function pleac_Checking_Whether_a_String_Is_a_Valid_Number() { // Two basic approaches to numeric validation: // * Built-in functions like 'is_numeric', 'is_int', 'is_float' etc // * Regexes, as shown below $s = '12.345'; preg_match('/\\D/', $s) && die("has nondigits\n"); preg_match('/^\\d+$/', $s) || die("not a natural number\n"); preg_match('/^-?\\d+$/', $s) || die("not an integer\n"); preg_match('/^[+-]?\\d+$/', $s) || die("not an integer\n"); preg_match('/^-?\\d+\\.?\\d*$/', $s) || die("not a decimal\n"); preg_match('/^-?(?:\\d+(?:\\.\\d*)?|\\.\\d+)$/', $s) || die("not a decimal\n"); preg_match('/^([+-]?)(?=\\d|\\.\\d)\\d*(\\.\\d*)?([Ee]([+-]?\\d+))?$/', $s) || die("not a C float\n"); // ---------------------------- function getnum($s) { sscanf($s, "%D", $number); return isset($number) ? $number : 0; } echo getnum(123) . "\n"; // ok echo getnum(0xff) . "\n"; // .. echo getnum(044) . "\n"; // .. echo getnum('x') . "\n"; // fail }
public static function display() { //关闭缓冲 ob_end_clean(); header("Content-type: image/png"); //图片参数 $width = getnum("width", 90); //图片宽 $height = getnum("height", 30); //图片高 $len = 4; //生成几位验证码 $bgcolor = "#ffffff"; //背景色 $noise = true; //生成杂点 $noisenum = 150; //杂点数量 $border = false; //边框 $bordercolor = "#CCCCCC"; //边框颜色 ////////////////////////////////////// //创建图片 $image = imagecreate($width, $height); $back = self::getcolor($image, $bgcolor); imagefilledrectangle($image, 0, 0, $width, $height, $back); $size = $width / $len; if ($size > $height) { $size = $height; } $left = ($width - $len * ($size + $size / 10)) / $size; //字体位置 $self = VI_ROOT . 'source/fonts/'; if (!ini_get("safe_mode")) { putenv('GDFONTPATH=' . $self); } //生成字符 for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) { //当前字符 $text = rand(0, 9); //累加验证码 $code .= $text; //创建颜色 $color = imagecolorallocate($image, rand(0, 100), rand(0, 100), rand(0, 100)); //字体路径 $font = $self . rand(1, 4) . ".ttf"; //随机大小 $randsize = rand($size - $size / 10, $size + $size / 10); //文字起始位置 $location = $left + ($i * $size + $size / 10); imagettftext($image, $randsize, rand(-18, 18), $location, rand($size - $size / 10, $size + $size / 10), $color, $font, $text); } //生成杂点 if ($noise == true) { self::setnoise($image, $width, $height, $back, $noisenum); } $_SESSION['captcha'] = $code; //生成边框 $bordercolor = self::getcolor($image, $bordercolor); if ($border == true) { imagerectangle($image, 0, 0, $width - 1, $height - 1, $bordercolor); } //输出图片 imagepng($image); imagedestroy($image); }
unlink(VI_ROOT . $row['name']); } } } //写入日志 System::insert_event($func, time(), time(), "删除文件:" . $list); //System :: redirect($url,"所选文件成功被删除!"); $_G['project']['message'] = $row_count . "个文件成功被删除!"; break; } } $s = getgpc("s"); $q = getgpc('q'); $f = getgpc("f"); $r = getnum("r", -1); $a = getnum("a", 0); //查看方式 $v = getgpc("v"); $v = $v ? $v : "list"; //exit($v); //日期筛选 $start = getgpc('start'); $end = getgpc('end'); ?> <div id="search"> <!--用于文件操作--> <form name="post-form" id="post-form" method="post" action="?"> <input name="list" id="list" type="hidden" value=""> <input name="action" id="action" type="hidden" value="" /> <input name="url" id="url" type="hidden" value="" />
$jump = "admin.list.php"; } $people = getgpc("people"); if ($people == "me") { $id = $_G['manager']['id']; } else { $id = getnum('id', 0); } if ($action) { $account = trim(getgpc('name')); $password = trim(getgpc('password')); $confirm = getgpc('confirm'); $avatar = getgpc('avatar'); $gid = getnum('gid', 0); $state = getnum("state", 1); $gender = getnum('gender', 0); $email = getgpc('email'); $phone = getgpc('phone'); $blog = getgpc('blog'); $qq = getgpc('qq'); $birthday = getgpc('birthday'); $extra = $_POST['extra']; $extra = format_json(fix_json($extra)); } //连接数据库 System::connect(); //动作处理 switch ($action) { case "add": //检查权限 $func = 'system-admin-add';
