function testSponsoring_form()
     global $sponsoring_text, $budget, $valid_day, $valid_month, $valid_year, $begin_day, $begin_month, $begin_year, $finish_day, $finish_month, $finish_year, $sess, $bx, $t;
     $sponsoring_text = "this is the sponsoring text";
     $budget = "this is the budget";
     $valid_day = 3;
     $begin_day = 4;
     $finish_day = 5;
     $valid_month = 4;
     $begin_month = 5;
     $finish_month = 6;
     $valid_year = 2001;
     $begin_year = 2002;
     $finish_year = 2003;
     $proid = 'proid';
     $bx = $this->_create_default_box();
     $this->capture_call('sponsoring_form', 8389 + strlen($sess->self_url()), array(&$proid));
     $this->set_msg('test 1');
     $this->_checkFor_a_box('Sponsoring involvement');
     $this->_checkFor_a_form('PHP_SELF', array('proid' => $proid));
     $this->_checkFor_column_titles(array("Valid until", "Begin", "Finish", "Budget (in euro)", "Sponsoring Comment"));
     foreach (array(select_date('valid', $valid_day, $valid_month, $valid_year), select_date('begin', $begin_day, $begin_month, $begin_year), select_date('finish', $finish_day, $finish_month, $finish_year), html_input_text('budget', 12, 12, $budget), html_textarea('sponsoring_text', 40, 7, 'virtual', 255, $sponsoring_text), html_form_submit($t->translate('Preview'), 'preview') . html_form_submit($t->translate('Submit'), 'submit')) as $val) {
         $this->_testFor_box_column('left', '70%', '', $val);
 function testAre_you_sure_message_step5()
     global $bx, $t, $sess;
     $proid = 'this is the proid';
     $bx = $this->_create_default_box();
     $this->capture_call('are_you_sure_message_step5', 1479 + strlen($sess->self_url()), array($proid));
     $this->_checkFor_a_form('PHP_SELF', array('proid' => $proid), 'POST');
     $this->_checkFor_a_box('Warning! The decision has been made', '<b>%s</b>');
     $this->_testFor_box_column("left", "70%", "", $t->translate("Are you sure you want to " . "decide yet?<br>Press <b>" . "Yes</b> to put into the " . "next step and <b>No</b> " . "to stay in the current " . "one."));
     $this->_testFor_box_column("right", "30%", "", html_form_submit("Yes", "Yes") . html_form_submit("No", "No"));
 if (isset($del_license)) {
     // License in database and we want to delete it
     if (!strcmp($del_license, 'warning')) {
         // You've got another chance before it's deleted ;-)
         // We inform the administrator how many
         // projects will be affected by this deletion
         $db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM developing WHERE " . "license='{$license}'");
         $number_of_projects = $db->f('COUNT(*)');
         $be->box_full($t->translate('Warning!'), $t->translate('If you press another time the ' . 'Delete-button you will alter') . ' ' . $number_of_projects . ' ' . $t->translate('projects that have ' . 'actually license') . ' ' . $license);
         $bx->box_title($t->translate('Delete License'));
         $bx->box_column('left', '76%', '', '<b>' . $t->translate('License') . '</b>: ' . $license);
         $bx->box_column('right', '12%', '', html_form_action('PHP_SELF') . html_form_hidden('license', $license) . html_form_hidden('del_license', 'too_late') . html_form_submit($t->translate('Delete')) . html_form_end());
     } else {
         $db->query("DELETE from licenses WHERE license='{$license}'");
         $bx->box_full($t->translate('Administration'), $t->translate('Deletion succesfully completed.'));
 } else {
     if (empty($new_license) && empty($new_url) && empty($del_license)) {
         // It's already in our database
         // but no rename and no deletion and no new url... ->error
         $be->box_full($t->translate('Error'), $t->translate('That license already exists!'));
$be = new box('80%', $th_box_frame_color, $th_box_frame_width, $th_box_title_bgcolor, $th_box_title_font_color, $th_box_title_align, $th_box_body_bgcolor, $th_box_error_font_color, $th_box_body_align);
