<td class="listr"><?php 
    echo empty($volume['sparse']) ? '-' : 'on';
					<td class="listr"><?php 
    echo $volume['compression'];
					<td class="listr"><?php 
    echo $volume['dedup'];
					<td class="listr"><?php 
    echo $volume['sync'];
			<div id="remarks">
html_remark("note", gettext("Note"), gettext("This page reflects the current system configuration. It may be different to the configuration which has been created with the WebGUI if changes has been done via command line."));
include "fend.inc";
						<td class="list" colspan="4"></td>
						<td class="list">
							<a href="disks_raid_gvinum_edit.php"><img src="plus.gif" title="<?php 
echo gettext("Add RAID");
" border="0" alt="<?php 
echo gettext("Add RAID");
" /></a>
				<div id="remarks">
html_remark("info", gettext("Info"), sprintf(gettext("%s is used to create %s volumes."), "GEOM Vinum", "RAID"));
include "formend.inc";
include "fend.inc";
        case "list":
            disks_geom_cmd("vinum", "list", $object, true);
        case "remove":
            disks_geom_cmd("vinum", "rm", "-r {$object}", true);
        case "forceup":
            disks_geom_cmd("vinum", "setstate", "-f up {$object}", true);
        case "saveconfig":
            disks_geom_cmd("vinum", "saveconfig", "", true);
    echo '</pre>';
				<div id="remarks">
html_remark("warning", gettext("Warning"), gettext("1. Use these specials actions for debugging only!<br />2. There is no need of using this menu for starting a RAID volume (start automaticaly)."));
include "formend.inc";
include "fend.inc";
            <td class="list" colspan="3"></td>
            <td class="list">
							<a href="services_afp_share_edit.php"><img src="plus.gif" title="<?php 
echo gettext("Add share");
" border="0" alt="<?php 
echo gettext("Add share");
" /></a>
        <div id="remarks">
html_remark("note", gettext("Note"), gettext("All shares use the option 'usedots' thus making the filenames .Parent and anything beginning with .Apple illegal."));
include "formend.inc";
include "fend.inc";
echo gettext("Daemon events");
<br />
				<div id="submit">
					<input name="Submit" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo gettext("Save");
" onclick="enable_change(true)" />
				<div id="remarks">
html_remark("note", gettext("Note"), sprintf(gettext("Syslog sends UDP datagrams to port 514 on the specified remote syslog server. Be sure to set syslogd on the remote server to accept syslog messages from %s."), get_product_name()));
include "formend.inc";
<script type="text/javascript">
if ($do_action) {
    echo sprintf("<div id='cmdoutput'>%s</div>", gettext("Command output:"));
    echo '<pre class="cmdoutput">';
    // Install package.
    // Delete file.
    $cmdoutput = ob_get_contents();
    echo htmlspecialchars($cmdoutput);
    echo '</pre>';
				<div id="remarks">
html_remark("note", gettext("Note"), gettext("You can also install a package via SSH or console using the the pkg_add command.<br />Example: pkg_add -r packagename"));
include "formend.inc";
include "fend.inc";
html_inputbox("desc", gettext("Description"), $pconfig['desc'], gettext("You may enter a description here for your reference."), false, 40);
				<div id="submit">
					<input name="Submit" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo isset($uuid) && FALSE !== $cnid ? gettext("Save") : gettext("Add");
" />
					<input name="Cancel" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo gettext("Cancel");
" />
					<input name="uuid" type="hidden" value="<?php 
echo $pconfig['uuid'];
" />
			  <div id="remarks">
html_remark("note", gettext("Note"), sprintf(gettext("To get detailed informations about writing firewall rules check the FreeBSD <a href='%s' target='_blank'>documentation</a>."), "http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en/books/handbook/firewalls-ipfw.html"));
include "formend.inc";
include "fend.inc";
Beispiel #8
html_inputbox("ftp_username", gettext("User"), $pconfig['ftp_username'], "", true, 20);
