function ajax_message_tags_save_tags($tag_str, $uid, $mailbox, $tools) { $tags = hm_new('tags', $tools); $error = ''; $new = array(); $old = array(); list($valid, $invalid) = $tags->sanitize_tag_string($tag_str); if (isset($tags->tag_map[$mailbox][$uid])) { foreach ($valid as $tag) { if (!in_array($tag, $tags->tag_map[$mailbox][$uid])) { $new[] = $tag; } } } else { $new = $valid; } if (isset($tags->tag_map[$mailbox][$uid])) { foreach ($tags->tag_map[$mailbox][$uid] as $v) { if (!in_array($v, $valid)) { $old[] = $v; } } } $tags->set_tags($mailbox, $new, $old, $uid); if (join(' ', $valid) != $tag_str) { $error = 'Invalid or duplicate tags not saved^^^' . join(' ', $valid); } return $error; }
function calendar_message_top($tools) { return ''; // short circuit during development require_once $tools->include_path . 'cal_include.php'; if ($tools->get_current_message_type() == 'text/calendar' || $tools->get_current_message_type() == 'text/x-vCalendar') { $message = $tools->get_current_message(); $vcal = hm_new('vcal'); $vcal->import($message); $message = $vcal->display(); $tools->set_current_message($message); } }
function form_action_remove_contacts($form, $post) { global $user; global $include_path; global $fd; if ($user->logged_in) { require_once $include_path . 'lib' . $fd . 'vcard.php'; $vcard = hm_new('vcard'); $vcard->get_card_list(); $diff = 0; if (isset($post['orig_name']) && in_array($post['orig_name'], $vcard->card_groups)) { $members = $this->get_group_contact_members($post, $vcard, $post['orig_name']); $orig_members = $vcard->get_group_members($post['orig_name']); if (isset($orig_members[$post['orig_name']])) { $diff = count(array_keys($orig_members[$post['orig_name']])) - count($members); } $vcard->remove_group_members($post['orig_name']); $vcard->update_group_members($post['orig_name'], $members); $vcard->write_cards(); if ($diff == 1) { $this->errors[] = sprintf($user->str[517], $diff); } else { $this->errors[] = sprintf($user->str[516], $diff); } $this->form_redirect = true; } } }
function form_action_compose_send($form, $post) { global $user; global $imap; global $conf; global $message; global $hastymail_version; global $smtp; global $include_path; global $fd; $path = $conf['attachments_path']; if ($user->logged_in) { if (isset($post['contacts_visible']) && $post['contacts_visible']) { $user->page_data['contact_browse'] = true; } require_once $include_path . 'lib' . $fd . 'smtp_class.php'; $message = hm_new('mime', $post['compose_session']); if (!isset($_SESSION['user_settings']['compose_hide_mailer']) || !$_SESSION['user_settings']['compose_hide_mailer']) { $message->set_header('x_Mailer', $hastymail_version); } if (isset($post['compose_to'])) { $message->to = $post['compose_to']; } if (isset($post['compose_cc'])) { $message->cc = $post['compose_cc']; } if (isset($post['compose_bcc'])) { $message->bcc = $post['compose_bcc']; } if (isset($post['compose_references'])) { $message->references = $post['compose_references']; } if (isset($post['compose_in_reply_to'])) { $message->in_reply_to = $post['compose_in_reply_to']; } if (isset($post['message_id'])) { $message->message_id = $post['message_id']; } if (isset($post['compose_from'])) { if (isset($_SESSION['user_settings']['profiles'][$post['compose_from']])) { $from_atts = $_SESSION['user_settings']['profiles'][$post['compose_from']]; $message->from = '"' . $from_atts['profile_name'] . '" <' . $from_atts['profile_address'] . '> '; $message->from_address = $from_atts['profile_address']; if (isset($from_atts['profile_reply_to']) && $from_atts['profile_reply_to']) { $message->reply_to = '<' . $from_atts['profile_address'] . '>'; } } } if ($message->from_address) { $recipients = $message->get_recipient_addresses(); if (!empty($recipients)) { $message->subject = $post['compose_subject']; $message->body = $post['compose_message']; $priortiy = 0; if (isset($post['compose_priority']) && $post['compose_priority']) { $priortiy = (int) $post['compose_priority']; } if ($priortiy && $priortiy != 3) { $message->set_header('x_Priority', $priortiy); } if (isset($post['compose_mdn']) && $post['compose_mdn']) { $message->set_header('disposition_Notification_To', $message->from_address); } $smtp = hm_new('smtp'); $res = $smtp->connect(); if (!