} else { gotoLocation('email-templates.php'); } break; case 'edit': $g_vars['page']['title'] = $lngstr['page_title_etemplates_edit'] . $lngstr['item_separator'] . $g_vars['page']['title']; if (isset($_GET['etemplateid'])) { if (isset($_POST['bsubmit'])) { if ($G_SESSION['access_emailtemplates'] > 1) { include_once $DOCUMENT_PAGES . 'email-templates-3.inc.php'; } else { gotoLocation('email-templates.php'); } } else { if (isset($_POST['bcancel'])) { gotoLocation('email-templates.php'); } else { include_once $DOCUMENT_PAGES . 'email-templates-2.inc.php'; } } } break; default: include_once $DOCUMENT_PAGES . 'email-templates-1.inc.php'; } } else { $g_vars['page']['notifications'] = $lngstr['inf_cant_access_emailtemplates']; include_once $DOCUMENT_PAGES . 'home.inc.php'; } } else { $g_vars['page']['title'] = $lngstr['page_title_signin'];
<?php $i_now = time(); $i_dateend = $i_now + 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 10 + 60 * 60 * 24 * 3; if ($g_db->Execute("INSERT INTO " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "tests (test_createdate, test_datestart, test_dateend, test_instructions, test_notes) VALUES(" . $i_now . ", " . $i_now . ", " . $i_dateend . ", '', '')") === false) { showDBError(__FILE__, 1); } $i_testid = (int) $g_db->Insert_ID($srv_settings['table_prefix'] . 'tests', 'testid'); gotoLocation('test-manager.php?testid=' . $i_testid . '&action=settings');
<?php require_once "inc/init.inc.php"; signoutUser(); gotoLocation('http://localhost/e-learning-website/index.php?option=com_wrapper&view=wrapper&Itemid=15');
$G_SESSION['yt_questionno'] = count($i_answered_questionids) + 1; $G_SESSION['yt_got_answers'] = $i_got_answers; $G_SESSION['yt_got_points'] = $i_got_points; $G_SESSION['yt_points_pending'] = $i_points_pending; $G_SESSION['yt_state'] = TEST_STATE_QSHOW; gotoLocation('test.php'); } else { setCookieVar('pending_test_ids', ''); setCookieVar('pending_test_result_ids', ''); include_once $DOCUMENT_PAGES . 'home.inc.php'; } exit; } } unregisterTestData(); if ($f_testid) { if (initATest($f_testid)) { setCookieVar('pending_test_ids', (string) $G_SESSION['testid']); setCookieVar('pending_test_result_ids', (string) $G_SESSION['resultid']); if ($G_SESSION['yt_state'] == TEST_STATE_TESTINTRO) { gotoLocation('test.php?action=instructions&testid=' . $f_testid); } else { gotoLocation('test.php'); } } else { include_once $DOCUMENT_PAGES . 'home.inc.php'; } } else { $g_vars['page']['errors'] = $lngstr['err_no_test_selected']; include_once $DOCUMENT_PAGES . 'home.inc.php'; }
if ($i_rSet2 = $g_db->Execute("SELECT subjectid FROM " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "subjects WHERE subjectid={$f_subjectid}")) { $sql_subject_exists = $i_rSet2->RecordCount() > 0; } else { $sql_subject_exists = false; } if (!$sql_subject_exists) { $g_vars['page']['errors'] .= $lngstr['err_subject_doesnotexist']; } $strQrySet = "test_type=" . $f_test_type . ", subjectid=" . $f_subjectid . ", gscaleid=" . $f_gscaleid . ", rtemplateid=" . $f_rtemplateid . ", test_reportgradecondition=" . $f_test_reportgradecondition . ", result_etemplateid=" . $f_result_etemplateid . ", test_name=" . $f_test_name . ", test_code=" . $f_test_code . ", test_description=" . $f_test_description . ", test_time=" . $nTestTime . ", test_timeforceout={$f_test_timeforceout}, test_attempts={$f_test_attempts}, test_contentprotection={$f_test_contentprotection}, test_shuffleq={$f_test_shuffleq}, test_shufflea={$f_test_shufflea}, test_qsperpage={$f_test_qsperpage}, test_canreview={$f_test_canreview}, test_showqfeedback={$f_test_showqfeedback}, test_result_showgrade={$f_test_result_showgrade}, test_result_showgradefeedback={$f_test_result_showgradefeedback}, test_result_showanswers={$f_test_result_showanswers}, test_result_showpoints={$f_test_result_showpoints}, test_result_rtemplateid={$f_test_result_rtemplateid}, test_result_showhtml={$f_test_result_showhtml}, test_result_showpdf={$f_test_result_showpdf}, test_result_email={$f_test_result_email}, test_result_emailtouser={$f_test_result_emailtouser}, test_datestart={$f_test_datestart}, test_dateend={$f_test_dateend}, test_instructions={$f_test_instructions}, test_prevtestid={$f_test_prevtestid}, test_nexttestid={$f_test_nexttestid}, test_price={$f_test_price}, test_other_repeatuntilcorrect={$f_test_other_repeatuntilcorrect}, test_notes={$f_test_notes}, test_forall={$f_test_forall}, test_enabled={$f_test_enabled}"; if ($g_vars['page']['errors']) { include_once $DOCUMENT_PAGES . "test-manager-2.inc.php"; } else { if ($g_db->Execute("UPDATE " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "tests SET " . $strQrySet . " WHERE testid={$f_testid}") === false) { showDBError(__FILE__, 1); } //9917//9917 if ($g_db->Execute("DELETE FROM " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "groups_tests WHERE testid=" . $f_testid) === false) { showDBError(__FILE__, 2); } foreach ($f_group as $i_groupid => $i_ischecked) { if ($i_ischecked) { //9917//9917 $g_db->Execute("INSERT INTO " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "groups_tests (groupid, testid) VALUES (" . $i_groupid . ", " . $f_testid . ")"); } } if (isset($_POST['bsubmit2'])) { gotoLocation('test-manager.php' . getURLAddon('?action=editt', array('action'))); } else { gotoLocation('test-manager.php' . getURLAddon('', array('action', 'testid'))); } }
<?php include_once $DOCUMENT_PAGES . 'test-saveresults.inc.php'; gotoLocation('test.php?action=results');
if ($i_questiontype == QUESTION_TYPE_ESSAY) { if ($g_db->Execute("UPDATE " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "results_answers SET result_answer_points=" . $f_points . ", result_answer_iscorrect=" . ($f_notdefined ? IGT_ANSWER_IS_UNDEFINED : ($f_points >= $i_questionpoints ? IGT_ANSWER_IS_CORRECT : ($f_points > 0 ? IGT_ANSWER_IS_PARTIALLYCORRECT : IGT_ANSWER_IS_INCORRECT))) . ", result_answer_feedback=" . $f_feedback . " WHERE resultid=" . $f_resultid . " AND result_answerid=" . $f_answerid) === false) { showDBError(__FILE__, 5); } $i_testpoints_max = 0; $i_rSet6 = $g_db->Execute("SELECT result_pointsmax FROM " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "results WHERE resultid=" . $f_resultid); if (!$i_rSet6) { showDBError(__FILE__, 6); } else { if (!$i_rSet6->EOF) { $i_testpoints_max = $i_rSet6->fields["result_pointsmax"]; } $i_rSet6->Close(); } $i_rSet7 = $g_db->Execute("SELECT SUM(result_answer_points) as testpoints FROM " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "results_answers WHERE resultid=" . $f_resultid); if (!$i_rSet7) { showDBError(__FILE__, 7); } else { if (!$i_rSet7->EOF) { $i_testpoints_new = $i_rSet7->fields['testpoints']; } $i_rSet7->Close(); } $i_percents = $i_testpoints_max != 0 ? round($i_testpoints_new / $i_testpoints_max * 100) : 100; $i_grade = calcResultGrade($i_gscaleid, $i_percents); if ($g_db->Execute("UPDATE " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "results SET result_points=" . $i_testpoints_new . ", gscaleid=" . $i_gscaleid . ", gscale_gradeid=" . $i_grade['gradeid'] . " WHERE resultid=" . $f_resultid) === false) { showDBError(__FILE__, 9); } } gotoLocation('reports-manager.php?resultid=' . $f_resultid . '&action=viewq');
