Beispiel #1
if (!empty($savemsg)) {
			  <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0">
html_inputbox("username", gettext("Username"), $pconfig['username'], gettext("It's recommended to change the default username and password for accessing the WebGUI, enter the username here."), false, 21);
html_combobox("webguiproto", gettext("Protocol"), $pconfig['webguiproto'], array("http" => "HTTP", "https" => "HTTPS"), gettext("Select Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) or Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) for the WebGUI."), false, false, "webguiproto_change()");
html_inputbox("webguiport", gettext("Port"), $pconfig['webguiport'], gettext("Enter a custom port number for the WebGUI if you want to override the default (80 for HTTP, 443 for HTTPS)."), false, 6);
html_inputbox("webguihostsallow", gettext("Hosts allow"), $pconfig['webguihostsallow'], gettext("Space delimited set of IP or CIDR notation that permitted to access the WebGUI. (empty is the same network of LAN interface)"), false, 60);
html_textarea("certificate", gettext("Certificate"), $pconfig['certificate'], gettext("Paste a signed certificate in X.509 PEM format here."), true, 65, 7, false, false);
html_textarea("privatekey", gettext("Private key"), $pconfig['privatekey'], gettext("Paste an private key in PEM format here."), true, 65, 7, false, false);
html_languagecombobox("language", gettext("Language"), $pconfig['language'], gettext("Select the language of the WebGUI."), "", false);
$options = array(0 => gettext("Disabled"), 1 => gettext("Minimum performance, Minimum acoustic output"), 64 => gettext("Medium acoustic output"), 127 => gettext("Maximum performance, maximum acoustic output"));
html_combobox("acoustic", gettext("Acoustic level"), $pconfig['acoustic'], $options, gettext("This allows you to set how loud the drive is while it's operating."), false);
html_checkbox("smart_enable", gettext("S.M.A.R.T."), !empty($pconfig['smart_enable']) ? true : false, gettext("Activate S.M.A.R.T. monitoring for this device."), "", false, "smart_enable_change()");
html_inputbox("smart_extraoptions", gettext("S.M.A.R.T. extra options"), $pconfig['smart_extraoptions'], gettext("Extra options (usually empty).") . " " . sprintf(gettext("Please check the <a href='%s' target='_blank'>documentation</a>."), ""), false, 40);
$options = get_fstype_list();
html_combobox("fstype", gettext("Preformatted file system"), $pconfig['fstype'], $options, gettext("This allows you to set the file system for preformatted hard disks containing data.") . " " . sprintf(gettext("Leave '%s' for unformated disks and format them using <a href='%s'>format</a> menu."), "Unformated", "disks_init.php"), false);
				<div id="submit">
					<input name="Submit" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo isset($uuid) && FALSE !== $cnid ? gettext("Save") : gettext("Add");
" onclick="enable_change(true)" />
					<input name="Cancel" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo gettext("Cancel");
" />
					<input name="uuid" type="hidden" value="<?php 
echo $pconfig['uuid'];
" />
Beispiel #3
				<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0">
html_inputbox("host", gettext("Host"), $host, gettext("Destination host name or IP number."), true, 20);
html_interfacecombobox("interface", gettext("Interface"), !empty($interface) ? $interface : "", gettext("Use the following IP address as the source address in outgoing packets."), true);
$a_count = array();
for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) {
    $a_count[$i] = $i;
html_combobox("count", gettext("Count"), $count, $a_count, gettext("Stop after sending (and receiving) N packets."), true);
				<div id="submit">
					<input name="Submit" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo gettext("Ping");
" />
if ($do_ping) {
    echo sprintf("<div id='cmdoutput'>%s</div>", gettext("Command output:"));
    echo '<pre class="cmdoutput">';
    $ifaddr = get_interface_addr($interface);
    if ($ifaddr) {
html_inputbox("src", gettext("Source"), $pconfig['src'], gettext("To match any IP address leave this field empty."), false, 40);
html_inputbox("srcport", gettext("Source port"), $pconfig['srcport'], "", false, 5);
html_inputbox("dst", gettext("Destination"), $pconfig['dst'], gettext("To match any IP address leave this field empty."), false, 40);
html_inputbox("dstport", gettext("Destination port"), $pconfig['dstport'], "", false, 5);
html_inputbox("extraoptions", gettext("Options"), $pconfig['extraoptions'], "", false, 40);
html_combobox("direction", gettext("Direction"), $pconfig['direction'], array("in" => gettext("In"), "out" => gettext("Out"), "" => gettext("Any")), "", true);
html_checkbox("log", gettext("Log"), !empty($pconfig['log']) ? true : false, gettext("Log packets that are handled by this rule to syslog."), "", false);
