Beispiel #1
 function ct_tracks_theme_setup()
     /* Get action/filter hook prefix. */
     $prefix = hybrid_get_prefix();
     /* Theme-supported features go here. */
     // from WordPress core not theme hybrid
     register_nav_menus(array('primary' => __('Primary', 'tracks'), 'secondary' => __('Secondary', 'tracks'), 'footer' => __('Footer', 'tracks')));
     // adds theme options page
     require_once trailingslashit(get_template_directory()) . 'theme-options.php';
     // add inc folder files
     foreach (glob(trailingslashit(get_template_directory()) . 'inc/*.php') as $filename) {
         include $filename;
     // add license folder files
     foreach (glob(trailingslashit(get_template_directory()) . 'licenses/*.php') as $filename) {
         include $filename;
     // add license/functions folder files
     foreach (glob(trailingslashit(get_template_directory()) . 'licenses/functions/*.php') as $filename) {
         include $filename;
     // load text domain
     load_theme_textdomain('tracks', get_template_directory() . '/languages');
Beispiel #2
 * Registers the default framework dynamic sidebars based on the sidebars the theme has added support 
 * for using add_theme_support().
 * @since 0.7.0
 * @access private
 * @uses register_sidebar() Registers a sidebar with WordPress.
 * @link
 * @return void
function hybrid_register_sidebars()
    /* Get the theme-supported sidebars. */
    $supported_sidebars = get_theme_support('hybrid-core-sidebars');
    /* If the theme doesn't add support for any sidebars, return. */
    if (!is_array($supported_sidebars[0])) {
    /* Get the available core framework sidebars. */
    $core_sidebars = hybrid_get_sidebars();
    /* Loop through the supported sidebars. */
    foreach ($supported_sidebars[0] as $sidebar) {
        /* Make sure the given sidebar is one of the core sidebars. */
        if (isset($core_sidebars[$sidebar])) {
            /* Set up some default sidebar arguments. */
            $defaults = array('before_widget' => '<div id="%1$s" class="widget %2$s widget-%2$s"><div class="widget-wrap widget-inside">', 'after_widget' => '</div></div>', 'before_title' => '<h3 class="widget-title">', 'after_title' => '</h3>');
            /* Allow developers to filter the default sidebar arguments. */
            $defaults = apply_filters(hybrid_get_prefix() . '_sidebar_defaults', $defaults, $sidebar);
            /* Parse the sidebar arguments and defaults. */
            $args = wp_parse_args($core_sidebars[$sidebar], $defaults);
            /* If no 'id' was given, use the $sidebar variable and sanitize it. */
            $args['id'] = isset($args['id']) ? sanitize_key($args['id']) : sanitize_key($sidebar);
            /* Allow developers to filter the sidebar arguments. */
            $args = apply_filters(hybrid_get_prefix() . '_sidebar_args', $args, $sidebar);
            /* Register the sidebar. */
	 * Set up the widget's unique name, ID, class, description, and other options.
	 * @since 0.1
	function Squar_Banner_Item_Widget(){
		/* Check if Hybrid-core framework is active */
		if( class_exists( 'Hybrid' ) ){
			/* Set the widget prefix */
			$this->prefix = hybrid_get_prefix();
			/* Set the widget textdomain. */
			$this->textdomain = hybrid_get_parent_textdomain();
		} else {
			$this->prefix = 'squar';
			$this->textdomain = 'squar';

		/* Setup URL to Tim Thumb Script*/
		$this->timthumb = SQUAR_SCRIPTS_URI . '/thumb.php';
		$widget_options = array(
						'classname' => 'banner-item',
						'description' => esc_html__( 'Adds a banner item to frontpage slider or into the inside page banner area.', $this->textdomain ) 
		$control_options = array(
						'height' => '300',
						'width' => '700',
						'id_base' => "{$this->prefix}-banner-item", esc_attr__( 'A Banner Item', $this->textdomain )
		$this->WP_Widget( "{$this->prefix}-banner-item", esc_attr__( 'A Banner Item', $this->textdomain ), $widget_options, $control_options );
	function Pogidude_Event_Widget(){

