private function calDistance($from = 1, $to = 2) { $x = self::$pos[$from][0] - self::$pos[$to][0]; $y = self::$pos[$from][1] - self::$pos[$to][1]; $key = "{$x}->{$y}"; if (!isset(self::$dis_cache[$key])) { self::$dis_cache[$key] = round(hypot(abs($x), abs($y)), 2); //近似计算 } return self::$dis_cache[$key]; }
/** * @param $y * @return $this * @desc 计算直角三角形的斜边长度。 */ public function hypot($y) { $this->current = hypot($this->toDouble(), doubleval($y)); return $this; }
public function distance(Point $other) { return hypot($this->x - $other->x, $this->y - $other->y); }
<?php define("MAX_64Bit", 9223372036854775807); define("MAX_32Bit", 2147483647); define("MIN_64Bit", -9223372036854775807 - 1); define("MIN_32Bit", -2147483647 - 1); $longVals = array(MAX_64Bit, MIN_64Bit, MAX_32Bit, MIN_32Bit, MAX_64Bit - MAX_32Bit, MIN_64Bit - MIN_32Bit, MAX_32Bit + 1, MIN_32Bit - 1, MAX_32Bit * 2, MAX_32Bit * 2 + 1, MAX_32Bit * 2 - 1, MAX_64Bit - 1, MAX_64Bit + 1, MIN_64Bit + 1, MIN_64Bit - 1); $otherVals = array(0, 1, -1, 7, 9, 65, -44, MAX_32Bit, MIN_32Bit, MAX_64Bit, MIN_64Bit); foreach ($longVals as $longVal) { foreach ($otherVals as $otherVal) { echo "--- testing: {$longVal}, {$otherVal} ---\n"; var_dump(hypot($longVal, $otherVal)); } } ?> ===DONE===
/** * Method to calculate the points and data of a triangle. * * @param array $point * @param array $center * @param int $quad * @return array */ protected function getTriangle($point, $center, $quad) { $tri = array(); switch ($quad) { case 1: $tri['side1'] = $point['x'] - $center['x']; $tri['side2'] = abs($point['y'] - $center['y']); break; case 2: $tri['side1'] = $center['x'] - $point['x']; $tri['side2'] = abs($point['y'] - $center['y']); break; case 3: $tri['side1'] = $center['x'] - $point['x']; $tri['side2'] = abs($center['y'] - $point['y']); break; case 4: $tri['side1'] = $point['x'] - $center['x']; $tri['side2'] = abs($center['y'] - $point['y']); break; } $tri['hypot'] = round(hypot($tri['side1'], $tri['side2'])); $tri['angle1'] = round(rad2deg(asin($tri['side2'] / $tri['hypot']))); $tri['angle2'] = round(rad2deg(asin($tri['side1'] / $tri['hypot']))); return $tri; }
/** * @param float $x A number * @param float $y A number * @param float $z_ Optional variable list of additional numbers * @return float The square root of the sum of squares of the arguments */ public function hypot($x, $y, $z_ = null) { if ($z_ === null) { return hypot($x, $y); } $sum = 0; foreach (func_get_args() as $value) { $sum += $value * $value; } return sqrt($sum); }
* Description: Calculate the length of the hypotenuse of a right-angle triangle * Source code: ext/standard/math.c */ echo "*** Testing hypot() : usage variations ***\n"; //get an unset variable $unset_var = 10; unset($unset_var); // heredoc string $heredoc = <<<EOT abc xyz EOT; // get a class class classA { } // get a resource variable $fp = fopen(__FILE__, "r"); // unexpected values to be passed to $arg argument $inputs = array(0, 1, 12345, -2345, 2147483647, 10.5, -10.5, 123456789000.0, 1.23456789E-9, 0.5, NULL, null, true, false, TRUE, FALSE, "", '', array(), "abcxyz", 'abcxyz', $heredoc, new classA(), @$undefined_var, @$unset_var, $fp); // loop through each element of $inputs to check the behaviour of hypot() $iterator = 1; foreach ($inputs as $input) { echo "\n-- Iteration {$iterator} --\n"; var_dump(hypot(3, $input)); $iterator++; } fclose($fp); ?> ===Done===