html_inputbox("desc", gettext("Description"), $pconfig['desc'], gettext("You may enter a description here for your reference."), false, 40);
				<div id="submit">
					<input name="Submit" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo isset($uuid) && FALSE !== $cnid ? gettext("Save") : gettext("Add");
" />
					<input name="Cancel" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo gettext("Cancel");
Beispiel #5
$options = array("AES" => "AES-XTS", "AES-CBC" => "AES-CBC", "Blowfish" => "Blowfish", "Camellia" => "Camellia", "3DES" => "3DES");
html_combobox("ealgo", gettext("Encryption algorithm"), $pconfig['ealgo'], $options, gettext("Encryption algorithm to use."), true, false, "ealgo_change()");
$options = array("" => gettext("Default"), 128 => "128", 192 => "192", 256 => "256", 448 => "448");
html_combobox("keylen", gettext("Key length"), $pconfig['keylen'], $options, gettext("Key length to use with the given cryptographic algorithm.") . " " . gettext("The default key lengths are: 128 for AES, 128 for Blowfish, 128 for Camellia and 192 for 3DES."), false);
html_passwordconfbox("passphrase", "passphraseconf", gettext("Passphrase"), "", "", "", true);
html_checkbox("init", gettext("Initialize"), $pconfig['init'] ? true : false, gettext("Initialize and encrypt disk."), gettext("This will erase ALL data on your disk! Do not use this option if you want to add an existing encrypted disk."));
				<div id="submit">
					<input name="Submit" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo gettext("Add");
" />
					<input name="Cancel" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo gettext("Cancel");
if ($input_errors) {
if ($savemsg) {
				<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0">
html_titleline_checkbox("enable", gettext("Swap memory"), $pconfig['enable'] ? true : false, gettext("Enable"), "enable_change(false)");
html_combobox("type", gettext("Type"), $pconfig['type'], array("file" => gettext("File"), "device" => gettext("Device")), "", true, false, "type_change()");
html_mountcombobox("mountpoint", gettext("Mount point"), $pconfig['mountpoint'], gettext("Select mount point where to create the swap file."), true);
html_inputbox("size", gettext("Size"), $pconfig['size'], gettext("The size of the swap file in MB."), true, 10);
html_inputbox("devicespecialfile", gettext("Device"), $pconfig['devicespecialfile'], sprintf(gettext("Name of the device to use as swap device, e.g. %s."), "/dev/ad0s3"), true, 20);
				<div id="submit">
					<input name="Submit" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo gettext("Save");
if (!empty($input_errors)) {
if (file_exists($d_sysrebootreqd_path)) {
				<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0">
html_inputbox("name", gettext("Name"), $pconfig['name'], "", true, 20, isset($uuid) && false !== $cnid);
html_combobox("type", gettext("Type"), $pconfig['type'], array("stripe" => gettext("Stripe"), "mirror" => gettext("Mirror"), "raidz1" => gettext("Single-parity RAID-Z"), "raidz2" => gettext("Double-parity RAID-Z"), "raidz3" => gettext("Triple-parity RAID-Z"), "spare" => gettext("Hot Spare"), "cache" => gettext("Cache"), "log" => gettext("Log"), "log-mirror" => gettext("Log (mirror)")), "", true, isset($uuid) && false !== $cnid);
$a_device = array();
foreach ($a_disk as $diskv) {
    $zfsgpt = !empty($diskv['zfsgpt']) ? $diskv['zfsgpt'] : "";
    if (isset($uuid) && false !== $cnid && !(is_array($pconfig['device']) && in_array($diskv['devicespecialfile'], $pconfig['device']))) {
    if ((!isset($uuid) || isset($uuid) && false === $cnid) && false !== strip_exists($diskv['devicespecialfile'], $a_vdevice)) {
    $a_device[$diskv['devicespecialfile'] . $zfsgpt] = htmlspecialchars("{$diskv['name']}{$zfsgpt} ({$diskv['size']}, {$diskv['desc']})");
Beispiel #8
html_checkbox("disablebeep", gettext("System Beep"), !empty($pconfig['disablebeep']) ? true : false, gettext("Disable speaker beep on startup and shutdown"));
html_checkbox("tune_enable", gettext("Tuning"), !empty($pconfig['tune_enable']) ? true : false, gettext("Enable tuning of some kernel variables"));
html_checkbox("powerd", gettext("Power Daemon"), !empty($pconfig['powerd']) ? true : false, gettext("Enable the system power control utility"), gettext("The powerd utility monitors the system state and sets various power control options accordingly."), false, "powerd_change()");
$a_pwmode = array("maximum" => gettext("maximum (highest performance)"), "hiadaptive" => gettext("hiadaptive (high performance)"), "adaptive" => gettext("adaptive (low power consumption)"), "minimum" => gettext("minimum (power saving)"));
html_combobox("pwmode", gettext("Power Mode"), $pconfig['pwmode'], $a_pwmode, gettext("Controls power consumption."), false);
$clocks = @exec("/sbin/sysctl -q -n dev.cpu.0.freq_levels");
$a_freq = array();