$res) { do_work_hook('message_send', array($message->body)); $res = $smtp->send_message($message->from_address, $recipients, $message); if ($res) { if ($smtp->smtp_err) { $res .= '<br />' . $smtp->smtp_err; } $this->form_vals = $post; $this->errors[] = $res; } else { $user->page_data['sent'] = 1; $this->errors[] = $user->str[355]; $this->form_redirect = true; if (isset($post['compose_in_reply_to']) && $post['compose_in_reply_to']) { $this->perform_imap_action('ANSWERED', $post['reply_box'], array($post['reply_uid']), false, false); } } if (!$res && !isset($post['compose_skip_sent']) || isset($post['compose_skip_sent']) && !$post['compose_skip_sent']) { $sent_folder = $_SESSION['user_settings']['sent_folder']; if (isset($_SESSION['sent_folder_override']) && isset($_SESSION['folders'][$_SESSION['sent_folder_override']])) { $sent_folder = $_SESSION['sent_folder_override']; unset($_SESSION['sent_folder_override']); } if (isset($sent_folder) && isset($_SESSION['folders'][$sent_folder])) { $status = stream_imap_append($message, $post['compose_session'], $sent_folder); if (!$status) { $this->errors[] = $user->str[539]; } } } if (!$res && isset($_SESSION['user_settings']['draft_folder']) && isset($post['message_id']) && $post['message_id'] && isset($_SESSION['user_settings']['delete_draft']) && $_SESSION['user_settings']['delete_draft'] && $_SESSION['user_settings']['draft_folder']) { $trash_folder = false; if (isset($_SESSION['user_settings']['trash_folder']) && $_SESSION['user_settings']['trash_folder']) { $trash_folder = $_SESSION['user_settings']['trash_folder']; } $select_res = $imap->select_mailbox($_SESSION['user_settings']['draft_folder'], false, false, true); if ($select_res) { $search_res = $imap->simple_search('header message-id', false, $post['message_id']); if (isset($search_res[0])) { $this->perform_imap_action('DELETE', $_SESSION['user_settings']['draft_folder'], array($search_res[0]), $trash_folder, false); } } } do_work_hook('compose_after_send'); } else { $this->errors[] = $res; $this->form_vals = $post; } if (!$res) { unset_attachments($post['compose_session']); } $smtp->disconnect(); } else { $this->form_vals = $post; $this->errors[] = $user->str[356]; } } else { $this->form_vals = $post; $this->errors[] = $user->str[357]; } } }
function url_action_contact_groups($get) { global $user; global $include_path; global $fd; if ($user->logged_in) { $user->dsp_page = 'contact_groups'; require_once $include_path . 'lib' . $fd . 'vcard.php'; $vcard = hm_new('vcard'); $vcard->get_card_list(); $user->page_data['contact_groups'] = $vcard->card_groups; $user->page_data['group_members'] = $vcard->get_group_members(); $user->page_data['contacts'] = $vcard->card_list; if (isset($get['edit_group']) && in_array($get['edit_group'], $vcard->card_groups)) { $user->page_data['edit_group'] = $get['edit_group']; } } }
function ajax_update_page($mailbox, $page_id, $title, $new = false, $folder_list = false, $mailbox_page = false, $sort_by = false, $filter_by = false, $show_all = false, $force = false) { global $force_page_update; $res = array(); if ($mailbox_page == -1) { $class_name = 'site_page_new'; } else { $class_name = 'site_page_mailbox'; } $pd = hm_new($class_name); $continue = true; $clock = false; $unread = false; $new_page = false; $tree = false; $dropdown = false; $mailbox_html = false; $mailbox_meta = false; if ($new) { $quick = true; list($mailbox_meta, $new_page) = refresh_new_page($page_id, $pd); if (!$new_page) { $continue = false; } } else { $quick = false; } if ($continue || $force) { list($dropdown, $clock, $unread) = update_dropdown($mailbox, $quick, $page_id, $pd); if (!$dropdown) { $continue = false; } } $title = update_title($title); if ($folder_list && ($force || $continue)) { $tree = update_folder_list($mailbox, $pd); } if (!$clock) { $clock = $pd->print_clock(); } if ($mailbox_page != -1) { if (!$continue) { $period = $_SESSION['user_settings']['ajax_update_interval']; if (!isset($_SESSION['page_refresh_count'])) { $_SESSION['page_refresh_count'] = 1; } else { $_SESSION['page_refresh_count']++; } $count = $_SESSION['page_refresh_count']; if ($count * $period >= $force_page_update) { list($mailbox_meta, $mailbox_html) = update_mailbox_page($pd, $mailbox_page, $mailbox, $page_id, $sort_by, $filter_by, $show_all, $force); $_SESSION['page_refresh_count'] = 0; } } if ($continue || $force) { list($mailbox_meta, $mailbox_html) = update_mailbox_page($pd, $mailbox_page, $mailbox, $page_id, $sort_by, $filter_by, $show_all, $force); $_SESSION['page_refresh_count'] = 0; } } return implode('^^' . $page_id . '^^', array($new_page, $dropdown, $clock, $unread, $title, $tree, $mailbox_html, $mailbox_meta)); }