<?php $f_gscaleid = (int) readGetVar('gscaleid'); $f_gscale_gradeid = (int) readGetVar('gscale_gradeid'); $i_gradecount = getRecordCount($srv_settings['table_prefix'] . 'gscales_grades', "gscaleid=" . $f_gscaleid); if ($f_gscale_gradeid < $i_gradecount) { $g_db->Execute("LOCK TABLES " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "gscales_grades WRITE"); $g_db->Execute("UPDATE " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "gscales_grades SET gscale_gradeid=0 WHERE gscale_gradeid=" . ($f_gscale_gradeid + 1) . " AND gscaleid=" . $f_gscaleid); $g_db->Execute("UPDATE " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "gscales_grades SET gscale_gradeid=gscale_gradeid+1 WHERE gscale_gradeid=" . $f_gscale_gradeid . " AND gscaleid=" . $f_gscaleid); $g_db->Execute("UPDATE " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "gscales_grades SET gscale_gradeid=" . $f_gscale_gradeid . " WHERE gscale_gradeid=0 AND gscaleid=" . $f_gscaleid); $g_db->Execute("UNLOCK TABLES"); } gotoLocation('grades.php' . getURLAddon('?action=edit', array('action')));
<?php $f_testid = (int) readGetVar('testid'); $f_id = (int) readGetVar('id'); if ((int) readGetVar('set')) { $g_db->Execute("INSERT INTO " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "tests_attempts (testid, id, test_attempt_count) VALUES (" . $f_testid . ", " . $f_id . ", 0)"); $g_db->Execute("UPDATE " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "tests_attempts SET test_attempt_count=999999 WHERE testid=" . $f_testid . " AND id=" . $f_id); } else { $g_db->Execute("DELETE FROM " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "tests_attempts WHERE testid=" . $f_testid . " AND id=" . $f_id); } gotoLocation('reports-manager.php' . getURLAddon('?action=', array('action', 'testid', 'id', 'set')));
<?php $f_testid = (int) readGetVar('testid'); $f_set = isset($_GET['set']) ? (int) $_GET['set'] : 0; if ($g_db->Execute("UPDATE " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "tests SET test_enabled={$f_set} WHERE testid={$f_testid}") === false) { showDBError(__FILE__, 1); } gotoLocation('test-manager.php' . getURLAddon('', array('action', 'testid', 'confirmed', 'set')));
<?php require_once "../inc/init.inc.php"; $i_url = '/guide.php' . getURLAddon(); if (!empty($_GET['language'])) { $i_language = readGetVar('language'); } else { $i_language = $srv_settings['language']; } if ($i_language != 'en' && $i_language != 'de' && $i_language != 'es') { $i_language = 'en'; } $i_url = $i_language . '' . $i_url; gotoLocation($i_url);
<?php if (isset($_POST["box_users"])) { foreach ($_POST["box_users"] as $f_id) { deleteUser((int) $f_id); } } else { $f_id = (int) readGetVar('id'); deleteUser($f_id); } gotoLocation('users.php' . getURLAddon('', array('action', 'confirmed'))); function deleteUser($i_id) { global $g_db, $srv_settings; if ($i_id > SYSTEM_USER_MAX_INDEX) { $g_db->Execute("DELETE FROM " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "tests_attempts WHERE id=" . $i_id); $i_rSet1 = $g_db->Execute("SELECT resultid FROM " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "results WHERE id=" . $i_id); if (!$i_rSet1) { showDBError(__FILE__, 1); } else { while (!$i_rSet1->EOF) { deleteResultRecord($i_rSet1->fields["resultid"]); $i_rSet1->MoveNext(); } $i_rSet1->Close(); } if ($g_db->Execute("DELETE FROM " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "results WHERE id=" . $i_id) === false) { showDBError(__FILE__, 2); } //9917//9917 if ($g_db->Execute("DELETE FROM " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "groups_users WHERE id=" . $i_id) === false) {
