     $smarty->assign_by_ref('rastermap', $rastermap);
     $smarty->assign_by_ref('square', $square);
     $smarty->assign('reference_index', $square->reference_index);
     require_once 'geograph/conversions.class.php';
     $conv = new Conversions();
     list($lat, $long) = $conv->gridsquare_to_wgs84($square);
     $smarty->assign('lat', $lat);
     $smarty->assign('long', $long);
     $rastermap->addLatLong($lat, $long);
     $dirs = array(-1 => '');
     $jump = 360 / 16;
     $jump2 = 360 / 32;
     for ($q = 0; $q < 360; $q += $jump) {
         $s = $q % 90 == 0 ? strtoupper(heading_string($q)) : ucwords(heading_string($q));
         $dirs[$q] = sprintf('%s : %03d deg (%03d > %03d)', str_pad($s, 16, '�'), $q, $q == 0 ? $q + 360 - $jump2 : $q - $jump2, $q + $jump2);
     $dirs['00'] = $dirs[0];
     $smarty->assign_by_ref('dirs', $dirs);
 } elseif ($step == 3) {
     list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime());
     $endtime = (double) $usec + (double) $sec;
     $timetaken = $endtime - $STARTTIME;
     if ($timetaken > 15) {
         //mysql might of closed the connection in the meantime
         //so get a new one...
     //find a possible place within 25km
Beispiel #2
 } elseif ($_GET['by'] == 'direction') {
     $breakdown_title = $MESSAGES['browse']['bdtitle_direction'];
     $title = $MESSAGES['browse']['title_direction'];
     $titleunknown = $MESSAGES['browse']['title_unknown_direction'];
     $formatdegree = $MESSAGES['browse']['format_direction'];
     $all = $db->cacheGetAll($cacheseconds, "SELECT view_direction,count(*),\n\t\t\t\tgridimage_id,title,user_id,gi.realname as credit_realname,if(gi.realname!='',gi.realname,user.realname) as realname\n\t\t\t\tFROM gridimage gi inner join user using(user_id)\n\t\t\t\tWHERE gridsquare_id = '{$square->gridsquare_id}'\n\t\t\t\tAND {$user_crit} {$custom_where}\n\t\t\t\tGROUP BY view_direction");
     $br = empty($_GET['ht']) ? '<br/>' : '';
     $start = rand(0, max(0, count($all) - 20));
     $end = $start + 20;
     foreach ($all as $row) {
         if ($row[0] != -1) {
             $titledegree = sprintf($formatdegree, $row[0]);
             $view_direction = $row[0] % 90 == 0 ? strtoupper(heading_string($row[0])) : ucwords(heading_string($row[0]));
             $breakdown[$i] = array('name' => "{$title} <b>{$view_direction}</b>{$br} ({$titledegree})", 'count' => $row[1]);
         } else {
             $breakdown[$i] = array('name' => $titleunknown, 'count' => $row[1]);
         if (empty($_GET['ht']) && $i >= $start && $i < $end) {
             $breakdown[$i]['image'] = new GridImage();
             $row['grid_reference'] = $square->grid_reference;
         if ($row[1] == 1) {
             $breakdown[$i]['link'] = "/photo/{$row[2]}";
         } else {
             $breakdown[$i]['link'] = "/gridref/{$square->grid_reference}?direction={$row[0]}" . $extra;
Beispiel #3
         $smarty->assign('view_direction1', $image1->view_direction % 90 == 0 ? strtoupper(heading_string($image1->view_direction)) : ucwords(heading_string($image1->view_direction)));
     list($lat, $long) = $conv->gridsquare_to_wgs84($image1->grid_square);
     $smarty->assign('lat1', $lat);
     $smarty->assign('long1', $long);
     list($latdm, $longdm) = $conv->wgs84_to_friendly($lat, $long);
     $smarty->assign('latdm1', $latdm);
     $smarty->assign('longdm1', $longdm);
     $smarty->assign_by_ref('image1', $image1);
     $smarty->assign_by_ref('rastermap1', $rastermap1);
 $image2 = new GridImage($pair['gridimage_id2']);
 if ($image2->moderation_status != 'rejected') {
     $rastermap2 = new RasterMap($image2->grid_square);
     if ($image2->view_direction > -1) {
         $smarty->assign('view_direction2', $image2->view_direction % 90 == 0 ? strtoupper(heading_string($image2->view_direction)) : ucwords(heading_string($image2->view_direction)));
     list($lat, $long) = $conv->gridsquare_to_wgs84($image2->grid_square);
     $smarty->assign('lat2', $lat);
     $smarty->assign('long2', $long);
     list($latdm, $longdm) = $conv->wgs84_to_friendly($lat, $long);
     $smarty->assign('latdm2', $latdm);
     $smarty->assign('longdm2', $longdm);
     $smarty->assign_by_ref('image2', $image2);
     $smarty->assign_by_ref('rastermap2', $rastermap2);
 $updates = array();
 $updates['user_id'] = $USER->user_id;