if (!empty($clocks)) {
    $a_tmp = preg_split("/\\s/", $clocks);
    foreach ($a_tmp as $val) {
        list($freq, $tmp) = preg_split("/\\//", $val);
        if (!empty($freq)) {
            $a_freq[] = $freq;
echo htmlspecialchars($pconfig['serverdesc']);
" />
              <br /><?php 
echo gettext("Server description. This can usually be left blank.");
html_combobox("doscharset", gettext("Dos charset"), $pconfig['doscharset'], array("CP437" => "CP437", "CP850" => "CP850", "CP852" => "CP852", "CP866" => "CP866", "CP932" => "CP932", "CP1251" => "CP1251", "ASCII" => "ASCII"), "", false);
html_combobox("unixcharset", gettext("Unix charset"), $pconfig['unixcharset'], array("UTF-8" => "UTF-8", "iso-8859-1" => "iso-8859-1", "iso-8859-15" => "iso-8859-15", "gb2312" => "gb2312", "EUC-JP" => "EUC-JP", "ASCII" => "ASCII"), "", false);
html_combobox("loglevel", gettext("Log Level"), $pconfig['loglevel'], array("1" => gettext("Minimum"), "2" => gettext("Normal"), "3" => gettext("Full"), "10" => gettext("Debug")), "", false);
            <td width="22%" valign="top" class="vncell"><?php 
echo gettext("Local Master Browser");
            <td width="78%" class="vtable">
              <select name="localmaster" class="formfld" id="localmaster">
$types = array(gettext("Yes"), gettext("No"));
$vals = explode(" ", "yes no");
$j = 0;
for ($j = 0; $j < count($vals); $j++) {
html_inputbox("port", gettext("Port"), $pconfig['port'], gettext("Port to listen on. Default iTunes port is 3689."), true, 5);
html_filechooser("dbdir", gettext("Database directory"), $pconfig['dbdir'], gettext("Location where the content database file will be stored."), $g['media_path'], true, 60);
html_folderbox("content", gettext("Content"), $pconfig['content'], gettext("Location of the files to share."), $g['media_path'], true);
html_inputbox("rescaninterval", gettext("Rescan interval"), $pconfig['rescaninterval'], gettext("Scan file system every N seconds to see if any files have been added or removed. Set to 0 to disable background scanning. If background rescanning is disabled, a scan can still be forced from the status page of the administrative web interface."), false, 5);
html_checkbox("alwaysscan", gettext("Always scan"), $pconfig['alwaysscan'] ? true : false, "", gettext("Whether scans should be skipped if there are no users connected. This allows the drive to spin down when no users are connected."), false);
html_combobox("scantype", gettext("Scan type"), $pconfig['scantype'], array("0" => gettext("Normal"), "1" => gettext("Aggressive"), "2" => gettext("Painfully aggressive")), "", false);
html_titleline(gettext("Administrative WebGUI"));
html_passwordbox("admin_pw", gettext("Password"), $pconfig['admin_pw'], sprintf("%s %s", gettext("Password for the administrative pages."), gettext("Default user name is 'admin'.")), true, 20);
$if = get_ifname($config['interfaces']['lan']['if']);
$ipaddr = get_ipaddr($if);
$url = htmlspecialchars("http://{$ipaddr}:{$pconfig['port']}");
$text = "<a href='{$url}' target='_blank'>{$url}</a>";
html_inputbox("name", gettext("Extent Name"), $pconfig['name'], gettext("String identifier of the extent."), true, 30, isset($uuid) && FALSE !== $cnid);
html_combobox("type", gettext("Type"), $pconfig['type'], array("file" => gettext("File"), "device" => gettext("Device"), "zvol" => gettext("ZFS volume"), "hast" => gettext("HAST volume")), gettext("Type used as extent."), true, false, "type_change()");
html_filechooser("path", gettext("Path"), $pconfig['path'], sprintf(gettext("File path (e.g. /mnt/sharename/extent/%s) used as extent."), $pconfig['name']), $g['media_path'], true);
html_combobox("device", gettext("Device"), $pconfig['path'], $a_device, "", true);
html_combobox("zvol", gettext("ZFS volume"), $pconfig['path'], $a_zvol, "", true);
html_combobox("hast", gettext("HAST volume"), $pconfig['path'], $a_hast, "", true);
	      <tr id="size_tr">
	        <td width="22%" valign="top" class="vncellreq"><?php 
echo gettext("File size");
	        <td width="78%" class="vtable">
	          <input name="size" type="text" class="formfld" id="size" size="10" value="<?php 
echo htmlspecialchars($pconfig['size']);
" />
	          <select name="sizeunit" onclick="sizeunit_change()"> 
	            <option value="MB" <?php 
if ($pconfig['sizeunit'] === "MB") {
    echo "selected=\"selected\"";
				<tr id='work_dir_diff_tr'>
					<td width='22%' valign='top' class='vncell'><label for='work_dir_diff'></label></td>
					<td width='78%' class='vtable'>
						<input name='work_dir_diff' type='text' class='formfld' id='work_dir_diff' size='67' value='<?php 
echo $pconfig['work_dir'];
' onchange='clickfix()' />
