$domainid = hmailGetVar("domainid", null); if (hmailGetAdminLevel() == 0) { hmailHackingAttemp(); } // Users are not allowed to show this page. if (hmailGetAdminLevel() == 1 && $domainid != hmailGetDomainID()) { hmailHackingAttemp(); } // Domain admin but not for this domain. echo '<table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="5">'; $bgcolor = "#EEEEEE"; $obDomain = $obBaseApp->Domains->ItemByDBID($domainid); $obAccounts = $obDomain->Accounts(); $Count = $obAccounts->Count(); $str_delete = $obLanguage->String("Remove"); $currentaccountid = hmailGetAccountID(); $str_accountaddress = $obLanguage->String("Address"); $str_maxsizemb = $obLanguage->String("Maximum size (MB)"); echo "<tr bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\">"; echo "<td width=\"60%\">{$str_accountaddress}</td>"; echo "<td width=\"20%\">{$str_maxsizemb}</td>"; echo "<td width=\"20%\"></td>"; echo "</tr>"; $obAccounts = $obDomain->Accounts; for ($i = 0; $i < $Count; $i++) { $obAccount = $obAccounts->Item($i); $accountaddress = $obAccount->Address; $accountid = $obAccount->ID; $accountmaxsize = $obAccount->MaxSize(); $accountaddress = PreprocessOutput($accountaddress); $accountaddress_escaped = GetStringForJavaScript($accountaddress);
<?php if (!defined('IN_WEBADMIN')) { exit; } $domainid = hmailGetVar("domainid", 0); $accountid = hmailGetVar("accountid", 0); $faid = hmailGetVar("faid", 0); $action = hmailGetVar("action", ""); if (hmailGetAdminLevel() == 0 && ($accountid != hmailGetAccountID() || $domainid != hmailGetDomainID())) { hmailHackingAttemp(); } if (hmailGetAdminLevel() == 1 && $domainid != hmailGetDomainID()) { hmailHackingAttemp(); } // Domain admin but not for this domain. $obDomain = $obBaseApp->Domains->ItemByDBID($domainid); $obAccount = $obDomain->Accounts->ItemByDBID($accountid); $obFetchAccounts = $obAccount->FetchAccounts(); if ($action == "edit") { $obFA = $obFetchAccounts->ItemByDBID($faid); } elseif ($action == "add") { $obFA = $obFetchAccounts->Add(); } elseif ($action == "delete") { $obFetchAccounts->DeleteByDBID($faid); header("Location: index.php?page=account_externalaccounts&domainid={$domainid}&accountid={$accountid}"); exit; } elseif ($action == "downloadnow") { $obFA = $obFetchAccounts->ItemByDBID($faid); $obFA->DownloadNow(); header("Location: index.php?page=account_externalaccounts&domainid={$domainid}&accountid={$accountid}");
function GetHasRuleAccess($domainid, $accountid) { global $hmail_config; if (hmailGetAdminLevel() == ADMIN_SERVER) { // server admin always have access. return true; } else { if (hmailGetAdminLevel() == ADMIN_DOMAIN) { // Domain admin has access if domain access is enabled. if ($hmail_config['rule_editing_level'] == ADMIN_DOMAIN && hmailGetDomainID() == $domainid && $accountid != 0) { return true; } // Domain admin has access if user-level is permitted and the account // is under the domain admins control. if ($hmail_config['rule_editing_level'] == ADMIN_USER && hmailGetDomainID() == $domainid) { return true; } } else { if (hmailGetAdminLevel() == ADMIN_USER) { // user has access if enabled and the rule is connected to his account. if ($hmail_config['rule_editing_level'] == ADMIN_USER && hmailGetDomainID() == $domainid && hmailGetAccountID() == $accountid) { return true; } } } } return false; }
$addomain = hmailGetVar("addomain", "0"); $adusername = hmailGetVar("adusername", ""); $SignatureEnabled = hmailGetVar("SignatureEnabled", "0"); $SignatureHTML = hmailGetVar("SignatureHTML", ""); $SignaturePlainText = hmailGetVar("SignaturePlainText", "0"); if ($action == "edit") { $obAccount = $obDomain->Accounts->ItemByDBID($accountid); } elseif ($action == "add") { $obAccount = $obDomain->Accounts->Add(); } elseif ($action == "delete") { $obAccount = $obDomain->Accounts->DeleteByDBID($accountid); header("Location: index.php?page=accounts&domainid={$domainid}"); exit; } // If this is the current user, we need to update the session password. if ($action == "edit" && $accountid == hmailGetAccountID()) { if ($accountpassword != "") { $_SESSION['session_password'] = $accountpassword; } } if ($accountpassword != "") { $obAccount->Password = "******"; } $obAccount->PersonFirstName = $PersonFirstName; $obAccount->PersonLastName = $PersonLastName; $obAccount->VacationMessageIsOn = $vacationmessageon == "1"; $obAccount->VacationSubject = $vacationsubject; $obAccount->VacationMessage = $vacationmessage; $obAccount->VacationMessageExpires = $vacationmessageexpires; $obAccount->VacationMessageExpiresDate = $vacationmessageexpiresdate; $obAccount->ForwardEnabled = $forwardenabled == "1";