if ($config_perm_admdoco != 'all' && (!isset($perm) || !$perm->have_perm($config_perm_admdoco))) {
    $be->box_full($t->translate('Error'), $t->translate('Access denied'));
} else {
    $db->query("SELECT * FROM doco WHERE language='{$la}'");
    $bx->box_title($t->translate('Page Documentation Administration'));
    $bx->box_column('left', '88%', '', $t->translate('Enter a new ' . 'documentation entry ' . 'for a page'));
    $bx->box_column('right', '12%', '', html_form_action('insdoco.php') . html_form_hidden('create', 1) . html_form_submit($t->translate('Insert'), 'Insert') . html_form_end());
    while ($db->next_record()) {
        $bx->box_title($t->translate('Page') . ': ' . $db->f('page') . ', ' . $t->translate('Header') . ': ' . $db->f('header'));
        $bx->box_column('left', '76%', '', $db->f('doco'));
        $bx->box_column('right', '12%', '', html_form_action('insdoco.php') . html_form_hidden('modify', 1) . html_form_hidden('delete', 0) . html_form_hidden('docoid', $db->f('docoid')) . html_form_submit($t->translate('Change'), 'Change') . html_form_end());
        $bx->box_column('right', '12%', '', html_form_action('insdoco.php') . html_form_hidden('modify', 0) . html_form_hidden('delete', 1) . html_form_hidden('docoid', $db->f('docoid')) . html_form_submit($t->translate('Delete'), 'Delete') . html_form_end());
require 'include/';
if ($config_perm_admdoco != 'all' && (!isset($perm) || !$perm->have_perm($config_perm_admdoco))) {
    $be->box_full($t->translate('Error'), $t->translate('Access denied'));
} else {
    if (isset($delete)) {
        if ($delete == 1) {
            $query = "SELECT * FROM doco WHERE docoid='{$docoid}' " . "AND language='{$la}'";
            $bx->box_title($t->translate('Do you really want to delete ' . 'this Page Documentation entry?'));
            $bx->box_column('left', '76%', '', $t->translate('There is no way for undeletion.'));
            $bx->box_column('right', '12%', '', html_form_action('PHP_SELF') . html_form_hidden('modify', 0) . html_form_hidden('delete', 2) . html_form_hidden('docoid', $db->f('docoid')) . html_form_submit($t->translate('Yes, Delete')) . html_form_end() . html_form_action('PHP_SELF') . html_form_hidden('modify', 1) . html_form_hidden('delete', 0) . html_form_hidden('docoid', $db->f('docoid')) . html_form_submit($t->translate('No, just modify')) . html_form_end());
        if ($delete == 2) {
            // We remove it from our DB
            $db->query("DELETE FROM doco WHERE docoid='{$docoid}' " . "AND language='{$la}'");
            if ($db->affected_rows() < 1) {
                $be->box_full($t->translate('Error'), $t->translate('Database Error'));
            } else {
                $bx->box_full($t->translate('Page Documentation ' . 'Administration'), $t->translate('The documentation for that ' . 'page has been deleted'));
    if (isset($modify)) {
        $bx->box_column("left", "30%", $bgcolor, "<B>" . $t->translate("Sender") . ":</B> &nbsp; ");
        $pmessfrom = $db->f("pmessfrom");
        $pmessfrom = ereg_replace("mailto:", "", $pmessfrom);
        $bx->box_column("left", "70%", $bgcolor, $pmessfrom);
        $bx->box_column("left", "30%", $bgcolor, "<B>" . $t->translate("Time") . ":</B> &nbsp; ");
        $timestamp = mktimestamp($db->f("pmesstime"));
        $bx->box_column("left", "70%", $bgcolor, timestr_short($timestamp));
        $bx->box_colspan(2, "center", $bgcolor, "<b>&nbsp;</b>", "");
        $bgcolor = "#F0F0F0";
        $pmessmessage = $db->f("pmessmessage");
        $bx->box_colspan(2, "left", $bgcolor, "<B>" . $t->translate("Content") . ":</B> &nbsp;<BR>\n" . "<PRE>" . $pmessmessage . "</PRE>");
        $bgcolor = "#FFFFFF";
        $bx->box_colspan(2, "center", $bgcolor, html_form_action("pmess_edit.php", array(), "POST") . html_form_hidden("pmessid", $pmessid) . html_form_submit($t->translate("Reply"), "") . html_form_action("req_manage.php", array(), "POST") . html_form_hidden("pmessid", $pmessid) . html_form_hidden("option", "delete") . html_form_submit($t->translate("Delete"), ""));
