function admin_check($adminitem) { global $adminperm, $currentuser; if (!isset($adminperm[$adminitem])) { html_error_quit("没有这样的管理功能。"); exit; } if (!($currentuser["userlevel"] & $adminperm[$adminitem])) { html_error_quit("您没有进入此管理页面的权限。"); exit; } }
function pc_admin_check_permission() { global $loginok, $currentuser, $pcconfig; if ($loginok != 1) { html_nologin(); } elseif (!strcmp($currentuser["userid"], "guest")) { html_init("gb2312"); html_error_quit("对不起,请先登录"); exit; } elseif (!pc_is_manager($currentuser)) { html_init("gb2312"); html_error_quit("对不起,您无权访问该页"); exit; } else { return; } }
require "www2-funcs.php"; login_init(); bbs_session_modify_user_mode(BBS_MODE_READING); assert_login(); if (isset($_GET["board"])) { $board = $_GET["board"]; } else { html_error_quit("讨论区错误"); } $brdarr = array(); $brdnum = bbs_getboard($board, $brdarr); if ($brdnum == 0) { html_error_quit("错误的讨论区"); } if (bbs_checkreadperm($currentuser["index"], $brdnum) == 0) { html_error_quit("您没有权限"); } $votearr = array(); $retnum = bbs_get_tmpls($board, $votearr); if ($retnum < 0) { $retnum = 0; } if (isset($_GET["id"])) { $restr = "&reid=" . $_GET["id"]; } else { $restr = ""; } bbs_board_nav_header($brdarr, "模板列表"); ?> <table class="main adj"> <caption>版面 <?php
$board = $brdarr["NAME"]; $board_desc = $brdarr["DESC"]; $brd_encode = urlencode($board); //$isnormalboard = bbs_normalboard($board); $lookupuser = array(); $guestUID = bbs_getuser("guest", $lookupuser); $isnormalboard = bbs_checkreadperm($guestUID, $bid); //bbs_set_onboard($bid,1); $usernum = $currentuser["index"]; if (!$isnormalboard && bbs_checkreadperm($usernum, $bid) == 0) { html_error_quit("错误的讨论区"); } $haveprev = 0; $num = bbs_get_threads_from_gid($bid, $gid, $start, $articles, $haveprev); if ($num == 0) { html_error_quit("错误的参数"); } $pagesize = 20; $totalpage = ($num - 1) / $pagesize + 1; $totalpage = intval($totalpage); if ($pno < 1 || $pno > $totalpage) { $pno = 1; } $startnum = ($pno - 1) * $pagesize; $endnum = $startnum + $pagesize; if ($endnum > $num) { $endnum = $num; } bbs_checkorigin($board); $origins = array(); $origin_num = bbs_get_records_from_id($board, $gid, $dir_modes["ORIGIN"], $origins);
** blog黑名单 ** windinsn Mar 5 , 2004 */ require "pcfuncs.php"; if ($loginok != 1) { html_nologin(); } elseif (!strcmp($currentuser["userid"], "guest")) { html_init("gb2312"); html_error_quit("guest 没有Blog!"); exit; } else { $link = pc_db_connect(); $pc = pc_load_infor($link, $currentuser["userid"]); if (!$pc || !pc_is_admin($currentuser, $pc)) { pc_db_close($link); html_error_quit("对不起,您要查看的Blog不存在"); exit; } pc_html_init("gb2312", $pc["NAME"]); $buserid = $_GET["userid"]; if ($_GET["act"] == "add" && $buserid) { $lookupuser = array(); if (bbs_getuser($buserid, $lookupuser) == 0) { echo "<script language=\"javascript\">用户" . $buserid . "不存在!</script>"; } else { $buserid = $lookupuser["userid"]; if (!pc_in_blacklist($link, $buserid, $pc["UID"])) { pc_add_blacklist($link, $buserid, $pc["UID"]); } } }
<?php require "pcfuncs.php"; $userid = addslashes($_GET["id"]); $uid = (int) $_GET["id"]; $link = pc_db_connect(); $pc = pc_load_infor($link, $userid, $uid); if (!$pc) { pc_db_close($link); html_init("gb2312", $pcconfig["BBSNAME"] . "Blog"); html_error_quit("对不起,您要查看的Blog不存在"); exit; } $query = "SELECT nodexsl , stylesheet FROM userstyle WHERE uid = " . $pc["UID"] . " LIMIT 0 , 1;"; $result = mysql_query($query, $link); $rows = mysql_fetch_array($result); mysql_free_result($result); pc_db_close($link); if (!$rows) { html_init("gb2312", $pcconfig["BBSNAME"] . "Blog"); html_error_quit("对不起,您要查看的用户尚未设定自定义XSL文件"); exit; } if ($rows[stylesheet] == 1) { header("Content-Type: text/css"); header("Content-Disposition: inline;filename=SMTHBlog_" . $pc["USER"] . ".css"); } else { header("Content-Type: text/xml"); header("Content-Disposition: inline;filename=SMTHBlog_" . $pc["USER"] . ".xsl"); } echo stripslashes($rows[nodexsl]);
