Beispiel #1

if (!defined('APPLICATION')) {
echo $this->data('Title');
helpAsset($this->data('Title'), t('Every edit or deletion is recorded here. Use &lsquo;Restore&rsquo; to undo any change.'));
echo '<noscript><div class="Errors"><ul><li>', t('This page requires Javascript.'), '</li></ul></div></noscript>';
echo $this->Form->open();
    <div class="toolbar flex-wrap">
        <div class="toolbar-buttons">
echo anchor(t('Restore'), '#', array('class' => 'RestoreButton btn btn-primary'));
echo anchor(t('Delete Forever'), '#', array('class' => 'DeleteButton btn btn-primary'));
PagerModule::write(['Sender' => $this, 'Limit' => 10, 'View' => 'pager-dashboard']);
echo '<div id="LogTable">';
include dirname(__FILE__) . '/table.php';
echo '</div id="LogTable">';
$this->addDefinition('ExpandText', t('more'));
Beispiel #2

if (!defined('APPLICATION')) {
$desc = t('To prevent abuse, some tools automatically hide content and list it here until it is manually approved by a moderator.');
helpAsset($this->data('Title'), $desc);
echo '<noscript><div class="Errors"><ul><li>', t('This page requires Javascript.'), '</li></ul></div></noscript>';
echo $this->Form->open();
echo heading($this->data('Title'));
<div class="toolbar flex-wrap">
    <div class="toolbar-buttons">
echo anchor(t('Approve'), '#', array('class' => 'RestoreButton btn btn-primary'));
echo anchor(t('Delete Forever'), '#', array('class' => 'DeleteButton btn btn-primary'));
    <div class="search toolbar-main"><?php 
if (c('Vanilla.Categories.Use')) {
    echo '<div class="input-wrap input-wrap-multiple">';
    echo $this->Form->CategoryDropDown('CategoryID', ['Value' => val('ModerationCategoryID', $this->Data), 'IncludeNull' => t('Show all categories')]);
    echo anchor(t('Filter'), '#', array('class' => 'FilterButton btn btn-primary'));
    echo '</div>';
PagerModule::write(['Sender' => $this, 'Limit' => 10, 'View' => 'pager-dashboard']);
Beispiel #3

if (!defined('APPLICATION')) {
helpAsset(t('Need More Help?'), anchor(t("Video tutorial on advanced settings"), 'settings/tutorials/category-management-and-advanced-settings'));
echo t('Advanced');
echo $this->Form->open();
echo $this->Form->errors();
        <li class="form-group">
echo $this->Form->toggle('Vanilla.AdminCheckboxes.Use', 'Enable checkboxes on discussions and comments.');
        <li class="form-group">
$Options = ['1' => '1', '2' => '2', '3' => '3', '4' => '4', '5' => '5', '0' => 'No limit'];
$Fields = ['TextField' => 'Code', 'ValueField' => 'Code'];
            <div class="label-wrap">
echo $this->Form->label('Maximum Category Display Depth', 'Vanilla.Categories.MaxDisplayDepth');
echo wrap(t('CategoryMaxDisplayDepth.Notes', 'Nested categories deeper than this depth will be placed in a comma-delimited list.'), 'div', ['class' => 'info']);
Beispiel #4
    if (checkPermission('Garden.Settings.Manage')) {
        echo wrap(Anchor(t("Don't use Categories"), 'vanilla/settings/enablecategories?enabled=0', 'SmallButton Hijack'));
} elseif (checkPermission('Garden.Settings.Manage')) {
    echo anchor(t('Use Categories'), 'vanilla/settings/enablecategories?enabled=1' . Gdn::session()->TransientKey(), 'SmallButton Hijack');
if (c('Vanilla.Categories.Use')) {
    $desc = '<ul>';
    $desc .= '<li>' . sprintf(t('You can make the categories page your homepage.', 'You can make your categories page your homepage <a href="%s">here</a>.'), url('/dashboard/settings/homepage')) . '</li>';
    $desc .= '<li>' . sprintf(t('Make sure you click View Page', 'Make sure you click <a href="%s">View Page</a> to see what your categories page looks like after saving.'), url('/categories')) . '</li>';
    $desc .= '<li>' . t('Drag and drop the categories below to sort and nest them.') . '</li>';
    $desc .= '</ul>';
    helpAsset(t('Did You Know?'), $desc);
    echo t('Category Page Layout');
    echo ' ';
    echo anchor(t('View Page'), 'categories');
    echo $this->Form->open();
    echo $this->Form->errors();
    echo '<div class="Info">' . t('Configure how nested categories are displayed to users.') . Wrap(sprintf(t('Vanilla.Categories.MaxDisplayDepth', 'Place nested categories in a comma-delimited list when they are %1$s'), $this->Form->DropDown('Vanilla.Categories.MaxDisplayDepth', val('MaxDepthData', $this->Data))), 'div') . Wrap($this->Form->CheckBox('Vanilla.Categories.DoHeadings', 'Display root categories as headings.'), 'div') . Wrap($this->Form->CheckBox('Vanilla.Categories.HideModule', 'Do not display the categories in the side panel.'), 'div') . '</div>' . '<div class="Buttons Wrap">' . $this->Form->button('Save') . '</div>' . $this->Form->close();
    echo wrap(t('Organize Categories'), 'h1') . '<ol class="Sortable">';
    $Right = array();
    // Start with an empty $Right stack
    $LastRight = 0;
Beispiel #5

