Beispiel #1
function _to_id3tag_ascii($str)
    return preg_replace('/[^\\x20-\\x5D\\x5F-\\x7E]/', '', gs_utf8_decompose_to_ascii($str));
Beispiel #2
function gs_utf8_decompose_first_to_ascii($str)
    return gs_utf8_decompose_to_ascii(mb_subStr($str, 0, 1)) . mb_subStr($str, 1);
Beispiel #3
function gs_user_change($user, $pin, $firstname, $lastname, $language, $host_id_or_ip, $force = false, $email = '', $reload = true)
    if (!preg_match('/^[a-z0-9\\-_.]+$/', $user)) {
        return new GsError('User must be alphanumeric.');
    if (!preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $pin)) {
        return new GsError('PIN must be numeric.');
    if (strLen($pin) < 3) {
        return new GsError('PIN too short (min. 3 digits).');
    } elseif (strLen($pin) > 10) {
        return new GsError('PIN too long (max. 10 digits).');
    //if (! preg_match( '/^[a-zA-Z\d.\-\_ ]+$/', $firstname ))
    //	return new GsError( 'Invalid characters in first name.' );
    $firstname = preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', trim($firstname));
    //if (! preg_match( '/^[a-zA-Z\d.\-\_ ]+$/', $lastname ))
    //	return new GsError( 'Invalid characters in last name.' );
    $lastname = preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', trim($lastname));
    // prepare language code
    $language = substr(trim($language), 0, 2);
    if (strlen($language) != 2) {
        return new GsError('Invalid language code.');
    if (!defined('GS_EMAIL_PATTERN_VALID')) {
        return new GsError('GS_EMAIL_PATTERN_VALID not defined.');
    if ($email != '' && !preg_match(GS_EMAIL_PATTERN_VALID, $email)) {
        return new GsError('Invalid e-mail address.');
    include_once GS_DIR . 'lib/utf8-normalize/gs_utf_normal.php';
    # connect to db
    $db = gs_db_master_connect();
    if (!$db) {
        return new GsError('Could not connect to database.');
    # start transaction
    # get user_id
    $user_id = (int) $db->executeGetOne('SELECT `id` FROM `users` WHERE `user`=\'' . $db->escape($user) . '\'');
    if (!$user_id) {
        return new GsError('Unknown user.');
    # get old host_id
    $old_host_id = (int) $db->executeGetOne('SELECT `host_id` FROM `users` WHERE `id`=' . $user_id);
    $old_host = gs_host_by_id_or_ip($old_host_id);
    if (isGsError($old_host) || !is_array($old_host)) {
        $old_host = false;
    # get user's peer name (extension)
    $ext = $db->executeGetOne('SELECT `name` FROM `ast_sipfriends` WHERE `_user_id`=' . $user_id);
    # check if (new) host exists
    $host = gs_host_by_id_or_ip($host_id_or_ip);
    if (isGsError($host)) {
        return new GsError($host->getMsg());
    if (!is_array($host)) {
        return new GsError('Unknown host.');
    if ($old_host_id != $host['id'] && !$force) {
        return new GsError('Changing the host will result in loosing mailbox messages etc. and thus will not be done without force.');
    # check if queue with same ext exists
    $num = (int)$db->executeGetOne( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ast_queues` WHERE `name`=\''. $db->escape($ext) .'\'' );
    if ($num > 0) {
    	return new GsError( 'A queue with that name already exists.' );
    # update user
    $ok = $db->execute('UPDATE `users` SET `pin`=\'' . $db->escape($pin) . '\', `firstname`=\'' . $db->escape($firstname) . '\', `lastname`=\'' . $db->escape($lastname) . '\', `email`=\'' . $db->escape($email) . '\', `host_id`=' . $host['id'] . ' WHERE `id`=' . $user_id);
    if (!$ok) {
        return new GsError('Failed to change user.');
    # update sip account (including language code)
    $calleridname = trim(gs_utf8_decompose_to_ascii($firstname . ' ' . $lastname));
    $ok = $db->execute('UPDATE `ast_sipfriends` SET `callerid`=CONCAT(_utf8\'' . $db->escape($calleridname) . '\', \' <\', `name`, \'>\'), `language`=\'' . $db->escape($language) . '\' WHERE `_user_id`=' . $user_id);
    if (!$ok) {
        return new GsError('Failed to change SIP account.');
    # delete stuff not used for users on foreign hosts
    if ($host['is_foreign']) {
        $db->execute('DELETE FROM `clir` WHERE `user_id`=' . $user_id);
        $db->execute('DELETE FROM `dial_log` WHERE `user_id`=' . $user_id);
        $db->execute('DELETE FROM `callforwards` WHERE `user_id`=' . $user_id);
        $db->execute('DELETE FROM `pickupgroups_users` WHERE `user_id`=' . $user_id);
        $db->execute('DELETE FROM `ast_queue_members` WHERE `_user_id`=' . $user_id);
        $db->execute('DELETE FROM `vm` WHERE `user_id`=' . $user_id);
        $db->execute('DELETE FROM `ast_voicemail` WHERE `_user_id`=' . $user_id);
    # update mailbox
    if (!$host['is_foreign']) {
        $ok = $db->execute('UPDATE `ast_voicemail` SET `password`=\'' . $db->escape($pin) . '\', `fullname`=\'' . $db->escape($firstname . ' ' . $lastname) . '\' WHERE `_user_id`=' . $user_id);
        if (!$ok) {
            return new GsError('Failed to change mailbox.');
