Beispiel #1
function net2ftp_module_printBody()
    // --------------
    // This function prints the login screen
    // --------------
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Global variables
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    global $net2ftp_settings, $net2ftp_globals, $net2ftp_messages, $net2ftp_result;
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Variables
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    $filename_extension = get_filename_extension($net2ftp_globals["entry"]);
    // ------------------------
    // Set the state2 variable depending on the file extension !!!!!
    // ------------------------
    if (getFileType($net2ftp_globals["entry"]) == "IMAGE") {
        $filetype = "image";
    } elseif ($filename_extension == "swf") {
        $filetype = "flash";
    } else {
        $filetype = "text";
    // Form name, back and forward buttons
    $formname = "ViewForm";
    $back_onclick = "document.forms['" . $formname . "'].state.value='browse';document.forms['" . $formname . "'].state2.value='main';document.forms['" . $formname . "'].submit();";
    // Next screen
    $nextscreen = 2;
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Text
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if ($filetype == "text") {
        // Title
        $title = __("View file %1\$s", $net2ftp_globals["entry"]);
        // ------------------------
        // geshi_text
        // ------------------------
        setStatus(2, 10, __("Reading the file"));
        $geshi_text = ftp_readfile("", $net2ftp_globals["directory"], $net2ftp_globals["entry"]);
        if ($net2ftp_result["success"] == false) {
            return false;
        // ------------------------
        // geshi_language
        // ------------------------
        $geshi_language = "";
        $list_language_extensions = array('html4strict' => array('html', 'htm'), 'javascript' => array('js'), 'css' => array('css'), 'php' => array('php', 'php5', 'phtml', 'phps'), 'perl' => array('pl', 'pm', 'cgi'), 'sql' => array('sql'), 'java' => array('java'), 'actionscript' => array('as'), 'ada' => array('a', 'ada', 'adb', 'ads'), 'apache' => array('conf'), 'asm' => array('ash', 'asm'), 'asp' => array('asp'), 'bash' => array('sh'), 'c' => array('c', 'h'), 'c_mac' => array('c'), 'caddcl' => array(), 'cadlisp' => array(), 'cpp' => array('cpp'), 'csharp' => array(), 'd' => array(''), 'delphi' => array('dpk'), 'diff' => array(''), 'email' => array('eml', 'mbox'), 'lisp' => array('lisp'), 'lua' => array('lua'), 'matlab' => array(), 'mpasm' => array(), 'nsis' => array(), 'objc' => array(), 'oobas' => array(), 'oracle8' => array(), 'pascal' => array('pas'), 'python' => array('py'), 'qbasic' => array('bi'), 'smarty' => array('tpl'), 'vb' => array('bas'), 'vbnet' => array(), 'vhdl' => array(), 'visualfoxpro' => array(), 'xml' => array('xml'));
        while (list($language, $extensions) = each($list_language_extensions)) {
            if (in_array($filename_extension, $extensions)) {
                $geshi_language = $language;
        // ------------------------
        // geshi_path
        // ------------------------
        $geshi_path = NET2FTP_APPLICATION_ROOTDIR . "/plugins/geshi/geshi/";
        // ------------------------
        // Call geshi
        // ------------------------
        setStatus(4, 10, __("Parsing the file"));
        $geshi = new GeSHi($geshi_text, $geshi_language, $geshi_path);
        $geshi->enable_line_numbers(GESHI_FANCY_LINE_NUMBERS, 10);
        //		$geshi->enable_classes();
        $geshi->set_overall_style('border: 2px solid #d0d0d0; background-color: #f6f6f6; color: #000066; padding: 10px;', true);
        $geshi->set_link_styles(GESHI_LINK, 'color: #000060;');
        $geshi->set_link_styles(GESHI_HOVER, 'background-color: #f0f000;');
        $geshi_text = $geshi->parse_code();
    } elseif ($filetype == "image") {
        $title = __("View image %1\$s", htmlEncode2($net2ftp_globals["entry"]));
        $image_url = printPHP_SELF("view");
        $image_alt = __("Image") . $net2ftp_globals["entry"];
    } elseif ($filetype == "flash") {
        $title = __("View Macromedia ShockWave Flash movie %1\$s", htmlEncode2($net2ftp_globals["entry"]));
        $flash_url = printPHP_SELF("view");
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Print the output
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    require_once $net2ftp_globals["application_skinsdir"] . "/" . $net2ftp_globals["skin"] . "/manage.template.php";
Beispiel #2
function net2ftp_module_printBody()
    // --------------
    // This function prints the edit screen
    // For screen == 1, the file is read from the FTP server
    // For screen == 2, the textarea is changed, the file is not read from the FTP server but comes from the HTML form
    // For screen == 3, the file is saved to the FTP server
    // --------------
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Global variables
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    global $net2ftp_settings, $net2ftp_globals, $net2ftp_messages, $net2ftp_result;
    if (isset($_POST["textareaType"]) == true) {
        $textareaType = validateTextareaType($_POST["textareaType"]);
    } else {
        $textareaType = "";
    if (isset($_POST["text"]) == true) {
        $text = $_POST["text"];
    } else {
        $text = "";
    if (isset($_POST["text_splitted"]) == true) {
        $text_splitted = $_POST["text_splitted"];
    } else {
        $text_splitted = "";
    if (isset($_POST["encodingSelect"]) == true) {
        $encodingSelect = $_POST["encodingSelect"];
    } else {
        $encodingSelect = "";
    if (isset($_POST["breakSelect"]) == true) {
        $breakSelect = $_POST["breakSelect"];
    } else {
        $breakSelect = "";
    $text_encoding_selected = "";
    $line_break_selected = "";
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Variables for all screens
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Form name, back and forward buttons
    $formname = "EditForm";
    $back_onclick = "document.forms['" . $formname . "'].state.value='browse';document.forms['" . $formname . "'].state2.value='main';document.forms['" . $formname . "'].submit();";
    // Directory + file name
    $dirfilename = htmlEncode2(glueDirectories($net2ftp_globals["directory"], $net2ftp_globals["entry"]));
    // TextareaSelect onchange
    $onchange = "document.forms['EditForm'].screen.value=2;document.forms['EditForm'].textareaType.value=document.forms['EditForm'].textareaSelect.options[document.forms['EditForm'].textareaSelect.selectedIndex].value;document.forms['EditForm'].submit();";
    // Character encoding (requires multibyte string module to be installed)
    // With this, you can save a text with specified encoding and line break sequence
    if (($net2ftp_globals["language"] == "ja" || $net2ftp_globals["language"] == "tc" || $net2ftp_messages["iso-8859-1"] == "UTF-8") && function_exists("mb_detect_encoding") == true) {
        // $textarea_encodings is an array which contains the possible character encodings
        $textarea_encodings = getTextareaEncodingsArray();
        // $textarea_breaks is an array which contains the possible line breaks
        $textarea_breaks[] = "CRLF";
        $textarea_breaks[] = "CR";
        $textarea_breaks[] = "LF";
        // $text_encoding_old is the original encoding which is detected when the file is first read
        // $text_encoding_new is the requested encoding from the drop-down box
        // Default = encoding used for the page, which is defined by the language file in /languages/
        // HTML uses BIG5, PHP uses BIG-5 (Traditional Chinese)
        // If the HTML encoding is not foreseen in the PHP function, set it to the default ISO-8859-1
        // $text_encoding is changed further on too
        if ($encodingSelect != "" && in_array($encodingSelect, $textarea_encodings)) {
            $text_encoding_new = $encodingSelect;
        } else {
            $text_encoding_new = "";
        // $line_break_old is the original line break which is detected when the file is first read
        // $line_break is the requested line break from the drop-down box
        if ($breakSelect != "" && in_array($breakSelect, $textarea_breaks) == true) {
            $line_break_new = $breakSelect;
        } else {
            $line_break_new = "LF";
    // Programming language (for CodePress syntax highlighting)
    if ($textareaType == "codepress") {
        $filename_extension = get_filename_extension($net2ftp_globals["entry"]);
        if ($filename_extension == "asp") {
            $codepress_programming_language = "asp";
        } elseif ($filename_extension == "css") {
            $codepress_programming_language = "css";
        } elseif ($filename_extension == "cgi") {
            $codepress_programming_language = "perl";
        } elseif ($filename_extension == "htm") {
            $codepress_programming_language = "html";
        } elseif ($filename_extension == "html") {
            $codepress_programming_language = "html";
        } elseif ($filename_extension == "java") {
            $codepress_programming_language = "java";
        } elseif ($filename_extension == "js") {
            $codepress_programming_language = "javascript";
        } elseif ($filename_extension == "javascript") {
            $codepress_programming_language = "javascript";
        } elseif ($filename_extension == "pl") {
            $codepress_programming_language = "perl";
        } elseif ($filename_extension == "perl") {
            $codepress_programming_language = "perl";
        } elseif ($filename_extension == "php") {
            $codepress_programming_language = "php";
        } elseif ($filename_extension == "phps") {
            $codepress_programming_language = "php";
        } elseif ($filename_extension == "phtml") {
            $codepress_programming_language = "php";
        } elseif ($filename_extension == "ruby") {
            $codepress_programming_language = "ruby";
        } elseif ($filename_extension == "sql") {
            $codepress_programming_language = "sql";
        } elseif ($filename_extension == "txt") {
            $codepress_programming_language = "text";
        } else {
            $codepress_programming_language = "generic";
        $codepress_onclick = "text.toggleEditor();";
    } else {
        $codepress_programming_language = "";
        $codepress_onclick = "";
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Variables for screen 1
    // Read the remote file (edit), or read the local template (new file)
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if ($net2ftp_globals["screen"] == 1) {
        // Template file
        $templatefile = $net2ftp_globals["application_rootdir"] . "/modules/edit/template.txt";
        // Edit: read the file from the FTP server
        if ($net2ftp_globals["state2"] == "") {
            $text = ftp_readfile("", $net2ftp_globals["directory"], $net2ftp_globals["entry"]);
            if ($net2ftp_result["success"] == false) {
                return false;
            // Character encoding (requires multibyte string module to be installed)
            // Detect the original encoding of the text, and change the encoding of the text to the encoding of the page
            if (($net2ftp_globals["language"] == "ja" || $net2ftp_globals["language"] == "tc" || $net2ftp_messages["iso-8859-1"] == "UTF-8") && function_exists("mb_detect_encoding") == true) {
                // Detect original encoding
                $text_encoding_old = mb_detect_encoding($text, $textarea_encodings);
                $text_encoding_selected = $text_encoding_old;
                // If original encoding is detected and different from the page encoding, convert the text to the page encoding
                if ($text_encoding_old != "" && strcasecmp($text_encoding_old, $net2ftp_messages["iso-8859-1"]) != 0) {
                    $text = mb_convert_encoding($text, $net2ftp_messages["iso-8859-1"], $text_encoding_old);
                // Detect original line break
                if (strpos($text, "\r\n") !== false) {
                    $line_break_old = "CRLF";
                } elseif (strpos($text, "\n") !== false) {
                    $line_break_old = "LF";
                } elseif (strpos($text, "\r") !== false) {
                    $line_break_old = "CR";
                } else {
                    $line_break_old = "LF";
                $line_break_selected = $line_break_old;