function display_fav_folder($link, $pc, $pid = 0, $pur, $order = "") { $rootpid = pc_fav_rootpid($link, $pc["UID"]); if (!$rootpid) { $pif = pc_init_fav($link, $pc["UID"]); if ($pif) { ?> <script language="javascript">window.location.href="pcdoc.php?userid=<?php echo $pc["USER"]; ?> &tag=3";</script> <?php } else { html_error_quit("对不起,Blog收藏夹初始化错误!"); exit; } } if ($pid == 0) { $pid = $rootpid; } else { $query = "UPDATE nodes SET `visitcount` = visitcount + 1 WHERE `access` = '3' AND `nid` = '" . $pid . "' AND `uid` = '" . $pc["UID"] . "';"; mysql_query($query, $link); } $query = "SELECT `nid` , `type` , `created` , `changed` , `emote` , `comment` , `commentcount` , `subject` , `visitcount`,`pid`,`htmltag` " . " FROM nodes WHERE `access` = '3' AND `uid` = '" . $pc["UID"] . "' AND `pid` = '" . $pid . "' "; switch ($order) { case "c": $query .= " ORDER BY `created` DESC , "; break; case "u": $query .= " ORDER BY `changed` DESC ,"; break; case "v": $query .= " ORDER BY `visitcount` DESC ,"; break; case "r": $query .= " ORDER BY `commentcount` DESC ,"; break; case "co": $query .= " ORDER BY `comment` ASC ,"; break; default: $query .= " ORDER BY "; } $query .= " `type` DESC ;"; $result = mysql_query($query, $link); $i = 0; ?> <form action="pcmanage.php?userid=<?php echo $pc["USER"]; ?> " method="post"> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="0" width="99%" class="t1"> <?php if ($pur > 2) { ?> <tr> <td class="t2" width="30">序号</td> <td class="t2" width="30">选中</td> <td class="t2" width="30">类型</td> <td class="t2" width="30"><a href="pcdoc.php?<?php echo "userid=" . $pc["USER"] . "&tag=3&pid=" . $pid . "&order=co"; ?> " class="f3">状态</a></td> <td class="t2">主题</td> <td class="t2" width="120"> <a href="pcdoc.php?<?php echo "userid=" . $pc["USER"] . "&tag=3&pid=" . $pid . "&order=c"; ?> " class="f3">创建</a> | <a href="pcdoc.php?<?php echo "userid=" . $pc["USER"] . "&tag=3&pid=" . $pid . "&order=u"; ?> " class="f3">更新</a> </td> <td class="t2" width="30"><a href="pcdoc.php?<?php echo "userid=" . $pc["USER"] . "&tag=3&pid=" . $pid . "&order=v"; ?> " class="f3">浏览</a></td> <td class="t2" width="30"><a href="pcdoc.php?<?php echo "userid=" . $pc["USER"] . "&tag=3&pid=" . $pid . "&order=r"; ?> " class="f3">评论</a></td> <td class="t2" width="15">改</td> <td class="t2" width="15">删</td> <td class="t2" colspan="<?php echo $_COOKIE["BLOGFAVACTION"] ? 3 : 2; ?> ">操作</a> </tr> <?php } else { ?> <tr> <td class="t2" width="30">序号</td> <td class="t2" width="30">类型</td> <td class="t2" width="30"><a href="pcdoc.php?<?php echo "userid=" . $pc["USER"] . "&tag=3&pid=" . $pid . "&order=co"; ?> " class="f3">状态</a></td> <td class="t2">主题</td> <td class="t2" width="120"> <a href="pcdoc.php?<?php echo "userid=" . $pc["USER"] . "&tag=3&pid=" . $pid . "&order=c"; ?> " class="f3">创建</a> | <a href="pcdoc.php?<?php echo "userid=" . $pc["USER"] . "&tag=3&pid=" . $pid . "&order=u"; ?> " class="f3">更新</a></td> <td class="t2" width="30"><a href="pcdoc.php?<?php echo "userid=" . $pc["USER"] . "&tag=3&pid=" . $pid . "&order=v"; ?> " class="f3">浏览</a></td> <td class="t2" width="30"><a href="pcdoc.php?<?php echo "userid=" . $pc["USER"] . "&tag=3&pid=" . $pid . "&order=r"; ?