/** * Calcula o tamanho da hipotenusa de um ângulo reto do triângulo Retorna a raiz quadrada de (num1*num1 + num2*num2) * @return Number */ public function hypot($x = 0, $y = 0) { if ($x == 0) { $x = $this->num; } $this->num = hypot($x, $y); return $this; }
protected function _MATH_HYPOT($elem) { return hypot($elem['X'], $elem['Y']); }
/** * */ public function getHipotenuseValue($left, $right) { try { self::numberLeftVerify($left); self::numberRightVerify($right); $this->lastOutputValue = hypot($this->calcLeftNumber, $this->calcRightNumber); return $this->lastOutputValue; } catch (Exception $e) { echo "Erro linha: " . $e->getLine() . " - Desc: " . $e->getMessage() . "- Arquivo:" . $e->getFile(); } }
/** * Calculates the inverse sine of a complex number: z = asinAlt(c1) * Uses an alternative algorithm * * @param Math_Complex $c1 * @return Math_Complex A valid Math_Complex number on success * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public static function asinAlt(Math_Complex $c1) { if (!Math_ComplexOp::isComplex($c1)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('argument is not a Math_Complex object'); } $r = $c1->getReal(); $i = $c1->getIm(); if ($i == 0) { return Math_ComplexOp::asinReal($r); } else { $x = abs($r); $y = abs($i); $r = hypot($x + 1, $y); $s = hypot($x - 1, $y); $a = ($r + $s) / 2; $b = $x / $a; $y2 = $y * $y; $ac = 1.5; $bc = 0.6417; // crossover values if ($b <= $bc) { $real = asin($b); } else { if ($x <= 1) { $d = 0.5 * ($a + $x) * ($y2 / ($r + $x + 1) + ($s + (1 - $x))); $real = atan2($x, sqrt($d)); } else { $ax = $a + $x; $d = 0.5 * ($ax / ($r + $x + 1) + $ax / ($s + ($x - 1))); $real = atan2($x, $y * sqrt($d)); } } if ($a <= $ac) { if ($x < 1) { $m = 0.5 * ($y2 / ($r + ($x + 1)) + $y2 / ($s + (1 - $x))); } else { $m = 0.5 * ($y2 / ($r + ($x + 1)) + ($s + ($x - 1))); } $im = log1p($m + sqrt($m * ($a + 1))); } else { $im = log($a + sqrt($a * $a - 1)); } $real = $r >= 0 ? $real : -1 * $real; $im = $i >= 0 ? $im : -1 * $im; return new Math_Complex($real, $im); } }
VC(pow("2", "8"), 256); VC(pow("-1", "20"), 1); var_dump(pow("0", "0")); var_dump(is_int(pow("2", "32"))); VC(exp(12), 162754.791419); VC(exp(5.7), 298.86740096706); VC(expm1(5.7), 297.8674); var_dump(log10(10)); var_dump(log10(100)); VC(log1p(9), 2.302585092994); VC(log1p(99), 4.6051701859881); VC(log(8), 2.0794415416798); var_dump(log(8, 2)); VC(cos(M_PI), -1); VC(cosh(1.23), 1.8567610569853); VC(sin(deg2rad(90)), 1); VC(sinh(1.23), 1.5644684793044); VC(tan(deg2rad(45)), 1); VC(tanh(1.23), 0.84257932565893); VC(acos(-1), M_PI); VC(acosh(1.8567610569853), 1.23); VC(asin(1), deg2rad(90)); VC(asinh(1.5644684793044), 1.23); VC(atan(1), deg2rad(45)); VC(atanh(0.84257932565893), 1.23); VC(atan2(3, 4), 0.64350110879328); var_dump(hypot(3, 4)); var_dump(fmod(5.7, 1.3)); var_dump(sqrt(9)); var_dump(getrandmax()); var_dump(mt_getrandmax());