		/* Check if Hybrid-core framework is active */
		if( class_exists( 'Hybrid' ) ){
			/* Set the widget prefix */
			$this->prefix = hybrid_get_prefix();
			/* Set the widget textdomain. */
			$this->textdomain = hybrid_get_parent_textdomain();
		} else {
			$this->prefix = 'pogidude';
			$this->textdomain = 'pogidude';
		$this->widget_id = 'event-widget';
		$widget_options = array(
						'classname' => "{$this->prefix}-{$this->widget_id}",
						'description' => esc_html__( 'Displays your Events in the sidebar.', $this->textdomain )
		$control_options = array(
						'height' => '300',
						'width' => '240',
						'id_base' => "{$this->prefix}-{$this->widget_id}"
		$this->WP_Widget( "{$this->prefix}-{$this->widget_id}", esc_attr__( 'TM: Event Widget', $this->textdomain ), $widget_options, $control_options );
	function Pogidude_Twitter_Feed_Widget(){

		/* Check if Hybrid-core framework is active */
		if( class_exists( 'Hybrid' ) ){
			/* Set the widget prefix */
			$this->prefix = hybrid_get_prefix();
			/* Set the widget textdomain. */
			$this->textdomain = hybrid_get_parent_textdomain();
		} else {
			$this->prefix = 'pogidude';
			$this->textdomain = 'pogidude';
		$widget_options = array(
						'classname' => 'pogidude-twitter-feed',
						'description' => esc_html__( 'Add your Twitter feed to your sidebar with this widget.', $this->textdomain )
		$control_options = array(
						'height' => '300',
						'width' => '240',
						'id_base' => "{$this->prefix}-twitter-feed"
		$this->WP_Widget( "{$this->prefix}-twitter-feed", esc_attr__( 'Twitter Stream', $this->textdomain ), $widget_options, $control_options );
	 * Set up the widget's unique name, ID, class, description, and other options.
	 * @since 0.1
	function Pogidude_Slider_Widget(){
		/* Check if Hybrid-core framework is active */
		if( class_exists( 'Hybrid' ) ){
			/* Set the widget prefix */
			$this->prefix = hybrid_get_prefix();
			/* Set the widget textdomain. */
			$this->textdomain = hybrid_get_parent_textdomain();
		} else {
			$this->prefix = 'pogidude';
			$this->textdomain = 'pogidude';
		//setup widget it
		$this->widget_id = 'slider-item';
		//setup path to Tim Thumb script
		$this->timthumbUrl = trailingslashit( THEMELIB_SCRIPTS_URI ) . 'thumb.php';
		$widget_options = array(
						'classname' => "{$this->prefix}-{$this->widget_id}",
						'description' => esc_html__( 'Adds a slider item. Use on slider widget area.', $this->textdomain )
		$control_options = array(
						'height' => '300',
						'width' => '240',
						'id_base' => "{$this->prefix}-{$this->widget_id}"
		$this->WP_Widget( "{$this->prefix}-{$this->widget_id}", esc_attr__( 'TM: Slider Item', $this->textdomain ), $widget_options, $control_options );
	 * Set up the widget's unique name, ID, class, description, and other options.
	 * @since 0.1
	function Image_Button_Widget(){
		/* Check if Hybrid-core framework is active */
		if( class_exists( 'Hybrid' ) ){
			/* Set the widget prefix */
			$this->prefix = hybrid_get_prefix();
			/* Set the widget textdomain. */
			$this->textdomain = hybrid_get_parent_textdomain();
		} else {
			$this->prefix = 'mobility21';
			$this->textdomain = 'mobility21';
		$widget_options = array(
						'classname' => 'image-button',
						'description' => esc_html__( 'Displays an image button and can link to a URL when clicked.', $this->textdomain ) 
		$control_options = array(
						'height' => '300',
						'width' => '250',
						'id_base' => "{$this->prefix}-image-button", esc_attr__( 'Image Button', $this->textdomain )
		$this->WP_Widget( "{$this->prefix}-image-button", esc_attr__( 'Mobility Image Button', $this->textdomain ), $widget_options, $control_options );
	 * Set up the widget's unique name, ID, class, description, and other options.
	 * @since 0.1
	function M21_Single_Ad_Widget(){
		/* Check if Hybrid-core framework is active */
		if( class_exists( 'Hybrid' ) ){
			/* Set the widget prefix */
			$this->prefix = hybrid_get_prefix();
			/* Set the widget textdomain. */
			$this->textdomain = hybrid_get_parent_textdomain();
		} else {
			$this->prefix = 'mobility21';
			$this->textdomain = 'mobility21';
		$widget_options = array(
						'classname' => 'm21-single-ad',
						'description' => esc_html__( 'Place a Mobility21 Partner ad.', $this->textdomain ) 
		$control_options = array(
						'height' => '300',
						'width' => '525',
						'id_base' => "{$this->prefix}-m21-single-ad", esc_attr__( 'M21 Single Ad', $this->textdomain )
		$this->WP_Widget( "{$this->prefix}-m21-single-ad", esc_attr__( 'Mobility Single Ad Widget', $this->textdomain ), $widget_options, $control_options );
	function  Widget_Subscribe_Box(){

