Beispiel #1
  * fix_flashvars
  * @param xxx $match
  * @param xxx $options (passed by reference)
  * @return xxx
 function fix_flashvars($options, $match)
     global $CFG;
     $before = $match[1];
     $flashvars = $match[2];
     $after = $match[3];
     // entities_to_utf8() is required undo the call to htmlentities(), see MDL-5223
     // this is necessary to allow waitForPlay and autoPlay to be effective on Firefox
     $flashvars = hotpot_textlib('entities_to_utf8', $flashvars);
     $vars = explode('&', $flashvars);
     foreach ($this->moodle_flashvars as $var) {
         if (array_key_exists($var, $options)) {
             $vars = preg_grep("/^{$var}=/", $vars, PREG_GREP_INVERT);
             $vars[] = "{$var}=" . hotpot_textlib('utf8_to_entities', $options[$var]);
     return $before . implode('&', $vars) . $after;
  * add_activity_list
  * @param xxx $type
 function add_activity_list($type)
     global $PAGE;
     // if activity name is longer than $namelength, it will be truncated
     // to first $headlength chars + " ... " + last $taillength chars
     $namelength = 40;
     $headlength = 16;
     $taillength = 16;
     $mform = $this->_form;
     $optgroups = array(get_string('none') => array(hotpot::ACTIVITY_NONE => get_string('none')), get_string($type == 'entry' ? 'previous' : 'next') => array(hotpot::ACTIVITY_COURSE_ANY => get_string($type . 'cmcourse', 'hotpot'), hotpot::ACTIVITY_SECTION_ANY => get_string($type . 'cmsection', 'hotpot'), hotpot::ACTIVITY_COURSE_HOTPOT => get_string($type . 'hotpotcourse', 'hotpot'), hotpot::ACTIVITY_SECTION_HOTPOT => get_string($type . 'hotpotsection', 'hotpot')));
     if ($modinfo = get_fast_modinfo($PAGE->course)) {
         switch ($PAGE->course->format) {
             case 'weeks':
                 $strsection = get_string('strftimedateshort');
             case 'topics':
                 $strsection = get_string('topic');
                 $strsection = get_string('section');
         $sectionnum = -1;
         foreach ($modinfo->cms as $cmid => $mod) {
             if ($mod->modname == 'label') {
                 // ignore labels
             if ($type == 'entry' && $mod->modname == 'resource') {
                 // ignore resources as entry activities
             if (isset($form->update) && $form->update == $cmid) {
                 // ignore this hotpot
             if ($sectionnum == $mod->sectionnum) {
                 // do nothing (same section)
             } else {
                 // start new optgroup for this course section
                 $sectionnum = $mod->sectionnum;
                 if ($sectionnum == 0) {
                     $optgroup = get_string('activities');
                 } else {
                     if ($PAGE->course->format == 'weeks') {
                         $date = $PAGE->course->startdate + 7200 + $sectionnum * 604800;
                         $optgroup = userdate($date, $strsection) . ' - ' . userdate($date + 518400, $strsection);
                     } else {
                         $optgroup = $strsection . ': ' . $sectionnum;
                 if (empty($options[$optgroup])) {
                     $options[$optgroup] = array();
             $name = format_string($mod->name);
             $strlen = hotpot_textlib('strlen', $name);
             if ($strlen > $namelength) {
                 $head = hotpot_textlib('substr', $name, 0, $headlength);
                 $tail = hotpot_textlib('substr', $name, $strlen - $taillength, $taillength);
                 $name = $head . ' ... ' . $tail;
             $optgroups[$optgroup][$cmid] = $name;
     $options = array();
     for ($i = 100; $i >= 0; $i--) {
         $options[$i] = $i . '%';
     $elements = array($mform->createElement('selectgroups', $type . 'cm', '', $optgroups), $mform->createElement('select', $type . 'grade', '', $options));
     $mform->addGroup($elements, $type . 'cm_elements', get_string($type . 'cm', 'hotpot'), array(' '), false);
     $mform->addHelpButton($type . 'cm_elements', $type . 'cm', 'hotpot');
     if ($type == 'entry') {
         $defaultcm = hotpot::ACTIVITY_NONE;
         $defaultgrade = 100;
     } else {
         $defaultcm = hotpot::ACTIVITY_SECTION_HOTPOT;