if (!defined('APPLICATION')) {
$Session = Gdn::session();
$EditUser = $Session->checkPermission('Garden.Users.Edit');
$ViewPersonalInfo = $Session->checkPermission('Garden.PersonalInfo.View');
helpAsset(t('Heads Up!'), t('Search by user or role.', 'Search for users by name or email, optionally using % as a wildcard. You can also search by user ID, the name of a role, or &ldquo;banned&rdquo;.'));
helpAsset(t('Need More Help?'), anchor(t("Video tutorial on finding &amp; managing users"), 'settings/tutorials/users'));
if (checkPermission('Garden.Users.Add')) {
    echo heading(t('Manage Users'), t('Add User'), 'dashboard/user/add', 'js-modal btn btn-primary');
} else {
    echo heading(t('Manage Users'));
<div class="toolbar">
    <div class="toolbar-main">
$info = '';
$count = $this->data('RecordCount', $this->data('UserCount', null));
if ($count !== null) {
    $info = sprintf(plural($count, '%s user found.', '%s users found.'), $count);
} elseif ($this->data('UserEstimate', null) !== null) {
    $info = sprintf(t('Approximately %s users exist.'), $this->data('UserEstimate'));
echo $this->Form->searchForm('Keywords', '/user/browse', [], $info);
PagerModule::write(array('Sender' => $this, 'View' => 'pager-dashboard'));
Beispiel #6
} else {
    $this->addonType = 'plugins';
    $title = '<h1>' . t('Manage Plugins') . '</h1>';
    $helpTitle = sprintf(t('About %s'), t('Plugins'));
    $pathHelp = sprintf(t('PluginHelp'), '<code>' . PATH_PLUGINS . '</code>');
    $getMore = wrap(Anchor(t('Get More Plugins') . ' <span class="icon icon-external-link"></span>', $addonUrl), 'li');
    $availableAddons = $this->AvailablePlugins;
    $enabledAddons = $this->EnabledPlugins;
$addonCount = count($availableAddons);
$enabledCount = count($enabledAddons);
$disabledCount = $addonCount - $enabledCount;
$this->EventArguments['AvailableAddons'] =& $availableAddons;
helpAsset($helpTitle, $pathHelp);
echo $title;
if ($this->addonType !== 'locales') {
    <div class="toolbar full-border">
<div class="btn-group filters">
    $active = $this->Filter == 'all' ? 'active' : '';
    echo anchor(sprintf(t('All %1$s'), wrap($addonCount, 'span', ['class' => 'badge'])), 'settings/' . $this->addonType . '/all', '' . $this->addonType . '-all btn btn-secondary ' . $active);
    $active = $this->Filter == 'enabled' ? 'active' : '';
    echo anchor(sprintf(t('Enabled %1$s'), wrap($enabledCount, 'span', ['class' => 'badge'])), 'settings/' . $this->addonType . '/enabled', '' . $this->addonType . '-enabled btn btn-secondary ' . $active);
    $active = $this->Filter == 'disabled' ? 'active' : '';
Beispiel #7