        } elseif ($net2ftp_globals["state2"] == "newfile") {
            $handle = fopen($templatefile, "r");
            // Open the local template file for reading only
            if ($handle == false) {
                $errormessage = __("Unable to open the template file");
                setErrorVars(false, $errormessage, debug_backtrace(), __FILE__, __LINE__);
                return false;
            // for filesize
            $text = trim(fread($handle, filesize($templatefile)));
            if ($text == false) {
                $errormessage = __("Unable to read the template file");
                setErrorVars(false, $errormessage, debug_backtrace(), __FILE__, __LINE__);
                return false;
        // Save status
        $savestatus = __("Status: This file has not yet been saved");
        $savestatus_short = __("Not yet saved");
    } elseif ($net2ftp_globals["screen"] == 2) {
        // For HTML WYSIWYG editors, split the HTML
        if (($textareaType == "tinymce" || $textareaType == "ckeditor") && $text_splitted == "") {
            $text_splitted = splitHtml($text, $textareaType);
        } elseif (($textareaType == "plain" || $textareaType == "codepress") && $text == "" && isset($text_splitted["top"]) == true) {
            $text = $text_splitted["top"];
            $text .= $text_splitted["middle"];
            $text .= $text_splitted["bottom"];
        // Save status
        $savestatus = __("Status: This file has not yet been saved");
        $savestatus_short = __("Not yet saved");
    } elseif ($net2ftp_globals["screen"] == 3) {
        // Check if a filename is specified
        if (strlen($net2ftp_globals["entry"]) < 1) {
            $errormessage = __("Please specify a filename");
            setErrorVars(false, $errormessage, debug_backtrace(), __FILE__, __LINE__);
            return false;
        // For HTML WYSIWYG editors, join the HTML
        if ($textareaType == "tinymce" || $textareaType == "ckeditor") {
            $text = $text_splitted["top"];
            $text .= $text_splitted["middle"];
            $text .= $text_splitted["bottom"];
        // $text_file contains the text which is written to the FTP server
        // It is equal to the text shown on screen, except if a different character encoding is chosen
        $text_file = $text;
        // Character encoding (requires multibyte string module to be installed)
        // Change the encoding of the text from the original or page encoding to the selected encoding
        if (($net2ftp_globals["language"] == "ja" || $net2ftp_globals["language"] == "tc" || $net2ftp_messages["iso-8859-1"] == "UTF-8") && function_exists("mb_detect_encoding") == true) {
            $break_map = array("CRLF" => "\r\n", "CR" => "\r", "LF" => "\n");
            if (isset($break_map[$line_break_new]) == true) {
                $text_file = preg_replace('/(\\r\\n)|\\r|\\n/', $break_map[$line_break_new], $text_file);
            if ($text_encoding_new != "" && strcasecmp($text_encoding_new, $net2ftp_messages["iso-8859-1"]) != 0) {
                $text_file = mb_convert_encoding($text_file, $text_encoding_new, $net2ftp_messages["iso-8859-1"]);
            $text_encoding_selected = $text_encoding_new;
            $line_break_selected = $line_break_new;
        // Write the string to the FTP server
        // Note: this function also replaces CarriageReturn+LineFeed by LineFeed
        ftp_writefile("", $net2ftp_globals["directory"], $net2ftp_globals["entry"], $text_file);
        if ($net2ftp_result["success"] == false) {
            setErrorVars(true, "", "", "", "");
            // Continue anyway and print warning message
            $savestatus = __("Status: <b>This file could not be saved</b>");
            $savestatus_short = __("Could not be saved");
        } else {
            $mytime = mytime();
            $mytime_short = mytime_short();
            $ftpmode = ftpAsciiBinary($net2ftp_globals["entry"]);
            if ($ftpmode == FTP_ASCII) {
                $printftpmode = "FTP_ASCII";
            } elseif ($ftpmode == FTP_BINARY) {
                $printftpmode = "FTP_BINARY";
            $savestatus = __("Status: Saved on <b>%1\$s</b> using mode %2\$s", $mytime, $printftpmode);
            $savestatus_short = __("Saved at %1\$s", $mytime_short);
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Convert special characters to HTML entities
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Plain textarea
    if ($textareaType == "" || $textareaType == "plain") {
        $text = htmlspecialchars($text, ENT_QUOTES);
    } elseif ($textareaType == "ckeditor") {
        $text_splitted["top"] = htmlspecialchars($text_splitted["top"], ENT_QUOTES);
        $text_splitted["bottom"] = htmlspecialchars($text_splitted["bottom"], ENT_QUOTES);
        // Do not encode the middle part, this is done by CKEditor itself
        //		$text_splitted["middle"] = htmlspecialchars($text_splitted["middle"], ENT_QUOTES);
    } elseif ($textareaType == "tinymce") {
        $text_splitted["top"] = htmlspecialchars($text_splitted["top"], ENT_QUOTES);
        $text_splitted["middle"] = htmlspecialchars($text_splitted["middle"], ENT_QUOTES);
        $text_splitted["bottom"] = htmlspecialchars($text_splitted["bottom"], ENT_QUOTES);
    } elseif ($textareaType == "codepress") {
        $text = htmlspecialchars($text, ENT_QUOTES);
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Print the output
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    require_once $net2ftp_globals["application_skinsdir"] . "/" . $net2ftp_globals["skin"] . "/edit.template.php";
function net2ftp_module_printBody()
    // --------------
    // This function prints the rename screen
    // --------------
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Global variables
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    global $net2ftp_settings, $net2ftp_globals, $net2ftp_messages, $net2ftp_result, $net2ftp_output;
    if (isset($_POST["list"]) == true) {
        $list = getSelectedEntries($_POST["list"]);
    } else {
        $list = "";
    if (isset($_POST["newNames"]) == true) {
        $newNames = validateEntry($_POST["newNames"]);
    } else {
        $newNames = "";
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Variables for all screens
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Title
    $title = __("Rename directories and files");
    // Form name, back and forward buttons
    $formname = "RenameForm";
    $back_onclick = "document.forms['" . $formname . "'].state.value='browse';document.forms['" . $formname . "'].state2.value='main';document.forms['" . $formname . "'].submit();";
    $forward_onclick = "document.forms['" . $formname . "'].submit();";
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Variables for screen 1
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if ($net2ftp_globals["screen"] == 1) {
        // Next screen
        $nextscreen = 2;
    } elseif ($net2ftp_globals["screen"] == 2) {
        // Open connection
        setStatus(2, 10, __("Connecting to the FTP server"));
        $conn_id = ftp_openconnection();
        if ($net2ftp_result["success"] == false) {
            return false;
        // Rename files
        setStatus(4, 10, __("Processing the entries"));
        for ($i = 1; $i <= sizeof($list["all"]); $i++) {
            if (strstr($list["all"][$i]["dirfilename"], "..") != false) {
                $net2ftp_output["rename"][] = __("The new name may not contain any dots. This entry was not renamed to <b>%1\$s</b>", htmlEncode2($newNames[$i])) . "<br />";
            if (checkAuthorizedName($newNames[$i]) == false) {
                $net2ftp_output["rename"][] = __("The new name may not contain any banned keywords. This entry was not renamed to <b>%1\$s</b>", htmlEncode2($newNames[$i])) . "<br />";
            ftp_rename2($conn_id, $net2ftp_globals["directory"], $list["all"][$i]["dirfilename"], $newNames[$i]);
            if ($net2ftp_result["success"] == false) {
                setErrorVars(true, "", "", "", "");
                $net2ftp_output["rename"][] = __("<b>%1\$s</b> could not be renamed to <b>%2\$s</b>", htmlEncode2($list["all"][$i]["dirfilename"]), htmlEncode2($newNames[$i]));
            } else {
                $net2ftp_output["rename"][] = __("<b>%1\$s</b> was successfully renamed to <b>%2\$s</b>", htmlEncode2($list["all"][$i]["dirfilename"]), htmlEncode2($newNames[$i]));
        // End for
        // Close connection
    // end elseif
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Print the output
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    require_once $net2ftp_globals["application_skinsdir"] . "/" . $net2ftp_globals["skin"] . "/manage.template.php";
Beispiel #4
function net2ftp_module_printBody()
    // --------------
    // This function prints the login screen
    // --------------
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Global variables
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    global $net2ftp_settings, $net2ftp_globals, $net2ftp_messages, $net2ftp_result;
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Variables
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    $filename_extension = get_filename_extension($net2ftp_globals["entry"]);
    // ------------------------
    // Set the state2 variable depending on the file extension !!!!!
    // ------------------------
    if (getFileType($net2ftp_globals["entry"]) == "IMAGE") {
        $filetype = "image";
    } elseif ($filename_extension == "swf") {
        $filetype = "flash";
    } else {
        $filetype = "text";
    // Form name, back and forward buttons
    $formname = "ViewForm";
    $back_onclick = "document.forms['" . $formname . "'].state.value='browse';document.forms['" . $formname . "'].state2.value='main';document.forms['" . $formname . "'].submit();";
    // Next screen
    $nextscreen = 2;
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Text
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if ($filetype == "text") {
        // Title
        $title = __("View file %1\$s", $net2ftp_globals["entry"]);
        // ------------------------
        // luminous_text
        // ------------------------
        setStatus(2, 10, __("Reading the file"));
        $luminous_text = ftp_readfile("", $net2ftp_globals["directory"], $net2ftp_globals["entry"]);
        if ($net2ftp_result["success"] == false) {
            return false;
        // ------------------------
        // luminous_language
        // ------------------------
        $luminous_language = "";
        $list_language_extensions = array('html' => array('html', 'htm'), 'javascript' => array('js'), 'css' => array('css'), 'php' => array('php', 'php5', 'phtml', 'phps'), 'perl' => array('pl', 'pm', 'cgi'), 'sql' => array('sql'), 'java' => array('java'), 'ada' => array('a', 'ada', 'adb', 'ads'), 'as' => array('as'), 'asp' => array('asp'), 'cpp' => array('cpp'), 'csharp' => array('csharp'), 'diff' => array('diff'), 'go' => array('go'), 'latex' => array('latex'), 'matlab' => array('matlab'), 'python' => array('py'), 'rails' => array('rails'), 'ruby' => array('ruby'), 'sql' => array('sql'), 'vb' => array('bas'), 'vim' => array('vim'), 'xml' => array('xml'));
        while (list($language, $extensions) = each($list_language_extensions)) {
            if (in_array($filename_extension, $extensions)) {
                $luminous_language = $language;
        // ------------------------
        // Call luminous
        // ------------------------
        setStatus(4, 10, __("Parsing the file"));
        $luminous_text = luminous::highlight($luminous_language, $luminous_text, FALSE);
    } elseif ($filetype == "image") {
        $title = __("View image %1\$s", htmlEncode2($net2ftp_globals["entry"]));
        $image_url = printPHP_SELF("view");
        $image_alt = __("Image") . $net2ftp_globals["entry"];
    } elseif ($filetype == "flash") {
        $title = __("View Macromedia ShockWave Flash movie %1\$s", htmlEncode2($net2ftp_globals["entry"]));
        $flash_url = printPHP_SELF("view");
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Print the output
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    require_once $net2ftp_globals["application_skinsdir"] . "/" . $net2ftp_globals["skin"] . "/manage.template.php";
Beispiel #5
function net2ftp_module_printBody()
    // --------------
    // This function prints the login screen
    // --------------