         $defaultgrade = 0;
     $mform->setDefault($type . 'cm', get_user_preferences('hotpot_' . $type . 'cm', $defaultcm));
     $mform->setDefault($type . 'grade', get_user_preferences('hotpot_' . $type . 'grade', $defaultgrade));
     $mform->disabledIf($type . 'cm_elements', $type . 'cm', 'eq', 0);
     if ($type == 'entry') {
         $mform->setAdvanced($type . 'cm_elements');
     // add module icons, if possible
     if ($modinfo) {
         $element = reset($mform->getElement($type . 'cm_elements')->getElements());
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($element->_optGroups); $i++) {
             $optgroup =& $element->_optGroups[$i];
             for ($ii = 0; $ii < count($optgroup['options']); $ii++) {
                 $option =& $optgroup['options'][$ii];
                 if (isset($option['attr']['value']) && $option['attr']['value'] > 0) {
                     $cmid = $option['attr']['value'];
                     $url = $PAGE->theme->pix_url('icon', $modinfo->cms[$cmid]->modname)->out();
                     $option['attr']['style'] = "background-image: url({$url}); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 1px 2px; min-height: 20px;";
Beispiel #3
  * expand_jcross_clues
  * @param xxx $direction
  * @return xxx
 function expand_jcross_clues($direction)
     // $direction: A(cross) or D(own)
     $row = null;
     $r_max = 0;
     $c_max = 0;
     $this->get_jcross_grid($row, $r_max, $c_max);
     $clue_i = 0;
     // clue index;
     $str = '';
     for ($r = 0; $r <= $r_max; $r++) {
         for ($c = 0; $c <= $c_max; $c++) {
             $aword = $this->get_jcross_aword($row, $r, $r_max, $c, $c_max);
             $dword = $this->get_jcross_dword($row, $r, $r_max, $c, $c_max);
             if ($aword || $dword) {
                 // increment clue index
                 // get the definition for this word
                 $def = '';
                 $word = $direction == 'A' ? $aword : $dword;
                 $word = hotpot_textlib('utf8_to_entities', $word);
                 $i = 0;
                 $clues = 'data,crossword,clues,item';
                 while (($clue = "[{$i}]['#']") && $this->hotpot->source->xml_value($clues, $clue)) {
                     if ($word == $this->hotpot->source->xml_value($clues, $clue . "['word'][0]['#']")) {
                         $def = $this->hotpot->source->xml_value($clues, $clue . "['def'][0]['#']");
                 if ($def) {
                     $str .= '<tr><td class="ClueNum">' . $clue_i . '. </td><td id="Clue_' . $direction . '_' . $clue_i . '" class="Clue">' . $def . '</td></tr>';
     return $str;
  * get_title
  * @return xxx
 function get_title()
     $format_string = false;
     switch ($this->hotpot->title & hotpot::TITLE_SOURCE) {
         case hotpot::TEXTSOURCE_FILE:
             $title = $this->hotpot->source->get_title();
         case hotpot::TEXTSOURCE_FILENAME:
             $title = basename($this->hotpot->sourcefile);
         case hotpot::TEXTSOURCE_FILEPATH:
             $title = ltrim($this->hotpot->sourcefile, '/');
         case hotpot::TEXTSOURCE_SPECIFIC:
             $title = $this->hotpot->name;
             $title = format_string($title);
             // this will strip tags
     if ($this->hotpot->title & hotpot::TITLE_UNITNAME) {
         $title = $this->hotpot->name . ': ' . $title;
     if ($this->hotpot->title & hotpot::TITLE_SORTORDER) {
         $title .= ' (' . $this->sortorder . ')';
     $title = hotpot_textlib('utf8_to_entities', $title);
     return $title;
Beispiel #5
  * get_filecontents
  * @return xxx
 function get_filecontents()
     global $DB;
     if (isset($this->filecontents)) {
         return $this->filecontents ? true : false;
     // initialize $this->filecontent
     $this->filecontents = false;
     if ($this->location == hotpot::LOCATION_WWW) {
         if (!$this->url) {
             // no url given - shouldn't happen
             return false;
         if (!$this->get_filecontents_url()) {
             // url is (no longer) accessible
             return false;
     } else {
         if (!$this->file) {
             // no file object - shouldn't happen !!