<?php if (isset($_POST["box_subjects"])) { foreach ($_POST["box_subjects"] as $f_subjectid) { deletesubject((int) $f_subjectid); } } else { $f_subjectid = (int) readGetVar('subjectid'); deletesubject($f_subjectid); } gotoLocation('subjects.php' . getURLAddon('', array('action', 'confirmed'))); function deletesubject($i_subjectid) { global $g_db, $srv_settings; if ($i_subjectid > SYSTEM_SUBJECTS_MAX_INDEX) { if ($g_db->Execute("UPDATE " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "tests SET subjectid=1 WHERE subjectid=" . $i_subjectid) === false) { showDBError(__FILE__, 1); } if ($g_db->Execute("UPDATE " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "questions SET subjectid=1 WHERE subjectid=" . $i_subjectid) === false) { showDBError(__FILE__, 2); } if ($g_db->Execute("DELETE FROM " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "subjects WHERE subjectid={$i_subjectid}") === false) { showDBError(__FILE__, 3); } } }
<?php $f_gscaleid = (int) readGetVar('gscaleid'); $f_gscale_gradeid = (int) readGetVar('gscale_gradeid'); $f_grade_name = readPostVar('grade_name'); $f_grade_name = $g_db->qstr($f_grade_name, get_magic_quotes_gpc()); $f_grade_description = readPostVar('grade_description'); $f_grade_description = $g_db->qstr($f_grade_description, get_magic_quotes_gpc()); $f_grade_feedback = readPostVar('grade_feedback'); $f_grade_feedback = $g_db->qstr($f_grade_feedback, get_magic_quotes_gpc()); $f_grade_from = (double) readPostVar('grade_from'); if ($f_grade_from < 0) { $f_grade_from = 0; } if ($f_grade_from > 100) { $f_grade_from = 100; } $f_grade_to = (double) readPostVar('grade_to'); if ($f_grade_to < 0) { $f_grade_to = 0; } if ($f_grade_to > 100) { $f_grade_to = 100; } if ($g_db->Execute("UPDATE " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "gscales_grades SET grade_name={$f_grade_name}, grade_description={$f_grade_description}, grade_feedback={$f_grade_feedback}, grade_from='{$f_grade_from}', grade_to='{$f_grade_to}' WHERE gscaleid={$f_gscaleid} AND gscale_gradeid={$f_gscale_gradeid}") === false) { showDBError(__FILE__, 2); } gotoLocation('grades.php?action=edit&gscaleid=' . $f_gscaleid);
$i_strData = str_replace("\r", '', $i_strData); $i_strData = str_replace(' ', '', $i_strData); $i_nData = (int) $i_strData; if ($i_nData < 0) { $i_nData = 0; } $f_subjectid = $i_nData; break; } $i_nCurrNearest = $i_nNextNearest; $i_nCurrNearestPos = $i_nNextNearestPos; } if (!empty($f_question_text)) { insertQuestion(); } gotoLocation('test-manager.php' . getURLAddon('?action=editt', array('action'))); function NewValueApply($i_nAnswerType, $i_strValue) { global $f_answer_correct, $f_answer_percents; switch ($i_nAnswerType) { case QUESTION_TYPE_MULTIPLECHOICE: case QUESTION_TYPE_TRUEFALSE: case QUESTION_TYPE_MULTIPLEANSWER: if (!is_array($f_answer_correct)) { $f_answer_correct = array(); } if (!is_array($f_answer_percents)) { $f_answer_percents = array(); } $i_nValue = (int) $i_strValue; if ($i_nValue > 0 and $i_nValue <= MAX_ANSWER_COUNT) {