function do_work_hook($location, $args = array(), $plugin_array = array()) { global $conf; global $tools; global $include_path; global $fd; if (empty($plugin_array) && isset($_SESSION['plugins'])) { $plugin_array = $_SESSION['plugins']; } if (isset($plugin_array['work_hooks'])) { $plugins = $plugin_array['work_hooks']; if (!empty($plugins)) { foreach ($plugins as $plugin => $vals) { foreach ($vals as $v) { if ($location == $v) { $function_name = $plugin . '_' . $location; $file = 'plugins' . $fd . $plugin . $fd . 'work.php'; if (is_readable($file)) { require_check($file); require_once $include_path . $file; if (function_exists($function_name)) { if (!$tools || !isset($tools[$plugin])) { $tools[$plugin] = hm_new('plugin_tools', $plugin); } if (isset($tools[$plugin])) { $function_name($tools[$plugin], $args); } else { error_log('HM2 Plugin Warning: ' . $plugin . ' unable to execute work hook: ' . $location); } } } } } } } } }
function print_tag_list($tools, $ajax = false) { $res = ''; if (!$ajax) { $res .= '<div id="folder_tag_list">'; } $res .= '<div class="tag_title"><a href="?page=message_tags">' . $tools->str[0] . '</a></div>'; $tags = hm_new('tags', $tools); foreach ($tags->tag_list as $tag => $folders) { $cnt = 0; foreach ($folders as $v) { $cnt += $v; } $res .= '<span class="tag_img"></span><a class="tag_link" href="?page=message_tags&tag=' . urlencode($tag) . '">' . $tools->display_safe($tag) . ' (' . $cnt . ')</a><br />'; } if (!$ajax) { $res .= '</div>'; } return $res; }
function get_feed($tools, $url, $type, $limit, $feed_id, $ttl) { if ($ttl > 0) { $cache = hm_new('cache'); $cache->ttl = $ttl; $data = $cache->get_feed($feed_id); if ($data) { return $data; } } $feed = hm_new('feed'); $feed->limit = $limit; $feed->feed_type = $type; $feed->parse_feed($url); $cache = hm_new('cache'); $cache->save_feed($feed_id, $feed->parsed_data); return $feed->parsed_data; }
function message_tags_msglist_after_subject($tools, $msg_vals) { global $page_id; if ($tools->get_setting('tags_disabled')) { return ''; } $tags = hm_new('tags', $tools); $tag_list = array(); $res = ''; if (isset($tags->tag_map[$msg_vals['mailbox']][$msg_vals['uid']])) { $arg = join(' ', $tags->tag_map[$msg_vals['mailbox']][$msg_vals['uid']]); $label = $tools->display_safe($arg); } else { $arg = false; $label = '<span class="tag_image" title="' . $tools->str[1] . '"></span>'; } $res = '</div><div style="float: right;"><complex-' . $page_id . '><div class="tag_cell"><a id="link_' . $msg_vals['uid'] . '" onclick="return edit_tags(\'' . $msg_vals['uid'] . '\', \'' . esc_sq($msg_vals['mailbox']) . '\');">' . $label . '</a></div></complex-' . $page_id . '>'; return $res; }
function get_contact_list($sort = 'sort_name', $page = 1, $source = 'local', $filter = false, $page_size = false, $filter_regex = false) { require_once 'vcard.php'; $vcard = hm_new('vcard'); return $vcard->get_quick_list($sort, $page, $source, $filter, $page_size, $filter_regex); }
function default_page_data() { global $imap; global $conf; global $user; global $tools; global $start_pages; global $hm_tags; if (!isset($user->dsp_page)) { $user->dsp_page = 'not_found'; $user->page_data['top_link'] = ''; } if (isset($_SESSION['last_message_read'])) { $user->page_data['last_message_read'] = $_SESSION['last_message_read']; } else { $user->page_data['last_message_read'] = array(); } $user->page_data['site_title'] = $conf['page_title']; $user->page_data['sort_by'] = 'ARRIVAL'; $user->page_data['top_link'] = ''; $user->page_data['plugin_js'] = array(); $user->page_data['inline_plugin_js'] = array(); $user->page_data['plugin_style'] = array(); $user->page_data['base_href'] = $conf['http_prefix'] . '://' . $conf['host_name'] . $conf['url_base']; $user->page_data['theme'] = 'default'; $user->page_data['new_window'] = false; $user->page_data['new_window_arg'] = false; $user->page_data['parent_refresh'] = false; if ($user->logged_in) { if (isset($_SESSION['frozen_folders'])) { $user->page_data['frozen_folders'] = $_SESSION['frozen_folders']; if (isset($_GET['mailbox']) && isset($_SESSION['frozen_folders'][$_GET['mailbox']]) || isset($_POST['mailbox']) && isset($_SESSION['frozen_folders'][$_POST['mailbox']])) { $imap->read_only = true; } } else { $user->page_data['frozen_folders'] = array(); } $this->set_user_config(); $imap->get_folders(); if (!isset($_SESSION['user_settings']['profiles'])) { $user->page_data['settings']['profiles'] = array(array()); $_SESSION['user_settings']['profiles'] = array(array()); } $theme = 'default'; if (isset($user->page_data['settings']['theme'])) { $user_theme = $user->page_data['settings']['theme']; if (isset($conf['site_themes'][$user_theme])) { if ($conf['site_themes'][$user_theme]['css']) { $theme = $user_theme; } } } $user->page_data['theme'] = $theme; $user->page_data['new_link_class'] = ''; $user->page_data['search_link_class'] = ''; $user->page_data['options_link_class'] = ''; $user->page_data['profile_link_class'] = ''; $user->page_data['folder_link_class'] = ''; $user->page_data['compose_link_class'] = ''; $user->page_data['contacts_link_class'] = ''; $user->page_data['folders'] =& $_SESSION['folders']; $user->page_data['mailbox'] = 'INBOX'; $user->page_data['url_mailbox'] = 'INBOX'; $user->page_data['simple_mode'] = false; if (isset($user->page_data['settings']['compose_window']) && $user->page_data['settings']['compose_window']) { $sid = ''; if (!$user->use_cookies) { $sid = '&PHPSESSID=' . session_id(); } $user->page_data['compose_onclick'] = 'open_window(\'?page=compose&new_window=1' . $sid . '\', 900, 950); return false;'; } else { $user->page_data['compose_onclick'] = false; } if (isset($_GET['parent_refresh'])) { $user->page_data['parent_refresh'] = true; } if (isset($_GET['new_window'])) { $user->page_data['new_window'] = true; $user->page_data['new_window_arg'] = '&new_window=1'; } if (isset($_SESSION['destination_folder'])) { $user->page_data['current_destination'] = $_SESSION['destination_folder']; } else { $user->page_data['current_destination'] = false; } $user->page_data['imap_capability'] = $_SESSION['imap_capability']; if (isset($_SESSION['plugin_list'])) { foreach ($_SESSION['plugin_list'] as $v) { $tools[$v] = hm_new('plugin_tools', $v); } } do_work_hook('init'); if (!isset($user->page_data['plugin_ajax'])) { $user->page_data['plugin_ajax'] = array(); } if (!empty($user->page_data['plugin_ajax'])) { foreach ($user->page_data['plugin_ajax'] as $i => $v) { $_SESSION['plugin_ajax'][$i] = $v; } } if (($user->user_agent_class == 'palm' || $user->user_agent_class == 'simple') && isset($_SESSION['user_settings']['auto_switch_simple_mode']) && $_SESSION['user_settings']['auto_switch_simple_mode']) { $user->page_data['simple_mode'] = true; $hm_tags['complex'] = true; $hm_tags['simple'] = false; } elseif (isset($_SESSION['user_settings']['display_mode']) && $_SESSION['user_settings']['display_mode'] != 1) { switch ($_SESSION['user_settings']['display_mode']) { case 2: $user->page_data['simple_mode'] = true; $hm_tags['complex'] = true; $hm_tags['simple'] = false; break; } } if (isset($_GET['folder_state'])) { $f_id = (int) $_GET['folder_state']; if (strlen($f_id) > 1) { $state = substr($f_id, -1); $f_id = substr($f_id, 0, -1); if (!$state) { $state = true; } else { $state = false; } $_SESSION['folder_state'][$f_id] = $state; } } purge_old_attachments(); } else { if (isset($conf['site_theme'])) { $theme = $conf['site_theme']; if (isset($conf['site_themes'][$theme])) { $user->page_data['settings']['theme'] = $theme; $user->page_data['theme'] = $theme; } } do_work_hook('logged_out_init', array(), get_plugins(true, true)); } if (!$user->logged_in && ($user->user_agent_class == 'simple' || $user->user_agent_class == 'palm')) { $hm_tags['complex'] = true; $hm_tags['simple'] = false; } if ($user->just_logged_in && !isset($_SESSION['total_unread'])) { $_SESSION['total_unread'] = 0; if (isset($_SESSION['user_settings']['start_page']) && $_SESSION['user_settings']['start_page'] != 'mailbox' && $_SESSION['user_settings']['start_page'] != 'new' && isset($start_pages[$_SESSION['user_settings']['start_page']])) { if (isset($_SESSION['user_settings']['folder_check']) && is_array($_SESSION['user_settings']['folder_check'])) { $imap->get_unseen_status($_SESSION['user_settings']['folder_check']); } else { $_SESSION['total_unread'] = 0; } } } }