} else { $_G['project']['message'] = "未找到指定用户!"; } $_G['project']['jump'] = ''; //写入日志 System::insert_event($func, time(), time(), "删除用户:" . $_CACHE['system']['admin'][$id]["name"]); break; } //缓存系统用户 Cached::table('system', 'sys:admin', array('jsonde' => array('config', 'weibo'))); } //search $s = getgpc("s"); $q = getgpc('q'); $line = getgpc("line"); $gid = getnum('gid', 0); //查看方式 $v = getgpc("v"); $v = $v ? $v : "list"; ?> <div id="search"> <form name="form1" method="get" action="?"> <span class="action"> <button type="button" class="button" onclick="location.href='admin.edit.php';">添加用户</button> <button type="button" class="cancel" onclick="location.href='<?php echo VI_BASE; ?> serv.php?action=address';">数据下载</button> <button type="button" class="button" onclick="if(confirm('确定现在要更新缓存吗?')){location.href='?action=create';}">更新缓存</button> </span>
</div> <!-- <div class="contain12"> <ul class="clear_f"> <?php if (is_array($folder)) { $i = 0; $__LIST__ = $folder; if (count($__LIST__) == 0) { echo ""; } else { foreach ($__LIST__ as $key => $vo) { $mod = $i % 2; ++$i; ?> <li class="document"><div class="doctu"><a href="javascript:void(0);"><?php echo count(getnum($vo["fileId"])); ?> </a></div> <p><?php echo $vo["name"]; ?> </p> <input type="hidden" name="id" class="fid" value="<?php echo $vo["id"]; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="type" class="type_f" value="<?php echo $vo["type"]; ?> " /></li><?php }
} else { $nbihua3 = 0; $nbihua4 = 0; $n2ming1 = substr($name2, 2, 2); $n2ming12 = substr($name2, 2, 2); $nbihua3 = getnum($n2ming1); $ndige1 = $nbihua3 + 1; $ndigee1 = $nbihua3 + 1; $nrenge2 = $nbihua3; $nrengee2 = $nbihua3; $nwaige1 = $nwaige1 + 1; $nwaigee1 = $nwaigee1 + 1; if (substr($name2, 4, 2) != "") { $n2ming2 = substr($name2, 4, 2); $n2ming22 = substr($name2, 4, 2); $nbihua4 = getnum($n2ming2); $ndige1 = $nbihua3 + $nbihua4; $ndigee1 = $nbihua3 + $nbihua4; } } $nzhongge1 = $nbihua1 + $nbihua2 + $nbihua3 + $nbihua4; $nzhonggee1 = $nbihua1 + $nbihua2 + $nbihua3 + $nbihua4; $nrenge1 = $nrenge1 + $nrenge2; $nrengee1 = $nrengee1 + $nrengee2; $nwaige1 = $nzhongge1 - $nrenge1; $nwaigee1 = $nzhonggee1 - $nrengee1; if (isset($n2xing2) && $n2xing2 == "") { $nwaige1 = $nwaige1 + 1; $nwaigee1 = $nwaigee1 + 1; } if (isset($n2ming2) && $n2ming2 == "") {
" /> </p> <p> <button type="submit">下一步</button> </p> </form> <?php //} ?> <?php } ///////////////////////////////// if ($step == 4) { $mysql_host = trim(getgpc("mysql_host")); $mysql_port = getnum("mysql_port", 0); $mysql_db = trim(getgpc("mysql_db")); $mysql_user = trim(getgpc("mysql_user")); $mysql_password = trim(getgpc("mysql_password")); $mysql_manpre = trim(getgpc("mysql_manpre")); $mysql_modpre = trim(getgpc("mysql_modpre")); $mysql_admin = trim(getgpc("mysql_admin")); $mysql_pass = trim(getgpc("mysql_pass")); if (VI_DBMANPRE) { $mysql_manpre = VI_DBMANPRE; } if (VI_DBMODPRE) { $mysql_modpre = VI_DBMODPRE; } if ($mysql_host) { $mysql = @mysql_connect($mysql_host . ':' . $mysql_port, $mysql_user, $mysql_password);
$Logbook = array(); foreach ($_CACHE['system']['module']['system']['permit'] as $item => $array) { foreach ($array as $key => $value) { $Logbook["sys-" . $key] = $value; } } $Logbook["login"] = "******"; $Logbook["exit"] = "退出系统"; //日期筛选 $start = getgpc('start'); $end = getgpc('end'); //search $s = getgpc("s"); $q = getgpc('q'); $event = getgpc("event"); $account = getnum("account", 0); //sql $sql = "SELECT * FROM `sys:event` WHERE 1=1 "; //权限检查 /* if( $s && $q && System :: check_func( 'system-event' ) == false){ $sql.=" and event = 'login' and aid=".$_G['manager']['id']; $_G['project']['message']="<b>提示:</b> 没有权限查看其他用户的日志!"; }else{ */ if ($s && $q) { $sql .= " and `" . $s . "` like '%" . $q . "%'"; }