<?php if (isset($_POST["box_questions"])) { foreach ($_POST["box_questions"] as $f_questionid) { deleteQuestion((int) $f_questionid); } } else { $f_questionid = (int) readGetVar('questionid'); deleteQuestion($f_questionid); } if (isset($_GET["testid"])) { gotoLocation('test-manager.php' . getURLAddon('?action=editt', array('action', 'confirmed', 'questionid'))); } else { gotoLocation('question-bank.php' . getURLAddon('', array('action', 'confirmed', 'questionid'))); } function deleteQuestion($i_questionid) { global $g_db, $srv_settings; $i_rSet1 = $g_db->Execute("SELECT test_questionid, testid FROM " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "tests_questions WHERE questionid={$i_questionid} ORDER BY test_questionid DESC"); if (!$i_rSet1) { showDBError(__FILE__, 1); } else { while (!$i_rSet1->EOF) { deleteQuestionLink($i_rSet1->fields["testid"], $i_rSet1->fields["test_questionid"]); $i_rSet1->MoveNext(); } $i_rSet1->Close(); } if ($g_db->Execute("DELETE FROM " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "answers WHERE questionid={$i_questionid}") === false) { showDBError(__FILE__, 2); }
<?php if (isset($_POST["box_results"])) { foreach ($_POST["box_results"] as $f_resultid) { deleteResultRecord((int) $f_resultid); } } else { $f_resultid = (int) readGetVar('resultid'); deleteResultRecord($f_resultid); } gotoLocation('reports-manager.php' . getURLAddon('?action=', array('action', 'resultid', 'confirmed')));
<?php if ($g_db->Execute("INSERT INTO " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "rtemplates (rtemplate_name, rtemplate_body) VALUES ('', '')") === false) { showDBError(__FILE__, 1); } $i_rtemplateid = (int) $g_db->Insert_ID($srv_settings['table_prefix'] . 'rtemplates', 'rtemplateid'); gotoLocation('report-templates.php?rtemplateid=' . $i_rtemplateid . '&action=edit');
if (($configsuccess = $i_fh = @fopen('inc/config.inc.php', 'w')) !== false) { fwrite($i_fh, $i_data); fclose($i_fh); } else { $g_vars['page']['errors'] .= $lngstr['install_cannotwritetoconfig']; } } } if (!empty($_GET['download'])) { header("Content-Type: application/download\n"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"config.inc.php\""); echo $_SESSION['INSTALL']['configfile']; exit; } if ($nextstage == 6) { gotoLocation('install-db.php'); exit; } $g_vars['page']['title'] = $lngstr['install_title']; echo '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" dir="' . $lngstr['text_direction'] . '"><head><title>' . $g_vars['page']['title'] . '</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="' . $lngstr['meta_contentlanguage'] . '"> <meta content="text/html; charset=' . $lngstr['meta_charset'] . '" http-equiv=Content-Type> <link rel="SHORTCUT ICON" href="favicon.ico"> <link href="shared/style.css" rel=stylesheet type=text/css> <script language=javascript src="shared/shared.js" type="text/javascript"></script> </head> <body bgcolor="#ffffff"><form name="installForm" method="post" action="install.php"> <table style="height: 98%; border: 1px solid #CFD6E3;" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=25 border=0 width="780" height="100%" align=center> <tr height="100%" vAlign=top><td><img src="images/logo.gif" width=200 height=40><br> <input type="hidden" name="stage" value="' . $nextstage . '" />';
<?php $f_id = (int) readGetVar('id'); $f_set = isset($_GET["set"]) ? (int) $_GET["set"] : 0; if ($g_db->Execute("UPDATE " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "users SET user_enabled=" . $f_set . " WHERE id=" . $f_id) === false) { showDBError(__FILE__, 1); } gotoLocation('users.php' . getURLAddon('', array('action', 'set')));
<?php gotoLocation('index.php');
