Beispiel #1
 protected function addPath(Placemark $placemark)
     $pointArr = array();
     foreach ($placemark->getGeometry()->getPoints() as $point) {
         $pointArr[] = array($point['lat'], $point['lon']);
     $polyline = Polyline::encodeFromArray($pointArr);
     $style = $placemark->getStyle();
     if ($style) {
         $color = $style->getStyleForTypeAndParam(MapStyle::LINE, MapStyle::COLOR);
         if ($color) {
             $styleArgs[] = 'color:0x' . htmlColorForColorString($color);
         $weight = $style->getStyleForTypeAndParam(MapStyle::LINE, MapStyle::WEIGHT);
         if ($weight) {
             $styleArgs[] = 'weight:' . $weight;
     if (!$styleArgs) {
         // color can be 0xRRGGBB or
         // {black, brown, green, purple, yellow, blue, gray, orange, red, white}
         $styleArgs = array('color:red', 'weight:4');
     $this->paths[] = implode('|', $styleArgs) . '|enc:' . $polyline;
Beispiel #2
 private function getMarkerJS()
     $template = $this->prepareJavascriptTemplate('ArcGISPoints', true);
     foreach ($this->markers as $placemark) {
         $point = $placemark->getGeometry()->getCenterCoordinate();
         $style = $placemark->getStyle();
         // defaults
         $templateValues = array('___SYMBOL_TYPE___' => 'SimpleMarkerSymbol', '___SYMBOL_ARGS___' => '', '___URL___' => $this->urlForPlacemark($placemark));
         if ($style !== null) {
             // two ways to style markers:
             if (($icon = $style->getStyleForTypeAndParam(MapStyle::POINT, MapStyle::ICON)) !== null) {
                 // 1. icon image
                 $templateValues['___SYMBOL_TYPE___'] = 'PictureMarkerSymbol';
                 $width = $style->getStyleForTypeAndParam(MapStyle::POINT, MapStyle::WIDTH) or $width = 20;
                 $height = $style->getStyleForTypeAndParam(MapStyle::POINT, MapStyle::HEIGHT) or $height = 20;
                 $templateValues['___SYMBOL_ARGS___'] = "'{$icon}',{$width},{$height}";
             } else {
                 // 2. either all four of (color, size, outline, style) are set or zero
                 $color = $style->getStyleForTypeAndParam(MapStyle::POINT, MapStyle::COLOR);
                 if ($color) {
                     $color = htmlColorForColorString($color);
                 } else {
                     $color = 'FF0000';
                 $size = $style->getStyleForTypeAndParam(MapStyle::POINT, MapStyle::SIZE) or $size = 12;
                 // TODO there isn't yet a good way to get valid values for this from outside
                 $shape = $style->getStyleForTypeAndParam(MapStyle::POINT, MapStyle::SHAPE) or $shape = 'esri.symbol.SimpleMarkerSymbol.STYLE_CIRCLE';
                 $templateValues['___SYMBOL_ARGS___'] = "{$shape},{$size},new esri.symbol.SimpleLineSymbol(),new dojo.Color(\"#{$color}\")";
         if (isset($this->mapProjector)) {
             $point = $this->mapProjector->projectPoint($point);
             list($x, $y) = MapProjector::getXYFromPoint($point);
             $templateValues['___X___'] = $x;
             $templateValues['___Y___'] = $y;
         } else {
             // TODO this might be reversed
             // if it is then we can get rid of some code
             $templateValues['___X___'] = $point['lat'];
             $templateValues['___Y___'] = $point['lon'];
         // TODO use $placemark->getFields to populate Attributes
         $templateValues['___ID___'] = $placemark->getId();
         $templateValues['___TITLE___'] = json_encode($placemark->getTitle());
         $templateValues['___SUBTITLE___'] = json_encode($placemark->getSubtitle());
         $templateValues['___URL___'] = $this->urlForPlacemark($placemark);
     return $template->getScript();
Beispiel #3
 private function getPathJS()
     $template = $this->prepareJavascriptTemplate('GoogleJSMapPaths', true);
     foreach ($this->paths as $placemark) {
         $geometry = $placemark->getGeometry();
         $coordString = $this->coordsToGoogleArray($geometry->getPoints());
         $options = array('map: map');
         $style = $placemark->getStyle();
         if ($style) {
             if (($color = $style->getStyleForTypeAndParam(MapStyle::LINE, MapStyle::COLOR)) !== null) {
                 $options[] = 'strokeColor: "#' . htmlColorForColorString($color) . '"';
                 $options[] = 'strokeOpacity: ' . alphaFromColorString($color);
             if ($style && ($weight = $style->getStyleForTypeAndParam(MapStyle::LINE, MapStyle::WEIGHT)) !== null) {
                 $options[] = "strokeWeight: {$weight}";
         $propString = implode(',', $options);
         $subtitle = $placemark->getSubtitle();
         if (!$subtitle) {
             $subtitle = '';
             // "null" will show up on screen
         $coord = $geometry->getCenterCoordinate();
         if (isset($this->mapProjector)) {
             $coord = $this->mapProjector->projectPoint($coord);
         $template->appendValues(array('___ID___' => $placemark->getId(), '___LATITUDE___' => $coord['lat'], '___LONGITUDE___' => $coord['lon'], '___PATHSTRING___' => $coordString, '___TITLE___' => json_encode($placemark->getTitle()), '___OPTIONS___' => implode(',', $options), '___SUBTITLE___' => json_encode($placemark->getSubtitle()), '___URL___' => $this->urlForPlacemark($placemark)));
     return $template->getScript();
 public function addPath(Placemark $placemark)
     $polyline = $placemark->getGeometry();
     $style = $placemark->getStyle();
     $jsonObj = array('paths' => array($this->collapseAssociativePoints($polyline->getPoints())), 'spatialReference' => array('wkid' => $this->mapProjection));
     $templateValues = array('___POLYLINE_SPEC___' => json_encode($jsonObj));
     if ($style !== null) {
         // either three or zero parameters are all set
         // TODO there isn't yet a good way to get valid values for this from outside
         $consistency = $style->getStyleForTypeAndParam(MapStyle::LINE, MapStyle::CONSISTENCY) or $consistency = 'esri.symbol.SimpleFillSymbol.STYLE_SOLID';
         $color = $style->getStyleForTypeAndParam(MapStyle::LINE, MapStyle::COLOR);
         if ($color) {
             $color = htmlColorForColorString($color);
         } else {
             $color = 'FF0000';
         $weight = $style->getStyleForTypeAndParam(MapStyle::LINE, MapStyle::WEIGHT) or $weight = 4;
         $templateValues['___SYMBOL_SPEC___'] = "{$consistency},new dojo.Color(\"#{$color}\"),{$weight}";
     $this->paths[] = $templateValues;
    public function addPolygon(Placemark $placemark)
        $rings = $placemark->getGeometry()->getRings();
        $polyStrings = array();
        foreach ($rings as $ring) {
            $polyString[] = '[' . $this->coordsToGoogleArray($ring->getPoints()) . ']';
        $multiPathString = implode(',', $polyString);
        $properties = array('paths: polypaths');
        $style = $placemark->getStyle();
        if ($style !== null) {
            if (($color = $style->getStyleForTypeAndParam(MapStyle::POLYGON, MapStyle::COLOR)) !== null) {
                $properties[] = 'strokeColor: "#' . htmlColorForColorString($color) . '"';
                if (strlen($color) == 8) {
                    $alphaHex = substr($color, 0, 2);
                    $alpha = hexdec($alphaHex) / 256;
                    $properties[] = 'strokeOpacity: ' . round($alpha, 2);
            if (($color = $style->getStyleForTypeAndParam(MapStyle::POLYGON, MapStyle::FILLCOLOR)) !== null) {
                $properties[] = 'fillColor: "#' . htmlColorForColorString($color) . '"';
                if (strlen($color) == 8) {
                    $alphaHex = substr($color, 0, 2);
                    $alpha = hexdec($alphaHex) / 256;
                    $properties[] = 'fillOpacity: ' . round($alpha, 2);
            if (($weight = $style->getStyleForTypeAndParam(MapStyle::POLYGON, MapStyle::WEIGHT)) !== null) {
                $properties[] = "strokeWeight: {$weight}";
        $propString = implode(',', $properties);
        $this->polygons[] = <<<JS