<?php /* 程序修正脚本 */ if (!defined('VI_BASE')) { exit('Access Denied'); } /////////////////////////////////// //安装步骤 $step = getnum("step", 1); ////////////////////////// $base = VI_ROOT . "data/fixbug/"; $list = loop_file($base, array(), array("php")); $fixfile = ''; foreach ($list as $file) { if (!file_exists(str_replace(".php", ".lock", $base . $file))) { $fixfile = $base . $file; break; } } if ($fixfile) { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> //暂停运行,显示安装界面 Serv.END = true; </script>
$str1 = substr($strname1, 0, 2); $str2 = substr($strname1, 2, 2); $str3 = substr($strname1, 4, 2); $str4 = substr($strname1, 6, 2); $bihua1 = getnum($str1); $bihua2 = getnum($str2); $bihua3 = getnum($str3); $bihua4 = getnum($str4); $bihuaname1 = $bihua1 + $bihua2 + $bihua3 + $bihua4; $strname2 = $_REQUEST['name2']; $sstr1 = substr($strname2, 0, 2); $sstr2 = substr($strname2, 2, 2); $sstr3 = substr($strname2, 4, 2); $sstr4 = substr($strname2, 6, 2); $sbihua1 = getnum($sstr1); $sbihua2 = getnum($sstr2); $sbihua3 = getnum($sstr3); $sbihua4 = getnum($sstr4); $bihuaname2 = $sbihua1 + $sbihua2 + $sbihua3 + $sbihua4; $bihuac = $bihuaname1 + $bihuaname2; $bihuac = $bihuac % 100; //'¼ÆËã $sql = "select * from qlpdbh where bihua like ?"; $db->query($sql, array('%' . $bihuac . '%')); if ($rs = $db->fetchArray()) { $intro = $rs['intro']; } $smarty->assign('strname1', $strname1); $smarty->assign('strname2', $strname2); $smarty->assign('intro', $intro); }
function getpage($key) { $num = getnum($key, 1); $num = $num < 1 ? 1 : $num; return $num; }
$_G['project']['message'] = "批量修改成功!"; break; //状态 //状态 case "create": $sql = "UPDATE `mod:common_category` SET appid = 'system-district' WHERE appid = 'shop-area'"; System::$db->execute($sql); $_G['project']['message'] = "缓存更新成功!"; break; case "add": //检查权限 System::check_func('system-system-set', false); $name = getgpc('name'); $sort = getnum("sort", 0); $parent = getnum("parent", 0); $parent = $parent ? getnum("category", 0) : $parent; $sql = "INSERT INTO `mod:common_category`(appid,name,parent,sort,state,dateline) VALUES('system-district','" . $name . "'," . $parent . "," . $sort . ",1," . time() . ")"; System::$db->execute($sql); $_G['project']['message'] = "新增区域成功!"; break; } //更新分类数组缓存 Cached::multi('system', "SELECT id,name,parent,state FROM `mod:common_category` WHERE appid = 'system-district' ORDER BY sort ASC", 'table.district', array('alias' => 'district')); //更新分类脚本缓存 Cached::script('system', "SELECT id,name,parent FROM `mod:common_category` WHERE appid = 'system-district' ORDER BY sort ASC", "DISTRICT", "mod.district", array('unicode' => array('name'))); } Cached::loader('system', 'table.district'); ?> <?php echo System::check_func('system-system-set', true);
delete($con, $token, $bid, $tid, $pid, $ip); } else { if ($ask == "move") { move($con, $token, $bid, $tid, $to); } else { if ($ask == "lzl") { lzl($con, @$_REQUEST['method'], $fid, $token, $ip); } else { if ($ask == "getpages") { getpages($con, $bid, $tid); } else { if ($ask == "getlznum") { getlznum($con, $bid, $tid); } else { if ($ask == "getnum") { getnum($con); } else { if ($ask == "sign_today") { sign_today($con); } else { if ($ask == "sign_year") { sign_year($con); } else { if ($ask == "sign_user") { sign_user($con); } else { if ($view != "") { view_user($con, $view); } else { if ($bid != "") { $page = @$_REQUEST['p'];