function url_action_message($get) { global $sort_types; global $client_sort_types; global $max_read_length; global $user; global $imap; global $include_path; global $message_part_types; global $override_missing_mime_header; global $add_contact_headers; global $conf; global $sort_filters; global $fd; global $sticky_url; $user->page_data['top_link'] = '<a href="' . $sticky_url . '#top">' . $user->str[186] . '</a>'; if ($user->logged_in) { if (isset($_SESSION['iframe_content']) && $_SESSION['iframe_content'] && isset($get['inline_html']) && $get['inline_html']) { ob_clean(); echo $_SESSION['iframe_content']; unset($_SESSION['iframe_content']); exit; } do_work_hook('message_page_start'); $user->page_data['unseen_uids'] = 0; $user->page_data['show_previous_options'] = 0; $user->page_data['show_up_options'] = 0; $user->page_data['show_next_options'] = 0; $user->page_data['full_header'] = -1; $user->page_data['full_part_header'] = -1; $user->page_data['message_part_headers'] = array(); $user->page_data['sort_filters'] = array('ALL' => 'All messages', 'UNSEEN' => 'Unread', 'SEEN' => 'Read', 'FLAGGED' => 'Flagged', 'UNFLAGGED' => 'Unflagged', 'ANSWERED' => 'Answered', 'UNANSWERED' => 'Unanswered', 'DELETED' => 'Deleted', 'UNDELETED' => 'Not Deleted'); $user->page_data['message_link_class'] = 'current_page'; $mailbox = false; if (isset($get['mailbox'])) { if (isset($_SESSION['folders'][$get['mailbox']])) { $mailbox = $get['mailbox']; } } if (isset($get['full_part_header'])) { $user->page_data['full_part_header'] = intval($get['full_part_header']); } if (isset($get['full_header'])) { $user->page_data['full_header'] = intval($get['full_header']); } if (isset($get['find_response']) && isset($get['current_uid']) && isset($get['response_id'])) { $uid = false; if (isset($_SESSION['user_settings']['sent_folder'])) { $select_res = $imap->select_mailbox($_SESSION['user_settings']['sent_folder'], false, false, true); if ($select_res) { $search_res = $imap->simple_search('header in-reply-to', false, $get['response_id']); if (isset($search_res[0])) { $get['uid'] = $search_res[0]; $uid = $get['uid']; $mailbox = $_SESSION['user_settings']['sent_folder']; $_GET['mailbox'] = $mailbox; $this->errors[] = $user->str[388]; } } } if (!$uid) { $get['uid'] = $get['current_uid']; $this->errors[] = $user->str[389]; } } if ($mailbox && isset($get['uid'])) { if (isset($_SESSION['frozen_folders'][$mailbox])) { $user->page_data['frozen_dsp'] = '<span id="frozen">(Mailbox Frozen)</span>'; } else { $user->page_data['frozen_dsp'] = ''; } $id = (int) $get['uid']; if ($id) { $sort_by = 'ARRIVAL'; if (isset($get['sort_by'])) { if (stristr($_SESSION['imap_capability'], 'SORT')) { $types = $sort_types; } else { $types = $client_sort_types; } if (isset($types[$get['sort_by']])) { $sort_by = $get['sort_by']; } } $filter_by = 'ALL'; if (isset($get['filter_by'])) { if (isset($sort_filters[$get['filter_by']])) { $filter_by = $get['filter_by']; } } $user->page_data['filter_by'] = $filter_by; $user->page_data['sort_by'] = $sort_by; if ($imap->select_mailbox($mailbox, $sort_by, false, true, $filter_by)) { do_work_hook('message_page_selected'); $user->page_data['mailbox'] = $mailbox; if ($mailbox == 'INBOX') { $user->page_data['mailbox_dsp'] = $user->str[436]; } else { $user->page_data['mailbox_dsp'] = $user->htmlsafe($mailbox, 0, 0, 1); } $user->page_data['url_mailbox'] = urlencode($mailbox); if ((!isset($get['show_all_mp']) || !$get['show_all_mp']) && isset($_SESSION['user_settings']['short_message_parts']) && $_SESSION['user_settings']['short_message_parts']) { if (isset($_SESSION['user_settings']['html_first']) && $_SESSION['user_settings']['html_first']) { $mfilter = 'html'; } else { $mfilter = 'plain'; } } else { $mfilter = false; } if (!isset($get['show_all_mp']) || !