		/* Check if Hybrid-core framework is active */
		if( class_exists( 'Hybrid' ) ){
			/* Set the widget prefix */
			$this->prefix = hybrid_get_prefix();
			/* Set the widget textdomain. */
			$this->textdomain = hybrid_get_parent_textdomain();
		} else {
			$this->prefix = 'pogidude';
			$this->textdomain = 'pogidude';
		$this->widget_id = 'newsletter-subscribe-box';
		$widget_options = array(
						'classname' => "{$this->prefix}-{$this->widget_id}",
						'description' => esc_html__( 'Add a newsletter subscribe box to your sidebar. Do not use this widget more than once in the same page.', $this->textdomain )
		$control_options = array(
						'height' => '300',
						'width' => '240',
						'id_base' => "{$this->prefix}-{$this->widget_id}"
		$this->WP_Widget( "{$this->prefix}-{$this->widget_id}", esc_attr__( 'Newsletter Subscribe', $this->textdomain ), $widget_options, $control_options );
	 * Set up the widget's unique name, ID, class, description, and other options.
	 * @since 0.1
	function M21_Banner_Item_Widget(){
		/* Check if Hybrid-core framework is active */
		if( class_exists( 'Hybrid' ) ){
			/* Set the widget prefix */
			$this->prefix = hybrid_get_prefix();
			/* Set the widget textdomain. */
			$this->textdomain = hybrid_get_parent_textdomain();
		} else {
			$this->prefix = 'mobility21';
			$this->textdomain = 'mobility21';
		$widget_options = array(
						'classname' => 'm21-banner-item',
						'description' => esc_html__( 'Adds a banner item to Mobility 21 site frontpage slider or into the inside page banner area.', $this->textdomain ) 
		$control_options = array(
						'height' => '300',
						'width' => '700',
						'id_base' => "{$this->prefix}-m21-banner-item", esc_attr__( 'M21 Banner Item', $this->textdomain )
		$this->WP_Widget( "{$this->prefix}-m21-banner-item", esc_attr__( 'Mobility Banner Item', $this->textdomain ), $widget_options, $control_options );
	 * Set up the widget's unique name, ID, class, description, and other options.
	 * @since 0.1
	function Squar_Feature_Box_Widget(){
		/* Setup URL to Tim Thumb Script*/
		$this->timthumburl = SQUAR_SCRIPTS_URI . '/thumb.php';
		/* Check if Hybrid-core framework is active */
		if( class_exists( 'Hybrid' ) ){
			/* Set the widget prefix */
			$this->prefix = hybrid_get_prefix();
			/* Set the widget textdomain. */
			$this->textdomain = hybrid_get_parent_textdomain();
		} else {
			$this->prefix = 'squar';
			$this->textdomain = 'squar';
		$widget_options = array(
						'classname' => 'feature-box',
						'description' => esc_html__( 'Displays a feature box with an image which can link to a URL when clicked.', $this->textdomain )
		$control_options = array(
						'height' => '300',
						'width' => '525',
						'id_base' => "{$this->prefix}-feature-box", esc_attr__( 'Feature Box', $this->textdomain )
		$this->WP_Widget( "{$this->prefix}-feature-box", esc_attr__( 'A Feature Box', $this->textdomain ), $widget_options, $control_options );
Beispiel #12
	 * Initializes the theme framework, loads the required files, and calls the
	 * functions needed to run the theme.
	 * @since 0.7
	function init() {