						<input name='work_dir_diffbrowsebtn' type='button' class='formbtn' id='work_dir_diffbrowsebtn' onclick='work_dir_diffifield = form.work_dir_diff; filechooser ="filechooser.php?p="+encodeURIComponent(work_dir_diffifield.value)+"&amp;sd=/mnt", "filechooser", "scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no,menubar=no,statusbar=no,width=550,height=300"); filechooser.ifield = work_dir_diffifield; window.ifield = work_dir_diffifield;' value='...' />
						<br /><span class='vexpl'>Virtual machines will store on any different folder</span>
//html_filechooser('work_dir_diff', "", $pconfig['work_dir'], "Virtual machines will store on any different folder", "/mnt", false, "67", false,"clickfix()");
html_combobox("delay", "Delay on boot", $pconfig['delay'], array("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8"), "Choise delay time between start machines at boot stage", false, false, "clickfix()");
			<div id="submit">
					<input name="Submit" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="Save"  />
include "";
include "";
foreach ($pconfig['device'] as $id => $device) {
    $device_nb = $id + 1;
    html_titleline("Device {$device_nb}");
    html_inputbox("device[{$id}][name]", gettext("Name"), $pconfig['device'][$id]['name'], sprintf(gettext("Default is %s."), "OPENNAS-DEVICE-default"), true, 40);
    html_combobox("device[{$id}][mediatype]", gettext("Media type"), $pconfig['device'][$id]['mediatype'], array_combine($bacula_type, $bacula_type), sprintf(gettext("Default is %s."), "File"), true);
    html_filechooser("device_" . $id . "_archivepath", gettext("Archive device"), $pconfig['device'][$id]['archivepath'], '', '/mnt', true);
    html_checkbox("device[{$id}][labelmedia]", gettext("Label media"), !empty($pconfig['device'][$id]['labelmedia']), gettext("Labeled the media"));
    html_checkbox("device[{$id}][randomaccess]", gettext("Random access"), !empty($pconfig['device'][$id]['randomaccess']), gettext("The Storage daemon will submit a Mount Command before attempting to open the device"));
    html_checkbox("device[{$id}][removablemedia]", gettext("Removable media"), !empty($pconfig['device'][$id]['removablemedia']), gettext("This device supports removable media"));
    html_checkbox("device[{$id}][alwaysopen]", gettext("Always open"), !empty($pconfig['device'][$id]['alwaysopen']), gettext("Keep the device open"));
$ag_list = array();
$ag_list['0'] = gettext("None");
foreach ($config['iscsitarget']['authgroup'] as $ag) {
    if ($ag['comment']) {
        $l = sprintf(gettext("Tag%d (%s)"), $ag['tag'], $ag['comment']);
    } else {
        $l = sprintf(gettext("Tag%d"), $ag['tag']);
    $ag_list[$ag['tag']] = htmlspecialchars($l);
html_combobox("authgroup", gettext("Auth Group"), $pconfig['authgroup'], $ag_list, gettext("The initiator can access to the target with correct user and secret in specific Auth Group."), false);
html_combobox("digest", gettext("Initial Digest"), $pconfig['digest'], array("Auto" => gettext("Auto"), "Header" => gettext("Header digest"), "Data" => gettext("Data digest"), "Header Data" => gettext("Header and Data digest")), gettext("The initial digest mode negotiated with the initiator."), false);
html_inputbox("queuedepth", gettext("Queue Depth"), $pconfig['queuedepth'], gettext("0=disabled, 1-255=enabled command queuing with specified depth.") . " " . sprintf(gettext("The recommended queue depth is %d."), 32), false, 10);
html_inputbox("inqvendor", gettext("Inquiry Vendor"), $pconfig['inqvendor'], sprintf(gettext("You may specify as SCSI INQUIRY data. Empty as default. (up to %d ASCII chars)"), 8), false, 20);
html_inputbox("inqproduct", gettext("Inquiry Product"), $pconfig['inqproduct'], sprintf(gettext("You may specify as SCSI INQUIRY data. Empty as default. (up to %d ASCII chars)"), 16), false, 20);
html_inputbox("inqrevision", gettext("Inquiry Revision"), $pconfig['inqrevision'], sprintf(gettext("You may specify as SCSI INQUIRY data. Empty as default. (up to %d ASCII chars)"), 4), false, 20);
html_inputbox("inqserial", gettext("Inquiry Serial"), $pconfig['inqserial'], sprintf(gettext("You may specify as SCSI INQUIRY data. Empty as default. (up to %d ASCII chars)"), 16), false, 20);
Beispiel #15
    html_combobox("media", gettext("Media"), $pconfig['media'], array("autoselect" => gettext("Autoselect"), "10baseT/UTP" => "10baseT/UTP", "100baseTX" => "100baseTX", "1000baseTX" => "1000baseTX", "1000baseSX" => "1000baseSX"), "", false, false, "media_change()");
    html_combobox("mediaopt", gettext("Duplex"), $pconfig['mediaopt'], array("half-duplex" => "half-duplex", "full-duplex" => "full-duplex"), "", false);
    if (!empty($ifinfo['wolevents'])) {
        $wakeonoptions = array("off" => gettext("Off"), "wol" => gettext("On"));
        foreach ($ifinfo['wolevents'] as $woleventv) {
            $wakeonoptions[$woleventv] = $woleventv;
        html_combobox("wakeon", gettext("Wake On LAN"), $pconfig['wakeon'], $wakeonoptions, "", false);