<?php /* Prototype : float hypot ( float $x , float $y ) * Description: Calculate the length of the hypotenuse of a right-angle triangle. * Source code: ext/standard/math.c */ echo "*** Testing hypot() : error conditions ***\n"; echo "\n-- Testing hypot() function with less than expected no. of arguments --\n"; hypot(); hypot(36); echo "\n-- Testing hypot() function with more than expected no. of arguments --\n"; hypot(36, 25, 0); ?> ===Done===
/** * Modulus (absolute value) * * Return the modulus of the complex number z=x+iy, i.e. * sqrt(x^2 + y^2) * * @retval float modulus */ public function abs() { return hypot($this->x, $this->y); }
/** * This method returns the length of the hypotenuse of a right-angle triangle. * * @access public * @static * @param IReal\Type $x the left operand * @param IReal\Type $y the right operand * @return IDouble\Type the result */ public static function hypot(IReal\Type $x, IReal\Type $y) : IDouble\Type { return IDouble\Type::box(hypot($x->unbox(), $y->unbox())); }
public function __construct(Matrix $_matrix) { $this->l_matrix = $_matrix; $m = $_matrix->u_size; $n = $_matrix->u_stride; /*if($m < $n) { return; }*/ $a = clone $this->l_matrix->u_data; /*$nu = min($m, $n);*/ $this->l_singular = new Vector($sl = min($m + 1, $n)); $s = $this->l_singular->u_data; $this->l_left = new Matrix($um = $m, $un = $m); $u = $this->l_left->u_data; $this->l_right = new Matrix($vm = $n, $vn = $n); $v = $this->l_right->u_data; $e = arrayFill($n, 0.0); $work = arrayFill($m, 0.0); $wantu = true; $wantv = true; /* Reduce A to bidiagonal form, storing the diagonal elements in s and the super-diagonal elements in e. */ $nct = min($m - 1, $n); $nrt = max(0, min($n - 2, $m)); $kmax = max($nct, $nrt); for ($k = 0; $k < $kmax; $k++) { if ($k < $nct) { /* Compute the transformation for the k-th column and place the k-th diagonal in s[k]. Compute 2-norm of k-th column without under/overflow. */ $s[$k] = 0.0; for ($i = $k; $i < $m; $i++) { $s[$k] = hypot($s[$k], $a[$i * $n + $k]); } if (compare($s[$k], 0)) { if ($a[$pos = $k * $n + $k] < 0) { $s[$k] = -$s[$k]; } for ($i = $k; $i < $m; $i++) { $a[$i * $n + $k] /= (double) $s[$k]; /* Division */ } $a[$pos] += 1.0; } $s[$k] = -$s[$k]; } for ($j = $k + 1; $j < $n; $j++) { if ($k < $nct && compare($s[$k], 0)) { /* Apply the transformation. */ $t = 0.0; for ($i = $k; $i < $m; $i++) { $t += $a[$i * $n + $k] * $a[$i * $n + $j]; } $t = -$t / (double) $a[$k * $n + $k]; /* Division */ for ($i = $k; $i < $m; $i++) { $a[$i * $n + $j] += $t * $a[$i * $n + $k]; } } /* Place the k-th row of A into e for the subsequent calculation of the row transformation. */ $e[$j] = $a[$k * $n + $j]; } if ($wantu && $k < $nct) { /* Place the transformation in U for subsequent back multiplication. */ for ($i = $k; $i < $m; $i++) { $u[$i * $un + $k] = $a[$i * $n + $k]; } } if ($k < $nrt) { /* Compute the k-th row transformation and place the k-th super-diagonal in e[k]. Compute 2-norm without under/overflow. */ $e[$k] = 0.0; for ($i = $k + 1; $i < $n; $i++) { $e[$k] = hypot($e[$k], $e[$i]); } if (compare($e[$k], 0)) { if ($e[$k + 1] < 0) { $e[$k] = -$e[$k]; } for ($i = $k + 1; $i < $n; $i++) { $e[$i] /= (double) $e[$k]; /* Division */ } $e[$k + 1] += 1.0; } $e[$k] = -$e[$k]; if ($k + 1 < $m && compare($e[$k], 0)) { /* Apply the transformation. */ for ($i = $k + 1; $i < $m; $i++) { $work[$i] = 0.0; } for ($j = $k + 1; $j < $n; $j++) { for ($i = $k + 1; $i < $m; $i++) { $work[$i] += $e[$j] * $a[$i * $n + $j]; } } for ($j = $k + 1; $j < $n; $j++) { $t = -$e[$j] / (double) $e[$k + 1]; /* Division */ for ($i = $k + 1; $i < $m; $i++) { $a[$i * $n + $j] += $t * $work[$i]; } } } if ($wantv) { /* Place the transformation in V for subsequent back multiplication. */ for ($i = $k + 1; $i < $n; $i++) { $v[$i * $vn + $k] = $e[$i]; } } } } /* Set up the final bidiagonal matrix or order p. */ $p = min($n, $m + 1); if ($nct < $n) { $s[$nct] = $a[$nct * $n + $nct]; } if ($m < $p) { $s[$p - 1] = 0.0; } if ($nrt + 1 < $p) { $e[$nrt] = $a[$nrt * $n + $p - 1]; } $e[$p - 1] = 0.0; /* If required, generate U. */ if ($wantu) { for ($j = $nct; $j < $m; $j++) { for ($i = 0; $i < $m; $i++) { $u[$i * $un + $j] = 0.0; } $u[$j * $un + $j] = 1.0; } for ($k = $nct - 1; $k >= 0; $k--) { if (compare($s[$k], 0)) { for ($j = $k + 1; $j < $m; $j++) { $t = 0.0; for ($i = $k; $i < $m; $i++) { $t += $u[$i * $un + $k] * $u[$i * $un + $j]; } $t = -$t / (double) $u[$k * $un + $k]; /* Division */ for ($i = $k; $i < $m; $i++) { $u[$i * $un + $j] += $t * $u[$i * $un + $k]; } } for ($i = $k; $i < $m; $i++) { $u[$pos = $i * $un + $k] = -$u[$pos]; } $u[$pos = $k * $un + $k] = 1.0 + $u[$pos]; for ($i = 0; $i < $k - 1; $i++) { $u[$i * $un + $k] = 0.0; } } else { for ($i = 0; $i < $m; $i++) { $u[$i * $un + $k] = 0.0; } $u[$k * $un + $k] = 1.0; } } } /* If required, generate V. */ if ($wantv) { for ($k = $n - 1; $k >= 0; $k--) { if ($k < $nrt && compare($e[$k], 0)) { for ($j = $k + 1; $j < $n; $j++) { $t = 0.0; for ($i = $k + 1; $i < $n; $i++) { $t += $v[$i * $vn + $k] * $v[$i * $vn + $j]; } $t = -$t / (double) $v[($k + 1) * $vn + $k]; /* Division */ for ($i = $k + 1; $i < $n; $i++) { $v[$i * $vn + $j] += $t * $v[$i * $vn + $k]; } } } for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { $v[$i * $vn + $k] = 0.0; } $v[$k * $vn + $k] = 1.0; } } /* Main iteration loop for the singular values. */ $pp = $p - 1; $iter = 0; $eps = pow(2, -52); $tiny = pow(2, -966); while ($p > 0) { $k = $kase = null; /* Here is where a test for too many iterations would go. This section of the program inspects for negligible elements in the s and e arrays. On completion the variables kase and k are set as follows. kase = 1 if s(p) and e[k - 1] are negligible and k < p kase = 2 if s(k) is negligible and k < p kase = 3 if e[k - 1] is negligible, k < p, and s(k), ..., s(p) are not negligible (qr