        $db->query("UPDATE pmessages SET pmessstatus='read' WHERE pmessid='{$pmessid}' AND pmessto='{$username}'");
<!-- end content -->

require "./include/";
$table->table_column('<b>' . _('Username') . ':</b>', '50%', '', 'right');
$table->table_column(html_form_textField('username', $db->f('username'), 20, 32), '50%', '', 'left');
$table->table_column('<b>' . _('Password') . ':</b>', '50%', '', 'right');
$table->table_column(html_form_PassWordField('password', 20, 32, $db->f('password')), '50%', '', 'left');
$table->table_column('<b>' . _('Confirm Password') . ':</b>', '50%', '', 'right');
$table->table_column(html_form_PassWordField('cpassword', 20, 32, $db->f('password')), '50%', '', 'left');
$table->table_column('<b>' . _('Real Name') . ':</b>', '50%', '', 'right');
$table->table_column(html_form_textField('realname', $db->f('realname'), 20, 64), '50%', '', 'left');
$table->table_column('<b>' . _('E-mail') . ':</b>', '50%', '', 'right');
$table->table_column(html_form_textField('email_usr', $db->f('email_usr'), 20, 128), '50%', '', 'left');
$table->table_column('<b>' . _('Creation') . ':</b>', '50%', '', 'right');
$table->table_column(lib_date_long($db->f('creation_usr')), '50%', '', 'left');
$table->table_column('<b>' . _('Last Modification') . ':</b>', '50%', '', 'right');
$table->table_column(lib_date_long($db->f('modification_usr')), '50%', '', 'left');
$table->table_column('<b>' . _('Permisions') . ':</b>', '50%', '', 'right');
$table->table_column($db->f('perms'), '50%', '', 'left');
$table->table_colspan(html_form_submit(_('Change'), 'u_edit'), 2, '', 'center');
htmlp_form_hidden('u_id', $db->f('user_id'));
    $bx->box_title($t->translate("Please enter your Project Data"));
    $bx->box_column("right", "5%", $th_strip_title_bgcolor, "<b>" . $t->translate("No") . "</b>");
    $bx->box_column("center", "25%", $th_strip_title_bgcolor, "<b>" . $t->translate("Projectname") . "</b>");
    $bx->box_column("center", "25%", $th_strip_title_bgcolor, "<b>" . $t->translate("ProjectURL") . "</b>");
    $bx->box_column("center", "25%", $th_strip_title_bgcolor, "<b>" . $t->translate("Comment") . "</b>");
    $bgcolor = "#FFFFFF";
    while ($counter != $number_of_projects) {
        $bx->box_column("right", "", $bgcolor, $counter);
        $bx->box_column("center", "", $bgcolor, html_input_text("projectname[{$counter}]", 25, 64, ""));
        $bx->box_column("center", "", $bgcolor, html_input_text("projecturl[{$counter}]", 35, 255, ""));
        $bx->box_column("center", "", $bgcolor, html_input_text("pcomment[{$counter}]", 42, 400, ""));
    $bx->box_column("right", "", $bgcolor, html_form_submit($t->translate("Send"), ""));

<!-- end content -->

require "./include/";
Beispiel #9
    $FilledOut = 1;
    $db->query("SELECT * FROM auth_user WHERE username='******' AND " . "email_usr='******'");
    if ($db->num_rows() > 0) {
        $message = _('Your Username and Password for') . ' $sys_name' . _('is') . ":\n\n" . "\t" . _('User') . ': ' . $db->f('username') . "\n" . "\t" . _('Password') . ': ' . $db->f('password') . "\n\n" . _('Please keep this e-mail for further reference') . ".\n\n" . ' -- ' . _('the') . ' ' . $sys_name . ' ' . _('crew') . "\n";
        mail($email_usr, "[{$sys_name}] " . _("Remind me"), $message, "From: {$ml_newsfromaddr}\nReply-To: {$ml_newsreplyaddr}\nX-Mailer: PHP");
        $table->table_full(_('Remind me'), _('You will get your Password by e-mail in ' . 'a couple of minutes') . '<p>' . _('Contact the system administrators if something goes wrong.'));
    } else {
        $table_error->table_full(_('Error'), _('Either your Username or E-Mail Address ' . 'is unknown') . '.<br>' . _('Please try again') . '!');
        $FilledOut = 0;
if (!$FilledOut) {
    $table->table_title(_('Forgot Password'));
    $table->table_column('<b>' . _('Username') . ':</b>', '50%', '', 'right');