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Global variables
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    global $net2ftp_settings, $net2ftp_globals, $net2ftp_messages, $net2ftp_result;
    if (isset($_POST["input_admin_username"]) == true) {
        $input_admin_username = htmlEncode2(validateGenericInput($_POST["input_admin_username"]));
    } else {
        $input_admin_username = "";
    if (isset($_POST["input_admin_password"]) == true) {
        $input_admin_password = htmlEncode2(validateGenericInput($_POST["input_admin_password"]));
    } else {
        $input_admin_password = "";
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Variables
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Title
    $title = __("Admin functions");
    // Form name, back and forward buttons
    $formname = "AdminForm";
    $back_onclick = "document.forms['" . $formname . "'].state.value='login';document.forms['" . $formname . "'].submit();";
    // Current build number
    $application_build_nr = $net2ftp_settings["application_build_nr"];
    // Date from and to
    $today = date("Y-m-d");
    $oneweekago = date("Y-m-d", time() - 3600 * 24 * 7);
    $datefrom = $oneweekago;
    $dateto = $today;
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Print the output
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    require_once $net2ftp_globals["application_skinsdir"] . "/" . $net2ftp_globals["skin"] . "/manage.template.php";
// end if

if (is_array($zipactions) == true) {
    for ($i = 1; $i <= sizeof($list["all"]); $i++) {
        while (list($key, $value) = each($list["all"][$i])) {
<input type="hidden" name="list[<?php 
            echo $i;
            echo htmlEncode2($key);
]" value="<?php 
            echo htmlEncode2($value);
" />
        // end while
    // end for
// end if

<div style="border: 1px solid black; background-color: #DDDDDD; width: 400px; margin-<?php 
echo __("left");
: auto; margin-<?php 
function getSelectedEntries($list)
    // --------------
    // Input = array where dirfilename is set if the entry was selected, not set if not selected:
    //   [1] => Array ( [dirfilename] => dir1 [dirorfile] => d [size] => 0 [selectable] => ok      [permissions] => ---rw-rw- )   <-- selected
    //   [2] => Array ( [dirfilename] => dir2 [dirorfile] => d [size] => 0 [selectable] => ok      [permissions] => ---rw-rw- )   <-- selected
    //   [3] => Array ( [dirfilename] => dir3 [dirorfile] => d [size] => 0 [selectable] => too_big [permissions] => ---rw-rw- )   <-- selected
    //   [4] => Array (                       [dirorfile] => d [size] => 0 [selectable] => ok      [permissions] => ---rw-rw- )   <-- not selected
    // Output = array with only the selected entries, which are not TOO BIG or which do not contain a forbidden keyword
    //   [1] => Array ( [dirfilename] => dir1 [dirorfile] => d [size] => 0 [permissions] => ---rw-rw- )
    //   [2] => Array ( [dirfilename] => dir2 [dirorfile] => d [size] => 0 [permissions] => ---rw-rw- )
    // --------------
    // Global variables
    global $net2ftp_globals;
    $newlist = array();
    $newlist["directories"] = array();
    $newlist["files"] = array();
    $newlist["symlinks"] = array();
    $newlist["unrecognized"] = array();
    $directory_index = 1;
    $file_index = 1;
    $symlink_index = 1;
    $unrecognized_index = 1;
    $all_index = 1;
    for ($i = 1; $i <= sizeof($list); $i = $i + 1) {
        if (isset($list[$i]["dirorfile"]) == true && isset($list[$i]["dirfilename"]) == true) {
            if (isset($list[$i]["selectable"]) == false || $list[$i]["selectable"] != "ok" && ($net2ftp_globals["state"] == "downloadfile" || $net2ftp_globals["state"] == "downloadzip" || $net2ftp_globals["state"] == "edit" || $net2ftp_globals["state"] == "findstring" || $net2ftp_globals["state"] == "unzip" || $net2ftp_globals["state"] == "view" || $net2ftp_globals["state"] == "zip" || $net2ftp_globals["state2"] == "copy" || $net2ftp_globals["state2"] == "move")) {
            $list[$i]["dirfilename"] = validateGenericInput($list[$i]["dirfilename"]);
            $list[$i]["dirfilename_html"] = htmlEncode2($list[$i]["dirfilename"]);
            $list[$i]["dirfilename_js"] = javascriptEncode2($list[$i]["dirfilename"]);
            if ($list[$i]["dirorfile"] == "d") {
                $newlist["directories"][$directory_index] = $list[$i];
                $newlist["all"][$all_index] = $list[$i];
            } elseif ($list[$i]["dirorfile"] == "-") {
                $newlist["files"][$file_index] = $list[$i];
                $newlist["all"][$all_index] = $list[$i];
            } elseif ($list[$i]["dirorfile"] == "l") {
                $newlist["symlinks"][$symlink_index] = $list[$i];
                $newlist["all"][$all_index] = $list[$i];
            } elseif ($list[$i]["dirorfile"] == "u") {
                $newlist["unrecognized"][$unrecognized_index] = $list[$i];
                $newlist["all"][$all_index] = $list[$i];
    // end for
    // Store the statistics
    $newlist["stats"]["directories"]["total_number"] = $directory_index - 1;
    $newlist["stats"]["files"]["total_number"] = $file_index - 1;
    $newlist["stats"]["symlinks"]["total_number"] = $symlink_index - 1;
    $newlist["stats"]["unrecognized"]["total_number"] = $unrecognized_index - 1;
    return $newlist;
Beispiel #8
function net2ftp_module_printBody()
    // --------------
    // This function prints the login screen
    // --------------
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Global variables
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    global $net2ftp_settings, $net2ftp_globals, $net2ftp_messages, $net2ftp_result;
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Variables
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ------------------------------------
    // Title
    // ------------------------------------
    $login_title = __("Login!");
    // ------------------------------------
    // FTP server
    //	    $ftpserver["inputType"] can be "text", "select" or "hidden"
    //	    $ftpserver"][$i]["text"] is ""
    //	    $ftpserver"][$i]["selected"] is "selected" or ""
    // ------------------------------------
    // All FTP servers are allowed
    // Prefill the textbox with the value that was filled in (when changing the language the page refreshes)
    // or else with the value from the cookie
    if ($net2ftp_settings["allowed_ftpservers"][1] == "ALL") {
        // Input type is textbox
        $ftpserver["inputType"] = "text";
        // Prefill with the previous input value
        if ($net2ftp_globals["ftpserver"] != "") {
            $ftpserver["list"][1] = htmlEncode2($net2ftp_globals["ftpserver"]);
        } else {
            $ftpserver["list"][1] = htmlEncode2($net2ftp_globals["cookie_ftpserver"]);
    } elseif (sizeof($net2ftp_settings["allowed_ftpservers"]) > 1) {
        // Input type is drop-down box
        $ftpserver["inputType"] = "select";
        // List of allowed FTP servers
        $ftpserver["list"] = $net2ftp_settings["allowed_ftpservers"];
        // Preselect the right FTP server
        // ... using the previous input value
        $array_search_result1 = array_search($net2ftp_globals["ftpserver"], $ftpserver);
        if (is_numeric($array_search_result1) == true) {
            $ftpserver["list"][$array_search_result1]["selected"] = "selected=\"selected\"";
        } else {
            $array_search_result2 = array_search($net2ftp_globals["cookie_ftpserver"], $ftpserver);
            if (is_numeric($array_search_result2) == true) {
                $ftpserver["list"][$array_search_result2]["selected"] = "selected=\"selected\"";
    } elseif (sizeof($net2ftp_settings["allowed_ftpservers"]) == 1) {
        $ftpserver["inputType"] = "hidden";
        $ftpserver["list"][1] = $net2ftp_settings["allowed_ftpservers"][1];
    } else {
        $errormessage = "There is an error in the net2ftp configuration file <b></b>: variable <b>\$net2ftp_allowed_ftpservers</b> does not follow the expected format.";
        setErrorVars(false, $errormessage, debug_backtrace(), __FILE__, __LINE__);
        return false;
    // ------------------------------------
    // FTP server port
    //	    $ftpserverport["inputType"] can be "text" or "hidden"
    //	    $ftpserverport is "21"
    // ------------------------------------
    if ($net2ftp_settings["allowed_ftpserverport"] == "ALL") {
        // Input type is textbox
        $ftpserverport["inputType"] = "text";
        // Prefill with the previous input value
        if ($net2ftp_globals["ftpserverport"] != "") {
            $ftpserverport["value"] = htmlEncode2($net2ftp_globals["ftpserverport"]);
        } elseif ($net2ftp_globals["cookie_ftpserverport"] != "") {
            $ftpserverport["value"] = htmlEncode2($net2ftp_globals["cookie_ftpserverport"]);
        } else {
            $ftpserverport["value"] = 21;
    } else {
        $ftpserverport["inputType"] = "hidden";
        $ftpserverport["value"] = $net2ftp_settings["allowed_ftpserverport"];
    // ------------------------------------
    // Username
    // ------------------------------------
    // Prefill with the previous input value
    if ($net2ftp_globals["username"] != "") {
        $username = htmlEncode2($net2ftp_globals["username"]);
    } else {
        $username = htmlEncode2($net2ftp_globals["cookie_username"]);
    // ------------------------------------
    // Password
    // ------------------------------------
    // Do not prefill this field
    $password = "";
    // ------------------------------------
    // Passive mode
    // ------------------------------------
    if ($net2ftp_globals["passivemode"] == "yes") {
        $passivemode["checked"] = "checked=\"checked\"";
    } elseif ($net2ftp_globals["cookie_passivemode"] == "yes") {
        $passivemode["checked"] = "checked=\"checked\"";
    } else {
        $passivemode["checked"] = "";
    // ------------------------------------
    // Initial directory
    // ------------------------------------
    if (strlen($net2ftp_globals["directory"]) > 1) {
        $directory = $net2ftp_globals["directory_html"];
    } elseif (strlen($net2ftp_globals["cookie_directory"]) > 1) {
        $directory = htmlEncode2($net2ftp_globals["cookie_directory"]);
    } else {
        $directory = "";
    // ------------------------------------
    // Protocol
    // ------------------------------------
    $protocol["inputType"] = "hidden";
    $protocol["list"][1] = "FTP";
    if (function_exists("ssh2_connect") == true) {
        $protocol["list"][2] = "FTP over SSH2";
        $protocol["inputType"] = "select";
    if (function_exists("ftp_ssl_connect") == true) {
        $protocol["list"][3] = "FTP with SSL";
        $protocol["inputType"] = "select";
    // ------------------------------------
    // Language
    // ------------------------------------
    $language_onchange = "document.forms['LoginForm'].state.value='login'; document.forms['LoginForm'].submit();";
    // ------------------------------------
    // Skin
    // ------------------------------------
    $skin_onchange = "";
    // ------------------------------------
    // FTP mode
    // ------------------------------------
    // Determine the FTP mode
    if ($net2ftp_globals["ftpmode"] != "") {
        $ftpmode["type"] = htmlEncode2($net2ftp_globals["ftpmode"]);
    } elseif ($net2ftp_globals["cookie_ftpmode"] != "") {
        $ftpmode["type"] = htmlEncode2($net2ftp_globals["cookie_ftpmode"]);
    } else {
        // Before PHP version 4.3.11, bug 27633 can cause problems in ASCII mode ==> use BINARY mode
        if (version_compare(phpversion(), "4.3.11", "<")) {
            $ftpmode["type"] = "binary";
        } else {
            $ftpmode["type"] = "automatic";
    // Fill the values that will be used in the template
    if ($ftpmode["type"] == "automatic") {
        $ftpmode["automatic"] = "checked=\"checked\"";
        $ftpmode["binary"] = "";
    } elseif ($ftpmode["type"] == "binary") {
        $ftpmode["automatic"] = "";
        $ftpmode["binary"] = "checked=\"checked\"";
    // ------------------------------------
    // FTP mode
    // ------------------------------------
    $admin_url = $net2ftp_globals["action_url"] . "?state=login_small&amp;state2=admin&amp;go_to_state=admin";
    // ------------------------------------
    // Focus
    // ------------------------------------
    if ($net2ftp_settings["allowed_ftpservers"][1] == "ALL") {
        $focus = "ftpserver";