> " class="f3">评论</a></td> </tr> <?php } while ($rows = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $i++; if ($rows["comment"] == 1 && $rows["type"] == 0) { $c = "<img src='images/open.gif' alt='开放的主题' border='0'>"; } else { $c = "<img src='images/lock.gif' alt='被锁定的主题' border='0'>"; } if ($rows["type"] == 1) { $type = "<img src='images/dir.gif' alt='目录' border='0'>"; $url = "pcdoc.php?userid=" . $pc["USER"] . "&tag=3&pid=" . $rows["nid"]; } else { $type = "<img src='images/art.gif' alt='文章' border='0'>"; $url = "pccon.php?id=" . $pc["UID"] . "&nid=" . $rows["nid"] . "&order=" . $order; } if ($pur > 2) { echo "<tr>\n<td class='t3'>" . $i . "</td>\n<td align=\"center\" class='t4'>"; if ($rows["type"] == 0) { echo "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"art" . $i . "\" value=\"" . $rows["nid"] . "\" class=\"b2\">"; } else { echo " "; } echo "</td>\n<td class='t3'>" . $type . "</td>\n" . "<td class='t4'>" . $c . "</td>\n" . "<td class='t8'>"; echo $rows["htmltag"] == 1 ? " " : "#"; echo "<img src=\"icon/" . $rows["emote"] . ".gif\" border=\"0\" align=\"absmiddle\">\n<a href=\"" . $url . "\">" . html_format($rows["subject"]) . "</a></td>\n" . "<td class='t4'>" . time_format($rows["created"]) . "<br/>" . time_format($rows["changed"]) . "</td>\n" . "<td class='t3'>" . $rows["visitcount"] . "</td>\n" . "<td class='t4'>" . $rows["commentcount"] . "</td>\n" . "<td class='t3'><a href=\"pcmanage.php?userid=" . $pc["USER"] . "&act=edit&nid=" . $rows["nid"] . "\">改</a></td>\n" . "<td class='t4'><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"bbsconfirm('pcmanage.php?userid=" . $pc["USER"] . "&act=del&nid=" . $rows["nid"] . "','确认删除?')\">删</a></td>\n"; if ($rows["type"] == 0) { echo "<td class='t3' width=20><a href=\"pcmanage.php?userid=" . $pc["USER"] . "&act=favcut&nid=" . $rows["nid"] . "\">剪</a></td>" . "<td class='t3' width=20><a href=\"pcmanage.php?userid=" . $pc["USER"] . "&act=favcopy&nid=" . $rows["nid"] . "\">复</a></td>"; } else { echo "<td class='t3' width=20>-</td>\n<td class='t3'>-</td>\n"; } if (isset($_COOKIE["BLOGFAVACTION"]) && $_COOKIE["BLOGFAVACTION"]) { if ($rows["type"] == 1) { echo "<td class='t3' width=20><a href=\"pcmanage.php?userid=" . $pc["USER"] . "&act=favpaste&pid=" . $rows["nid"] . "\">贴</a></td>"; } else { echo "<td class='t3' width=20>-</td>"; } } echo "</tr>\n"; } else { echo "<tr>\n<td class='t3'>" . $i . "</td>\n" . "<td class='t4'>" . $type . "</td>\n" . "<td class='t3'>" . $c . "</td>\n" . "<td class='t5'> <img src=\"icon/" . $rows["emote"] . ".gif\" border=\"0\" align=\"absmiddle\">\n<a href=\"" . $url . "\">" . html_format($rows["subject"]) . "</a></td>\n" . "<td class='t3'>" . time_format($rows["created"]) . "<br/>" . time_format($rows["changed"]) . "</td>\n" . "<td class='t4'>" . $rows["visitcount"] . "</td>\n" . "<td class='t3'>" . $rows["commentcount"] . "</td>\n" . "</tr>\n"; } } mysql_free_result($result); ?> </table> <?php if ($pid != $rootpid) { $query = "SELECT `pid` FROM nodes WHERE `nid` = '" . $pid . "' LIMIT 0 , 1 ;"; $result = mysql_query($query); $rows = mysql_fetch_array($result); mysql_free_result($result); $prepid = $rows["pid"] > $rootpid ? $rows["pid"] : $rootpid; ?> <p align="center" class="b2"> [<a href="pcdoc.php?<?php echo "userid=" . $pc["USER"] . "&tag=3&pid=" . $rows["pid"]; ?> ">返回上层目录</a>] [<a href="pcdoc.php?<?php echo "userid=" . $pc["USER"] . "&tag=3"; ?> ">返回根目录</a>] </p> <?php } if ($pur > 2) { display_action_bar(3, 0, $pid); ?> </form> <?php if (isset($_COOKIE["BLOGFAVACTION"]) && $_COOKIE["BLOGFAVACTION"]) { echo "<p align='center' class='b2'>[<a href=\"pcmanage.php?userid=" . $pc["USER"] . "&act=favpaste&pid=" . $rootpid . "\">粘贴到根目录</a>]</p>\n"; } ?> <form action="pcmanage.php?userid=<?php echo $pc["USER"]; ?> &act=adddir" method="post" onsubmit="if(this.dir.value==''){alert('请输入目录名!');return false;}"> <input type="hidden" name="pid" value="<?php echo $pid; ?> "> <p class="b2" align="center"> 新建目录: <input type="text" name="dir" maxlength="200" size="40" id="dir" class="b2"> <input type="submit" value="新建目录" class="b1"> </p> </form> <?php } }