             return false;
         $this->filecontents = self::get_content($this->file, $this->hotpot);
     // file contents were successfully read
     // remove BOMs -
     switch (true) {
         case substr($this->filecontents, 0, 4) == "ÿþ":
             $start = 4;
             $encoding = 'UTF-32LE';
         case substr($this->filecontents, 0, 4) == "þÿ":
             $start = 4;
             $encoding = 'UTF-32BE';
         case substr($this->filecontents, 0, 2) == "ÿþ":
             $start = 2;
             $encoding = 'UTF-16LE';
         case substr($this->filecontents, 0, 2) == "þÿ":
             $start = 2;
             $encoding = 'UTF-16BE';
         case substr($this->filecontents, 0, 3) == "":
             $start = 3;
             $encoding = 'UTF-8';
             $start = 0;
             $encoding = '';
     // remove BOM, if necessary
     if ($start) {
         $this->filecontents = substr($this->filecontents, $start);
     // convert to UTF-8, if necessary
     if ($encoding == '' || $encoding == 'UTF-8') {
         // do nothing
     } else {
         $this->filecontents = hotpot_textlib('convert', $this->filecontents, $encoding);
     return true;
  * require_moreattempts
  * @param xxx $shorterror (optional, default=false)
  * @return xxx
 public function require_moreattempts($shorterror = false)
     if (!$this->attemptlimit) {
         return false;
     if (!($countattempts = $this->get_attempts())) {
         return false;
     if ($this->attemptlimit > $countattempts) {
         return false;
     // maximum number of unit/quiz attempts reached
     if ($shorterror) {
         return get_string('nomoreattempts', 'hotpot');
     } else {
         $attemptlimitstr = hotpot_textlib('moodle_strtolower', get_string('attemptlimit', 'hotpot'));
         $msg = html_writer::tag('b', format_string($this->name)) . " ({$attemptlimitstr} = {$this->attemptlimit})";
         return html_writer::tag('p', get_string('nomoreattempts', 'hotpot')) . html_writer::tag('p', $msg);
Beispiel #7
  * js_value_safe
  * @param xxx $str
  * @param xxx $convert_to_unicode (optional, default=false)
  * @return xxx
 function js_value_safe($str, $convert_to_unicode = false)
     // encode a string for javascript
     static $replace_pairs = array('\\' => '\\\\', "'" => "\\'", '"' => '\\"', "\r\n" => '\\n', "\r" => '\\n', "\n" => '\\n', "" => '\\0', '</' => '<\\/');
     // convert unicode chars to html entities, if required
     // Note that this will also decode named entities such as &apos; and &quot;
     // so we have to put "strtr()" AFTER this call to textlib::utf8_to_entities()
     if ($convert_to_unicode) {
         $str = hotpot_textlib('utf8_to_entities', $str, false, true);
     $str = strtr($str, $replace_pairs);
     // convert (hex and decimal) html entities to javascript unicode, if required
     if ($convert_to_unicode) {
         $search = '/&#x([0-9A-F]+);/i';
         $callback = array($this, 'js_unicode_char');
         $str = preg_replace_callback($search, $callback, $str);
     return $str;
Beispiel #8
  * js_unicode_char
  * @param xxx $match
  * @return xxx
 function js_unicode_char($match)
     $num = $match[0];
     // the UTF-8 char
     $num = hotpot_textlib('utf8ord', $num);
     $num = strtoupper(dechex($num));
     return sprintf('\\u%04s', $num);
Beispiel #9
  * expand_WordsArray
  * @return xxx
 function expand_WordsArray()
     $str = '';
     $text = $this->hotpot->source->xml_value('data,rhubarb-text');
     $text = hotpot_textlib('entities_to_utf8', $text);
     $space = ' \\x09\\x0A\\x0C\\x0D';
     // " \t\n\r\l"
     $punc = preg_quote('!"#$%&()*+,-./:;+<=>?@[]\\^_`{|}~', '/');
     // not apostrophe \'
     $search = '/([^' . $punc . $space . ']+)|([' . $punc . '][' . $punc . $space . ']*)/s';
     if (preg_match_all($search, $text, $matches)) {
         foreach ($matches[0] as $i => $word) {
             $str .= "Words[{$i}] = '" . $this->hotpot->source->js_value_safe($word, true) . "';\n";
     return $str;