polypaths = [{$multiPathString}];
polygon = new google.maps.Polygon({{$propString}});

    public function jsObjectForMarker($placemark)
        $style = $placemark->getStyle();
        $symbolType = 'SimpleMarkerSymbol';
        $symbolArgs = '';
        if ($style !== null) {
            // two ways to style markers:
            if (($icon = $style->getStyleForTypeAndParam(MapStyle::POINT, MapStyle::ICON)) !== null) {
                // 1. icon image
                $symbolType = 'PictureMarkerSymbol';
                $width = $style->getStyleForTypeAndParam(MapStyle::POINT, MapStyle::WIDTH) or $width = 20;
                $height = $style->getStyleForTypeAndParam(MapStyle::POINT, MapStyle::HEIGHT) or $height = 20;
                $symbolArgs = "'{$icon}',{$width},{$height}";
            } else {
                // 2. either all four of (color, size, outline, style) are set or zero
                $color = $style->getStyleForTypeAndParam(MapStyle::POINT, MapStyle::COLOR);
                if ($color) {
                    $color = htmlColorForColorString($color);
                } else {
                    $color = 'FF0000';
                $size = $style->getStyleForTypeAndParam(MapStyle::POINT, MapStyle::SIZE) or $size = 12;
                // TODO there isn't yet a good way to get valid values for this from outside
                $shape = $style->getStyleForTypeAndParam(MapStyle::POINT, MapStyle::SHAPE) or $shape = 'esri.symbol.SimpleMarkerSymbol.STYLE_CIRCLE';
                $symbolArgs = "{$shape},{$size},new esri.symbol.SimpleLineSymbol(),new dojo.Color(\"#{$color}\")";
        $point = $placemark->getGeometry()->getCenterCoordinate();
        if (isset($this->mapProjector)) {
            $point = $this->mapProjector->projectPoint($point);
            list($x, $y) = MapProjector::getXYFromPoint($point);
        } else {
            // TODO this might be reversed
            // if it is then we can get rid of some code
            $x = $point['lat'];
            $y = $point['lon'];
        return <<<JS
new esri.Graphic(
    new esri.geometry.Point({$x}, {$y}, mapLoader.spatialRef),
    new esri.symbol.{$symbolType}({$symbolArgs})
    public function addPath($points, $style=null)
        $pointArr = array();
        foreach ($points as $point) {
            $pointArr[] = array($point['lat'], $point['lon']);
        $polyline = Polyline::encodeFromArray($pointArr);