break; case UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL: $msg = "文件传输出错!"; break; case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE: $msg = "没有文件上传!"; break; default: $msg = "未知错误"; } } } if (!is_array($ret)) { $attachments = bbs_attachment_list($board, $id); if (!is_array($attachments)) { html_error_quit(bbs_error_get_desc($attachments)); } } else { $attachments = $ret; } $filecount = count($attachments); $totalsize = 0; $allnames = array(); $allnames_p = array(); $allpos = array(); $alllen = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $filecount; $i++) { $allnames[] = $attachments[$i]["name"]; $allnames_p[] = "'" . addslashes($attachments[$i]["name"]) . "'"; $allpos[] = $attachments[$i]["pos"]; $alllen[] = $attachments[$i]["size"];
if ($start >= $total) { $start = $total - 20; if ($start < 0) { $start = 0; } } else { if ($start < 0) { $start = $total - 20; if ($start < 0) { $start = 0; } } } $friends = bbs_getfriends($currentuser["userid"], $start); if ($friends === FALSE) { html_error_quit("系统错误1"); } ?> <table class="main adj"> <col class="center"/><col/><col/><col class="center"/> <caption>好友名单 (共 <?php echo $total; ?> 位好友)</caption> <tbody> <tr><th>序号</th><th>好友代号</th><th>好友说明</th><th>删除好友</th></tr> <?php $i = 0; foreach ($friends as $friend) { $i++; ?>
<?php require "pcadmin_inc.php"; pc_admin_check_permission(); $link = pc_db_connect(); $nid = intval($_GET["nid"]); $query = 'SELECT * FROM filter WHERE nid = ' . $nid . ' LIMIT 1;'; $result = mysql_query($query); $node = mysql_fetch_array($result); if ($node) { html_error_quit("文章已经被删除过"); } $query = 'SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE nid = ' . $nid . ' LIMIT 1;'; $result = mysql_query($query); $node = mysql_fetch_array($result); if (!$node) { html_error_quit("文章不存在"); } $uid = $node[uid]; $query = "INSERT INTO `filter` ( `pid` , `nid` , `tid` , `type` , `state` , `recuser` , `emote` , `hostname` , `changed` , `created` , `uid` , `username` , `comment` , `commentcount` , `subject` , `body` , `access` , `visitcount` , `htmltag`,`trackback` ,`trackbackcount`,`nodetype`,`theme`,`publisher`) " . "VALUES ( '" . $node[pid] . "' , '" . $node[nid] . "' , '" . $node[tid] . "' , '" . $node[type] . "' , 4 , '" . $currentuser["userid"] . "' , '" . $node[emote] . "' , '" . $node[hostname] . "' , '" . $node[changed] . "' , '" . $node[created] . "' , '" . $node[uid] . "' , '" . addslashes($_GET["userid"]) . "' , '" . $node[comment] . "' , '" . $node[commentcount] . "' , '" . $node[subject] . "' , '" . $node[body] . "' , '" . $node[access] . "' , '" . $node[visitcount] . "' , '" . $node[htmltag] . "','" . $node[trackback] . "' ,'" . $node[trackbackcount] . "','" . $node[nodetype] . "','" . $node[theme] . "','" . $node[publisher] . "');"; if (!mysql_query($query)) { html_error_quit("插入过滤表出错"); } $query = "UPDATE nodes SET `body` = '@ @ 本文已被管理员屏蔽 @ @' where `nid` = " . $nid . ";"; if (!mysql_query($query)) { html_error_quit("修改原文出错"); } pc_update_record($link, $uid); pc_db_close($link); pc_return("pcdoc.php?userid=_filter&tag=4");
require "www2-funcs.php"; login_init(); assert_login(); page_header("发送手机短信"); if (isset($_POST["dest"])) { $dest = $_POST["dest"]; if (!isset($_POST["msgstr"])) { html_error_quit("请输入信息"); } $msgstr = $_POST["msgstr"]; $ret = bbs_send_sms($dest, $msgstr); if ($ret == 0) { html_success_quit("发送成功"); } else { html_error_quit("发送失败" . $ret); } } else { ?> <form action="bbssendsms.php" method="post" class="small"> <fieldset><legend>发送手机短信</legend> <div class="inputs"> <label>对方手机号:</label><input type="text" name="dest" maxlength="11" id="sfocus"/><br/> <label>信息:</label><input type="text" name="msgstr"/> </div> </fieldset> <div class="oper"><input type="submit" value="发送"/></div> </form> <?php page_footer(); }