    # new host?
    if ($host['id'] != $old_host_id) {
        # delete from queue members
        $db->execute('DELETE FROM `ast_queue_members` WHERE `_user_id`=' . $user_id);
        # delete from pickup groups
        $db->execute('DELETE FROM `pickupgroups_users` WHERE `user_id`=' . $user_id);
    # get info needed for foreign hosts
    if (is_array($old_host) && $old_host['is_foreign'] || $host['is_foreign']) {
        # get user's sip name and password
        $rs = $db->execute('SELECT `name`, `secret` FROM `ast_sipfriends` WHERE `_user_id`=' . $user_id);
        if (!$rs || !($r = $rs->fetchRow())) {
            return new GsError('DB error.');
        $ext = $r['name'];
        $sip_pwd = $r['secret'];
    # modify user on foreign host(s)
    if ($host['id'] != $old_host_id) {
        # host changed. delete user on old host and add on new one
        if (is_array($old_host) && $old_host['is_foreign']) {
            include_once GS_DIR . 'inc/boi-soap/boi-api.php';
            $api = gs_host_get_api($old_host_id);
            switch ($api) {
                case 'm01':
                case 'm02':
                    //if (! class_exists('SoapClient')) {
                    if (!extension_loaded('soap')) {
                        return new GsError('Failed to delete user on old foreign host (SoapClient not available).');
                    } else {
                        $hp_route_prefix = (string) $db->executeGetOne('SELECT `value` FROM `host_params` ' . 'WHERE `host_id`=' . (int) $old_host['id'] . ' AND `param`=\'route_prefix\'');
                        $sub_ext = subStr($ext, 0, strLen($hp_route_prefix)) === $hp_route_prefix ? subStr($ext, strLen($hp_route_prefix)) : $ext;
                        gs_log(GS_LOG_DEBUG, "Mapping ext. {$ext} to {$sub_ext} for SOAP call");
                        include_once GS_DIR . 'inc/boi-soap/boi-soap.php';
                        $soap_faultcode = null;
                        $ok = gs_boi_delete_extension($api, $old_host['host'], $hp_route_prefix, $sub_ext, $soap_faultcode);
                        if (!$ok) {
                            return new GsError('Failed to delete user on old foreign host (SOAP error).');
                case '':
                    # host does not provide any API
                    gs_log(GS_LOG_NOTICE, 'Deleting user ' . $user . ' on foreign host ' . $old_host['host'] . ' without any API');
                    gs_log(GS_LOG_WARNING, 'Failed to delete user ' . $user . ' on foreign host ' . $old_host['host'] . ' - invalid API "' . $api . '"');
                    return new GsError('Failed to delete user on foreign host (Invalid API).');
        if ($host['is_foreign']) {
            include_once GS_DIR . 'inc/boi-soap/boi-api.php';
            $api = gs_host_get_api($host['id']);
            switch ($api) {
                case 'm01':
                case 'm02':
                    //if (! class_exists('SoapClient')) {
                    if (!extension_loaded('soap')) {
                        return new GsError('Failed to add user on new foreign host (SoapClient not available).');
                    } else {