    html_inputbox("extraoptions", gettext("Extra options"), $pconfig['extraoptions'], gettext("Extra options to ifconfig (usually empty)."), false, 40);
    if (isset($optcfg['wireless'])) {
										<div id="submit">
											<input name="index" type="hidden" value="<?php 
echo gettext("Enable ACL inheritance");
html_checkbox("storealternatedatastreams", gettext("Store alternate data streams"), !empty($pconfig['storealternatedatastreams']) ? true : false, gettext("Store alternate data streams in Extended Attributes"), "", false);
html_checkbox("storentfsacls", gettext("Store NTFS acls"), !empty($pconfig['storentfsacls']) ? true : false, gettext("Store NTFS acls in Extended Attributes"), gettext("This will provide NTFS acls without ZFS ACL support such as UFS."), false);
html_combobox("aiomodule", gettext("AIO module"), $pconfig['aiomodule'], array("aio_pthread" => "aio_pthread", "aio_posix" => "aio_posix"), "", false, false, "");
			      <td width="22%" valign="top" class="vncell"><?php 
echo gettext("Hosts allow");
			      <td width="78%" class="vtable">
			        <input name="hostsallow" type="text" class="formfld" id="hostsallow" size="60" value="<?php 
echo htmlspecialchars($pconfig['hostsallow']);
" /><br />
			        <span class="vexpl"><?php 
echo gettext("This option is a comma, space, or tab delimited set of hosts which are permitted to access this share. You can specify the hosts by name or IP number. Leave this field empty to use default settings.");
						<td valign="top" class="vncellreq"><?php 
echo gettext("Devices");
						<td class="vtable">
							<div id="devices">
echo gettext("No device selected.");
html_combobox("device_new", gettext("New Device"), NULL, NULL, "", true);
				<div id="submit">
					<input name="Submit" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo gettext("Send Command!");
" />
if ($do_action) {
    echo sprintf("<div id='cmdoutput'>%s</div>", gettext("Command output:"));
    echo '<pre class="cmdoutput">';
    $action = $pconfig['action'];
    $option = $pconfig['option'];
Beispiel #18
html_checkbox("anonymousbind", gettext("Anonymous bind"), !empty($pconfig['anonymousbind']) ? true : false, gettext("Enable anonymous bind."), "", true, "anonymousbind_change()");
html_inputbox("binddn", gettext("Bind DN"), $pconfig['binddn'], sprintf(gettext("The distinguished name to bind to the directory server, e.g. %s"), "cn=admin,dc=test,dc=org"), true, 40);
html_passwordconfbox("bindpw", "bindpw2", gettext("Bind password"), $pconfig['bindpw'], $pconfig['bindpw2'], gettext("The cleartext credentials with which to bind."), true);
html_inputbox("rootbinddn", gettext("Root bind DN"), $pconfig['rootbinddn'], sprintf(gettext("The distinguished name with which to bind to the directory server, e.g. %s"), "cn=admin,dc=test,dc=org"), true, 40);
html_passwordconfbox("rootbindpw", "rootbindpw2", gettext("Root bind password"), $pconfig['rootbindpw'], $pconfig['rootbindpw2'], gettext("The credentials with which to bind."), true);
html_combobox("pam_password", gettext("Password encryption"), $pconfig['pam_password'], array("clear" => "clear", "crypt" => "crypt", "md5" => "md5", "nds" => "nds", "racf" => "racf", "ad" => "ad", "exop" => "exop"), gettext("The password encryption protocol to use."), true);
html_inputbox("user_suffix", gettext("User suffix"), $pconfig['user_suffix'], sprintf(gettext("This parameter specifies the suffix that is used for users when these are added to the LDAP directory, e.g. %s"), "ou=Users"), true, 20);
html_inputbox("group_suffix", gettext("Group suffix"), $pconfig['group_suffix'], sprintf(gettext("This parameter specifies the suffix that is used for groups when these are added to the LDAP directory, e.g. %s"), "ou=Groups"), true, 20);
html_inputbox("password_suffix", gettext("Password suffix"), $pconfig['password_suffix'], sprintf(gettext("This parameter specifies the suffix that is used for passwords when these are added to the LDAP directory, e.g. %s"), "ou=Users"), true, 20);
html_inputbox("machine_suffix", gettext("Machine suffix"), $pconfig['machine_suffix'], sprintf(gettext("This parameter specifies the suffix that is used for machines when these are added to the LDAP directory, e.g. %s"), "ou=Computers"), true, 20);
html_textarea("auxparam", gettext("Auxiliary parameters"), $pconfig['auxparam'], sprintf(gettext("These parameters are added to %s."), "ldap.conf"), false, 65, 5, false, false);
Beispiel #19
html_inputbox("kdc", "KDC", $pconfig['kdc'], "", true, 60);
html_inputbox("realms", "Realms", $pconfig['realms'], "", true, 60);
				<tr id="krb5_keytabid" style="display: visible">
						<td width="22%" valign="top" class="vncellreq"><?php 
echo htmlspecialchars("Krb5.keytab");
						<td width="78%" class="vtable">
							<input name="krb5" type="file" class="formfld" size="40" /><br />
html_combobox("type", gettext("Type"), $pconfig['type'], $type, '', true, false, 'toggle_type($(this).val())');