if (!$m_register) { $mobile_phone = ""; } $ret = @bbs_createregform($userid, $realname, $dept, $address, $gender, $year, $month, $day, $reg_email, $phone, $mobile_phone, $_POST['OICQ'], $_POST['ICQ'], $_POST['MSN'], $_POST['homepage'], intval($_POST['face']), $_POST['myface'], intval($_POST['width']), intval($_POST['height']), intval($_POST['groupname']), $_POST['country'], $_POST['province'], $_POST['city'], intval($_POST['shengxiao']), intval($_POST['blood']), intval($_POST['belief']), intval($_POST['occupation']), intval($_POST['marital']), intval($_POST['education']), $_POST['college'], intval($_POST['character']), FALSE); //自动生成注册单 switch ($ret) { case 0: break; case 2: html_error_quit("该用户不存在!"); break; case 3: html_error_quit("生成注册单发生 参数错误! 请手工填写注册单"); break; default: html_error_quit("生成注册单发生 未知的错误! 请手工填写注册单"); break; } html_init("gb2312"); ?> <body> <h1>申请ID成功</h1> 申请<?php echo BBS_FULL_NAME; ?> ID成功,你现在还没有通过身份认证,只有最基本的权限,不能发文,发信,聊天等,系统已经自动生成注册单.<br> 注册单通过站长审核后,你将获得合法用户权限!<br/><a href="index.html">现在登录进站</a> </body> </html> <?php function show_reg_form()
} break; case 'cp': case 'mv': setcookie('PCFILEACT', $_GET['act']); setcookie('PCFILEFID', $f->fid); break; case 'pt': if ($_COOKIE['PCFILEACT'] == 'cp') { if (!$f->uf_cp($_GET['tid'])) { html_error_quit($f->err); } } if ($_COOKIE['PCFILEACT'] == 'mv') { if (!$f->uf_mv($_GET['tid'])) { html_error_quit($f->err); } } setcookie('PCFILEACT'); setcookie('PCFILEFID'); break; case 'cl': setcookie('PCFILEACT'); setcookie('PCFILEFID'); break; default: } if ($_GET['act'] == 'add' || $_GET['act'] == 'mkdir') { pc_get_userfiles($link, $pc, $used, $total); } pc_get_userfiles($link, $pc, $used, $total);
html_error_quit("您的注册单还没有处理,请耐心等候"); break; case 2: html_error_quit("该用户不存在!"); break; case 3: html_error_quit("参数错误"); break; case 4: html_error_quit("你已经通过注册了!"); break; case 5: html_error_quit("您注册尚不满48小时,请在首次注册48小时后再填写注册单."); break; default: html_error_quit("未知的错误!"); break; } ?> <body> 注册单已经提交,24小时内站务将会审核,如果通过,你就会获得合法用户权限!<br> <a href="javascript:history.go(-1)">快速返回</a> </body> </html> <?php function show_fill_form() { $SITENAME = BBS_FULL_NAME; echo <<<EOF <html> <meta HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=gb2312">
} ?> type="text" name="destid" maxlength="12" value="<?php echo $destid; ?> " size="12"/><br/> <label>讯息内容:</label><input <?php if ($destid) { echo 'id="sfocus"'; } ?> type="text" name="msg" maxlength="50" size="50" value="<?php echo $msg; ?> "/> </div></fieldset> <div class="oper"><input type="submit" value="确认"/></div> </form> <?php page_footer(); } else { $ret = bbs_sendwebmsg($destid, $msg, $destutmp, $errmsg); ?> <script>top.fmsg.location="bbsgetmsg.php?refresh";</script> <?php if ($ret) { html_success_quit($errmsg); } else { html_error_quit($errmsg); } }
<?php require "www2-funcs.php"; login_init(); page_header("讯息回寄"); assert_login(); if (bbs_mailwebmsgs() === false) { html_error_quit("讯息备份寄回信箱失败"); } else { html_success_quit("讯息备份已经寄回您的信箱"); }
html_error_quit("错误的文章号,原文可能已经被删除"); break; case -4: html_error_quit("本文章已经推荐过,感谢您的热心推荐"); break; case -5: html_error_quit("对不起,请勿推荐内部版面文章"); break; case -6: html_error_quit("对不起,您被停止了推荐的权力"); break; case -7: html_error_quit("推荐系统错误"); break; default: html_error_quit("系统错误,请联系管理员"); } ?> <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?> ?do&board=<?php echo $brd_encode; ?> &id=<?php echo $id; ?> " method="post" class="medium"/> <fieldset> <legend>推荐文章:<?php echo $articles[1]["OWNER"];
