function s3_file_import_init($import, $config) { $response = array(); $err = ''; if (!$err) { $response['api'] = array(); $response['data'] = array(); $id = id_unique(); $key = __s3_key($id, $import, $config); $policy = __s3_policy($id, $import, $config); $response['data']['key'] = $key; $response['data']['acl'] = $config['s3_acl']; $response['data']['policy'] = $policy; $response['data']['Content-Type'] = $import['mime']; $response['data']['signature'] = __s3_file_access_key($config['aws_secret_access_key'], $policy); $response['data']['AWSAccessKeyId'] = $config['aws_access_key_id']; $response['endpoint'] = 'https://s3' . ($config['s3_region'] ? '-' . $config['s3_region'] : '') . '' . $config['s3_bucket']; $response['api']['id'] = $id; $response['api']['type'] = $import['type']; $response['api']['extension'] = $import['extension']; $response['api']['label'] = $import['label']; } if ($err) { $response['error'] = $err; } return $response; }
function s3_file_import_init($import, $config) { $response = array(); $err = ''; if (!$err) { $response['api'] = array(); $response['data'] = array(); $response['method'] = 'put'; $id = id_unique(); $bucket = $config['s3_bucket']; $region = $config['s3_region'] ? $config['s3_region'] : 'us-east-1'; $key = path_strip_slash_start($config['user_media_directory']); // remove bucket name from url if it's there if (substr($key, 0, strlen($bucket)) == $bucket) { $key = substr($key, strlen(path_add_slash_end($bucket))); } $key = path_concat(path_concat(path_concat($key, $import['uid']), $id), $config['import_original_basename'] . '.' . $import['extension']); $options_array = ['version' => 'latest', 'region' => $region]; if ($config['aws_secret_access_key'] && $config['aws_access_key_id']) { $options_array['credentials'] = []; $options_array['credentials']['key'] = $config['aws_access_key_id']; $options_array['credentials']['secret'] = $config['aws_secret_access_key']; } try { $s3 = new Aws\S3\S3Client($options_array); $cmd = $s3->getCommand('PutObject', ['Bucket' => $config['s3_bucket'], 'Key' => $key, 'ACL' => $config['s3_acl'], 'ContentType' => $import['mime']]); $request = $s3->createPresignedRequest($cmd, $config['s3_expires']); // Get the actual presigned-url $response['endpoint'] = $presignedUrl = (string) $request->getUri(); } catch (Exception $e) { $err = $e->getMessage(); } // data key children all become part of the POST file upload request $response['api']['id'] = $id; $response['api']['type'] = $import['type']; $response['api']['extension'] = $import['extension']; $response['api']['label'] = $import['label']; } if ($err) { $response['error'] = $err; } return $response; }
$sql_kardex = "select id_productos from productos where id_productos = '" . $arreglo1[$i] . "'"; $id_prod = id_unique($conexion, $sql_kardex); // kardex y modificar productos $c_t = ''; $v_t = ''; $t_t = ''; $c_e = ''; $v_e = ''; $t_e = ''; $consulta = pg_query("select stock,precio from productos where id_productos = '" . $id_prod . "'"); while ($row = pg_fetch_row($consulta)) { $stock = $row[0]; $precio_compra = $row[1]; } $sql_kardex = "select id_kardex from kardex where id_productos ='" . $id_prod . "'"; $id_kardex = id_unique($conexion, $sql_kardex); $id_det_kardex = unique($fecha_larga); $sql_kardex = "select c_e,v_e,t_e,c_s,v_s,t_s,c_t,v_t,t_t from detalles_kardex where id_kardex = '" . $id_kardex . "' order by fecha desc limit 1"; $sql_kardex = pg_query($sql_kardex); while ($row = pg_fetch_row($sql_kardex)) { $c_t = $row[6]; $v_t = $row[7]; $t_t = $row[8]; } $c_e = $arreglo2[$i]; $v_e = $precio_compra; $t_e = $arreglo2[$i] * $precio_compra; $t_e = number_format($t_e, 3, '.', ''); $c_t = $c_t - $c_e; $t_t = $t_t - $t_e; if ($t_t > 0 && $c_t > 0) {