    $table->table_column(html_form_textField('username', $username, 20, 32), '50%', '', 'left');
    $table->table_column('<b>' . _('E-mail') . ':</b>', '50%', '', 'right');
    $table->table_column(html_form_textField('email_usr', $email_usr, 20, 64), '50%', '', 'left');
    $table->table_colspan(html_form_submit(_('Remind me'), 'remind'), 2, '', 'center');
if (!$reg) {
    $table->table_title(_("Register as a new User"));
    $table->table_column('<b>' . _('Username') . ':</b>', '50%', '', 'right');
    $table->table_column(html_form_textField('username', $username, 20, 32), '50%', '', 'left');
    $table->table_column('<b>' . _('Password') . ':</b>', '50%', '', 'right');
    $table->table_column(html_form_PassWordField('password', 20, 32), '50%', '', 'left');
    $table->table_column('<b>' . _('Confirm Password') . ':</b>', '50%', '', 'right');
    $table->table_column(html_form_PassWordField('cpassword', 20, 32), '50%', '', 'left');
    $table->table_column('<b>' . _('Real Name') . ':</b>', '50%', '', 'right');
    $table->table_column(html_form_textField('realname', $realname, 20, 64), '50%', '', 'left');
    $table->table_column('<b>' . _('E-mail') . ':</b>', '50%', '', 'right');
    $table->table_column(html_form_textField('email_usr', $email_usr, 20, 128), '50%', '', 'left');
    $table->table_colspan(html_form_submit(_('Register'), 'register'), 2, '', 'center');
        $pquery["pmessid"] = $db->f("pmessid");
        $blist->box_column("center", "", $bgcolor, html_link("pmess_show.php", $pquery, $db->f("pmesssubject")));
        $pmessfrom = $db->f("pmessfrom");
        $pmessfrom = ereg_replace("mailto:", "", $pmessfrom);
        $blist->box_column("center", "", $bgcolor, $pmessfrom);
        $timestamp = mktimestamp($db->f("pmesstime"));
        $blist->box_column("center", "", $bgcolor, timestr_short($timestamp));
        htmlp_form_action("pmess_edit.php", array(), "POST");
        htmlp_form_hidden("pmessid", $db->f("pmessid"));
        $blist->box_column("center", "", $bgcolor, html_form_submit($t->translate("Reply"), ""));
        $bgcolor = "gold";
        htmlp_form_action("pmess_manage.php", array(), "POST");
        htmlp_form_hidden("pmessid", $db->f("pmessid"));
        htmlp_form_hidden("option", "delete");
        $blist->box_column("center", "", $bgcolor, html_form_submit($t->translate("Delete"), ""));
        $bgcolor = "gold";
    $db->query("UPDATE pmessages SET pmessstatus='unread' WHERE pmessstatus='new' AND pmessto='{$username}'");
<!-- end content -->

require "./include/";
    if (!$subs) {
        $table->table_title(_('Subscribe Newsletter'));
        $table->table_column('<b>' . _('E-Mail') . ':</b> ', '40%', '', 'right');
        $table->table_column(html_form_textField('email_usr', '', 20, 128), '60%', '', 'left');
        $table->table_column('<b>' . _('Password') . ':</b> ', '40%', '', 'right');
        $table->table_column(html_form_PassWordField('password', 20), '60%', '', 'left');
        $table->table_column('<b>' . _('Confirm Password') . ':</b> ', '40%', '', 'right');
        $table->table_column(html_form_PassWordField('cpassword', 20), '60%', '', 'left');
        $table->table_column('<b>' . _('Periodicity') . ':</b> ', '40%', '', 'right');
        $table->table_column(html_form_radioButton('period', 'daily', '') . _('daily') . ' &nbsp; &nbsp; ' . html_form_RadioButton('period', 'weekly', 'yes') . _('weekly'), '60%', '', 'left');
        $table->table_colspan(html_form_submit(_('Subscribe'), 'subscribe'), 2, '', 'center');
 function testConsultants_form()
     global $bx, $auth, $sess, $t;
     $proid = "proid_0";
     $uname = "this is the username";
     $auth->set_perm("this is the permission");
     $bx = $this->_create_default_box();
     $this->capture_call('consultants_form', 2184 + strlen($sess->self_url()), array($proid));
     $this->_checkFor_a_box('Offer yourself as project consultant');
     $this->_checkFor_a_form('PHP_SELF', array('proid' => $proid));