$get['show_all_mp']) { $user->page_data['show_all_mp'] = false; } else { $user->page_data['show_all_mp'] = true; } if ($mfilter) { list($struct, $user->page_data['filtered_mp']) = $imap->get_message_structure($id, $mfilter); } else { $user->page_data['filtered_mp'] = 0; $struct = $imap->get_message_structure($id); } $flat_list = $this->get_flat_part_list($struct); $user->page_data['part_nav_list'] = $flat_list; if (isset($get['message_part'])) { $mpart = $get['message_part']; } else { $mpart = 0; } $sort_by = 'ARRIVAL'; if (!isset($get['show_image']) && !isset($get['download']) || isset($get['framed_part'])) { $user->page_data['full_message_headers'] = $imap->get_message_headers($id, false); } if ($override_missing_mime_header) { $struct = $this->override_missing_mime_header($struct, $user->page_data['full_message_headers']); } if (isset($_SESSION['user_settings']['html_first']) && $_SESSION['user_settings']['html_first']) { list($message_data, $viewable) = $this->find_message_part($struct, $mpart, 'text', 'html'); if (empty($message_data) && !empty($viewable)) { list($message_data, $viewable) = $this->find_message_part($struct, $viewable[0]); } } else { list($message_data, $viewable) = $this->find_message_part($struct, $mpart, 'text', 'plain'); if (empty($message_data) && !empty($viewable)) { list($message_data, $viewable) = $this->find_message_part($struct, $viewable[0]); } } if (isset($get['raw_view']) && $get['raw_view']) { $raw = 1; $message_data['imap_id'] = 0; $message_data['type'] = 'text'; $message_data['subtype'] = 'plain'; } else { $raw = 0; } if (empty($message_data) && !empty($user->page_data['full_message_headers'])) { $message_data['imap_id'] = 0; $message_data['type'] = 'text'; $message_data['subtype'] = 'plain'; $user->page_data['broken_msg'] = true; } $user->page_data['raw_view'] = $raw; $user->page_data['message_struct'] = $struct; $user->page_data['message_uid'] = $id; $user->page_data['message_part'] = $mpart; $count = $_SESSION['uid_cache'][$mailbox]['total']; $page = 1; if (isset($get['mailbox_page'])) { $page = (int) $get['mailbox_page']; 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'"'); ob_end_clean(); while ($data = $imap->get_message_part_line()) { $read_size += strlen($data); if ($read_size > $lit_size) { $extra = $read_size - $lit_size; if (strlen($data) > $extra) { $data = substr($data, 0, strlen($data) - $extra); } else { $data = false; } } if ($data && $encoding == 'base64_decode') { $data = base64_decode($data); } elseif ($data && $encoding == 'quoted_decode') { $data = $user->user_action->quoted_decode($data); } if ($data) { echo $data; } $data = false; } $imap->disconnect(); $user->clean_up(); ob_flush(); flush(); exit; } else { /*if (isset($_SESSION['header_cache'][$mailbox][$page][$id]['flags'])) { if (!stristr($_SESSION['header_cache'][$mailbox][$page][$id]['flags'], 'seen')) { if (isset($_SESSION['folders'][$mailbox]['status']['unseen']) && $_SESSION['folders'][$mailbox]['status']['unseen'] > 0) { $_SESSION['folders'][$mailbox]['status']['unseen'] -= 1; $user->page_data['folders'] = $_SESSION['folders']; } } if (!stristr($_SESSION['header_cache'][$mailbox][$page][$id]['flags'], 'Seen')) { $_SESSION['header_cache'][$mailbox][$page][$id]['flags'] .= ' \Seen'; if (isset($_SESSION['total_unread']) && $_SESSION['total_unread'] > 0 && isset($_SESSION['user_settings']['folder_check']) && is_array($_SESSION['user_settings']['folder_check']) && in_array($mailbox, $_SESSION['user_settings']['folder_check'])) { $_SESSION['total_unread']--; } } }*/ if (!isset($user->page_data['full_message_headers'])) { $user->page_data['full_message_headers'] = $imap->get_message_headers($id, false); } $user->page_data['message_headers'] = $this->prep_headers($user->page_data['full_message_headers']); if (!$user->page_data['charset']) { foreach ($user->page_data['message_headers'] as $vals) { if (strtolower($vals[0]) == 'content-type') { if (preg_match("/charset=([^\\s;]+)/", $vals[1], $matches)) { $user->page_data['charset'] = trim(str_replace(array("'", '"'), '', $matches[1])); } break; } } } if (count($user->page_data['part_nav_list']) > 1) { $parent_id = 0; foreach ($flat_list as $vals) { if ($vals[0] == $message_data['imap_id'] && $vals[1]) { $parent_id = $vals[1]; break; } } if ($parent_id && $parent_id != 1) { $user->page_data['message_part_headers'] = $this->prep_headers($imap->get_message_headers($id, $parent_id)); } } if ($raw) { $user->page_data['message_data'] = $imap->get_message_part($id, false, $raw, $max_read_length); if (isset($user->page_data['message_part_headers'])) { unset($user->page_data['message_part_headers']); } $user->page_data['part_nav_list'] = array(); } elseif ($message_part_types[$type] == 'text' || $message_part_types[$type] == 'html') { $user->page_data['message_data'] = $imap->get_message_part($id, $message_data['imap_id'], $raw, $max_read_length); if ($imap->max_read) { $this->errors[] = $user->str[390]; $imap->max_read = false; } if ($message_part_types[$type] == 'html') { if (isset($get['show_external_images'])) { if ($get['show_external_images']) { $user->page_data['show_external_images'] = true; } else { $user->page_data['show_external_images'] = false; } } } if (!