		/* Define theme constants. */

		/* Load theme functions. */

		/* Load theme extensions. */

		/* Load legacy files and functions. */

		/* Load admin files. */

		/* Theme prefix for creating things such as filter hooks (i.e., "$prefix_hook_name"). */
		$this->prefix = hybrid_get_prefix();

		/* Load theme textdomain. */
		$domain = hybrid_get_textdomain();
		$locale = get_locale();
		load_textdomain( $domain, locate_template( array( "languages/{$domain}-{$locale}.mo", "{$domain}-{$locale}.mo" ) ) );

		/* Initialize the theme's default actions. */

		/* Initialize the theme's default filters. */

		/* Theme init hook. */
		do_action( "{$this->prefix}_init" );
	function Widget_Social_Connect(){

		/* Check if Hybrid-core framework is active */
		if( class_exists( 'Hybrid' ) ){
			/* Set the widget prefix */
			$this->prefix = hybrid_get_prefix();
			/* Set the widget textdomain. */
			$this->textdomain = hybrid_get_parent_textdomain();
		} else {
			$this->prefix = 'pogidude';
			$this->textdomain = 'pogidude';
		$this->widget_id = 'social-connect';
		$widget_options = array(
						'classname' => "{$this->prefix}-{$this->widget_id}",
						'description' => esc_html__( 'Add social icons to your sidebar', $this->textdomain )
		$control_options = array(
						'height' => '300',
						'width' => '240',
						'id_base' => "{$this->prefix}-{$this->widget_id}"
		$this->WP_Widget( "{$this->prefix}-{$this->widget_id}", esc_attr__( 'Social Connect', $this->textdomain ), $widget_options, $control_options );
	function  Widget_Class_Name_Widget(){

		/* Check if Hybrid-core framework is active */
		if( class_exists( 'Hybrid' ) ){
			/* Set the widget prefix */
			$this->prefix = hybrid_get_prefix();
			/* Set the widget textdomain. */
			$this->textdomain = hybrid_get_parent_textdomain();
		} else {
			$this->prefix = 'prefix';
			$this->textdomain = 'prefix';
		$this->widget_id = 'widget-id';
		$widget_options = array(
						'classname' => "{$this->prefix}-{$this->widget_id}",
						'description' => esc_html__( 'Description of the widget', $this->textdomain )
		$control_options = array(
						'height' => '300',
						'width' => '240',
						'id_base' => "{$this->prefix}-{$this->widget_id}"
		$this->WP_Widget( "{$this->prefix}-{$this->widget_id}", esc_attr__( 'Widget Name', $this->textdomain ), $widget_options, $control_options );
 * Theme setup function.  This function adds support for theme features and defines the default theme
 * actions and filters.
 * @since 0.1.0
function prototype_theme_setup()
    /* Get action/filter hook prefix. */
    $prefix = hybrid_get_prefix();
    /* Add theme support for core framework features. */
    add_theme_support('hybrid-core-menus', array('primary', 'secondary', 'subsidiary'));
    add_theme_support('hybrid-core-sidebars', array('primary', 'secondary', 'header', 'subsidiary', 'after-singular'));
    add_theme_support('hybrid-core-theme-settings', array('about', 'footer'));
    /* Add theme support for framework extensions. */
    add_theme_support('theme-layouts', array('1c', '2c-l', '2c-r', '3c-l', '3c-r', '3c-c'));
    /* Add theme support for WordPress features. */
    /* Add the search form to the secondary menu. */
    add_action("{$prefix}_close_menu_secondary", 'get_search_form');
    /* Embed width/height defaults. */
    add_filter('embed_defaults', 'prototype_embed_defaults');
    /* Filter the sidebar widgets. */
    add_filter('sidebars_widgets', 'prototype_disable_sidebars');
    add_action('template_redirect', 'prototype_one_column');
    /* Set the content width. */
Beispiel #16
	 * Set up the widget's unique name, ID, class, description, and other options.
	 * @since 0.6
	function Hybrid_Widget_Search() {
		$this->prefix = hybrid_get_prefix();
		$this->textdomain = hybrid_get_textdomain();