$x = getnum("x", 0); $y = getnum("y", 0); $fx = getnum("fx", 0); $fy = getnum("fy", 0); //更新数据 $sql = "UPDATE `sys:widget` SET x = '" . $x . "',y = '" . $y . "',fx = '" . $fx . "',fy = '" . $fy . "' WHERE aid='" . $_G['manager']['id'] . "' AND appid = '" . $appid . "' AND widget='" . $widget . "'"; System::$db->execute($sql); //返回数据 echo $callback . '( "' . $appid . '", "' . $widget . '", true );'; break; //////////////////////////// //前置插件 //////////////////////////// //前置插件 case "front": $z = getnum("z", 0); //更新数据 $sql = "UPDATE `sys:widget` SET z = '" . $z . "' WHERE aid='" . $_G['manager']['id'] . "' AND appid = '" . $appid . "' AND widget='" . $widget . "'"; System::$db->execute($sql); //返回数据 echo $callback . '( "' . $appid . '", "' . $widget . '", true );'; break; //////////////////////////// //读取插件 //////////////////////////// //读取插件 case "reader": //更新数据,按时间顺序加载 $sql = "SELECT appid,widget,x,y,z,fx,fy from `sys:widget` WHERE aid='" . $_G['manager']['id'] . "' ORDER BY dateline ASC"; $res = System::$db->getAll($sql); $str = '';
$tiangee = $bihua1 + $bihua2; $renge1 = $bihua2; } //'名; $bihua3 = 0; $bihua4 = 0; $ming1 = substr($ming, 0, 2); $ming11 = substr($ming, 0, 2); $bihua3 = getnum($ming1); $dige = $bihua3 + 1; $digee = $bihua3 + 1; $renge2 = $bihua3; if (substr($ming, 2, 2) != "") { $ming2 = substr($ming, 2, 2); $ming22 = substr($ming, 2, 2); $bihua4 = getnum($ming2); $dige = $bihua3 + $bihua4; $digee = $bihua3 + $bihua4; } $zhongge = $bihua1 + $bihua2 + $bihua3 + $bihua4; $zhonggee = $bihua1 + $bihua2 + $bihua3 + $bihua4; //'计算三才; $renge = $renge1 + $renge2; $rengee = $renge1 + $renge2; $waige = $zhongge - $renge; $waigee = $zhonggee - $rengee; if (substr($xing, 2, 2) == "") { $waige = $waige + 1; $waigee = $waigee + 1; } if (substr($ming, 2, 2) == '') {
$str1 = substr($strname, 0, 2); $str2 = substr($strname, 2, 2); $str3 = substr($strname, 4, 2); $smarty->assign('str1', $str1); $smarty->assign('str2', $str2); $smarty->assign('str3', $str3); if ($str1 != "" and $str2 != "" and $str3 != "") { $bihua1 = getnum($str1) % 10; if ($bihua1 == 0) { $bihua1 = 1; } $bihua2 = getnum($str2) % 10; if ($bihua2 == 0) { $bihua2 = 1; } $bihua3 = getnum($str3) % 10; if ($bihua3 == 0) { $bihua3 = 1; } $bihua = $bihua1 . $bihua2 . $bihua3; while ($bihua >= 384) { $bihua = $bihua - 384; } if ($bihua <= 9) { $bihua = "00" . $bihua; } elseif ($bihua <= 99) { $bihua = "0" . $bihua; } //'¼ÆËãÖî¸ðÉñÊý $sql = "select * from zhuge where id=?"; $db->query($sql, array($bihua));
*/ require '../../source/dialog/loader.php'; html_start("用户组管理 - VeryIDE"); ?> <?php //loader require 'include/naver.admin.php'; //菜单处理 $action = getgpc('action'); $jump = getgpc('jump'); //连接数据库 System::connect(); $id = getnum('id', 0); $state = getnum('state', 0); if ($action) { //动作处理 switch ($action) { case "state": //检查权限 $func = 'system-group-mod'; System::check_func($func, FALSE); //更新数据 $sql = "UPDATE `sys:group` SET `state`='" . $state . "' WHERE id=" . $id; System::$db->execute($sql); if (System::$db->getAffectedRows()) { $_G['project']['message'] = "成功更改用户组状态!"; //写入日志 System::insert_event($func, time(), time(), "更改用户组状态:" . $_CACHE['system']['group'][$id]["name"]); } else {
* */ require '../../source/dialog/loader.php'; html_start("我的权限 - VeryIDE"); ?> <?php //其他用户组 if (getnum("gid")) { $gid = getnum("gid"); } else { //loader require 'include/naver.admin.php'; //当前用户组 $gid = getnum("gid") ? getnum("gid", 0) : $_G['manager']["gid"]; } //从缓存读取 $row = $_CACHE['system']['group'][$gid]; //配置 $config = $row['config']; ?> <div id="box"> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="form"> <tr><td colspan="2" class="section"><strong>基本信息</strong></td></tr> <tr> <th>分组名称:</th>