if (!defined('APPLICATION')) {
$Session = Gdn::session();
echo $this->data('Title');
if ($this->data('DefaultLocaleWarning')) {
    echo '<div class="Errors">', sprintf(t('Your default locale won\'t display properly', 'Your default locale won\'t display properly until it is enabled below. Please enable the following: %s.'), $this->data('MatchingLocalePacks')), '</div>';
echo $this->Form->open();
echo $this->Form->errors();
<div class="form-group">
echo '<div class="label-wrap-wide">' . $this->Form->label(t('Default Locale'), 'Locales') . '</div> ';
echo '<div class="input-wrap-right input-wrap-multiple">', $this->Form->dropDown('Locale', $this->data('Locales'), ['class' => '']), $this->Form->button('Save'), '</div>';
echo $this->Form->close();
echo $this->Form->errors();
$this->addonType = 'locales';
include_once PATH_APPLICATIONS . '/dashboard/views/settings/plugins.php';
helpAsset(t('Need More Help?'), anchor(t('Internationalization & Localization'), ''));
Beispiel #8

if (!defined('APPLICATION')) {
echo heading($this->data('Title'), '', '', [], '/vanilla/settings/categories');
echo $this->Form->open(array('enctype' => 'multipart/form-data'));
echo $this->Form->errors();
echo $this->Form->hidden('ParentCategoryID');
helpAsset(sprintf(t('About %s'), t('Categories')), t('Categories are used to organize discussions.', 'Categories allow you to organize your discussions.'));
    <li class="form-group">
        <div class="label-wrap">
echo $this->Form->label('Category', 'Name');
        <div class="input-wrap">
echo $this->Form->textBox('Name');
    <li class="form-group">
        <div class="label-wrap">
echo wrap(t('Category Url:'), 'strong');
        <div id="UrlCode" class="input-wrap category-url-code">
Beispiel #9

if (!defined('APPLICATION')) {
helpAsset(sprintf(t('About %s'), t('Registration')), t('Change the way that new users register with the site.'));
helpAsset(t('Need More Help?'), anchor(t("Video tutorial on user registration"), 'settings/tutorials/user-registration'));
echo t('User Registration Settings');
echo $this->Form->open();
echo $this->Form->errors();

if (UserModel::noEmail()) {
    echo '<div class="alert alert-danger padded-top">' . t('Email addresses are disabled.', 'Email addresses are disabled. You can only add an email address if you are an administrator.') . '</div>';
<div class="form-group">
$label = t('Confirm email addresses', 'Require users to confirm their email addresses (recommended)');
echo $this->Form->toggle('Garden.Registration.ConfirmEmail', $label);

<div id="RegistrationMethods">
    <div class="table-wrap">
Beispiel #10

if (!defined('APPLICATION')) {
echo heading($this->data('Title'), t('Add Item'), '/dashboard/settings/bans/add', 'btn btn-primary js-modal');
helpAsset(sprintf(t('About %s'), t('Banning')), t('You can ban IP addresses, email domains, and words from usernames using this tool.'));
echo '<noscript><div class="Errors"><ul><li>', t('This page requires Javascript.'), '</li></ul></div></noscript>';
echo $this->Form->open();
echo '<div id="BansTable">';
include dirname(__FILE__) . '/banstable.php';
echo '</div id="BansTable">';
echo $this->Form->close();
Beispiel #11

if (!defined('APPLICATION')) {
echo heading(t('Social Connect Addons'));
$desc = t('Here is a list of all your social addons.', "Here's a list of all your social addons. You can enable, disable, and configure them from this page.");
helpAsset(t("What's This?"), $desc);
require_once $this->fetchViewLocation('helper_functions', 'settings', 'dashboard');