} if (!$err) { // make sure there wasn't a problem with the upload if (!empty($file['error'])) { $err = 'Problem with your file: ' . $file['error']; } elseif (!is_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'])) { $err = 'Not an uploaded file'; } } if (!$err) { // make sure file extension is valid $file_name = $file['name']; $file_ext = file_extension($file_name); if ('tgz' == $file_ext) { set_time_limit(0); $archive_dir = path_concat($config['temporary_directory'], id_unique()); if (!archive_extract($file['tmp_name'], $archive_dir, $config)) { $err = 'Could not extract to ' . $archive_dir; } else { // move select files from the archive to media directory if (!file_move_extension('jpg', $archive_dir, $media_dir, $config)) { $err = 'Could not move jpg files from ' . $archive_dir . ' to ' . $media_dir; } else { if (!file_move_extension($config['export_audio_extension'], $archive_dir, $media_dir, $config)) { $err = 'Could not move ' . $config['export_audio_extension'] . ' files from ' . $archive_dir . ' to ' . $media_dir; } else { if (!file_move_extension($config['export_extension'], $archive_dir, $media_dir, $config)) { $err = 'Could not move ' . $decoder_extension . ' files from ' . $archive_dir . ' to ' . $media_dir; } } }
if ($_GET['fn'] == '0') { //function atras if ($_GET['id'] == '') { ///si exsite un id previo $sql = "select id_empresa from empresa order by fecha_creacion desc limit 1"; $id_tabla = id_unique($conexion, $sql); } else { $sql = "select id_empresa from empresa where id_empresa not in (select id_empresa from empresa where id_empresa >= '{$_GET['id']}' order by id_empresa desc) order by fecha_creacion desc limit 1"; $id_tabla = id_unique($conexion, $sql); } $sql = "select id_empresa,ruc_empresa,nombre_empresa,propietario,slogan,telefono1,telefono2,ciudad,descripcion,direccion,correo,fax,sitio_web,nombre_contador,autorizacion_factura,ascesor_legal,representante_legal,identificacion_repre,inicio_fac_preimpresa,item_factura,anio_contable,modo_costeo,comentario,imagen,estado,ruc_contador,serie_retencion,autorizacion_retencion,serie_nota_credito,autorizacion_nota_credito from empresa,ciudad where empresa.ciudad = ciudad.id_ciudad and id_empresa= '{$id_tabla}'"; $lista1 = array(atras_adelente($conexion, $sql)); $data = json_encode($lista1); echo $data; } else { if ($_GET['fn'] == '1') { //function adelante if ($_GET['id'] == '') { ///si exsite un id previo $sql = "select id_empresa from empresa order by fecha_creacion desc limit 1"; $id_tabla = id_unique($conexion, $sql); } else { $sql = "select id_empresa from empresa where id_empresa not in (select id_empresa from empresa where id_empresa <= '{$_GET['id']}' order by id_empresa asc) order by fecha_creacion asc limit 1"; $id_tabla = id_unique($conexion, $sql); } $sql = "select id_empresa,ruc_empresa,nombre_empresa,propietario,slogan,telefono1,telefono2,ciudad,descripcion,direccion,correo,fax,sitio_web,nombre_contador,autorizacion_factura,ascesor_legal,representante_legal,identificacion_repre,inicio_fac_preimpresa,item_factura,anio_contable,modo_costeo,comentario,imagen,estado,ruc_contador,serie_retencion,autorizacion_retencion,serie_nota_credito,autorizacion_nota_credito from empresa,ciudad where empresa.ciudad = ciudad.id_ciudad and id_empresa= '{$id_tabla}'"; $lista1 = array(atras_adelente($conexion, $sql)); $data = json_encode($lista1); echo $data; } }
$err = 'Not an uploaded file'; } } if (!$err) { // make sure file extension is valid $file_name = $file['name']; $file_ext = file_extension($file_name); if ($file_ext != 'tgz') { $err = 'Unsupported extension: ' . $file_ext; } } if (!$err) { // check that we can extract the archive to temp directory $media_dir = path_concat(path_concat(path_concat($config['web_root_directory'], $config['user_media_directory']), $uid), $id); set_time_limit(0); $tmp_path = path_concat($config['temporary_directory'], id_unique()); $archive_dir = $tmp_path; if (!archive_extract($file['tmp_name'], $archive_dir, $config)) { $err = 'Could not extract to ' . $archive_dir; } } if (!$err) { // move select files from the archive to media directory switch ($type) { case 'audio': case 'video': // move any soundtrack $frag = $config['import_audio_basename'] . '.' . $config['import_audio_extension']; $media_path = path_concat($media_dir, $frag); $archive_path = path_concat($archive_dir, $frag); if (file_exists($archive_path)) {
function local_file_import_init($import, $config) { $response = array(); $id = id_unique(); $response['api'] = array(); $response['data'] = array(); $response['endpoint'] = path_concat($config['cgi_directory'], 'import_upload.php'); $response['data']['id'] = $id; $response['data']['type'] = $import['type']; $response['data']['extension'] = $import['extension']; $response['api']['id'] = $id; $response['api']['type'] = $import['type']; $response['api']['extension'] = $import['extension']; $response['api']['label'] = $import['label']; return $response; }