step). kase = 4 if e(p - 1) is negligible (convergence). */ for ($k = $p - 2; $k >= -1; $k--) { if ($k == -1) { break; } if (compare(abs($e[$k]), $tiny + $eps * (abs($s[$k]) + abs($s[$k + 1]))) <= 0) { $e[$k] = 0.0; break; } } if ($k == $p - 2) { $kase = 4; } else { $ks = null; for ($ks = $p - 1; $ks >= $k; $ks--) { if ($ks == $k) { break; } $t = ($ks != $p ? abs($e[$ks]) : 0) + ($ks != $k + 1 ? abs($e[$ks - 1]) : 0); if (compare(abs($s[$ks]), $tiny + $eps * $t) <= 0) { $s[$ks] = 0.0; break; } } if ($ks == $k) { $kase = 3; } else { if ($ks == $p - 1) { $kase = 1; } else { $kase = 2; $k = $ks; } } } $k++; /* Perform the task indicated by kase. */ switch ($kase) { /* Deflate negligible s(p). */ case 1: $f = $e[$p - 2]; $e[$p - 2] = 0.0; for ($j = $p - 2; $j >= $k; $j--) { $t = (double) hypot($s[$j], $f); $cs = $s[$j] / $t; /* Division */ $sn = $f / $t; /* Division */ $s[$j] = $t; if ($j != $k) { $f = -$sn * $e[$j - 1]; $e[$j - 1] = $cs * $e[$j - 1]; } if ($wantv) { for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { $t = $cs * $v[$ijpos = $i * $vn + $j] + $sn * $v[$ippos = $i * $vn + $p - 1]; $v[$ippos] = -$sn * $v[$ijpos] + $cs * $v[$ippos]; $v[$ijpos] = $t; } } } break; /* Split at negligible s(k). */ /* Split at negligible s(k). */ case 2: $f = $e[$k - 1]; $e[$k - 1] = 0.0; for ($j = $k; $j < $p; $j++) { $t = (double) hypot($s[$j], $f); $cs = $s[$j] / $t; /* Division */ $sn = $f / $t; /* Division */ $s[$j] = $t; $f = -$sn * $e[$j]; $e[$j] = $cs * $e[$j]; if ($wantu) { for ($i = 0; $i < $m; $i++) { $t = $cs * $u[$ijpos = $i * $un + $j] + $sn * $u[$ikpos = $i * $un + $k - 1]; $u[$ikpos] = -$sn * $u[$ijpos] + $cs * $u[$ikpos]; $u[$ijpos] = $t; } } } break; /* Perform one qr step. */ /* Perform one qr step. */ case 3: /* Calculate the shift. */ $scale = (double) max(max(max(max(abs($s[$p - 1]), abs($s[$p - 2])), abs($e[$p - 2])), abs($s[$k])), abs($e[$k])); $sp = $s[$p - 1] / $scale; /* Division */ $spm1 = $s[$p - 2] / $scale; /* Division */ $epm1 = $e[$p - 2] / $scale; /* Division */ $sk = $s[$k] / $scale; /* Division */ $ek = $e[$k] / $scale; /* Division */ $b = (($spm1 + $sp) * ($spm1 - $sp) + $epm1 * $epm1) / 2.0; $c = $sp * $epm1 * ($sp * $epm1); $shift = 0.0; if (compare($b, 0) || compare($c, 0)) { $shift = sqrt($b * $b + $c); if ($b < 0) { $shift = -$shift; } $shift = $c / (double) ($b + $shift); /* Division */ } $f = ($sk + $sp) * ($sk - $sp) + $shift; $g = $sk * $ek; /* Chase zeros. */ for ($j = $k; $j < $p - 1; $j++) { $t = (double) hypot($f, $g); $cs = $f / $t; /* Division */ $sn = $g / $t; /* Division */ if ($j != $k) { $e[$j - 1] = $t; } $f = $cs * $s[$j] + $sn * $e[$j]; $e[$j] = $cs * $e[$j] - $sn * $s[$j]; $g = $sn * $s[$j + 1]; $s[$j + 1] = $cs * $s[$j + 1]; if ($wantv) { for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { $t = $cs * $v[$ijpos = $i * $vn + $j] + $sn * $v[$ij1pos = $i * $vn + $j + 1]; $v[$ij1pos] = -$sn * $v[$ijpos] + $cs * $v[$ij1pos]; $v[$ijpos] = $t; } } $t = (double) hypot($f, $g); $cs = $f / $t; /* Division */ $sn = $g / $t; /* Division */ $s[$j] = $t; $f = $cs * $e[$j] + $sn * $s[$j + 1]; $s[$j + 1] = -$sn * $e[$j] + $cs * $s[$j + 1]; $g = $sn * $e[$j + 1]; $e[$j + 1] = $cs * $e[$j + 1]; if ($wantu && $j < $m - 1) { for ($i = 0; $i < $m; $i++) { $t = $cs * $u[$ijpos = $i * $un + $j] + $sn * $u[$ij1pos = $i * $un + $j + 1]; $u[$ij1pos] = -$sn * $u[$ijpos] + $cs * $u[$ij1pos]; $u[$ijpos] = $t; } } } $e[$p - 2] = $f; $iter = $iter + 1; break; /* Convergence. */ /* Convergence. */ case 4: /* Make the singular values positive. */ if (compare($s[$k], 0) <= 0) { $s[$k] = $s[$k] < 0 ? -$s[$k] : 0.0; if ($wantv) { for ($i = 0; $i <= $pp; $i++) { $v[$pos = $i * $vn + $k] = -$v[$pos]; } } } /* Order the singular values. */ while ($k < $pp) { if (compare($s[$k], $s[$k + 1]) >= 0) { break; } $t = $s[$k]; $s[$k] = $s[$k + 1]; $s[$k + 1] = $t; if ($wantv && $k < $n - 1) { for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { $t = $v[$ik1pos = $i * $vn + $k + 1]; $v[$ik1pos] = $v[$ikpos = $i * $vn + $k]; $v[$ikpos] = $t; } } if ($wantu && $k < $m - 1) { for ($i = 0; $i < $m; $i++) { $t = $u[$ik1pos = $i * $un + $k + 1]; $u[$ik1pos] = $u[$ikpos = $i * $un + $k]; $u[$ikpos] = $t; } } $k++; } $iter = 0; $p--; break; } } if ($sl > $m) { $this->l_singular->u_stride = $m; $s->setSize($m); } }
function calculate_distance($SimilarityCoefficient, $Rootx, $Rooty){ $MaxWidth = WIDTH - $Rootx; $MaxHeight = HEIGHT - $Rooty; $x = $MaxWidth - ($SimilarityCoefficient*$MaxWidth*.01); // Possible x value $y = $MaxHeight - ($SimilarityCoefficient*$MaxHeight); // Possible y value $Hypot = hypot($Rootx - $x, $Rooty - $y); return $MaxWidth - $Hypot; }
* Description: Calculate the length of the hypotenuse of a right-angle triangle * Source code: ext/standard/math.c */ echo "*** Testing hypot() : usage variations ***\n"; //get an unset variable $unset_var = 10; unset($unset_var); // heredoc string $heredoc = <<<EOT abc xyz EOT; // get a class class classA { } // get a resource variable $fp = fopen(__FILE__, "r"); // unexpected values to be passed to $arg argument $inputs = array(0, 1, 12345, -2345, 2147483647, 10.5, -10.5, 123456789000.0, 1.23456789E-9, 0.5, NULL, null, true, false, TRUE, FALSE, "", '', array(), "abcxyz", 'abcxyz', $heredoc, new classA(), @$undefined_var, @$unset_var, $fp); // loop through each element of $inputs to check the behaviour of hypot() $iterator = 1; foreach ($inputs as $input) { echo "\n-- Iteration {$iterator} --\n"; var_dump(hypot($input, 5)); $iterator++; } fclose($fp); ?> ===Done===
/** * @param Node $node1 * @param Node $node2 * @return float */ public static function getLinearDistance(Node $node1, Node $node2) { $dist_x = abs($node1->getX() - $node2->getX()); $dist_y = abs($node1->getY() - $node2->getY()); return hypot($dist_x, $dist_y); }