<ul class="media-list media-list-connections">
foreach ($this->data('Connections') as $addonName => $addonInfo) {
    writeAddonMedia($addonName, $addonInfo, $addonInfo['enabled'], 'plugins', 'all');
Beispiel #12

if (!defined('APPLICATION')) {
helpAsset(t('Need More Help?'), anchor(t("Embedding Documentation"), ''));
echo heading(t('Embedding'));
<div class="row form-group">
    <div class="label-wrap-wide">
        <div class="label"><?php 
echo t('Embed My Forum');
        <div class="label-description"><?php 
echo t('If you want to embed your forum or use Vanilla\'s comments in your blog then you need to enable embedding. If you aren\'t using embedding then we recommend leaving this setting off.');
    <div class="input-wrap-right">
    <span id="plaintext-toggle">
if (c('Garden.Embed.Allow', false)) {
    echo wrap(anchor('<div class="toggle-well"></div><div class="toggle-slider"></div>', 'embed/forum/disable/' . Gdn::session()->TransientKey()), 'span', array('class' => "toggle-wrap toggle-wrap-on"));
} else {
    echo wrap(anchor('<div class="toggle-well"></div><div class="toggle-slider"></div>', 'embed/forum/enable/' . Gdn::session()->TransientKey()), 'span', array('class' => "toggle-wrap toggle-wrap-off"));
Beispiel #13

if (!defined('APPLICATION')) {
helpAsset(sprintf(t('About %s'), t('Pockets')), t('Pockets allow you to add free-form HTML to various places around the application.'));
echo heading($this->data('Title'), sprintf(t('Add %s'), t('Pocket')), 'settings/pockets/add', 'btn btn-primary js-modal');
<div class="form-group">
    <div class="label-wrap-wide">
        <div class="label"><?php 
echo t('Enable Pocket Locations');
        <div class="info">
echo t('This option shows/hides the locations where pockets can go.', 'This option shows/hides the locations where pockets can go, but only for users that have permission to add/edit pockets. Try enabling this setting and then visit your site.');
    <div class="input-wrap-right">
        <span id="pocket-locations-toggle">
if (!c('Plugins.Pockets.ShowLocations')) {
    echo wrap(anchor('<div class="toggle-well"></div><div class="toggle-slider"></div>', '/settings/pockets/showlocations'), 'span', array('class' => "toggle-wrap toggle-wrap-off"));
} else {
    echo wrap(anchor('<div class="toggle-well"></div><div class="toggle-slider"></div>', '/settings/pockets/hidelocations'), 'span', array('class' => "toggle-wrap toggle-wrap-on"));
Beispiel #14

if (!defined('APPLICATION')) {
helpAsset(t('Need More Help?'), anchor(t('Using Vanilla Stats on localhost'), ''));
<div class="Messages Errors">
echo t('Vanilla statistics are disabled on localhost.');
Beispiel #15

if (!defined('APPLICATION')) {
$Session = Gdn::session();
$desc = t('Routes are used to redirect users.', 'Routes are used to redirect users depending on the URL requested.');
$desc .= ' ' . anchor(t('Learn about custom routing.', 'Learn about custom routing.'), '');
helpAsset(sprintf(t('About %s'), t('Routes')), $desc);
echo heading(t('Manage Routes'), t('Add Route'), 'dashboard/routes/add', 'js-modal btn btn-primary');
<div class="table-wrap">
    <table class="table-data js-tj" id="RouteTable">
            <th class="column-lg"><?php 
echo t('Route');
            <th class="column-lg"><?php 
echo t('Target');
            <th class="column-md"><?php 
echo t('Type');
            <th class="options column-sm"></th>
Beispiel #16