		$widget_ops = array( 'classname' => 'search', 'description' => __( 'An advanced widget that gives you total control over the output of your search form.', $this->textdomain ) );
		$control_ops = array( 'width' => 525, 'height' => 350, 'id_base' => "{$this->prefix}-search" );
		$this->WP_Widget( "{$this->prefix}-search", __( 'Search', $this->textdomain ), $widget_ops, $control_ops );
Beispiel #17
	 * Set up the widget's unique name, ID, class, description, and other options.
	 * @since 0.6
	function Hybrid_Widget_Nav_Menu() {
		$this->prefix = hybrid_get_prefix();
		$this->textdomain = hybrid_get_textdomain();

		$widget_ops = array( 'classname' => 'nav-menu', 'description' => __( 'An advanced widget that gives you total control over the output of your menus.', $this->textdomain ) );
		$control_ops = array( 'width' => 525, 'height' => 350, 'id_base' => "{$this->prefix}-nav-menu" );
		$this->WP_Widget( "{$this->prefix}-nav-menu", __( 'Navigation Menu', $this->textdomain ), $widget_ops, $control_ops );
Beispiel #18
	 * Set up the widget's unique name, ID, class, description, and other options.
	 * @since 0.6
	function Hybrid_Widget_Calendar() {
		$this->prefix = hybrid_get_prefix();
		$this->textdomain = hybrid_get_textdomain();

		$widget_ops = array( 'classname' => 'calendar', 'description' => __( 'An advanced widget that gives you total control over the output of your calendar.', $this->textdomain ) );
		$control_ops = array( 'width' => 200, 'height' => 350, 'id_base' => "{$this->prefix}-calendar" );
		$this->WP_Widget( "{$this->prefix}-calendar", __( 'Calendar', $this->textdomain ), $widget_ops, $control_ops );
	 * Set up the widget's unique name, ID, class, description, and other options.
	 * @since 0.6
	function Hybrid_Widget_Bookmarks() {
		$this->prefix = hybrid_get_prefix();
		$this->textdomain = hybrid_get_textdomain();