pc_return("pcdoc.php?userid=" . $pc["USER"] . "&tag=3&pid=" . $rows[pid]); } elseif ($act == "favpaste") { if (!$_COOKIE["BLOGFAVACTION"]) { pc_html_init("gb2312", stripslashes($pc["NAME"])); html_error_quit("您的剪贴板是空的,请先剪切或者复制一个文件!"); exit; } $pid = intval($_GET["pid"]); if (!pc_load_directory($link, $pc["UID"], $pid)) { pc_html_init("gb2312", stripslashes($pc["NAME"])); html_error_quit("目标文件夹不存在!"); exit; } if (pc_file_num($link, $pc["UID"], $pid) + 1 > $pc["NLIM"]) { pc_html_init("gb2312", stripslashes($pc["NAME"])); html_error_quit("目标文件夹中的文件数已达上限 " . $pc["NLIM"] . " 个!"); exit; } if (intval($_COOKIE["BLOGFAVNID"])) { if ($_COOKIE["BLOGFAVACTION"] == "favcut") { $query = "UPDATE nodes SET `pid` = '" . $pid . "' WHERE `nid` = '" . intval($_COOKIE["BLOGFAVNID"]) . "';"; } elseif ($_COOKIE["BLOGFAVACTION"] == "favcopy") { $query = "SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE `nid` = '" . intval($_COOKIE["BLOGFAVNID"]) . "' LIMIT 0 , 1 ;"; $result = mysql_query($query, $link); $rows = mysql_fetch_array($result); mysql_free_result($result); $query = "INSERT INTO `nodes` ( `nid` , `pid` , `type` , `source` , `hostname` , `changed` , `created` , `uid` , `comment` , `commentcount` , `subject` , `body` , `access` , `visitcount` , `tid` , `emote` ,`htmltag`) " . "VALUES ('', '" . $pid . "', '0', '" . addslashes($rows["source"]) . "', '" . addslashes($rows["hostname"]) . "', NOW( ) , '" . addslashes($rows["created"]) . "', '" . $pc["UID"] . "', '" . intval($rows["comment"]) . "', '" . intval($rows["commentcount"]) . "', '" . addslashes($rows["subject"]) . "', '" . addslashes($rows["body"]) . "', '3', '" . intval($rows["visitcount"]) . "', '" . intval($rows["tid"]) . "', '" . intval($rows["emote"]) . "','" . intval($rows["htmltag"]) . "');"; } mysql_query($query, $link); } setcookie("BLOGFAVACTION");
echo $edit_id; ?> " method=post> <?php al_print_form($row); page_footer(FALSE); } } } } } } $sqlstr = "SELECT * FROM addr WHERE userid=\"" . $currentuser["userid"] . "\" ORDER BY " . $order . " " . $descstr . " LIMIT " . $startnum . "," . $count; $result = mysql_query($sqlstr) or die(mysql_error()); if (!$result) { html_error_quit("没有数据"); } else { page_header("通讯录管理"); ?> <a href="javascript:location.reload()">刷新</a> </center> <hr class=default> <table border="1" width="613" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr><td>序号</td><td>姓名</td><td>bbsid</td><td>分组</td><td>注释</td><td></td></tr> <?php $i = 0; while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { ?> <tr> <td><?php echo $startnum + $i + 1;
$link = sysvote_db_connect(); if ($_GET["svid"]) { $vote = sysvote_load_vote_infor($link, $_GET["svid"]); if (!$vote) { html_error_quit("对不起,所选择的投票不存在!"); } if ($vote[active] != 1) { echo "<script language=javascript>window.location.href=\"bbsssysvote.php?svid=" . $vote[svid] . "\";</script>"; } $per = sysvote_user_can_vote($link, $vote, $currentuser); if ($per == -1) { html_error_quit("对不起,本次投票需要登录!"); } elseif ($per == -2) { html_error_quit("对不起,您已经投过票了!"); } elseif ($per == -3) { html_error_quit("对不起,您所在的位置已经投过" . $vote[votesperip] . "次票了!"); } else { if ($_GET["sv"] == "sv") { $ans = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < count($vote[probs]); $i++) { if ($ans != "") { $ans .= "|"; } if ($vote[probs][$i][type] == 4) { //单选 $ans .= base64_encode($_POST["ans" . $i]); } elseif ($vote[probs][$i][type] == 1 || $vote[probs][$i][type] == 3) { $l = 0; for ($j = 0; $j < count($vote[probs][$i][etems]); $j++) { if ($_POST["ans" . $i . "e" . $j]) { if ($l != 0) {