    } else {
        $focus = "username";
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Print the output
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    require_once $net2ftp_globals["application_skinsdir"] . "/" . $net2ftp_globals["skin"] . "/login.template.php";
function net2ftp_module_printBody()
    // --------------
    // This function prints the new directory screen
    // --------------
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Global variables
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    global $net2ftp_settings, $net2ftp_globals, $net2ftp_messages, $net2ftp_result, $net2ftp_output;
    if (isset($_POST["newNames"]) == true) {
        $newNames = validateEntry($_POST["newNames"]);
    } else {
        $newNames = "";
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Variables for all screens
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Title
    $title = __("Create new directories");
    // Form name, back and forward buttons
    $formname = "NewDirForm";
    $back_onclick = "document.forms['" . $formname . "'].state.value='browse';document.forms['" . $formname . "'].state2.value='main';document.forms['" . $formname . "'].submit();";
    $forward_onclick = "document.forms['" . $formname . "'].submit();";
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Variables for screen 1
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if ($net2ftp_globals["screen"] == 1) {
        // Next screen
        $nextscreen = 2;
    } elseif ($net2ftp_globals["screen"] == 2) {
        // Open connection
        setStatus(2, 10, __("Connecting to the FTP server"));
        $conn_id = ftp_openconnection();
        if ($net2ftp_result["success"] == false) {
            return false;
        // Create new directories
        setStatus(4, 10, __("Processing the entries"));
        for ($k = 1; $k <= sizeof($newNames); $k++) {
            if (strlen($newNames[$k]) > 0) {
                $newsubdir = glueDirectories($net2ftp_globals["directory"], $newNames[$k]);
                ftp_newdirectory($conn_id, $newsubdir);
                if ($net2ftp_result["success"] == false) {
                    setErrorVars(true, "", "", "", "");
                    // Continue anyway
                    $net2ftp_output["newdir"][] = __("Directory <b>%1\$s</b> could not be created.", htmlEncode2($newNames[$k]));
                } else {
                    $net2ftp_output["newdir"][] = __("Directory <b>%1\$s</b> was successfully created.", htmlEncode2($newNames[$k]));
            // End if
        // End for
        // Close connection
    // end elseif
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Print the output
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    require_once $net2ftp_globals["application_skinsdir"] . "/" . $net2ftp_globals["skin"] . "/manage.template.php";
Beispiel #10
function net2ftp_module_printBody()
    // --------------
    // This function prints the login screen
    // --------------
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Global variables
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    global $net2ftp_settings, $net2ftp_globals, $net2ftp_messages, $net2ftp_result, $net2ftp_output;
    if (isset($_POST["troubleshoot_ftpserver"]) == true) {
        $troubleshoot_ftpserver = validateFtpserver($_POST["troubleshoot_ftpserver"]);
    } else {
        $troubleshoot_ftpserver = "";
    if (isset($_POST["troubleshoot_ftpserverport"]) == true) {
        $troubleshoot_ftpserverport = validateFtpserverport($_POST["troubleshoot_ftpserverport"]);
    } else {
        $troubleshoot_ftpserverport = "";
    if (isset($_POST["troubleshoot_username"]) == true) {
        $troubleshoot_username = validateUsername($_POST["troubleshoot_username"]);
    } else {
        $troubleshoot_username = "";
    if (isset($_POST["troubleshoot_password"]) == true) {
        $troubleshoot_password = validatePassword($_POST["troubleshoot_password"]);
    } else {
        $troubleshoot_password = "";
    if (isset($_POST["troubleshoot_directory"]) == true) {
        $troubleshoot_directory = validateDirectory($_POST["troubleshoot_directory"]);
    } else {
        $troubleshoot_directory = "";
    if (isset($_POST["troubleshoot_passivemode"]) == true) {
        $troubleshoot_passivemode = validatePassivemode($_POST["troubleshoot_passivemode"]);
    } else {
        $troubleshoot_passivemode = "";
    $troubleshoot_ftpserver_html = htmlEncode2($troubleshoot_ftpserver);
    $troubleshoot_ftpserverport_html = htmlEncode2($troubleshoot_ftpserverport);
    $troubleshoot_username_html = htmlEncode2($troubleshoot_username);
    $troubleshoot_directory_html = htmlEncode2($troubleshoot_directory);
    $troubleshoot_passivemode_html = htmlEncode2($troubleshoot_passivemode);
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Variables for all screens
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Title
    $title = __("Troubleshoot an FTP server");
    // Form name
    $formname = "AdvancedForm";
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Variables for screen 1
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if ($net2ftp_globals["screen"] == 1) {
        // Next screen
        $nextscreen = 2;
        // Back and forward buttons
        $back_onclick = "document.forms['" . $formname . "'].state.value='advanced';document.forms['" . $formname . "'].screen.value='1';document.forms['" . $formname . "'].submit();";
        $forward_onclick = "document.forms['" . $formname . "'].submit();";
    } elseif ($net2ftp_globals["screen"] == 2) {
        // Back and forward buttons
        $back_onclick = "document.forms['" . $formname . "'].state.value='advanced_ftpserver'; document.forms['" . $formname . "'].submit();";
        // Initial checks
        if ($troubleshoot_passivemode != "yes") {
            $troubleshoot_passivemode = "no";
        // Connect
        setStatus(1, 10, __("Connecting to the FTP server"));
        $conn_id = ftp_connect("{$troubleshoot_ftpserver}", $troubleshoot_ftpserverport);
        // Login with username and password
        setStatus(2, 10, __("Logging into the FTP server"));
        $ftp_login_result = ftp_login($conn_id, $troubleshoot_username, $troubleshoot_password);
        // Passive mode
        if ($troubleshoot_passivemode == "yes") {
            setStatus(3, 10, __("Setting the passive mode"));
            $ftp_pasv_result = ftp_pasv($conn_id, TRUE);
        } else {
            $ftp_pasv_result = true;
        // Get the FTP system type
        setStatus(4, 10, __("Getting the FTP system type"));
        $ftp_systype_result = ftp_systype($conn_id);
        // Change the directory
        setStatus(5, 10, __("Changing the directory"));
        $ftp_chdir_result = ftp_chdir($conn_id, $troubleshoot_directory);
        // Get the current directory from the FTP server
        setStatus(6, 10, __("Getting the current directory"));
        $ftp_pwd_result = ftp_pwd($conn_id);
        // Try to get a raw list
        setStatus(7, 10, __("Getting the list of directories and files"));
        $ftp_rawlist_result = ftp_rawlist($conn_id, "-a");
        if (sizeof($ftp_rawlist_result) <= 1) {
            $ftp_rawlist_result = ftp_rawlist($conn_id, "");
        // Parse the list
        setStatus(8, 10, __("Parsing the list of directories and files"));
        for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($ftp_rawlist_result); $i++) {
            $parsedlist[$i] = ftp_scanline($troubleshoot_directory, $ftp_rawlist_result[$i]);
        // end for
        // Quiting; ftp_quit doesn't return a value
        setStatus(9, 10, __("Logging out of the FTP server"));
    // end if
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Print the output
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    setStatus(10, 10, __("Printing the result"));
    require_once $net2ftp_globals["application_skinsdir"] . "/" . $net2ftp_globals["skin"] . "/manage.template.php";
function net2ftp_module_printBody()
    // --------------
    // This function prints the login screen
    // --------------
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Global variables
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    global $net2ftp_settings, $net2ftp_globals, $net2ftp_messages, $net2ftp_result;
    if (isset($_POST["input_admin_username"]) == true) {
        $input_admin_username = htmlEncode2(validateGenericInput($_POST["input_admin_username"]));
    } else {
        $input_admin_username = "";
    if (isset($_POST["input_admin_password"]) == true) {
        $input_admin_password = htmlEncode2(validateGenericInput($_POST["input_admin_password"]));
    } else {
        $input_admin_password = "";
    if (isset($_POST["dbusername2"]) == true) {
        $dbusername2 = validateUsername($_POST["dbusername2"]);
    } else {
        $dbusername2 = "";
    if (isset($_POST["dbpassword2"]) == true) {
        $dbpassword2 = validatePassword($_POST["dbpassword2"]);
    } else {
        $dbpassword2 = "";
    if (isset($_POST["dbname2"]) == true) {
        $dbname2 = validateGenericInput($_POST["dbname2"]);
    } else {
        $dbname2 = "";
    if (isset($_POST["dbserver2"]) == true) {
        $dbserver2 = validateGenericInput($_POST["dbserver2"]);
    } else {
        $dbserver2 = "";
    $dbusername2_html = htmlEncode2($dbusername2);
    $dbpassword2_html = htmlEncode2($dbpassword2);
    $dbname2_html = htmlEncode2($dbname2);
    $dbserver2_html = htmlEncode2($dbserver2);
    if ($dbserver2 == "") {
        $dbserver2 = "localhost";
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Variables for all screens
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Output variable
    $net2ftp_output["admin_createtables"][] = "";
    // Title
    $title = __("Admin functions");
    // Form name
    $formname = "AdminForm";
    // Read the SQL file
    $filename = glueDirectories($net2ftp_globals["application_rootdir"], "create_tables.sql");
    $handle = fopen($filename, "rb");
    // Open the file for reading only
    if ($handle == false) {
        $net2ftp_output["admin_createtables"][] = __("The handle of file %1\$s could not be opened.", $filename);
    // for filesize
    $sqlquerystring = fread($handle, filesize($filename));
    if ($sqlquerystring == false) {
        $net2ftp_output["admin_createtables"][] = __("The file %1\$s could not be opened.", $filename);
    $result1 = fclose($handle);
    if ($result1 == false) {
        $net2ftp_output["admin_createtables"][] = __("The handle of file %1\$s could not be closed.", $filename);
    // Split the SQL file in individual queries
    $sqlquerypieces = explode("\n", $sqlquerystring);
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Variables for screen 1
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if ($net2ftp_globals["screen"] == 1) {
        // Next screen
        $nextscreen = 2;
        // Back and forward buttons
        $back_onclick = "document.forms['" . $formname . "'].state.value='admin';document.forms['" . $formname . "'].screen.value='1';document.forms['" . $formname . "'].submit();";
        $forward_onclick = "document.forms['" . $formname . "'].submit();";
    } elseif ($net2ftp_globals["screen"] == 2) {
        // Next screen
        $nextscreen = 1;
        // Back and forward buttons
        $back_onclick = "document.forms['" . $formname . "'].state.value='admin';document.forms['" . $formname . "'].screen.value='1';document.forms['" . $formname . "'].submit();";
        $dbpassword2_length = strlen($dbpassword2);
        // ------------------------------------
        // Connect
        // ------------------------------------
        $mydb = mysql_connect($dbserver2, $dbusername2, $dbpassword2);
        if ($mydb == false) {
            $net2ftp_output["admin_createtables"][] = __("The connection to the server <b>%1\$s</b> could not be set up. Please check the database settings you've entered.", $dbserver2_html) . "\n";
        // ------------------------------------
        // Select
        // ------------------------------------
        if ($mydb != false) {
            $mysql_select_db_result = mysql_select_db($dbname2);
            if ($mysql_select_db_result == false) {
                $net2ftp_output["admin_createtables"][] = __("Unable to select the database <b>%1\$s</b>.", $dbserver2_html) . "\n";
        // ------------------------------------
        // Query
        // ------------------------------------
