private function importDB($config)
     $rs = importSQL(ROOT_PATH . "/common/apps/install/data/install.sql");
     if (true !== $rs) {
 public function insert()
     if ($_POST["doDownload"] && $_POST["version"]) {
     if ($_POST["doUpdate"] && $_POST["version"]) {
         $version = $this->getVersion($_POST["version"]);
         $zip = new ZipArchive();
         $tmpFolder = $this->local . "update_" . $_POST["version"];
         $rs = $zip->open($this->getLocalPath($version["file"]));
         if ($rs === true) {
             if (!is_dir($tmpFolder)) {
                 $rs = mkdir($tmpFolder, 0777);
         $sqlFile = $tmpFolder . "/upgrade.sql";
         if (file_exists_case($sqlFile)) {
             $rs = importSQL($sqlFile);
             if (true !== $rs) {
         recursionCopy($tmpFolder, dirname(ENTRY_PATH));
         $model = D("Config");
         $model->where(array("alias" => 'system.version'))->save(array("value" => $version["version"]));
// plik z zrzutem bazy danych z SQL
$nazwa_bazy = "projektsklep";
// nazwa bazy danych
// ustanawiamy połączenie z bazą, jak się nie łączy, wyświetlamy błąd
$connection = @mysql_connect($adres, $uzytkownik, $haslo);
// tworzymy baze
mysql_query("drop database if exists {$nazwa_bazy}");
mysql_query("CREATE DATABASE {$nazwa_bazy}");
// wybieramy baze
$db = @mysql_select_db($nazwa_bazy, $connection);
mysql_query("SET NAMES utf8");
// otwieramy plik z skryptem SQL i dodajemy go do bazy
function importSQL($sqlFileHandle)
    $query = '';
    while (!feof($sqlFileHandle)) {
        $row = trim(fgets($sqlFileHandle));
        if (substr($row, 0, 1) == '#' or empty($row)) {
        $query .= $row;
        if (substr($row, -1, 1) == ';') {
            $query = '';
$handle = fopen($plik, 'r');
// wszystko sie udalo, przekierowanie na stronę z info
header("Location: baza_nie_dziala.php?stworzono=tak");
 public function appUpgrade()
     $upgradeSql = sprintf("%s/apps/%s/data/sqls/upgrade.sql", ROOT_PATH, $this->appConfig["alias"]);
     if (is_file($upgradeSql)) {
         $rs = importSQL($upgradeSql);
         if (true !== $rs) {
             $this->error = $rs[0];
             return false;
     return true;
Beispiel #5
    $splitter = array_map(create_function('$line', 'return preg_replace("/[\\s;]*$/", "", $line);'), $splitter);
    # remove empty lines
    return array_filter($splitter, create_function('$line', 'return !empty($line);'));
<div id="progress_message" class="message">
 <div id="progress" class="message"></div><div id="information" class="message"></div>
// Temporary variable, used to store current query
$templine = '';
if ($_GET['db_type'][0] == 'production') {
    $filename = HOME_DIR . DS . 'engine' . DS . 'install' . DS . 'inoerp_prod.sql';
} else {
    $filename = HOME_DIR . DS . 'engine' . DS . 'install' . DS . 'inoerp.sql';
try {
    importSQL($filename, $dbc);
    // Tell user that the process is completed
    echo '<script language="javascript">document.getElementById("information").innerHTML="Process completed"</script>';
    echo '<ul class="list-unstyled">';
    echo "<li>All tables have been Successfully imported</li>";
    echo "<li>Verify that the file install.php is removed from home directory. If not, delete it.</li>";
    echo "<li><a href='" . HOME_URL . "'>Go to the home page </a> & Login to the system  with default user name/password :inoerp/inoerp and reset the password.</li>";
    echo '</ul>';
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo "<br>Tables import fialed" . $e->getMessage();