		$widget_ops = array( 'classname' => 'bookmarks', 'description' => __( 'An advanced widget that gives you total control over the output of your bookmarks (links).', $this->textdomain ) );
		$control_ops = array( 'width' => 800, 'height' => 350, 'id_base' => "{$this->prefix}-bookmarks" );
		$this->WP_Widget( "{$this->prefix}-bookmarks", __( 'Bookmarks', $this->textdomain ), $widget_ops, $control_ops );
Beispiel #20
 * Theme setup function.  This function adds support for theme features and defines the default theme
 * actions and filters.
 * @since 0.1.0
function dschool_theme_setup()
    /* Get action/filter hook prefix. */
    $prefix = hybrid_get_prefix();
    /* Add theme support for core framework features. */
    add_theme_support('hybrid-core-menus', array('primary', 'secondary'));
    add_theme_support('hybrid-core-sidebars', array('primary'));
    add_theme_support('hybrid-core-theme-settings', array('footer', 'about'));
    /* Add theme support for framework extensions. */
    /* Add theme support for WordPress features. */
    /* Filter the breadcrumb trail arguments. */
    add_filter('breadcrumb_trail_args', 'dschool_breadcrumb_trail_args');
    /* Add the search form to the header. */
    add_action("{$prefix}_close_header", 'get_search_form');
    /* Add the logo to the end of the primary menu. */
    add_action("{$prefix}_close_menu_primary", 'add_small_logo');
    /* Remove some of the built in meta tags to simplify the header. */
    add_filter("{$prefix}_meta_author", '__return_false');
    add_filter("{$prefix}_meta_copyright", '__return_false');
    add_filter("{$prefix}_meta_revised", '__return_false');
    add_filter("{$prefix}_meta_template", '__return_false');
    //remove_action( 'wp_head', 'feed_links_extra', 3 ); // Display the links to the extra feeds such as category feeds
    //remove_action( 'wp_head', 'feed_links', 2 ); // Display the links to the general feeds: Post and Comment Feed
    remove_action('wp_head', 'wp_generator', 1);
    // WP version
    remove_action('wp_head', 'rsd_link');
    // Really Simple Discovery service endpoint, EditURI link
    remove_action('wp_head', 'wlwmanifest_link');
    // windows live writer
    remove_action('wp_head', 'index_rel_link');
    // index link
    remove_action('wp_head', 'parent_post_rel_link_wp_head ', 10, 0);
    // prev link
    remove_action('wp_head', 'start_post_rel_link_wp_head ', 10, 0);
    // start link
    remove_action('wp_head', 'adjacent_posts_rel_link_wp_head', 10, 0);
    // Display relational links for the posts adjacent to the current post.
    /* Additional dschool-core extensions */
    //add_theme_support( 'share-box' ); /* Add social sharebox to single post template */
    //add_theme_support( 'facebook-init' ); /* Add facebook async js to theme */
    //add_theme_support( 'facebook-opengraph' ); /* Add facebook opengraph meta to header */
    //add_theme_support( 'show-ids' ); /* Show ID's in dashboard */
    /* Additional dschool-core shortcodes */
    //add_theme_support( 'shortcode-list-posts' ); /* Shortcode for display list of posts based on category and/or tag */
    if (is_admin()) {
        require_once trailingslashit(TEMPLATEPATH) . '/dschool-core/extensions/custom-theme-settings.php';
function dschool_theme_admin_setup()
    /* Get the theme prefix. */
    $prefix = hybrid_get_prefix();
    /* Create a settings meta box only on the theme settings page. */
    add_action('load-appearance_page_theme-settings', 'dschool_theme_settings_meta_boxes');
    /* Add a filter to validate/sanitize your settings. */
    add_filter("sanitize_option_{$prefix}_theme_settings", 'dschool_validate_banner_settings');
 * Setup function.  All child themes should run their setup within this function.  The idea is to add/remove 
 * filters and actions after the parent theme has been set up.  This function provides you that opportunity.
 * @since 0.1
function hybrid_child_theme_setup()
    /* Get the theme prefix ("prototype"). */
    $prefix = hybrid_get_prefix();
    /* Example action. */
    // add_action( "{$prefix}_header", 'hybrid_child_example_action' );
    /* Example filter. */
    // add_filter( "{$prefix}_site_title", 'hybrid_child_example_filter' );
Beispiel #23
 * Theme setup function.  This function adds support for theme features and defines the default theme
 * actions and filters.
function origin_theme_setup()
    /* Get action/filter hook prefix. */
    $prefix = hybrid_get_prefix();
    /* Add theme support for core framework features. */
    add_theme_support('hybrid-core-menus', array('primary'));
    add_theme_support('hybrid-core-sidebars', array('primary', 'subsidiary', 'after-singular'));
    add_theme_support('hybrid-core-theme-settings', array('footer', 'about'));
    /* Add theme support for framework extensions. */