html_inputbox("ftp_password", gettext("Password"), $pconfig['ftp_password'], "", true, 20);
				<div id="submit">
					<input name="Submit" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo gettext("Save");
" onclick="enable_change(true)" />
			  <div id="remarks">
html_remark("note", gettext("Note"), gettext("If the server is behind a proxy set these parameters to give local services access to the internet via proxy."));
include "formend.inc";
<script type="text/javascript">
/*html_inputbox("aiowbehind", gettext("AIO write behind"), $pconfig['aiowbehind'], "", false, 60);*/
html_textarea("auxparam", gettext("Auxiliary parameters"), $pconfig['auxparam'], sprintf(gettext("These parameters are added to [Global] section of %s."), "smb.conf") . " " . sprintf(gettext("Please check the <a href='%s' target='_blank'>documentation</a>."), "http://us1.samba.org/samba/docs/man/manpages-3/smb.conf.5.html"), false, 65, 5, false, false);
				<div id="submit">
					<input name="Submit" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo gettext("Save and Restart");
" onclick="enable_change(true)" />
				<div id="remarks">
html_remark("note", gettext("Note"), sprintf(gettext("To increase CIFS performance try the following:<div id='enumeration'><ul><li>Enable 'Large read/write' switch</li><li>Enable '<a href='%s'>Tuning</a>' switch</li><li>Increase <a href='%s'>MTU</a></li></ul></div>"), "system_advanced.php", "interfaces_lan.php"));
include "formend.inc";
<script type="text/javascript">
html_titleline(gettext("Extension Update"));
html_text("ext_version_current", gettext("Installed version"), $config['downloady']['version']);
html_text("ext_version_server", gettext("Latest version"), $server_version);
        <div id="update_remarks">
html_remark("note_remove", gettext("Note"), sprintf(gettext("Removing %s integration from NAS4Free will leave the installation folder untouched - remove the files using Windows Explorer, FTP or some other tool of your choice. <br /><b>Please note: this page will no longer be available.</b> You'll have to re-run %s extension installation to get it back on your NAS4Free."), gettext("Downloady"), gettext("Downloady")));
            <br />
            <input id="ext_update" name="ext_update" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo gettext("Update Extension");
" onclick="return confirm('<?php 
echo gettext("The selected operation will be completed. Please do not click any other buttons!");
')" />
            <input id="ext_remove" name="ext_remove" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo gettext("Remove Extension");
" onclick="return confirm('<?php 
echo gettext("Do you really want to remove the extension from the system?");
Beispiel #11
							<a href="system_loaderconf.php?act=del&amp;id=all" onclick="return confirm('<?php 
    echo gettext("Do you really want to delete all options?");
')"><img src="x.gif" title="<?php 
    echo gettext("Delete all options");
" border="0" alt="<?php 
    echo gettext("Delete all options");
" /></a>
	      <div id="remarks">
html_remark("note", gettext("Note"), gettext("These option(s) will be added to /boot/loader.conf.local. This allows you to specify parameters to be passed to kernel, and additional modules to be loaded."));
include "formend.inc";
include "fend.inc";
Beispiel #12
html_inputbox("email_to", gettext("To email"), !empty($pconfig['email_to']) ? $pconfig['email_to'] : "", sprintf("%s %s", gettext("Destination email address."), gettext("Separate email addresses by semi-colon.")), true, 40);
html_checkbox("email_testemail", gettext("Test email"), !empty($pconfig['email_testemail']) ? true : false, gettext("Send a TEST warning email on startup."));
				<div id="submit">
					<input name="Submit" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo gettext("Save and Restart");
" onclick="enable_change(true)" />
				<div id="remarks">
html_remark("note", gettext("Note"), gettext("Activate email report if you want to be notified if a failure or a new error has been detected, or if a S.M.A.R.T. command to a disk fails."));