                        $hp_route_prefix = (string) $db->executeGetOne('SELECT `value` FROM `host_params` ' . 'WHERE `host_id`=' . (int) $host['id'] . ' AND `param`=\'route_prefix\'');
                        $sub_ext = subStr($ext, 0, strLen($hp_route_prefix)) === $hp_route_prefix ? subStr($ext, strLen($hp_route_prefix)) : $ext;
                        gs_log(GS_LOG_DEBUG, "Mapping ext. {$ext} to {$sub_ext} for SOAP call");
                        include_once GS_DIR . 'inc/boi-soap/boi-soap.php';
                        $soap_faultcode = null;
                        $ok = gs_boi_update_extension($api, $host['host'], $hp_route_prefix, $sub_ext, $user, $sip_pwd, $pin, $firstname, $lastname, $email, $soap_faultcode);
                        if (!$ok) {
                            return new GsError('Failed to add user on new foreign host (SOAP error).');
                case '':
                    # host does not provide any API
                    gs_log(GS_LOG_NOTICE, 'Adding user ' . $user . ' on foreign host ' . $host['host'] . ' without any API');
                    gs_log(GS_LOG_WARNING, 'Failed to add user ' . $user . ' on foreign host ' . $host['host'] . ' - invalid API "' . $api . '"');
                    return new GsError('Failed to add user on foreign host (Invalid API).');
    } else {
        # host did not change
        if ($host['is_foreign']) {
            include_once GS_DIR . 'inc/boi-soap/boi-api.php';
            $api = gs_host_get_api($host['id']);
            switch ($api) {
                case 'm01':
                case 'm02':
                    //if (! class_exists('SoapClient')) {
                    if (!extension_loaded('soap')) {
                        return new GsError('Failed to modify user on foreign host (SoapClient not available).');
                    } else {
                        $hp_route_prefix = (string) $db->executeGetOne('SELECT `value` FROM `host_params` ' . 'WHERE `host_id`=' . (int) $host['id'] . ' AND `param`=\'route_prefix\'');
                        $sub_ext = subStr($ext, 0, strLen($hp_route_prefix)) === $hp_route_prefix ? subStr($ext, strLen($hp_route_prefix)) : $ext;
                        gs_log(GS_LOG_DEBUG, "Mapping ext. {$ext} to {$sub_ext} for SOAP call");
                        include_once GS_DIR . 'inc/boi-soap/boi-soap.php';
                        $soap_faultcode = null;
                        $ok = gs_boi_update_extension($api, $host['host'], $hp_route_prefix, $sub_ext, $user, $sip_pwd, $pin, $firstname, $lastname, $email, $soap_faultcode);
                        if (!$ok) {
                            return new GsError('Failed to modify user on foreign host (SOAP error).');
                case '':
                    # host does not provide any API
                    gs_log(GS_LOG_NOTICE, 'Modifying user ' . $user . ' on foreign host ' . $host['host'] . ' without any API');
                    gs_log(GS_LOG_WARNING, 'Failed to modify user ' . $user . ' on foreign host ' . $host['host'] . ' - invalid API "' . $api . '"');
                    return new GsError('Failed to modify user on foreign host (Invalid API).');
    # commit transaction
    if (!gs_db_commit_trans($db)) {
        return new GsError('Failed to modify user.');