        if ($mydb != false && $mysql_select_db_result != false) {
            for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($sqlquerypieces); $i++) {
                $mysql_query_results[$i] = mysql_query($sqlquerypieces[$i]);
                if ($mysql_query_results[$i] == false) {
                    $net2ftp_output["admin_createtables"][] = __("The SQL query nr <b>%1\$s</b> could not be executed.", $i + 1) . "\n";
                } else {
                    $net2ftp_output["admin_createtables"][] = __("The SQL query nr <b>%1\$s</b> was executed successfully.", $i + 1) . "\n";
    // end elseif
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Print the output
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    require_once $net2ftp_globals["application_skinsdir"] . "/" . $net2ftp_globals["skin"] . "/manage.template.php";
Beispiel #12
function net2ftp_module_printBody()
    // --------------
    // This function prints the unzip screen
    // --------------
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Global variables
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    global $net2ftp_settings, $net2ftp_globals, $net2ftp_messages, $net2ftp_result, $net2ftp_output;
    if (isset($_POST["list"]) == true) {
        $list = getSelectedEntries($_POST["list"]);
    } else {
        $list = "";
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Variables for all screens
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Title
    $title = __("Unzip archives");
    // Form name, back and forward buttons
    $formname = "UnzipForm";
    $back_onclick = "document.forms['" . $formname . "'].state.value='browse';document.forms['" . $formname . "'].state2.value='main';document.forms['" . $formname . "'].submit();";
    $forward_onclick = "document.forms['" . $formname . "'].submit();";
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Variables for screen 1
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if ($net2ftp_globals["screen"] == 1) {
        // Next screen
        $nextscreen = 2;
    } elseif ($net2ftp_globals["screen"] == 2) {
        $net2ftp_output["unzip"] = array();
        $net2ftp_output["ftp_unziptransferfiles"] = array();
        // ---------------------------------------
        // Initialize variables
        // ---------------------------------------
        $moved_ok = 0;
        // Index of the archives that have been treated successfully
        $moved_notok = 0;
        // Index of the archives that have been treated unsuccessfully
        // ---------------------------------------
        // Open connection to the FTP server
        // ---------------------------------------
        setStatus(2, 10, __("Connecting to the FTP server"));
        $conn_id = ftp_openconnection();
        if ($net2ftp_result["success"] == false) {
            return false;
        // ---------------------------------------
        // Get the archives from the FTP server
        // ---------------------------------------
        for ($i = 1; $i <= $list["stats"]["files"]["total_number"]; $i = $i + 1) {
            // Set the status
            $message = __("Getting archive %1\$s of %2\$s from the FTP server", $i, $list["stats"]["files"]["total_number"]);
            setStatus($i, $list["stats"]["files"]["total_number"], $message);
            // Get the archive from the FTP server
            $localtargetdir = $net2ftp_globals["application_tempdir"];
            $localtargetfile = $list["files"][$i]["dirfilename"] . ".txt";
            $remotesourcedir = $net2ftp_globals["directory"];
            $remotesourcefile = $list["files"][$i]["dirfilename"];
            $ftpmode = ftpAsciiBinary($list["files"][$i]["dirfilename"]);
            $copymove = "copy";
            ftp_getfile($conn_id, $localtargetdir, $localtargetfile, $remotesourcedir, $remotesourcefile, $ftpmode, $copymove);
            if ($net2ftp_result["success"] == false) {
                setErrorVars(true, "", "", "", "");
                $net2ftp_output["unzip"][] = __("Unable to get the archive <b>%1\$s</b> from the FTP server", htmlEncode2($list["files"][$i]["dirfilename"]));
                $moved_notok = $moved_notok + 1;
            // Register the temporary file
            registerTempfile("register", glueDirectories($localtargetdir, $localtargetfile));
            // Enter the temporary filename and the real filename in the array
            $moved_ok = $moved_ok + 1;
            $acceptedArchivesArray[$moved_ok]["name"] = $list["files"][$i]["dirfilename"];
            $acceptedArchivesArray[$moved_ok]["tmp_name"] = glueDirectories($localtargetdir, $localtargetfile);
            $acceptedArchivesArray[$moved_ok]["targetdirectory"] = $list["files"][$i]["targetdirectory"];
            $acceptedArchivesArray[$moved_ok]["use_folder_names"] = $list["files"][$i]["use_folder_names"];
        // end for
        // ---------------------------------------
        // Unzip archives and transfer the files (create subdirectories if needed)
        // ---------------------------------------
        if (isset($acceptedArchivesArray) == true && sizeof($acceptedArchivesArray) > 0) {
            $net2ftp_output["unzip"] = $net2ftp_output["unzip"] + $net2ftp_output["ftp_unziptransferfiles"];
            if ($net2ftp_result["success"] == false) {
                return false;
        // ---------------------------------------
        // Close the connection to the FTP server
        // ---------------------------------------
    // end elseif
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Print the output
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    require_once $net2ftp_globals["application_skinsdir"] . "/" . $net2ftp_globals["skin"] . "/manage.template.php";
function net2ftp_module_printBody()
    // --------------
    // This function prints the login screen
    // --------------
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Global variables
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    global $net2ftp_settings, $net2ftp_globals, $net2ftp_messages, $net2ftp_result, $net2ftp_output;
    // ----------------------------------------------
    // Settings for the test FTP server:
    // ----------------------------------------------
    $troubleshoot_ftpserver = "";
    $troubleshoot_ftpserverport = 21;
    $troubleshoot_username = "******";
    $troubleshoot_password = "******";
    $troubleshoot_passivemode = "yes";
    $troubleshoot_directory = "/";
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Variables for all screens
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Title
    $title = __("Troubleshoot your net2ftp installation");
    // Form name
    $formname = "AdvancedForm";
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Variables for screen 1
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ----------------------------------------------
    // Back and forward buttons
    // ----------------------------------------------
    $back_onclick = "document.forms['" . $formname . "'].state.value='advanced';document.forms['" . $formname . "'].screen.value='1';document.forms['" . $formname . "'].submit();";
    $forward_onclick = "document.forms['" . $formname . "'].submit();";
    // ----------------------------------------------
    // Check if the FTP functions are availabe
    // ----------------------------------------------
    // See the template file
    // ----------------------------------------------
    // Check if the /net2ftp/temp folder has been chmodded to 777
    // ----------------------------------------------
    $tempfilename = @tempnam($net2ftp_globals["application_tempdir"], "net2ftp-test") . ".txt";
    $handle = @fopen($tempfilename, "wb");
    $string = "This is a test file generated net2ftp, which should have been deleted automatically. The function responsible for this is troubleshoot_webserver(). You can safely delete this file.";
    $success1 = @fwrite($handle, $string);
    $success2 = @fclose($handle);
    $success3 = @unlink($tempfilename);
    // ----------------------------------------------
    // Connect to an FTP server
    // ----------------------------------------------
    if (function_exists("ftp_connect") == true) {
        // Connect
        setStatus(1, 10, __("Connecting to the FTP server"));
        $conn_id = ftp_connect("{$troubleshoot_ftpserver}", $troubleshoot_ftpserverport);
        // Login with username and password
        setStatus(2, 10, __("Logging into the FTP server"));
        $ftp_login_result = ftp_login($conn_id, $troubleshoot_username, $troubleshoot_password);
        // Passive mode
        if ($troubleshoot_passivemode == "yes") {
            setStatus(3, 10, __("Setting the passive mode"));
            $ftp_pasv_result = ftp_pasv($conn_id, TRUE);
        } else {
            $ftp_pasv_result = true;
        // Get the FTP system type
        setStatus(4, 10, __("Getting the FTP system type"));
        $ftp_systype_result = htmlEncode2(ftp_systype($conn_id));
        // Change the directory
        setStatus(5, 10, __("Changing the directory"));
        $ftp_chdir_result = ftp_chdir($conn_id, $troubleshoot_directory);
        // Get the current directory from the FTP server
        setStatus(6, 10, __("Getting the current directory"));
        $ftp_pwd_result = ftp_pwd($conn_id);
        // Try to get a raw list
        setStatus(7, 10, __("Getting the list of directories and files"));
        $ftp_rawlist_result = ftp_rawlist($conn_id, "-a");
        if (sizeof($ftp_rawlist_result) <= 1) {
            $ftp_rawlist_result = ftp_rawlist($conn_id, "");
        // Parse the list
        setStatus(8, 10, __("Parsing the list of directories and files"));
        for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($ftp_rawlist_result); $i++) {
            $parsedlist[$i] = ftp_scanline($troubleshoot_directory, $ftp_rawlist_result[$i]);
        // end for
        // Quiting; ftp_quit doesn't return a value
        setStatus(9, 10, __("Logging out of the FTP server"));
    // end if
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Print the output
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    setStatus(10, 10, __("Printing the result"));
    require_once $net2ftp_globals["application_skinsdir"] . "/" . $net2ftp_globals["skin"] . "/manage.template.php";
function printTable($sqlquery)
    // --------------
    // This function executes the SQL query and prints a nice HTML table with the results
    // --------------
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Global variables
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    //	global $net2ftp_settings, $net2ftp_globals, $net2ftp_messages, $net2ftp_result, $net2ftp_output;
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Execute the SQL query
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    $result = mysql_query("{$sqlquery}");
    if ($result == false) {
        $errormessage = __("Unable to execute the SQL query <b>%1\$s</b>.", $sqlquery);
        setErrorVars(false, $errormessage, debug_backtrace(), __FILE__, __LINE__);
        return false;
    $nrofrows = mysql_num_rows($result);
    $nrofcolumns_withindex = mysql_num_fields($result) + 1;
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Print the table
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Table begin
    $output = "<table border=\"1\">\n";
    // First row: SQL query
    $output .= "<tr><td colspan=\"{$nrofcolumns_withindex}\" class=\"tdheader1\" style=\"font-size: 120%;\">{$sqlquery}</td></tr>\n";
    if ($nrofrows != 0) {
        // Second row: header
        $row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC);
        $output .= "<tr>\n";
        $output .= "<td>Index</td>\n";
        while (list($fieldname, $fieldvalue) = each($row)) {
            $output .= "<td>{$fieldname}</td>\n";
        $output .= "</tr>\n";
        mysql_data_seek($result, 0);
        // reset row pointer to the first row
        // 3rd and next rows: data
        $rowcounter = 1;
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
            $output .= "<tr>\n";
            $output .= "<td>{$rowcounter}</td>\n";
            while (list($fieldname, $fieldvalue) = each($row)) {
                $output .= "<td>" . htmlEncode2($fieldvalue) . "</td>\n";
            $output .= "</tr>\n";
    } else {
        $output .= "<tr><td colspan=\"{$nrofcolumns_withindex}\">" . __("No data") . "</td></tr>";
    // Table end
    $output .= "</table>\n";