html_inputbox("ldaphostname", gettext("URI"), $pconfig['ldaphostname'], gettext("The space-separated list of URIs for the LDAP server."), true, 60);
html_inputbox("ldapbase", gettext("Base DN"), $pconfig['ldapbase'], sprintf(gettext("The default base distinguished name (DN) to use for searches, e.g. %s"), "dc=test,dc=org"), true, 40);
html_textarea("ldapauxparam", gettext("Ldap auxiliary parameters"), $pconfig['ldapauxparam'], sprintf(gettext("These parameters are added to %s."), "ldap.conf"), false, 65, 5, false, false);
html_textarea("sssdauxparam", gettext("Sss auxiliary parameters"), $pconfig['sssdauxparam'], sprintf(gettext("These parameters are added to %s."), "sssd.conf"), false, 65, 5, false, false);
html_checkbox("sssclearcache", gettext("Clear sss cache"), !empty($pconfig['sssclearcache']) ? true : false, gettext("Clear sss cache on each restart"));
Beispiel #20
if (!empty($input_errors)) {
if (!empty($savemsg)) {
			  <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0">
html_titleline_checkbox("enable", gettext("Dynamic DNS"), !empty($pconfig['enable']) ? true : false, gettext("Enable"), "enable_change(false)");
html_combobox("provider", gettext("Provider"), $pconfig['provider'], array("" => "", "" => "", "" => "", "" => "", "" => "", "" => "", "" => "", "" => "", "" => "", "" => "", "" => "", "" => "", "" => "", "custom" => gettext("Custom")), "", true, false, "provider_change()");
html_inputbox("domainname", gettext("Domain name"), $pconfig['domainname'], gettext("A host name alias. This option can appear multiple times, for each domain that has the same IP. Use a space to separate multiple alias names."), true, 40);
html_inputbox("username", gettext("Username"), $pconfig['username'], "", true, 20);
html_passwordbox("password", gettext("Password"), $pconfig['password'], "", true, 20);
html_inputbox("updateperiod", gettext("Update period"), $pconfig['updateperiod'], gettext("How often the IP is checked. The period is in seconds (max. is 10 days)."), false, 20);
html_inputbox("forcedupdateperiod", gettext("Forced update period"), $pconfig['forcedupdateperiod'], gettext("How often the IP is updated even if it is not changed. The period is in seconds (max. is 10 days)."), false, 20);
html_combobox("uctlauthmethod", gettext("Controller Auth Method"), $pconfig['uctlauthmethod'], array("CHAP" => gettext("CHAP"), "CHAP mutual" => gettext("Mutual CHAP")), gettext("The method can be accepted in the controller."), true);
$ag_list = array();
$ag_list['0'] = gettext("Must choose one");
foreach ($config['iscsitarget']['authgroup'] as $ag) {
    if ($ag['comment']) {
        $l = sprintf(gettext("Tag%d (%s)"), $ag['tag'], $ag['comment']);
    } else {
        $l = sprintf(gettext("Tag%d"), $ag['tag']);
    $ag_list[$ag['tag']] = htmlspecialchars($l);
html_combobox("uctlauthgroup", gettext("Controller Auth Group"), $pconfig['uctlauthgroup'], $ag_list, gettext("The istgtcontrol can access the targets with correct user and secret in specific Auth Group."), true);
html_filechooser("mediadirectory", gettext("Media Directory"), $pconfig['mediadirectory'], gettext("Directory that contains removable media. (e.g /mnt/iscsi/)"), $g['media_path'], true);
	      <div id="submit">
	        <input name="Submit" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo gettext("Save and Restart");
" onclick="enable_change(true)" />
	      <div id="remarks">
html_remark("note", gettext("Note"), gettext("You must have a minimum of 256MB of RAM for using iSCSI target."));
    $a_poollist[$poolv['name']] = htmlspecialchars($text);
html_combobox("pool", gettext("Pool"), $pconfig['pool'], $a_poollist, "", true);
$a_compressionmode = array("on" => gettext("On"), "off" => gettext("Off"), "lzjb" => "lzjb", "gzip" => "gzip");
for ($n = 1; $n <= 9; $n++) {
    $mode = "gzip-{$n}";
    $a_compressionmode[$mode] = $mode;
html_combobox("compression", gettext("Compression"), $pconfig['compression'], $a_compressionmode, gettext("Controls the compression algorithm used for this dataset. The 'lzjb' compression algorithm is optimized for performance while providing decent data compression. Setting compression to 'On' uses the 'lzjb' compression algorithm. You can specify the 'gzip' level by using the value 'gzip-N', where N is an integer from 1 (fastest) to 9 (best compression ratio). Currently, 'gzip' is equivalent to 'gzip-6'."), true);
html_checkbox("canmount", gettext("Canmount"), $pconfig['canmount'] ? true : false, gettext("If this property is disabled, the file system cannot be mounted."), "", false);
html_checkbox("readonly", gettext("Readonly"), $pconfig['readonly'] ? true : false, gettext("Controls whether this dataset can be modified."), "", false);
html_checkbox("xattr", gettext("Extended attributes"), $pconfig['xattr'] ? true : false, gettext("Enable extended attributes for this file system."), "", false);