include "formend.inc";
<script type="text/javascript">
Beispiel #13
        } else {
            echo gettext("You must reboot the system before you can upgrade the firmware.");
				<div id="remarks">
        html_remark("warning", gettext("Warning"), sprintf(gettext("DO NOT abort the firmware upgrade process once it has started. Once it is completed, the server will automatically reboot, the current configuration will be maintained.<br />You need a minimum of %d MiB free RAM to perform the upgrade.<br />It is strongly recommended that you <a href='%s'>Backup</a> the server configuration before doing a upgrade."), 512, "system_backup.php"));
        include "formend.inc";
include "fend.inc";
				<div id="submit">
					<input name="Submit" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo gettext("Traceroute");
" />
if ($do_traceroute) {
    echo sprintf("<div id='cmdoutput'>%s</div>", gettext("Command output:"));
    echo '<pre class="cmdoutput">';
    exec("/usr/sbin/traceroute " . ($resolve ? "" : "-n ") . "-w 2 -m " . escapeshellarg($ttl) . " " . escapeshellarg($host), $rawdata);
    echo htmlspecialchars(implode("\n", $rawdata));
    echo '</pre>';
				<div id="remarks">
html_remark("note", gettext("Note"), gettext("Traceroute may take a while to complete. You may hit the Stop button on your browser at any time to see the progress of failed traceroutes."));
include "formend.inc";
include "fend.inc";
					<input name="Submit" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo gettext("Execute");
" />
if ($do_action) {
    echo sprintf("<div id='cmdoutput'>%s</div>", gettext("Command output:"));
    echo '<pre class="cmdoutput">';
    /* Check filesystem */
    $result = disks_fsck($disk, $umount);
    /* Display result */
    echo 0 == $result ? gettext("Successful") : gettext("Failed");
    echo '</pre>';
				<div id="remarks">
html_remark("note", gettext("Note"), gettext("You can't unmount a drive which is used by swap file, a iSCSI-target file or any other running process!"));
include "formend.inc";
include "fend.inc";
Beispiel #16
html_passwordbox("password_old", gettext("Current password"), "", "", true);
html_passwordconfbox("password_new", "password_confirm", gettext("New password"), "", "", gettext("If you want to change the password for accessing the WebGUI, enter it here twice."), true);
				<div id="submit">
					<input name="Submit" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo gettext("Save");
" />
				<div id="remarks">
html_remark("note", gettext("Note"), gettext("<div id='enumeration'><ul><li>The new password is also the default root password of the system!</li></ul></div>"));
include "formend.inc";
include "fend.inc";
Beispiel #17
" /></a></td>
			    <td class="list" colspan="4"></td>
			    <td class="list"><a href="diag_arp.php?act=del"><img src="x.gif" title="<?php 
echo gettext("Remove all entries from ARP table");
" border="0" alt="<?php 
echo gettext("Remove all entries from ARP table");
" /></a></td>
			<div id="remarks">
html_remark("hint", gettext("Hint"), sprintf(gettext("IP addresses are resolved to hostnames if <a href='%s'>&quot;Resolve IP addresses to hostnames&quot;</a> is enabled."), "diag_log_settings.php"));
include "fend.inc";
Beispiel #18
" border="0" alt="<?php 
    echo gettext("Delete command");
" /></a>
          <td class="list" colspan="2"></td>
          <td class="list"><a href="system_rc_edit.php"><img src="plus.gif" title="<?php 
echo gettext("Add command");
" border="0" alt="<?php 
echo gettext("Add command");
" /></a></td>
      <div id="remarks">
html_remark("note", gettext("Note"), gettext("These commands will be executed pre or post system initialization (booting) or before system shutdown."));
include "fend.inc";
Beispiel #19
							<br /><span class="vexpl"><?php 
echo gettext("Password of domain administrator account.");
				<div id="submit">
					<input name="Submit" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo gettext("Save");