<?php /* Prototype : float hypot ( float $x , float $y ) * Description: Calculate the length of the hypotenuse of a right-angle triangle. * Source code: ext/standard/math.c */ echo "*** Testing hypot() : basic functionality ***\n"; $valuesy = array(23, -23, 23.45, -23.45, 0x17, 027, "23", "23.45", "2.345e1", "23abc", null, true, false); $valuesx = array(33, -33, 33.45, -33.45, 0x27, 037, "33", "43.45", "1.345e1", "33abc", null, true, false); for ($i = 0; $i < count($valuesy); $i++) { for ($j = 0; $j < count($valuesx); $j++) { echo "\nY:{$valuesy[$i]} X:{$valuesx[$j]} "; $res = hypot($valuesy[$i], $valuesx[$j]); var_dump($res); } } ?> ===Done===
public function frobeniusNorm() { $result = 0.0; for ($i = 0; $i < $this->u_size; $i++) { $offset = $i * $this->u_stride; for ($j = 0; $j < $this->u_stride; $j++) { $result = hypot($result, $this->u_data[$offset + $j]); } } return $result; }
/** * Calculate the length of the hypotenuse of a right-angle triangle. * @link * @param float $x <p>Length of first side</p> * @param float $y <p>Length of second side</p> * @return float Calculated length of the hypotenuse */ public static function hypot($x, $y) { return hypot($x, $y); }
/** * Calculate hypotenuse * * @param number $xValue Length of first line * @param number $yValue Length of second line * * @return float */ public static function hypotenuse($xValue, $yValue) { return hypot($xValue, $yValue); }
echo "floor\n"; echo floor(-2354) . " " . floor("foo") . " " . floor(0) . " " . floor(5) . floor(1.2345) . "\n"; // in windows, php has this at 32767 for no good reason if (PHP_OS != 'WINNT') { echo getrandmax() . "\n"; if (100000 < getrandmax()) { echo "getrandmax: Well, that's a start.\n"; } else { echo "woops, getrandmax: " . getrandmax() . "\n"; } } echo "hexdec\n"; echo hexdec("-2354") . " " . hexdec("foo") . " " . hexdec(0) . " " . hexdec(5) . hexdec("1.2345") . "\n"; if (PHP_OS != 'WINNT') { echo "hypot\n"; echo hypot(-2354, 34) . " " . hypot("foo", 2) . " " . hypot(0, 0) . " " . hypot(5, 12) . hypot(1.2345, 2.3234) . "\n"; } echo "log\n"; echo log(-2354) . " " . log("foo") . " " . log(0) . " " . log(5) . log(1.2345) . "\n"; echo "log10\n"; echo log10(-2354) . " " . log10("foo") . " " . log10(0) . " " . log10(5) . log10(1.2345) . "\n"; if (PHP_OS != 'WINNT') { echo "log1p\n"; echo log1p(-2354) . " " . log1p("foo") . " " . log1p(0) . " " . log1p(5) . log1p(1.2345) . "\n"; } echo "octdec\n"; echo octdec("-2354") . " " . octdec("foo") . " " . octdec(0) . " " . octdec(5) . octdec("1.2345") . "\n"; echo "pi\n"; echo pi() . "\n"; echo "pow\n"; echo pow(-2354, 4) . " " . pow("foo", 2) . " " . pow(0, 0) . " " . pow(5, 12) . pow(1.2345, 2.3234) . "\n";
<?php $num = 25; $raizQuadrada = sqrt($num); // 5 $potencia = 2; $potencia = pow($num, $potencia); // 625 $graus = 45; // inclinação... $radianos = deg2rad($graus); // 0.785398163397 $grausNovamente = rad2deg($radianos); $seno = sin($radianos); $cosseno = cos($radianos); $tangente = tan($radianos); echo pi(); // 3.1415926535898 echo M_PI; // 3.1415926535898 echo M_SQRTPI; // raiz de pi, 1.77245385090551602729 $hipotenusa = hypot(3, 4); // 5, = sqrt(3*3+4*4); $numDecimal = 256; $numBinario = base_convert($numDecimal, 10, 2); $numHexa = base_convert($numDecimal, 10, 16); echo log(5); // logaritmo natural