html_inputbox("quota", gettext("Quota"), $pconfig['quota'], gettext("Limits the amount of space a dataset and its descendants can consume. This property enforces a hard limit on the amount of space used. This includes all space consumed by descendants, including file systems and snapshots. To specify the size use the following human-readable suffixes (for example, 'k', 'KB', 'M', 'Gb', etc.)."), false, 10);
html_inputbox("desc", gettext("Description"), $pconfig['desc'], gettext("You may enter a description here for your reference."), false, 40);
html_checkbox("recursive", gettext("Recursive"), $pconfig['recursive'] ? true : false, gettext("Recurse into directories."), "", false);
html_checkbox("times", gettext("Times"), $pconfig['times'] ? true : false, gettext("Preserve modification times."), "", false);
html_checkbox("compress", gettext("Compress"), $pconfig['compress'] ? true : false, gettext("Compress file data during the transfer."), "", false);
html_checkbox("archive", gettext("Archive"), $pconfig['archive'] ? true : false, gettext("Archive mode."), "", false);
html_checkbox("delete", gettext("Delete"), $pconfig['delete'] ? true : false, gettext("Delete files on the receiving side that don't exist on sender."), "", false, "delete_change()");
html_combobox("delete_algorithm", gettext("Delete algorithm"), $pconfig['delete_algorithm'], array("default" => "Default", "before" => "Before", "during" => "During", "delay" => "Delay", "after" => "After"), "</span><div id='enumeration'><ul>" . gettext("<li>Default - Rsync will choose the 'during' algorithm when talking to rsync 3.0.0 or newer, and the 'before' algorithm when talking to an older rsync.</li><li>Before - File-deletions will be done before the transfer starts.</li><li>During - File-deletions will be done incrementally as the transfer happens.</li><li>Delay - File-deletions will be computed during the transfer, and then removed after the transfer completes.</li><li>After - File-deletions will be done after the transfer has completed.</li>") . "</ul></div><span>", false);
						<td width="22%" valign="top" class="vncell"><?php 
echo gettext("Quiet");
						<td width="78%" class="vtable">
							<input name="quiet" id="quiet" type="checkbox" value="yes" <?php 
if ($pconfig['quiet']) {
    echo "checked=\"checked\"";
 /> <?php 
echo gettext("Suppress non-error messages.");
		<td class="tabcont">
			<form action="interfaces_lagg_edit.php" method="post" name="iform" id="iform">
if ($input_errors) {
				<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0">
html_inputbox("if", gettext("Interface"), $pconfig['if'], "", true, 5, true);
html_combobox("laggproto", gettext("Aggregation protocol"), $pconfig['laggproto'], array("failover" => gettext("Failover"), "fec" => gettext("FEC (Fast EtherChannel)"), "lacp" => gettext("LACP (Link Aggregation Control Protocol)"), "loadbalance" => gettext("Loadbalance"), "roundrobin" => gettext("Roundrobin"), "none" => gettext("None")), "", true);
$a_port = array();
foreach (get_interface_list() as $ifk => $ifv) {
    if (eregi('lagg', $ifk)) {
    if (!(isset($uuid) && FALSE !== $cnid) && false !== array_search_ex($ifk, $a_lagg, "laggport")) {
    $a_port[$ifk] = htmlspecialchars("{$ifk} ({$ifv['mac']})");
html_listbox("laggport", gettext("Ports"), $pconfig['laggport'], $a_port, gettext("Note: Ctrl-click (or command-click on the Mac) to select multiple entries."), true);
html_titleline(gettext("Advanced settings"));
html_inputbox("port", gettext("Port"), $pconfig['port'], gettext("The port to listen to. The default is to listen to the tftp port specified in /etc/services."), false, 5);
$a_user = array();
foreach (system_get_user_list() as $userk => $userv) {
    $a_user[$userk] = htmlspecialchars($userk);
html_combobox("username", gettext("Username"), $pconfig['username'], $a_user, gettext("Specifies the username which the service will run as."), false);
html_inputbox("umask", gettext("umask"), $pconfig['umask'], gettext("Sets the umask for newly created files to the specified value. The default is zero (anyone can read or write)."), false, 4);
html_inputbox("timeout", gettext("Timeout"), $pconfig['timeout'], gettext("Determine the default timeout, in microseconds, before the first packet is retransmitted. The default is 1000000 (1 second)."), false, 10);
html_inputbox("maxblocksize", gettext("Max. block size"), $pconfig['maxblocksize'], gettext("Specifies the maximum permitted block size. The permitted range for this parameter is from 512 to 65464."), false, 5);
html_inputbox("extraoptions", gettext("Extra options"), $pconfig['extraoptions'], gettext("Extra options (usually empty)."), false, 40);
				<div id="submit">
    <td class="tabcont">
if ($input_errors) {
			<form action="disks_mount_tools.php" method="post" name="iform" id="iform">