$raw) { if (isset($message_data['encoding']) && strtolower($message_data['encoding']) == 'base64') { $user->page_data['message_data'] = base64_decode($user->page_data['message_data']); } elseif (isset($message_data['encoding']) && strtolower($message_data['encoding'] == 'quoted-printable')) { $user->page_data['message_data'] = $user->user_action->quoted_decode($user->page_data['message_data']); } } if (isset($conf['html_message_iframe']) && $conf['html_message_iframe'] && $message_part_types[$type] == 'html') { if ($user->sub_class_names['url']) { $class_name = 'site_page_' . $user->sub_class_names['url']; $pd = hm_new($class_name); } else { $pd = hm_new('site_page'); } $_SESSION['iframe_content'] = $pd->print_message_iframe_content(); } if (strstr($type, 'x-vcard')) { require_once $include_path . 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'vcard.php'; $vcard = hm_new('vcard'); $vcard->import_card(explode("\r\n", $user->page_data['message_data'])); if (is_array($vcard->card) && !empty($vcard->card)) { $user->page_data['card_detail'] = $vcard->card; $_SESSION['import_card_detail'] = $vcard->card; } } } } } } if (!isset($user->page_data['full_message_headers'])) { $user->page_data['full_message_headers'] = $imap->get_message_headers($id, false); } if (!isset($user->page_data['charset'])) { $user->page_data['charset'] = false; if (isset($user->page_data['message_headers'])) { foreach ($user->page_data['message_headers'] as $vals) { if (strtolower($vals[0]) == 'content-type') { if (preg_match("/charset=([^ ]+)/", $vals[1], $matches)) { $user->page_data['charset'] = trim(str_replace(array("'", '"'), '', $matches[1])); } break; } } } } $user->page_data['mailbox_page'] = $page; $user->page_data['mailbox_total'] = $_SESSION['uid_cache'][$mailbox]['total']; $user->page_data['page_links'] = build_page_links($page, $_SESSION['uid_cache'][$mailbox]['total'], $user->page_data['settings']['mailbox_per_page_count'], '?page=mailbox&sort_by=' . $sort_by . 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'&css=1" />'); $tools->add_inline_js(' function clear_rename_tag(tag) { document.getElementById("rename_"+tag).innerHTML = ""; return false; } function submit_tag_rename(tag) { if( window.event ) { e = window.event; } if( typeof( e.keyCode ) == "number" ) { e = e.keyCode; } else if( typeof( e.which ) == "number" ) { e = e.which; } else if( typeof( e.charCode ) == "number" ) { e = e.charCode; } if (e == 13) { var new_tag = document.getElementById("rename_fld").value; if (new_tag != tag) { document.getElementById("dest_name").value = new_tag; document.getElementById("src_name").value = tag; document.forms["rename_form"].submit(); } else { clear_rename_tag(tag); } } return false; } function rename_tag(tag) { document.getElementById("rename_"+tag).innerHTML = \'<input onkeyup="return submit_tag_rename(\\\'\'+tag+\'\\\')" onblur="return clear_rename_tag(\\\'\'+tag+\'\\\')" type="text" id="rename_fld" value="\'+tag+\'" />\'; document.getElementById("rename_fld").select(); return false; } function repair_tags(tag) { if (confirm("Attempting to correct tag data could result in some tags being lost. Continue?")) { document.getElementById("del_tag").value = "^repair^"; document.forms["del_form"].submit(); } return false; } function delete_all_tags(tag) { if (confirm("Are you sure you want to delete ALL your tags?")) { document.getElementById("del_tag").value = "^all^"; document.forms["del_form"].submit(); } return false; } function delete_tag(tag) { if (confirm("Are you sure you want to delete the \\""+tag+"\\" tag?")) { document.getElementById("del_tag").value = tag; document.forms["del_form"].submit(); } return false; } function remove_tag(tag) { var url = document.location.href; var pattern = new RegExp(/tag\\=(.