 $updates['compare_pair_id'] = $pair['compare_pair_id'];
 $updates['ua'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
 $db->Execute('REPLACE INTO compare_done SET `ipaddr` = INET_ATON(\'' . getRemoteIP() . '\'),`' . implode('` = ?,`', array_keys($updates)) . '` = ?', array_values($updates));
    function Execute($pg)
        $db = $this->_getDB();
        extract($this->criteria->sql, EXTR_PREFIX_ALL ^ EXTR_REFS, 'sql');
        $this->currentPage = $pg;
        $pgsize = $this->criteria->resultsperpage;
        if (!$pgsize) {
            $pgsize = 15;
        if ($pg == '' or $pg < 1) {
            $pg = 1;
        $page = ($pg - 1) * $pgsize;
        if (empty($sql_where)) {
            $sql_where = "1";
        } else {
            $this->islimited = true;
        if (!$sql_order) {
            $sql_order = 'gs.grid_reference';
        // construct the count query sql
        $sql = <<<END
\t   SELECT count(*)
\t\tFROM geobb_topics AS gi INNER JOIN gridsquare AS gs ON(forum_id = {$CONF['forum_gridsquare']} AND topic_title = grid_reference)
\t\t\t {$sql_from}
        $this->resultCount = $db->GetOne($sql);
        $this->numberOfPages = ceil($this->resultCount / $pgsize);
        if ($sql_order == 'post_time desc') {
            $sql_from .= " LEFT JOIN geobb_posts ON (`topic_last_post_id` = geobb_posts.post_id)";
        // construct the query sql
        $sql = <<<END
\t   SELECT distinct gi.*,x,y,nickname,realname,grid_reference,user_id,topic_time
\t\tFROM geobb_topics AS gi INNER JOIN gridsquare AS gs ON(gi.forum_id = {$CONF['forum_gridsquare']} AND topic_title = grid_reference)
\t\tINNER JOIN user ON(gi.topic_poster=user.user_id)
\t\t\t {$sql_from}
\t\tORDER BY {$sql_order}
\t\tLIMIT {$page},{$pgsize}
        if (!empty($_GET['debug'])) {
            print "<BR><BR>{$sql}";
        //lets find some photos
        $this->results = array();
        $i = 0;
        $recordSet =& $db->Execute($sql);
        while (!$recordSet->EOF) {
            $this->results[$i] = $recordSet->fields;
            if ($d = $recordSet->fields['dist_sqd']) {
                $angle = rad2deg(atan2($recordSet->fields['x'] - $this->criteria->x, $recordSet->fields['y'] - $this->criteria->y));
                $this->results[$i]['dist_string'] = sprintf("Dist:%.1fkm %s", sqrt($d), heading_string($angle));
            //temporary nickname fix for beta accounts
            if (strlen($this->results[$i]['nickname']) == 0) {
                $this->results[$i]['nickname'] = str_replace(" ", "", $this->results[$i]['realname']);
        if (!empty($_GET['debug'])) {
  * run a standard search and populate $this->results with GridImages
  * @access public
 function Execute($pg)
     if ($this->noCache || $this->criteria->searchclass == 'Special' && preg_match('/(gs|gi|user)\\.(grid_reference|)/', $this->criteria->searchq, $m) && !$m[2]) {
         //a Special Search needs full access to GridImage/GridSquare/User
         $recordSet =& $this->ExecuteReturnRecordset($pg);
     } else {
         $recordSet =& $this->ExecuteCachedReturnRecordset($pg);
     //we dont actully want to process anything
     if ($this->countOnly) {
         return 0;
     if ($recordSet) {
         $dist_format = $this->criteria->searchclass == 'Postcode' ? "Dist:%dkm %s" : "Dist:%.1fkm %s";
         $this->results = array();
         $i = 0;
         $showtaken = $this->criteria->limit7 || preg_match('/^imagetaken/', $this->criteria->orderby);
         while (!$recordSet->EOF) {
             $this->results[$i] = new GridImage();
             $this->results[$i]->dist_string = '';
             if (!empty($recordSet->fields['dist_sqd'])) {
                 $angle = rad2deg(atan2($recordSet->fields['x'] - $this->criteria->x, $recordSet->fields['y'] - $this->criteria->y));
                 if ($recordSet->fields['dist_sqd'] == -1) {
                     $d = $this->sphinx_matches[$this->results[$i]->gridimage_id]['attrs']['@geodist'] / 1000;
                 } else {
                     $d = sqrt($recordSet->fields['dist_sqd']);
                 if ($d >= 0.1) {
                     $this->results[$i]->dist_string = sprintf($dist_format, $d, heading_string($angle));
             if (empty($this->results[$i]->title)) {
                 $this->results[$i]->title = "Untitled";
             //if we searching on imageclass then theres no point displaying it...