			  <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0">
html_mountcombobox("mountpoint", gettext("Mount point"), $uuid, "", true);
html_combobox("action", gettext("Command"), $action, array("mount" => gettext("mount"), "umount" => gettext("umount")), "", true);
				<div id="submit">
					<input name="Submit" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo gettext("Execute");
" />
if ($do_action && !$errormsg) {
    echo sprintf("<div id='cmdoutput'>%s</div>", gettext("Command output:"));
    echo '<pre class="cmdoutput">';
    $index = array_search_ex($uuid, $config['mounts']['mount'], "uuid");
    if (false !== $index) {
    <td class="tabcont">
      <form action="system_routes_edit.php" method="post" name="iform" id="iform">
if ($input_errors) {
        <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0">
$interfaces = array('lan' => 'LAN');
for ($i = 1; isset($config['interfaces']['opt' . $i]); $i++) {
    $interfaces['opt' . $i] = $config['interfaces']['opt' . $i]['descr'];
html_combobox("interface", gettext("Interface"), $pconfig['interface'], $interfaces, gettext("Choose which interface this route applies to."), true);
            <td width="22%" valign="top" class="vncellreq"><?php 
echo gettext("Destination network");
            <td width="78%" class="vtable"> 
							<input name="network" type="text" class="formfld" id="network" size="20" value="<?php 
echo htmlspecialchars($pconfig['network']);
" /> 
							<select name="network_subnet" class="formfld" id="network_subnet">
for ($i = 32; $i > 0; $i--) {
if (file_exists($d_sysrebootreqd_path)) {
				<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0">
$a_pathlist = array();
foreach ($a_path as $pathv) {
    $a_pathlist[$pathv['path']] = htmlspecialchars($pathv['path']);
html_combobox("path", gettext("Path"), $pconfig['path'], $a_pathlist, "", true);
html_inputbox("name", gettext("Name"), $pconfig['name'], "", true, 20);
html_checkbox("recursive", gettext("Recursive"), !empty($pconfig['recursive']) ? true : false, gettext("Creates the recursive snapshot."), "", false);
				<div id="submit">
					<input name="Submit" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo gettext("Add");
" onclick="enable_change(true)" />
					<input name="Cancel" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?php 
echo gettext("Cancel");
Beispiel #29
if (updatenotify_exists("websrvauth")) {
			  <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0">
html_titleline_checkbox("enable", gettext("Webserver"), !empty($pconfig['enable']) ? true : false, gettext("Enable"), "enable_change(false)");
html_combobox("protocol", gettext("Protocol"), $pconfig['protocol'], array("http" => "HTTP", "https" => "HTTPS"), "", true, false, "protocol_change()");
html_inputbox("port", gettext("Port"), $pconfig['port'], gettext("TCP port to bind the server to."), true, 5);
html_combobox("runasuser", gettext("Run as"), $pconfig['runasuser'], array("server.username = \"www\"" => "www", "" => "root"), gettext("Set what user the service will run as (www by default). <br><b><font color='red'>NOTE</font>: Running as root is <u>not recommended</u> for security reasons, use it on your own risk!</b></br>"), true);
html_textarea("certificate", gettext("Certificate"), $pconfig['certificate'], gettext("Paste a signed certificate in X.509 PEM format here."), true, 76, 7, false, false);
html_textarea("privatekey", gettext("Private key"), $pconfig['privatekey'], gettext("Paste an private key in PEM format here."), true, 76, 7, false, false);
html_filechooser("documentroot", gettext("Document root"), $pconfig['documentroot'], gettext("Document root of the webserver. Home of the web page files."), $g['media_path'], true, 76);
html_filechooser("uploaddir", gettext("Upload directory"), $pconfig['uploaddir'], sprintf(gettext("Upload directory of the webserver. The default is %s."), $default_uploaddir), $default_uploaddir, true, 76);
Beispiel #30
			  <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0">
html_titleline_checkbox("enable", gettext("Cron job"), $pconfig['enable'] ? true : false, gettext("Enable"));
html_inputbox("command", gettext("Command"), $pconfig['command'], gettext("Specifies the command to be run."), true, 60);
$a_user = array();
foreach (system_get_user_list() as $userk => $userv) {
    $a_user[$userk] = htmlspecialchars($userk);
html_combobox("who", gettext("Who"), $pconfig['who'], $a_user, "", true);
html_inputbox("desc", gettext("Description"), $pconfig['desc'], gettext("You may enter a description here for your reference."), true, 40);
						<td width="22%" valign="top" class="vncellreq"><?php 
echo gettext("Schedule time");
						<td width="78%" class="vtable">
							<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">
									<td class="listhdrlr"><?php 
echo gettext("Minutes");