Beispiel #1
$task = _post('task');
//detect job
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
    if ($task == 'addsvn_user') {
        $user = array('svn_user' => _post('svn_user'), 'svn_pass' => encrypt(_post('svn_user_pass')), 'svn_fullname' => _post('svn_fullname'), 'svn_email' => _post('svn_user_email'));
        //add new or update user
        $res = hw_svn_adduser($user, _post('user'));
        add_message($res ? "Add svn user [{$user['svn_user']}] successful !" : "Add svn user failt !");
//list accts
$accts = list_whm_accts();
//list dbs
//$list_dbs = get_acct_dbs();
//list all svn users
$users = hw_svn_list_users();
//get user to edit
if (_get('do') == 'edituser') {
    $user = hw_svn_get_user(array('svn_user' => _get('user')));
    if (!count($user)) {
//get all repositories saved from local
$repositories = hw_svn_get_repositories();
include 'template/head.php';
Beispiel #2
 * list all wp users
 * @param $cp
function list_wp_user($cp)
    $subdomain = _post('subdomain');
    $res = $cp->upload_wptool(0, $subdomain);
    //run this file
    $url = rtrim(_domain($cp->domain, $subdomain), '/') . '/' . HW_WP_TOOL_FILE . '?do=list_users&acc=' . $cp->acc_id;
    $res = curl_post($url, array('subdomain' => $subdomain));
    function hw_output_table_data_cb($name, $value)
        if ($name == 'svn_pass') {
            return decrypt($value);
        return $value;
    //compare to `svn_wp_users` table.
    echo '<h2>All WP Users on localhost</h2>';
    $svn_users = hw_svn_list_users($cp->domain);
    hw_output_table_data($svn_users, array('id' => 'ID', 'svn_fullname' => "Fullname", 'svn_user' => 'User', 'svn_pass' => 'Pass', 'svn_email' => 'Email', 'domain' => 'Domain'), 'hw_output_table_data_cb');
Beispiel #3
 * update all svn users from `svn_wp_users` table
 * @param $cp
function svn_update_users($cp)
    $cmd = _post('cmd');
    //get command file
    $ssh_batch = _post('ssh_batch');
    ### modify svn-update-users-passwd.txt  ==>we don't use
    #$cmd="chmod 755 /home/;cd /home;source ./";
    #file_put_contents(WHM_CPANEL_SHELL_APP."/x_ssh/commands/svn-update-users-passwd.txt", $cmd);
    //get users data from local (so if on server not match data with `svn_wp_users` table you shou;d import to server.)
    $htpasswd = '';
    $svn_users = hw_svn_list_users('');
    foreach ($svn_users as $u) {
        $svn_user = $u['svn_user'];
        $svn_depass = decrypt($u['svn_pass']);
        $htpasswd .= "/usr/local/apache/bin/htpasswd -bc ./{$svn_user}.svn.htpasswd {$svn_user} \"{$svn_depass}\";";
    //create .sh file
    $update_svn_users_passwd = "echo 'Update all svn users pass !';\r\nsudo -u {$cp->cpaneluser} -H sh -c 'cd ~;pwd;mkdir svn_users;cd svn_users;{$htpasswd}'\r\nread -n1 -r -p \"Press any key to continue...\" key";
    file_put_contents(WHM_CPANEL_SHELL_APP . "/x_ssh/commands/svn-update-users-passwd.txt", $update_svn_users_passwd);
    //update all svn users pass
    $cp->run_command_as_root($ssh_batch, $cmd);