+)/); var mymatch = pattern.exec(url); if (mymatch.length > 1) { var tags = mymatch[1].replace("%2B"+tag, "").replace("/%5E"+tag, "").replace(tag, ""); tags = tags.replace(/^(%2B|%5E)/, ""); if (tags) { document.location.href = "?page=message_tags&tag="+tags; } else { document.location.href = "?page=message_tags"; } } return false; } function add_tag_start() { var tag_type = document.getElementById("add_type"); if (tag_type) { if (tag_type.options[tag_type.selectedIndex].value == "or") { return add_tag_or(); } } return add_tag_and(); } function add_tag_or() { var new_tag = get_tag(); if (new_tag) { document.location.href = document.location.href+urlencode("^"+new_tag); } return false; } function add_tag_and() { var new_tag = get_tag(); if (new_tag) { document.location.href = document.location.href+urlencode("+"+new_tag); } return false; } function reset_tag_list() { document.location.href = "?page=message_tags"; } function get_tag() { var new_tag; var tag_list = document.getElementById("tag_list"); if (tag_list) { new_tag = tag_list.options[tag_list.selectedIndex].value; } return new_tag; } '); $tags = hm_new('tags', $tools); $tools->set_title('Message Tags'); $pd = array(); $pd['tag'] = false; $pd['header_data'] = array(); $pd['tag_list'] = $tags->tag_list; if (!$tools->logged_in()) { $tools->page_not_found(); } else { if (isset($_POST['del_tag']) && isset($tags->tag_list[$_POST['del_tag']])) { $tools->send_notice($tags->delete_tag($_POST['del_tag'])); $pd['tag_list'] = $tags->tag_list; } elseif (isset($_POST['del_tag']) && $_POST['del_tag'] == '^repair^') { $tags->repair(); $pd['tag_list'] = $tags->tag_list; $tools->send_notice('Tag information repaired'); } elseif (isset($_POST['del_tag']) && $_POST['del_tag'] == '^all^') { $tags->reset(); $pd['tag_list'] = array(); $tools->send_notice('All Tags Deleted'); } elseif (isset($_POST['src_name']) && isset($_POST['dest_name'])) { if (isset($tags->tag_list[$_POST['src_name']])) { if ($tags->valid_tag($_POST['dest_name'])) { $tools->send_notice($tags->rename_tag($_POST['src_name'], $_POST['dest_name'])); $pd['tag_list'] = $tags->tag_list; } else { $tools->send_notice('Invalid tag name'); } } } $tag_list = array(); $tag = false; $_SESSION['tag_page_list'] = array(); if (isset($_GET['tag'])) { if (isset($tags->tag_list[$_GET['tag']])) { $tag_list[0] = array($_GET['tag']); $tag = true; } elseif (strpos($_GET['tag'], '^') !== false || strpos($_GET['tag'], '+') !== false) { $group_id = 0; $bits = preg_split("/(\\^|\\+)/", $_GET['tag'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); $bucket = false; foreach ($bits as $i => $v) { if (!$bucket && isset($tags->tag_list[$v])) { $tag_list[$group_id][] = $v; $tag = true; } elseif ($bucket == 'and' && isset($tags->tag_list[$v])) { $tag_list[$group_id][] = $v; $tag = true; } elseif ($bucket == 'or' && isset($tags->tag_list[$v])) { $group_id++; $tag_list[$group_id][] = $v; $tag = true; } if ($v == '^') { $bucket = 'or'; } elseif ($v == '+') { $bucket = 'and'; } } } } if ($tag) { $_SESSION['tag_page_list'] = $tag_list; $pd['tag'] = true; $res = get_tag_msg_list($tag_list, $tools, $tags); if (isset($res['header_data'])) { $pd['header_data'] = $res['header_data']; } $pd['tag_dsp'] = $res['tag_dsp']; $pd['tags'] = $res['tags']; usort($pd['header_data'], 'sort_date'); } } return $pd; }
for this request is complete. */ if ($imap->connected) { $imap->disconnect(); } /* Do a handy work hook. This is a good way for plugins to get access to the completed data for a page request before the XHTML is built. */ do_work_hook('page_end'); /* Build the XHTML and sent it to the browser ----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Setup template data. The code is broken out into multiple includes to keep the application memory footprint smaller. */ if ($user->sub_class_names['url']) { $class_name = 'site_page_' . $user->sub_class_names['url']; $pd = hm_new($class_name); } else { $pd = hm_new('site_page'); } /* Build the page XHTML. The resulting page is constructed but not sent to the browser yet */ build_page($pd); /* Filter the output XHTML for the current display mode, and send it to the browser */ output_filtered_content($hm_tags); /* IMAP debug. Outputs debug information below the page if the show_imap_debug setting is enabled in the hastymail2.conf file. */ if (isset($conf['show_imap_debug']) && $conf['show_imap_debug']) { if (isset($conf['show_full_debug']) && $conf['show_full_debug']) { $imap->puke(true); } else { $imap->puke(); } } /* SMTP debug. Outputs debug information about any SMTP operations performed */