    # new host?
    if ($host['id'] != $old_host_id) {
        # reload dialplan (hints!)
        if (is_array($old_host) && !$old_host['is_foreign']) {
            $ok = @gs_asterisks_prune_peer($ext, array($old_host_id));
            if ($reload) {
                @gs_asterisks_reload(array($old_host_id), true);
        if (!$host['is_foreign']) {
            if ($reload) {
                @gs_asterisks_reload(array($host['id']), true);
    } else {
        $ok = @gs_asterisks_prune_peer($ext, array($host['id']));
    # reboot the phone
    //@ shell_exec( 'asterisk -rx \'sip notify snom-reboot '. $ext .'\' >>/dev/null' );
    @gs_prov_phone_checkcfg_by_ext($ext, true);
    # update fax authentication file if fax enabled
    if (gs_get_conf('GS_FAX_ENABLED')) {
        $ok = gs_hylafax_authfile_sync();
        if (isGsError($ok)) {
            return new GsError($ok->getMsg());
        if (!$ok) {
            return new GsError('Failed to update fax authentication file.');
    return true;
Beispiel #4
function gs_user_add($user, $ext, $pin, $firstname, $lastname, $language, $host_id_or_ip, $email, $group_id = NULL, $reload = true)
    $ret = gs_user_is_valid_name($user);
    if (isGsError($ret)) {
        return $ret;
    } elseif (!$ret) {
        return new GsError('Invalid username.');
    if (!preg_match('/^[1-9][0-9]{1,9}$/', $ext)) {
        return new GsError('Please use 2-10 digit extension.');
    if (!preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $pin)) {
        return new GsError('PIN must be numeric.');
    if (strLen($pin) < 3) {
        return new GsError('PIN too short (min. 3 digits).');
    } elseif (strLen($pin) > 10) {
        return new GsError('PIN too long (max. 10 digits).');
    //if (! preg_match( '/^[a-zA-Z\d.\-\_ ]+$/', $firstname ))
    //	return new GsError( 'Invalid characters in first name.' );
    $firstname = preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', trim($firstname));
    //if (! preg_match( '/^[a-zA-Z\d.\-\_ ]+$/', $lastname ))
    //	return new GsError( 'Invalid characters in last name.' );
    $lastname = preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', trim($lastname));
    // prepare language code
    $language = substr(trim($language), 0, 2);
    if (strlen($language) != 2) {
        return new GsError('Invalid language code.');
    if (!defined('GS_EMAIL_PATTERN_VALID')) {
        return new GsError('GS_EMAIL_PATTERN_VALID not defined.');
    if ($email != '' && !preg_match(GS_EMAIL_PATTERN_VALID, $email)) {
        return new GsError('Invalid e-mail address.');
    if ($group_id != null && $group_id != '' && !preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $group_id)) {
        return new GsError('Group ID must be numeric.');
    $group_id = (int) $group_id;
    if ($group_id < 1) {
        $group_id = null;
    include_once GS_DIR . 'lib/utf8-normalize/gs_utf_normal.php';
    # connect to db
    $db = gs_db_master_connect();
    if (!$db) {
        return new GsError('Could not connect to database.');
    # start transaction
    # check if user exists
    $num = $db->executeGetOne('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `users` WHERE `user`=\'' . $db->escape($user) . '\'');
    if ($num > 0) {
        return new GsError('User exists.');
    # check if ext exists
    $num = $db->executeGetOne('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ast_sipfriends` WHERE `name`=\'' . $db->escape($ext) . '\'');
    if ($num > 0) {
        return new GsError('Extension exists.');
    # check if queue with same ext exists
    $num = (int) $db->executeGetOne('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ast_queues` WHERE `name`=\'' . $db->escape($ext) . '\'');
    if ($num > 0) {
        return new GsError('A queue with that name already exists.');
    # check if ivr exists
    $num = (int) $db->executeGetOne('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ivrs` WHERE `name`=\'' . $db->escape($ext) . '\'');
    if ($num > 0) {
        return new GsError('A ivr with that extension already exists.');
    # check if host exists
    $host = gs_host_by_id_or_ip($host_id_or_ip);
    if (isGsError($host)) {
        return new GsError($host->getMsg());
    if (!is_array($host)) {
        return new GsError('Unknown host.');
    # check if user group exists
    if ($group_id > 0) {
        $num = $db->executeGetOne('SELECT 1 FROM `user_groups` WHERE `id`=' . (int) $group_id);
        if ($num < 1) {
            return new GsError('Unknown user group ID ' . $group_id);