" onclick="enable_change(true)" />
			  <div id="remarks">
html_remark("note", gettext("Note"), gettext("To use Active Directory the CIFS/SMB service will enabled, too. The following services will use AD authentication:<div id='enumeration'><ul><li>CIFS/SMB</li><li>SSH</li><li>FTP</li><li>AFP</li><li>System</li></ul></div>"));
include "formend.inc";
<script type="text/javascript">
Beispiel #20
} else {
					<td class="list" colspan="3" height="10"></td>
				<div id="submit">
					<input name="Submit" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo gettext("Save");
" />
				<div id="remarks">
html_remark("warning", gettext("Warning"), sprintf(gettext("After you click &quot;Save&quot;, you must reboot the server to make the changes take effect. You may also have to do one or more of the following steps before you can access your server again: <ul><li><span class='vexpl'>change the IP address of your server</span></li><li><span class='vexpl'>access the webGUI with the new IP address</span></li></ul>")));
include "formend.inc";
include "fend.inc";
Beispiel #21
html_checkbox("alertemail", gettext("Alert email"), isset($pconfig['alertemail']) ? true : false, gettext("Send email if error"));
html_inputbox("alertemailto", gettext("Email to"), $pconfig['alertemailto'], gettext("Where email alert will be send."), true, 40);
html_textarea("auxparam", gettext("Auxiliary parameters"), $pconfig['auxparam'], sprintf(gettext("These parameters are added to %s."), "hast.conf") . " " . sprintf(gettext("Please check the <a href='%s' target='_blank'>documentation</a>."), "http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/disks-hast.html"), false, 65, 5, false, false);
	<div id="submit">
	  <input name="Submit" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo gettext("Save and Restart");
" />
	<div id="remarks">
html_remark("note", gettext("Note"), sprintf("<div id='enumeration'><ul><li>%s</li><li>%s</li><li>%s</li></ul></div>", gettext("When HAST is enabled, the local devices, the local services and the additional packages which do not support HAST volume cannot be used."), gettext("The HAST volumes can not be accessed until HAST node becomes Primary."), gettext("Dynamic IP (DHCP) can not be used for HAST resources.")));
include "formend.inc";
include "fend.inc";
Beispiel #22
							<a href="system_rcconf.php?act=del&amp;uuid=all" onclick="return confirm('<?php 
    echo gettext("Do you really want to delete all options?");
')"><img src="x.gif" title="<?php 
    echo gettext("Delete all options");
" border="0" alt="<?php 
    echo gettext("Delete all options");
" /></a>
	      <div id="remarks">
html_remark("note", gettext("Note"), gettext("These option(s) will be added to /etc/rc.conf. This allow you to overwrite options used by various generic startup scripts."));
include "formend.inc";
include "fend.inc";
Beispiel #23
')"><img src="x.gif" title="<?php 
    echo gettext("Delete all rules");
" border="0" alt="<?php 
    echo gettext("Delete all rules");
" /></a>
							<div id="remarks">
html_remark("note", "", gettext("The module provides automatic bans that are triggered based on configurable criteria. A ban prevents the banned user, host, or class from logging into the server, it does not prevent the banned user, host, or class from connecting to the server."));
				<div id="submit">
					<input name="Submit" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo gettext("Save and Restart");
" />
include "formend.inc";
					<td class="listr"><?php 
    echo isset($dataset['canmount']) ? 'on' : 'off';
					<td class="listr"><?php 
    echo empty($dataset['quota']) ? 'none' : $dataset['quota'];
					<td class="listr"><?php 
    echo isset($dataset['xattr']) ? 'on' : 'off';
					<td class="listr"><?php 
    echo isset($dataset['readonly']) ? 'on' : 'off';
			<div id="remarks">
html_remark("note", gettext("Note"), gettext("This page reflects the configuration that has been created with the WebGUI."));