if (!defined('APPLICATION')) {
$desc = t('Roles determine user\'s permissions.', 'Every user in your site is assigned to at least one role. Roles are used to determine what the users are allowed to do.');
$links = '<ul>';
$links .= wrap(anchor(t("Video tutorial on managing roles &amp; permissions"), 'settings/tutorials/roles-and-permissions'), 'li');
$links .= wrap(anchor('Default Role Types', ''), 'li');
$links .= '</ul>';
helpAsset(sprintf(t('About %s'), t('Roles & Permissions')), $desc);
helpAsset(t('Need More Help?'), $links);
echo heading(t('Manage Roles & Permissions'), t('Add Role'), 'dashboard/role/add');
echo $this->Form->open();
<div class="table-wrap">
    <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="table-data js-tj Sortable" id="RoleTable">
        <tr id="0">
echo t('Role');
            <th class="column-xl"><?php 
echo t('Description');
echo t('Default Type');
Beispiel #17

if (!defined('APPLICATION')) {
$Session = Gdn::session();
$desc = t('Spend a little time thinking about how you describe your site here.', 'Spend a little time thinking about how you describe your site here. Giving your site a meaningful title and concise description could help your position in search engines.');
helpAsset(t('Heads up!'), $desc);
helpAsset(t('Need More Help?'), anchor(t("Video tutorial on managing appearance"), 'settings/tutorials/appearance'));
echo heading(t('Banner'));
echo $this->Form->open(array('enctype' => 'multipart/form-data'));
echo $this->Form->errors();
    <div class="Row">
                <li class="form-group">
                    <div class="label-wrap">
echo '<div>' . t('Homepage Title') . '</div>';
echo wrap(t('The homepage title is displayed on your home page.', 'The homepage title is displayed on your home page. Pick a title that you would want to see appear in search engines.'), 'div', array('class' => 'Info'));
                    <div class="input-wrap">
echo $this->Form->textBox('Garden.HomepageTitle');
                <li class="form-group">
                    <div class="label-wrap">
Beispiel #18

if (!defined('APPLICATION')) {

$TagType = $this->data('_TagType');
$TagTypes = $this->data('_TagTypes');
$CanAddTags = $this->data('_CanAddTags');
$desc = t('Tags are keywords that users can assign to discussions to help categorize their question with similar questions.');
helpAsset(sprintf(t('About %s'), t('Tagging')), $desc);
if (strtolower($TagType) == 'all' || strtolower($TagType) == 'tags') {
    // Only show add button if filter type supports adding new tags.
    echo heading(t($this->data('Title')), t('Add Tag'), '/settings/tags/add?type=Tag', 'js-modal btn btn-primary');
} else {
    echo heading(t($this->data('Title')));
<div class="toolbar flex-wrap">
    <div class="search-wrap input-wrap toolbar-main">
$info = sprintf(t('%s tag(s) found.'), $this->data('RecordCount'));
$placeholder = t('Search for a tag.', 'Search for all or part of a tag.');
echo $this->Form->searchForm('search', '/settings/tagging', ['placeholder' => $placeholder], $info);
    <div class="btn-group">
foreach ($TagTypes as $TagTypeName => $TagMeta) {
Beispiel #19