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Free the $result
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    return $output;
function net2ftp_module_printBody()
    // --------------
    // This function prints the browse screen ($state2=="main") or the directory popup screen ($state2=="popup")
    // For the browse screen ($state2=="main"), 2 template files are called
    // --------------
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Global variables
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    global $net2ftp_settings, $net2ftp_globals, $net2ftp_messages, $net2ftp_result;
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Check if the directory name contains \' and if it does, print an error message
    // Note: these directories cannot be browsed, but can be deleted
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    //	if (strstr($directory, "\'") != false) {
    //		$errormessage = __("Directories with names containing \' cannot be displayed correctly. They can only be deleted. Please go back and select another subdirectory.");
    //		setErrorVars(false, $errormessage, debug_backtrace(), __FILE__, __LINE__);
    //		return false;
    //	}
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Variables
    // With status update if $state2=="main"
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ------------------------------------
    // Open connection
    // ------------------------------------
    if ($net2ftp_globals["state2"] == "main") {
        setStatus(2, 10, __("Connecting to the FTP server"));
    $conn_id = ftp_openconnection();
    if ($net2ftp_result["success"] == false) {
        return false;
    // ------------------------------------
    // Get raw list of directories and files; parse the raw list and return a nice list
    // This function may change the current $directory; a warning message is returned in that case
    // ------------------------------------
    if ($net2ftp_globals["state2"] == "main") {
        setStatus(4, 10, __("Getting the list of directories and files"));
    $list = ftp_getlist($conn_id, $net2ftp_globals["directory"]);
    if ($net2ftp_result["success"] == false) {
        return false;
    // ------------------------------------
    // Close connection
    // ------------------------------------
    // ------------------------------------
    // Sort the list
    // ------------------------------------
    $list_directories = sort_list($list["directories"]);
    $list_files = sort_list($list["files"]);
    $list_symlinks = sort_list($list["symlinks"]);
    $list_unrecognized = sort_list($list["unrecognized"]);
    $warning_directory = $list["stats"]["warnings"];
    $directory = $list["stats"]["newdirectory"];
    $directory_html = htmlEncode2($directory);
    $directory_url = urlEncode2($directory);
    $directory_js = javascriptEncode2($directory);
    $updirectory = upDir($directory);
    $updirectory_html = htmlEncode2($updirectory);
    $updirectory_url = urlEncode2($updirectory);
    $updirectory_js = javascriptEncode2($updirectory);
    // ------------------------------------
    // Calculate the list of HTTP URLs
    // ------------------------------------
    if ($net2ftp_globals["state2"] == "main") {
        $list_links_js = ftp2http($net2ftp_globals["directory"], $list_files, "no");
        $list_links_url = ftp2http($net2ftp_globals["directory"], $list_files, "yes");
    // ------------------------------------
    // Consumption message
    // ------------------------------------
    $warning_consumption = "";
    if (checkConsumption() == false) {
        $warning_consumption .= "<b>" . __("Daily limit reached: you will not be able to transfer data") . "</b><br /><br />\n";
        $warning_consumption .= __("In order to guarantee the fair use of the web server for everyone, the data transfer volume and script execution time are limited per user, and per day. Once this limit is reached, you can still browse the FTP server but not transfer data to/from it.") . "<br /><br />\n";
        $warning_consumption .= __("If you need unlimited usage, please install net2ftp on your own web server.") . "<br />\n";
    // ------------------------------------
    // Browse message
    // ------------------------------------
    if ($net2ftp_settings["message_browse"] != "" && $net2ftp_settings["message_browse"] != "Setting message_browse does not exist") {
        $warning_message = $net2ftp_settings["message_browse"];
    // ------------------------------------
    // Directory tree
    // ------------------------------------
    $directory_exploded = explode("/", stripDirectory($directory));
    if ($directory != "/" && checkAuthorizedDirectory("/") == true) {
        $directory_tree = "<a href=\"javascript:submitBrowseForm('/','','browse','main');\">root</a> ";
    } else {
        $directory_tree = "root ";
    $directory_goto = "";
    for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($directory_exploded) - 1; $i++) {
        $directory_goto = glueDirectories($directory_goto, $directory_exploded[$i]);
        $directory_goto_url = urlEncode2($directory_goto);
        if (checkAuthorizedDirectory($directory_goto) == true) {
            $directory_tree .= "/<a href=\"javascript:submitBrowseForm('" . $directory_goto_url . "','','browse','main');\">" . htmlEncode2($directory_exploded[$i]) . "</a> ";
        } else {
            $directory_tree .= "/" . $directory_exploded[$i] . " ";
    $directory_tree .= "/" . $directory_exploded[sizeof($directory_exploded) - 1];
    // ------------------------------------
    // Language
    // ------------------------------------
    $language_onchange = "document.BrowseForm.language.value=document.forms['BrowseForm'].language2.options[document.forms['BrowseForm'].language2.selectedIndex].value; submitBrowseForm('{$directory_js}', '', 'browse', 'main');";
    // ------------------------------------
    // Skin
    // ------------------------------------
    $skin_onchange = "['BrowseForm'].skin2.options[document.forms['BrowseForm'].skin2.selectedIndex].value; submitBrowseForm('{$directory_js}', '', 'browse', 'main');";
    // ------------------------------------
    // $rowcounter counts the total nr of rows
    // ------------------------------------
    $rowcounter = 0;
    // ------------------------------------
    // Column spans
    // ------------------------------------
    $action_colspan = 1;
    if ($net2ftp_settings["functionuse_view"] == "yes") {
    if ($net2ftp_settings["functionuse_edit"] == "yes") {
    if ($net2ftp_settings["functionuse_update"] == "yes") {
    // Total nr of columns
    $total_colspan = $action_colspan + 9;
    // ------------------------------------
    // Name, Type, Size, ...
    // Determine the sort criteria and direction (ascending/descending)
    // ------------------------------------
    $sortArray["dirfilename"]["text"] = __("Name");
    $sortArray["type"]["text"] = __("Type");
    $sortArray["size"]["text"] = __("Size");
    $sortArray["owner"]["text"] = __("Owner");
    $sortArray["group"]["text"] = __("Group");
    $sortArray["permissions"]["text"] = __("Perms");
    $sortArray["mtime"]["text"] = __("Mod Time");
    $icon_directory = $net2ftp_globals["application_rootdir_url"] . "/skins/" . $net2ftp_globals["skin"] . "/images/mime";
    // Loop over all the sort possibilities
    while (list($key, $value) = each($sortArray)) {
        // The list is sorted by the current $key
        // Print the icon representing the current sortorder
        // Print the link to sort using the other sortorder
        if ($net2ftp_globals["sort"] == $key) {
            // Ascending
            if ($net2ftp_globals["sortorder"] == "ascending") {
                $sortArray[$key]["title"] = __("Click to sort by %1\$s in descending order", $value["text"]);
                $sortArray[$key]["onclick"] = "do_sort('" . $key . "','descending');";
                $icon = "ascend.png";
                $alt = __("Ascending order");
            } else {
                $sortArray[$key]["title"] = __("Click to sort by %1\$s in ascending order", $value["text"]);
                $sortArray[$key]["onclick"] = "do_sort('" . $key . "','ascending');";
                $icon = "descend.png";
                $alt = __("Descending order");
        } else {
            $sortArray[$key]["title"] = __("Click to sort by %1\$s in ascending order", $value["text"]);
            $sortArray[$key]["onclick"] = "do_sort('" . $key . "','ascending');";
            $icon = "";
            $alt = "";
        // The icon to be printed is determined above
        // Now, print the full HTML depending on the browser agent, version and platform
        if ($icon != "") {
            if ($net2ftp_globals["browser_agent"] == "IE" && ($net2ftp_globals["browser_version"] == "5.5" || $net2ftp_globals["browser_version"] == "6") && $net2ftp_globals["browser_platform"] == "Win") {
                $sortArray[$key]["icon"] = "<img src=\"{$icon_directory}/spacer.gif\"   alt=\"{$alt}\" style=\"border: 0px; width: 16px; height: 16px; filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='{$icon_directory}/{$icon}', sizingMethod='scale');\" />\n";
            } else {
                $sortArray[$key]["icon"] = "<img src=\"{$icon_directory}/{$icon}\"        alt=\"{$alt}\" style=\"border: 0px; width: 16px; height: 16px;\" />\n";
        } else {
            $sortArray[$key]["icon"] = "";
    // ------------------------------------
    // popup - FormAndFieldname
    // ------------------------------------
    if (isset($_POST["FormAndFieldName"]) == true) {
        $FormAndFieldName = validateGenericInput($_POST["FormAndFieldName"]);
    } else {
        $FormAndFieldName = "";
    // ------------------------------------
    // Action URL
    // Used for Up, Subdirectories, Files (download + actions)
    // ------------------------------------
    $action_url = printPHP_SELF("actions");
    // ------------------------------------
    // Data transfer statistics
    // Print this only if the consumption statistics are available (logging must be on, using a MySQL database)
    // ------------------------------------
    if (isset($net2ftp_globals["consumption_ipaddress_datatransfer"]) == true || isset($net2ftp_globals["consumption_ftpserver_datatransfer"]) == true) {
        $print_consumption = true;
        $consumption_ipaddress_datatransfer = formatFilesize($net2ftp_globals["consumption_ipaddress_datatransfer"]);
        $consumption_ftpserver_datatransfer = formatFilesize($net2ftp_globals["consumption_ftpserver_datatransfer"]);
    } else {
        $print_consumption = false;
    // ------------------------------------
    // HTTP URL
    // ------------------------------------
    $list_files_tmp[1]["dirfilename_url"] = "";
    $httplink = ftp2http($directory, $list_files_tmp, "no");
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Print the output - part 2
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if ($net2ftp_globals["state2"] == "main") {
        setStatus(6, 10, __("Printing the list of directories and files"));
        require_once $net2ftp_globals["application_skinsdir"] . "/" . $net2ftp_globals["skin"] . "/browse_main.template.php";
    } elseif ($net2ftp_globals["state2"] == "popup") {
        require_once $net2ftp_globals["application_skinsdir"] . "/" . $net2ftp_globals["skin"] . "/browse_popup.template.php";
function ftp2http($directory, $list_files, $htmltags)
    // --------------
    // This function calculates the HTTP URL based on the FTP URL
    // Given the FTP server (,
    //       the directory and file (/directory/file.php)
    // It has to return
    // $htmltags indicates whether the url should be returned enclosed in HTML tags or not
    // For efficiency reasons, this function processes a list of files
    // --------------
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Global variables
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    global $net2ftp_globals;
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // If no list is supplied, return ""
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if (sizeof($list_files) == 0) {
        return "";
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Prepare the variables
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Directory
    if ($directory == "/") {
        $directory = "";
    // Convert single quotes from ' to &#039;
    if ($htmltags == "no") {