    # add user
    $ok = $db->execute('INSERT INTO `users` (`id`, `user`, `pin`, `firstname`, `lastname`, `email`, `nobody_index`, `host_id`, `group_id`) VALUES (NULL, \'' . $db->escape($user) . '\', \'' . $db->escape($pin) . '\', _utf8\'' . $db->escape($firstname) . '\', _utf8\'' . $db->escape($lastname) . '\', _utf8\'' . $db->escape($email) . '\', NULL, ' . $host['id'] . ', ' . ($group_id > 0 ? $group_id : 'NULL') . ' )');
    if (!$ok) {
        return new GsError('Failed to add user (table users).');
    # get user_id
    $user_id = (int) $db->executeGetOne('SELECT `id` FROM `users` WHERE `user`=\'' . $db->escape($user) . '\'');
    if (!$user_id) {
        return new GsError('DB error.');
    # add sip account
    $callerid = trim(gs_utf8_decompose_to_ascii($firstname . ' ' . $lastname)) . ' <' . $ext . '>';
    $sip_pwd = rand(10000, 99999) . rand(10000, 99999);
    $ok = $db->execute('INSERT INTO `ast_sipfriends` (`_user_id`, `name`, `secret`, `callerid`, `mailbox`, `setvar`, `language`) VALUES (' . $user_id . ', \'' . $db->escape($ext) . '\', \'' . $db->escape($sip_pwd) . '\', _utf8\'' . $db->escape($callerid) . '\', \'' . $db->escape($ext) . '\', \'' . $db->escape('__user_id=' . $user_id . ';__user_name=' . $ext) . '\', \'' . $db->escape($language) . '\')');
    if (!$ok) {
        return new GsError('Failed to add user (table ast_sipfriends).');
    # add mailbox
    if (!$host['is_foreign']) {
        $ok = $db->execute('INSERT INTO `ast_voicemail` (`uniqueid`, `_user_id`, `mailbox`, `password`, `email`, `fullname`) VALUES (NULL, ' . $user_id . ', \'' . $db->escape($ext) . '\', \'' . $db->escape($pin) . '\', \'\', _utf8\'' . $db->escape($firstname . ' ' . $lastname) . '\')');
        if (!$ok) {
            return new GsError('Failed to add user (table ast_voicemail).');
    # add mailbox (de)active entry
    if (!$host['is_foreign']) {
        $ok = $db->execute('INSERT INTO `vm` (`user_id`, `internal_active`, `external_active`) VALUES (' . $user_id . ', 0, 0)');
        if (!$ok) {
            return new GsError('Failed to add user (table vm).');
    # add user on foreign host
    if ($host['is_foreign']) {
        include_once GS_DIR . 'inc/boi-soap/boi-api.php';
        $api = gs_host_get_api($host['id']);
        switch ($api) {
            case 'm01':
            case 'm02':
                $hp_route_prefix = (string) $db->executeGetOne('SELECT `value` FROM `host_params` ' . 'WHERE `host_id`=' . (int) $host['id'] . ' AND `param`=\'route_prefix\'');
                $sub_ext = subStr($ext, 0, strLen($hp_route_prefix)) === $hp_route_prefix ? subStr($ext, strLen($hp_route_prefix)) : $ext;
                gs_log(GS_LOG_DEBUG, "Mapping ext. {$ext} to {$sub_ext} for SOAP call");
                //if (! class_exists('SoapClient')) {
                if (!extension_loaded('soap')) {
                    return new GsError('Failed to add user on foreign host (SoapClient not available).');
                include_once GS_DIR . 'inc/boi-soap/boi-soap.php';
                $soap_faultcode = null;
                $ok = gs_boi_update_extension($api, $host['host'], $hp_route_prefix, $sub_ext, $user, $sip_pwd, $pin, $firstname, $lastname, $email, $soap_faultcode);
                if (!$ok) {
                    return new GsError('Failed to add user on foreign host (SOAP error).');
            case '':
                # host does not provide any API
                gs_log(GS_LOG_NOTICE, 'Adding user ' . $user . ' on foreign host ' . $host['host'] . ' without any API');
                gs_log(GS_LOG_WARNING, 'Failed to add user ' . $user . ' on foreign host ' . $host['host'] . ' - invalid API "' . $api . '"');
                return new GsError('Failed to add user on foreign host (Invalid API).');
    # commit transaction
    if (!gs_db_commit_trans($db)) {
        return new GsError('Failed to add user.');
    # reload dialplan (hints!)
    if (!$host['is_foreign'] && $reload) {
        $ok = @gs_asterisks_reload(array($host['id']), true);
        if (isGsError($ok)) {
            return new GsError($ok->getMsg());
        if (!$ok) {
            return new GsError('Failed to reload dialplan.');
    # update fax authentication file if fax enabled
    if (gs_get_conf('GS_FAX_ENABLED')) {
        $ok = gs_hylafax_authfile_sync();
        if (isGsError($ok)) {
            return new GsError($ok->getMsg());
        if (!$ok) {
            return new GsError('Failed to update fax authentication file.');
    return true;