     $this->_checkFor_column_titles(array("Your username", "Check if you " . "want to be a consultant"), 'right', '45%', '');
     $this->_checkFor_column_values(array($uname, html_checkbox('check', 'check', ''), html_form_submit($t->translate('Submit'), 'submit')), 'left', '55%', '');
            htmlp_form_hidden("oldpname", $db->f("projectname"));
            htmlp_form_hidden("option", "delete");
            $bgcolor = "gold";
            $bx->box_column("center", "", $bgcolor, html_form_submit($t->translate("Delete"), ""));
            $bgcolor = "#FFFFFF";
        $bgcolor = "gold";
        htmlp_form_action("projects.php", array(), "POST");
        htmlp_form_hidden("option", "add");
        $bx->box_column("right", "", $bgcolor, "--");
        $bx->box_column("center", "", $bgcolor, html_input_text("projectname", 25, 64, ""));
        $bx->box_column("center", "", $bgcolor, html_input_text("projecturl", 35, 255, ""));
        $bx->box_column("center", "", $bgcolor, html_input_text("pcomment", 35, 400, ""));
        $bx->box_colspan(2, "center", $bgcolor, html_form_submit($t->translate("Add Project"), ""));
    } else {
        htmlp_link("addproj.php", "", $t->translate("Enter your projects here"));
<!-- end content -->

$bx->box_column('right', '50%', '', '<b>' . $t->translate('Password') . ':</b>');
$bx->box_column('left', '50%', '', html_input_password('password', 20, 32, $db->f('password')));
$bx->box_column('right', '50%', '', '<b>' . $t->translate('Confirm Password') . ':</b>');
$bx->box_column('left', '50%', '', html_input_password('cpassword', 20, 32, $db->f('password')));
$bx->box_column('right', '50%', '', '<b>' . $t->translate('Realname') . ':</b>');
$bx->box_column('left', '50%', '', html_input_text('realname', 20, 64, $db->f('realname')));
$bx->box_column('right', '50%', '', '<b>' . $t->translate('E-mail') . ':</b>');
$bx->box_column('left', '50%', '', html_input_text('email_usr', 20, 128, $db->f('email_usr')));
$bx->box_column('right', '50%', '', '<b>' . $t->translate('Creation') . ':</b>');
$bx->box_column('left', '50%', '', timestr(mktimestamp($db->f('creation_usr'))));
$bx->box_column('right', '50%', '', '<b>' . $t->translate('Last Modification') . ':</b>');
$bx->box_column('left', '50%', '', timestr(mktimestamp($db->f('modification_usr'))));
$bx->box_column('right', '50%', '', '<b>' . $t->translate('Permission') . ':</b>');
$bx->box_column('left', '50%', '', $db->f('perms'));
$bx->box_colspan(2, 'center', '', html_form_submit($t->translate('Change'), 'u_edit'));
htmlp_form_hidden('u_id', $db->f('user_id'));
require 'include/';
 // Traverse the result set
 $db->query("SELECT * FROM auth_user ORDER BY username");
 while ($db->next_record()) {
     htmlp_form_action("PHP_SELF", array(), "POST");
     htmlp_form_hidden("u_id", $db->f("user_id"));
     htmlp_form_hidden("old_username", $db->f("username"));
     $bx->box_column("center", "", "", html_input_text("username", 12, 32, $db->f("username")));
     $bx->box_column("center", "", "", html_input_password("password", 12, 32, $db->f("password")));
     $bx->box_column("center", "", "", html_input_text("realname", 12, 32, $db->f("realname")));
     $bx->box_column("center", "", "", html_input_text("email_usr", 12, 32, $db->f("email_usr")));
     $bx->box_column("center", "", "", timestr_short($db->f("creation_usr")));
     $bx->box_column("center", "", "", timestr_short($db->f("modification_usr")));
     $bx->box_column("center", "", "", $perm->perm_sel("perms", $db->f("perms")));
     $bx->box_column("center", "", "", html_form_submit($t->translate("Delete"), "u_kill") . html_form_submit($t->translate("Change"), "u_edit"));
 <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" 
      bgcolor="<?php echo $th_box_frame_color;?>" align="center">
 <table width="100%" border="0" align="center" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3">
  <tr bgcolor="<?php echo $th_box_title_bgcolor;?>" valign="top" align="left">