $prefs['theme'] = 'green';
        if (!isset($prefs['screen']) || !$prefs['screen']) {
            $prefs['screen'] = 'wide';
        if (!isset($prefs['font_size']) || !$prefs['font_size']) {
            $prefs['font_size'] = 'medium_font';
        if (!isset($prefs['case_owner']) || !$prefs['case_owner']) {
            $prefs['case_owner'] = 'my';
        if (!isset($prefs['case_period']) || !$prefs['case_period']) {
            $prefs['case_period'] = '91';
        if (!isset($prefs['mode']) || !$prefs['mode']) {
            $prefs['mode'] = 'simple';
        if (!isset($prefs['time_intervals']) || !$prefs['time_intervals']) {
            $prefs['time_intervals'] = 'relative';
            $prefs['time_intervals_notation'] = 'hours_only';
    } else {
        // This case is a strange possibility: the author is authentified
        // OK, but he does not exist in the authors table. Possible cause:
        // the database was restaured and the author does not exist (and
        // the user was authentified by another source, such as LDAP).
        // Note: we use to show a strange error message which would advice
        // to logout, but since it occurs only after db upgrade, just logout
        // brutally (with cookie_admin=no to forget the username).
        lcm_header('Location: lcm_cookie.php?cookie_admin=no&logout=' . $auth_login);
    if (!$auth_pass_ok) {
        @header("Location: lcm_login.php?var_erreur=pass");
    // [ML] Again, not sure how this is used, but we can ignore it for now
    // TODO (note: nouveau == new)
    if ($connect_status == 'nouveau') {
        $query = "UPDATE lcm_author SET status = 'normal' WHERE id_author = {$connect_id_auteur}";
        $result = lcm_query($query);
        $connect_status = 'normal';
    // PHP sessions are started here, and stopped at logout
    return true;
Beispiel #3
function install_step_4()
    global $lcm_lang_left, $lcm_lang_right;
    install_html_start('AUTO', '', 4);
    echo "<h3><small>" . _T('install_step_four') . "</small> " . _T('install_title_admin_account') . "</h3>\n";
    echo '<p class="simple_text" align="center">' . _T('install_info_new_account_1') . '<br />' . _T('warning_field_mandatory_all') . ' ' . lcm_help('install_personal') . "</p>\n";
    if (isset($_SESSION['errors'])) {
        echo show_all_errors($_SESSION['errors']);
    echo "<form action='install.php' method='post'>\n";
    echo "<input type='hidden' name='step' value='5' />\n";
    // Your contact information
    echo "<fieldset class=\"fs_box\">\n";
    echo "<p><b>" . _T('info_your_contact_information') . "</b></p>\n";
    // [ML] Altough not most problematic, could be better. But if someone
    // fixes here, please fix lcm_pass.php also (function print_registration_form())
    $name_first = _session('name_first');
    echo "<table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='5' width='80%'><tr>\n";
    echo "<td>\n\t\t\t<strong><label for='name_first'>" . f_err_star('name_first') . _T('person_input_name_first') . "</label></strong><br />\n\t\t\t<input type='text' style='width: 100%;' id='name_first' name='name_first' value='{$name_first}' size='15' class='txt_lmnt' />\n\t\t</td>\n";
    $name_last = _session('name_last');
    echo "<td>\n\t\t\t<strong><label for='name_last'>" . f_err_star('name_last') . _T('person_input_name_last') . "</label></strong><br />\n\t\t\t<input style='width: 100%;' type='text' id='name_last' name='name_last' value='{$name_last}' size='15' class='txt_lmnt' />\n\t\t</td>\n";
    echo "</tr>\n";
    echo "<tr>\n";
    echo "<td colspan='2'>";
    $email = _session('email');
    echo "<b><label for='email'>" . f_err_star('email') . _T('input_email') . "</label></b><br />\n";
    echo "<input style='width: 100%;' type='text' id='email' name='email' value=\"{$email}\" size='40' class='txt_lmnt' />\n";
    echo "</td>\n";
    echo "</tr>\n";
    echo "</table>\n\n";
    // Identifiers