        if ($style === null) {
            // color can be 0xRRGGBB or
            // {black, brown, green, purple, yellow, blue, gray, orange, red, white}
            $styleArgs = array('color:red');
        } else {
            $styleArgs = array();
            $color = $style->getStyleForTypeAndParam(MapStyle::LINE, MapStyle::COLOR);
            if ($color) $styleArgs[] = 'color:0x'.htmlColorForColorString($color);
            $weight = $style->getStyleForTypeAndParam(MapStyle::LINE, MapStyle::WEIGHT);
            if ($weight) $styleArgs[] = 'weight:'.$weight;

        $this->paths[] = implode('|', $styleArgs).'|enc:'.$polyline;
    public function addPolygon($rings, $style=null)
        if ($style === null) {
            $style = new EmptyMapStyle();
    	$polygon = array('rings' => $rings);

        $pathStyle = array();
        if (($color = $style->getStyleForTypeAndParam(MapStyle::POLYGON, MapStyle::COLOR)) !== null) {
            $pathStyle['strokeColor'] = '"#'.htmlColorForColorString($color).'"';
            if (strlen($color) == 8) {
                $alphaHex = substr($color, 0, 2);
                $alpha = hexdec($alphaHex) / 256;
                $pathStyle['strokeOpacity'] = round($alpha, 2);
        if (($color = $style->getStyleForTypeAndParam(MapStyle::POLYGON, MapStyle::FILLCOLOR)) !== null) {
            $pathStyle['fillColor'] = '"#'.htmlColorForColorString($color).'"';
            if (strlen($color) == 8) {
                $alphaHex = substr($color, 0, 2);
                $alpha = hexdec($alphaHex) / 256;
                $pathStyle['fillOpacity'] = round($alpha, 2);
        if (($weight = $style->getStyleForTypeAndParam(MapStyle::POLYGON, MapStyle::WEIGHT)) !== null) {
            $pathStyle['strokeWeight'] = $weight;
        $polygon['style'] = $pathStyle;
    	$this->polygons[] = $polygon;
    public function addPath($points, $style=null)
        $filteredStyles = array();
        if ($style !== null) {
            // either three or zero parameters are all set

            // TODO there isn't yet a good way to get valid values for this from outside
            $consistency = $style->getStyleForTypeAndParam(MapStyle::LINE, MapStyle::CONSISTENCY)
                or $consistency = 'esri.symbol.SimpleFillSymbol.STYLE_SOLID';
            $filteredStyles[] = 'style='.$consistency;

            $color = $style->getStyleForTypeAndParam(MapStyle::LINE, MapStyle::COLOR)
                or $color = 'FF0000';
            $filteredStyles[] = 'color=#'.htmlColorForColorString($color);

            $weight = $style->getStyleForTypeAndParam(MapStyle::LINE, MapStyle::WEIGHT)
                or $weight = 4;
            $filteredStyles[] = 'weight='.strval($weight);
        $styleString = implode('|', $filteredStyles);
        if (!isset($this->paths[$styleString])) {
        	$this->paths[$styleString] = array();
        $this->paths[$styleString][] = $this->collapseAssociativePoints($points);
 public function jsObjectForPath($placemark)
     $geometry = $placemark->getGeometry();
     $coordString = $this->coordsToGoogleArray($geometry->getPoints());
     $options = array('path: [' . $coordString . ']', 'map: map');
     $style = $placemark->getStyle();
     if ($style) {
         if (($color = $style->getStyleForTypeAndParam(MapStyle::LINE, MapStyle::COLOR)) !== null) {
             $options[] = 'strokeColor: "#' . htmlColorForColorString($color) . '"';
             $options[] = 'strokeOpacity: ' . alphaFromColorString($color);
         if ($style && ($weight = $style->getStyleForTypeAndParam(MapStyle::LINE, MapStyle::WEIGHT)) !== null) {
             $options[] = "strokeWeight: {$weight}";
     return 'new google.maps.Polyline({' . implode(",\n", $options) . '})';