require_once "../classes/poll.php"; require_once "../classes/question_file.php"; require_once "../classes/question_insert.php"; if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && logged_in()) { $question = fix_string($_POST['question']); $answers = fix_input_array($_POST['answer']); $categories = fix_input_array($_POST['categories']); arraytoupper($categories); // ensure that all strings in array are uppercase to avoid unnessasary duplicates $user = $_SESSION['user']; if (!question_valid($question) && !input_array_valid($answers) && !input_array_valid($categories)) { go_home(); } // failed to create new question $conn = get_conn(); $poll_question = new Poll($conn); $poll_question->set_question($question); $poll_question->set_categories($categories); $poll_question->set_answers($answers); $poll_question->set_user($user); $result = $poll_question->save(); $conn->close(); if (!$result) { // question not unique or something went wrong go_create(); } // go back to create page go_find($poll_question->get_href()); } else { go_home(); }
require_once "../functions/input.php"; require_once "../classes/answered_poll.php"; if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST" && logged_in()) { $question_id = fix_string($_POST['id']); $username = $_SESSION['user']; $answer_id = fix_string($_POST['answer']); $rating = fix_string($_POST['rating']); $comment = fix_string($_POST['comment']); $location = fix_string($_POST['location']); if (!comment_left($comment)) { unset($comment); } $conn = get_conn(); $answer = new AnsweredPoll($conn); $answer->set_id($question_id); $answer->answered_by($username); $answer->chosen_answer($answer_id); if (isset($comment)) { $answer->set_comment($comment); } $answer->set_rating($rating); if (!$answer->submit()) { // failure die('line 30'); } $conn->close(); go_find($location); // go back to the poll question once users answer has been insered into database } else { go_home(); }