$logs = BBS_HOME . "/bbsbfind.log"; if (!($fn = fopen($logs, "a"))) { return FALSE; } if (!flock($fn, LOCK_EX)) { fclose($fh); return FALSE; } fputs($fn, $action); flock($fn, LOCK_UN); fclose($fn); return TRUE; } $articles = bbs_search_articles($board, $title, $title2, $title3, $userid, $dt, $mgon, $agon, $ogon); if ($articles <= 0) { html_error_quit("系统错误:" . $articles); } // log_it($currentuser["userid"], $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $board, $title, $title2, $title3, $userid, $dt, $mgon, $agon, $ogon, count($articles)); ?> <script> var ta = new tabWriter(0,'main wide',0,[['编号','6%','center'],['标记','6%','center'],['作者','12%','center'],['日期','8%','center'],['标题',0,0]]); <?php foreach ($articles as $article) { $flags = $article["FLAGS"]; $col1 = $article["NUM"] + 1; $col2 = $flags[0] . $flags[3]; $col3 = '<a href="bbsqry.php?userid=' . $article["OWNER"] . '">' . $article["OWNER"] . '</a>'; $col4 = strftime("%b %e", $article["POSTTIME"]); $col5 = '<a href="bbscon.php?bid=' . $brdnum . '&id=' . $article["ID"] . '">' . htmlspecialchars($article["TITLE"], ENT_QUOTES) . ' </a>'; echo "ta.r('{$col1}','{$col2}','{$col3}','{$col4}','{$col5}');\n"; }
} else { $link = pc_db_connect(); $pc = pc_load_infor($link, $_GET["userid"]); if (!$pc) { pc_db_close($link); html_error_quit("对不起,您要查看的Blog不存在"); exit; } if (!pc_is_admin($currentuser, $pc)) { pc_db_close($link); html_error_quit("对不起,您要查看的Blog不存在"); exit; } if (!pc_is_groupwork($pc)) { pc_db_close($link); html_error_quit("对不起,只有公有BLOG才能编辑成员"); exit; } if ($_GET["act"] == "add" && $_GET["id"]) { pc_add_member($link, $pc, $_GET["id"]); } if ($_GET["act"] == "del" && $_GET["id"]) { pc_del_member($link, $pc, $_GET["id"]); } $members = pc_get_members($link, $pc); pc_html_init("gb2312", $pc["NAME"]); ?> <br /><br /> <p align="center"><b>成员管理</b></p> <center> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" border="0" class="t1">
if (!$pc) { html_error_quit("文件不存在"); } if ($f->access == 2) { if (!pc_is_admin($currentuser, $pc)) { html_error_quit("文件不存在"); } } if ($f->access == 1) { if (!pc_is_friend($currentuser["userid"], $pc["USER"])) { html_error_quit("文件不存在"); } } } } pc_db_close($link); if (!$pcconfig["USERFILEPERM"] || $f->access == 0) { if (cache_header("public", $f->filetime, 600)) { return; } } if (!($file = fopen($f->filepath, "rb"))) { html_error_quit("文件不存在"); } Header("Content-type: " . $f->filetype); Header("Accept-Ranges: bytes"); Header("Content-Length: " . filesize($f->filepath)); Header("Content-Disposition: inline;filename=" . $f->filename); echo fread($file, filesize($f->filepath)); fclose($file); exit;
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if ($target == "") { html_error_quit("请指定对象"); } if (!bbs_sufficient_score_to_sendmail($target)) { html_error_quit("积分不足,不能转寄信件给" . $target); } if (isset($_POST["big5"])) { $big5 = $_POST["big5"]; } else { $big5 = 0; } settype($big5, "integer"); if (isset($_POST["noansi"])) { $noansi = $_POST["noansi"]; } else { $noansi = 0; } settype($noansi, "integer"); if (isset($_POST["noattach"])) { $noattach = $_POST["noattach"]; } else { $noattach = 0; } settype($noattach, "integer"); $ret = bbs_doforward($brdarr["NAME"], $articles[1]["FILENAME"], $articles[1]["TITLE"], $target, $big5, $noansi, $noattach); if ($ret < 0) { html_error_quit("系统错误:" . $ret); } html_success_quit("文章已转寄给" . $target); } page_footer();
$keyword1 .= " " . $keyword[$i]; } } } else { $query .= " `" . $key . "` = '" . addslashes($keyword) . "' "; $keyword1 = $keyword; } $query .= " ORDER BY `username`;"; $link = pc_db_connect(); $result = mysql_query($query, $link); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); if ($num_rows == 0) { mysql_free_result($result); pc_db_close($link); pc_html_init("gb2312", "Blog搜索"); html_error_quit("对不起,没有符合条件的Blog,请尝试缩减关键字重新查询"); } elseif ($num_rows == 1) { $rows = mysql_fetch_array($result); header("Location: index.php?id=" . $rows["username"]); } else { pc_html_init("gb2312", "Blog搜索"); echo "<br>按照 <font class=f2>" . $keyname . "</font> 查询,关键字为 <font class=f2>" . $keyword1 . "</font> 。<br>" . "系统共为您查到 <font class=f2>" . $num_rows . "</font> 笔记录:"; ?> <center><br><br><br> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" width="95%" class="t1"> <tr> <td class="t2" width="30">编号</td> <td class="t2" width="70">用户名</td> <td class="t2">Blog名称</td> <td class="t2" width="50">类别</td> <td class="t2" width="50">文章数</td>