        $directory = javascriptEncode2($directory);
    } else {
        $directory = urlEncode2($directory);
    // Filenames
    if ($htmltags == "no") {
        $encoding = "dirfilename_js";
    } else {
        $encoding = "dirfilename_url";
    // Username
    if ($htmltags == "no") {
        $username = javascriptEncode2($net2ftp_globals["username"]);
    } else {
        $username = htmlEncode2($net2ftp_globals["username"]);
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // "" -----> "http://username"  (username =
    // "" -----> "http://username"  (username =
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if (strpos($net2ftp_globals["ftpserver"], "ftp.t35") !== false) {
        for ($i = 1; $i <= sizeof($list_files); $i++) {
            $URL = "http://" . $username . $directory . "/" . $list_files[$i][$encoding];
            if ($htmltags == "no") {
                $list_links[$i] = $URL;
            } else {
                $list_links[$i] = "<a href=\"" . $URL . "\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"" . __("Execute %1\$s in a new window", $list_files[$i][$encoding]) . "\">" . $list_files[$i][$encoding] . "</a>";
        // end for
    } elseif (strpos($net2ftp_globals["ftpserver"], "") !== false) {
        if (strlen($directory) < 8) {
            for ($i = 1; $i <= sizeof($list_files); $i++) {
                if ($htmltags == "no") {
                    $list_links[$i] = "javascript:alert('" . __("This file is not accessible from the web") . "');";
                } else {
                    $list_links[$i] = "<a title=\"" . __("This file is not accessible from the web") . "\" onclick=\"alert('" . __("This file is not accessible from the web") . "');\">" . $list_files[$i][$encoding] . "</a>";
            // end for
        } else {
            // Transform directory from /webdocs/dir to /dir  --> remove the first 4 characters
            $directory = substr($directory, 8);
            for ($i = 1; $i <= sizeof($list_files); $i++) {
                $URL = "" . $username . $directory . "/" . $list_files[$i][$encoding];
                if ($htmltags == "no") {
                    $list_links[$i] = $URL;
                } else {
                    $list_links[$i] = "<a href=\"" . $URL . "\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"" . __("Execute %1\$s in a new window", $list_files[$i][$encoding]) . "\">" . $list_files[$i][$encoding] . "</a>";
            // end for
        // end if else strlen
    } elseif (strpos($net2ftp_globals["ftpserver"], "") !== false) {
        for ($i = 1; $i <= sizeof($list_files); $i++) {
            $URL = "http://" . $username . "" . $directory . "/" . $list_files[$i][$encoding];
            if ($htmltags == "no") {
                $list_links[$i] = $URL;
            } else {
                $list_links[$i] = "<a href=\"" . $URL . "\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"" . __("Execute %1\$s in a new window", $list_files[$i][$encoding]) . "\">" . $list_files[$i][$encoding] . "</a>";
        // end for
    } elseif (strpos($net2ftp_globals["ftpserver"], "") !== false) {
        for ($i = 1; $i <= sizeof($list_files); $i++) {
            $URL = "" . $username . $directory . "/" . $list_files[$i][$encoding];
            if ($htmltags == "no") {
                $list_links[$i] = $URL;
            } else {
                $list_links[$i] = "<a href=\"" . $URL . "\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"" . __("Execute %1\$s in a new window", $list_files[$i][$encoding]) . "\">" . $list_files[$i][$encoding] . "</a>";
        // end for
    } elseif (strpos($net2ftp_globals["ftpserver"], "") !== false) {
        for ($i = 1; $i <= sizeof($list_files); $i++) {
            $URL = "" . $username . $directory . "/" . $list_files[$i][$encoding];
            if ($htmltags == "no") {
                $list_links[$i] = $URL;
            } else {
                $list_links[$i] = "<a href=\"" . $URL . "\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"" . __("Execute %1\$s in a new window", $list_files[$i][$encoding]) . "\">" . $list_files[$i][$encoding] . "</a>";
        // end for
    } elseif (strpos($net2ftp_globals["ftpserver"], "") !== false) {
        for ($i = 1; $i <= sizeof($list_files); $i++) {
            $URL = "" . $username . $directory . "/" . $list_files[$i][$encoding];
            if ($htmltags == "no") {
                $list_links[$i] = $URL;
            } else {
                $list_links[$i] = "<a href=\"" . $URL . "\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"" . __("Execute %1\$s in a new window", $list_files[$i][$encoding]) . "\">" . $list_files[$i][$encoding] . "</a>";
        // end for
    } elseif (strpos($net2ftp_globals["ftpserver"], "") !== false) {
        for ($i = 1; $i <= sizeof($list_files); $i++) {
            $URL = "" . $username . $directory . "/" . $list_files[$i][$encoding];
            if ($htmltags == "no") {
                $list_links[$i] = $URL;
            } else {
                $list_links[$i] = "<a href=\"" . $URL . "\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"" . __("Execute %1\$s in a new window", $list_files[$i][$encoding]) . "\">" . $list_files[$i][$encoding] . "</a>";
        // end for
    } elseif (strpos($net2ftp_globals["ftpserver"], "") !== false) {
        for ($i = 1; $i <= sizeof($list_files); $i++) {
            $URL = "http://" . $username . "" . $directory . "/" . $list_files[$i][$encoding];
            if ($htmltags == "no") {
                $list_links[$i] = $URL;
            } else {
                $list_links[$i] = "<a href=\"" . $URL . "\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"" . __("Execute %1\$s in a new window", $list_files[$i][$encoding]) . "\">" . $list_files[$i][$encoding] . "</a>";
        // end for
    } elseif (strpos($net2ftp_globals["ftpserver"], "") !== false) {
        for ($i = 1; $i <= sizeof($list_files); $i++) {
            $URL = "" . $username . $directory . "/" . $list_files[$i][$encoding];
            if ($htmltags == "no") {
                $list_links[$i] = $URL;
            } else {
                $list_links[$i] = "<a href=\"" . $URL . "\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"" . __("Execute %1\$s in a new window", $list_files[$i][$encoding]) . "\">" . $list_files[$i][$encoding] . "</a>";
        // end for
    } elseif (strpos($net2ftp_globals["ftpserver"], "") !== false) {
        for ($i = 1; $i <= sizeof($list_files); $i++) {
            $URL = "" . $username . $directory . "/" . $list_files[$i][$encoding];
            if ($htmltags == "no") {
                $list_links[$i] = $URL;
            } else {
                $list_links[$i] = "<a href=\"" . $URL . "\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"" . __("Execute %1\$s in a new window", $list_files[$i][$encoding]) . "\">" . $list_files[$i][$encoding] . "</a>";
        // end for
    } elseif (strpos($net2ftp_globals["ftpserver"], "") !== false) {
        for ($i = 1; $i <= sizeof($list_files); $i++) {
            $URL = "" . $username . $directory . "/" . $list_files[$i][$encoding];
            if ($htmltags == "no") {
                $list_links[$i] = $URL;
            } else {
                $list_links[$i] = "<a href=\"" . $URL . "\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"" . __("Execute %1\$s in a new window", $list_files[$i][$encoding]) . "\">" . $list_files[$i][$encoding] . "</a>";
        // end for
    } elseif (strpos($net2ftp_globals["ftpserver"], "") !== false) {
        for ($i = 1; $i <= sizeof($list_files); $i++) {
            $URL = "http://www." . $username . "" . $directory . "/" . $list_files[$i][$encoding];
            if ($htmltags == "no") {
                $list_links[$i] = $URL;
            } else {
                $list_links[$i] = "<a href=\"" . $URL . "\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"" . __("Execute %1\$s in a new window", $list_files[$i][$encoding]) . "\">" . $list_files[$i][$encoding] . "</a>";
        // end for
    } elseif (strpos($net2ftp_globals["ftpserver"], "") !== false) {
        if (strlen($directory) < 4) {
            for ($i = 1; $i <= sizeof($list_files); $i++) {
                if ($htmltags == "no") {
                    $list_links[$i] = "javascript:alert('" . __("This file is not accessible from the web") . "');";
                } else {
                    $list_links[$i] = "<a title=\"" . __("This file is not accessible from the web") . "\" onclick=\"alert('" . __("This file is not accessible from the web") . "');\">" . $list_files[$i][$encoding] . "</a>";
            // end for
        } else {
            // Transform directory from /WWW/dir to /dir  --> remove the first 4 characters
            $directory = substr($directory, 4);
            for ($i = 1; $i <= sizeof($list_files); $i++) {
                $URL = "" . $username . $directory . "/" . $list_files[$i][$encoding];
                if ($htmltags == "no") {
                    $list_links[$i] = $URL;
                } else {
                    $list_links[$i] = "<a href=\"" . $URL . "\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"" . __("Execute %1\$s in a new window", $list_files[$i][$encoding]) . "\">" . $list_files[$i][$encoding] . "</a>";
            // end for
    } elseif (preg_match("/ftp.(.+)(.{2,4})/", $net2ftp_globals["ftpserver"], $regs)) {
        // Check if the FTP directory contains "htdocs", "httpdocs" or "public_html"
        // If it does, the HTTP directory root starts from there on
        // Example: /srv/www/htdocs/directory1 ==> /directory1
        $specialdirectories[1] = "htdocs";
        $specialdirectories[2] = "httpdocs";
        $specialdirectories[3] = "public_html";
        for ($i = 1; $i <= sizeof($specialdirectories); $i++) {
            $pos = strpos($directory, $specialdirectories[$i]);
            if ($pos !== false) {
                $directory = substr($directory, $pos + strlen($specialdirectories[$i]));
        // Calculate all the URLs on the Browse screen
        for ($i = 1; $i <= sizeof($list_files); $i++) {
            $URL = "http://www." . $regs[1] . $regs[2] . $directory . "/" . $list_files[$i][$encoding];
            if ($htmltags == "no") {
                $list_links[$i] = $URL;
            } else {
                $list_links[$i] = "<a href=\"" . $URL . "\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"" . __("Execute %1\$s in a new window", $list_files[$i][$encoding]) . "\">" . $list_files[$i][$encoding] . "</a>";
        // end for
    } else {
        // Check if the FTP directory contains "htdocs", "httpdocs" or "public_html"
        // If it does, the HTTP directory root starts from there on
        // Example: /srv/www/htdocs/directory1 ==> /directory1
        $specialdirectories[1] = "htdocs";
        $specialdirectories[2] = "httpdocs";
        $specialdirectories[3] = "public_html";
        for ($i = 1; $i <= sizeof($specialdirectories); $i++) {
            $pos = strpos($directory, $specialdirectories[$i]);
            if ($pos !== false) {
                $directory = substr($directory, $pos + strlen($specialdirectories[$i]));
        // Calculate all the URLs on the Browse screen
        for ($i = 1; $i <= sizeof($list_files); $i++) {
            $URL = "http://" . $net2ftp_globals["ftpserver"] . $directory . "/" . $list_files[$i][$encoding];
            if ($htmltags == "no") {
                $list_links[$i] = $URL;
            } else {
                $list_links[$i] = "<a href=\"" . $URL . "\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"" . __("Execute %1\$s in a new window", $list_files[$i][$encoding]) . "\">" . $list_files[$i][$encoding] . "</a>";
        // end for
    return $list_links;
 on line <?php 
    echo $net2ftp_result["debug_backtrace"][$i]["line"];
    if (isset($net2ftp_result["debug_backtrace"][$i]["args"]) == true && sizeof($net2ftp_result["debug_backtrace"][$i]["args"]) > 0) {
        for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($net2ftp_result["debug_backtrace"][$i]["args"]); $j++) {
												<li> argument <?php 
            echo htmlEncode2($j);
: <?php 
            echo htmlEncode2($net2ftp_result["debug_backtrace"][$i]["args"][$j]);
        // end for
    // end if
// end for
function checkAdminUsernamePassword()
    // --------------
    // This function checks the Administrator username and password.
    // If one of the two is not filled in or incorrect, a header() is sent
    // to redirect the user to the login_small page.