<?php if ($g_db->Execute("INSERT INTO " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "gscales (gscale_name) VALUES ('')") === false) { showDBError(__FILE__, 1); } $i_gscaleid = (int) $g_db->Insert_ID($srv_settings['table_prefix'] . 'gscales', 'gscaleid'); gotoLocation('grades.php?gscaleid=' . $i_gscaleid . '&action=settings');
<?php if (isset($_POST["box_grades"])) { foreach ($_POST["box_grades"] as $f_gscaleid) { deleteGrade((int) $f_gscaleid); } } else { $f_gscaleid = (int) readGetVar('gscaleid'); deleteGrade($f_gscaleid); } gotoLocation('grades.php' . getURLAddon('', array('action', 'confirmed', 'gscaleid'))); function deleteGrade($i_gscaleid) { global $g_db, $srv_settings; if ($i_gscaleid > SYSTEM_GRADES_MAX_INDEX) { if ($g_db->Execute("UPDATE " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "tests SET gscaleid=1 WHERE gscaleid=" . $i_gscaleid) === false) { showDBError(__FILE__, 1); } if ($g_db->Execute("DELETE FROM " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "gscales_grades WHERE gscaleid={$i_gscaleid}") === false) { showDBError(__FILE__, 2); } if ($g_db->Execute("DELETE FROM " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "gscales WHERE gscaleid={$i_gscaleid}") === false) { showDBError(__FILE__, 3); } } }
<?php $f_testid = (int) readGetVar('testid'); if ($f_testid) { $i_subjectid = 0; $i_rSet1 = $g_db->Execute("SELECT subjectid FROM " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "tests WHERE testid={$f_testid}"); if (!$i_rSet1) { showDBError(__FILE__, 1); } else { if (!$i_rSet1->EOF) { $i_subjectid = (int) $i_rSet1->fields['subjectid']; } $i_rSet1->Close(); } if ($g_db->Execute("INSERT INTO " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "questions (subjectid, question_pre, question_post, question_text, question_solution) VALUES(" . $i_subjectid . ", '', '', '', '')") === false) { showDBError(__FILE__, 2); } $i_questionid = (int) $g_db->Insert_ID($srv_settings['table_prefix'] . 'questions', 'questionid'); createQuestionLink($f_testid, $i_questionid); gotoLocation('question-bank.php' . getURLAddon('?action=editq&questionid=' . $i_questionid, array('action', 'questionid'))); } else { if ($g_db->Execute("INSERT INTO " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "questions (question_pre, question_post, question_text, question_solution) VALUES('', '', '', '')") === false) { showDBError(__FILE__, 3); } $i_questionid = (int) $g_db->Insert_ID($srv_settings['table_prefix'] . 'questions', 'questionid'); gotoLocation('question-bank.php' . getURLAddon('?action=editq&questionid=' . $i_questionid, array('action', 'questionid'))); }
<?php //9917 if ($g_db->Execute("INSERT INTO " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "groups (group_name) VALUES ('')") === false) { showDBError(__FILE__, 1); } //9917 $i_groupid = (int) $g_db->Insert_ID($srv_settings['table_prefix'] . 'groups', 'groupid'); gotoLocation('groups.php?groupid=' . $i_groupid . '&action=edit');
} else { updateUser($arrValuesToUpdate); } if (isset($_POST['group']) && !empty($_POST['group'][0])) { $arrGroupIDsNew = readPostVar('group'); unset($arrGroupIDsNew[0]); $arrGroupIDsToAdd = array(); $arrGroupIDsToDelete = array(); //9917//9917 $i_rSet1 = $g_db->Execute("SELECT " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "groups_users.groupid FROM " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "groups_users WHERE id=" . $f_id); if (!$i_rSet1) { showDBError(__FILE__, 1); } else { while (!$i_rSet1->EOF) { if (!empty($arrGroupIDsNew[$i_rSet1->fields['groupid']])) { unset($arrGroupIDsNew[$i_rSet1->fields['groupid']]); } else { array_push($arrGroupIDsToDelete, $i_rSet1->fields['groupid']); } $i_rSet1->MoveNext(); } $i_rSet1->Close(); } foreach ($arrGroupIDsNew as $key => $val) { array_push($arrGroupIDsToAdd, $key); } manageUserGroups(array($f_id), $arrGroupIDsToAdd, true); manageUserGroups(array($f_id), $arrGroupIDsToDelete, false); } gotoLocation('users.php'); }