    /* Add theme support for WordPress features. */
    /* Embed width/height defaults. */
    add_filter('embed_defaults', 'origin_embed_defaults');
    /* Filter the sidebar widgets. */
    add_filter('sidebars_widgets', 'origin_disable_sidebars');
    /* Image sizes */
    add_action('init', 'origin_image_sizes');
    /* Excerpt ending */
    add_filter('excerpt_more', 'origin_excerpt_more');
    /* Custom excerpt length */
    add_filter('excerpt_length', 'origin_excerpt_length');
    /* Filter the pagination trail arguments. */
    add_filter('loop_pagination_args', 'origin_pagination_args');
    /* Remove links from entry titles (shortcodes) for singular */
    add_filter("{$prefix}_entry_title", 'origin_entry_title_shortcode');
    /* Filter the comments arguments */
    add_filter("{$prefix}_list_comments_args", 'origin_comments_args');
    /* Filter the commentform arguments */
    add_filter('comment_form_defaults', 'origin_commentform_args', 11, 1);
    /* Enqueue scripts (and related stylesheets) */
    add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'origin_scripts');
    /* Enqueue Google fonts */
    add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'origin_google_fonts');
    /* Style settings */
    add_action('wp_head', 'origin_style_settings');
    /* Add the breadcrumb trail just after the container is open. */
    add_action("{$prefix}_close_header", 'breadcrumb_trail');
    /* Breadcrumb trail arguments. */
    add_filter('breadcrumb_trail_args', 'origin_breadcrumb_trail_args');
    /* Add support for custom backgrounds */
    /* Add theme settings */
    if (is_admin()) {
        require_once trailingslashit(TEMPLATEPATH) . 'admin/functions-admin.php';
    /* Default footer settings */
    add_filter("{$prefix}_default_theme_settings", 'origin_default_footer_settings');
Beispiel #24
 * Theme setup function.  This function adds support for theme features and defines the default theme
 * actions and filters.
function ascetica_theme_setup()
    /* Get action/filter hook prefix. */
    $prefix = hybrid_get_prefix();
    /* Add theme support for core framework features. */
    add_theme_support('hybrid-core-menus', array('primary'));
    add_theme_support('hybrid-core-sidebars', array('primary', 'secondary', 'subsidiary', 'after-singular'));
    add_theme_support('hybrid-core-theme-settings', array('footer'));
    /* Add theme support for framework extensions. */
    /* Add theme support for WordPress features. */
    /* Embed width/height defaults. */
    add_filter('embed_defaults', 'ascetica_embed_defaults');
    /* Filter the sidebar widgets. */
    add_filter('sidebars_widgets', 'ascetica_disable_sidebars');
    /* Image sizes */
    add_action('init', 'ascetica_image_sizes');
    /* Excerpt ending */
    add_filter('excerpt_more', 'ascetica_excerpt_more');
    /* Custom excerpt length */
    add_filter('excerpt_length', 'ascetica_excerpt_length');
    /* Filter the pagination trail arguments. */
    add_filter('loop_pagination_args', 'ascetica_pagination_args');
    /* Filter the comments arguments */
    add_filter("{$prefix}_list_comments_args", 'ascetica_comments_args');
    /* Filter the commentform arguments */
    add_filter('comment_form_defaults', 'ascetica_commentform_args', 11, 1);
    /* Enqueue scripts (and related stylesheets) */
    add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'ascetica_scripts');
    /* Enqueue Google fonts */
    add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'ascetica_google_fonts');
    /* Style settings */
    add_action('wp_head', 'ascetica_style_settings');
    /* Add support for custom backgrounds */
    /* Add theme settings */
    if (is_admin()) {
        require_once trailingslashit(TEMPLATEPATH) . 'admin/functions-admin.php';
    /* Default footer settings */
    add_filter("{$prefix}_default_theme_settings", 'ascetica_default_footer_settings');
    /* Widgets */
    add_action('widgets_init', 'ascetica_register_widgets');
    /* Undergister sidebar */
    add_action('widgets_init', 'ascetica_unregister_sidebar', 999);
    /* Add support for Post Formats */
    add_theme_support('post-formats', array('gallery'));
 function __construct()
     /* Set the widget prefix. */
     $this->prefix = hybrid_get_prefix();
     /* Set up the widget options. */
     $widget_options = array('classname' => 'ascetica-thumbnails-widget', 'description' => esc_html__('Display post images from selected category.', 'ascetica'));
     /* Set up the widget control options. */
     $control_options = array('width' => 300, 'height' => 350);
     /* Create the widget. */
     $this->WP_Widget('ascetica-thumbnails-widget', __('Ascetica - Thumbnails', 'ascetica'), $widget_options, $control_options);
Beispiel #26