    echo "<p><b>" . _T('input_connection_identifiers') . "</b></p>\n";
    $username = _session('username');
    $password = _session('password');
    $password_confirm = _session('password_confirm');
    echo "<table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='5' width='80%'>\n";
    echo "<tr>\n";
    echo "<td>";
    echo "<b><label for='username'>" . f_err_star('username') . _T('authoredit_input_username') . "</label></b> \n";
    echo "<small>" . _T('info_more_than_three') . "</small><br />\n";
    echo "<input style='width: 100%;' type='text' id='username' name='username' value='{$username}' size='40' class='txt_lmnt' />\n";
    echo "</td>\n";
    echo "</tr><tr>\n";
    echo "<td>";
    echo "<b><label for='password'>" . f_err_star('password') . _T('authorconf_input_password') . "</label></b> \n";
    echo "<small>" . _T('info_more_than_five') . "</small><br />\n";
    echo "<input style='width: 100%;' type='password' id='password' name='password' value='{$password}' size='40' class='txt_lmnt' />\n";
    echo "</td>\n";
    echo "</tr><tr>\n";
    echo "<td>";
    echo "<b><label for='password_confirm'>" . f_err_star('password') . _T('authorconf_input_password_confirm') . "</label></b> \n";
    echo "<input style='width: 100%;' type='password' id='password_confirm' name='password_confirm' value='{$password_confirm}' size='40' class='txt_lmnt' />\n";
    echo "</td>\n";
    echo "</tr>\n";
    echo "</table>\n";
    // Offer to subscribe to the news/announcements mailing-list
    if (server_can_send_email()) {
        echo "<p align=\"{$lcm_lang_left}\">" . f_err_star('getnews') . get_yes_no('getnews', _session('getnews')) . '<label for="getnews">' . _T('install_info_subscribe_to_news_list') . '</label>' . "</p>\n";
    echo "</fieldset>\n\n";
    echo "<br /><div align=\"{$lcm_lang_right}\">" . "<button type='submit' name='validate'>" . _T('button_next') . " >></button>&nbsp;" . "</div>\n";
    echo "</form>";
    $_SESSION['errors'] = array();
    $_SESSION['form_data'] = array();
Beispiel #4
function lcm_query($query, $accept_fail = false)
    // We silently fail if there is no database, this avoids
    // many warnings while installation, for example.
    if ($GLOBALS['flag_connect']) {
        if (!$GLOBALS['db_ok']) {
    return lcm_query_db($query, $accept_fail);
Beispiel #5
if (_request('essai_login') == 'oui') {
    // Get the username stored in a hidden field
    $session_login_hidden = $_REQUEST['session_login_hidden'];
    $session_login = $_REQUEST['session_login'];
    $session_password = $_REQUEST['session_password'];
    if ($session_login_hidden and !$session_login) {
        $session_login = $session_login_hidden;
    $login = $session_login;
    // [ML] where from? -- html form
    $pass = $session_password;
    // [ML] not used?? -- html form
    // Try different authentication methods, starting with "db" (database)
    $auths = array('db');
    // Test if LDAP is available
    if ($ldap_present) {
        $auths[] = 'ldap';
    // Add other methods here (with associated inc/inc_auth_NAME.php)
    // ...
    $ok = false;
    foreach ($auths as $nom_auth) {
        include_lcm('inc_auth_' . $nom_auth);
        $classe_auth = 'Auth_' . $nom_auth;
        $auth = new $classe_auth();
        if ($auth->init()) {
            $session_password_md5 = $_REQUEST['session_password_md5'];
            // Try with the md5 password (made by Javascript in the form)
            // [ML] TODO: session_password_md5 + next_session_password_md5
Beispiel #6
function include_config()
    if (file_exists("jh_conf.php") == true) {
        include "jh_conf.php";
        include "db.php";
    } else {
        if ($_GET["chmod"] != "setup") {
function do_setup()
    include "setupx.php";
function color()
    $color = $_GET["c"];
    if ($color != NULL) {
        return "#" . $color;
    } else {
        return "#FF0000;";
		<link rel="stylesheet" href="t1.css" type="text/css"/>