             if ($this->criteria->limit3) {
             //if we searching on taken date then display it...
             if ($showtaken) {
                 $this->results[$i]->imagetakenString = getFormattedDate($this->results[$i]->imagetaken);
         $this->numberofimages = $i;
         if (!$i && $this->resultCount) {
             $pgsize = $this->criteria->resultsperpage;
             if (!$pgsize) {
                 $pgsize = 15;
             $lastPage = ($this->resultCount - 1) * $pgsize;
             if ($this->currentPage < $lastPage) {
                 $db = $this->_getDB();
                 if (empty($_GET['BBOX']) && $this->display != 'reveal') {
                     $db->Execute("replace into queries_count set id = {$this->query_id},`count` = 0");
                 $this->resultCount = 0;
     } else {
         return 0;
     return $this->querytime;
 function assignToSmarty($smarty)
     global $CONF;
     $taken = $this->getFormattedTakenDate();
     //get the grid references
     //remove grid reference from title
     $this->bigtitle = trim(preg_replace("/^{$this->grid_reference}/", '', $this->title));
     $this->bigtitle = preg_replace('/(?<![\\.])\\.$/', '', $this->bigtitle);
     $rid = $this->grid_square->reference_index;
     $gridrefpref = $CONF['gridrefname'][$rid];
     $smarty->assign('page_title', $this->bigtitle . ":: {$gridrefpref}{$this->grid_reference}");
     $smarty->assign('image_taken', $taken);
     $smarty->assign('ismoderator', $ismoderator);
     $smarty->assign_by_ref('image', $this);
     //get a token to show a suroudding geograph map
     $mosaic = new GeographMapMosaic();
     $smarty->assign('map_token', $mosaic->getGridSquareToken($this->grid_square));
     //find a possible place within 25km
     $place = $this->grid_square->findNearestPlace(75000);
     $smarty->assign_by_ref('place', $place);
     if (empty($this->comment)) {
         $smarty->assign('meta_description', "{$this->grid_reference} :: {$this->bigtitle}, " . strip_tags(smarty_function_place(array('place' => $place))));
     } else {
         $smarty->assign('meta_description', $this->comment);
     if (!empty($CONF['forums'])) {
         //let's find posts in the gridref discussion forum
     //count the number of photos in this square
     $smarty->assign('square_count', $this->grid_square->imagecount);
     //lets add an overview map too
     $overview = new GeographMapMosaic('largeoverview');
     $overview->setCentre($this->grid_square->x, $this->grid_square->y);
     //does call setAlignedOrigin
     $overview->assignToSmarty($smarty, 'overview');
     $smarty->assign('marker', $overview->getSquarePoint($this->grid_square));
     require_once 'geograph/conversions.class.php';
     $conv = new Conversions();
     list($lat, $long) = $conv->gridsquare_to_wgs84($this->grid_square);
     $smarty->assign('lat', $lat);
     $smarty->assign('long', $long);
     list($latdm, $longdm) = $conv->wgs84_to_friendly($lat, $long);
     $smarty->assign('latdm', $latdm);
     $smarty->assign('longdm', $longdm);
     //lets add an rastermap too
     $rastermap = new RasterMap($this->grid_square, false);
     $rastermap->addLatLong($lat, $long);
     if (!empty($this->viewpoint_northings)) {
         $rastermap->addViewpoint($this->viewpoint_refindex, $this->viewpoint_eastings, $this->viewpoint_northings, $this->viewpoint_grlen, $this->view_direction);
     } elseif (isset($this->view_direction) && strlen($this->view_direction) && $this->view_direction != -1) {
     $smarty->assign_by_ref('rastermap', $rastermap);
     $smarty->assign('x', $this->grid_square->x);
     $smarty->assign('y', $this->grid_square->y);
     if ($this->view_direction > -1) {
         $smarty->assign('view_direction', $this->view_direction % 90 == 0 ? strtoupper(heading_string($this->view_direction)) : ucwords(heading_string($this->view_direction)));
     $level = $this->grid_square->imagecount > 1 ? 6 : 5;
     $smarty->assign('sitemap', getSitemapFilepath($level, $this->grid_square));