 * Adjusts the URL to the networks admin page to be part of the Global Administration panel.
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @access private
 * @param string $url The original URL.
 * @return string The adjusted URL.
function _ga_adjust_signups_admin_url($url, $admin_url, $r, $args)
    if (!is_multinetwork()) {
        return $url;
    $admin_url = global_admin_url('admin.php');
    return add_query_arg($r, $admin_url);
 * Adjusts the URL to the networks admin page to be part of the Global Administration panel.
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @access private
 * @param string $url The original URL.
 * @return string The adjusted URL.
function _ga_adjust_networks_admin_url($url, $args)
    if (!is_multinetwork()) {
        return $url;
    $args = wp_parse_args($args, array('page' => 'networks'));
    return add_query_arg($args, global_admin_url('admin.php'));
Beispiel #3
 * Adds links to the Global Administration panel to the Toolbar as necessary.
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @access private
 * @param WP_Admin_Bar $admin_bar The Toolbar instance.
function _ga_adjust_admin_bar_my_sites_menu($admin_bar)
    if (!is_user_logged_in() || !current_user_can('manage_global')) {
    $admin_bar->add_group(array('parent' => 'my-sites', 'id' => 'my-sites-global-admin'));
    $admin_bar->add_menu(array('parent' => 'my-sites-global-admin', 'id' => 'global-admin', 'title' => __('Global Admin', 'global-admin'), 'href' => global_admin_url()));
    $admin_bar->add_menu(array('parent' => 'global-admin', 'id' => 'global-admin-d', 'title' => __('Dashboard'), 'href' => global_admin_url()));
     * Filters whether the Networks item should be shown in the Global Admin menu of the Toolbar.
     * @private
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @param bool Whether to show the item. Defaults to false.
    if (apply_filters('_global_admin_show_admin_bar_networks', false)) {
        $admin_bar->add_menu(array('parent' => 'global-admin', 'id' => 'global-admin-n', 'title' => __('Networks', 'global-admin'), 'href' => add_query_arg(array('page' => 'networks'), global_admin_url('admin.php'))));
    $admin_bar->add_menu(array('parent' => 'global-admin', 'id' => 'global-admin-u', 'title' => __('Users'), 'href' => global_admin_url('users.php')));
    $admin_bar->add_menu(array('parent' => 'global-admin', 'id' => 'global-admin-o', 'title' => __('Settings'), 'href' => global_admin_url('settings.php')));
Beispiel #4
$title = __('Global Settings', 'global-admin');
$parent_file = 'settings.php';
get_current_screen()->add_help_tab(array('id' => 'overview', 'title' => __('Overview', 'global-admin'), 'content' => '<p>' . __('This screen sets and changes options for the entire setup as a whole. The settings on this page will affect all networks and sites.', 'global-admin') . '</p>'));
get_current_screen()->set_help_sidebar('<p><strong>' . __('For more information:', 'global-admin') . '</strong></p>' . '<p>' . __('<a href="https://github.com/felixarntz/global-admin/wiki/Global-Admin-Settings-Screen" target="_blank">Documentation on Global Settings</a>', 'global-admin') . '</p>');
if ($_POST) {
    //TODO: process global settings
    $options = array();
    foreach ($options as $option_name) {
        if (!isset($_POST[$option_name])) {
        $value = wp_unslash($_POST[$option_name]);
        update_global_option($option_name, $value);
    wp_redirect(add_query_arg('updated', 'true', global_admin_url('settings.php')));
include ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/admin-header.php';
if (isset($_GET['updated'])) {
<div id="message" class="updated notice is-dismissible"><p><?php 
    _e('Settings saved.');

<div class="wrap">
echo esc_html($title);
Beispiel #5

 * Action handler for Multisite Global Administration panels.
 * @package GlobalAdmin
 * @since 1.0.0
/** Load WordPress Administration Bootstrap */
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/admin.php';
if (!is_multinetwork()) {
    wp_die(__('Multinetwork support is not enabled.', 'global-admin'));
if (empty($_GET['action'])) {
 * Fires the requested handler action in the Global Administration panel.
 * The dynamic portion of the hook name, `$_GET['action']`, refers to the name
 * of the requested action.
 * @since 1.0.0
do_action('global_admin_edit_' . $_GET['action']);
  * Renders the list table views.
  * @since 1.0.0
  * @access public
  * @global string $role
  * @return array
 protected function get_views()
     global $role;
     $total_users = get_global_user_count();
     //TODO: support view for global administrators
     $global_admins = array();
     $total_admins = count($global_admins);
     $class = $role != 'super' ? ' class="current"' : '';
     $role_links = array();
     $role_links['all'] = "<a href='" . global_admin_url('users.php') . "'{$class}>" . sprintf(_nx('All <span class="count">(%s)</span>', 'All <span class="count">(%s)</span>', $total_users, 'users'), number_format_i18n($total_users)) . '</a>';
     $class = $role === 'super' ? ' class="current"' : '';
     $role_links['super'] = "<a href='" . global_admin_url('users.php?role=super') . "'{$class}>" . sprintf(_n('Super Admin <span class="count">(%s)</span>', 'Super Admins <span class="count">(%s)</span>', $total_admins), number_format_i18n($total_admins)) . '</a>';
     return $role_links;
Beispiel #7
        case 'add':
            _e('User added.');
<div class="wrap">
if (current_user_can('create_users')) {
		<a href="<?php 
    echo global_admin_url('user-new.php');
" class="page-title-action"><?php 
    echo esc_html_x('Add New', 'user');
if (strlen($usersearch)) {
    /* translators: %s: search keywords */
    printf('<span class="subtitle">' . __('Search results for &#8220;%s&#8221;') . '</span>', esc_html($usersearch));

Beispiel #8
 * A multi-step process allowing the user to enable a multinetwork setup of WordPress.
 * @package GlobalAdmin
 * @since 1.0.0
define('WP_INSTALLING_GLOBAL', true);
/** WordPress Administration Bootstrap */
if (!defined('ABSPATH')) {
    require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/admin.php';
if (!current_user_can('manage_network_options')) {
    wp_die(__('Sorry, you are not allowed to manage options for this network.', 'global-admin'));
if (is_multinetwork() && !is_global_admin()) {
require_once GA_PATH . 'global-admin/wp-admin/includes/global.php';
// This would be it if it was part of Core.
//require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/global.php' );
// We need to create references to ms global tables to enable Network.
if (!global_table_check() && (!defined('WP_ALLOW_MULTINETWORK') || !WP_ALLOW_MULTINETWORK)) {
    wp_die(printf(__('You must define the %1$s constant as true in your %2$s file to allow creation of a Multinetwork.', 'global-admin'), '<code>WP_ALLOW_MULTINETWORK</code>', '<code>wp-config.php</code>'));
if (is_global_admin()) {
    $title = __('Global Setup', 'global-admin');
} else {
    $title = __('Create a Multinetwork', 'global-admin');
 * Adjusts the edit user link to consider the Global Administration panel as well.
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @access private
 * @param string $link    The edit user link.
 * @param int    $user_id The user ID.
 * @return string The adjusted link.
function _ga_adjust_edit_user_link($link, $user_id)
    if (get_current_user_id() == $user_id || !is_global_admin()) {
        return $link;
    return add_query_arg('user_id', $user_id, global_admin_url('user-edit.php'));