Beispiel #1
if ($success) {
    // processing happened, display message
    echo "        <h3>Review Successfully Processed.</h3>\r\n";
    echo "        <p><a href=\"reviewer_incident_management.php\">Return to List of Reviewable Critical Incidents</a></p>\r\n";
if (!$error) {
    $errorloc = 'displaying information for this critical incident';
    $q_submission = "CALL spSubmissionGetInfo({$subID});";
    if ($r_submission = mysqli_query($dbc, $q_submission)) {
        $row_submission = mysqli_fetch_array($r_submission, MYSQLI_ASSOC);
        $sub_title = $row_submission['IncidentTitle'];
        $sub_abstract = $row_submission['Abstract'];
        $sub_keywords = $row_submission['Keywords'];
        $sub_status = $row_submission['SubmissionStatus'];
        // expecting one row
        echo "        <h3 class=\"PLACEHOLDER\">Critical Incident: {$sub_title}</h3><br />\r\n";
        echo "        <h3 class=\"PLACEHOLDER\">Abstract: </h3><p class=\"PLACEHOLDER\">{$sub_abstract}</p><br />\r\n";
        $q_subfiles = "CALL spSubmissionGetFilesList({$subID});";
        if ($r_subfiles = mysqli_query($dbc, $q_subfiles)) {
            while ($row_subfiles = mysqli_fetch_array($r_subfiles)) {
                $fid = $row_subfiles['FileMetaDataID'];
                $fname = $row_subfiles['FileName'];
                $fsize = $row_subfiles['FileSize'];
                $ftype = $row_subfiles['FileType'];
                create_download_link($fid, $ftype . ': ' . $fname, $fsize);
        } else {
            $error = true;
Beispiel #2
 $q_FileInfo = "CALL spGetFileInfo('{$fid}')";
 if (!$error && !($r_FileInfo = mysqli_query($dbc, $q_FileInfo))) {
     $error = true;
     array_push($errors, "Unable to get file information.");
 if (!$error && mysqli_num_rows($r_FileInfo) != 1) {
     $error = true;
     array_push($errors, "Expecting one record, none or multiple found.");
 if (!$error) {
     $row_FileInfo = mysqli_fetch_array($r_FileInfo, MYSQLI_ASSOC);
     $fileName = $row_FileInfo["FileName"];
     $fileMime = $row_FileInfo["FileMime"];
     $fileSize = $row_FileInfo["FileSize"];
     // end the query and free the connection - expected one line
     // check query before sending header information
     $q_FileSegments = "CALL spGetFileContents('{$fid}')";
     if (!($r_FileSegments = mysqli_query($dbc, $q_FileSegments))) {
         $error = true;
         array_push($errors, "Unable to get file content.");
     if (!$error && mysqli_num_rows($r_FileSegments) < 1) {
         $error = true;
         array_push($errors, "No content found for file.");
     if (!$error) {
         // no errors so far - errors now are in the download itself
         $display = false;
         // send the header to the client
 $SrcFilePath = $_FILES["{$inName}"]["tmp_name"];
 $FileErrorVal = $_FILES["{$inName}"]["error"];
 $FileSize = $_FILES["{$inName}"]["size"];
 if (is_mime_valid($SrcFileType) && $FileSize < 2097152) {
     $q_create_rfmd = "CALL spCreateSubmissionFileMetaData('{$SubmissionID}', '{$FileTypeID}', '{$SrcFileType}', '{$DstFileName}', '{$FileSize}');";
     if ($r_create_rfmd = mysqli_query($dbc, $q_create_rfmd)) {
         $row_create_rfmd = mysqli_fetch_array($r_create_rfmd, MYSQLI_ASSOC);
         $fmdId = $row_create_rfmd['FileMetaDataID'];
         // TODO: verify this check works as intended
         if (isset($row_create_rfmd['Error']) || $fmdId == 0) {
             $Error = true;
             $ret_err = $row_create_rfmd['Error'];
             array_push($Errors, "File for {$typeName} could not be uploaded because {$ret_err}.");
             echo "<p>File for {$typeName} could not be uploaded because {$ret_err}.</p><br>";
         // File Processing
         if (!$Error && file_exists($SrcFilePath)) {
             $fp = fopen($SrcFilePath, "rb");
             $segment = 1;
             while (!feof($fp)) {
                 // Make the data mysql insert safe
                 $binarydata = addslashes(fread($fp, 65535));
                 $SQL = "CALL spCreateFileContent ('{$fmdId}', '{$binarydata}', {$segment});";
                 if (!($result = mysqli_query($dbc, $SQL))) {
                     $Error = true;
                     $ret_err = $dbc->error;
                     array_push($Errors, "Segment {$segment} of file for {$typeName} could not be uploaded because {$ret_err}.");
                     echo "<p>Segment {$segment} of file for {$typeName} could not be uploaded because {$ret_err}.</p><br>";
    $q_settings = "Call spGetEmailSettings;";
    // Run the query.
    if ($r_settings = mysqli_query($dbc, $q_settings)) {
        // If it ran OK.
        // Fetch the results and set variables from the array.
        $row_display = mysqli_fetch_array($r_settings, MYSQLI_ASSOC);
        $SettingID = $row_display["SettingID"];
        $SettingName = $row_display["SettingName"];
        $AuthorNagEmailDays = $row_display["AuthorNagEmailDays"];
        $AuthorSubjectTemplate = $row_display["AuthorSubjectTemplate"];
        $AuthorBodyTemplate = $row_display["AuthorBodyTemplate"];
        $ReviewerNagEmailDays = $row_display["ReviewerNagEmailDays"];
        $ReviewerSubjectTemplate = $row_display["ReviewerSubjectTemplate"];
        $ReviewerBodyTemplate = $row_display["ReviewerBodyTemplate"];
        // end the query and free the connection - expected one line
<div class="content">
    <img class="responsive" src="images/wood_image.jpg" alt="wood">
<div class="contentwidth">
    <div class="row flush">
        <div class="col s7">
            <div class="row">
             <div class="col s10 frames">
    if (!empty($errors)) {
        echo '<div>';
        echo '<h1>Error!</h1><p class="error">The following error(s) occurred:<br />';