} else { gotoLocation('report-templates.php'); } break; case 'edit': $g_vars['page']['title'] = $lngstr['page_title_rtemplates_edit'] . $lngstr['item_separator'] . $g_vars['page']['title']; if (isset($_GET['rtemplateid'])) { if (isset($_POST['bsubmit'])) { if ($G_SESSION['access_reporttemplates'] > 1) { include_once $DOCUMENT_PAGES . "report-templates-3.inc.php"; } else { gotoLocation('report-templates.php'); } } else { if (isset($_POST['bcancel'])) { gotoLocation('report-templates.php'); } else { include_once $DOCUMENT_PAGES . "report-templates-2.inc.php"; } } } break; default: include_once $DOCUMENT_PAGES . "report-templates-1.inc.php"; } } else { $g_vars['page']['notifications'] = $lngstr['inf_cant_access_reporttemplates']; include_once $DOCUMENT_PAGES . "home.inc.php"; } } else { $g_vars['page']['title'] = $lngstr['page_title_signin'];
setCookieVar('filter_reportsmanager_result_date', 0); setCookieVar('filter_reportsmanager_result_datestart', 0); setCookieVar('filter_reportsmanager_result_dateend', 0); setCookieVar('filter_reportsmanager_id', ''); setCookieVar('filter_reportsmanager_testid', ''); setCookieVar('filter_reportsmanager_user_lastname', ''); setCookieVar('filter_reportsmanager_user_department', ''); setCookieVar('filter_reportsmanager_subjectid', ''); gotoLocation('reports-manager.php' . getURLAddon('?action=', array('action', 'id', 'user_lastname', 'user_department', 'testid'))); } break; case 'exportcsv': if ($G_SESSION['access_reportsmanager'] > 1) { include_once $DOCUMENT_PAGES . 'reports-manager-exportcsv.inc.php'; } else { gotoLocation('reports-manager.php' . getURLAddon('?action=', array('action'))); } break; case 'preview': case 'print': include_once $DOCUMENT_PAGES . 'reports-manager-report-1.inc.php'; break; default: include_once $DOCUMENT_PAGES . 'reports-manager-1.inc.php'; } } else { $g_vars['page']['notifications'] = $lngstr['inf_cant_view_results']; include_once $DOCUMENT_PAGES . 'home.inc.php'; } } else { $g_vars['page']['title'] = $lngstr['page_title_signin'];
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} else { } } break; case 'results': if (isset($G_SESSION['yt_state']) && $G_SESSION['yt_state'] == TEST_STATE_TRESULTS) { include_once $DOCUMENT_PAGES . 'test-showresults.inc.php'; } break; default: if (!isset($G_SESSION['testid']) || isset($_GET['testid']) && $_GET['testid'] != $G_SESSION['testid'] || isset($G_SESSION['yt_state']) && ($G_SESSION['yt_state'] >= TEST_STATE_TRESULTS || $G_SESSION['yt_state'] == TEST_STATE_TESTINTRO)) { include_once $DOCUMENT_PAGES . 'test-3.inc.php'; } else { if (isset($_POST['breview']) && !empty($_POST['review_questionno'])) { $i_questionno = (int) $_POST['review_questionno']; gotoLocation('test.php' . getURLAddon('?action=review&questionno=' . $i_questionno, array('action'))); } else { if (isset($_POST['bsubmit']) || isset($_POST['bsubmit_prev']) || isset($_POST['bsubmit_next']) || isset($_POST['bsubmit_answer'])) { if ($G_SESSION['yt_test_qsperpage'] != 1) { include_once $DOCUMENT_PAGES . 'test-7.inc.php'; } else { include_once $DOCUMENT_PAGES . 'test-2.inc.php'; } } else { if ($G_SESSION['yt_test_qsperpage'] != 1) { include_once $DOCUMENT_PAGES . 'test-6.inc.php'; } else { include_once $DOCUMENT_PAGES . 'test-1.inc.php'; } } }