 * Add the theme options to the Hybrid Core options page
 * @return void
 * @since Cakifo 1.0
function cakifo_theme_admin_setup()
    /* Get the theme prefix */
    $prefix = hybrid_get_prefix();
    /* Create a settings meta box only on the theme settings page */
    add_action('load-appearance_page_theme-settings', 'cakifo_theme_settings_meta_boxes');
    /* Add script and styles */
    add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', 'cakifo_theme_settings_enqueue_scripts');
    /* Add a filter to validate/sanitize the settings */
    add_filter("sanitize_option_{$prefix}_theme_settings", 'cakifo_theme_validate_settings');
 * Theme setup function.  This function adds support for theme features and defines the default theme
 * actions and filters.
function hatch_theme_setup()
    /* Get action/filter hook prefix. */
    $prefix = hybrid_get_prefix();
    /* Add theme support for core framework features. */
    add_theme_support('hybrid-core-styles', array('style'));
    add_theme_support('hybrid-core-menus', array('primary'));
    add_theme_support('hybrid-core-sidebars', array('primary', 'subsidiary', 'after-singular'));
    add_theme_support('hybrid-core-theme-settings', array('about', 'footer'));
    add_theme_support('hybrid-core-scripts', array('drop-downs'));
    /* Add theme support for framework extensions. */
    /* Add theme support for WordPress features. */
    /* Embed width/height defaults. */
    add_filter('embed_defaults', 'hatch_embed_defaults');
    /* Filter the sidebar widgets. */
    add_filter('sidebars_widgets', 'hatch_disable_sidebars');
    /* Image sizes */
    add_action('init', 'hatch_image_sizes');
    /* Excerpt ending */
    add_filter('excerpt_more', 'hatch_excerpt_more');
    /* Custom excerpt length */
    add_filter('excerpt_length', 'hatch_excerpt_length');
    /* Filter the pagination trail arguments. */
    add_filter('loop_pagination_args', 'hatch_pagination_args');
    /* Filter the comments arguments */
    add_filter("{$prefix}_list_comments_args", 'hatch_comments_args');
    /* Filter the commentform arguments */
    add_filter('comment_form_defaults', 'hatch_commentform_args', 11, 1);
    /* Enqueue scripts (and related stylesheets) */
    add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'hatch_scripts');
    /* Enqueue Google fonts */
    add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'hatch_google_fonts');
    /* Style settings */
    add_action('wp_head', 'hatch_style_settings');
    /* Add support for custom backgrounds */
    /* Add theme settings */
    if (is_admin()) {
        require_once trailingslashit(get_template_directory()) . 'admin/functions-admin.php';
    /* Default footer settings */
    add_filter("{$prefix}_default_theme_settings", 'hatch_default_footer_settings');
    /* Add support for custom headers. */
    $args = array('width' => 640, 'height' => 360, 'header-text' => false, 'default-image' => trailingslashit(get_stylesheet_directory_uri()) . 'images/header_default.png', 'uploads' => true);
    add_theme_support('custom-header', $args);
function clea_base_header_setup()
    /* Get the theme prefix. */
    $prefix = hybrid_get_prefix();
    /* Add social icons and search bar 
     * is done in header.php
    /* add a logo on the left of site name and description
     * uses an hybrid contextual header
    add_action("{$prefix}_open_header", 'clea_base_add_logo_to_header');
Beispiel #29
 * Loads some additional functions.
 * @since 1.5
function satu_load_libraries()
    /* Get action/filter hook prefix. */
    $prefix = hybrid_get_prefix();
    /* Loads additional functions file. */
    require_once trailingslashit(THEME_DIR) . 'inc/theme-functions.php';
    /* Loads custom template tags. */
    require_once trailingslashit(THEME_DIR) . 'inc/templates.php';
    /* Loads enqueue scripts for theme usage. */
    require_once trailingslashit(THEME_DIR) . 'inc/enqueue.php';
    /* Loads customizer functions. */
    require_once trailingslashit(THEME_DIR) . 'inc/customize.php';
Beispiel #30
  * Set up the widget's unique name, ID, class, description, and other options.
  * @since 1.2.0
 function __construct()
     /* Set the widget prefix. */
     $this->prefix = hybrid_get_prefix();
     /* Set the widget textdomain. */
     $this->textdomain = hybrid_get_textdomain();
     /* Set up the widget options. */
     $widget_options = array('classname' => 'authors', 'description' => esc_html__('An advanced widget that gives you total control over the output of your author lists.', $this->textdomain));
     /* Set up the widget control options. */
     $control_options = array('width' => 525, 'height' => 350);
     /* Create the widget. */
     $this->WP_Widget('hybrid-authors', __('Authors', $this->textdomain), $widget_options, $control_options);