include "fend.inc";
echo gettext("UCD-SNMP-MIB");
				<div id="submit">
					<input name="Submit" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo gettext("Save and Restart");
" onclick="enable_change(true)" />
				<div id="remarks">
html_remark("note", gettext("Note"), sprintf(gettext("The associated MIB files can be found at %s."), "/usr/share/snmp/mibs"));
include "formend.inc";
<script type="text/javascript">
Beispiel #26
" onclick="return confirm('<?php 
echo gettext("Do you really want to format this disk? All data will be lost!");
')" />
if (count($disks) > 0) {
    foreach ($disks as $key => $disk) {
        if ($do_format[$key]) {
            echo sprintf("<div id='cmdoutput'>%s</div>", sprintf(gettext("Command output") . " for disk %s :", $disk));
            echo '<pre class="cmdoutput">';
            disks_format($disk, $type, $notinitmbr, $minspace, $_volumelabels[$key], $aft4k);
            echo '</pre><br/>';
				<div id="remarks">
html_remark("Warning", gettext("Warning"), sprintf(gettext("UFS and ZFS are the NATIVE filesystems of FreeBSD (the underlying OS of %s). Attempting to use other filesystems such as FAT, FAT32, EXT2, EXT3, EXT4 or NTFS can result in unpredictable results, file corruption, and loss of data!"), get_product_name()));
include "formend.inc";
include "fend.inc";
Beispiel #27
						<td class="list" colspan="4">&nbsp;</td>
						<td class="list">
							<a href="interfaces_vlan_edit.php"><img src="plus.gif" title="<?php 
echo gettext("Add interface");
" border="0" alt="<?php 
echo gettext("Add interface");
" /></a>
				<div id="remarks">
html_remark("note", gettext("Note"), gettext("Not all drivers/NICs support 802.1Q VLAN tagging properly. On cards that do not explicitly support it, VLAN tagging will still work, but the reduced MTU may cause problems."));
include "formend.inc";
include "fend.inc";
html_combobox("uctlauthgroup", gettext("Controller Auth Group"), $pconfig['uctlauthgroup'], $ag_list, gettext("The istgtcontrol can access the targets with correct user and secret in specific Auth Group."), true);
html_filechooser("mediadirectory", gettext("Media Directory"), $pconfig['mediadirectory'], gettext("Directory that contains removable media. (e.g /mnt/iscsi/)"), $g['media_path'], true);
	      <div id="submit">
	        <input name="Submit" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo gettext("Save and Restart");
" onclick="enable_change(true)" />
	      <div id="remarks">
html_remark("note", gettext("Note"), gettext("You must have a minimum of 256MB of RAM for using iSCSI target."));
include "formend.inc";
<script type="text/javascript">
html_checkbox("noddp", gettext("DDP"), $pconfig['noddp'] ? true : false, gettext("Disable AFP-over-Appletalk to prevent DDP connections."));
				<div id="submit">
					<input name="Submit" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo gettext("Save and Restart");
" onclick="enable_change(true)" />
				<div id="remarks">
html_remark("note", gettext("Note"), sprintf(gettext("You have to activate <a href='%s'>Zeroconf/Bonjour</a> to advertise this service to clients."), "system_advanced.php"));
include "formend.inc";
<script type="text/javascript">
Beispiel #30
html_textarea("lcdproc_param", gettext("Extra options"), !empty($pconfig['lcdproc_param']) ? $pconfig['lcdproc_param'] : "", "", false, 65, 10, false, false);
html_textarea("lcdproc_auxparam", gettext("Auxiliary parameters"), !empty($pconfig['lcdproc_auxparam']) ? $pconfig['lcdproc_auxparam'] : "", "", false, 65, 5, false, false);
	<div id="submit">
	  <input name="Submit" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo gettext("Save and Restart");
" onclick="enable_change(true); lcdproc_enable_change(true);" />
	<div id="remarks">
html_remark("note", gettext("Note"), sprintf(gettext("To get more information how to configure LCDproc check the LCDproc <a href='%s' target='_blank'>documentation</a>."), "http://lcdproc.omnipotent.net"));
include "formend.inc";
<script type="text/javascript">