    // --------------
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Global variables
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    global $net2ftp_globals, $net2ftp_settings, $net2ftp_result;
    $input_admin_username = $_POST["input_admin_username"];
    $input_admin_password = $_POST["input_admin_password"];
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Check Admin username and password
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Set the error message depending on the case
    // Redirect the user to the login_small page
    // No username or password filled in
    if ($input_admin_username == "" || $input_admin_password == "") {
        $errormessage = htmlEncode2(__("You did not enter your Administrator username or password."));
        header("Location: " . $net2ftp_globals["action_url"] . "?state=login_small&state2=admin&go_to_state=" . $net2ftp_globals["state"] . "&go_to_state2=" . $net2ftp_globals["state2"] . "&errormessage=" . $errormessage);
        $net2ftp_result["exit"] = true;
        return false;
    } elseif ($input_admin_username != $net2ftp_settings["admin_username"] || $input_admin_password != $net2ftp_settings["admin_password"]) {
        $errormessage = htmlEncode2(__("Wrong username or password. Please try again."));
        header("Location: " . $net2ftp_globals["action_url"] . "?state=login_small&state2=admin&go_to_state=" . $net2ftp_globals["state"] . "&go_to_state2=" . $net2ftp_globals["state2"] . "&errormessage=" . $errormessage);
        $net2ftp_result["exit"] = true;
        return false;
    return true;
Beispiel #19
function net2ftp_module_printBody()
    // --------------
    // This function prints the login screen
    // --------------
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Global variables
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    global $net2ftp_settings, $net2ftp_globals, $net2ftp_messages, $net2ftp_result, $net2ftp_output;
    // The 2 go_to_state variables come from the bookmark, or from
    if (isset($_GET["go_to_state"]) == true) {
        $go_to_state = validateGenericInput($_GET["go_to_state"]);
    } else {
        $go_to_state = $net2ftp_globals["go_to_state"];
    if (isset($_GET["go_to_state2"]) == true) {
        $go_to_state2 = validateGenericInput($_GET["go_to_state2"]);
    } else {
        $go_to_state2 = $net2ftp_globals["go_to_state2"];
    if (isset($_GET["errormessage"]) == true) {
        $errormessage = validateGenericInput($_GET["errormessage"]);
    // Most actions
    if (isset($_POST["list"]) == true) {
        $list = getSelectedEntries($_POST["list"]);
    } else {
        $list = "";
    // Bookmark
    if (isset($_POST["url"]) == true) {
        $url = validateGenericInput($_POST["url"]);
    } else {
        $url = "";
    if (isset($_POST["text"]) == true) {
        $text = validateGenericInput($_POST["text"]);
    } else {
        $text = "";
    // Copy, move, delete
    if (isset($_POST["ftpserver2"]) == true) {
        $net2ftp_globals["ftpserver2"] = validateFtpserver($_POST["ftpserver2"]);
    } else {
        $net2ftp_globals["ftpserver2"] = "";
    if (isset($_POST["ftpserverport2"]) == true) {
        $net2ftp_globals["ftpserverport2"] = validateFtpserverport($_POST["ftpserverport2"]);
    } else {
        $net2ftp_globals["ftpserverport2"] = "";
    if (isset($_POST["username2"]) == true) {
        $net2ftp_globals["username2"] = validateUsername($_POST["username2"]);
    } else {
        $net2ftp_globals["username2"] = "";
    if (isset($_POST["password2"]) == true) {
        $net2ftp_globals["password2"] = validatePassword($_POST["password2"]);
    } else {
        $net2ftp_globals["password2"] = "";
    // Edit
    if (isset($_POST["textareaType"]) == true) {
        $textareaType = validateTextareaType($_POST["textareaType"]);
    } else {
        $textareaType = "";
    if (isset($_POST["text"]) == true) {
        $text = $_POST["text"];
    } else {
        $text = "";
    if (isset($_POST["text_splitted"]) == true) {
        $text_splitted = $_POST["text_splitted"];
    } else {
        $text_splitted = "";
    // Find string
    if (isset($_POST["searchoptions"]) == true) {
        $searchoptions = $_POST["searchoptions"];
    // New directory
    // Rename
    if (isset($_POST["newNames"]) == true) {
        $newNames = validateEntry($_POST["newNames"]);
    } else {
        $newNames = "";
    // Raw FTP command
    if (isset($_POST["command"]) == true) {
        $command = $_POST["command"];
    } else {
        $command = "CWD {$directory_html}\nPWD\n";
    // Zip
    if (isset($_POST["zipactions"]) == true) {
        $zipactions = $_POST["zipactions"];
    } else {
        $zipactions = "";
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Variables for all screens
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    $formname = "LoginForm";
    $enctype = "";
    if ($net2ftp_globals["state2"] == "admin") {
        $message = __("Please enter your Administrator username and password.");
        $button_text = __("Login");
        $username_fieldname = "input_admin_username";
        $password_fieldname = "input_admin_password";
        $username_value = "";
        $password_value = "";
        $focus = $username_fieldname;
    } elseif ($net2ftp_globals["state2"] == "bookmark") {
        $message = __("Please enter your username and password for FTP server <b>%1\$s</b>.", htmlEncode2($net2ftp_globals["ftpserver"]));
        $button_text = __("Login");
        $username_fieldname = "username";
        $password_fieldname = "password";
        if (isset($net2ftp_globals["username"]) == true) {
            $username_value = htmlEncode2($net2ftp_globals["username"]);
            $focus = $password_fieldname;
        } else {
            $username_value = "";
            $focus = $username_fieldname;
        $password_value = "";
    } elseif ($net2ftp_globals["state2"] == "session_expired") {
        $message = __("Your session has expired; please enter your password for FTP server <b>%1\$s</b> to continue.", htmlEncode2($net2ftp_globals["ftpserver"]));
        $button_text = __("Continue");
        $username_fieldname = "username";
        $password_fieldname = "password";
        if (isset($net2ftp_globals["username"]) == true) {
            $username_value = htmlEncode2($net2ftp_globals["username"]);
            $focus = $password_fieldname;
        } else {
            $username_value = "";
            $focus = $username_fieldname;
        $password_value = "";
    } elseif ($net2ftp_globals["state2"] == "session_ipchange") {
        $message = __("Your IP address has changed; please enter your password for FTP server <b>%1\$s</b> to continue.", htmlEncode2($net2ftp_globals["ftpserver"]));
        $button_text = __("Continue");
        $username_fieldname = "username";
        $password_fieldname = "password";
        if (isset($net2ftp_globals["username"]) == true) {
            $username_value = htmlEncode2($net2ftp_globals["username"]);
            $focus = $password_fieldname;
        } else {
            $username_value = "";
            $focus = $username_fieldname;
        $password_value = "";
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Print the output
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    require_once $net2ftp_globals["application_skinsdir"] . "/" . $net2ftp_globals["skin"] . "/login_small.template.php";
    $net2ftp_globals["entry"] = "";
$net2ftp_globals["entry_html"] = htmlEncode2($net2ftp_globals["entry"]);
$net2ftp_globals["entry_url"] = urlEncode2($net2ftp_globals["entry"]);
$net2ftp_globals["entry_js"] = javascriptEncode2($net2ftp_globals["entry"]);
// ----------------------------------------------
// Screen
// ----------------------------------------------
if (isset($_POST["screen"]) == true) {
    $net2ftp_globals["screen"] = validateScreen($_POST["screen"]);
} elseif (isset($_GET["screen"]) == true) {
    $net2ftp_globals["screen"] = validateScreen($_GET["screen"]);
} else {
    $net2ftp_globals["screen"] = validateScreen("");
$net2ftp_globals["screen_html"] = htmlEncode2($net2ftp_globals["screen"]);
$net2ftp_globals["screen_url"] = urlEncode2($net2ftp_globals["screen"]);
$net2ftp_globals["screen_js"] = javascriptEncode2($net2ftp_globals["screen"]);
// ----------------------------------------------
// MAMBO variables
// ----------------------------------------------
if (defined("_VALID_MOS") == true) {
    $option = validateGenericInput($_GET["option"]);
    $Itemid = validateGenericInput($_GET["Itemid"]);
    $net2ftp_globals["action_url"] .= "?option={$option}&amp;Itemid={$Itemid}";
// ----------------------------------------------
// DRUPAL variables
// ----------------------------------------------
if (defined("CACHE_PERMANENT") == true) {
    $q = validateGenericInput($_GET["q"]);
Beispiel #21
function net2ftp_module_printBody()
    // --------------
    // This function prints the chmod screen
    // --------------
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Global variables
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    global $net2ftp_settings, $net2ftp_globals, $net2ftp_messages, $net2ftp_result, $net2ftp_output;
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Variables for all screens
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Title
    $title = __("Test the net2ftp list parsing rules");
    // Form name, back and forward buttons
    $formname = "AdvancedParsingForm";
    $back_onclick = "document.forms['" . $formname . "'].state.value='advanced';document.forms['" . $formname . "'].screen.value='1';document.forms['" . $formname . "'].submit();";
    // Initialize output variable
    $net2ftp_output["advanced_parsing"] = array();
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Open the file with the samples
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    require_once $net2ftp_globals["application_rootdir"] . "/modules/advanced_parsing/";
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // For each sample
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    while (list($sampleName, $sampleLines) = each($list_samples)) {
        $net2ftp_output["advanced_parsing"][] = "<span style=\"font-size: 120%; font-weight: bold;\">" . $sampleName . "</span><br />\n";
        // ------------------------------------
        // Input
        // ------------------------------------
        $net2ftp_output["advanced_parsing"][] = "<span style=\"text-decoration: underline;\">Sample input</span>:<br />\n";
        for ($i = 1; $i <= sizeof($sampleLines); $i++) {
            $net2ftp_output["advanced_parsing"][] = "Line {$i}: " . htmlEncode2($sampleLines[$i]) . "<br />\n";
        $net2ftp_output["advanced_parsing"][] = "<br />\n";
        // ------------------------------------
        // Output
        // ------------------------------------
        $net2ftp_output["advanced_parsing"][] = "<span style=\"text-decoration: underline;\">Parsed output</span>:<br />\n";
        for ($i = 1; $i <= sizeof($sampleLines); $i++) {
            // Scan the sample
            $outputArray = ftp_scanline("", $sampleLines[$i]);
            while (list($fieldName, $fieldValue) = each($outputArray)) {
                $net2ftp_output["advanced_parsing"][] = "Line {$i}: " . $fieldName . ": " . htmlEncode2($fieldValue) . "<br />\n";
            // end while
            $net2ftp_output["advanced_parsing"][] = "<br />\n";
        $net2ftp_output["advanced_parsing"][] = "<br /><br />\n";
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Print the output
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    require_once $net2ftp_globals["application_skinsdir"] . "/" . $net2ftp_globals["skin"] . "/manage.template.php";
function net2ftp_module_printBody()
    // --------------
    // This function prints the login screen
    // --------------
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Global variables
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    global $net2ftp_settings, $net2ftp_globals, $net2ftp_messages, $net2ftp_result, $net2ftp_output;
    if (isset($_POST["input_admin_username"]) == true) {
        $input_admin_username = htmlEncode2(validateGenericInput($_POST["input_admin_username"]));
    } else {
        $input_admin_username = "";
    if (isset($_POST["input_admin_password"]) == true) {
        $input_admin_password = htmlEncode2(validateGenericInput($_POST["input_admin_password"]));
    } else {
        $input_admin_password = "";
    if (isset($_POST["datefrom"]) == true) {
        $datefrom = addslashes(validateGenericInput($_POST["datefrom"]));
    } else {
        $datefrom = "";
    if (isset($_POST["dateto"]) == true) {
        $dateto = addslashes(validateGenericInput($_POST["dateto"]));
    } else {
        $dateto = "";
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Variables for all screens
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Output variable
    $net2ftp_output["admin_emptylogs"][] = "";
    // Title
    $title = __("Admin functions");
    // Form name, back and forward buttons
    $formname = "AdminForm";
    $back_onclick = "document.forms['" . $formname . "'].state.value='admin';document.forms['" . $formname . "'].submit();";
    $forward_onclick = "document.forms['" . $formname . "'].submit();";
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Variables for screen 1
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ------------------------------------
    // Input checks
    // ------------------------------------
    // Add slashes to variables which are used in a SQL query, and which are
    // potentially unsafe (supplied by the user).
    $datefrom = addslashes($datefrom);
    $dateto = addslashes($dateto);
    if ($datefrom == "" || $datefrom == 0) {
        return false;
    if ($dateto == "" || $dateto == 0) {
        return false;
    // ------------------------------------
    // Delete empty logs
    // ------------------------------------
    emptyLogs($datefrom, $dateto);
    if (isset($net2ftp_output["emptyLogs"]) == true) {
        $net2ftp_output["admin_emptylogs"] = $net2ftp_output["admin_emptylogs"] + $net2ftp_output["emptyLogs"];
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Print the output
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    require_once $net2ftp_globals["application_skinsdir"] . "/" . $net2ftp_globals["skin"] . "/manage.template.php";