Beispiel #1
$s2 = make_select("significance2", $significance2, $vtec_significance);
$p3 = make_select("phenomena3", $phenomena3, $vtec_phenomena);
$s3 = make_select("significance3", $significance3, $vtec_significance);
$p4 = make_select("phenomena4", $phenomena4, $vtec_phenomena);
$s4 = make_select("significance4", $significance4, $vtec_significance);
$e2 = sprintf("<input type='checkbox' name='enabled2'%s>Include</input>", $enabled2 ? " checked='checked'" : "");
$e3 = sprintf("<input type='checkbox' name='enabled3'%s>Include</input>", $enabled3 ? " checked='checked'" : "");
$e4 = sprintf("<input type='checkbox' name='enabled4'%s>Include</input>", $enabled4 ? " checked='checked'" : "");
$y1 = yearSelect2(2005, $year1, 'year1');
$m1 = monthSelect2($month1, 'month1');
$d1 = daySelect2($day1, 'day1');
$h1 = gmtHourSelect($hour1, 'hour1');
$y2 = yearSelect2(2005, $year2, 'year2');
$m2 = monthSelect2($month2, 'month2');
$d2 = daySelect2($day2, 'day2');
$h2 = gmtHourSelect($hour2, 'hour2');
$t->content = <<<EOF
 <ol class="breadcrumb">
 <li><a href="/nws/">NWS Resources</a></li>
 <li>WWA Product Counts by WFO</li>
 <h3>WWA Product Counts by WFO</h3>
 <p>This application generates a map of the number of VTEC encoded Watch, Warning, 
 and Advisory (WWA) events by NWS Forecast Office for a time period of your choice.  
 The archive of products goes back to October 2005.  Note: Not all VTEC products go back to
 2005.  You can optionally plot up to 4 different VTEC phenomena and significance 
 <div class="alert alert-warning">Please be patient, this app may take 10-30 seconds to
 generate the image!</div>
Beispiel #2
    <td rowspan="3"><select name="fmt">
\t\t<option value="shp">ESRI Shapefile</option>
\t\t<option value="csv">Comma Delimited</option>

  <td rowspan='2'>
$content .= networkMultiSelect(array("NEXRAD", "TWDR"), 'ALL', array("ALL" => "ALL"), "radar") . "</td>\n    <th>Start:</th>\n    <td>\n     " . yearSelect2(2005, date("Y"), "year1") . "\n    </td>\n    <td>\n     " . monthSelect2(0, "month1") . "\n    </td>\n    <td>\n     " . daySelect2(0, "day1") . "\n    </td>\n    <td>\n     " . gmtHourSelect(0, "hour1") . "\n    </td>\n    <td>\n     " . minuteSelect(0, "minute1") . "\n    </td>\n  </tr>\n\n  <tr>\n    <th>End:</th>\n    <td>\n     " . yearSelect2(2005, date("Y"), "year2") . "\n    </td>\n    <td>\n     " . monthSelect2(0, "month2") . "\n    </td>\n    <td>\n     " . daySelect2(0, "day2") . "\n    </td>\n    <td>\n     " . gmtHourSelect(0, "hour2") . "\n    </td>\n    <td>\n     " . minuteSelect(0, "minute2") . "\n    </td>\n  </tr>\n</table>";
$content .= <<<EOF
<p><input type="submit" value="Giveme data right now!">

<h4>Shapefile DBF schema:</h4>
Field 0: Type=C/String, Title='VALID', Timestamp in UTC
Field 1: Type=C/String, Title='STORM_ID', 2 character Storm ID
Field 2: Type=C/String, Title='NEXRAD', 3 character NEXRAD ID
Field 3: Type=N/Integer, Title='AZIMUTH', Azimuth of storm in degrees from North
Field 4: Type=N/Integer, Title='RANGE', Range of storm in miles from RDA
Field 5: Type=C/String, Title='TVS', Tornado Vortex Signature
Field 6: Type=C/String, Title='MESO', Mesocyclone strength (1=weak,25=strongest)
Field 7: Type=N/Integer, Title='POSH', Probability of Hail
Field 8: Type=N/Integer, Title='POH', Probability of Hail
Beispiel #3
<table class="table">
<thead><tr><th colspan="6">Time Interval</th>
    <td rowspan="3"><select name="fmt">
\t\t<option value="shp">ESRI Shapefile</option>
\t\t<option value="csv">Comma Delimited</option>

$content .= "\n    <th>Start:</th>\n    <td>\n     " . yearSelect2(2015, date("Y"), "year1") . "\n    </td>\n    <td>\n     " . monthSelect2(0, "month1") . "\n    </td>\n    <td>\n     " . daySelect2(0, "day1") . "\n    </td>\n    <td>\n     " . gmtHourSelect(0, "hour1") . "\n    </td>\n    <td>\n     " . minuteSelect(0, "minute1") . "\n    </td>\n  </tr>\n\n  <tr>\n    <th>End:</th>\n    <td>\n     " . yearSelect2(2015, date("Y"), "year2") . "\n    </td>\n    <td>\n     " . monthSelect2(0, "month2") . "\n    </td>\n    <td>\n     " . daySelect2(0, "day2") . "\n    </td>\n    <td>\n     " . gmtHourSelect(0, "hour2") . "\n    </td>\n    <td>\n     " . minuteSelect(0, "minute2") . "\n    </td>\n  </tr>\n</table>";
$content .= <<<EOF
<p><input type="submit" value="Giveme data right now!">

<h4>Shapefile DBF schema:</h4>
Field 0: Type=C/String, Title='VALID', Timestamp in UTC
Field 1: Type=C/String, Title='URGENT', Was this an urgent PIREP
Field 2: Type=C/String, Title='AIRCRAFT', Reported Aircraft type
Field 3: Type=C/String, Title='REPORT', The PIREP Report
Field 4: Type=N/Double, Title='LAT', Latitude
Field 5: Type=N/Double, Title='LON', Longitude 

<h4>Archive notes:</h4>