$total = bbs_getmailnum2($dir); if ($total <= 0 || $total > 30000) { html_error_quit("读取邮件数据失败!"); } if ($num < 0 || $num >= $total) { html_error_quit("错误的参数"); } $articles = array(); if (bbs_get_records_from_num($dir, $num, $articles)) { $file = $articles[0]["FILENAME"]; } else { html_error_quit("错误的参数"); } $filename = bbs_setmailfile($currentuser["userid"], $file); if (!file_exists($filename)) { html_error_quit("信件不存在..."); } @($attachpos = $_GET["ap"]); //pointer to the size after ATTACHMENT PAD if ($attachpos != 0) { bbs_file_output_attachment($filename, $attachpos); exit; } mailbox_header("信件阅读"); ?> <div class="large"> <div class="article"> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- <?php $s = bbs2_readfile($filename); if (is_string($s)) {
if (!$_GET["isgroup"] && !pc_is_groupwork($pcc)) { $newtype--; } $query = "UPDATE users SET createtime = createtime , pctype = " . $newtype . " WHERE uid = " . $pcc["UID"] . " LIMIT 1;"; mysql_query($query, $link); if ($_GET["isgroup"] && !pc_is_groupwork($pcc)) { pc_convertto_group($link, $pcc); } $action = "调整 " . $pcc["USER"] . " 的BLOG参数(N:" . $newtype . ";O:" . $pcc["TYPE"] . ")"; pc_logs($link, $action, "", $pcc["USER"]); unset($_GET["userid"]); } if ($_GET["userid"]) { $pcc = pc_load_infor($link, $_GET["userid"]); if (!$pcc) { html_error_quit($_GET["userid"] . "尚无BLOG"); exit; } ?> <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; ?> " method="get"> <input type="hidden" name="conv" value="1"> 处理的用户名:<input type="text" name="userid" value="<?php echo $pcc["USER"]; ?> "><br /> 是否为公有BLOG: <input type="checkbox" name="isgroup" value="1" <?php
if ($mail_num < 0 || $mail_num > 30000) { html_error_quit("Too many mails!"); } $num = 19; if ($start > $mail_num - 19) { $start = $mail_num - 19; } if ($start < 0) { $start = 0; if ($num > $mail_num) { $num = $mail_num; } } $maildata = bbs_getmails($mail_fullpath, $start, $num); if ($maildata == FALSE) { html_error_quit("读取邮件数据失败!"); } //system mailboxs $mail_box = array(".DIR", ".SENT", ".DELETED"); $mail_boxtitle = array("收件箱", "发件箱", "垃圾箱"); //$mail_boxnums = array(bbs_getmailnum2(bbs_setmailfile($currentuser["userid"],".DIR")),bbs_getmailnum2(bbs_setmailfile($currentuser["userid"],".SENT")),bbs_getmailnum2(bbs_setmailfile($currentuser["userid"],".DELETED"))); //custom mailboxs $mail_cusbox = bbs_loadmaillist($currentuser["userid"]); //$totle_mails = $mail_boxnums[0]+$mail_boxnums[1]+$mail_boxnums[2]; $i = 2; if ($mail_cusbox != -1) { foreach ($mail_cusbox as $mailbox) { $i++; $mail_box[$i] = $mailbox["pathname"]; $mail_boxtitle[$i] = $mailbox["boxname"]; //$mail_boxnums[$i] = bbs_getmailnum2(bbs_setmailfile($currentuser["userid"],$mailbox["pathname"]));
if (!bbs_is_bm($bid, $usernum)) { html_error_quit("你不是版主"); } $board = $brdarr['NAME']; $brd_encode = urlencode($board); bbs_board_nav_header($brdarr, "自定版面封禁理由"); if (isset($_GET['act'])) { switch ($_GET['act']) { case 'set': if (!isset($_POST['setreason'])) { html_error_quit("错误的参数"); } $setreason = $_POST['setreason']; switch (bbs_setdenyreason($board, $setreason)) { case -1: html_error_quit("讨论区错误"); break; default: html_success_quit("自定义版面封禁理由保存成功<br/><br/>", array("<a href=bbsdoc.php?board=" . $board . ">返回版面</a>", "<a href=\"javascript:history.go(-1)\">继续修改</a>")); } break; default: } } $denyreasons = array(); $maxreason = bbs_getdenyreason($board, $denyreasons, 0); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> function remove(r) { var table = document.getElementById("tableId"); var tbody = table.tBodies[0];