if (!defined('APPLICATION')) {
$Session = Gdn::session();
$AddonUrl = Gdn::config('Garden.AddonUrl');
$desc = t('Mobile themes allow you to change the look and feel of your site on smaller devices.') . ' ';
$desc .= t('They work just like regular themes. Once one has been added to the themes folder, you can enable it here.');
helpAsset(sprintf(t('About %s'), t('Mobile Themes')), $desc);
helpAsset(t('About Theme Preview'), t('Not getting what you expect when you preview your theme?') . ' ' . t('Theme preview is limited to displaying the theme\'s template and css.') . ' ' . t('Overridden views or themehooks can have unintended side effects and are not previewed.'));
<svg display="none">
    <symbol viewBox="0 0 252 281" id="mobile-frame"><g fill-rule="evenodd"><path d="M3.15,15.7582284 C3.15,8.79489615 8.78765609,3.15 15.7571747,3.15 L236.242825,3.15 C243.205576,3.15 248.85,8.78126062 248.85,15.7582284 L248.85,280.35 L3.15,280.35 L3.15,15.7582284 L3.15,15.7582284 L3.15,15.7582284 Z M243.6,279.201172 L243.6,15.7582284 C243.6,11.6862452 240.311573,8.4 236.242825,8.4 L15.7571747,8.4 C11.6900229,8.4 8.4,11.6915185 8.4,15.7582284 L8.60057618,279.102293 L243.6,279.201172 Z M1.13686838e-13,67.7172107 C1.13686838e-13,66.8516641 0.699087095,66.15 1.575,66.15 L3.15,66.15 L3.15,151.2 L1.575,151.2 C0.705151519,151.2 1.13686838e-13,150.490284 1.13686838e-13,149.632789 L1.13686838e-13,67.7172107 L1.13686838e-13,67.7172107 Z M252,67.7263729 C252,66.8557662 251.300913,66.15 250.425,66.15 L248.85,66.15 L248.85,91.35 L250.425,91.35 C251.294848,91.35 252,90.6497064 252,89.7736271 L252,67.7263729 L252,67.7263729 Z M252,99.2263729 C252,98.3557662 251.300913,97.65 250.425,97.65 L248.85,97.65 L248.85,122.85 L250.425,122.85 C251.294848,122.85 252,122.149706 252,121.273627 L252,99.2263729 L252,99.2263729 Z M186.376373,-8.06113616e-15 C185.505766,-7.90120831e-15 184.8,0.699087095 184.8,1.575 L184.8,3.15 L210,3.15 L210,1.575 C210,0.705151519 209.299706,-1.22720842e-14 208.423627,-1.21111511e-14 L186.376373,-8.06113616e-15 L186.376373,-8.06113616e-15 Z M105,23.4015945 C105,22.2961444 105.89666,21.4 106.997492,21.4 L145.002508,21.4 C146.105692,21.4 147,22.290712 147,23.4015945 L147,23.5984055 C147,24.7038556 146.10334,25.6 145.002508,25.6 L106.997492,25.6 C105.894308,25.6 105,24.709288 105,23.5984055 L105,23.4015945 L105,23.4015945 Z"/></g></symbol>
<div class="header-menu">
    <a class="header-menu-item" href="<?php 
echo url('/dashboard/settings/themes');
echo t('Desktop Themes');
    <a class="header-menu-item active" role="heading" aria-level="1" href="<?php 
echo url('/dashboard/settings/mobilethemes');
echo t('Mobile Themes');
Beispiel #20

if (!defined('APPLICATION')) {
echo $this->data('Title');
helpAsset($this->data('Title'), t('Content flagged as spam is stored here for moderator review.'));
echo '<noscript><div class="Errors"><ul><li>', t('This page requires Javascript.'), '</li></ul></div></noscript>';
echo $this->Form->open();
<div class="toolbar flex-wrap">
    <div class="toolbar-buttons">
echo anchor(t('Spam'), '#', array('class' => 'SpamButton btn btn-primary'));
echo anchor(t('Not Spam'), '#', array('class' => 'NotSpamButton btn btn-primary'));
PagerModule::write(['Sender' => $this, 'Limit' => 10, 'View' => 'pager-dashboard']);
echo '<div id="LogTable">';
include dirname(__FILE__) . '/table.php';
echo '</div id="LogTable">';
$this->addDefinition('ExpandText', t('more'));
Beispiel #21
echo $this->data('Title');

if ($this->data('ThemeInfo.Options.Description')) {
    echo '<div class="padded">', $this->data('ThemeInfo.Options.Description'), '</div>';
$hasCustomStyles = is_array($this->data('ThemeInfo.Options.Styles'));
$hasCustomText = is_array($this->data('ThemeInfo.Options.Text'));
$desc = $hasCustomStyles ? t('This theme has customizable styles.', 'You can choose from one of the different styles this theme offers. ') : '';
$desc .= $hasCustomText ? t('This theme has customizable text.', 'This theme has text that you can customize.') : '';
helpAsset(t('Theme Options'), $desc);
echo $this->Form->open();
echo $this->Form->errors();

if ($hasCustomStyles) {
    echo subheading(t('Styles'));
    <ul class="label-selector theme-styles">
    foreach ($this->data('ThemeInfo.Options.Styles') as $Key => $Options) {
        $Basename = val('Basename', $Options, '%s');